Alice in Wonderland - (Finale)
As Alice continues to weep and sob onto your shoulder, you keep holding her close, patting her on the head and rocking her side to side. In another life, she'd be facing this harsh reality all on her own, but not in this reality.Having someone to sympathize with her made the harshness of reality feel less unbearable.
Just then, you hear what sounds like... singing? And soon, you and Alice look up to see the moon... was really a crooked smile that belongs to none other than your secret kitty lover.
Cheshire: *appears in a tree, singing* "And the mome raths outgrabe."
Alice: *still tearful* "Oh, Cheshire cat, it's you."
Y/N: "Hey, again."
Cheshire: "Whom did you expect, the White Rabbit per chance."
Y/N: "No, not anymore. We're done chasing the rabbit. All we want now is to go back home. We're both feeling homesick.
Alice: "Yes, but we can't find our way."
Cheshire: "Naturally. That's because you have no way. All ways here, you see, are the... *grins menacingly* Queen's way."
Y/N: "Uh... there's a... Queen... in this world?" *thinks* "Ugh... I am NOT looking forward to seeing that fat, pompous, bad-tempered old tyrannical karen."
Alice: "But we've never met any queen."
Y/N: *thinks* "You haven't, but I have."
Cheshire: "You haven't? YOU HAVEN'T? Oh, but you must! She'll be mad about you, simply mad!" *laughs, then sings, slowly disappearing* "And the mome raths outgra--"
Y/N: "Wait, stop! Where can we find her?" *thinks* "Even though I don't wanna see her."
Cheshire: "Well, some go this way, *points to left* some go that way. *points to the right* But as for me, myself, personally, I prefer the shortcut."
She grabs one of the branches and pulls it down like a lever and reveals a hidden door leading to another place before she disappears.
Alice: "Oh!"
Y/N: "Well, what are we waiting for? The sooner we meet this Queen, the sooner we can get out of this world."
She nods and follows you into the large maze garden, but then stops you for a moment.
Alice: "Wait. Before we continue, I just wanted to say... thank you."
Y/N: "For...?"
Alice: "For... comforting me in my time of need. You're right... it was our faults for following the white rabbit into this world. And... I also thank you for setting me straight."
Y/N: "It's no trouble at all. I'm just glad you're feeling better now."
Alice: "Yes, more than you'll ever know."
Then, she wraps her arms around your neck and leans up to kiss you, mashing her lips into yours very tenderly. You don't act surprised this time and instead return the kiss while hugging her. It lasts for at least 1 minute before breaking for air.
After that wonderful moment, she clings to your arm lovingly while you two continue onward. It's not long before you both hear singing again, but this time it sounded like multiple men.
[Just pretend you're in this video doing anything]
After the commander gave the "count off" order the card soldiers began making a path for their sovereign ruler.
Cards: "1! 2! 3! 4! 5! 6! 7! 8! 9! 10! Jack!
Right after, you see a familiar furball show up, blowing his trumpet.
You and Alice: "The White Rabbit!"
Rabbit: *out loud* "Her imperial highness! Her grace! Her excellency! Her royal majesty, the Queen of Hearts!"
And here she comes, the Queen of Hearts, but how she looked... was way different from the movie than you thought. She looked... younger... and more beautiful and she had a smokin' hot hourglass figure. Her breasts had to be AT LEAST HH-cup and her butt looked like huge, plump apples or peaches. She was nothing at all like her original canon appearence. She looked like an actual young queen. You dare not guess how old she might be.
And of course... the card soldiers cheered for their leader and then, from behind her, a familiar pint-sized man appears, tapping the white rabbit on the shoulder with his heart staff.
Rabbit: *dully* "And the king."
Random card soldier: "Hooray."
Y/N: *thinks* "Pfff... that's not a king, that's a man-child in baby robes. Seriously, who's idea was it to make the king no bigger than pinky finger, it's just stupid."
Just then, the queen spots one of her flower beds, tainted with red paint, but she doesn't seem to look angry one bit. As she inspects the wet paint, she finally speaks.
Queen: "Goodness me. Now, who could've done this to my beloved roses? *pulls a 180, pulling out rose bed angrily* WHO'S BEEN PAINTING MY ROSES RED?!"
