Beauty and the Beast (Finale)

Some time later after everyone was returned to human and the spell finally broken, the Enchantress held an audience for everyone to punish one last individual. And tonight's main suspect... Gaston, the orchestrator of the attack on the castle and the prince. 

Enchantress: *to Gaston* "You have let your cold, dead heart decieve you and attempted to commit the most heinous atrocities that would be punishable by death! But for you, Gaston, we have come to a different conclusion for the ultimate punishment. But before I pass on this punishment, do you have anything to say?"

Gaston: *smug, yet agitated* "You think you've won this? You think you're all better than me? You think this is the end of Gaston, the greatest hunter in all of France?! Well, I got news for you, but Gaston does NOT return from his hunts empty-handed! And when I'm free, I'll have Belle for my wife and have that BEAST's head mounted on my wall, human or not!  And I'll hunt that brat down, too!"

He looks to you as he makes that last death threat, but you just sit there, unfazed by his empty threats, knowing full well... he just blew any sort of chance of lightening his punishment.

Enchantress: "I believe we've heard quite enough. Gaston, for the crimes of invading castle grounds, endangering the lives of others, murder and attempted murder in the 1st degree, as well as high treason to the crown, you will suffer an eternity losing all that you've accomplished over the years."

Adam: "Umm... Enchantress, just a quick question... you said Murder in the 1st degree, but none of us are dead."

Enchantress: "Have you forgotten? When Gaston attempted to kill you, Y/N took a knife for you and wound up dying for you. True, while he was resurrected just as you were transformed back, the murder charge is still valid since Y/N was the murder victim."

Y/N: *thinks* "I'm not sure if that works in the real world, but I won't fight her on this."

Enchantress: "Now... onto Gaston's punishment."

Gaston: "Hah! You can't hurt me!"

Enchantress: "Who said anything about physical pain?"

As her hands began glow, the enchantress enveloped the egotistical hunter in a magic veil and everyone watched as Gaston underwent the most satisfying transformation. 

His muscular physique... his towering height, his macho persona... they all began to evaporate and Gaston was unsure what was going on, but he can already tell he doesn't like it. He doesn't realize it until it's too late that his muscular body... was gone. And now, he was scrawny and skinny, his height was now the same as LeFou's and the look on his face... the sheer horror... it was so satisfying.


Enchantress: "You brought this upon yourself, Gaston. This will be your eternal suffering until the end of your days."

Gaston: *desperate* "PLEASE!!! I beg of you, put me back in my normal body!!! I can't be seen this way, I can never look myself in the mirror again and how will I ever get married?!?!?!"

Y/N: "That's the point. You can't and you won't. All your life, you only ever thought about yourself and tried to take another person's happiness without any sort of remorse. Your vanity is what costed your strong body and now you'll have to live with the consequences. So suck it up and get use to your new life."

With the reality finally settling in, everything around Gaston's life has come crashing down like a ton of bricks. With his entire life over, he let out one last scream of horror and defeat. Gaston's reign of terror is now over and has now become a weak little punching bag.

After receiving his punishment, he was then taken to the village, where he would spend the rest of his life, wollowing in misery, drink his sorrows away and waste his life away. He had no friends, no followers and best of all... he had no way of making others lives miserable. So much so that the bimbettes all left him.

[The next day]

With Gaston now left to live an eternal hell, you spent one last day in the castle to rest up after the battle and restoring order to the castle as a way of repaying you back. But, this is only part of the reward, because the prince and his serv-- no... his family, have another way of rewarding you for all the trouble you went through.

So, right now, you're just lounging about in your guest bedroom, laying on your bed and looking in the direction of your window. It feels good to see the clear blue skies once more. Just then you hear a knock on the door and sit yourself up right away.

Y/N: "Come in."

The door opens up and in waltzes two familiar faces. Fifi, the maid of the castle and of course, the Christmas decorator, Angelique in all their natural human beauty.

Fifi: "Bonjour, Monsieur Y/N. How is our brave hero this morning?"

Angelique: "Enjoying your stay at ze castle?"

Y/N: "Yup. It's been quite the experience since I first came here. So, how does it feel to be back in your normal human forms?"

Angelique: "Magnifique. It feels so nice to not have to struggle with reaching every high spot."

Fifi: "If you thought that was horrible, try cleaning the castle with no hands for so many years. It was difficult on the beginning."

