Alice in Wonderland - (Part 3)

We now join you and Alice at multiple forks in the roads in this vast, confusing Wonderland forest, not knowing where to go.

Alice: "Now let's see, where were we?"

Y/N: "I think the more correct term is where are we? These signs aren't doing squat to help us find a way out of this blasted forest. Do we go up, down, left, right, long ways, slant ways? I can already hear my mind going *cross-eyed while mimicking* "Coo-coo, coo-coo!"

Alice: *giggles* "Do you know you're silly when you do that?"

Y/N: *calms down* "Why yes, I most certainly do, thank you very much. But in all seriousness, where do we go from here?"

Alice: "Well, how about you check that direction *points to the left* and I'll check this way?" *points to the right*

Y/N: "Can do. If it'll get us to where we need to be."

So, it was agreed that you two would temporarily go separate directions, but little did you suspect that something, or... someone was watching you from close by.

Once you were alone, you kept up your search, hoping to find a way out, when suddenly, from deep within the shadows, you're grabbed by a pair of hands and brought to a secluded spot in the forest where it seems like no one could find you.

Y/N: "W-What the?! Who did that?"

???: "You lost, love?"

Y/N: "Who said that?" *looks around* "Where are you?"

???: "Behind you."

You turn around, only to be met with a face full of huge chest jugs and blink in surprise before noticing... a woman.

[Had to crop it so I don't get in trouble with Wattpad.]

Y/N: *blushes* "Wh-Who... are you?"

Cheshire: "Why, I'm the Cheshire Cat, love. And who might you be?"

Y/N: "Uh... I'm Y/N. And uh... first off, why are you naked?"

Cheshire: "It's more liberating to be naked, love. Why? Don't you like what you see?" *hugs her own boobs*

Y/N: *thinks* "Control yourself, Y/N! Keep it in your pants!" *aloud* "Okay then, were you the one that grabbed me and took me here?"

Cheshire: "And if I am?"

Y/N: "Why, though?"

Cheshire: "Because..." *circles you, stroking your face* "I'm lonely and have no one to play with out here. Plus, if I'm being honest with myself, you do look rather handsome."

Y/N: *thinks* "I think I know where this is going, but still... gotta stay strong for a little longer!" *aloud* "Well, if that's all, you could've just asked me personally instead of having to drag me away all sneaky like."

Cheshire: "Now where's the fun in that? Besides..." *wraps her arms around you* "I know deep down, you... want... this." 

Suddenly, you feel her tail rub against the aching tenting in your pants and then all of a sudden...

Y/N: "You know what, you win... *glomps her* MINE!!!"


The naked feline temptress giggled to herself, having won you over and happily makes out with you, her arms wrapped around you. Her tongue dances and swirls around yours. She lustfully continues to swap spit with you and you could not get enough of her.

But it couldn't last for long, so you pull away for air. She waits for you to catch your 2nd wind, staring up at you with her half-lidded eyes and lustful, seductive grin.

Y/N: "You are one naughty cat, you know that?"

Cheshire: "Why yes I am... darling. And what is my handsome master going to do about it?"

Y/N: "I'll tell you... *in a British accent* I'm going to part your legs like the red sea. Oh, I'm going to defile you in such an amazing fashion, you will RUE the day you jumped me in this forest. I'm going to lower my drawbridge and introduce you to the QUEEN, yes I shall! And when you arrive at that magical moment, I want you to scream "Victory."

And as you promise, you undid your pants and lowered your drawbridge revealing the queen taking shelter in your nest. It springs out hard and stiff, ready to be used. The Cheshire Cat eyed your mighty beast and licked her lips and teeth, dying to feel it inside her.

In a surprise twist, you turn the Cheshire Cat girl around and bend her forwards, making her hold onto a tree for support. You aim your shaft at her dripping lower lips and shove the whole thing balls deep, making her gasp sharply. You smack her huge butt and ram your meat stick in and out of her with sheer force.

She moans loudly while her breathing becomes shaky and her eyes shoot up, tongue lolled out. Her inner walls were tight, yet so wet and slippery, she felt so good. Your hips thrust on their own, making loud slapping noises while you growl with your breath. Getting sneaky, you pull her tail, making her yelp and you smack her butt some more.

Y/N: "I'm a man who keeps my word, you know. How's THIS for punishment?"

