Aladdin (Part 3)

You and Aladdin began to descend the stairs, about to behold the wonders that the cave had to offer and as you reach the doorway... you, Al and Abu looked in awe and the many treasures that fill this cave, golden treasures of many different shapes and sizes. Riches beyond your wildest dreams... and all of them forbidden.

Y/N: "So, this is what it's like to be surrounded by riches."

Aladdin: "Yeah, just a handful of this stuff would make me richer than the Sultan!"

Y/N: "Which is why we have to be careful. All this treasure... it's all one big trap... and a test."

Aladdin: "I hear you."

But Abu doesn't listen and tries to go and get some of the treasure, but you grabbed him by the tail just in time.

Y/N: "Did you not hear a word we just said?"

Aladdin: "Abu... Don't! Touch! Anything! We gotta find those lamps."

You put Abu back on Al's shoulder and continued down the path to find the lamps. Suddenly, a magic carpet woke up from its slumber and sees you three walking by. It gets curious and decides to follow you all secretly... specificaly behind you.

You know it means no harm, so you just stop.

Y/N: "Relax, we're not bad people. You don't have to sneak behind my back the whole time."

Aladdin: *turns to you* "Who are you talking to?"

You smirk and step to the side just as the magic carpet got startled and hid behind one of the mountains of treasure.

Aladdin: "Wow, a magic carpet." *gently calling out* "Come on, come on out, we're not gonna hurt you."

The majestic flying carpet the shy steps towards you two.

Y/N: "All my life, in all my travels, to be this close to a magical, living, flying carpet... I've never felt so happy. Hi, nice to meet you. My name's Y/N, *gestures to Al* this is my friend Aladdin and his trusty, cunning little primate partner, Abu."

The carpet comes up to you and shakes your hand, then Al's.

Y/N: "Hey, if you can, could you help us find these "lamps?"

The carpet reacted in a way, knowing what you're talking about, then gestures you 3 to follow it.

Aladdin: "I think he knows where it is."

Y/N: "Then let's follow that carpet!"

You and Al run off, following your new friend, entering deeper and deeper into the Cave of Wonders, eventually reaching the darkest part of the caves where almost no light is in sight, except... for one that towers at the center of the cave's bottom.

The magic carpet points up and you and Al look to where it's pointing and find a beam of light atop this steep cliff. 

Y/N: "Well... no turning back now."

You leap down onto one of the rocks and Aladdin climbs down to follow you towards the cliff.

Aladdin: *to Abu* "Wait here."

Abu sulks for a bit, having to wait for his partner. Then, his eyes glance to the side and he spots. what he'd call... his own grand prize.

You just about made it to the bottom part of the cliff and start climbing at a fast pace and Aladdin is trying to catch up. By this point, Carpet was getting worried you might not make it to the lamps on time because Abu was being drawn in by the treasure. Just as Abu is closing in, Carpet freaks out and tries to hold him back. 

Eventually, you make it to the top and find... two lamps. One belonging to you-know-who...

And the other... well, you're not sure who's that is...

Aladdin joins you and soon, you both pick up each lamp, Aladdin getting the 1st one and you getting the 2nd.

Aladdin: "This is it?"

Y/N: "Looks like it!"

Aladdin: "This is what we came all the way down here to--" *sees Abu* "Abu! NO!!!"

You look down and see Abu escaping from Carpet's grasp.


But it's too late, Abu's greed wins him over and he does the unthinkable.

Cave of Wonders: *enraged* "INFIDEEEELLLLLLLS!!!"

Y/N: "You just had to leave Abu behind!"

Carpet was getting scared as he knew what would happen.

Cave of Wonders: *enraged* "You have touched... the forbidden treasure!"

Abu sheepishly tried to put it back, but it just melted into sand and began to change into hot molten lava.


After proclaiming its last word, flames engulf where the pedastal once was and this was your time to expose yourself.

Y/N: "Al, get on my back! HURRY!"

Al didn't question it and did as he was told. You then whip out your keyblade and leap down the cliff and activate your magic. Using your powers, you flew over the molten lava, making your way towards Carpet and Abu and reach out to grab them.