Y/N: "Yeah, I can understand your pain. But now that the nightmare's over and your master is nicer now, I bet this means you get to start off with a fresh clean slate."

Fifi: "Oui. Things are definitely going to start changing from here on out and it's all thanks to you and Belle."

Angelique: "If you'd like, you're more than welcome to stay here. The master would even appoint you as his royal advisor."

Y/N: "That's very kind of him. But the truth is... I already have a home somewhere else. I'm a traveler of sorts. You could also say that I'm like a crusader, even."

Fifi: "Oh? And what is it that you crusade?"

Y/N: "Well, since my home is a place where peace is abundant, I travel to different places in order to help resolve conflicts and improve the every day lifestyles of everyone."

Angelique: "What a noble man you are."

Y/N: "Thanks, Ms. Angelique."

Angelique: "No, no, no need for the Miss. Just Angelique. You've done so much for all of us and yet you ask for nothing in return."

Fifi: "Which is why we're here." *closes the door* "Because you've helped us all regain our humanity, you shall be granted the biggest reward for your troubles."

Y/N: "Really? And... what might that be?" *thinks* "If I wind up bringing these two and Belle home with me, I'm never gonna hear the end of it from my parents."

Fifi: "Your big reward... is us."

Y/N: "Oh? Well, I don't wanna be rude, so I'll gladly accept. Who am I to deny such beautiful ladies like yourselves?"

Angelique: "Now, now, you'll make us blush, mon amour."

The two lovely ladies approach you and climb onto your bed, crawling up towards you. First to catch your lips was the maid and she went into town with your lips. Angelique sat there, waiting for her turn and you are currently getting dominated by this horny maid.

Perhaps she's been spending too much time with Lumiere in the past to have developed this natural kissing skill. Though she caught you off-guard, you bounce back and wrestle her tongue with equal tenacity, making this horny maid moan in your mouth.

Fifi: *pulls away* "Seigneur! You're a natural. Makes me wonder what other surprises you have in store for us."

She moves herself down to your pants and the lovely Angelique takes this chance to crawl up to you and sit next to you.

Angelique: "Ever wondered what it'd be like to... kiss a Christmas angel?"

Y/N: "Hmmm, now that you mention it, I do wonder. Good thing I'm in the presence of one now." *winks at Angelique*

Angelique: "Then pucker up, mon amoure."

Unlike Fifi, who briefly kissed you out of lust, Angelique took the more romantic approach, feeling your lips with her own. Interlocking hers with yours and hugging you as if you were her one and only and you did the same in return, trembling from her warm lips.

As for Fifi, she got to work on pulling off your trousers and boxer briefs and is astounded by how your massive thing springs up from its confinements standing tall and proud.

Fifi: *surprised, wide-eyed* "Qu'est-ce que c'est? You did not tell me your... "little friend" would not be so... grand!"

Angelique ceased her smooching and looked at your massive friend and even she was shocked at how big you were.

Angelique: "Oh, mes étoiles! Such a mighty girth. How do you keep such a... a... beast tucked away inside?"

Y/N: "All a matter of... self-control. But thanks."

Fifi winks at you and then starts to stroke your hardened meat pillar with her soft, tender fingers before giving it a good licking. Your body got goosebumps from her tongue slurping you up, but Angelique intervened and made sure to have your attention on her. Her soft lips are, once more, placed on yours and makes out with you.

As you enjoy your passionate moment with Angelique, Fifi has a little fun by herself, taking in half of your outstanding package. She bobs her head up and down, moaning and giving you goosebumps all over your body and slurping your monster.

Now, Angelique is not one to indulge in such vulgar activities, but at the moment, she's doing her best to tolerate the noise. After all... even an angel like herself has desires, too. As a proper gentleman, you're not gonna let her go unsatisfied, oh no.

So, while still locked in a passionate embrace with your angel, you place a hand by her soft, round, squishy chest mounds. She moans softly and adds a little bit of tongue. 

Y/N: *thinks* "Wow! French kissing a beautiful French angel, now that's what I call a jackpot!"

Fifi sees how much fun you two are having and takes her skills to the max by bringing out her massive chest pillows. She then captures your meat pole in between them and moves them up and down, giving you the best boobjob you've had in a while.

Your body trembles in pleasure. Fifi and Angelique can see you're having tons of fun with the two of them. Pleased with their efforts, Fifi keeps rubbing her breasts against your manhood and slurping it hungrily while Angelique reaches under her dress... and removes her panties. Next thing you know... she's sitting on your face.

