Aladdin (Part 4)

We turn our attention back at the palace of Agrabah where the Sultan is stacking a tower of animals atop his little table. Just as he finishes adding the last one...

Jafar: *barges in* "Sire!"

The sound of the door opening wide, rumbled the room, making the Sultan's toys fall over and startled him, too.

Jafar: "I've found a solution to the problem with your daughters."

Iago: "Awk! The problem with your daughters!"

Sultan: *sits down* "Oh, really?"

Jafar: *unfolds long parchment* "Right here. *reading* If the princesses has not chosen a husband by the appointed time, then the Sultan shall choose for her."

Sultan: *tries feeding Iago a cracker* "But Jasmine and Sadira hated all those suitors. How could I choose someone they hate?"

Jafar: "Not to worry, my liege. There is more."

Just as Iago let his guard down, the Sultan fed him the cracker. But like before, Iago spat it out.

Jafar: *reads* "If in the event a suitable prince cannot be found... one of the princesses must then be wed to..." *stops, acts intrigued* "Hmm. Interesting."

Sultan: "What? Who?"

Jafar: "The royal vizier. Why, that would be... me."

Sultan: *checks law parchment* "But I thought the law says that only a prince can marry a princess, I'm quite sure."

Jafar: *retracts law parchment* "Desperate times call for desperate measures, my lord." *uses staff to hypnotize Sultan*

Sultan: *utters quietly* "Yes. Desperate measures."

Jafar: "You will order one of the princesses to marry me."

Sultan: *repeats, hypnotized* "I... will order... one of... the princesses... to... *snaps out of it* But you're so old."

Jafar: *tries hypnotizing again* "One of the princesses WILL marry me."

Sultan: *hypnotized* "One of the princesses... will marry..." *breaks free thanks to trumpet fanfare* "What? What is that? *excited* "That music!"

And then his stubby little legs carry him over to the balcony to see the parade of a lifetime.

[start at 0:05, end at 2:47]

Jafar is glaring down the disguised pseudo prince for foiling his plans.

Sultan: *clapping excitedly* "Splendid, absolutely marvelous!"

Aladdin: *clears throat* "Thank you, your majesty. But I have not travelled alone here. For there's still one more guest."

Sultan: "Oh? This I must see!"

The two then head back out to the balcony and sure enough, a bright light in the distance blinds everyone for a bit until they see another parade and this time... at the very back, they see what looks like an Aztec temple, but it wasn't regular-sized, moreso twice Abu's elephant size and atop the temple is a multi-colored crystal. This crystal was hovering above the temple in a clockwerk motion. 

Sultan: "Goodness me, this is certainly new."

[Back at your homeworld]

We find your family and friends tending to their usual daily lives. Your parents are currently watching TV and the princesses are getting to know Bell, Fifi, Angelique and... the Enchantress. But before they could talk any further, the TV went all static for a bit.

F/N: "Huh? What the?"

M/N: "How'd that happen?"

Vitani: "Hey, what gives?! I was watching that!"

Just then, the TV showed what looks like a parade in some kind of city located in a desert.

Anna: *off screen* "Ladies and gentlemen... For tonight's main event, Agrabah is proud to present... a young man of many talents! He's survived many trials throughout his life and has earned his rep as "The Glimmer of Light Amidst the Gloom." And now, here he is, making his grand entrance in the streets of Agrabah... Give it up for... PRINCE Y/N L/N!!!"

Your wives, mistresses and parents all looked shocked upon hearing what the announcer girl just said.

M/N: "Don't tell me he's gaining another wife."

F/N: "You said you wanted to have grandchildren."

Ariel: "At this rate, he's gonna end up with hundreds of wives."

Belle: "Jeez, sometimes I think he's too good."

Fifi: "I'll say. I wonder who he's attempting to woo this time."

Cinderella: "Something tells me she's gonna be pretty."

Aurora: "Beautiful, even."

[Back at Agrabah]

The parade begins and so does the music and Anna's singing.