Cheshire: *sex-drunk* "Ahhh! Yes! So good, master! More! Punish your bad kitty more! I've been so uncouth! Use me as you like!"

That was music to your ears. You kept right on doing what you were doing, but then got even more wild. Leaning over, you reached and groped her huge, milk-filled mammaries. Her body tensed up while yelping at the same time. 

While squeezing her milk jugs you felt a warm liquid trickling down the palm of our hands, so you check and...

Y/N: *thinks* "Wow, she's actually lactating! This changes... EVERYTHING!!!"

You quickly turn her to face you again, lift her up and then pin her against the tree. You then launch your face at one of her boobs and drink her milk while resuming ravaging her.

Cheshire: "OH!!! My wor-- Ahh!"

She could tell you're in no mood to stop. She instead locks you in place with her arms and legs. The Cheshire Cat girl keeps moaning away, basking in the pleasure of your meat piston shaping her insides and you drinking up her sweet milk. You switch boobs and drink from the other while groping the first one.

Her insides were leaking and squirting wildly. The tip of your manhood is constantly knocking on the door to her baby chambers. She's unsure if she can last much longer. Her body is trembling while yours is going strong on auto-pilot. 

You speed up the process, now making this naughty feminine feline's mind go blank. Her arms go limp and fall to her sides. You feel her lower lips tighten and suck your member in. Before you knew it, both of you were exploding your orgasms, mixing your seed with her liquid honey.

Cheshire: *loud moan* "VICTORYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!"

She screams to the heavens after being filled up. You move away from the tree and set he down gentley before pulling out. Now that that was done, you used your magic to put an anti-pregnancy spell on her just to be on the cautious side.

Y/N: *British tone* "My job is done here."

[3 minutes later, lemon over]

Moments later, after getting your clothes back on, you meet back up with Alice, who's back at the fork in the road.

Y/N: "Let me guess, don't know where to go?"

Alice: "Afraid not. Any luck with your end?"

Y/N: "No. Sorry, Alice."

Alice: "Oh, dear. Now, where are we supposed to go."

Just then, the forest began to shine different colors of light, followed by someone singing.

???: *singing*

'Twas brillig and the slithy toves

Did gyre and gimble in the wabe

All mimsy were the borogoves

And the mome raths outgrabe

Your eyes widen in fear when you recognize that voice.

Alice: "Where in the world do you suppose that...?"

???: "Lose something?"

Y/N: *thinks* "FUCK!!!"

Both you and Alice turn over and see a smile up in a tree, startled.

Alice: *giggles* "I was-- N-No, I mean, I was just wondering..."

???: "Oh, that's quite alright. One moment, please."

Sure enough, she began to reveal herself some more, only unlike last time, when she was naked, this time she had on a pink and purple, horizontal striped sweater on, a burgundy skirt and long purple stockings. She still had her cat ears and her long, bushy tail.

Cheshire: "Second chorus." *sings again*

'Twas brilig and the slithy toves

Did gyre and gimble in the wabe...

Alice: "Are... Are you a cat?"

Cheshire: "A "Cheshire" cat." *keeps singing*

All mimsy were the borogoves

While singing, she began to disappear.

Alice: "Oh, wait! Don't go, please!"

And she reappears.

Cheshire: "There you are. Third chorus."

Alice: "Oh, no, no, no. Thank you, but I just wanted to ask you which way we ought to go."

Cheshire: "Well, my dear, that depends on where you want to get to."

Alice: "Oh, it really doesn't matter, as long as we..."

Cheshire: "Then it shouldn't matter which way you go."

The lovely kitty girl then jumps off the tree, but fades into thin air. Though, next thing you two see are her footprints left in the dirt coming towards you, then around you two before reuniting behind you. Soon, she reappears, jumping into another tree, only her sweater looks like it's become brighter in color as it was faded before.

Cheshire: "Oh, why the way. If you'd really like to know, he went... that way. *points in two different directions*

Y/N: "Who are you talking about?"

Cheshire: "The white rabbit."

Alice: *hopeful* "He did?"

Cheshire: "He did what?"

Alice: *points in a direction* "Went that way."

Cheshire: "Who did?"

Alice: *annoyed* "The white rabbit!"

Cheshire: "What rabbit?"

