Atlantis: The Lost Empire - (Finale)

With this newfound power resonating throughout your entire body, you felt a whole lot stronger than you ever were before. You turn to Milo, who's still in shock, but also slightly scared.

Y/N: "Alright, Milo... let's get Kida back."

Milo: "What?"

Sweet: "You heard the man. We followed you guys in, and we're following you guys out. It's your decision."

Milo: "Our decision? Uh, try "Y/N's" decision! He's the one with the big game plan, but me, well, I think we've seen how effective my decisions have been. Let's recap. I lead a band of plundering vandals to the greatest archeological find in recorded history, thus enabling the kidnap and, or murder of the royal family... Not to mention personally delivering the most powerful force known to man into the hands of a mercenary nutcase who's probably gonna sell it to the KAISER! HAVE I LEFT ANYTHING OUT?!"

Sweet: "Well, you did set the camp on fire and drop us down that big hole."

Milo: *turns away, frustrated* "Thank you!"

Y/N: "MILO!"

Milo: "WHAT?!"

Y/N: "Don't forget, you gave the Atlanteans hope after discovering the Heart of Atlantis. You fulfilled your grandfather's legacy, proving to him this long lost city actually exists. You made allies with the citizens of this lost civilization and you helped change the minds of the expedition team to join the right cause. Now all that's left is to take down Rourke, save Kida, return the Heart of Atlantis back home!"

Sweet: "He's right, you know. When you hit bottom, the only place left to go is up."

Milo: "Who told you that?"

Sweet: "An old by the name of Thaddeus Thatch."

Milo's eyes widen a little, then you present him the crystal and he grasps it in his hand.

Milo: "Let's go."

Y/N: "Right behind you."

Now with newfound determination, you follow Milo out while the others wonder...

Audrey: "Where are you guys going?"

Milo: "We're going after Rourke."

Audrey: "Milo, that's crazy."

Y/N: "No one said it was the smartest thing to do, but it is the right thing to do. Besides..." *channels blue lightning in your hand* "I got a score to settle with that asshole."

Audrey: *rolls eyes, sighs* "Come on, we'd better make sure they don't hurt themselves."

The others follow you and Milo and then find him climbing aboard one of the Atlantean flying fish vehicles.

Audrey: "Milo, what do you think you're doing?"

Milo: "Just follow my lead."

He uses the crystal the king gave him to activate the vehicle, starting it up."

Packard: *monotone* "Well, I'm impressed."

Milo: "It's simple, all you gotta do...

Audrey: *climbs on* "Yeah, yeah, yeah. Shut up. We get it, okay?"

Y/N: "Audrey! STOP!"

But she doesn't listen, she just slams her hand on the pad and makes the thing go backwards, crashing into the wall.

Y/N: "Audrey, gently. Seriously."

Vinny: "Hey, Milo, you got something sporty? You know, like a tuna?"

Atlantean man: "How is this done?"

Milo: "All you gotta do is use the crystals. Kida showed me." 

Getting off the 1st vehicle, he goes over to the other one that looks like a hammerhead shark.

Milo: *demonstrates* "Half-turn right, quarter-run back. Keep your hand on the pad."

The others tried this trick and sure enough, their vehicles were up and running for the first time in over 8 millennia.

Cookie: "Saddle up, partners. Bring jerky and ammo."

The Atlantean resistence team was all set and ready for war.

Mole: "I am so excited."

And for the last surprise, you use your magic powers to levitate and fly in the air without using the vehicles.

Milo: "Alright, this is it! We're gonna rescue the princess! We're gonna save Atlantis! Or we're gonna die trying!"

Y/N: *in Atlantean* "LONG LIVE ATLANTIS!!!"

You and Milo take the lead, guiding the resistence to where the mercenaries will be while the remaining citizens waved to you all, wishing you the best and your safe return.

Meanwhile in the cave where the broken bridge was, one of the men set off a missile launcher, shooting it up to the exit, effectively unblocking it and revealing the sunlight.

Rourke: "I love it when I win."

But the heartless commander hasn't won yet, for company was slowly drawing near. The blimp was almost fully airborne and it's only a matter of time before they escape.

