Alice in Wonderland - (Part 1)
Walking out from the portal, you find yourself in the beautiful spring meadow in beautiful London, England. You inhale a deep breath of the fresh air and exhale.
Y/N: "Another world... another adventure awaits."
Yen Sid: *telepathically* "Oh, before I forget, you'll need this."
Suddenly, a book appears in your hand. You inspect the title that says "William The Conqueror."
Y/N: "What am I supposed to do with a history book?"
Yen Sid: *telepathically* "Read, obviously. You're never too old for a history lesson, so get to it, my pupil."
Y/N: "Uh... I suppose."
Shrugging it off, you find a nice, quiet place to catch up on some reading, then notice two beautiful ladies coming this way. One of themwore a violet victorian dress, holding a book and the other was a beautiful young lady with a blue and white dress. She had long, blonde hair and crystal blue eyes and held a cat in her arms.
The woman in the purple dress took notice of you while the other was busy petting her cat.
???: "Oh! I don't believe we've met before, have we?"
Y/N: "Can't say we have. But allow me to introduce myself. My name is Y/N, *slightly bows* it's a pleasure to make your accquaintance."
Mathilda: "You can call me Mathilda. Always a pleasure." *curtsey*
Alice: "And my name is Alice." *curtsey* "It's a pleasure to meet you and this is my pet cat. Her name is Dinah.
Dinah: *Meow*
Y/N: "Lovely to meet you as well and you too, Dinah. Mind if I give her a little pet?"
Alice: "I don't mind at all."
She presents her precious feline to you and you give her a nice pet and a scratch behind the ears, making her purr happily.
Mathilda: "So, Y/N, was it? What brings you out here?"
Y/N: "Oh, just needed some fresh air and... *holds up book* ...catch up on some reading."
Mathilda: "Oh, a fellow scholar, I see. How wonderful. Perhaps you'd like to join us? I'm helping my dear sister, Alice, prepare for her history lesson and I'm afraid she's lacking the... motivation."
Y/N: "It would be my pleasure."
Alice: "Follow us. We know a good spot."
You happily joined the two sisters and follow them to a nice, shady tree out in the middle of a meadow, close to a little pond. There, you spent the next couple of hours reading up on a long history lesson about William the Conqueror and boy... was it time-consuming. It had been far too long since you held a book.
And it looked like Alice was starting to get bored of the subject and focused more on her creative nature instead.
Mathilda: *reading her book* "...wanted leaders and had been of late much accustomed to userpation and conquest. Edwin and Morcar, the Earls of Mercia and Northumbria declared for him, and even Stigand..."
She pauses for a moment when Alice's leg dangled in front of her while the daydreaming girl sits up on a tree branch, putting together a cute crown made up of flowers.
Mathilda: *pushes leg aside* "Alice."
Alice: "Hmm?"
Y/N: "You might want to pay attention, Alice."
Alice: *sighs* "I'm listening."
And her mind is still focused on her flower crown.
Mathilda: "Y/N, if you don't mind..."
Y/N: "But of course." *reads from book* "And even Stigand, the Archbishop of Cantebury, agreed to meet with William and offer him the crown..."
While reading, Alice finished her own crown and placed it upon her little kitty, Dinah. But it winds up getting into her eyes and Alice giggles at how it doesn't fit her. Then the kitten flails around, getting it off successfully, but it falls atop Alice's sister.
Y/N: "William's conduct at first was..."
Mathilda: "Alice... *takes off flower crown, calmly* "Will you kindly pay attention to your history lesson?"
Alice: "I'm sorry, but how can one possibly pay attention to a book with no pictures in it?"
Mathilda: "My dear child, there are a great many good books in this world without pictures."
Alice: "In this world, perhaps. But in my world, the books would be nothing but pictures?"
Y/N: "Not even character dialogue?"
Mathilda: "Your world?" *chuckles* "What nonsense. Now, once more, from the beginning."
Alice: "Nonsense? That's it, Dinah."