Y/N: *shrinks, thinking* "Cute looks, still acts like a tyrant! Why is the universe against me?"
Queen: "Who dares to taint with vulgar paint the royal flower bed? For painting my roses RED, someone will lose their heads!"
And the queen's cold, hard gaze fixates on the three poor cards drenched in red paint.
3 card: *hastily* "Oh no, Your Majesty, please. It's all his fault. *points to the 2 card*
2 card: "Not me, Your Grace. The ace. The ace!" *points to ace of clover*
Queen: "You?"
Ace card: "No, two!" *points to 2 card*
Queen: "The deuce, you say?"
2 card: "Not me, the trey."
The other cards cheer at the queen's orders until...
As you shouted, you lift your foot up, enhance it with your magic and slam it down, causing a massive earthquake. Everyone around you was shaken up and many cards fell flat on the ground from such massive tremors. And now... the Queen is pissed.
Queen: "Who DARES to defy the Quee--"
She stops as she turns to your direction. Unbeknownst to you, the Queen is taken aback by your "charming" looks. In her eyes, it almost looked like you were sparkling, like some handsome prince out of a fairy tale.
Y/N: "With all due respect, Your Grace, beheading the three cards feels too extreme. Yes, they planted white roses by misake, yes they tried to paint them red, but they were on a time crunch and wanted to do whatever they could to please you. Isn't their hard labor worth something?"
Queen: *gets up close in your face, still looking stern* "Hmmmm... do you stand by this decree, young man?"
Y/N: *stands firm* "I'm sorry, but yes."
She continues to stare you down, but you don't falter or back down one bit, which surprisingly, makes her smile and back off.
Queen: "Very well, but only because it's you."
Alice: "Y/N, I'm surprised you could--"
Queen: *sees Alice, looks disgusted* "And who is this?"
King: "Uh... well, well, well, now, eh... let me see, my dear. It certainly isn't a heart... but do you suppose it's a club?"
Y/N: "Her name's Alice."
Alice: *stands up* "Yes. And I was hoping..."
Queen: "Look up, speak nicely. AND DON'T TWIDDLE YOUR FINGERS!"
Y/N: *thinks* "Geez, looks like someone's jealous."
Queen: "Turn out your toes. Curtsey. Open your mouth a little wider, and always say 'YES, Your Majesty'!
Alice: "YES, Your Majesty."
Y/N: *under your breath* "Well, this got off to a somewhat pleasant start."
Queen: *sweetly* "Now then. Where have you both come from and where are you going?"
Y/N: "We come from quite a ways to find you, Your Majesty."
Alice: "We're hoping you could help us find our way home."
Queen: *turns around, triggered* "YOUR WAY?! ALL WAYS HERE ARE MY WAYS!"
Her shouting not only startled Alice, but also made her lose her footing, causing her to fall back down to the ground.
Alice: "Well, yes, I know, but I was just thinking..."
Queen: "Curtsey while you're thinking, it saves time."
Alice: "Yes, Your Majesty, but we were only going to ask..."
Queen: "I'll ask the questions. Do you two play croquet?"
Y/N: "I mean... I can learn, You Majesty."
Alice: "Why, yes, Your Majesty."
Queen: *loudly* "Then let the game begin!"
Well, this got you both nowhere, now you're forced to playing a game with the queen and you don't even like croquet. But whatever, might as well get it over with.
King: "In your places, in your places, By order of the king! Hurry, hurry, hurry!"
The card soldier all stacked each other into a deck and shuffled themselves before cutting up and dealing themselves all over the field and then stand on all fours like croquet hoops. Next up, a few flamingos placed themselves in a tall sack and the white rabbit went to give them to the queen right away.
She goes and picks the green flamingo and straightens it out. Next up, the balls. Or in this case, the hedgehogs. The queen is given a green hedgehog by the white rabbit. Alice is given a red hedgehog, but winds up in a pickle when she's lifted off the ground by two flamingos that are trying to run from her.
The queen's concentration is broken by this nonsense and just as she was about to lose it...
Even that scared the ba-jeebers out of everyone, but it impressed the queen, finding out how strong you can be with your authority. Anyways, since you were also playing, you just took a blue flamingo while Alice was stuck with a pink one. The rabbit gave you a blue hedgehog (no, it's not Sonic), and soon it was time to begin.