Abu jumps up and lands in your arm and Carpet flies alongside you, then Al leaps onto Carpet as does Abu. Despite carrying the two, Carpet was still fast enough to keep up with you. You and Carpet fly as fast as you can, avoiding the tidal wave of lava. 

The lava was keeping up with you two, despite your efforts. On top of the lava following you, boulders were collapsing. You and Carpet had to maneuver around them and not get crushed by them, putting you all on edge to make it out alive. Abu was so scared, he wouldn't even let go of Aladdin's face to let him see.

Aladdin: *trying to pull him off* "Abu! Abu this is no time to panic!

Y/N: "Uh, Aladdin!" *points to steep drop*

Aladdin: *gasps* "Start panicking."


You made a quick sharp dive down below with the gang following close behind and enter through the treasure room. But now was not the time to collect the gold as towering pillars of flame began to engulf the treasure and shoot upwards.

Y/N: "It feels like we're trying to escape the depths of Hell!"

And who wouldn't think otherwise as you all continue to flee, the molten lava rises up in the form of claws, trying to grab you and outside the cave, the tiger head is roaring in agony as his life is slowly slipping away and Jafar can only stand and watch.

Thunder and lightning fills the sky above. You all are only inches away from the exit, but then Aladdin is struck by bad luck as a boulder falls on Carpet, making Aladdin crash into one of the broken steps and stumbles down until he clings to the last remaining stone step. You gasp and go back and help Aladdin up. You turn to Jafar in disguise and watch as Aladdin tries to reach out for him.

Aladdin: "HELP US OUT!"

Jafar: "Throw me the lamp!"

Y/N: "Are you serious?! We're about to plummet to our deaths here, you old coot!"

Jafar: "First, give me the lamp!"

You glare and give him your lamp instead of Aladdin giving his and Jafar takes it, laughing victoriously like an idiot.


 While he's distracted, you leap over him and land behind him a good distance just as he's about to finish off Aladdin.

Aladdin: "What are you doing?"

Jafar: "Giving you your reward! Your eternal reward."

But, as he raises his dagger, you whoosh past him, taking the lamp without his knowledge and then you surprise him.

Y/N: *deep voice* "Surprise, mothafucker." *punches him*

He's knocked back and falls on his ass and you jump back into the cave with Abu in hand as Aladdin keeps falling. Carpet gets loose, but it's already too late. The Cave of Wonders lets out one last roar before sinking completely into the sands, never to be seen... or heard from... never to show off the riches and wonders again.

But it didn't matter to Jafar... for now.

Jafar: *adjusting his jaw* "That boy had a mean punch." *chuckles* "No matter, because it's mine... *removes disguise* it's all mine. I... *checks pocket, finds nothing* Where is it?" *realizes* "No! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!"

[Back at the palace]

The Sultan arrives in his daughters' rooms and could tell that they were troubled by something very heart-wretching.

Sultan: "Jasmine? Sadira?"

Rajah was still with them, keeping them company while they continue to mourn the "deaths" of their recent friends.

Sultan: *comforting, approaching* "Dearests... What's wrong?"

Jasmine:  *turns to her dad, sniffling* "Jafar has..."

Sadira: *continuing* "...he's done something unforgiving!"

Sultan: *hugs both girls, understanding* "There, there, my dears. We'll set it right. *sits beside them* Now, tell me everything."

[Back underneath the desert sands]

You sat there, waiting for Aladdin to wake up. 

Abu: *shakes Aladdin* "Oh. Aladdin, wake up."

Aladdin eventually does wake up and Carpet helps him sit up.

Aladdin: "Oh, my head." *looks up, sees the exit is gone* "We're trapped." *angry* "That... two-faced son of a jackall!"

Y/N: "It wasn't just him. Abu's also to blame."

Aladdin: "What?"

Y/N: *sternly* "You specifically ordered Abu to stay with Carpet instead of having him join us to get the lamps. I've only known Abu for a couple of days and he has a bad habit of getting too greedy, so of course he'd try to go after the forbidden treasure! Now, because of Abu, the Cave of Wonders is gone for good!"

Abu felt a little guilty since you were right.