Y/N: "Really? You're gonna act like you didn't just say it?"

Cheshire: "Can you stand on your head?"

And of course, her body is standing on her head. No, seriously, her head is off her body and it's being stepped on by her own foot. Alice scoffs in annoyance that she's not being taken seriously.

Cheshire: "However, *picks up her own head* if I were looking for a white rabbit.. *puts head back on* I'd ask the Mad Hatter."

Y/N: "Mad Hatter?" *looks at sign labeled "Mad Hatter"* "Uh, is there another option?"

Cheshire: "Sure. There's also the March Hare... in *points other direction* that direction."

Alice: "Uh, thank you. I think I shall visit him."

Cheshire: "Of course, he's mad, too."

Y/N: "Mad about what?"

Alice: "But I don't want to go among mad people."

Y/N: "Depends on your definition of "mad."

Cheshire: "Oh, you can't help that. Most everyone's mad here." *laughs* "You may have noticed... that I'm not all there... *begins to disappear* myself." *sings while disappearing*

And the mome raths outgrabe

And just like that, she's gone.

Y/N: *shivers* "Well, that's unsettling."

Alice: "Indeed. If the people here are like that, we'd best try not to upset them."

Y/N: "Yeah, last thing we want is for them to go nuts with anger."

So, after that chilling encounter with the Cheshire Cat (2nd time for you), you and Alice continue on your way through the forest. 

A couple of minutes go by and suddenly, your mouth is covered by a hand and you're hoisted up into a tree quickly and quietly, meeting with the Cheshire Cat once again.

Y/N: *freaked out, thinks* "FUCK!!! I KNEW SHE'D BE ANGRY!!!"

Chesire: *whispers in your ear* "You naughty boy, leaving me after that smashing encounter? But don't worry, I won't tell Alice about it. I'm not some petty pussycat. Just as long as you promise you'll let me visit you from time to time. Okay, darling?"

Not wanting to feel her wrath, you quickly nod.

Cheshire: "Good. Now, take care."

And she pulls her hand away from your mouth and sends you off with a deep, passionate kiss before disappearing. You fall to the ground with a loud thud, startling Alice.

Alice: "Y/N! Are you alright?"

Y/N: "Uh... yeah, just peachy. I, uh... I tripped."

Alice: "Well... if you say so. Come along then."

Once she turns to walk, you get up and wipe your mouth and get the dirt off you before continuing on.

It's not long before you both come across a small cottage in the woods with huge shrub surrounding the place like a fence and a little wooden gate on the side of the house. You both then hear what sounds like... music and singing.

Alice: "How very curious."

Y/N: "I know we shouldn't intrude, but... even I'm curious." *thinking* "yeah right, I know they're having a tea party, I just wanted an excuse to see it up close."

[Pretend you're with Alice in this video]

You and Alice clap from that spectacular Unbirthday firework show.

Alice: "Oh, that was lovely."

Y/N: "That certainly blew me away."

Mad Hatter: "And, uh... And now, children. *dunks small plate in tea cup fill with tea* Uh, you were saying that you would like to seek... pardon me." *eats chunk of plate* "You were seeking, uh... some information of some kind?"

Alice: "Oh yes, you see I was looking for a--"

Mad Hatter: *looks into his cup* "CLEAN UP! CLEAN UP! MOVE DOWN!"

Alice: "But I haven't used my cup."

Y/N: "Oop, here we go."

March Hare: *moves you while clearing table, singing* "Clean cup, clean cup, move down, move down, clean cup, clean cup, move down."

Now having moved down and seated...

Mad Hatter: *pours 3 cups of tea* "Would you like a little more tea?"

Y/N: "We haven't really had any yet."

Alice: "Yes, so we can't very well take more."

March Hare: "Ah, you mean you can't better well take less." *cracks open pot, empties out tea into cup*

Mad Hatter: "Yes. You can always take more than nothing." *overflows cup with sugar*

As Alice was about to... attempt to drink her tea, you secretly cleared her cup so she only had 2 sugar cubes in her tea, thus allowing her to finally take a sip of her tea.

Y/N: "She only meant that--"

Mad Hatter: "And now, my children... something seems to be troubling you." *sips his own tea* "Uh, won't you tell us all about it?"

March Hare: "Start at the beginning."

