Beauty and the Beast (Part 1)

And so, you spent a few more weeks just relaxing with your wives and your parents until it was finally time to head out again.

Y/N: "Well, ladies... I'd better get going. I've still got a lot of work to do and there are lots more worlds to explore."

Snow: "Just be careful out there, okay?"

Y/N: "I will, dear. Don't worry." *pecks Snow White on the lips* 

Aurora: "But what about the keyblade? I thought you said it doesn't trust you enough to be its master, honey."

Y/N: "That's true and without it, I'm not gonna be at my full power, but that just means I'll have to be extra careful."

Ariel: "And please... don't die."

Y/N: "I'll try not to."

With one last hug, you bid your family goodbye and soon, a portal opens up and Yen Sid is on the other side, waiting. Taking a deep breath, you walk right through the portal and it closes behind you, now trapping you in an empty white void with you and your master.

Yen Sid: "You've done well so far. But now, the time for relaxation is over and it's time for you to earn your keep once more. But remember, your powers are restricted to only half their potential due to circumstances that took place in your previous adventure."

Y/N: "I'm aware. And I only have myself to blame. But I won't let this lesson go to waste and do all I can to earn its trust back."

Yen Sid: "Very good. In that case, be sure to balance out your heart so that even the dark magic inside you can be your ally. It's not always the darkness that's evil, but the mentality and spirit of those who wield it, now... go forth and resume your journey."

Yen Sid opens up another portal leading into a forest and it looks to be snowing at the moment. Despite how cold it looks, you suck it up and walk out the portal and into the freezing cold before the portal closes up right behind you, but... you don't feel cold.

Y/N: "Hmm... that's odd... I wonder why I'm not freezing. Oh well, I'd better get to work and fast."

Stealing your nerves, you ran into the forest, navigating through the leafless, snow-filled landscape trying to find whatever it is you're supposed to find out here.

Just then, you hear what sounds like wolves in the distance and a... horse neighing as well. You quickly sprint in the direction of where it's coming from and within a few minutes, you stumble across a brown horse who's tied to a tree branch and a beautiful lady with long, brown hair, cornered by multiple hungry wolves.

In that moment, as you're about to step in, the Beast shows up and grabs one of the wolves and roars at it in its face.

Beast tosses it away and fights off the wolves, but they wind up coming at him in groups, biting and clawing at him, tearing up his cape while he roars in anger and pain.

You get upset at the way he's being outnumbered and decide to step in... allowing the dark magic to shroud you like it did before, but this time, you stay in control.

You sprint at the pack and move at blazing speeds, knocking each of the wild canines off the Beast and clawing at them while in the air before assaulting them with dark magic. Beast and Belle aren't sure who or what you are, but they don't plan on questioning why you're helping them all of a sudden.

Beast keeps fighting off the wolves, only it's much easier for him now that you're helping out. And as the pack is being overpowered, you send one last furocious message.

The sound of your roar resonating throughout the forest was enough to scare the pack away and in turn... saved both Belle and the Beast, but the latter is badly wounded. You could see fresh claw marks on his left arm and blood leaking from his wound.

After that hard-fought battle, the Beast collapsed from exhaustion and your entire body returned back to its original form. You were still a bit exhausted, but not enough to collapse. You approached the two and Belle got a little frightened by you and huddled up to the Beast, but you stopped in place and held your hand out.

Y/N: "Relax... I'm here to help."

She hesitated for a minute, but could somehow tell that you weren't lying, so with your help, you and her took the Beast back to his castle, but... man were these servants in for the surprise of their lives when they find out Belle and their master didn't return alone.


You all made it inside the castle right away, there was a lot of confusion from the servants when they saw you. 

Lumiere: "Sacre bleu! Ze girl has returned with another guest!"

Y/N: *acting shocked* "Uh... okay, either I'm going crazy or this candelabra just spoke.

Cogsworth: "As if this night couldn't get anymore complicated as it is, now we have to deal with this lad?"

Mrs. Potts: "Oh, come now, show a little heart. The boy was probably just passing by when he heard Belle's cry for help. I say we make him feel welcome all the same."

Y/N: *keeping up the act* "My... god... Yup, I think I might've been hit by the fatigue a little too hard and now I'm going nuts."

Chip: "You don't look crazy to me."

Belle: "Trust me, you're not going crazy. I found it hard to believe myself, but this is all real. But we can't worry about that now. Let's worry about patching up Beast's injuries."

Y/N: "Right... and uh... he's... not gonna eat me, is he?"

Cogsworth: "Of course not! Just because he's in a monstrous form, doesn't mean the master isn't human anymore!"

Y/N: "R-Right, right." *thinks* "I gotta make sure I don't give away the fact that I know he's human deep down. As far as they're concerned, I'm a total stranger who knows nothing about what went on in this castle and am surrounded by talking household appliances."

Moments later, you're all gathered by the fireplace where Belle is filling up a bowl with hot water, with the help of Mrs. Potts. She dampens a piece of cloth in the steaming water and wrings it out a little, then sees the Beast sitting in his chair, licking his injuries.

Belle: "Here now... don't do that."

The beast growls, scowling at Belle, warning her to stay away. His servants back up cautiously, afraid of what'll happen.

Belle: "Just hold still."