Aladdin: "As much as I hate to admit it, you're right."

Y/N: "Well, what's done is done. Our only choice now is to get the hell outta here."

Aladdin: Wait... the lamps!"

Y/N: "On, you mean the one you and I still have?" *shows yours*

Abu then shows Aladdin his lamp.

Aladdin: "Hey! How'd you get yours back?"

Y/N: "Let's just say... Abu's bad habits come in handy."

Abu sheepishly grins.

Y/N: "Al, why don't you inspect yours?"

Aladdin: "Alright, let's see." *checks lamp* "Looks like such a... beat-up, worthless piece of junk. Hey, I-I think there's something written here, but it's hard to make out." *rubs it*

[Start at 0:36]

Y/N: *laughs* "I like this guy!" *realizes* "Wait a minute, what if my..." *checks lamp, rubs it* "Could it be?"

Just like Genie's lamp, yours goes wacky and shoots out all kinds of magic, alerting the Genie and the others. And soon a bright light shines within the cave as the genie of the lamp you possess... makes themselves known to everyone.

???: *yawns, tired* "How long has it been since I last went to sleep?"

Y/N: *gasps, thinks* "She's so cute!"

She turns to Genie and her eyes widen as she gasps in happiness.

???: "DADDY, HI!!!"

Genie: "Anna! My sweet little girl! Come over here and give your daddy a big hug, sweetheart!"

The genie named "Anna" squeals in excitement and rushes past you, making you spin like a tornado and she tackle hugs Genie, making herself and him laugh.

Anna: "I've missed you so much, daddy! How long has it been since we last saw each other?"

Genie "I'd say maybe a few milennia or so, but man does it feel good to see you again. Look at you, you've grown so much and gotten so beautiful, you make daddy so... *sniffs* so proud... *sobs massive waterfalls, pulls out tissue box and blows nose*

[0:02 to 0:05 for Genie blowing his nose]

Y/N: "Okay, that was both funny and heart-warming."

Aladdin: "I'll say."

Anna: *looks to you and Al* "Oh, and who are these two?"

Genie: "Feast your eyes, my little princess, because these two boys are officially our masters. This is Aladdin, he's with me."

Anna: "Really?" *comes to you with mic in her hand* "And what might your name be?"

Y/N: "My name's Y/N."

Anna: "Y/N, you say? Well, it's nice to meet you. I'm Anna and I shall be your genie of the lamp. Just like daddy, you get 3 wishes, but no extra wishes allowed. *pulls out a sign that says "Extra wishes" with a big red X covering it* Do we understand?"

Y/N: "I sure do. But man, this feels like a dream."

Aladdin: "Welcome to the club."

Genie: "Masters! I don't think you quite realize what you've got here."

Anna: "So why don't you ruminate whilst daddy and I illuminate the possibilities."

*both genies spin around and begin*

[Imagine them also say your name in the song as well.]

And the father/daughter duo finish off their song with a big, blinking "Applause" sign over their heads, which you and Carpet do. Abu then tries emptying out his hat to find any sort of treasure, but found none and slumped down, pouting.

Y/N: "Woo! I give that performance an Infinity out of 10... actually Infinity and Beyond.

Anna: "Aww, you're too kind."

Aladdin: "You're... gonna grant us any 3 wishes we want, right?"

Anna: "Well... actually almost. Daddy?"

Genie: "Yes, uh... there are few provisos, a couple of quid pro quos." *adds extra fingers while listing them*

Aladdin: "Like?"

Genie: "Uh, rule #1, we can't kill anybody." *cuts own head off, holds it in his hand, strained voice* "So don't ask." *normal voice* Rule #2! *puts head back on.

Anna: "We can't make anybody fall in love with anybody else," *she pecks your cheek* "You little ponem there. And rule #3..."

Genie: *turns himself green, slimey and rotten, creepy igor voice* "We can't bring people back from the dead. It's not a pretty picture. WE DON'T LIKE DOING IT!" *back to normal* "Other than that, you got it." *bows*

Anna: *comes up to you, away from Al and the others* "So, what do you think?"