Y/N: "What's it?" *climbs tree*
Alice: "If I had a world of my own, everything would be nonsense. Nothing would be what it is because everything would be what it isn't. And contrariwise, what it is, it wouldn't be. And what it wouldn't be, it would. You see?" *sets Dinah down on branch*
Dinah: *shakes head "no"* "Meow."
Y/N: "I think you'll need to explain it to her in simpler terms."
Alice: "In my world, you wouldn't say "meow," you would say *curtsey* "Yes, miss Alice."
Dinah: "Meow."
Y/N: "I doubt she'd be capable of speaking human language." *thinks* "Unless she's lucky enough like the dogs and cats that speak on Youtube back in my old world."
Alice: *carries Dinah off branch* "Oh, but she would. She would be just like people. And all the other animals, too. Why in my world...
[Start at 0:14, picture yourself by Alice, listening to her singing while you relax.]
Right on cue, you and Dinah spot the White Rabbit walking by, whistling to himself.
Dinah walked over to her owner and rubbed her paws on her arm to get her see him.
Alice: "Oh, Dinah, it's just a rabbit with a waist coat... *realizes, mouth gaping open* ...and a watch!"
White Rabbit: *sees time, in horror* "Oh, my fur and whiskers! *rushes off* I'm late! I'm late! I'm late!"
Y/N: "Oop, there he goes."
Alice: "But what could a rabbit possibly be late for?"
Y/N: "Why don't ask him?"
You and Alice then go after the scampering little furball.
Alice: "Please! Sir!"
White Rabbit: "I'm late! I'm late! For a very important date! No time to say "hello." Goodbye! I'm late, I'm late, I'm late!"
Y/N: *thinks, sarcastically* "Gee I wonder if he's running late."
Alice: "It must be awfully important. Like a party, or something."
Y/N: "Or possibly a meeting of some sort."
Alice: *calls out* "Mr. Rabbit, wait!"
White Rabbit: "No, no, no, no, no, no, no, I'm overdue! I'm really in a stew! No time to say goodbye, hello, I'm late, I'm late, I'm late!"
And the little guy jumps into a little rabbit hole where you and Alice stop to inspect.
Y/N: "Hmm... not sure if I can fit through there, it could be a real... tight squeeze." *thinks* "I can practically hear someone yelling "DUDE, PHRASING!!!"
Alice: "My. What a peculiar place to have a party."
Dinah: "Meow."
Alice: "You know, Dinah, we really shouldn't... *squeeze into rabbit hole* doing this!"
Y/N: "That makes... *grunts, squeezing inside, following close behind* ...two of us!"
Alice: "After all, we haven't been invited. And curiosity often leads to... *falls down slope and down a deep hole, shrieking*
Y/N: "ALICE!!! HOLD ON, I'M COMI--IIIIIING!!!" *falls down deep hole with her*
Dinah follows you both, but stops herself and looks down from the edge of the little cliff.
Alice: *waves* "Goodbye, Dinah! Goodbyyyyyyye!!!"
Dinah just looks down in shock, waving goodbye to her owner and you as you both continue to fall down deeper and deeper the depths of the rabbit hole until Alice's dress slows down her fall and you use your magic to slow your fall enough to go at her pace.
Alice: "Well, after this, I shall think nothing of fa-- *dress covers her mouth, she moves it aside* of falling down the stairs."
Y/N: "Is it just me or is it getting... darker down here?"
And it was getting darker the further you two fell. Luckily, Alice found a fire lamp and lit it up. Now, with light illuminating everything around you both, you could see many different furnitures and frames you would find in your every day living room, either bolted to the walls or floating in mid-air.
Further down, you see a mirror, but it shows you and Alice falling upside-down rather than rightside up. Complete and utter nonsense... exactly like how Alice pictured.
Alice then finds a book on a floating table and reads it to keep herself occupied while your attention is locked on a floating grandfather clock, ticking away.
Then, the curious blonde beauty exclaims slightly when she lands on a floating rocking chair. You look to her, noticing she's let go of the book and then she kicks back, relaxing.
