Beauty and the Beast (Part 2)
It's the middle of the night, just after Christmas and at this very moment, in a humble village some time away from the castle, a meeting is taking place at the local tavern. Inside the tavern, there are three men, Gaston, the hulking, egotistical hotshot hunter, LeFou, a short, chubby guy who praises the hunter... and an elderly, sickly-looking, sinister man who's known infamously as the town Warden.
Warden: "I don't usually leave the asylum in the middle of the night, but he said you'd make it worth my while."
Gaston guzzles down his mug of beer before handing over a sack of gold coins to make good on his promise.
Warden: *inspects coin approvingly* "Ah, I'm listening."
Gaston: *whispers* "It's like this. I've got my heart set on marrying Belle, but she needs a little... persuasion."
LeFou: *snickers* "Turned him down, flat."
The little guy goes to take a sip of his beer, but Gaston elbows him, getting his face stuck inside of the mug.
Gaston: "Everyone knows her father's a lunatic. He was in here tonight, raving about a beast in a castle."
Warden: *being logical* "Maurice is harmless."
Gaston: "The point is... Belle would do anything to keep him from being locked up."
LeFou: *pulls mug off face, chuckling* "Yeah, even marry him." *points to Gaston*
Gaston turns to his little wise-cracker and is about to whack him, but LeFou flinches and covers his head with a mug.
Warden: "So, you want me to throw her father into the asylum, unless she agress to marry you?"
Gaston doesn't say anything, but flashes a grin, folding his arms while LeFou nods eagerly.
Warden: *ashamed* "Oh, that is despicable." *chuckles, grinning sinisterly* "I LOVE IT!"
Back at Maurice's house, the desperate father is scampering around gathering all of his necessities for his trip.
Maurice: "If no one will help me, then I'll go back alone! Yes, is that everything? I don't care what it takes. I'll find that castle and somehow, I... I'll get her out of there."
Now fully prepared, the man leaves his home and closes the door, making his way into the dark forest just as Gaston arrived at the house to come and get him, but couldn't find him.
Gaston: "Belle! Maurice?"
LeFou: "Ah well." *laughs* "I guess it's not gonna work after all."
As he turns to leave, Gaston grabs him by the neck and lifts him up into the air as Gaston walks out of the house.
Gaston: "They have to come back sometime. And when they do, we'll be ready for them. LeFou, *sets him down in snow* don't move from that spot... until Belle and her father come home."
The jerk then hitched a ride on the carriage, leaving with the warden while Lefou is forced to stay behind and possibly collect snow and catch his own frozen death.
LeFou: *frustrated* "Ah nuts!" *hits watermill*
Hitting the watermill made a pile of snow fall on top of him, burying him in a thick blanket of snow, the poor fool.
[Back at the castle]
It was a beautiful day at the castle and Belle was talking her horse, Phillippe for a little morning stroll in the snow. Then suddenly, animate foot stool (or dog) comes running out, barking happily and jumps into a pile of snow before shaking it off. He barks again and goes to Belle, who holds her arms out for him. She laughs and pulls in the little cutie for a big hug, which melted your heart.
[A/N: I'm gonna be honest, when this scene came up, I couldn't stop crying happy tears when he made those happy dog noises, it just warms my heart. I love dogs so much.]
And while she's playing with the cute little pooch, you and Beast are currently watching over her while he contemplates on stuff...
Beast: "I've never felt this way about anyone. I want to do something for her... but what?"
Cogsworth: "Well, there's the usual things. Flowers, chocolates, promises you don't intend to keep."
Lumiere: "Ah, no, no. It has to be something very special. Something that sparks her interest."
Y/N: *winks* "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?"
[Moments later]
Beast takes Belle to a special place in the castle, a place she hasn't even been to, yet.
Beast: "Belle, there's something I want to show you." *slightly opens door, then closes* "But first, you have to close your eyes."
She looks at him with a skeptical smile.
Beast: *assuringly* "It's a surprise."
She then does as she's asked, shutting her eyes. Beast waves his paw at her face to make sure and gets no reaction from her. He beams excitedly and then opens the doors wide. He then takes her by the hands and guides her inside the dark room.