As the music starts, the crystal pyramid above the temple begin to shine brightly, but not so much to blind everyone. Next thing you know, it splits open three ways, revealing you inside the crystal, wearing your signature royal garments.

[This time, you are carrying a suitcase]

As you descend down the steps slowly and carefully, the steps, the audience holds their breath and keep their eyes focused on you. Once you reach the bottom of the temple, the ground under the soles of your feet starts to glow and fresh green grass comes out of the ground.

With each steps you take, the land beneath your feet glows brighter and becomes much richer and more prosperous. You stop by a few people who look down on their luck. You flash a warm, small smile and open your case, revealing lots of coins and give them huge amounts of it and some more to others, sharing the wealth.

Little did you know, Jasmine had returned to the balcony alone and was shocked to find you back in Agrabah. What shocked her more... was that you were alive. She didn't care about your status, but moreso grateful to know you were still amongst the living.

As you make your way to the palace gates, you spot two familiar kids... it was the siblings whom Aladdin gave his bread to. You kneeled down to their level, smiling warmly at them. You pat both of them on the heads and carried them both as you kept going. You let the little boy ride on your shoulders and his sister rode on your back. One thing people like to see... is a prince who's good with the kids.

The looks on the palace guards' faces was priceless because they remember you being a "street rat" and now they looked like they wanted to soil themselves right now. They were quick to bow to you did a slight bow back and continued on your way.

[Back home]

F/N: *in awe* "Is that... really my son?"

M/N: "My little boy... he's... he's grown so much." *sheds a tear*

Snow: *dreamily* "I always knew my husband was so magical."

Cinderella: "He never ceases to amaze me. Everything he does... he's a true genuine prince."

Aurora: "I always thought he was more of a king than a prince."

Ariel: "I've seen Y/N's magic before, but never as beautiful and life-giving like this before."

Belle: "I get what you mean. Usually, he uses his magic for fighting off evil, but here he is... using it to spread joy and prosperity to others."

Ariel's sisters: "Yeah... so magical."

[Back in Agrabah]

As soon as you reach the palace doors, you put the kids back down saw them off, both with plenty of money to keep them fed for a few days. After they safely return home, you marched right into the palace to meet with the Sultan and Aladdin in disguise. Upon reaching the Sultan, you kneel to him out of respect just as the song ends and Jafar slams the door shut the palace doors hard.

And just like the the broadcast ends.

Sultan: *claps more excitedly* "My boy, that was simply a marvelous display of showmenship! You're a diamond, boy! A diamond!"

Y/N: "Thank you, you majesty." *stands* 

[A/N: I actually had this planned for a while. The reason I didn't include Y/N in the Prince Ali song is mostly due to 2 reasons. 1, it's mostly about Aladdin and 2, a part of the lyrics don't sit right with me or Y/N, specifically the line "he's got "Slaves." Y/N would never think of people as slaves to him, even if the song is being nice, it just feels wrong to refer to people as slaves.]

Aladdin: "Your Majesty, we have journeyed from afar to seek your daughters' hands."

Y/N: *thinks* "Let's hope he doesn't make an ass out of himself."

Sultan: "Prince Ali Ababwa. Of course, I'm delighted to meet you. And some to you, Prince Y/N."

Y/N: "And it's an honor to meet you, Sire."

Sultan: *gestures to Jafar* "And this is my royal vizier, Jafar. He's delighted, too."

Jafar: *unamused* "Ecstatic. I'm afraid, Prince Abubu...

Aladdin: "Ababwa."

Jafar: "Whatever. You and your friend cannot just parade in here uninvited and expect to..."

Y/N: "Be welcomed with open arms? True, but I think His Majesty is willing to make an exception. Have a look." *gestures to Sultan*

Sultan: *inspects Carpet* "By Allah, this is quite the remarkable device."

Carpet has a little fun and plays with the Sultan's mustache, which he found quite amusing.

Sultan: "I don't suppose I might..."

Aladdin "Why, certainly, Your Majesty. Allow me."

He helps the Sultan get on the flying Carpet, but Jafar keeps it grounded by using his staff.

Jafar: "Sire, I must advise against this."

