Alice in Wonderland - (Part 2)
After making it out of the forest, the two of you reached a clearing where you find a pink, two-story house.
Alice: "I wonder who lives here."
You and the curious blonde beauty approached the house, but stayed outside the fence until you both heard a familiar voice.
White Rabbit: "Mary Ann. Drat that girl. Where could she have put them?" *opens window doors from top floor* "Mary Ann!"
Alice: *delighted* "The rabbit."
White Rabbit: *calling out* "Mary Ann?" *shuts window doors* "No use, can't wait, I'm awfully late. Oh me, oh my. Oh me, oh my!"
Aaand the little furball comes running out the front door, not giving Alice a 2nd thought as she tries to talk to the rabbit.
Alice: "Excuse me, sir, but I've been trying to..."
White Rabbit: *comes back, sees Alice* "Why, Mary Ann! What are you doing out here?"
Y/N: *snickers* "Mary Ann?"
White Rabbit: *to Alice* "Don't just do something, stand there. No, no. Go! Go! Go get my gloves. I'm late! *while hopping around*
Alice: "But late for what? That's just what I..."
White Rabbit: "MY GLOVES!" *blows trumpet* "At once! Do you hear?"
So, Alice rushes inside the house.
Alice: "Goodness. I suppose I'll be taking orders from Dinah next." *goes up stairs, looks around bedroom* "Hmm. Now, let me see. If I were a rabbit, where would I keep my gloves?"
Suddenly, she finds a glass bowl filled with cookies that say either "eat me," "try me," or "take one" and so on, so forth.
Alice: "Oh. *takes one* "Thank you." *puts cap back on bowl* "Don't mind if I do." *bites into cookie*
But as she's continue her search, she failed to realize that by eating that one desert, her whole body starts growing.
Alice: *yelps* "Oh, no, no. What have I done?"
Outside, you're waiting from behind the fence, not wanting to get stuck inside that house when she takes up the entire place. Meanwhile the White Rabbit is tapping his foot impatiently, waiting for Alice to return, then looks at his pocket watch.
White Rabbit: *shrieks, runs into house* "Mary Ann!"
Alice could only sit there helplessly while her limbs grew and stretched out the windows. As for her right foot, well, the White Rabbit is in for a big surprise he gets to the top.
White Rabbit: *sternly, opens the door* "Now, you see here, Mary Ann." *sees her foot squeezing out* "HEEEEEEEEELP!!!"
He tries to run, but Alice kicks him down unintentionally. The rabbit blows his trumpet and hops down to open the front door in order to escape, but Alice's foot beat him to the punch... or should we say... kick, along with all his furniture. He fidgets around, trying to comprehend what just happened and then sees that Alice has overtaken his house and now it looks like he has his own monster house.
Rabbit: "NOOOOO! HELP! MONSTER!!! HELP, ASSISTANCE!!! *runs off, blowing his trumpet*
Y/N: *guffaws* "What the heck just happened back there?"
Alice: "I ate one of the cookies and it made me grow. Now I'm stuck and can't get out!"
Y/N: *snickers, then guffaws even more, wheezing* "You... You grew big because you... you ate a cookie?"
Alice: "Would you kindly stop laughing and help me out of this? Also, it was barely a nibble."
Y/N: *wipes away tears of laughter* "Oh? One tiny nibble and you grow this much? That fuzzy rabbit needs to give me the recipe so I can grow a few inches more." *chuckles*
Alice: *deadpanned* "Really?"
Y/N: "Aww, lighten up, Alice. It was all in good fun. By the way..." *walks up to her leg* " comes the TICKLE MONSTER!!!"
And you start tickling her leg, making her squirm and flail helplessly in the house, laughing and unable to stop you from the tickle torture.
Alice: *laughing* "St-Stop! HAHAHAA!!! I beg of you, please!"