Y/N: "Don't lean back too far or it'll--"
Too late, it rocks forward and she falls off. She's lucky her dress slows her fall just in time.
Alice: "Goodness. What if I should fall right through the center of the-- eeeAARRRRRTH?!?!?!"
She screams this when she tries to push her dress down, but it winds up quickening her fall, so she lets go and slows down... but she winds up tipping over and now she's falling fast head first, which gets you worried so, you fly down quick enough to reach the bottom.
Alice: "And come out the other side where people walk upside down? Oh, but that's silly. Nobody..."
Y/N: *catches her bridal style* "Gotcha!"
Alice: "Oh! *blushes* Why, t-t-thank you, Mr. Y/N."
Y/N: "Please, no need for the fomalities. Just call me Y/N."
She giggles a bit before her eyes dart over to where she sees a familiar fluff ball with an oversized pocket watch.
You set her down and you both continue your pursuit of the fancy rabbit in a monkey suit.
Alice: "Oh, Mr. Rabbit. Wait. Please..."
During the chase, you turn a corner to try and find him, but then hear what sounds like a door closing and you find one. Alice goes first to open it, but finds a 2nd door, she opens that, finding a 3rd door, then a 4th and a 5th one before crawling under that tiny doorway.
You crawl through the little doorway by using your magic to shrink your body a bit so you wouldn't get stuck, then grow back to your normal size and look around the place.
Alice: "Curiouser and curiouser."
Y/N: "Indeed. An entire room with no furnituring, just a few colorful walls and ceiling and..." *sees curtains on other end of room* "And I believe I've found where our little fluffy friend as run off to. Shall we?"
You and the lady then go and move the curtains aside to find a little door with a golden doorknob on it. She grabs the knob and gives it a turn, but then...
Doorknob: "Ow!"
Alice: *shrieks* "Oh, I beg your pardon."
Doorknob: *adjusts knob* "Quite alright. But you did give me quite a turn."
Alice: "You see, I was following..."
Doorknob: *realizes* "Rather good, what? Doorknob, turn."
Y/N: *chuckles* "Yes, very good."
Doorknob: "One good turn deserves another. What can I do for you?"
Alice: "Well, we're looking for a White Rabbit. So, umm... if you don't mind..."
Doorknob: "Eh? Oh."
He opens up his mouth, showing the White Rabbit on the other side of his keyhole mouth.
Y/N: "Yup, that's him alright."
Alice: *delighted* "There he is! I simply must get through--"
She reaches to try and open him up, but--
Doorknob: *avoids her hand* "Sorry, you're much too big. Simply impassable."
Alice: "You mean impossible."
Y/N: "Oh, nothing's impossible in this place, my dear." *thinks, slightly blushing* "Wow... did I really just say that out loud?"
Doorknob: "Why don't you try the bottle on the table?"
Alice: "Table?"
And a table comes out of nowhere with a bottle on it.
Y/N: "How convenient."
Doorknob: "Read the directions and directly you'll be directed in the right direction."
Alice grabs the bottle and checks the tag on it.
Alice: *reads* "Drinke Me." Hmm better look first. For if one drinks much from a bottle marked "poison," it's almost certain to disagree with one sooner or later."
Doorknob: *confused* "Beg your pardon?"
Y/N: "She was probably giving herself some advice."
Alice confirms with a nod before drinking from the empty bottle.
Alice: "Hmm... tastes like, uh... cherry tart." *shrinks a bit, sips some more* "Custard." *shrinks more* "Pineapple." *shrinks more* "Roast turkey-- GOODNESS!" *loses balances, falls* "What did I do?"
Doorknob: *laughs* "You almost went out like a candle."
Alice: "But look! I'm just the right size."
She reaches out to open him again, but he stops her.
Doorknob: *realizing* "Oh, no use." *laughs* "I forgot to tell you." *still laughing* "I'm locked!"
Alice: "Oh no."
Y/N: "Well, there's a surprise."