Sultan: "Oh, button up, Jafar. Learn to have a little fun."

And the Sultan kicks Jafar's staff away for a moment and takes off, making Iago tumble downwards, knocking against the staff until he hits the ground.

[start at 0:44 and end at 0:50]

Jafar: "Just... where did you two say you were from?"

Aladdin: *stutters* "Oh, uh... much farther than you've traveled, I'm sure.

Y/N: "You've never even heard of my home or my kingdom before, but it's land unlike anything you've ever seen.

Jafar: *skeptic* "Try me."

Y/N: "Fine... ever seen buildings as tall as the palace or lands that extend far beyond even the desert ever could? Or maybe... you should see the modes of transportation."

But while you're arguing about where you're from, Iago winds up getting chased by the Carpet, albeit not on purpose, but the Sultan was having too much fun and Iago was not enjoying himself and had to get away from this stubby, short ruler. He flies high to get away, which works out for him... until he crashes into a column and skids down and falls to the ground all dizzy with a goofy smile.

Sultan: "Out of the way, I'm coming to land. Jafar, watch this!" *slides safely to a stop*

Jafar: "Spectacular, Your Highness."

Sultan: "Oh, that was lovely."

But poor Carpet was exhausted, so he collapsed just as Abu caught him with his trunk.

 Sultan: "Yes, I do seem to have a knack for it." *pinches Al's cheek* "These boys are very impressive youths. And princes besides. *whispers to Jafar* If we're lucky, you won't have to marry any of my daughters after all."

Jafar: *whispers* "I don't trust them, Sire."

Sultan: "Nonsense. One thing I pride myself on, Jafar, I'm an excellent judge of character."

Iago: *sarcastic* "Oh, excellent judge. Yeah, sure. Not!"

Sultan: *chuckles* "The girls will like these ones."

Little does he know, his prides and joys are stepping out and hearing this conversation.

Aladdin: "And I'm pretty sure I'll like the Princesses."

Y/N: "I'll leave it up to them to judge me. It's not my call to assume they'll just like me. They have a voice of opinion, too."

Jafar: *gets between you three* "Your Highness, no. I must intercede on the princesses behalf. These boys are no different from the others. What makes them think they are worthy of either Princess Jasmine or Princess Sadira."

Y/N: "And who are you to decide their futures? They're not prizes to be won, they're human beings just like everyone else!"

Jasmine's eyes widened and a bright smile appeared on her face after hearing this. But then...

Aladdin: "As for me, Your Majesty, I am Prince Ali Ababwa. Just let one of them meet me. I will win your daughter."

Y/N: *turns to Ali, disappointed* "Did you really just say that?"

Sadly... Sadira did not take too kindly to his words.

Sadira: *detested* "How dare you, all of you. Well, except for Prince Y/N. But how dare the rest of you stand there deciding my future! Y/N's right, we're not some prizes to be won!"

Jasmine: "There, there, Sadira. Why don't we head back?"

Y/N: "I apologize you had to hear all this, princesses."

Jasmine: "Don't worry. Come by our chambers later on tonight, we'll leave the door open for you... but leave your friend out of this."

Y/N: *thinks* "Ouch." *aloud* "Very well."

Sultan: "Oh dear. Don't worry, Prince Ali. Just give Sadira some time to cool down."

Y/N: "In the meantime, you should rethink and pick your next words... very... carefully next time."

Aladdin: "I know."

Jafar: *quiet, threateningly* "I think it's time to say goodbye to Prince Abubu... and Y/N."

[Later that night]

You met up with Jasmine up in her balcony as promised. It seemed she managed to calm down her sister a little bit. You had to admit, when you first came into the room, you got startled by Rajah when he got up close to you, but... he quickly warmed up to you. It was a good thing they had him trained to not kill anyone. 

Jasmine: "So, Y/N... is it... really you from the marketplace."

Y/N: "Yes, Jasmine."

Jasmine: *excited* "I knew it! I knew I recognized your name from somewhere and seeing your face, I was double sure of it. But... is it true that you're actually royalty?"