Belle: "Can I open them?"
Beast: "No, no, n-not yet." *stops her at center of room* "Wait here."
She stands where she is and Beast goes over to the curtains and opens them up, bringing light into the room.
Belle: "Now, can I open them?"
Beast: "Alright... now."
As she opens her peepers, she gasps in awe at the many books that fill the room before her. Stories upon stories on nearly every inch of the walls in this library. To a bookworm like Belle, this was like heaven on earth to her, a wonderful surprise indeed.
Belle: *in awe* "I can't believe it. I've never seen so many books in all my life!"
Beast: "You... You like it?"
Belle: *happy* "It's wonderful."
Beast: "Then it's yours."
Belle: "Thank you so much."
At the doorway, you and the servants were watching and were glad to see how happy Belle was.
Y/N: "I knew he could do it."
Mrs. Potts: *gasps* "Would you look at that?"
Lumiere: *chuckles* "I knew it would work."
Chip: "What? What worked?"
Y/N: *picks up Chip* "You see, Chip... Belle likes to read books. And the master wanted to make her happy, so he gave her the library so she can read all kinds of stories."
Chip: "Oh, I see."
Cogsworth: "It's very encouraging."
Fifi (featherduster): "Isn't this exciting?"
Y/N: "So, what's next?" *puts down Chip*
Mrs. Potts: "Now there's chores to be done in the kitchen."
Y/N: "Mind if I lend a hand?"
Mrs. Potts: "No need to trouble yourself dear. You're still our guest and you're helping plenty."
Y/N: "Suit yourself, but I'm here if you need me."
You still follow everyone and leave Belle and Beast to enjoy each other's company in the library.
[0:04 to 2:37]
So, later that night, it was almost time for Belle and the Beast to have their big dance and with not a moment to spare. With the enchanted rose down to its last petals, it's only a matter of time before the beast's time is expired, but you're not giving up.
You're all dressed up in some regal clothing, compliments of the servants who took your measurements and had your suit custom-made for such an occasion.
[Pretend you got black trousers for the bottom part of the outfit and you're good to go.]
Y/N: "Not a bad wardrobe. You guys sure know how to get things done for these special occasions, that's for sure."
These particular servants couldn't talk since they were just animate objects with no mouths. But you could feel their gratitude. Now, fully dressed and ready to get the show on the road, you step out of your room and head out to join the others and watch the magic happen.
After their little dance, the two sit on a bench out by the balcony and enjoy the quiet for a little bit until...
Beast: "Belle? Are you... happy here with me?"
Belle: "Yes."
For a moment, her smile suddenly turns to a frown and Beast quickly picks up on it and gets curious and concerned.
Beast: "What is it?"
Belle: "...If only I could see my father again. Just for a moment, I miss him so much."
For a moment, he didn't know how to grant her that wish, until he remembered something.
Beast: "There is a way."
Moments later, the two are in his chambers. There, he shows her a mirror that gives off a very bright, magical glow.
Beast: "This mirror will show you anything. *hands it to her* Anything you wish to see."
Belle: *takes it* "I'd like to see my father, please."
As she commanded, the mirror began to glow and it showed her father out in the forest. The man was growing weak and coughing up violently, unable to walk any further.
Belle: *worried* "Papa. Oh, no. He's sick! He may be dying a-and he's all alone!"
Beast turns to his magic rose, then looks out his window, faced with the most difficult decision of his life. He knew what had to be done and in doing so... he had no regrets.
Beast: "Then... y-you must go to him."
Belle: "What did you say?"
Beast: "I release you. You're no longer my prisoner."
Belle: "You mean... I'm free?"
Beast: "Yes."
Belle: "Oh, thank you!" *to the mirror* "Hold on, papa. I'm on my way."
As she's about to leave, she's about to give back the mirror, but...
Beast: "Take it with you. So you'll always have a way to look back... and remember me."
Belle couldn't help but smile warmly at the beast. He's giving up his only chance at being human again just so she can save her only family from a cold, cruel death.
Belle: "Thank you for understanding how much he needs me."
