Aladdin (Part 2)
Another day arrives and the sun is shining on the streets of Agrabah and Abu and Aladdin are on top of a food stand, about to snatch themselves some delicious fruit for breakie.
Aladdin: *whispers* "Okay, Abu. Now."
His little primate friend salutes him and then peeks underneath to see the owner trying to offer up his produce.
Melon man: "Try this. Your taste buds will dance and sing."
Abu makes his move and makes sounds as he grabs one of the melons, catching the owner's attention in doing so.
Owner: *to Abu* "Hey, get your paws off that!"
Abu: *taunts with tongue out*
Owner: *angry* "WHY, YOU..."
The owner puts down one of the melons he was showing off to grab the one Abu has. But while his back was turned, Aladdin took the melon before he could get caught. The owner eventually snatched the melon away from Abu, but when he turned to his other melons, he noticed the one he put down was gone, then turned back to Abu.
Abu: *tips hat* "Buh-bye."
Aladdin: "Nice going Abu. *cracks melon in half, gives half to Abu* Breakfast is served."
And the two happily eat their meal while you... you just watch from ground level, chuckling at their shenanigans. You turn around and notice a familiar princess blending in with the crowd, but the other girl... somehow she seems familiar to you.
Pottery owner: "Pretty ladies, buy a pot. No finer pot in brass or silver."
Food stand owner: "Sugar dates. Sugar dates and figs. Sugar dates and pistachios."
Jewelry owner: "Would the ladies like a necklace? A pretty necklace for pretty ladies."
Fisherman stand: "FRESH FISH! We catch 'em, you buy 'em!"
Y/N: "They sure got a variety of good stuff out here."
Jasmine: "You could say that again."
Y/N: *turns to fire breather* "Ooh! This guy's also good."
Jasmine: "Really?"
Sadira: "Let's see."
Luckily, since neither of you bumped into the guy, he was able to pull off his fire breathing technique without a hitch.
[Story pauses]
Y/N: *to audience* "Remember kids, he is a trained professional, do not try this at home."
[Story resumes]
Jasmine: "That was amazing."
Sadira: "Makes you wonder how he does it?"
Y/N: "Years... and years of practice... and probably had to endure a lot of burns inside the mouth as well."
While you were talking to the girls, Aladdin saw them and was instantly smitten by them.
Aladdin: "Wow!"
The girls didn't notice him and went on their merry way. Abu then looks at his partner and tries to get his attention.
Abu: *waves hand in Aladdin's face* "Hello? Hello!"
As you're all walking through the streets, you notice a poor kid trying to get an apple from one of the carts.
Jasmine: *to the little boy* "Aww, you must be hungry."
Y/N: "I got this." *pays owner* "Can I get a few of these apples please, best ones you got."
Owner: "Absolutely."
The owner bags up his juiciest, ripest apples and hands you a big bag.
Owner: "Pleasure doing business with you."
Y/N: "No problem. *hands two to the boy* Here, kid. Grow up big and strong, okay?"
He nods and happily runs off.
Jasmine: "That was very nice of you."
Y/N: "Well, no one deserves to go hungry."
Sadira: "You can say that again. This place is full of all kinds of food and there's some who can't even afford them."
Aladdin: *shows up* "You got that right."
Y/N: "Hey, Al. Enjoy your little breakfast?"
Aladdin: "Sure did."
Sadira: "Who's your friend there?"
Y/N: "This is Aladdin. He has... quite the rep here in Agrabah. And his partner in crime is Abu."
Sadira: *utters quietly* "Hmmm, he's not too bad."
Jasmine: "Do you two have a place to stay?"
Aladdin: "I sure do. Come on, follow us."
The two sisters look at each other and then head off with you and Al back to his house.
[Back with Iago and Jafar]
Iago: *running the contraption, panting heavily* "With all due respect, your Rottenness, couldn't we just wait for a real storm?"
Jafar: "Save your breath, Iago. Faster."
The evil advisor places the ring atop the sands of time, wedged between two snake statues and held in place by their fangs.
Iago: "Yes, O mighty evil one." *runs faster, panting heavier*
The gears turn faster and the sands of time begin to reveal the Cave of Wonders on the top part of the hourglass.
Jafar: "Part, sands of time. Reveal to me the ones who can enter the cave."
Then in the bottom of the hourglass, he sees a vision of Aladdin and... surprisingly you.