Milo: "Okay, here's the plan. We're going to come in low and fast and take them by surprise."

Audrey: "Well, I've got news for you, Milo. Rourke is never surprised and he's got a lot of guns."

Milo: "Great. Well, do you have any suggestions?"

Vinny: "Yeah, don't get shot!"

Y/N: "Here's my plan! Sweet! Audrey! Secure the princess! Vinny! Mole! You guys be the decoys for Helga and Rourke! Milo and I will try to slow down that blimp! The Atlanteans will take out Rourke's men! LET'S GO! GO! GO!"

With the plan in motion and just as Rourke has the "prize" secured, he soon sees you and the resistence coming in hot.


Rourke: "We've got company!

And the war begins. You fly down and shoot a strong burst of blue lightning from your hands and fly up to avoid getting shot. Many of the other Atlanteans maneuver around the cave, then fire their weapons at the troopers, but they all duck for cover.

Not long after, the troopers boarded their own planes and took to the skies with the Atlanteans. Gunfire and air planes could be heard all around and there was no end to it.

Rourke: "Take her up!"

The pilots maneuver over the blimp and then downwards, firing their guns at you and your comrades in a counter strike formation.

Milo: "Holy smokes! You told me he only had guns!"

Audrey: "What I said was he's never surprised."

One of the men took aim at Vinny and fired the auto-rifle at him from ground level. Vinny ducked and then out of instinct, he put his hand on the pad and launched an energy blast from the vehicle, destroying two of the enemy trucks. With that, the game has changed.

Vinny: "Okay, now things are getting good."

Milo: "Vinny, heads up! We can't let 'em reach the top of that shaft!"

Some of the airborne troops then took aim at you, but with your quick maneuvering skills, you dodged every bullet then countered with a lighting wave the destroyed 5 planes, killing the bad mercenaries inside them.

Y/N: "I'll see to it that you're all sent to HELL!"

Some more troopers attempt to get airborne, but thankfully, one of the Atlanteans destroyed the launch pad and took out more mercenaries in the process.

Cookie is enjoying his fair share of the fight while Packard rides in the back... taking pictures like it's no big deal. But when you've been in the game for as long as she has, being surrounded by war and death doesn't really scare you that much anymore.

Back with Vinny, who takes out another plane...

Milo: "Vinny! New plan! You and me are gonna be decoys!"

Sweet and Audrey pass by and head for the container to try and free Kida while Milo and Vinny head for the blimp where Helga and Rourke are stationed at. The two partners open fire at them, but can't get a good shot in due to their speed and reaction time.

Audrey: *trying to cut through the chains* "I thought you said this thing could cut through a femur in 28 seconds!"

Sweet: "Less talk, more saw!"

Milo flies forward at Rourke, who then opens fire at Milo, but he dodges the commander's gunfire safely. Then he has his gun blasted out of his hands thanks to Vinny. Helga tries taking a shot, but runs out of bullets and throws her pistol aside.

Rourke: *looks down* "Looks like somebody's working overtime."

Helga then walks towards one of the armed torpedos and drops them onto one of the vehicles, destroying it.

Sweet: "Come on, girl. Times up."

He gets Audrey outta there before Helga could take out Audrey. Now, Milo is about to attempt a crazy stunt.

Milo: "Alright, Milo, this is it. Any last words? *short pause* Yeah, I really wish I had a better idea than this!"

As he gets closer to the blimp, he jumps off the vehicle and onto one of the shorter blimp balloons while his flying fish takes out one of the other short blimps. Thanks to him, the whole thing is carrying too much weight and is descending slowly.

Rourke: "We're losing altitude. Lighten the load!"

Helga tosses the remaining heavy cargo off the blimp, but is not gonna be pleased with what Rourke'll do next.

Helga: "That's it, unless someone wants to jump."

Rourke: "Ladies first." *grabs her, throws her overboard*

Helga almost takes the big dive, but she grabs onto the railing and catapults herself back onto the blimp and kicks Rourke in the face for betraying her like that.

Helga: *crossed* "You said we were in this together! *kicks him some more* You promised me a PERCENTAGE!"

She throws another kick, but he catches her foot.