The queen makes her move, she aims carefully, pulls back and then swings widely, missing the hedgehog, but the tiny king ran up to the little critter, nudging him to move. The little guy quickly runs, then tucks and rolls into a ball.
In contrast, the queen's card soldiers jump in front of the hedgehog, making sure it rolls under them all. Normally, this'd be considered cheating, but due to the queen's... spoiled nature and high authority, they got no choice but to "help" her win.
After rolling under all the card hoops, the other standing soldiers cheered for their curvy monarch and she just gracefully curtsies everyone's praise. Even the flamingos you and Alice hold applaud her majesty... and so do you and Alice.
And so, the queen goes again. She readies her swing and... she misses once again, but the hedgehog runs and then curls up, rolling into a ball. The card soldiers scramble around and then line up in a straight line, forming croquet hoops, except for one.
He tries to beat the hedgehog to the punch, but loses his footing and skids to a halt, losing his target... or so he would believe. In the background, you use your magic to telekinetically roll the hedgehog back around and then have it roll under the card soldier, sparing him from the Queen of Hearts wrath.
She receives applause from her subjects yet again, yadda yadda, the whole sha-boodle and now... it was Alice's turn.
Y/N: *whispering* "Good luck, Alice. Just... be careful. Something tells me she's trained those flamingos to make you and I bad shots. I wouldn't put it past her."
Alice: "Well, I'll find out for myself."
Y/N: "Alright then."
So, she starts her turn off by taking aim at the back of her hedgehog and when she raises her flamingo, it goes limp, giggling. The queen chuckles and a few card soldiers snicker. Apparently, Alice picked out the bad flamingo and it's evident when she takes a 2nd swing by holding it by the neck, but it makes her miss by standing up, lifting her off the ground and making everyone laugh at her.
Y/N: "Oh, confound it."
You secretly aim your finger at the flamingo and hit it with a spell, stiffening it straight. Alice, frustrated, she grabs it by the legs instead and swings, sending the hedgehog rolling, but one of the card soldiers avoids it, purposely making Alice miss. But you didn't plan to let it slide as you aimed another spell at the other soldier, making it not move. This time, the hedgehog DOES make it under the soldier before crashing into the trunk of the rose bed.
Now, it was your turn, but unbeknownst to you, a familiar feline girl was slowly appearing behind you. The queen and Alice see this, but try not to break your concentration. You grab your blue flamingo, giving it the coldest stare to know who's in charge and it takes the hint. It straightens out and you grab it by the legs, aim carefully...
Cheshire: *to Alice* "So, how are you getting on?"
Alice: *turns away* "Not at all."
Cheshire: *extends ear* "Beg pardon?"
Alice: *annoyed* "I said "Not. At. All!"
You decide to mess with the girls and you know just how to do it... especially with her highness.
Y/N: *puts on facade, turns back* "Who are you talking to?"
Alice: "The Cheshire Cat, Y/N."
Y/N: "Cat? Where?" *looks, but finds no one*
Alice: "There!" *points*
You turn, but she's not there. You turn around and then she appears behind you, posing like one of them French girls.
Queen: *enraged* "STAY AWAY FROM HIM!!!"
What the queen does next, surprises you as she takes her flamingo and swings it at the cat, but she disappears and winds up whacking you upside the head.
Everyone gasped, so did Alice. But you... oh, now you really gotta let her have it. You clench your fist, growling furiously.
Y/N: *calm anger* "Now, I consider myself a forgiving man. But, you should know that even I can be ruthless, Your Majesty. *slowly turns around, eyes turning glowing yellow* So, heed my warning and heed it well... *dark aura surrounds you, voice turns demonic* If I lose my temper, you and ALL your soldiers will lose your heads... UNDERSTAAAAAAAAND?!"
Even as you threaten them, your magic affects the flamingo you're holding, turning it completely demonic and to make it more scary, it screeches demonically at the queen before all your darkness vanishes in an instant and your friendly demeanor returns.
Y/N: "Okay, glad we have this talk." *turns away*
Cheshire: "Mmm, you don't meet a man as fierce as him. I wonder how he'd look if he were really angry. Shall we try?"
The queen and Alice both turn pale and protested, but the Cheshire Cat already put her plan into motion with you.