Y/N: "Yes. But, my kingdom... you won't find it anywhere in this world, it's... kind of hard to put it into words."

Jasmine: "That's alright. Just tell me what your kingdom's name is and I'll know if I've heard of it from anywhere."

Y/N: "Okay then... the name of my kingdom is called... Sylvantra."

Jasmine: "Sylvantra, huh? Hmm... never heard of it before."

Y/N: "It's a beautiful place. It's filled with all kinds of things from the future you've never even seen or heard of before. It's peaceful prosperous and it's a big place. Lots of fresh water that you could ever drink and an abundance of food that you could ever eat."

Jasmine: "It sounds like paradise."

Y/N: "It is. And what you saw outside of Agrabah, that was but a taste of what my home had to offer to others."

Jasmine: "That's wonderful. And... what of Ali?"

Y/N: "Don't tell him I said anything, but... *whispers to Jasmine* "Ali isn't really a prince. That's actually Aladdin in disguise. Remember him from the market place?"

Jasmine: *excited* "I knew it! It was you two out there! But why is Aladdin putting up that stupid get-up?"

Y/N: "He doesn't want to, but he doesn't have a choice. He loves Sadira and because of that law, he's forced to play dress-up. He was willing to go through extreme lengths just so see Sadira again, but... he can be a little boneheaded when it comes to saying the right thing."

Jasmine: *giggles* "I can tell. But... if you're a prince, why didn't you just make your grand entrance back in the beginning?"

Y/N: "I wanted to check Agrabah out. I'm not gonna lie, as beautiful as this kingdom is, there's people out there starving to death and sleeping in the bitter cold. It breaks my heart to see them this way and Aladdin... well, he's amongst the poor, but he's well-adapted to the city to scrounge for food when it's time to eat. As for my grand entrance... my magic powers were not strong enough to do all that."

Jasmine: "Powers? Magic?"

Y/N: "Uh-huh. Watch."

You hold out your hand, palm facing up and soon, you channel your magic into that palm and conjure up a glowing ball of light, shaping it into a shining star.

Jasmine: *in awe* "Wow... that's amazing."

Y/N: "Thanks. *makes it disappear* But sadly, my powers aren't strong enough to conjure up buildings and floating crystal pyramid out of nothing, that was my partner's doing."

Jasmine: "Aladdin?"

Y/N: *snickers* "Nope. Al doesn't have magic. Come here, let me introduce you to her in a more private place."

[Back with Aladdin]

Our poor dress-up guy is sulking, trying to think of a way to get Sadira to talk to him.

Aladdin: "What am I gonna do. Sadira won't even let me talk to her. I should've known I couldn't pull off this stupid prince wish."

Meanwhile, Abu is trying to eat some of the bananas he collected, but they just keep squirting into his eye and so he goes for the next. Genie is having a little chess match with Carpet.

Genie: "So move."

And Carpet moves his queen piece, knocks away Genie's queen piece and puts Genie's king piece in checkmate.

Genie: "That's a good move." *mimics Rodney Dangerfield's face* "I can't believe it, I'm losing to a rug."

Aladdin: *stressing out* "Genie, I need help."

Genie: *as Jack Nicholson* "Alright, Sparky, here's the deal. If you wanna court the little lady, you gotta be a straight shooter. Do ya got it?"

Aladdin: "What?"

Genie reverts to his normal look and puts on an orange grad cap and conjurs up a blackboard and a staff.

Genie: "Take a page from your friend's book and *points to words on board* Tell her the *flips board over* TRUTH!!!"

Aladdin: *worried* "No way! If Sadira found out I was really some crummy street rat, she'd laugh at me."

Genie appears on top of his head as a lamp head and Genie is a light bulb.

Genie: "A woman appreciates a man who can make her laugh."

Aladdin then turns off the "light" and Genies reverts back to normal, holding Al's turban.

Genie: "Al, all joking aside,  you really oughta be yourself. Your friend is being himself."