Without being told what to do, you gave her folds a good licking, getting Angelique to moan so elegantly and beautifully. She gets turned on so fast, she begins to ride your face. At the same time, Fifi is giving it to you much faster, rubbing her ta-tas against your shaft while hungrily slurping and sucking that beef pole.

Fifi's skills are pheonomenal. Makes you wonder how many times she's done it with a certain flatterer to get this good. These ladies keep on going, riding your face, tending to your monster shaft and you're just laying there, enjoying an angelic beverage.

All these things happening at once is drawing you closer to the edge and somehow, Fifi picked up on it and stopped altogether.

Fifi: "Ms. Angelique, I think our hero is ready. Would you mind getting off of him after you're finished with him? I want to give Monsieur Y/N here a... special show."

Angelique: *while moaning* "Yes, yes, I will-- AH!!! But, sacré bleu, he is so fantastic! I might just fall from ze Heavens!"

It might be a little too late for her on that part. But hey, if she were a fallen angel, she'd still be just as beautiful. As you continued on with your licking of her mystic spot, she keeps riding and grinding her hidden flower on your face, getting wetter by the second.

Within no time, your tongue sinks deep into her love canals and causes her inner walls to clamp down on your tongue. She shrieks in surprise and lets out the most pleasurable moan. Angelique couldn't handle your amazing bed skills and came all over your face. She moans, shivering in pleasure while you guzzle her holy liquid honey. 

Afterwards, she loses balance and falls off your face and to the side of the bed, twitching while she catches her breath.

Fifi: "Magnifique, monsieur. Now, allow your faithful maid to... entertain you with a little... enlightening dance."

You sit up and watch as Fifi gets off the bed. She starrs by swaying and dancing in an erotic way by removing her maid tiara, followed by her apron... and then her lovely dress shirt. She then removes her corset, then goes down to where her skirt is and pulls it down. The only clothing she has left is her black, lacey panties. And what a gorgeous, nearly naked figure she has, so silky smooth and radiant.

Y/N: *blushing* "Wow... how do you maids do it? Looking all beautiful and sexy like that?"

Fifi: *sultry giggle* "We pride ourselves in taking good care of our figures, despite our time being cursed. But now, with the spell broken, it feels better to have a human body again."

Y/N: "I'll say."

Fifi: "But, being a featherduster has been so dull after so long, you have no idea how pent up I've been, even with Lumiere."

Y/N: "Well then... why don't I help you... relieve all that stress?"

Fifi: "Oh, such a sweetheart. Very well..." *bends over the bed* "Feel free to... claim your prize... my master."

Oh-ho, she's playing it like that now, huh? Well then, getting off the bed, you get behind Fifi and look at her sexy maiden butt. You feel her fleshy mounds with your fingers. She giggles a bit, probably a little ticklish, kind of cute in your opinion. Then, you pull down her last piece of clothing, save for the stockings on her legs.

You look down at your prize. Her sweet, soaking womanhood is right there, begging for you to claim her. You spread one of her butt cheeks out with one hand, then guide your shaft into her secret spot with your other and once in, you sink it deep. Surprisingly... or not surprisingly, she had no hymen, so she must've had fun with Lumiere many number of times in the past before you got to her.

Oh well. At least it'll be easier to give it to her good. Pulling out a little, you them slam home, making her moan and gasp. You repeat this over and over, gripping her fleshy moons. Loud, wet, plapping noises can be heard throughout the room, along with Fifi's moaning.

Fifi: "Sacre bleu!!! His thing is... is splitting me apart! So big! So hard! Yes! YES! Such force! How I've missed this feeling!"

Man, she must've missed these sexy times. But you're wondering just how good you are compared to how Lumiere had his fun with her... if he was the one who claimed her. Well, one thing's certain, Fifi is definitely having plenty of fun with you.

You keep giving it to her rough, making her holler with a big, goofy smile as she grips the blankets of the bed tightly. She looks over her shoulder to gaze up at you. Her lust-filled eyes turn you on so much, you speed up your thrusts, getting her more turned on. Her head arches back and her moans sound more throaty.

The deeper you plunge your thing, the wetter and tighter she gets and the closer it brings you to your climax.

Fifi: *thinks* "So big! For... Forgive me, Lumiere! He's... He's just too big, I... I can't get enough! He's reshaping me down there! If he keeps this up... I... I'll never stop wanting him!"