Y/N: "Alrighty then... I suppose I've had my fun. You just... stay put and I'll try to get you outta this tight spot." *chuckles*
Alice: "Oh, good gracious, you and your jokes."
While she tries to scratch her head, her fingers just scratch the roof of the house which has a layer of straw. At the same time, the little fluffy hopper returns with help of his own.
Rabbit: "A monster! A monster, Dodo, in my house, Dodo!"
Alice: "Dodo?"
And here comes the White Rabbit, all panicked and fidgety. Next to him, the one he calls Dodo, cool as a cucumber.
Rabbit: "My poor house."
Dodo: "Steady, old chap. Can't be as bad as all that."
Rabbit: "My poor roof and rafters. All my walls. *hops and points* THERE IT IS!"
Dodo: *looks, turns astonished* "By jove. *smiles* Jolly well is, isn't it?"
Alice peeks out through the top window doors to see what's going on.
Rabbit: "Well, do something Dodo!"
The scared little fluff ball pushes him from behind before cowering behind the stone fence. Dodo, who's not afraid at all, inspects Alice, thinking she's a monster.
Dodo: "Yes, indeed. Extraordinary situation, but... *taps Alice's foot with cane*
Rabbit: *stammering* "B-But what?"
Dodo: *hoots into hankerchief* "But I have a very simple solution."
Alice: "Thank goodness."
Rabbit: "Well, what is it?"
Dodo: *hoots in hankerchief again* "Simply pull it out the chimney."
Meanwhile, you're hiding on the side of the house, trying not to laugh, but Dodo's hooting just caught you off-guard and you laughed silently to yourself, curled up into a ball.
Y/N: *thinks while laughing quietly* "Who does this overstuffed turkey think he's fooling? Pull a whole freaking girl out of the chimney? And that HOOT he does, blowing his nose, HAH!!! This is way too much."
Rabbit: *runs up and pushes Dodo* "Yes! Well go-go on! Go ahead. Pull it out!"
Dodo: "Who, me? Don't be ridiculous."
Y/N: *thinks* "Psh, yeah right, no amount of butter or lotion, or even both could get that plump, extinct turkey down that chimney."
Dodo: "What we need is a..." *strokes chin*
All of a sudden he hears whistling and as if luck was on their side, here comes...
Dodo: "...A lizard with a ladder!"
Rabbit: "Hmm?" *sees the lizard* "Oh! Bill! Bill! We need a lazard with a lidder-- A lidder--- a... can you help us?"
Bill: *salutes* "At your service, guv'nor."
Dodo: "Bill, my lad, have you ever been down a chimney?
Bill: "Why, guv'nor, I been down more chimneys..."
Dodo: *escorts him to house* "Excellent, excellent. You just pop down the chimney and pull that monster out of there."
Alice looks over to the White Rabbit's chimney and she doesn't need a big brain to know there's no way they'll pull her out through there.
Bill: "Right-o guv'nor." *sees Alice through window, scared* "MONSTER?!" *screams, runs down*
Y/N: *laughs some more* "Lizard? More like a chicken with scales!"
Bill tries to run for the hills with the White Rabbit tugging on his tail, trying to get him to stay. But then Dodo shows up and redirects Bill back up the ladder. When the skinny reptile notices where he was going, he tries to run back down, but Dodo catches him and then climbs up the ladder with him.
Dodo: "Come now. There's better m'lad. You're passing up a golden opportunity."
Bill: "I am?"
Dodo: "You can be famous!"
Bill: "I can?"
Dodo: "Of course. There's a brave lad. In you go, now. Nothing to it, old boy. Simply tie your tail around the monster's neck and drag it out."
Bill: "B-But, but guv'nor--"
Dodo: *shakes his hand* "Good luck, Bill."
And the plump bird shoves the little lizard down the chimney... along with some soot, which fills the room Alice is in. Suddenly, she feels it filling her nose and she tries to suppress it, but there's too much soot in the room and with how she's moving so much, she makes the ladder fall back. The White Rabbit takes cover at the sole of Alice's foot.