Y/N: "Seems legit enough. But uh... I need to know... *whispers* Do the rules forbid any sort of wish that makes the wisher... immortal?"

Anna: *realizes, whispers back* "Ooh, actually yes. We're not allowed to make anyone immortal because you never know when the wrong person might misuse their immortality. It was a rule added a long time ago,  but we don't talk about it anymore."

Y/N: "Understandable. Because to be honest, I like being mortal."

Anna: "That's nice to hear."

Just then, you both hear the sound of a loud, large foot stomping and you both turn to see Genie giving Al... the look.

Anna: "Uh-oh, what did he say to my dad?"

Y/N: "I think I might know."

Genie: "'Scuse me? *scoffs, Brooklyn accent* Are you lookin' at me? Did you rub my lamp? Did you wake me up? Did you bring me here? And all of a sudden you're walking out on me? *approaches Al* "I don't think so. Not right now. You're gettin' yer wishes so SIT DOWN!!!"

That spooked Al and Abu a bit, but they did as the Genie told them and sat on Carpet.

Y/N: "Ooh boy, I'd hate to be on your dad's bad side."

Genie: *to you* "YOU TWO, BUSTER!!!"

Y/N: "YIPE!!!" *runs pasts him, sits on Carpet*

Anna: *rushes to you* "Sorry about that. He's usually not like this."

Genie: *sits on Carpet* "In case of emergency, the exits are *poofs out arms from all directions of his upper body* here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here-- ANYWHERE! Keep your hands and arms inside the Carpet, Weeee're..." *blasts out of cave* "...OUTTA HERE!"

And with some provoking from Aladdin, Genie managed to get everyone out of the cave... no wishes were granted, though. Boy, is he gonna feel sheepish when they land.

[The next morning]

Back at the palace, the Sultan is scolding Jafar for "overstepping his authority" regarding you and Aladdin. The Sultan did not let up and showed his authority to him.

Sultan: *stern, disappointed* "Jafar, this is an outrage. If it weren't for all your years of loyal service... from now on, you are to discuss sentencing of prisoners with me, before they are beheaded."

Jafar: *while kneeling* "I assure you, Your Highness, it won't happen again."

Sultan: *holds both daughters hands* "Jasmine, Sadira, Jafar. Now let's put this whole messy business behind us. Please."

Jafar: *takes girls hands* "My most abject and humblest apologies to you as well, Princesses."

Jasmine: *deep hatred* "At least some good will come of our being forced to marry. When we are queen, we will have the power to get rid of you."

Sadira: *threatening* "So watch your back, you sniveling old man."

Jafar simply chuckled nervously.

Sultan: *relaxed* "There, now. That's nice. All settled, then. Now, my daughters, getting back to this suitor business.."

But they're already leaving since they're too angry to stick around, holding a deep grudge for the evil visier

Sultan: *chases after his daughters* "Jasmine! Sadira!"

As soon as they're far enough and out of eyesight, Jafar's smile vanishes and is replaced with a growling scowl.

Jafar: "If only I had gotten that lamp!

Iago: *mimicking Jasmine* "We will have the power to get rid of you." *normal voice, growls* "To think we gotta keep kissing up to that chump... and his chump daughters for the rest of our lives..."

Jafar: "No, Iago. Only until they finds "chump husbands. Then they'll have us banished." *gasps, realizing* "Or... beheaded."

Both parties exclaim in disgust.

Iago: *brainstorms* "Oh. Wait a minute. Jafar. What if you were the chump husband?"

Jafar: "What?"

Iago: "Okay, you marry one of the princesses, alright? And, uh... then you become Sultan."

Jafar: *grins in realization* "Hmm... Marry one of the shrews. I become the Sultan. The idea has merit." 

Iago: *excited* "Yes, merit. Yes. And then, we drop "Papa-in-law" and the little women off a cliff. *mimics dropping down, screaming* Kersplat! *hits ground hard*

Both share a wicked laughter.

Jafar: "I love the way your foul little mind works." *laughs sinisterly with Iago*

[Meanwhile in an oasis somewhere]

You were coming to a stop at this beautiful desert oasis after flying for nearly the whole night. Genie, being the funny guy he is, transformed himself into a female flight attendent.