Doorknob: "But, of course, uh... you've got the key so--"
Alice: "What key?"
Doorknob: "Now, don't tell me you've left it up there."
He gestures to the table and suddenly it NOW appears.
Y/N: "Luckily I can get it." *gets key* "Now, open up and say "Ah!"
Taking the key in your hand, you put it in the lock and turn it, unlocking the door and next thing you do is grab the bottle and sip out of it and shrink down to Alice's size.
Y/N: "I believe that solves our problems."
Alice: "Oh, thank you, Y/N."
Y/N: "Anytime. Well, we must be off. Toodle-pip."
Doorknob: "Safe travels, you two."
You and Alice then through the doorway and he closes up once more.
Y/N: "Well, no point in going back the way we came. Hopefully we haven't lost too much traction between us and the White Rabbit."
Alice: "I do hope you're right."
[A/N: Since they managed to get past the door without complications, Alice's tears didn't bring out a flood, so the land is all dry and easy for them to walk along. But they will eventually meet the Dodo during their travels.]
Y/N: "Come on, we've got plenty of ground to cover."
She agrees and the two of you join hand in hand and walk down the path to find the fancy little furball with a watch. During your journey, Alice couldn't help but become curious of you.
Alice: "Y/N, if you don't mind, where exactly are you from?"
Y/N: "Well, let's just say I'm from very far away."
Alice: "Do you mean you live overseas?"
Y/N: "Yeah, you could say that. I tend to travel a lot and make lots of new friends along the way. Naturally, I decided to make London, England my next place to visit."
Alice: "Oh, I see. How are you liking London so far?"
Y/N: "If the people of London are as wonderful and friendly as you are, Alice, I'd say London is a very beautiful country."
Alice: "Thank you. Where are your parents?"
Y/N: "They're back home, watching over my little brother and sister."
Alice: "Oh, you have siblings? That's wonderful! What are their names?"
Y/N: "Aisha and Abbas."
Alice: "Oh, I see. Perhaps maybe one day I could meet them and your mother and father."
Y/N: "I'd be glad to. Perhaps, you could even--" *sees the White Rabbit* "Oh, there he is!"
Alice looks to where you're looking at and the two of you give chase to the fast little hare. Despite the rabbit's stubby, husky little body, he still managed to run away and lose you both by navigating through the forest.
Alice: *calling out* "Mr. Rabbit! Oh, Mr. Rabbit! *disappointed* "Oh, dear, I'm sure he came this way... *turns to you* do you suppose he could be hiding?"
Y/N: "Only one way to find out."
Little does Alice know, you and her are being watched by two funny-looking round men.
While Alice is looking around, the two round honking squeakers move around all silly with their fancy footwork. Alice is so oblivious to them, but you... you're just standing there, watching them dance around, getting closer to you and Alice and... well, your reaction says it all.
Alice: "I wonder." *crawls through log*
And the two hippity-hopping palookas dance over to the other side of the log and wait for alice to notice her. Speaking of which, she crawls out of the log, still oblivious to them, until...
Alice: "No, I suppose he must've-- *turns around, sees the 2 men, gasps* Why, what peculiar little figures." *inspects them* "Tweedle Dee... and Tweedle Dum." *pokes Dum*
Tweedle Dum: *honk* "If you think we're waxworks, you ought to pay, you know." *nudges Dee*
Tweedle Dee: *squeaks* "Don't try to wack us, if you think we're alive, you ought to speak to us."
*honk* *squeak*
You couldn't stop yourself from laughing so hard from their silly dancing, bumping into each other and honking, it was just too much for you to keep your composure.
Both: "That's logic."
Alice: "Well... It's been nice meeting you. Goodbye."
She turns to walk away, but the quickly move and block your way, making the same silly honking sound.
Tweedle Dee: "You're beginning backwards." *switches, honking*
Tweedle Dum: "Aye, the first thing in a visiting is to say..."
Both: *singing* "How do ya do and shake hands, shake hands, shake hands, how do ya do and shake hands, state your name and business."