Rourke: "Next time, get it in writing!" 

And the asshole throws her overboard one last time.


Rourke: "Nothing personal!"

But while she was falling, you went and caught her.


You flew down to ground level and put her down gently.

Helga: "You! But... why?"

Y/N: "Let's get one thing straight. The fact that you'd trade people's lives for blood money still sickens me. But I saved you because I'd rather not have your death on my conscience. 2nd, if there's anything I hate more than mercenaries, it's a mercenary who double-crosses his own people for himself." *glares up at Rourke*

Helga: *surprised* "Well... you certainly got that point across. You're a strange one."

Y/N: "Yeah, yeah, now stay here and don't get killed. I got a shit stain to deal with."

Helga: "One more thing."

Y/N: "What?"

She pulls you aside and pecks you on the lips.

Helga: "Give him hell for me."

You blinked in surprise, but you didn't blush and simply nodded before flying back up and joining the fight. Upon arriving, you noticed that Milo got the jump on Rourke, kicking him back after making his entrance, so much so, that he brought Rourke to the lower part of the blimp.

Rourke: "Well, I have to hand it to you and your friend. You two are even bigger pains in the neck than I would have ever though possible."

Milo tried to punch Rourke, but the man was much bulkier and more experience in battle and caught Milo's fist. He punched him back and then kicked him away.

Rourke: "I consider myself an even-tempered man. It takes a lot to get under my skin. But congratulations, you just won the solid-gold kewpie doll."

Y/N: "You can take that gold and SHOVE IT UP YOUR ASS!"

You tackle Rourk against the railings and shower him with lightning punches to the face and knee kicks to the gut. He grabs you and socks you in the face with a right hook, making you stumble back, but you don't give in and blast him with some Atlantean energy.

Back on ground level, Helga got out her pistol and took aim at the main blimp, deciding she wants to get back at Rourke.

Helga: "Nothing personal." *pulls trigger*

Thanks to her help, the main blimp takes a huge hit and descends further down faster. Now Rourke is pissed. He breaks a glass containing an axe and comes after Milo. The linguist is currently on the container where Kida's in and tried to find a way to get her out.

Rourke closes in with a sinister grin and swings at Milo, but avoids getting hacked.

Rourke: "Tired, Mr. Thatch?"

He swings again, but he misses and only breaks the small glass window of the container.

Rourke: "Aw, that's a darn shame because I'm just getting warmed up."

The towering commander grabs Milo by his shirt and hoists him up, ready to chop him to pieces. Little does he know, Milo has a little weapon of his own. With a small glass shard, brimming with a hint of Atlantean energy, he cuts Rourke's arm, making him drop him out of pain.

Y/N: "Warmed up, huh? Well, maybe you just need to chill!"

Not only did Milo cut Rourke, he also infected him with the Atlantean energy, which is quickly crystalizing him all over. He tries to get it off, but it's too late for him. His whole body turns a dark blue color and his eyes turn bright yellow-ish orange.

Milo looks down and sees he's not moving.

Milo: *relieved* "Thank heaven."

Or so he thought. Rourke approaches Milo, enraged and ready to throw down once more. But...


You bring out your keyblade and tackle him off the container and down to ground level with you so you could finish him off.

Y/N: "Your ass is mine, you son of a bitch! You stole the princess and the Heart of Atlantis! Now look where it's gotten you! Crystalized in a cursed state, no way to return to normal. All that's left is for you is to put you out of your misery. Let's go, you bastard."

The clash between the cursed mercenary and the Hope of Atlantis has finally begun. Both you and Rourke circle around each other, then charge forward. You put your weapon away and come at him, coating your body in Atlantean energy.

You land a few punches to his gut, then his face and a kick to his rib cage, but he retaliates with an elbow strike to your face, then an uppercut and then a hard kick to the gut. You slide back, but you shrug it off and come at him some more, exchanging blow for blow. He's no pushover, even when he's on his last legs.

The others watch in anticipation, cheering you on. The cursed mercenary goes for a shoulder tackle and you counter by tucking and rolling forward before springing from your arms and launching a double spring kick, knocking him back in a daze.