It's not long before Alice sneezes out all the soot, along with poor Bill out of the chimney, blasting him off. You, the White Rabbit and Dodo watch as Bill keeps going higher and higher until he's nowhere in sight.
Dodo: "Well... there goes Bill."
Alice: *sympathetic* "Poor Bill."
Dodo: "Perhaps we should try a more... *lights match* energetic remedy."
Rabbit: "Yes, anything, ANYTHING, but hurry!" *points to his pocket watch*
Dodo: "I propose that we, uh..."
Rabbit: "Yes, go on. Yes? Yes?"
Y/N: "Well... while they're pondering what to do, I'll fix up this mess myself."
You then head over to the carrot patch, which sadly, you're spotted by the White Rabbit just as you pull out a carrot.
Rabbit: "HEY!!!"
Y/N: *ignoring the rabbit* "Hey, Alice, try eating this, it might help you shrink back down to your regular size!"
Alice: "Are you sure?"
Y/N: "It's worth a shot."
Rabbit: "Put that down!" *jumps onto you*
Just then, Alice reaches out and grabs you with her huge hand and pulls you towards the top front window.
Alice: "I'm sorry, but I must eat something."
Rabbit: "Not me, you... you, you, you, you... barbarian!"
But it's too late, she, along with you, chomp down on the carrot.
Rabbit: *sees his hand missing* "HAAAAAAAAALP!!!" *his hand pops out from his sleeve* "MONSTER! HELP!!!"
Right then and there, you and Alice begun to shrink while the rabbit ran out of his house again, and now you two were the size of a person's pinky finger. As soon as the White Rabbit made it out, he checked his pocket watch and...
Rabbit: *yelps* "I'm late! Oh, dear. I'm ere. I should be there. I'm late!
And here we go again, he runs off while you run with tiny Alice out of the house, holding her by the hand.
Dodo: *to the rabbit* "I say, do you have a match?"
Rabbit: *runs back, shakes Dodo's hand* "Must go. Goodbye, hello. I'm late, I'm late, I'm late!"
Y/N: "I'm guessing we should follow him?"
Alice: "Please?"
Y/N: "Oh alright."
Dodo: "Young man, do you have a match."
Y/N: "Sorry, I'm fresh out." *runs off with Alice*
Alice: *calls out* "Mr. Rabbit!"
Dodo: "No cooperation, no cooperation at all. Well, can't have monsters about. Jolly well have to carry on alone."
So, while he tries to "smoke the monster out," you two continue your pursuit to catch the rabbit. But with you two too small and the rabbit being normal sized and fast, it's impossible to catch up to the furball.
Alice: "Wait! Please. Just a minute."
Y/N: "Forget it, Alice. We ain't chasing him at this size."
Alice: "That reminds me, why did you shrink?"
Y/N: "I got a little hungry."
Alice: *deadpanned* "Really now?"
Y/N: "What? I hardly ate anything since we got here."
While this minor argument is happening, a group of these odd butterflies fly over your heads and rest on a leaf, forming what looks like a loaf of bread and butter.
Y/N: "Hey, is it me or are those curious-looking butterflies?"
???: "You mean Bread and Butterflies."
Alice: "Yes, of course, but..."
She gets curious and looks around to see who it was that responded to her while you stand around, knowing who it was.
Alice: "Now, who do you suppose...?"
Next thing you knew, you and Alice get approached by a little fly-like creature... in the shape of a rocking horse. Complete with adorable neighing sounds.
Alice: "Horsefly. Uh, I mean "Rocking Horsefly."
???: "Naturally."
Alice: "Begging your pardon, but... did you...?"
Y/N: "Something tells me she did. It seems we're in the presence of talking flowers."
Rose: "But of course we can talk, my dears."
Iris: "If there's anyone worth talking to."
Daisy: "Or about." *giggles*
Pansies: *in unison* "And we sing, too."