Tough luck... At this moment, your shaft is growing bigger inside her and her insides are gripping you even tighter. Your meat stick keeps knocking at the door to her chambers. 

Then, you take her by surprise as you turn her around, sit her on the bed and re-insert your megaton meat hammer inside her. You then take this into overdrive, making her gasp and moan even louder, watching as her eyes shoot upwards and her tongue lolls out. A huge blush runs across her face along with her goofy smile.

In no time as she locks her legs around your hips, you plunge balls deep and explode your seed into her wanting baby-making chambers. You hug her close while she moans loudly. Her juices spray your crotch... and the blankets... and the carpet. You pull her into a messy kiss with some tongue action and put in a few extra thrusts while groping her boobs, just because she feels that good to you.

She gets into it and kisses you back, wrapping her arms around you and moaning into the kiss. Your climax lasted 45 seconds before your balls ran on empty and you remove your lips from Fifi's, admiring her sexy, alluring smile for a little bit. But then... the fatigue hits her harder than she thought and she passes out.

Y/N: "Heh... guess 10 years of no human sex'll do that to a girl. Oh well, she'll bounce back. In the meantime, however."

You conjure up some magic into your hands and placed a spell on Fifi to prevent her from getting pregnant... at least for now. Something tells you she'd rather wait until the time is right for her to have a sweet little bouncing bundle of joy of her very own.

For now... you've got another lady that needs tending to. And she's fully recovered right now.

Angelique: "I... did not know you were such a beast when it came to these sorts of things."

Y/N: "Well, I can also be gentle at times, too."

Angelique: *warm smile* "That's a relief, because... I'm hoping you'll take it easy with me. It's my first time."

Y/N: "Of course. I'll be as gentle as possible. Now then... let's get a look at you... au naturale."

Using your magic, you made the two of you as completely naked as possible with your clothes and hers all folded up nicely on one of the chairs and now... to gaze at her.

Y/N: *in awe* "Wow... Angelique... I think I've fallen for you."

Angelique: *covers herself, shyly* "Please, don't tease me."

Y/N: "I'm not teasing. I mean it, you're so beautiful."

You approach this shy little angel and lay her down gently on the bed and plant a soft peck on her cheek.

Y/N: "I promise you... I'll be gentle."

Angelique: "...I... I love you."

You smile warmly at her and then slowly insert your rod inside her, making sure not to go too fast or too rough. She flinches a couple of times, but she doesn't stop you. A little further in and at long last, you claim her virginity, making her yelp and cling to you. Small trickles of blood leak out of her as this was indeed her first. You give her plenty of time to adjust to your size before getting under way.

In the meantime, you kiss her passionately, not out of lust, but out of love, making her feel special and appreciated. She hugs you and locks you in place with her legs.

Now that she's used to your size, you take it nice and slow while still keeping her from feeling the pain by making out with her. It works for the most part, she hardly feels the pain. She can only feel pleasure as it courses throughout her entire body. 

Soon, the pain withers away and all she feels is pleasure and gives you the okay to go harder. You oblige by putting a bit more power into your thrusts, making her moan a bit louder. She blushes beautifully from your amazing, powerful megaton pole. She can feel you reaching deep inside her with effortless ease.

Her inner walls clamp down hard on you, still fairly new to this whole sex thing, but it feels so good to her. You were also having fun, being able to claim such a cute, beautiful angel. You then speed up a little and her moans get longer and the bed starts shaking. She also gets wetter, allowing for easier passage inside her.

You keep up your pace, drilling this magnificent angel and rocking her world like no other. She's overtaken by the power of your magic rod down below she can almost feel it ready to blow. And even you can feel yourself ready to blow soon, as well. 

So now, you pull out all the stops and give it your all, holding Angelique in a mating press, making her holler in bliss. She tries to get a word out, but you're just too good. Your beefy sausage is turning her insides into mush and drilling her so hard. Just when she was about to utter a word out... your volcano erupts.

Angelique screams in pleasure as you pump your seed deep into her sacred chambers and make her cum hard. Her holy juices spread all over the bed and onto your crotch. Her legs stiffen and extend outwards as she squirts like crazy before going limp. Your climax keeps going until 30 seconds later when you run on empty again. You pull out of her used love tunnel and watch the white river trickle out.

Y/N: "Oops... I kinda went overboard."