You continue your assault with an aerial spin kick, but he ducks and grabs your leg, then spins around before throwing you against the wall. He comes at you with a hard punch, but you tilt your head and dodge it and blast him with your energy from your hand.

As the fight continues on, Rourke's body begins to break down faster, but he refuses to back down for even a little bit. He's determined to see this through to the end and take Kida and the crystal with him, even if it's already too late for him.

Everyone is cheering, still waiting for you to deliver the final blow. The battle had all but worn you out. By this point, your Atlantean energy was running out. You had to finish this once and for all and finish it you shall.

You let out a loud battle cry while Rourke let out an inhuman screech, coming at you with a punch, but you dodge him and land an uppercut to his jaw, then deliver a corkscrew punch right to his chest and punch all the way through, piercing through his crystalized body as hard as you could, yelling with all your rage.

And sure enough, through your efforts, you punched a hole straight through Rourke, sending him flying from the shock wave and breaking him into pieces, ending his life. Bits of his crystalized body scatter everywhere and cut the chains loose from the container. Milo also came down, but he landed safely without getting too hurt.

The people shouted with glee now that the enemy was gone. But things were far from over. The blimp up above was coming down fast, you moved the container out of the way just in time right as the blimp exploded upon impact... right at the base of the volcano.

It's not long before the rumbling begins.

Helga: "What the?"

Mole: "The volcano... *panicking* SHE AWAKES!"

Vinny: *while holding a lit dynamite stick* "Hey, I had nothing to do with it."

Cookie: "This here'd be a good place not to be."

Milo: "No, wait. We gotta get her back or the whole city will die."

Y/N: "I'll help!"

Audrey: "And if we don't get out of here, we'll die!"

Milo: "It's the only way to reverse this! JUST DO IT!"

Tossing the chain up to Vinny, he wraps it around the tailfin of the vehicle, then hooks it tightly before helping Milo up and they fly off. 

But then bad luck strikes and the hook comes loose from the container.

Y/N: "NO!"

You fly back and levitate the container with your mind, but can barely keep it airborne, so you had to fly fast while the others fly ahead. You also make sure to grab Helga in your arms and keep going as fast as you can to avoid getting bathed in lava.

It isn't long before the river stream of magma comes gushing out of the cracks of the volcano, heading for you. Luckily, you all make it out of the tunnel, but the digger that was left behind gets swallowed up by the volcanic lava and plunges into the depths forever. 

You all eventually make it back to the city and you steadily drop the container at the center. Milo then tries to get the thing open by using one of the spears given to him by an Atlantean.

Mole: "The fissure, it is about to eject its pyroclastic fury!"

Sweet: "Milo! Y/N! Mole says the wall's gonna blow!"

Y/N: *helps Milo* "Come on! PULL!!!!!!!"

The two of you keep pulling and tugging and... thanks to your efforts, the container opens up, not just on one side, but all sides, setting crystal Kida free from her prison. Using the powers of the crystal, she lights up the whole city, bringing it back to life.

From within the chambers, the stone statue of the past kings revive and head up to the surface and surround the crystalized princess, slowly spinning, gaining speed. A beam of light shoots out and revives one of the stone guardians, then more of them, awakening them from their deep slumber and Packard captures it all in camera.

The volcanic stream is quickly coming and the guardians make their way around the city, stopping in place at the edges. As soon as the walls gave in and the lava came bursting through the walls, the guardians clapped their hands together and spreaded their arms out wide, forming a giant shield to protect the city.

The lava crashes against the shield and then goes over and around it, covering the shielded city in a blanket of magma before the lava quickly solidifies into obsidian. For the moment, it seems the city would be trapped in this prison. But... the solidified rock cracks open from the Atlantean energy and begins to crumble away, revealing the city of Atlantis, still standing and no one in it was hurt.

Best part... as the smoke clears, Princess Kida is seen levitating back down slowly and lands in yours and Milo's arms. No longer bonded to the crystal, she was now back to normal. She opens up her eyes and sees you two.

Kida: "Milo... Y/N..."