Y/N: "Do you, now?"
Tulip: "Oh yes. Would you like to hear "Tell It to the Tulips?"
Larkspurs: "No, let's sing about us."
Violet: "We know one about the shy little violets."
Lily 1: "Oh no, not that old thing."
Lily 2: "Let's do "Lovely Lily of the Valley."
Daisies: "How about the daisies of the..."
Lilac: *cuts in* "Oh they wouldn't like that."
Rose: *taps stick repeatedly* "Girls. We shall sing... Golden Afternoon. That's about all of us."
Well, since you're both here, might as well enjoy the show together and sure enough, a soft melody begins.
Rose: "Sound your "A", Lily."
[start at either 1:06 or 1:07, that's where the song begins.]
After that smashing performance, you and Alice gave the ladies a round of applause.
Alice: "Oh, that was lovely."
Y/N: "It was pretty good, well done."
Rose: "Thank you, dears."
Daisy: "What kind of gardens do you come from?"
Y/N: "We're not really from any gardens."
Daisy: *gasp* "Do you suppose they're wildflowers.
Alice: "No, we're not wild flowers."
Rose: "Just was specie, or, shall we say, genus, are you, my dears?"
Y/N: "You could say I'm a rare genus, known as a... Sylvantrian Y/N."
Alice: "Well, I suppose you'd call me a... genus... humanus... Alice."
Daisy: "Ever see an Alice or a Y/N with a blossom like that?"
Iris: "Come to think of it, did you ever see an Alice or a Y/N?"
Daisy: "Oh yes... and did you notice their petals? What peculiar colors."
Iris: *sniffs* "And no fragrence."
Daisy: *peeks under Alice's skirt, laughs* "Just look at those stems."
Y/N: *stops her* "P-Please, no peeking."
Alice: *stands there, blushing*
Iris: "Rather scrawny, I'd say."
Rose Bud: "I think she's pretty."
Rose: *covers mouth* "Quiet, Bud."
Y/N: "Okay, we're not even plants."
Iris: "A-ha! Just as I suspected." *whispers to Rose* "They're nothing but common mobile vulgarises."
Flowers: *shocked* "OH NO!"
Alice: "A common what?"
Y/N: "She basically called us weeds."
Alice: *offended* "We're not weeds."
Tulip: "Well, you wouldn't expect them to admit it."
Lilac: "Can you imagine?"
Daisy: "Well goodness!"
Lily: "Don't let them stay here and go to seed."
Flower: "Go on now!" *shoves you both*
Because of their pushiness, you both wind up falling into the pansies bed.
Rose: "Please go."
Pansies: "We don't want weeds in our bed."
Flower: "Move along."
The more the shove and ridiculed you both, the more you felt your anger rising up, but to avoid turning into your anti form... AGAIN... you turned around and bit back with firepower.
Y/N: "Oh yeah, can weeds do THIS?!"
Putting on your gloves, you let out a battle cry and surrounded yourself in a field of fire magic, making the flowers back off, even making them scream at the sight of your flames.
Y/N: "Let's go, Alice!"
She yelps as you carry her bridal style and fly off, leaving a trail of embers until you were far enough away from those obnoxious, discriminate weed wackers.
Y/N: "Peh, this just goes to show that even a rose has its thorns, though they seem more like cacti than anything else."
Alice: "Seems to me they could learn a few things about manners."
Y/N: "How true."
Alice: "Regardless... thank you for standing up for me." *blushes slightly*
Y/N: "My pleasure." *sets her down gently*
She then surprises you with a peck on the cheek, catching you off guard and she just giggles about it.
But now, there's another journey ahead of you two... or in this case... above you two. Clear as day, you both spotted letters made out of smoke and follow it to the source.
[stop at 0:40, also picture yourself with Alice in this clip]
As the multi-legged bug was about to take another big drag, he turns to see your faces.
Caterpillar: "Who... Are... You?"