Mad Hatter: "Yes, yes. And when you come to the end... *chuckles* stop. See?"

Alice: "Well, it all started while I was sitting on the river bank with Dinah."

March Hare: "Very interesting." *sips tea, stops* "Who's Dinah?" *pants like a dog*

Y/N: "That would be her pet cat."

Oops, forgot that there's a rodent at this party.

Dormouse: *pokes head out of tea pot* "Cat? CAT?"

And there he goes, running off scared, making a mess of the table. The Mad Hatter and March Hare ran off to get him, disregarding the goodies and dishes just to grab him. Once the have the little guy, they yell to the two of you.

March Hare: *urgent* "GET THE JAM! ON HIS NOSE! PUT IT ON HIS NOSE!"

You hand Alice the jam and she takes it and does as instructed.

Mad Hatter: "On his nose. On his nose."

Dormouse: "C-C-Cat." *sighs*

Mad Hatter: *sighs while fixing his hat* "Oh... my goodness. Those are the things that upset me."

March Hare: "See all the trouble you started?"

Y/N: "My bad."

Alice: "We didn't think that--"

March Hare: "Ah, but that's the point. If you don't think, you shouldn't talk."

Mad Hatter: "Clean up! Clean up! Move down, move down, move down!"

Y/N: "Oh, here we go again."

March Hare: *singing* "Move down, move down, move down, move down!"

After moving down... again...

Mad Hatter: "And now, my dear, as you were saying?"

Alice: "Oh yes, I was sitting on the river bank with, uh... *whispers* ...with you-know-who."

Mad Hatter: "I do?" *chuckles*

Alice: *whispers* "I mean my C... A... T."

Mad Hatter: *pulls out teapot from nowhere* "Tea?"

March Hare: *cuts tea cup in half vertically* "Just half a cup if you don't mind."

Disregarding the laws of physiques, the cup is filled all the way to the top without spilling.

Mad Hatter: "Come, come, my children. Don't you care for tea?" *drinks tea from teapot*

Alice: "Why, yes, I'm very fond of tea. But--"

March Hare: "If you don't care for tea, you could at least make polite conversation." *drinks his tea*

Y/N: "Hello, we've been trying to ask you--"

And he cuts you off by banging an oversized mallet he got from nowhere onto the table.

March Hare: "I have an excellent idea. Let's change the subject." *clonks Mad Hatter on the head*

Mad Hatter: *speaks through his hat* "Why is a raven like a writing desk?"

Y/N: "Ooh boy, this'll be interesting."

Alice: "Riddles? Let me see, now. Why... is a raven... like a writing desk?"

Mad Hatter: "I beg your pardon?"

Alice: *Casually* "Why is a raven like a writing desk?"

Mad Hatter: *freaked out* "Why is a-- WHAT?!"

March Hare: *cowers beind Mad Hatter* "Careful, she's stark raven mad."

Y/N: *stands up, turns to the tea-a-holics* "Hey, this was your stupid riddle! You clearly said..."

Ooh, now they're scared of you, too.

Mad Hatter: *backing up, using chair as shield* "D-D-Don't get excited."

March Hare: *while hiding in Mad Hatter's hat* "How about a nice cup of tea?"

Y/N: *slams fist on table* "Have a cup of tea" indeed. You know what, I don't have the time for this nonsense!"

Yeah, even you were starting to get annoyed by these guys.

Alice: "Neither do I."

Looks like you both had enough nonsense for one day and just as you're both about to leave...

March Hare: "The time? The time! WHO'S GOT THE TIME?"

And cue the tiny cottonball with the oversized watch barging through the side gate.

Rabbit: "No, no, no, no! No time, no time, no time. Hello, goodbye. I'm late, I'm late!"

You and Alice: *turn and see* "The White Rabbit!"

Rabbit: *running by* "Oh, I'm so late! I'm so very very--"

He's then stopped when the Mad Hatter grabs his watch.

Mad Hatter: "Well, no wonder you're late. Why, this clock is exactly two days slow."

Rabbit: "Two days slow?"

Mad Hatter: *dips clock in tea-filled pot* "Of course you're late. My goodness."

He then slams the clock on the table so hard, the clock's face comes off and reveals the gears and springs inside that make the clock function.