She looks down at her hand, finding the bracelet she once wore when she was a child... the one her mom had before she was lost to the crystal long ago. Her emotions came rushing at her all at once and she lunges at you two, hugging you both tightly. You and Milo hug her back, allowing her to finally take it all in. The struggles between Atlantis and Rourke's army was over and peace was restored once more.

Y/N: "Kida... your father... you should go see him."

Kida: *gasps* "Is he alright?"

Y/N: "He should. I healed his injuries."

Kida doesn't hesitate to go and check on her father. You and Milo also go and follow her into the throne room.

There, Kida spots her father, still alive and breathing. She rushes over to him and gives him a hug, but not too tight.

Kashekim: *in Atlantean* "I thought I had lost you. I'm so relieved to see you unharmed. I was so worried for you, Kida."

Kida: *in Atlantean* "I was worried about you, too, father! You're not hurt, are you?"

Kashekin: "At first, I was, but thanks to the boy who speaks our language fluently, he managed to save my life... for the time being."

Kida: *worried* "Wh...What do you...?"

Kashekim: "Please... bring him here."

His daughter quickly went to get you and right away, you returned just in time and even Milo was brought over, too.

Y/N: "Your majesty?"

Kashekim: "My boy... you have my eternal gratitude. You... and your friend not only saved my daughter and brought her home, but also returned the crystal, thus reviving our city. We... and all of Atlantis... are indebted to you for your selfless acts of courage."

Y/N: "We're honored to hear, sire."

Kashekim: "And... because of you... and your linguist friend... I can finally join our past kings... with a clear conscience."

Kida: *gasps* "Father! You mean..."

Kashekim: "I'm afraid so, Kida. Though, his magic saved me for the moment, my time as king is at an end."

Milo: "What? But... after all that..."

Y/N: "It's okay, Milo. To be honest, it wouldn't feel right... if Kida never got to say goodbye to her father before he passes on."

Kida: *tears swelling up* "Father... I... I will never forget you... or my mother and all that you've taught me. I will miss you dearly."

Kashekim: "As will I, Kida. But know this... I may not be able to be with you... I may not be able to see you anymore... There may be hundreds of miles between us... But I will always be looking your way. I will watch over you forever... I promise." *holds her hand*

Kida: "I know." *cries a little* "Thank you, father..." *in Atlantean* "Goodbye... I love you."

Kashekim: *in Atlantean, smiling* "I love you too, Kida. Farewell... you and all. . . of Atlantis."

The father and daughter share one more hug before the king finally takes his last breath... and dies happily and peacefully in his daughters arms before she sets him down gently.

She and all who were present, you included, bowed to the fallen king out of respect. It was sad to watch, but a part of you felt at peace, knowing he passed on without regrets. With the king now joining his wife in the afterlife, along with the past kings, you rejoin the others and watch the city of Atlantis resurface from his long, cold, wet slumber, pleased that everyone's efforts all paid off.

And as you continue to gaze at the revived city of Atlantis, Kida's hands grab both yours and Milo's and vice versa. She felt lucky to have you two by her side and save her home.

[Moments later...]

With all said and done, Kida then arranged to have the remaining expedition team to be sent home using one of their own vehicles, which are later called "Ketaks." And this particular one was a submarine in the shape of a narwhal.

Kida: "Atlantis will honor your names forever."

She puts a necklace around Vinny's neck as she says this.

Kida: "I only wish there was more we could do for you."

Vinny: "Uh, you know, thanks anyway, but... *looks at ship* I think we're good."

He looks at the ship and how the Atlanteans were loading a large amount of treasures and gold into the ship. A little something to... set them up for a good long while.

Milo: "They'll take you as far as the surface.

Audrey: "We really are going to miss you guys."

Vinny: "You know, I'm going to reopen the flower shop, and I'm gonna think of you guys every single say, Monday through Friday, 9:00 to 5:00, Saturday 'til 2:00. Sunday... I'm gonna take Sunday off, probably, and... Maybe I'll got in for a couple of hours, you know. But August... I'm going to take August."

Y/N: "Hah! We understand, Vinny." *thinks* "Heh, I like this guy."

Cookie: "I ain't so good at speechifyin', *gives Milo put of... whatever it is* but I want you to have this. It's the bacon grease from the whole trip."