As much as it hurt him, he doesn't regret it. Belle stroked his cheek one last time before taking off just as you're coming to check up on them, but you knew exactly what was going on.
Y/N: *thinks* "Be careful out there, Belle."
Cogsworth: *entering, chuckling* "Well, your highness. I must say everything is going just splendidly. I knew you had it in you."
Beast: "I let her go."
Cogsworth: *proud* "Yes, yes. Splen... *realizes, shocked* "You... what? How could you do that?"
Beast: "I had to."
Cogsworth: "Yes... *sputters* But...why?"
Beast: "Because... I love her."
[Moments later with the others]
All (except you): "HE DID WHAT?!"
Cogsworth: *disheartened* "Yes. I'm afraid it's true."
Chip: "She's going away?"
Lumiere: "But he was so close."
Mrs. Potts: "After all this time, he's finally learned to love."
Lumiere: *excited* "That's it, then! That should break the spell!"
Mrs. Potts: "But it's not enough. She has to love him in return."
Cogsworth: "Now it's too late."
While everyone else just sits there, getting all down in the dumps, Chip decides to go and follow Belle out of the castle, but you...
Y/N: *thinks, realizing* "Wait... that's it!" *aloud* "All of this won't be for nothing, because think about it. He still has a way to revert back to human, along with all of you."
Cogsworth: "What are you going on about, boy?"
Y/N: "Don't you get it? The answer's been right in front of you the entire time all these years."
They all looked at you confused.
Y/N: *sighs* "Let me explain it in more thorough details. Long ago, the enchantress placed a spell on that cursed the prince, along with all of you and the spell would be broken if he could learn to love someone and find someone who loves him for who he is."
Lumiere: "But Belle, she--"
Y/N: "Who said love had to be limited to the romantic kind? There are many other ways that love can be expressed. One of them being the most basic and biggest love of all..."
Fifi: "And what is that, Monsieur?"
Y/N: *smiling warmly* "...Family."
That's when it hit them. Now they knew what you were talking about, but you still explained some more.
Y/N: "And believe me when I say this... you guys are the closest thing to a family the prince is very lucky to have. Cogsworth, you've always kept things in order and on schedule. Lumiere, you've provided lots of entertainment over the years to keep the master from being bored, Mrs. Potts, you've been by his side and his parents' side the most, providing them tea and moral support with a smile."
Cogsworth: "The boy has a point."
Lumiere: "Entertainment is my specialty."
Mrs. Potts: "I always do my best to keep the master comfortable."
Y/N: "Yeah. Everyone in this castle is like family to the prince. You guys keep the castle running and in turn, the master's castle is your home away from the bitter cold. His castle is his home just as much as it is your home and I know that deep down he appreciates all that you've done for him over the years. Even though he hasn't shown it back then because of his... father, deep down, I know he cares."
Fifi: "The young man has a point."
Lumiere: "But why would he let Belle go?"
Y/N: "Because Belle's father was in trouble. She got worried because she saw him through the magic mirror, trying to find his way here, but he collapsed and for a man of his age and in his current state of health, being out for this long isn't healthy."
Mrs. Potts: "Oh, the poor man."
Y/N: "Yeah. That's why the beast let her go. After all, when you love somebody... and I mean you really love them, you gotta be willing to do anything for 'em. Even if it means letting 'em go."
Cogsworth: "Even if it hurts?"
Y/N: *nods* "Especially that. You know what they say about families, right?"
Mrs. Potts: "What's that, dear?"
Y/N: *smiles* "We love unconditionally."
Soon, as Belle is seen leaving the castle grounds, the beast lets out a loud, bellowing roar as his heart cries out for her. But do not despair, for the beauty will return eventually. But beware of those who will soon arrive to bring harm and destruction. This... is only the beginning.
[A/N: Here's yet another chapter for you all. You're probably shocked to know why I'm on a roll with this? Easy, I've watched this movie a million times over, so I know exactly how each scenario plays out, so it's easy for me to finish. Anyways, the next chapter is coming soon, along with the most epic showdown of the century, the stage is set for battle, now... STAY TUNED!!!]
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