Cheshire: "Oh, but it's loads of fun."
Alice: "No, no, no! Stop!"
As you pull back, the Cheshire Cat hooks the flamingo's beak under your shirt and as you swing hard, you get blinded and lose your footing, falling to the ground.
Alice: *worried* "Oh no!"
But it gets even better as fire magic surrounds you while getting up. The card soldiers scramble to their monarch.
Rabbit: "Oh, my fur and whiskers!"
King: "Oh dear! Save the queen!"
Queen: "Uh, now, now. Let's not be too hasty..."
Y/N: *growling* "Someone's head will ROLL for this." *fire disperses, you point* "YOURS!!!"
Everyone backs up in a panic and trips over their own footing and just when they thought their lives were done...
Y/N: ...*laughs* "Gotcha!!! *laughs some more* I was never gonna behead you guys, nobody's that cruel! *sighs* Besides, I knew that sneaky kitty was here the whole time."
Queen: *stands up quickly* "You mean... to tell me... that all this time... you were playing us... from the start?"
Y/N: "Yeah, it was just a prank."
Queen: . . .*fire ignites in her eyes, grab your collar* "YOU INSOLANT LITTLE BRAT, I WILL NOT STAND FOR YOUR TRICKERY!!!"
Y/N: "Hey, it was just a prank, your royal lowliness! Learn to have a little fun every now and then."
As you walk away from her, you give her bottom a good smack, making her yelp and everyone stiffen out of fear.
Alice: "Y/N, was that necessary?!"
Y/N: "What? It's not like we're in real danger."
Queen: *evil grin* "Oh, is that right? OFF WITH THEIR--"
King: "But- but consider, my dear. Couldn't she have a trial... uh... first?"
Queen: "Trial?"
King: "Well, just a... uh... little trial? Hmm?"
Queen: "Hmm. *pats his head* Very well then. Let the trial begin!"
And so, the scene changes to that of a courtroom trial and the White Rabbit runs in, horn a-blazing and takes his stand on the podium.
Rabbit: *bows* "Your Majesty. *turns and bows* Members of the jury. *brings out long parchment* Loyal subjects." *tapped on shoulder by King, dully* "And the king."
And the little bean sprout raises his crown.
Y/N: *thinks* "Again, that is no king. Just a manchild in fancy clothing."
Rabbit: "The prisoners at the bar is charged with enticing her majesty, the Queen of Hearts, into a game of croquet, and thereby willfully..."
Alice: "But..."
The two card soldiers shut her up by forming an X with their spears.
Rabbit: "...and with malice aforethought, teasing, tormenting, and otherwise annoying our beloved..."
Queen: *irritated* "Don't mind all that! Get to the part where I lose my temper."
White Rabbit: *skips down to bottom of parchment* "Bwbwbwl... thereby causing the queen to lose her temper."
Queen: "Now, Ha ha... are you ready for your sentence?"
Alice: "Sentence? Ah, but there must be a verdict first!"
Cards form X with their spears again.
Queen: *slams fist* "Sentence first! Verdict afterwards."
Y/N: "Hey, that's not the right way of doing things!"
Queen: *enraged* "All ways are..."
Alice: "Your ways, your majesty."
Queen: "Yes, very good. OFF WITH THEIR...
King: "Consider, my dear. Uh... we called no witnesses... Uh... couldn't we hear... maybe one or two? Huh? Maybe?"
Queen: "Oh, very well. BUT GET ON WITH IT!"
Her yelling spooks the little runt off, but he comes back on with an oversized gavel, banging it on the table.
King: "First witness! First witness! Ah, we'll call the first witness."
White Rabbit: "The March Hare."
Now, we see the cards bringing in the tea-addicted hopper and toss him onto the podium.
King: "Oh, oh, what do you know about this uh... unfortunate affair?"
March Hare: *calm* "Nothing."
Queen: *angry* "Nothing whatever?"
March Hare: *in her face* "Nothing whatever!"
Queen: "That's very important! Jury, write that down!"
And the jury gets to writing it down.
Y/N: "How the hell is that supposed to be important? Riddle me that, Your Majesty."
Queen: *slams gavel repeatedly* SIIIIIIIIIILENCE! Next witness."
Y/N: *thinks* "Touche."
White Rabbit: "The Dormouse!"