She attempts to place the damp cloth on the Beast's arm, but he keeps moving it away, but when she finally places it on his arm, he lets out a roar of agony, which spooks his servants and it even made you jump a little bit from how loud he was.

Beast: *at Belle* "THAT HURT!"

Belle: *stern* "Well, if you hold still, it wouldn't hurt as much!"

Beast: "If you hadn't have run away, this wouldn't have happened!"

Belle: "If you hadn't frightened me, I wouldn't have run away!"

The beast pauses for a moment to find a better comeback... then, puts on a big, sharp-toothed grin on his face.

Beast: *smug* "Well, you shouldn't have been in the West Wing!"

Belle: "Well, you should learn to control your temper!"

The servants hear this and come out of hiding, astonished of Belle's bravery to tell their master off like that. You just sit there, impressed by how strong and stern she can be. But now... the beast's attention is on you and now he has a new target.

Beast: *to you* "As for you! I don't recall asking for your help or gave you permission to enter my castle!"

Y/N: "Hey, if I hadn't stepped, those jackals would've turned your giant, monstrous hide into an all you can eat buffet. Plus, I wasn't about to let them hurt this young lady here."

Belle: "I'm 19 years old, but thanks."

Y/N: "That's lovely. Well, in any case, the important thing is you're both safe and we all made it out of that mess alive."

Belle: "Yeah. *to Beast* Now, hold still. This may sting a little."

The beast quickly grunts and looks away.

Belle: "By the way, thank you... both of you... *cleaning up his injury* ...for saving my life."

You simply give a nod while the beast calms down.

Beast: *to Belle* "You're welcome."

With Belle and the beast now safe and sound, you decide to leave them be and head out of the room and make your way to the exit, which got the others (minus the beast) curious.

As you're about to grab the door...

Lumiere: "Where are you going?"

Y/N: "Well, the beast is back home and the girl is safe, so... that means my work here is done."

Lumiere: "But you can't go out in the freezing blizzard by yourself, monsieur, you'll catch your death out there."

Mrs. Potts: "He's right, deary. Why not stay here until the bitter cold dies down, then you can travel on your way. You must be exhausted from your travels... and from saving the master, so I'm sure we can fix up a nice guest room for you."

Y/N: "That's very kind of you, but... I'm not sure if... the master would agree with you. Judging from how he looked at me, I don't think he's in the mood for some extra company."

Lumiere: "He might not be a people person, but I'm sure with a little persuasion, he'll show you a little leniency."

Mrs. Potts: "He's right, deary. After all, you did help save the master's life and Belle's too."

Y/N: "So that's her name, huh? It's beautiful. But anyways, if you insist on having me stay until the storm sets, then okay. But you might wanna talk to your master about it."

Beast: *shows up* "I've already made my decision."

Y/N: *jumps slightly* "JEEZ! You done near gave me a heart attack when you showed up out of nowhere like that."

Belle: "I'm sure he didn't mean it."

Beast: "Anyways, as long as you're not overstepping your boundries and stay out of trouble, I'll let you stay for a while."

Y/N: "You have my word, I won't cause any trouble, umm... should I call you "your majesty," or maybe "your highness?" It feels kind of offensive for me to refer you as "Beast."

Beast: "Just call me whichever you're more comfortable with, but no wise cracks, okay?"

Y/N: "Understood."

Beast: "Good... now, I'll show you to your room."

You did not question him and followed him up the stairs and down the hallway with Belle following suit.

Belle: "By the way, what was that trick you used to fight off the wolves, when you turned all dark and stuff?"

Y/N: "Uh... that's a story for another time. Maybe after everyone's gotten used to me, I'll tell you all you need to know. And maybe in turn, I could learn a little more about them and you."

Belle: "Why, certainly. It's only fair. By the way, I haven't properly introduced myself. I'm Belle."

Y/N: "I'm Y/N, pleasure to meet you."

Before the conversation could go any further, the beast stopped you two and gestured you to look at the door to the guest room. He opens the door and... to your surprise, the guest room is actually quite nice, with a big king-sized bed and a huge window that overlooks the castle grounds and the forest in the distance.

Y/N: "This is a beautiful guest room."

Beast: "Now, if you need anything, my servants will tend to you."

Y/N: "Thank you, your highness." *walks in*

Belle: "Have a goodnight sleep, Monsieur Y/N."

Y/N: "Merci, uh... Mademoiselle Belle."

Belle: *chuckles* "It's okay if you're not fluent in the language, but that was pretty good so far. Anyways, have a goodnight."

Y/N: "I will. And thank you all again."

Out of respect, you bow to the beast and he nods before closing the door, leaving you to get comfortable in your new guest room. You walk over to the window and check the view. The storm is not letting up at all tonight and it's only a matter of time before you tackle on the hardships these two are facing right now.

Y/N: "There's got to be more than what's on the surface. And I intend to find out what it is."

With your new goal set, you move away from the window and climb into bed and wrap yourself in the covers. You turn to face the window and then slowly drift off to sleep.

[A/N: "Okay, I know this is a fairly short chapter, but that's only because we're about to tread on "Enchanted Christmas" territory and this'll be one hell of a journey. But in any case, I've got the stage all set up, so now... STAY TUNED!!!]

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