Angelique: "That... was... magnifique." 

She utters those last words before passing out.


10 minutes later, after recovering from the aftershock of the sex they had and having given both ladies the anti-pregnancy spell, they left the room to tend to their daily chores. And then... 20 minutes later, you're paid a visit by the one... and only... Belle.

Y/N: "Belle, hey! How's it going?"

Belle: "Good. Y/N, I need to talk to you about something. Mind if I have a seat with you?"

Y/N: "Sure, by all means." 

You gesture her to sit on the bed and she does. You sit right next to her and listen to what she has to say.

Belle: "Y/N, I have to be honest with you. My feelings for you... changed."

Y/N: "Changed? How?"

Belle: "Well, how can I put this? When you first showed up, you surprised me and... I admit, I was kinda scared when you took that... that monstrous form earlier, even though you did it to save me from the wolves and... well, I didn't get to properly thank you that day."

Y/N: "Is that what this is all about?"

Belle: "No, not just that. During your time here, you've been nothing but helpful and kind. You helped Adam come out of his shell, escape the shadows of his past and most of all... you gave up your own happiness to help him break the spell and change him back. Even though I felt like you were crushing on me, you didn't hesitate and didn't even shed a tear, yet you were so passionate when you fought Gaston."

Y/N: "Well, Belle... it's because I went down a similar road in the past when I was crushing on another girl. But she was in love with a prince and it hurt he caught her eyes. But even so... if this guy is who she wanted to be with, I was gonna do everything in my power to get them together and eventually I did... at first."

Belle: "What happened?"

Y/N: "Let's just say... we made some enemies of her hometown and they tried to separate the two, so I wound up having to fight to get her back, even if it meant reuniting her with her prince and I defeated her enemies with the help of the prince."

Belle: "That's great!"

Y/N: "But then... her feelings for the prince changed and she fell out of love with him and fell in love with someone else."

Belle: "Oh... but she's happy now, right?"

Y/N: "Yes... very happy. And when she's happy, I'm happy. But anyways, that's why I wasn't as hurt like I was back then. Because here, I was able to handle the heartache better."

Belle: "Well, that's good to hear. But Y/N... I don't want you to have to deal with that heartache of yours anymore."

Y/N: "Why not?"

Belle: "...Because... I love you."

Y/N: *blinks in surprise* "You... you do? So then... w-where does that leave Prince Adam?"

Belle: "Adam and I talked things over and... surprisingly, he was understanding about my feelings for you and he told me... "anyone who fights that much for others deserves true happiness" and so... now that you know... do you still love me?"

Y/N: *warm smile* "Heh... Even after everything went down... yeah, I still love you, Belle."

She then gestures you to scooch over. You do as she says and then the two of you share a wonderful kiss. It starts off nice and easy, then it gets heated as she leans in. Her tongue prodding against your teeth, trying to get inside your mouth. You open up and grant her access, dancing your tongues together.

You both stand up, holding each other and making out like you don't wanna let each other go. The two of you spin around, still keeping your lips connected as if you're dancing. Then, you lose your footing and fall on the bed with Belle on top of you. The two of you break from the kiss for air and she giggles a little bit.

Belle: "Wow... you're something else, Y/N."

Y/N: "So are you, Belle. Would you... like to take it farther?"

Belle: "Well... I did say I love you. Just... don't look."

Y/N: "O-Oh, okay."

You turn around and let Belle undress herself. Once she was done, she taps you on the shoulder, making you turn around. She's now fully naked, but has her breasts covered up. She's truly a vision of au naturale beauty... and she's all yours.

Without thinking, you strip yourself of your own clothes completely... again and now... she's seeing your everything. You then escort her to the bed with you and then you lay down. Belle straddles herself on top of you, looking a bit nervous... but still has that beautiful smile to at least show she really wants this.

You help her out by guiding your shaft into her sweet entrance and she sinks it all in, despite the resistance... ending her virginity.

Y/N: *grunts* "Didn't... know you were this bold, Belle."

Belle: *slightly moaning* "I... didn't know... you'd be this big! But I'm glad I get to be with the man who saved me... and Adam... and everyone else here in the castle."

Y/N: "Yeah... And I'm glad to be with you, too. Now... let me show you how much I love you."

Belle: "Me too... my sweet, handsome man."