The cards then bring in a yellow teapot and set it down gently in front of the queen.
Queen: *opens lid, yells* "Well..."
Cards: "Shhh!"
Queen: *whispers* "What have you to say about this?"
Dormouse: *pops head out of teapot* Twinkle, twinkle, little bat. *goes back inside* How I wonder..."
Queen: *whispers* "That's the most important piece of evidence we've heard yet. *yells* Write that down!"
Jury: "Twinkle, twinkle, twinkle, twinkle, twinkle, twinkle..."
Alice: *bored* "Twinkle, twinkle. What next?"
White Rabbit: "The Mad Hatter!"
Y/N: "Oh, god, no."
And we see the little guy with the big hat walk in and bow, then gets poked on his buttocks by the two card soldiers' spears.
Mad Hatter: "Oh... he he he he!"
Queen: *yells* "Off with your hat!"
Mad Hatter: "Oh, my! *takes hat off, reveals teapot* He he he!"
King: "And eh... where were you when this horrible crime was committed?"
Mad Hatter: "I was home, drinking tea. *squirts tea from pot into cup* Today you know is *sips tea* my unbirthday."
King: "Why, my dear! Today is your unbirthday too!"
Queen: *joyful* "It is?"
March Hare & Mad Hatter: *excited, shaking hands* "It is?"
Cards: "It is?"
Y/N: "Uh-oh."
Right away, the tea duo rolls out a long table cloth full of teapots and a big cake at the end, just for the queen.
Everyone: *singing* "A very merry unbirthday!"
Queen: "To me?"
Alice: "Oh no!"
Everyone: *singing* "To you! A very merry unbirthday!"
Queen: "For me?" *tastes cake frosting*
Everyone: *singing* "For you!"
Mad Hatter: *puts candles on all over cake* "Now blow the candle out, my dear and make your wish come true! He he he."
The queen blew them all out, even the frosting and then there's a huge explosion and now, there's a present where her cake was. The queen opens it op and finds a beautiful cushion to add to her crown and she puts it on, fitting like a glove.
Everyone: *singing* "A very merry unbirthday, to you!"
Unbeknownst to her, her addition to the crown turned out to be a smiling kitty cat girl.
Y/N: "Oh, Your majesty!"
Queen: "Oh, yes, my dear?"
Alice: "Look! There she is now!"
Queen: "She? What? Who?"
Alice & Y/N: "The Cheshire Cat!"
But the kitty quickly vanishes before she could catch her.
Queen: "Cat!"
Dormouse: *panicked* "Cat! Cat? Cat cat cat cat!"
And the game of cat and mouse begins. The March Hare and Mad Hatter chase after their little wacko mouse, trying to calm him down, all while shouting for the jam.
March Hare: "Catch him! Catch him! Go for it!"
Mad Hatter: "Help him! Catch him! Give me the jam, the jam! Quick!"
King: "The jam! The jam! By order of the king!"
Mad Hatter: "The jam!"
Queen: Let me have it!
The queen gets hit in the face with the jam, then clonked on the head by the micro man in robes via the gavel. Now her highness is even MORE pissed off. The king panicked and hastily gave his gavel to the March Hare, but he gave it and the jam to the Mad Hatter, who gave each item to you and Alice to pin the blame on you both.
Queen: *muffled under covers* "Somebody's head is going to roll for this! *rips through cloth* A-ha!"
She's already seen you both with the gavel and jam, even though you both toss them aside.
Alice: *realizes* "The mushroom!" *eats both pieces*
Y/N: "Oh, I forgot I still had those." *pulls out growing piece, eats it*
Queen: "Off with their h...!" *gulps in horror*
Right away, you and Alice grew to giant size and all the soldiers kept poking at you both with their spears.
Y/N: *grins* "Is that supposed to hurt?"
Alice: "Oh, pooh. I'm not afraid of you!"
The irritated blonde leans down, spooking the card soldiers, causing them to retreat and fall over each other into a deck.
Alice: *picks up a few* "Why, you're nothing but a pack of cards!" *they gasp*
She then tosses them in the air, making them float slowly down to the ground.
King: "Rule forty-two: all persons more than a mile high must leave the court immediately."
Alice: "We're not a mile high. And we're not leaving."