Mad Hatter: "We'll have to look into this." *uses salt shaker as microscope* "Aha! I see what's wrong with it. Why, this watch is full of wheels."

He says this while spilling all the salt all over the clock and then tears the gears and springs out with a fork, unknowningly breaking it.

Rabbit: "Oh, my poor watch! Oh, my wheels and springs!" *tries catching pieces*

One of the springs lands on his nose, but he pulls it off.

Rabbit: *stutters* "But-but-but-but-but.. but-but..."

Mad Hatter: "Butter, of course, it needs some butter! BUTTER!!!"

March Hare: *yells in Rabbit's ear* "BUTTER!!!"

Rabbit: "B-B-Butter?"

Mad Hatter: "Butter, oh, thank you, butter. *spreads butter on clock* "That's fine."

Rabbit: "Oh, no, no! No, no, no, you'll get crumbs in it!" *tries to stop him*

Mad Hatter: "Oh, this is the very best butter. *mashes butter in Rabbit's face* What are you talking about?"

March Hare: "Tea?"

Mad Hatter: "Tea! Oh, I never thought of tea, of course. *pours tea on clock* Tea."

Rabbit: "Oh, no! Not tea!"

March Hare: *stops Rabbit, presents sugar* "Sugar?"

Mad Hatter: "Sugar, two spoons, yes j--" *given two spoons* "Two spoons, thank you, yes."

And he force shoves the two spoons into the clock and the rabbit keeps trying to stop them.

Rabbit: "Be careful!"

March Hare: "Jam?" *puts jam jar into Rabbit's hands*

Mad Hatter: *takes jar of jam* "Jam, I forgot all about jam." *pours some in clock, spreads it with butter knife* "Just shows you what a person'll do."

Rabbit: "No, no! Not jam!"

March Hare: "Mustard?"

Mad Hatter: "Mustard, yeah, mu-- MUSTARD?! *tosses mustard away* Don't let's be silly. *takes lemon slice* Lemon, that's different." *spreads lemon juice onto clock*

And he closes the watch up and seals the deal.

Mad Hatter: "That should do it." *chuckles*

Yeah, that did it alright... now the clock starts malfunctioning and starts going whack all over the table, bouncing around and shooting drops of jam and butter and gears everywhere."

Mad Hatter: "Look at that!"

March Hare: "It's going mad!"

Alice: "Oh my goodness!"

Y/N: "No good!"

Rabbit: "Oh dear!"

March Hare: "It's going mad! Mad watch! Mad watch! MAD WATCH!"

And it was only getting worse. It was only a matter of time before who knows what and the March Hare acted quickly.

March Hare: *lifts mallet* "THERE'S ONLY ONE WAY TO STOP A MAD WATCH!"

He SLAMS the mallet down and destroys the watch completely.

Mad Hatter: *casually, pushes it away* "Two days slow, that's what it is."

Rabbit: *sheds watch* "Oh, my watch."

Mad Hatter: "It was?"

Rabbit: "And it was an Unbirthday present, too."

Y/N: "Poor guy."

March Hare: "Well, in that case!"

Hatter & Hare: "A very merry Unbirthday to.... YOU!"

And they chucked that rabbit outta the garden, but you raced off at high speed, grabbing his broken watch. Eventually, you caught up to the little guy and set him down.

Y/N: "I'm sorry they broke your watch."

Rabbit: "It was an Unbirthday present, too."

Y/N: "I know. But... I think I can fix it. And I mean really fix it."

Rabbit: "You... you can?"

Y/N: "Yeah. Watch this."

You set his broken watch down and then enveloped it in a bright blue light, levitating it off the ground. It spins around, then shines brightly, blinding the rabbit until the light fades and the watch is back to its original stare, perfectly assembled and running smoothly.

Y/N: "See? *gives to Rabbit* Good as new."

Rabbit: "Oh, thank you, young man." *takes watch* "I'll never forget your kindness!

Y/N: "Think nothing of it. And another thing." *snaps fingers*

Just then, the rabbit began to sparkle a bit.

Y/N: "I've given you a temporary speed spell. With this spell placed on you, you'll be able to get to where you need to go in just seconds."

Rabbit: "Really?"

Y/N: "Yup, now go on. You don't wanna be more late than before."

Rabbit: "I'll never forget your kindness. Goodbye!"