Milo: "Cookie, I..."

The redneck then mutters and walks away like he's about to cry. Guess the bacon grease is important to him. Then, Audrey comes over, surprises Milo with a hug and a surprise kiss with you... on the lip. This time, she made you flinch.

Audrey: *teasingly* "Ah-ah. Two for flinching." *jabs your arm lightly* "Wish you could come along with us."

Y/N: "I know, but I have my own home to return to. But you're more than welcome to visit." *thinks* "Maybe I should arrange for a special mode of transportation for people who can't leave their homelands. I'll figure it out in due time."

Mole: "Hey, Milo! Y/N! Heh-Heh!"

And Mole pops out of nowhere with his arms wide open. 

Y/N: "Ah, what the heck? A little dirt can't hurt. COME HERE YOU!" 

You lift up Mole, giving him a big bear hug and then put him down and patting him on the head.

Y/N: "Keep up the good work with your knowledge of dirt."

Milo: "You do know you'll have to wash up."

Helga: "Big time."

Y/N: "No worries."

Sweet: "Now, Milo, you sure you want to stay? There's a hero's welcome waiting for the man who discovered Atlantis."

Milo: "Ah, I don't think the world needs another hero."

Y/N: "And plus, if the wrong people found out about this place, it'll be a "Rourke war" all over again."

Milo: "Exactly. Besides, I hear there's an opening down here for an expert in gibberish."

Sweet: *approaches Milo* "You take good care of yourself, Milo Thatch." *extends hand out*

Milo: "Yeah, you too, Sweet."

As he goes to shake his hand...

Sweet: "Come here!" *pulls him in, hugs him*

Milo: "Sweet, uh... before you go, could you..." *gestures to neck*

Sweet: "No problem." *fixes his neck*

Milo: "Ah! Thanks."

Sweet: "Heh, oh you're gettin' the bill."

Packard: *monotone* "Can we go home now?"

Sweet: "Come on, y'all. Let's get one last short in front of the fish."

The team then heads over to the treasure, you included and put on your best faces for the camera.

Atlantean man: "Say gochk!"

All: "Gochk!"

*camera flashes*

[Much later]

We now see the expedition team, minus you, Milo, Kida and Helga all sitting in Mr. Whitmore's study all dressed in fancy clothing, big smiles all around.

Mr. Whitmore: "Now, let's go over it again just so we got it straight. You didn't find anything?"

Vinny: "Nope. Just a lot o' rocks. And fish, little fish. Sponges."

Mr. Whitmore: *after looking at pictures* "What happened to Helga?"

Cookie: "Well, stay behind to find herself her new home at--" *gets bonked on head by Packard* "Uh, missing."

Mr. Whitmore: "That's right. And Rourke?"

Sweet: "Nervous breakdown. You could say he went all to pieces.

Cookie: "In fact, you could say he was transmorgafied and then got busted into a zillion... *sees Packard ready to hit him* "He's missing, too."

Mr. Whitmore: "What about Milo and Y/N?"

Audrey: "Went down with the sub."

Their attention turns to Mole, who got his tubby ass out of that itchy suit and digs himself into a giant vase filled with dirt, chuckling.

Sweet: *facepalms* "Lord, gimme strength."

Mr. Whitmore: *sighs* "I'm going to miss those boys. At least they're in a better place now." 

As he's flipping through the pictures, he sees a letter made out to him and he opens it up. It reveals an Atlantean crystal necklace, along with a hidden message from Milo.

Milo: *voice over* "Dear Mr. Whitmore, I hope this piece of proof is enough for you. It sure convinced me. Thanks from the three of us... Milo Thatch and Y/N L/N."

He was more than grateful that the boy had kept his promise, for now he had a piece of Atlantis in the palm of his hand. And he proudly place it around his neck.

Meanwhile, back in Atlantis, you, Milo and Helga finally finished carving out the head statue of Kida's deceased father. And with the power of Kida's crystal, she gave this statue life, causing it to glow and levitate over the city and join the other statues of the past kings.