Aladdin: "That's because he's an actual prince! But not me, I'm a street rat and that's the last thing I wanna be." *composes himself* "Alright, I'm gonna go see her, I just... *puts on turban* I gotta be smooth, cool, confident. *turns around* How do I look?"

It's a good thing you weren't around to comment on how he looks, because in your honest opinion... he's anything but.

Genie: *sighs, disappointed* "Like a prince."

Al gets on Carpet and heads up to the balcony where the princesses are and Genie just watches with a saddened look. He really wishes Al would stop being so insecure. Well, if he's gonna learn a lesson, he's gonna have to learn the hard way.

Anyways, back with you and the princesses, you had introduced them to Anna, whom they've taken quite a liking towards Anna. Of course, they now knew the whole truth about you and Al, but made a pact to not let him know until the time was right.

So, for the time being, you spent your free time petting and and grooming Rajah while Anna and the princesses had a little girl talk for a little while until you heard a familiar voice.

Aladdin: "Uh, Princess Sadira?"

All of you pause and Rajah looks up, curious and a bit territorial.

Sadira: "Who's there?"

Aladdin: "It's me, Prince Ali. *clears throat, slight deeper tone* Uh, Prince Ali Ababwa."

Y/N: *whispers* "Give him a good show, Sadira." *flashes a thumbs up, snicking quietly*

Sadira: *thumbs up to you, peeks out curtains, mad* "I don't recall asking to see you. Now scram, you poser."

Aladdin: "No, no, please, Princess. Give me a chance."

He tries to come in, but Rajah, who's also in on the act, comes out, growling at Aladdin.

Sadira: "I said leave me alone!"

Aladdin: *to Rajah, calm, but scared* "Down, kitty."

Anna the poofs herself outside under the balcony where her dad was and Carpet.

Genie: "So, how's our little beau doing?"

Carpet makes a slit throat gesture and Genie facepalms.

Anna: *giggles, quietly* "Relax, daddy. It's all an act. The girls know Ali is really Aladdin, they're just playing with him. Teaching him a lesson in humility and honesty. It was Y/N's idea."

Genie: "Ah, well aren't you a lucky little lady. At least your master knows what he's doing. Still, as his partner, I gotta get his head in the game before he botches this one."

Anna: "Okay and try not to spoil the surprise, okay daddy?"

Genie: "Sure thing, my sweet." *pats her head*

She winks and then poofs back to where you are. Meanwhile, Sadira peeks back outside and sees Aladdin still trying to get Rajah away from him... and his turban is off so she definitely knows it's him, but plays it off like she almost recognizes him.

Sadira: "Wait, do I know you?"

Aladdin: "Uh, no. No."

Sadira: "Really? Because you look like someone familiar my sister and I met back in the marketplace a couple of days ago."

Aladdin: "The marketplace? Heh, I have servants who go to the marketplace for me. Why, I even have servants who go to the marketplace for my servants. So, i-it couldn't have been me,"

At first, Sadira and Rajah just look at each other like "is he for real" and then look at him again as he's spouting this nonsense. But they keep playing along to not arouse suspicion.

Sadira: "If you say so."

Genie: *in bee form* "Enough about you, Casanova. Talk about her. She's smart, fun, the hair, the eyes. Anything. Pick a feature."

Aladdin: *clears throat* "Uh, Princess Sadira? You're very...

Genie: "Wonderful, magnificent, glorious, punctual."

Aladdin: "Punctual."

Sadira: "Punctual?"

Genie: "Sorry."

Aladdin: *stutters* "Uh, beautiful!"

Genie: "Nice recovery."

Now, it was their turn to set them up even more. And Rajah and Sadira had these sly grins on their faces.

Sadira: "I'm rich too, you know."

Aladdin: "Yeah."

Sadira: "The daughter of a Sultan."

Aladdin: "I know."

Y/N: *hearing from afar* "Yup, he's screwed."

Jasmine: "No doubt about it."

Sadira: *approaches Aladdin* "Just a... fine prize for any prince to marry."

Aladdin: *hesitates* "Uh, right. Right. A prince like me."

Ooh, bad move, dude.