They start by shaking their own hands, then move to shake yours and Alice's hand, but she wound up dropping to the ground while you stood firmly on your feet.
Both: "That's manners."
Y/N: *recomposes yourself* "In that case... I'm Y/N."
Alice: "And my name is Alice *stands up* and we're following the White Rabbit so--"
Once again, the honk twins block the way.
Tweedle Dum: "Ya can't go yet."
Tweedle Dee: "No, the visit has just started."
Despite trying to move forward, they still backed up with their tippy-tappy fancy footwork.
Y/N: "If we weren't on a time crunch, we'd stay longer."
Both: *appearing from different trees* "Would you like to play hide and seek?" *hides, comes out of nowhere* "Or Button? Button? Who's got the button?"
Alice: "No, thank you."
Both: "If you stay long enough, we might have a battle."
But then they start punching each other and jumping around, honking and squeaking again and all you can do is laugh some more.
Y/N: *thinks while laughing aloud* "It's like watching a fight betwen two honking and squeaking bean bag chairs!" *recomposes* "As funny and entertaining as it is to see you guys honking away, I'm afraid we've got to keep going."
And there they go again, blocking your path.
Both: "Why?"
Alice: "Because we're following the White Rabbit."
You turn another direction and they block your way again with a squeak and a honk.
Y/N: "We're curious to find out where he's going."
Now, as you turn another direction, they finally stop.
Tweedle Dum: "Oh they're curious"
Both: "tsk tsk tsk tsk."
Tweedle Dum: *loudly whispers* "The oysters were curious too, weren't they?"
Tweedle Dee: "Aye... and you remember what happened to them."
Both: *somberly, taking their hats off* "Poor things." *sighs sadly*
Aaaand they piqued Alice's curiosity, but you... you already know the story like the back of your hand already.
Alice: "Why? What did happened to the oysters?"
Both: "Oh, you wouldn't be interested." *walks off*
Alice: "But, I am."
Both: "Oh no, you're in much too much in a hurry."
Alice: "Well, perhaps I could spare a little time."
Y/N: *thinks* "Aaaand they got her."
Both: "You could? WELL!!!" *sits her down on a log*
Tweedle Dee: "The Walrus and the Carpenter."
Tweedle Dum: "Or... the story of the curious oysters."
[start at 0:42 and end at 5:45]
Alice: "That was a very sad story."
Both: "Eh, and there's a moral to it."
Alice: "Oh yes, a very good moral, if you happen to be an oyster. *stands up* Well, it's been a very nice visit."
Both: *sits her back down* "Another recitation."
Y/N: *under your breath* "Oh no you don't."
Secretly, you shot both of the honking hooligans in the back with some magic, putting them to sleep right then and there. While they're snoring away, you walk over to Alice and extend your arm out.
Y/N: "Shall we continue onward while they're snoozing away?"
Alice: "Oh yes, please." *latches onto your arm*
You happily escort her away from the two sleeping honk balls and head deeper into the forest.
Alice: "By the way, what did you do to those two?"
Y/N: "A simple technique to put them to sleep. Honestly, as fun as it is to hear them honk and squeak some more, it's kinda getting old and... well, they have no right to make you stay for more of their ridiculous stories, it just isn't right."
Alice: "True, but... I just hope they'll be alright."
Y/N: "Oh, you won't have to worry. I'm sure they'll have a lively audience to listen to their stories in their dreamlands." *winks*
The radiant blonde beauty giggled and the two of you continued on your way down this magical dreamland, searching for a particular white hare with a golden pocket watch. Along the way, you're prepared to meet more than you bargained for.
[A/N: And here's the first of the Alice in Wonderland arc. I've got more chapters from other stories to come, along with this one, so you're in for a treat. But just so you know, this Sunday, I will be at Sacramento, attending an anime convention. So, if I don't say anything on Sunday, that's why. Anyways, I hope you're ready for more of this arc and the new twists I have, so... STAY TUNED!!!]
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