Alice: Well, I... I hardly know, sir. We changed so many times since this morning, you see--"
Caterpillar: "I do not... see." *puffs out C* "Explain yourself."
Alice: "Well, I'm afraid I can't explain ourselves, sir. *while smoke C is rolling around her wrist* Because we're not ourselves, you know."
Caterpillar: "I do not... *puffs out a knot* know."
Y/N: *to Alice* "It's not difficult to tell him our names. Watch." *to Caterpillar* "Here, let me make it clear to you."
Caterpillar: "You?" *puffs out U* "Who are *puffs out R* you?" *puffs out U*
Y/N: *dodges U, swats away R* "I'll tell you if you tell us--" *gets hit by smokey U, coughs* "WHO *puffs out small O* you are, too."
Caterpillar: "Why?" *puffs out Y*
Y/N: "It's common sense. Does that seem confusing to you?"
Caterpillar: "It is not." *puffs out ribbon knot*
Alice: "Well, it is to me."
Caterpillar: "Why?" *puffs out cursive Y*
Alice: "Well, I can't remember things as I used to. And--"
Caterpillar: "Recite." *puffs out random symbol*
Alice: "Hmm? Oh, Oh! Oh, yes sir, erm... How doth the little busy bee improve each..."
Caterpillar: "Stop! That is not spoken correcitall. It goes:... How-- *puffs out tiny o*
He pauses when he notices how weak that was. He checks his long smoke pipe, shakes it a little, then looks down and sees his mid-section hands were clogging up the pipe, so he smacks them to let go. Alice giggles at how silly it was, but ol' smokey bugg-o was NOT laughing.
Caterpillar: *pulls out smokey croc* "How doth the little crocodile improve his shining tail and pour the waters of the Nile on every golden scale. How cheer-- *shakes a bit* How cheer--
And he shakes again due to one of his sets of legs flailing and dangling from his resting leaf. He frustratingly grabs them and sets them on his resting spot, clearing his throat. Alice is laughing it off again and you're trying not to burst out laughing yourself. She stops once the long buggo looks at her.
Caterpillar: *puffs out smokey grinning croc head* "How cheerfully he seems to grin, how neatly spreads his claws. *puffs out smokey claw, followed by little fishies* And welcomes little fishies in with gently smiling jaws."
Y/N: "Interesting way of reciting it."
Caterpillar: "I know. I have improooved it." *puffs out two smokey rings*
Alice: "Well" *coughs from smoke rings* "If you ask me--"
Caterpillar: "You? Heh! WHO... ARE... YOU?"
And he puffs out more smokey letters in your faces, making you swat them away while covering your mouth and Alice just coughs some more before sneezing and falling backwards into you.
Y/N: "Now, that was just rude. Clearly, you sir, aren't in any mood to help us, so... good day. Shall me, m'lady?"
Alice: "With pleasure." *harumphs*
So, you and Alice join hands and turn the other way, leaving this high caterpillar to ruin his lungs in peace.
Caterpillar: *calls out in realization* "You there, children, wait! Come back!"
Both of you turn back and peek through the tall blades of grass.
Caterpillar: "I have something important to say!"
Alice: "Oh dear. I wonder what he wants now."
Y/N: "Probably an extra smoke pipe or something, I dunno."
After making it back, you stop in front of the caterpillar, who's just chilling out puffing out smoke rings as usual.
Alice: "Well?"
Caterpillar: "...Keep your temper."
Y/N: "That's all?"
Caterpillar: "No. Exactically, what is your problem?"
Y/N: "Here's the issue here. What we're trying to do is get back to our original sizes."
Caterpillar: "Why?" *puffs out question mark*
Alice: "Well, after all, 3 inches is such a wretched height."
Y/N: *thinks* "Oh shit!"
Caterpillar: *triggered, turns red* "I am exactically 3 inches high! And it is a very good height, INDEED!"
And the big buggo gets so mad he overdoes it with the smoke, enveloping himself in it while smoking some more.