And he zooms off in the blink of an eye. You feel proud of yourself for helping him out, even if he is a little odd.

Y/N: "Well, better go check on Alice."

You head back to the cottage and find that Alice has left and is approaching you, looking mad.

Alice: "We're leaving, now."

Y/N: "Whoa, okay. But, what's eating you up?"

Alice: "I've just had enough of this nonsense. We're going home, straight home."

Y/N: "Alright, alright, relax."

Alice: "And that rabbit, who cares where he's going anyway. If it hadn't been for him, I..."

Y/N: "Hold it right there, missy."

Alice: "Don't "missy" me, mister! I happen to be 19 years old."

Y/N: "And yet you still blame the rabbit for "leading" you here?"

Alice: "Well... yes."

Y/N: "Alice... you need a reality check. You let your curiosity get the better of you, same with me. We decided to stick our noses in places where they shouldn't belong, we followed the white rabbit down the rabbit hole, we wanted to know where he was going. He didn't invite us, he never asked us to follow him."

Alice: *taken aback* "W-Well... I..."

Y/N: *sighs* "Look... we're both stressed from all the nonsense around here, so let's just try to calm down and try to get back home and put this whole mess behind us."

Alice: "Yes, I suppose you're right. Sorry if I upset you."

Y/N: "It's fine. Come on, let's keep going."

Both of you continued down the path until you came across a sign on a tree.

Both: *reading* "Tulgey Wood."

Alice: "Hmm... curious, I don't remember this."

Y/N: "Maybe it's the name of the forest."

While still walking, a pair of walking glasses with a long, pointy nose comes out, inspecting you and Alice.

Y/N: "I think we made a wrong turn."

Alice: "Well, let's just see and find out."

Then without her noticing, the little walking glasses perches on Alice and you look over and it was hard to contain your laughter.

Alice: *turns to you* "What? Why are you making that face?"

Y/N: *uttering* "Oh nothing... nothing."

She's not sure why you're acting weird, until she spots a bird with a mirror for a face pirched on a tree branch.

Alice: *startled* "Oh!"

Y/N: *guffaws* "I'm so sorry, I... I couldn't... I... *keeps laughing*

Alice: "Yes, alright, I get it, now please. No more nonsense."

She then placed the walking glasses with the long nose on the branch next to the mirror bird before taking you by the hand and dragging you off into the woods.

Alice: "Now, if we came this way... we should go back this way."

But as you both climb over the log, she accidentally steps on a duck of some sorts... in the shape of a squeeze horn. It let out a pained HONK, startling Alice, but you, you wound up laughing again, doppling over.

Alice: "Oh! I beg your pardon."

Soon, the mama horn duck and her ducklings went into the lake and swam off, but not before the pissed mama birdie honked angrily at Alice for stepping on her. 

Then, seconds after jumping into the water, the ripples awoke two frogs resting on lily pads. A green frog with a body of a drum and one with a head and body of a cymbals. The two musical amphibians croaked before hopping away on lily pads, clearing the way.

Y/N: *thinks* "Sheesh, I'd hate to see experts try to make heads or tails out of this place."

Alice: "Goodness. When I get home, I shall write a book about this place."

Y/N: "Depends on whether or not it would actually publish and become a hit."

So, after that nonsense, you and Alice keep going until you hear what sounds like quacking and screeching somewhere. So, curiously, Alice peeked to see what it was.

In a part of the woods, she spotted a little spring with these odd-looking birds with umbrella shaped bodies.

Alice: "Excuse me. Umm, could one of you--"

Y/N: "Uh... I don't think those are--"

The birds then flew out of the spring, screeching in a panic before perching onto a branch, glaring down at you two.

Y/N: "Yeah... we should go."

You hurrily guide Alice away from them and venture off deeper into the woods, probably getting more lost. While venturing deeper, you could hear distant squawking echoing.

Alice: "Oh dear. Its getting dreadfully dark. And nothing looks familiar."

Y/N: "Probably because we never came this way. Look over there."

You point to your left and Alice looks to find another bird-like creature, only this one has a shovel for a face. It's digging up patches of dirt and then scrounging for what might be food and then repeating the cycle over and over.

Y/N: "Yeah, I'm ready for us to get out of here."