Finally no more words were exchanged and she placed her soft, warm lips onto yours and her hips and your hips moved together. She moans softly in the kiss with you, feeling your powerful meat stick reach deep into her insides, shaping her walls. She can already tell and feel you inching closer and closer towards her entrance. Even though you've barely started, she's having so much fun.

You stroke her beautiful locks of hair, even undoing it and letting her straight locks blanket over your hand. She doesn't mind and just keeps French kissing you and moaning. Her insides leak out more of her lewd juices and your big friend down there slides in easier.

She's no doubt relying on pure instincts, but her bed skills are nothing short of magical. You keep up your pace with her, breathing in and out through your nose since your mouth is currently occupied by Belle's warm, tantalizing lips. You want to break for air, but for some reason, she's not backing off right now.

In fact, as you try to resist, she takes control even more and her movements outspeed yours. Her hips grind and ride yours faster, she dominates your tongue and moans deeply. Next thing you know, her inner walls get tighter around your megaton meat pole. You can hear and feel the bed shaking and hitting against the wall.

Eventually, she pulls away from your mouth and you quickly gasp for air, catching your breath.

Y/N: "Talk about thirsty--eeaaaaaggh!"

But now, Belle's set her lips on a new target... your neck. And she kisses and sucks on the side of your neck, still keeping her fast-paced rhythm and turning you into putty in her hands. Your body trembled at her amazing skills and twitched violently.

Belle: *teasingly* "How'd you like the way I showed my aggressive side as a lover, hun?"

Y/N: *in awe, panting* "You... are a WILD card! But wow, you sure know how to have a good time, love."

Belle: "Thanks. Now... wanna dominate me?"

With a toothy grin, you flip Belle and now have her pinned to the bed and are now rutting her sweet insides with your massive cherry popper, slamming home deep at a fast pace. You latch your lips onto her neck, making her tremble and feel your insatiable wrath. She's now become putty to you and that's some sweet payback.

Next on your list, after leaving your love bite on her neck, you focused your attention to her bosom and latched onto her E-cup breasts. You cup her huge girls together and suck both of her nipples while plowing her womanhood and destroying it with your power pole. She moans up a storm, enjoying every waking moment.

Things were really getting heated between you and Belle. Between her natural beauty, her love of books, her beautiful personality, everything about her just turned you on. You keep suckling Belle's big chest pillows, despite her not having any milk. But man, they're so soft, firm and smooth, they're more divine than resting on a heavenly cloud. After you finish suckling her, you nuzzle into her bosom.

Your hips keep going at their pace. Within a few minutes, you feel your balls churning, ready to explode once more. The feeling is so amazing, you lift Belle up and bounce her on your lap what you sit on your bended knees, making her moan louder.

She places her hands behind your head and buries you into her bosom, losing herself to the sweet pleasure. Her insides get tighter and wetter and your shaft soon gets past her entrance and enters her chambers, pumping in and out at a fast pace.

With her bosom in your face and your hands on her fine rump and her musical moans of delight, you let out a massive grunt and plunge deep and blow your massive load inside her. She underestimates how much you shot out inside, then cums hard on your lap. She feels your shaft throbbing and pumping away, filling her up and slightly bloating out her stomach... a sure sign that she was that good.

Moments later, after calming down from the sex you had, you used your magic to help clean the two of you up and even placed a spell on Belle to prevent early pregnancy. After that, the two of you exit out the room, completely clothed and satisfied.

Belle: "That... was fantastic, Y/N. Still, I feel kinda bad that Adam'll be left with no one."

Y/N: "No worries, Belle. I actually have something in store for our good friend and I think he'll come to like it."

Belle: "What's that?"

Y/N: "You'll see."

[Timeskip to the village]

After a quick trip through the forest and finally reaching Belle's village, you walk around town and notice a few people looking at you and Belle, but then looking away out of fear. 

Belle: "Uh... sorry if they're acting strange around you."

Y/N: "Don't be. After the failed attempt at murdering the prince and raiding the castle, they now know better than to cross me or the servants that serve their master. Especially since they caught a glimpse of the powers I wield and what I can do."

Belle: "But, why are we here in the village, though?"

Y/N: "You'll find out." *winks*

Just then, you hear 3 sorrowful sighs and you look to find 3 familiar faces by the fountain.

Y/N: "There they are."

Belle: "The Bimbettes? What could you-- *realizes* Oh, now I see, why didn't you say so?"