 Kida, you and Milo then head up to higher ground and watch it from a better view. Atlantis has now become more lively. The Heart of Atlantis was now back where it belongs. Hovering over the city for all to see, keeping its inhabitants safe while they went about their daily lives, now exploring farther and wider with their Ketaks.

Finally, with peace restored to Atlantis, you felt a sense of satisfaction and headed back down to where Helga was.

Y/N: "Well... it's time."

Helga: "Time for... what?"

Y/N: "Time to head off."

Helga: "Where? We don't have anything to take us back to the surface and plus... I'm not going back to the life of a mercenary."

Y/N: "That's where I come in. Watch."

You walk forward and pull out your keyblade from thin air.

Helga: "What is that thing anyways?"

Y/N: "My keyblade. And it's gonna take us to your new home."

Helga: "Oh? And how do you know I don't wanna stay here?"

Y/N: "Helga... there's lots of people here who still don't trust you. I'm sure you've noticed it, too, didn't you?"

Helga: "Well... I have been given dirty looks before, but it was nothing I couldn't handle before."

Y/N: "Except now, you don't have an army or any loaded weapons to handle it, am I right?"

Helga: "...Damn, you're sharp."

Y/N: "Well, you don't gotta worry. My family back home can make you feel welcome, so you don't have to worry. Now stand back."

You then point your keyblade at the space in front of you and then use your magic to open up a portal to the bridge zone.

Y/N: "Let's go."

Milo: "Hey, where are you going?"

You look back to find Milo and Kida have returned.

Kida: "What's going on?"

Y/N: "I'm taking Helga to her new home."

Milo: "Aren't you coming back?"

Y/N: "Sure... eventually."

Kida: "Why not stay here with us?"

Y/N: "Because, Kida... just like you have a responsibility to your people, I have a responsibility to my own people back home. Rest assured, when the time comes, I'll even make possible, not just for you to visit me, but to also unite our homes together."

Kida: "Do you promise?"

Y/N: "You bet."

Kida: "Then... let me just give you one last thing before you go."

Y/N: "Sure, anything."

Kida walks up to you very closely and softly plants her lips onto yours and hugs you warmly. Helga and Milo just watch, unfazed since Helga knows about the whole "sharing your love" thing and being part of your harem and she was skeptic at first, but got over it.

After that warm embrace, Kida returns to Milo.

Y/N: "Take care of yourselves."

Milo and Kida: "We will."

Taking Helga's hand, you guide her through the portal just before it closes and Milo and Kida hold each other after seeing you leave.

Soon, we see you and Helga with Yen Sid, having gotten introductions out of the way and now you were opening up the book with your keyblade, leading to the kingdom of Sylvantra.

Helga: "Well... that's what I call the ritz. But... I dunno, I feel like it's a bit much for me. Plus I'd feel like I'd be mooching off of you."

Y/N: "Well, you don't have to fret. There's plenty of career choices in my new kingdom."

Yen Sid: "Indeed. With enough luck, you'll be able to find the right career option fit for you."

Helga: "Well... if you say so. So, you coming with me."

Y/N: "Almost. I just need to take care of one last errand."

Helga: "Fine. Just don't keep me waiting too long, you got that?"

Y/N: "Yeah, I know."

She pulls in for a tight hug and then shares a deep kiss with you before jabbing you on the arm a little hard.

Helga: "See you soon... handsome."

And the tough temptress heads off to your castle. The portal closes in front of you and now... you turn to Yen Sid, not needing to say a thing, because he knows the routine. He opens up a portal to a new world and just as you're about to go through it...

Yen Sid: "Before you go, a little something I should tell you. You'll be going on an adventure, but also allowing your body to rest up."

Y/N: "That's... oddly vague."

Yen Sid: "Heh... you'll know soon enough."

Raising an eyebrow, you then shrug and jump through the portal. What lies ahead for you this time in this new world? Well... let's hope not like the nonsense you've dealt with so far with all the baddies you had to take out up until now.

[A/N: And that's it. The Atlantis Arc is complete. Sorry, no lemons here, but there might be in my next arc. MIGHT be. But for now, I think I deserve a little break. Until then, be ready for the Alice in Wonderland arc, so... STAY TUNED!!!]

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