Genie: *donning a flight attendent persona* "Thank you for choosing Magic Carpet for all your travel needs. Don't stand until the rug has come to a complete stop. *carpet stops, you all get off* Thank you. Goodbye now, goodbye. Thank you. Goodbye." *Back to normal, confident* "Well, how 'bout that, Mr. Doubting Mustafa?"

Aladdin: *grinning* "Oh, you sure showed me. *folds arms* Now about my three wishes" *turns to Genie, smug*

Genie: "Dost mine ears deceive me? Three? You are down my ONE, boy!"

Aladdin: "Ah, no. I never actually wished to get out of the cave. Heh, you did that on your own."

Genie: *points... jaw drops in realization* "Well, I feel sheepish." *transforms into a sheep*

Anna: "Daddy, I can't believe you let him trick you like that, what were you thinking?"

Y/N: "Yeah, I mean, you could've just asked me to blast a hole through the cave and we would fly outta here. *whips out keyblade* I do have a magic item here that shoots magic."

Anna: "Why not as me to wish you out?"

Y/N: "Because I want to save them for different occasions. Occasions where my keyblade... cannot do what your magic does."

Anna: "Oh, okay. Smart thinking." *puts grad cap on your head*

Genie:  *in sheep form* "Now I feel more sheepish." *to Aladdin* "Alright, you ba-a-a-ad boy, but no more freebies."

Anna: *giggles* "That's my dad, always a goof, even when he's trying to be serious."

Aladdin: "Fair deal. So, three wishes. Hmm, I want them to be good."

Y/N: "You know... this does beg the question...

Y/N & Al: *to the genies* "What would you wish for?"

Genie: *taken aback* "Us?" *sits down* "No one's ever asked us that before."

Anna: "Not once in all our lives. But if we did have one wish, it would be... *stops* No... nevermind it."

Y/N: "Come on, tell us."

Both genies: "Freedom."

Aladdin: *looks at lamp* "You're prisoners?"

Genie: "It's all part and parcel of the whole genie gig. *turns big a powerful, flexing powers* "PHENOMENAL COSMIC POWERS... *shrinks into lamp, tiny voice* ...itty-bitty living space."

Anna: "Same with me."

Aladdin: *sympathetic* "Oh, Genie, that's terrible."

Y/N: "I can't even imagine how much you two have been suffering for so many years."

Genie: *flows out of lamp* "But, oh, to be free... not to have to go *poof* What do you need? *poof* What do you need? *poof* What do you need? To be our own masters. Such a thing would be greater than all the magic and all the treasures and all the world! But, what am I talking about? Let's get real here, it's not gonna happen. Genie, wake up and smell the hummus."

Aladdin: "Why not?"

Y/N: "What's so wrong about dreaming to be your own master?"

Anna: "Because the only way we can be our own masters is if our current masters wish us out."

Genie: "But you can guess how often that's happened. And why it's been tough for Anna and I to spend quality time together.

Aladdin: "We'll do it. We'll set you free."

Genie: "Uh-huh, yeah, sure." *head changes to Pinocchio with nose growing out*

Aladdin: *shortens his nose* "No, really, I promise. After I make my first two wishes, I'll use my 3rd wish to set you free."

Anna: *to you, with pleading eyes* "Would you do that for me?"

Y/N: "Of course. Besides, you'll get to see your father more often."

She gasps and gives you a big hug, making you squeak like a squeaky toy and she nuzzles you.

Genie: "Well, here's hoping." *shakes Al's hand* "Alright. Let's make some MAGIC! So, how 'bout it? what is it that you want most?"

Anna: "Oh right! What do you want, Y/N?"

Y/N: "Let's see..."

Aladdin: "Well, for me, there's this girl and..."

Genie: *mimics buzzer, shows "no" sign over heart on his body* "Wrong! I can't make anybody fall in love, remember?"

Y/N: "He's smitten by this girl. Her name's Sadira."

Aladdin: "And she's smart and fun and..."

Genie: "Pretty?"

Aladdin: "Beautiful!"

Anna: "And you? Who are you in love with?"