Y/N: "I want it to be a surprise. Now... allow me." *approaches Bimbettes* "Excuse me ladies, but what seems to be the problem?"

The triplets look to you and suddenly, their eyes sparkle with amazement and awe.

Bimbettes: "So... gorgeous."

Y/N: "Huh?"

Girl with red dress: "Nice to meet you, my name's Claudette!"

Girl with amber dress: "My name's Laurette."

Girl with grees dress: "And I'm Paulette, what's your name, handsome?"

Y/N: "My name's Y/N L/N. By the way, why exactly were you ladies looking all down in the dumps on a nice day like this?"

Claudette: "Well, the thing is..."

Laurette: "We used to love Gaston, but..."

Paulette: "He's absolutely appauling! Not just his looks, but also his personality is hideous!"

Bimbettes: "He's dead to us!"

Y/N: "Aww, well, if he's that much of a disappointment, I can take you to a good friend of mine who will treat you girls... like queens! Or rather, he could make you all... his queens."

Bimbettes: *starry-eyed* "Queens? You mean he's?!?!?!"

Y/N: "Yup. Follow us and I'll introduce you to him."


A few days passed by and during that time, you introduced the Bimbettes to Prince Adam. Needless to say, they were extremely charmed by his good looks and his new kind and caring nature and began to get to know him and vice versa. As for you and Belle... well, let's just say, Adam was kind enough to hold a wedding for the two of you and now... Belle was now your beloved wife.

At the moment, it's after the ceremony and you and Belle are making your way to the dance hall, hand in hand and you're currently dressed in the clothes Prince Adam provided for you.

A large audience is gathered around, watching with big smiles as you and Belle have now officially tied the knot.

Adam: "Esteemed guests, I thank you all for coming. For tonight's main even, I'd like to dedicate this first song to the newlyweds for all they've done for me and all of us. *turns to his caretaker* Mrs. Potts, would you please do the honors?" 

Mrs. Potts: "Of course, young master."

Right away, she stepped forth and Lumiere took this opportunity to start the music.

[stop at 2:16]

As the music begins, followed by Mrs. Potts singing, you and Belle turn to each other and hold each other in your arms and slowly dance with the melodic rhythm of the music. 

The audience members watched happily... so did Belle's father. He had never felt more happy for his own daughter to have found someone to love her and nurture her. On top of that, she's found a man who not only saved her, but a whole kingdom. Maurice's only regret is that his own wife never got to see their little girl get married.

You and Belle lean in and peck each other on the lips as you continue to waltz around the dance floor, smiling at each other. Truth be told, Belle never expected to get married so quickly, but now that she was married, she couldn't be more happy.

But... little does she know, you had news to tell her once the festivities were done. But for the time being you kept dancing with her, enjoying this magical moment. 

Moments later, the song ended and the audience members clapped for you and Belle. The festivities continue on throughout the day until the sun began to set. And once the celebration quieted down that night, you and Belle were now left alone on the balcony, looking up at the sky until finally, you decided to speak.

Y/N: "Belle?" *she turns to you* "Now that we're married... you need to know a little something about me."

Belle: "Lemme guess... you're not from around here?"

Y/N: *blinks* "Y-Yeah, but... how do you--"

Belle: "Did you forget who you're married to? I know for a fact you're not from here, I mean... using magic, turning into a shadow creature, using that... that weapon to fight Gaston, I can already tell that that kind of magic is unheard of here."

Y/N: "I... wow, that saves me some time. But yeah, you're right about that, but there's more to me than just that."

Belle: "If it's about Fifi and Angelique being your mistresses, I'll tolerate it, Y/N."

Y/N: "Man, you're one sharp woman. Okay then, there's one last thing I need to tell you, reason being... I don't wanna keep this a secret from you since I can trust you wholeheartedly."

Belle: "I understand. Go ahead and tell me."

Y/N: *takes deep breath* "Belle... Where I'm from... I live in my own castle and it's not just in another kindgom... but a whole other world completely different from this one. And in that other world... I have a big family... with multiple wives waiting for me."

Belle: *blinks in surprise* "Uh... did you say... you're married... to other ladies at home?"

Y/N: "I know it sounds bad to you, but hear me out. See... my master, Yen Sid... he told me I had to travel to multiple worlds in order to find multiple brides since my kingdom is much bigger than you think and the earth there is twice bigger than this."

Belle: *shocked* "You... you're a... I... I can't..."