Jafar: *to Aladdin* "Yes. Yes! There he is. My "Diamond in the Rough." *seeing you* "Oh! So, he's the "Light Amidst the Gloom." What a small world this is."
Iago: *questioning* "THAT'S THEM?! Those are the clowns we've been waiting for?"
But the pesky parrot loses his grip on the handle and winds up getting trapped in the gears, spinning up vertically and horizontally, unable to escape at the moment.
Jafar: "Let's have the guards extend them an invitation to the palace, shall we?"
Iago then gets launched away from the contraption and hits a wall, completely featherless, looking like a roasted chicken.
Iago: *strained* "Swell." *flops down*
[Back to you, Al and the girls.]
Aladdin: "Almost there."
You and Al help pull up each girl onto a rooftop and Jasmine loses her footing, landing in your arms surprisingly. Sadira, on the other hand meets her eyes with Aladdin's.
Y/N: "You okay there?"
Jasmine: "Yes."
Y/N: "You know, if you had given that kid the apple just like that, that guy would've probably gotten angry. Something tells me there's a huge penalty for stealing."
Jasmine: "Well, it's a good thing you came along."
Sadira: "Yeah, because me and my sis... we're broke."
Aladdin: "Welcome to the club. Y/N's probably the only one with the coin in this group." *grabs long, sturdy stick* "By the way, is this your first time in the marketplace?"
He and Abu then pole vault themselves to the next rooftop.
Sadira: "Obviously."
Jasmine: "Is it that obvious?"
Aladdin: *slightly dreamily* "Well, you do kinda stand out."
Y/N: "Oh? Is it because they're so pretty?"
Sadira: *to Aladdin* "Awww, you smooth talker."
Jasmine had nothing to say, but was definitely flattered by you and Al for how they "stand out."
Aladdin: *tries being serious* "I mean, uh... you don't seem to know how dangerous Agrabah can be." *sets up walking plank*
But then Jasmine and Sadira leave him speechless as they pole vault to the other side together with ease.
Jasmine: "We're fast learners."
She and Sadira then toss their poles to Aladdin, now leaving him and Abu speechless.
Y/N: *whistles, impressed* "Nice moves. Alright, here I come."
But you don't use a pole or the board, you actually use a bit of magic without them noticing to long jump your way over to where they are and add a little front flip.
Y/N: *after landing* "Heh, I've got my own tricks."
Jasmine: "Impressive."
Aladdin: "Nice one!" *tosses poles to Abu*
The little primate looks up at his partner with a cute glare and tosses the poles aside.
You and Al then guide the girls inside one of the buildings and up the steps.
Aladdin: "Whoa. *points to support beams* Watch your heads there. Be careful."
Jasmine: "Is this where you live?"
Y/N: "This is his place, he just lets me crash here for a while."
Aladdin: "Yup. Just me and Abu. Y/N's an honored guest since he shares the wealth. We come and go as we please."
Sadira: "Sounds pretty cool."
Aladdin: "Well, it's not much, but it's got a great view."
He then pulls the curtains to the side and shows a view of the city... and the palace right at the center of it. At first the girls look at the city with smiles, but then, they quickly disappear when they lock their eyes onto their home from a far distance.
Aladdin: "Wow. The palace looks pretty amazing, huh?"
Jasmine: *unhappy* "Oh, it's wonderful." *sits down*
Sadira: *same as Jasmine* "Yup... a real eye-catcher."
Aladdin: "I would what it would be like to live there and have servants and valets."
Y/N: *thinks* "You're setting your sights too high."
Jasmine: *rolls eyes* "Oh, sure. People who tell you where to go and how to dress."
Sadira: "Seeing all the same faces and doing nothing."
Aladdin: "It's better than here. You're always scraping for food and ducking the guards."
Sadira: "You're not free to make your own choices."
Aladdin: "Sometimes you feel so..."
Jasmine & Sadira: "You're just..."
Y/N: "Lemme guess..."
All 4: "Trapped."
Just then you all look at each other, thinking the same thing.
Jasmine: "What about you, Y/N? Don't you ever feel like that?"
Y/N: "Sometimes I do. But... that's only when I'm travelling."
Sadira: "How does travelling make you feel trapped?"
Y/N: "Because I have family back home. And travelling around to different places, seeing new sights and fighting off different conflicts, sometimes it feels like an endless cycle I'm constantly running in because it's my moral duty to help others. That's what makes me feel trapped, but at the same time... it makes me feel good."
Jasmine: "Why's that?"