Y/N: "Her name's Jasmine. She's gorgeous, witty and she's quite the acrobatic when it comes to getting around."

We then show Genie chilling by a tree, dressed in a fancy French getup while Abu and Carpet are chilling by a fancy table with two glasses of wine and a bottle of wine sitting in the center.

Genie: "Ami. C'est l'amour."

Aladdin: "But they're princesses. To even have a chance, I'd have to be... *gets an idea* ...Hey... can you make me a prince?"

Genie puts on another getup. This time, a pink, frilly apron, wearing granny glasses and holding a book he calls "Royal Recipes."

Genie: "Let's see here. Chicken a la king? *pulls out chicken wearing a crown, tosses it* Nope. Alaskan king crab. *snip* Ow! *retracts hand with Sebastian clamped to his finger, shakes him off* I hate when I do that. *turns page* Caesar salad. *bulky arm with dagger comes out, scaring Genie* Ah! Et tu, Brute? *shoves arm back in* No. *finds recipe* Aha. "To make a prince."

Anna: *excited* "Ooh, here it comes!"

Genie: *to Al* "Now, is that an official wish? Say the magic words."

Aladdin: *proudly* "Genie, I wish for you to make me a prince."

Anna: *squeals in excitement* "He said it!"

Genie: "ALRIGHT!!! Yo, yo! Woof! Woof! *sets up changing room* "First, that fez-and-vest combo is much too 3rd century. These patches. What are we trying to say, beggar? No, let's work with me here. *wraps Aladdin in measuring tape, zips it off, poofing on royal clothes* 

Anna: "Ooh, good choice."

Genie: "OOH! I like it. Muy macho. Now, it still needs something. What does it say to me? It says... mode of transportation. Excuse me, monkey boy. *claps for him to come over* aqui. Over here."

Abu tries to hide behind Carpet, but Genie's magic pulls him in without effort while transforming him in the process.

Genie: *as a game show host* "Here he comes. And what better way to make your entrance on the streets of Agrabah than riding your very own brand-new camel? Watch out, they spit."

And the curtains reveal Abu transformed into a camel and spits on Genie's cue.

Genie: "Hmm... not enough." *changes Abu to horse* "Still not enough." *snaps fingers over and over* "Let's see. What do you need?"

And he keeps transforming Abu into many other things. A duck, an ostrich, a hot rod, then back into a monkey. And then...

Genie: "YES! Esalalumbo shimin Dumbo! *shoots magic at Abu*

Genie: "Whoa! Talk about your trunk space. Check this action out."

Carpet kept trying to get out from under Abu's foot and eventually did so after much difficulty. Abu went to take a look at himself and while he still made monkey sounds, he also made scared elephant sounds when he saw himself in the lake. He then tried to hide up in a tree, but his massive weight was too much to keep him up and wound up bending the tree backwards, meeting his friend.

Aladdin: "Abu, *trying not to laugh* you look good."

Y/N: "Oh yeah, he's "tons of fun," now." *laughs*

Abu just gives you a deadpanned expression.

Anna: "Ooh, do you want to be a prince?"

Y/N: *whispers to Anna* "Truth is... back home, I'm already a king, but making a grand entrance into Agrabah would be nice... and I wanna make sure it's broadcasted to my family. So Anna... I wish to make a grand, royal entrance back to Agrabah while it's broadcasting to my family... right after Aladdin makes his entrance."

Anna: "Specific... but I can do that!"

Genie: "Did my daughter's master make his wish, too?"

Anna: "Yep, we're back in business, daddy!"

Genie: "In that case, hang onto your turbans, boys! We're gonnna make you stars!"

Anna: "Time for a MAKEOVER!!!"

And fireworks went off all around the oasis as the two genies began their duties. Agrabah is going to be in for a big surprise once they see you and Aladdin. Only difference is... Aladdin's merely playing dress-up, while you're the genuine artical. Makes you wonder how the princesses will take it seeing you alive.

[A/N: Two chapters done in one day. There's gonna be much more chapters to come later on, so best be prepared. And now that the genies have finally been introduced, things will get a lot more fun around here, so now... STAY TUNED!!!]

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