Your wife then stumbles backwards, but you catch her in your arms. It takes a while for her to process everything you've told her, but eventually she finally responded.

Belle: "Okay... while I do find it questionable about your customs... I am grateful that you told me this info. Not many men can come out and say they're married to multiple women."

Y/N: "That's because there are times when honest men are hard to come by when it comes to true romance."

Belle: "That's true."

Fifi & Angelique: *they come out* "Y/N, Belle."

You and your wife turn to your mistresses and notice they have shocked expressions and they're pointing up at the sky. You turn around and see a familiar-shaped light.

Y/N: "It's time."

You gesture the ladies to stand back. Afterwards, you summon your keyblade and then point it towards the keyhole.

The tip of your key gathers a small glimmer of light and then shoots it directly into the keyhole. Everyone hears an unlocking noise and beforelong, the light engulfed everything.

Now, it was just you, Belle, Fifi and Angelique stuck in an endless white void, which left two of the girls scared.

Belle: "What's going on, where's the castle?"

Y/N: "I've created a gateway that connects my world with yours. Right now, it's halfway done. Think of this place as... the bridge that'll bring our worlds together."

???: "And it's our turn to pitch in."

Suddenly, almost everyone was startled when they heard an elder man's voice before seeing both Yen Sid and the Enchantress appear.

Y/N: "Master! And... the Enchantress?"

Yen Sid: "You have done well, Y/N. You've restored balance within your heart and earned the keyblade's trust once again."

Enchantress: "I was informed of your task by your master. I must say, I am quite surprised by your efforts as of late. Perhaps, I should indulge in getting accquainted with you one of these days, but that sort of thing can wait for another time."

Belle: "Y/N, what are they talking about?"

Y/N: "I'm about to show you where I live."

Yen Sid: "Observe."

The master wizard then pulls out the book leading to your home.

You once again aim your key at the keyhole. The girls watch with confusion, not knowing what's about to happen. Like before, you shot a beam of light at the lock of the book. It unlocks and the book opens, revealing a portal leading to your big castle.

Y/N: "Well... there it is."

Belle: *in awe* "That's... where you live?"

Y/N: "Yup."

Fifi: "Sacre Bleu, it's even bigger then the master's castle!"

Angelique: "Imagine busy I will be for the festivities! Uh... your family does celebrate Christmas, right, Y/N?"

Y/N: "Absolutely! We love Christmas."

Angelique: "Magnifique. Then, let us go and make ourselves comfortable in our new home."

Y/N: "Actually... I can't go back home. I still have to do some traveling before I can come back."

Fifi: "How long will you be gone?"

Y/N: "It might be minutes or hours where you are, but where I'll be, probably days, weeks, months, I dunno. Time flows differently in my home world compared to others."

Belle: "Well... when you do come back, I'll be waiting with the biggest hug and kiss. But for now... the least I can do is this."

The booksmarts bride then comes in and kisses you on the lips.

Y/N: "Thanks, honey."

Belle: "You're welcome. And be careful, Y/N." *to the girls* "Come on, you two, let's go to our new home."

Fifi and Angelique nod. They first kiss each of your cheeks before joining Belle on their way to your castle. Once they enter your world, the portal closes and the books shuts and locks. Yen Sid poofs the book away and now... it was time to turn his attention to you.

Yen Sid: "Now then... it is time for your next journey."

Y/N: *nods* "I'm ready, master. Where to next?"

He says nothing and aims his hands somewhere else and shoots a stream of magic, opening up a portal to...

Y/N: *excited* "Agrabah?! ALRIGHT!!!" *realizes* "Wait a sec... won't there be certain types of complications in this for me?"

Yen Sid: "You'd be surprised at what kind of things this version of Agrabah has in store for you."

Y/N: *facepalm* "Right, I forgot, these aren't like the canons."

Yen Sid: "Precisely. Now... on your go."

Y/N: "Yes sir!"

And so, with your determination and curiosity reached at their piques, you ran towards the portal and jump into it. Now, it's time to get ready to explore... a whole new world.

[A/N: Aaaaand DONE! Phew! Man, this one took a lot out of me, but I hope you guys like what I've done with the lemon. Now then... As you may have guessed, yes, I'm doing the Aladdin arc, but I need your help with something. Those of you who are part of my Discord, come to it at your most convenient time. Once I've got everything settled, I will continue with the arc. Now... STAY TUNED!!!]

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