Genie: *in bee form* "Warning! Warning!"

Sadira: "Right, a prince like you." *smooth to sour* "And every other *shoves turban down on his face* stuffed-shirt, *covers his head with his cape* swaggering peacock I've met!"

Yup... crash and burn.

Genie: *burning, coming down* "Mayday! MAYDAY!"

Al tried to stop her, but Sadira was firm.

Sadira: "Just shut up and go jump off a balcony!"

Aladdin: "What?"

Genie: *as a bee* "Stop her! Stop her! Want me to sting her?"

Aladdin: *swats at Genie* "Buzz off!"

Genie: "Okay, fine. But remember, bee-e-e-e your self."

And he retreats back into his lamp, which is hidden under his turban.

Aladdin: "Yeah, right."

Sadira: "Excuse me?"

Aladdin: *remorseful* "Uh... y-you're right. *sighs* And so was Y/N, you're not just some prize to be won. You should be free to make your own choice, just like Y/N allowed Jasmine.

Y/N: *whispering* "He's finally learning."

Jasmine: "Sadira is good."

Aladdin: "I'll go now." *steps off balcony, plummets down*

Sadira: *panicks* "NO!"

Aladdin: *peaks back up* "What? What?"

Sadira: "Wait a minute, you just... stepped over the balcony, how are you not plummeting to your death?"

Aladdin reveals his secret as his magic Carpet flies him back up.

Aladdin: "It's a magic carpet."

Sadira: "Wow, that's magical."

And Carpet shows its chivalrous side by kissing Sadira's hand.

Aladdin: "You don't want to go for a ride, do you? We could get outta the palace, see the world."

Sadira: "Is it even safe?"

Aladdin: "Sure. Do you trust me?"

Sadira: "What?"

Aladdin: *extends his hand* "Do you trust me?"

Sadira: *smiles* "Yes."

She accepts his hand and helps her onto Carpet. As they take off, you look to Jasmine.

Y/N: "Shall we join them?"

Jasmine: "Sure. But where's your carpet?"

Y/N: "Don't need one." *uses magic to fly* "I can fly. Meaning, I can be your magic carpet. So, do you trust me?"

Jasmine: "Heh, of course I do."

You carry her and keep her secure in your arms and soon, you take to the skies to show Jasmine the world.

[You and Al are singing practically the same thing alongside the princesses.]

After the song, we find you and Jasmine sitting atop a Chinese palace, watching the fireworks and experiencing Jasmine's first Chinese New Years, same with Aladdin and Sadira.

Jasmine: "It's all so magical."

Y/N: "It sure is."

Jasmine: "Y/N... do you still think about... your home?"

Y/N: "All the time. You know what the craziest part is? Time flows differently in my world compared to your world."

Jasmine: "How so?"

Y/N: "Well... let's say one day passes back in my world, but here, a whole year would've passed."

Jasmine: "Oh, so it'll only feel like you're gone for a few hours."

Y/N: "Yup. But when I'm gone... it feels like an eternity."

Jasmine: "I understand."

You and Jasmine then cuddle close to each other. Meanwhile, Sadira is about to mess with Aladdin once more and this time, she's gonna try to get him to come clean.

Sadira: "This is pretty amazing."

Aladdin: "Yeah."

Sadira: *grins* "It's a... shame that Abu had to miss this."

Aladdin: "Nah, he hates fireworks."

Carpet jolted up as if he was gasping and then facepalms himself on how Aladdin walked right into that one.

Aladdin: "He doesn't like flying, either." *realizes* "Uh, that is, um... Oh, no."

Sadira: *steals his turban* "Gotcha! I knew you were the same guy from the marketplace! How stupid did you think I was that I would fall for such an obvious lie?"

Aladdin: *nervous* "No, wait, Sadira, you're not stupid."

Sadira: "Then spill it. I want the truth. Who exactly are you?"

Aladdin: "The truth?"

Sadira: "Don't make me repeat myself."

Aladdin: "The truth, umm..."

You and Carpet both gesture Al to just do as she says.