Queen: *chuckles nervosly* "Sorry! Rule forty-two, you know."
Y/N: *leans in, grinning menacingly* "Now you listen here... Your Majesty."
She quickly gets so scared she even uses the tiny little king as a human shield.
Y/N: "I've just about had it up to here with your temper. It's about time someone taught you a little lesson in manners."
Alice: "Quite so. *while shrinking back to normal* Why, you're not a queen, but just a... fat, pompous, bad tempered old ty- *realizes* tyrant..."
Y/N: "Uh-oh... *eats shrink mushroom, reverts to normal size* way am I leaving you hanging, Alice."
Queen: *grins* "So... what was that you said, my dear?"
Y/N: *to Alice* "You're gonna hate me for this." *to the queen* "What, you got wax in your ears? She clearly called a fat, pompous, bad-tempered old tyrant!" *laughs*
Aaaaand you've done it now.
[start at 0:55, end at 2:32]
Y/N: "If this is a dream... then anything goes."
Alice: "What do you mean?"
Y/N: "You're never in danger here in a dream, Alice. Now then... to work some magic!"
And with a snap of your fingers, made everything vanish in a flash of light... except for you and the Queen of Hearts. Yup, you managed to blind Alice so much, she woke up. Now, everything taking place in this dream... was taking place within a micro-second.
Queen: "Wha... What'd you do? WHERE ARE MY CARDS? WHERE IS THE KING?!"
Y/N: "You don't seem to get it, do you? That little manchild you called a husband, the kingdom, the card soldiers... none of them were real. They were just people that Alice made up when she passed out and began to dream. Now that she's awake, none of them exist anymore, except maybe within her creative mind."
Queen: "But... But why... am I...?"
Y/N: "Still here? Simple... I'm using my own mind to keep you alive. The moment I wake up, you will cease to exist."
Queen: *turns pale, drops to knees* "But... But I'm a queen. I can't be gone, not like this."
Y/N: "Well... if you'd like... I can give you a home outside the dream realm."
Queen: "Really? How?"
Y/N: "Magic. *she blinks in surprise* That's right. Believe it or not, I have the power to make certain things happen with my magic. *grins* In fact, have a look at THIS!"
With a snap of your fingers, you now change your surroundings into something the queen did not expect you to choose.
Queen: "This... This kind of looks like a dungeon. But... why are..."
You startle her by slamming your hand up against the wall. She looks into your eyes, feeling a bit scared... but also... turned on.
Y/N: "Trust me, Your Majesty. This'll be one magical experience... you will never forget."
Back in the real world, Alice is barely waking up.
Mathilda: "Alice? Alice! Will you kindly pay attention and recite your lesson?"
Alice: "Hmm?" *jolts wide awake, stands up* "Oh, uh, how doth the little crocodile improve his shining tail and pour the wates of the--"
Mathilda: "Alice, what are you talking about?"
Alice: "Oh, I'm sorry, but you see, the Caterpillar said..."
Mathilda: "Caterpillar? Oh, for goodness sake. And could you wake up Y/N, if you please?"
She gestures to your sleeping body up against the tree's trunk, using your arm as a cushion.
[Back in the dream...]
We find both you and the queen stripped of your clothing and she's got cuffs on each wrist. Each cuff is connected to the wall via a chain and she's getting in on some serious lip action with you... or rather, you're getting it on with her while feeling up her curvy body.
She might act the same as canon, but she definitely doesn't have the same face as her canon counterpart (thanks to talented horny artists). Her soft lips feel so warm and her tongue dances erotically with yours as you fondle her breasts and caress her thighs.
[A/N: If you didn't catch on, Y/N altered the dream to where she was never married and they're enjoying some dungeon roleplay, so she's giving her consent. And yes, before pkmnmasterblue asks, she's in the harem.]
The submissive queen was in absolute heaven. She never even tried any of this with the king, not that there was much he could do. But she could tell your skills were beyond perfect. But then she felt your lips part from hers, much to her dismay.
Queen: "No, please. I want more."
Y/N: "And you'll get more..." *presents his "package" down below* "much more."
The sight of your beastly meat pillar opened up the flood gates to her love entrance and now... she was about to experience real courting first-hand.