Y/N: "When I resolve conflicts wherever I go, I'm building bridges between the people there and their homes to me and my home."
Sadira: "Admirable."
Aladdin: "So, where are you all from?" *tosses you and the girls an apple each*
Jasmine: "What does it matter?"
Sadira: "We ran away and we're not going back."
Y/N: "Let's just say... my home is extremely big. Not just the city, but the house I live in." *bites into apple*
Aladdin: *bites into his own apple* "Really? How come?" *hands Abu the apple he bit into*
Abu: *about to throw apple at Aladdin, tosses it aside with a forced smile* "Why, you..."
You give Abu half of your apple so he won't be sour.
Jasmine: "Our father is forcing us to get married."
Aladdin: "That's... That's awful."
Y/N: "It's unfair is what it is. If I were Sultan, I would change the law and have my own children marry whomever they please. Regardless of whether they're royalty or not."
Jasmine: "Would you, now?"
Y/N: "Yeah, without a doubt."
Aladdin: "I feel the same way."
Sadira: "Well aren't you a sweetheart."
Jasmine: "Hmm... yes. It's very... sweet."
The mood begins setting in and with Jasmine closing in on your face and Aladdin having his moment with Sadira, you almost make contact with the princess' lips until...
Guard: "Here you are!"
Aladdin & princesses: "They're after me! They're after you?"
Jasmine: "Father must've sent them!"
Y/N: "We've gotta get outta here, now!"
Sadira: "How, we're trapped!"
Aladdin: "Do you trust me?"
Sadira: "What?"
Aladdin: "Do you trust me?" *extends hand out*
Sadira: *without hesitation* "Yes!"
Y/N: "Hold on tight, miss, 'cause we're going for a ride!" *holds onto Jasmine bridal style*
Jasmine: *scared, hesitant, holds on tightly* "Umm... okay?"
Aladdin and Sadira both jump together and land safely inside one of the buildings with a broken rooftop while you jumped out after them and slide down the smooth surface of the building and then hopped from wall to wall all the way to the ground.
Y/N: *puts Jasmine down* "Let's hurry up!"
You and Jasmine then run out and find Aladdin cornered by the guards and you gasp
Guard leader: "We just keep running into each other, don't we, street rat?"
Abu tries to stall him with the old turban trick like before. But this time, Aladdin and Sadira are trapped and cornered. The guard leader then takes Abu and throws him in one of the pots before grabbing Aladdin and tossing him over to his men.
Guard leader: "It's the dungeon for you, boy." *turns to you* "And same with your friend."
Jasmine: "No, you can't!"
Y/N: "Don't! It's not worth it." *to the leader* "Alright, fine, I'll come quietly, but promise me you'll let the girls go free."
Guard leader: "Wise choice, boy. *grabs you, tosses you with the other guards*
Sadira: "Hey! Let go of them!"
Jasmine: *follows along Sadira* "This is your last warning."
Both: *reveals themselves* "By order of the princesses!"
The guards behind the leader all bow in respect and so do you while Aladdin is forced to bow.
Guard leader: *realizes, bows* "Princess Jasmine and Princess Sadira."
Aladdin: "The princesses?"
Abu: *from inside the pot, in monkey screeches* "The princesses?"
Guard leader: "What are you doing outside the palace? And with these street rats?"
Jasmine: "That's not your concern. Do as we command. Release them!"
Sadira: "Or should we bring this up with our father?"
Guard leader: "I would, princesses. Except my orders come from Jafar. *bows* You'll have to take it up with him."
Jasmine: *deep anger* "Believe me, we will."
Sadira: "He's a dead man walking."
[Back at the palace]
Jafar is seen coming out of his secret room. He checks left and right to see if anybody's around to see him. When the coast is clear, he comes out quickly, then starts closing the door.
Jasmine: *walks in* "Jafar?"
Sadira: *follows behind* "You'd better be in here!"
Jafar: "Oh, princesses."
Iago: *casually walking out, then squished by door* "Awk! *silently* Jafar, I'm stuck!"
Jafar: "How may I be of service to you?" *bows to them*
Jasmine: "The guards took two boys from the market!"
Sadira: "On your orders!"
Jafar: "Your father has charged me with keeping the peace in Agrabah. The boys were criminals."
Jasmine: "What were their crimes?"
Iago: *tugs on Jafar's cape, silent, raspy voice* "I can't breathe, Jafar!"
Jafar: "Why... kidnapping the princesses, of course."