Aladdin: "T-The truth is... I sometimes... dress as a commoner, um, to escape the pressures of palace life." *puts turban back on*

Aaaand he fails again. Carpet slumps down in frustration and you shake your head in disappointment and sigh.

Aladdin: "I-I really am a prince."

Sadira: *thinks* "Ugh! So stupid. Why won't he just come out and admit he's lying? *internally sighing* he's lucky he's cute." *aloud* "Why didn't you just tell me in the first place?"

Aladdin: "Well, you now, uh... royalty going out into the city in disguise, it sounds a little strange, don't you think?"

Sadira: "Nah, not really." 

He's not aware of the fact that she knows he's still lying, but she'll keep up the act until he's ready to confess. In the meantime, Sadira decides to cuddle next to Aladdin. After all, the one big truth is that he's alive and that's all that matters to her right now.

The rest of the time in China, you and Al said nothing while with the princesses, enjoying the fireworks and having a good time.

Eventually, it was getting late and it was time to take the princesses home so they can get their beauty sleep.

[timeskip back to Agrabah]

You and Al eventually dropped off the princesses on their balcony safe and sound and were about to head off...

Jasmine: "Goodnight, my handsome prince."

Y/N: "Sleep well, princess."

Sadira: "I'll see you in the morning... Ali."

Aladdin: "Same to you, Sadira."

With a little help from Carpet, he nudges Al close to Sadira and the two lock lips for a bit. You, on the other hand, you held her hand in hand and shared a passionate goodnight kiss with Jasmine before watching her and her sister head inside their room. And how beautiful they looked as they disappeared behind the curtains.

Al & Y/N: "YES!"

While Al floats down towards the garden, you happily float towards one of the trees and rest on one of the strong branches.

Aladdin: "For the first time in my life, things are starting to go right."

Or so he thought. Suddenly, Aladdin is ambushed by the palace guards and they chain him up and cover his mouth with a cloth. They've already restrained Abu and do the same with Carpet just as Jafar makes his appearence.

Jafar: "I'm afraid you've worn out your welcome, Prince Abubu and it's only a matter of time before I find your friend and deal with him just as I'll deal with you.

Aladdin tries to get free, but it's no use. He's out-numbered and out-muscled because of that foul, rotten Jafar.

Jafar: *heading back inside* "Make sure he's never found."

Suddenly, the big guard leader whacks Al upside the head with his club, knocking him out. This in turn... makes you snap.

Later, as they're now out of the city, you and Anna spring your attack and ambush them.

Both you and Anna stare down the guards, eyes glowing bright yellow in the dark, no pupils, just two glowing yellow lights glaring straight into their very souls.

Anna: *threatening tone* "You're going to pay for what you've done, you meatheads!"

Y/N: "Any kind of action involving murder is a crime punishable... for an eternity in hell."

Whipping out your keyblade, you surround the guards within a ring of fire, making them panic and yell in fear.

Leader: "Please! Have mercy! We were only following order!"


As you cursed like a freaking pirate, your magical energy raged out of control, as did the ring of fire around the guards. They had no choice but to follow your orders and leave Aladdin. The ring of fire ceased and they ran back into the palace with their tails between their legs.

You take a moment to calm down and Anna, even gave you a cold cup of water, which you willingly drank.

Y/N: *sighs* "That was too close. I doubt they would've caved if it was just me. I hate cocky, arrogant foes."

Anna: "Same here. Though, using your 2nd wish to make yourself intimidating to anyone who crosses you might backfire on you."

Y/N: "How so?"

Anna: "Well, if you get triggered by something... this is how people will see you." *shows you how scary you'd be*

You stood there, looking at her with wide eyes.

Y/N: ".......well then... I guess there's only one thing I have to say to that kind of face."

[A/N: How's that for a chapter ending, huh? I had a lot of fun making this chapter, mostly because of Genie and Anna being themselves and all that. Also, if you noticed, Anna isn't showing any sort of affection towards Y/N, but she will eventually. I'm just setting it up for later in the arc, but for now... STAY TUNED!!!]

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