You hoist her up with incredible strength and tenacity and aim your throbbing member at her royal entance. Once you were perfectly aligned, you rammed it so far deep, she let out a sharp gasp and jolted from the massive girth shaping her insides.
Soon, you start your rhythm and ram that sucker deep in her royal quarters, slapping flesh against flesh. She can't help but moan loudly and shoot her eyes up from how good it felt. No other man could compare to your sheer, massive size. Now she knows what it's like to become a real woman from a real man.
The Queen of Hearts... has finally her match. She is now your queen. And you have every intention of taking her home with you.
Her screams continue to ring throughout the dungeon, but no one can hear her as there is no soul to be found in this realm. You thrust even faster, panting slightly and emitting rough growling noises, getting her even wetter.
She can't help herself but wrap her sexy thighs around your waist, allowing you to move your arms from under her legs and reach around to grab and knead her huge buttocks. You bury you face in her huge cleavage, rutting her like an animal. It's a shame that she can't hold you in her own arms, but she's not complaining too much.
As for you, well... no doubt, you can feel your shaft growing and throbbing and that means an eruption is drawing near. You add in some extra power and thrust your massive thing deeper, reaching the entrance to her baby-making factory. Unbeknownst to her, you channel your magic throughout your body and transfer a protection spell onto her right before...
Your hot stream of man milk floods into the queen, overflowing like crazy. She screams in ecstasy, a big blush forming on her face and her royal womanhood squirts out her lady honey all over the floor, mixing together with your seed.
She feels herself getting lost in the ecstasy. It becomes too much for her and she eventually goes limp, but the chains that bind her and your strong arms prevent gravity from pulling her onto the ground, but you help with that and use your magic to change the dream world into a beautiful, wide-open grassy field.
And to save time, you snap your fingers again, poofing yours and the queen's clothes back on clean both of you up.
Y/N: "So... how'd you like it?"
Queen: *dreamily* "It... was... beyond magical."
Y/N: "Glad you liked it. Well, I think it's about time I took care of business before I wake up."
Queen: "What? But... But I thought we were--"
Y/N: "We're a couple, don't you worry. I'm not gonna just wake up and leave you to vanish in this dreamscape, I'm not heartless. I have a way to make it so you can exist in my world."
Queen: "You... You mean it?" *you nod* "But... But... I don't understand."
Y/N: "Don't understand what?"
Queen: "Well..." *ashamed, wracked with guilt* "...You saw the way I behaved when you and the girl first met me. I was horrible. I ruled my kingdom with an iron fist because that was how my mother taught me how to rule and... I hated it at first."
Y/N: "So... you were sweet at one point?"
Queen: "Yes. I loved my subjects! Every single one of them, but... my mother's influence turned me into the queen you saw before. How can you just say you're willing to help me after everything I tried to do to you and Alice?"
Y/N: "...Because, I now know for a fact that evil is never born, it's made and after sharing this part of your life with me... it only confirms my belief that deep down, you're a kind lady. *walks up, strokes her cheek tenderly* A kind lady... who doesn't deserve to be alone."
At this point, she runs to you and hugs you tightly, sobbing into your shoulder, finally breaking out of her shell.
Queen: *sobbing* "I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!"
Y/N: *hugs back, pats her head* "There, there. Just let it all out. It's all good now, it's all good."
She continues to let the waterworks run for another minute or two before finally calming down and then she embraces you in one final, passionate kiss, no tongue... just pure love.
Y/N: *after breaking the kiss* "By the way... do you have a name?"
Regina: "Yes... my name... is Regina."
Y/N: *nods* "I love it. It suits you. And my name... is Y/N."
She smiles brightly and hugs you again. While you hug her back, you use your magic to open a portal to your homeland. After finishing your hug, you enchant her with another spell by placing your hand on her head and enveloping her in a magical aura.
Y/N: "There... now, once you enter through that portal... you won't fade out of existance."
Regina: *sees portal, in awe* "Is that... your home?"
Y/N: "Yup. That... is Sylvantra... the kingdom I rule. I also have family that lives there and they're very nice, too."
Regina: "Are you... coming with me?"
Y/N: "In a moment. I still have to check on Alice."
Regina: "Oh.... alright then." *keeps a small smile* "Then I'll wait for you, but don't keep me waiting for too long."
Y/N: "I won't."