Alice: "Well we're not used to it *climbs into mushroom* and you needn't... SHOUT!"
Her little shout had cleared away the smoke, revealing only his skin, meaning he's molted. Alice, concerned for the bug, picked up one of his old shoes.
Alice: "Oh dear."
Y/N: "Perhaps next time, don't mention a certain height in such a manner or you might risk offending others."
Caterpillar: "By the way, I have a few more helpful hints."
Hearing his voice startled Alice, but you look up and point to where he is and it seems he's morphed into a butterfly.
Butterfly: "One side will make you grow taller..."
Alice: "One side of what?"
Butterfly: *as he flies off* "And the other side will make you grow shorter."
Alice: *louder* "The other side of what?"
Butterfly: *flies back, turns red with anger* "THE MUSHROOM, OF COURSE!!!" *flies off angrily*
Y/N: "To be fair, he should've mentioned the mushroom BEFORE mentioning how it works."
Alice: "How true."
After that little fiasco, both you and Alice each grab one side of the mushroom she's sitting on.
Y/N: "Now let's see... which side will make us grow?"
Alice: "Considering after all that's happened, I-- I wonder if I... I don't care." *noms on mushroom on her right hand*
You eat our own piece and wait for the inevitable.
Alice: "I'm tired of being only 3 inches high."
Y/N: *under your breath* "3...2...1."
Suddenly, both of you start growing rapidly, reaching heights as tall as the trees around you and find that Alice has a little bird nest on her head, along with a mother bird.
Bird: *yelps seeing you two* "Two serpents?! HELP!!! HELP!!! SERPENTS! SERPENTS!!!"
Alice: "Oh, but please, please!"
Y/N: "Calm down, will you?"
Bird: "Off with you! Shoo, shoo, go away! Serpent! SERPEEEEEEEEENT!!!"
Y/N: "We're not serpents, madam!"
Bird: "Indeed?" *lands on your noise* "And just what are you?"
Y/N: "We're humans, both a boy and a girl."
Bird: "Human? At your size?" *laughs*
Y/N: *ticked mark appears on forehead* "You know I can squash you, right?"
Alice: "No, no! Please! Don't do that!"
Bird: "And I suppose you two don't eat eggs either!"
Alice: "Yes, I do but--"
Bird: "I knew! I knew it! Serpents! SERPEEEEEEEEEEENTS!!!"
Y/N: *triggered* "QUIET DOWN YOU SQUAWKER!!!"
Alice: *holds your shoulders* "Take deep breaths now." *takes out other mushroom piece* "Hmm... and the other side will..."
Bird: *gathers her eggs* "The very idea. Spend all my time laying eggs for serpents like them!"
While she's pulling a karen (ugh, so cringy) and being annoying, you and Alice bite into your other mushroom pieces and... SHINK DOWN RAPIDLY.
The stupid bird screams as she, her nest and her eggs fall back into their nesting spot while you and Alice shink back down to small size. The bird reacts quickly to catch each of her eggs... and catches them all successfully.
Alice: "Goodness. I wonder if we'll ever get the knack of it."
Y/N: "We will. Perhaps instead of a bite, we try... a lick?"
Alice: "Well, it's worth a shot."
Grabbing both of your 1st pieces, you gave them a slight taste and grow back to your normal heights just as you expected.
Alice: "There. That's much better."
Y/N: "We should save these pieces of mushroom just in case."
After dealing with that tiny little adventure the two of you continue on in this mystical wonderland, all while Alice was beginning to enjoy your company. While walking down the path, she can't help but glance up at you, admiring how handsome you are.
Alice: *blushes, thinks* "He may be rough around the edges, but my goodness, he is certainly smashing... and he's good company."
[A/N: And here's the chapter you've all been waiting for! Your patience has been rewarded and will continue to be awarded with more chapters to come. We're far from done with this story and many others, so... STAY TUNED!!!]
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