But as you back up you bump into more bird-like creatures. This time, it's a bird... with a bird cage body and has two little birdies inside. As you bumped into it, the two little birds, as they say, fly the coop. The bird cage bird then runs after them and catches them in its beak and swallows them, putting them back in his bird cage safe and sound.

But wait, THERE'S MORE! An owl flies out of nowhere. And what's different about it? IT'S NECK IS LIKE AN ACCORDIAN! It hoots while its neck stretches in and out, playing wonky tunes.

Alice: "It would be so nice if something would make sense for a change!"

Y/N: *thinks* "Normally, I'd say "where's the fun in that?" But I've seen enough wacky nonsense for one day."

And further down the Tulgey Wood, we see MORE bird-like creatures. Two of them have hammers for heads, the other two have pencils for heads. And it seems like you two are just in time to see them putting up new signs. 

Alice: *sees them* "Oh!"

Y/N: "They'd give construction workers a run for their money."

Then the pencil birds start writing words on each board nailed on the trees while Alice read each of them.

Alice: *reads* "Don't... step... on... the mome raths. The mome raths?!"

And they pop up.

Y/N: "Hah! So, THIS is where Peanut got his "fishing lure" hair from." *laughs*

Alice: "Who's Peanut?"

Y/N: "Oh, no one you know. It's just an inside joke, don't worry about it."

And the little mome raths form a big arrow and walk towards where they're pointing, which gives Alice some hope.

Alice: *sees it, gasps* "Oh! A path!"

Y/N: "That could be our ticket outta here. Shall we?"

Alice: "Oh, thank goodness!" *leaves with you, excited* "Why, I just knew we'd find one sooner or later. Oh, if we hurry back, we might even... be home in time for tea! Oh, won't Dinah be happy to see me! Oh, I just can't wait 'till we- oh!"

Aaaand here comes another obstacle. And no, it's not a bird-like creature this time. It's actually a dog-like creature. Only this dog... has a broom for a face and a broom at the tip of its tail. AND IT'S SWEEPING THE PATH AWAY. But does it stop when it sees you in its way? No, it just goes around you two and continues to sweep the path away, now leaving you two completely lost... and crushing Alice's last hope.

Alice: "Oh dear. Now, I... Now I shall never get out."

Y/N: *sympathetic* "I'm sorry, Alice."

Alice: "Well, when one's lost I... I suppose it's good advice to stay where you are, until someone finds you."

She says this while you two go and take a seat on a rock in the middle of the woods.

Y/N: "True, but... I don't think anyone would even think to look for us in this labyrinth of an unusual world."

While you're both consoling with each other, many of the different animals in this world start to observe you two out of curiosity.

Alice: *sighs* "Good advice. *stammers* If I listened earlier, I wouldn't be here! But that's just the trouble with me. I give myself very good advice... but I very seldom follow it."

Y/N: "Alice... I'm to blame for being curious as much as you are. I make mistakes as well. More times than I can count, even. If it makes you feel any better, I'll take half the blame."

Alice: "Thanks, Y/N. Still, I'm 19 and I'm supposed to be more mature at this point, but... look at me, I still mess up so much."

[Start the video at 0:26, end it at 0:55]

Alice: *starting to tear up* "Well, I went along my merry way... and I never stopped to reason.

Somehow, the others animals around you could feel her sadness and were tearing up alongside with Alice.

Alice: *choking up* "I... should've known... there'd be a price to pay. Someday... Someday. I... give myself... very good advice. But I very seldom... follow it." 

At this point, she finally breaks down in tears. Being the gentleman you are, you hold her in your arms and hug her comfortingly. She leans into you and cries onto your shoulder. You don't care if she's wetting your shirt, not when she's feeling this vulnerable.

But while she's sobbing, the other animals break down in more tears, then slowly, one by one, they disappear.

Alice: *while sobbing* "Will I... ever learn. To do... the things... I should?"

Even as everything around you two fades from existance until there's only you two on a rock stump, you don't leave her side and keep comforting her, patting her on the head and gently rocking her from side to side.

Soon, there was only a single cresent moon up in the air. Or is it a moon?"

[A/N: "I've recovered just enough to publish a new chapter. I'm getting better after my dilemma yesterday. And things are getting much much better for me. So, you guys don't have to worry anymore. Anyways, I got more chapters in store, so... STAY TUNED!!!]

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