She gives a curtsey before exiting through the portal just in time before everything around you fades to nothingness and you finally feel yourself wake up from your nap.
[back in the real world with Alice...]
Alice: *shaking you lightly* "Y/N? Y/N, wake up."
Y/N: *blinks awake* "Hmm? What?" *yawns, stands up* "What'd I miss?"
Mathilda: "Just part of the lesson, but... oh, well."
Y/N: "Sorry about that."
Alice: "It's alright. But would you like to join us for tea?"
Y/N: "You sure?"
Mathilda: "Well... I suppose if you'd like."
Y/N: "Hmmm... alright, I could spare a little time."
[some time later...]
We now find you at Alice's house with her sister and are in the middle of some tea and even got to telling stories about where you came from, but left out certain details about how you came to be in a new kingdom from another world. You told the girls about your family, what they were like, how they raised you, the journeys you went on, each and every part of your life left them pretty baffled.
Alice: "So, why didn't your family come to London with you?"
Y/N: "They had to make last-minute changes and stay home."
Mathilda: "Well, that's life, I suppose. It never goes as we planned sometimes, though I would've loved to have met them."
Yen Sid: *in your mind* "Y/N, a quick word."
You jump slightly from the master talking in your head like that out of nowhere, but you lend him your ears and listen.
Alice: "Y/N, is something wrong?"
Y/N: "No, nothing's wrong. But I do know of a way where you can meet my family. I've got just the thing, hold on."
You put down your empty tea cup and then head outside for a bit, closing the door.
Y/N: *telepathically* "Master, please don't startle me like that! What did you wanna tell me?"
Yen Sid: *telepathically* "Apologies for that. But to get to the point, I've decided to create a new transportation system for others who want to visit your homeland without having to go through the book like you do."
Y/N: *telepathically* "Really? How?"
Yen Sid: *telepathically* "Check your pocket."
You do so and find some kind of digital cube.
Y/N: "What's this for?"
Yen Sid: *telepathically* "Toss it and see what happens."
Not knowing where he's going with this, you do so and the cube instantly transforms into something you'd see in a sci-fi movie or video game.
Y/N: "Whoa!!!"
Yen Sid: *telepathically* "And it's fitted with pre-set coordinates to Sylvantra and will take your guests right up to your castle."
Y/N: "Perfect. Thanks, master." *heads back inside house* "Girls, come on out and see this."
Alice: "You seem chipper."
Y/N: "You'll understand why. Come on!"
So, the girls follow you outside and are stunned to see this futuristic machine in front of them.
Mathilda: "My word, what is that thing?"
Y/N: "This, my dear Mathilda, is your chariot. It comes from my homeland and it can get you to where I live faster than you can say "history lesson." It's fitted with pre-set coordinates so you don't get lost on your way there. And best of all..." *presses button on car*
The car then retracts back into a cube and you catch it.
Y/N: "...You can carry it with you everywhere. All you have to do is toss it like so..." *tosses cube, it turns into car again* "...and it's back out. So... what do you think?"
Alice: "It's... It's... unheard of!"
Mathilda: "For once, I agree with you, Alice. And... you're sure we can have this?"
Y/N: "Yup. It's all yours. Come by my kingdom anytime you like if you want to visit and in the meantime... I've got some rest and relaxation to catch up on back home."
Alice: "Leaving so soon?"
Y/N: "Yeah, but like I said, you're welcome to visit."
Mathilda: "We understand. And may you have safe travel journeys on your way home."
Y/N: "I will. Thank you very much."
Alice: "Wait! One more thing."
The beautiful blonde then rushes to you and hugs you. Mathilda blinks in surprise and even moreso when you hug Alice back. Afterwards, you head on out, waving goodbye to the sisters as you head back out to the spot where you passed out.
Once there, you looked around to make sure you were alone. You were. Then, you whip out your keyblade and are about to leave, but then... a portal opens up and Yen Sid walks out.
Y/N: "Master? What's up?"
Yen Sid: "Y/N... I'm afraid I have some bad news."
Y/N: "Bad news? W-What's happened? Is it anyone in my family?"
Yen Sid: "...No, but... it's..."
To be continued...
[A/N: Okay that's over and done with. Now, to get on with the special chapter before we continue on with the intermission. So... STAY TUNED!!!]
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