Iago: *straining* "Jafar, if you could just-- *kicked back inside* Aah! That hurt!"
Jasmine: "They didn't kidnap us, we ran away!"
Sadira: "Yeah, of our own free will!!!"
Jafar: *acts worried, but calm* "Oh, dear. Oh, how frightfully upsetting. Had I but known..."
Sadira: "What's going on, Jafar? What'd you do?"
Jafar: "Sadly, the boys' sentences have already been carred out."
Jasmine: *worried* "What sentence?"
Jafar: "Death..."
Both princesses: *gasp in horror* "No!"
Jafar: "...By beheading."
And just like that, their faces turned pale as the two sat down, unable to accept the fate Jafar has set for the two boys.
Jafar: *fake sincerity* "I am exceedinly sorry, princesses."
Jasmine: *quietly* "How could you?"
Sadira: *tears swelling up* "I will never... ever forgive you for what you've done... you monster!"
The two royal sisters then run off, sobbing quietly to themselves and just then, Iago managed to come out of the little crack in the doorway, gasping for air and then gets on Jafar's shoulder.
Iago: *recomposes* "So, how did it go?"
Jafar: *chuckles* "I think they took it... rather well."
Over in the palace gardens, Jasmine and Sadira are hugging each other, crying their eyes out and Rajah walks up to them, concerned for his two friends and tries to comfort them.
Jasmine: *while still crying* "It's all my fault, Rajah."
Sadira: *also teary-eyed* "No, it was our fault! If we hadn't gotten them involved, none of this would've happened! *sniffs* And I barely knew his name... Aladdin."
Jasmine: "Same with Y/N... and they were so nice to us. Now we'll never see them again."
The girls hug Rajah and Rajah hugs them back.
[In the dungeons]
We find you and Aladdin chained to the walls. Aladdin is trying to break free while you peacefully meditate to yourself.
Aladdin: "They were the princesses. I can't believe it. I must've sounded so stupid to them!"
Y/N: "No... you didn't. I could tell Sadira really liked you. You have that... natural charm and that was enough to woo her."
Aladdin: "How do you know?"
Y/N: "Call it a hunch."
Abu: *monkey screeches* "Yoo-hoo! Aladdin! *raises hat* He-bo!"
Y/N: "Hah! I love it when he says that."
Aladdin: *looks up, smiling* "Abu! Down here!"
The little primate climbs down and reaches his friend.
Aladdin: "Come on, help me out of these."
Abu then makes these mad, scolding screeches at Aladdin and then jumps on the ground. He mimics the princesses, then screeches madly at his old buddy.
Y/N: "I think that's Abu talk for "Maybe I should let you rot in here for choosing a couple of girls over your best pal."
Abu blinked in surprise and turned to you and nodded.
Y/N: "Oh, that's what you really said?"
He nods again.
Y/N: "Abu, you know Aladdin would never replace you. You two are thicker than thin, it's just that love makes people do stupid things, especially for the ones we've been smitten by."
Aladdin: "But don't worry Abu, I'll never see them again. I'm a street rat, remember? And there's a law, she's gotta marry a prince."
Abu then unlocks the chains and frees his buddy.
Aladdin: "She deserves a prince."
Y/N: "Hey, don't go talking crazy like that."
Aladdin: "Why?"
Abu then goes over to you and unlocks your chains, setting you free.
Y/N: "Because you know as well as I do-- *turns to Abu, petting his head* Good job, Abu. *to Aladdin* --that there's never an easy road to a destination, including love."
Aladdin: "Easy for you to say. I'm a fool."
???: "You're only a fool if you give up, boy."
Y/N: *turns, sees Jafar incognito, thinks* "Nice try, you sleazy snake, but I can see right through your disguise." *aloud* "And to whom are we speaking to?"
Jafar: "A lowly prisoner, like yourselves. But together, perhaps we can be more."
Aladdin: *skeptical* "We're listening."
Jafar: "There is a cave, boys. A Cave of Wonders filled with treasures *shows jewels* beyond your wildest dreams."
Y/N: *thinks* "Except that treasure is forbidden."
Jafar: "Treasure enough to impress even your princesses, I'd wager."
Iago: *peeks out from cloak, quietly* "Jafar, can you hurry up? I'm dying in here." *gets headbutted back inside*
Aladdin: "But the law says only a prince can..."
Jafar: "You've heard of the golden rule, haven't you? Whoever has the gold makes the rules." *wheezing laugh*
Aladdin: "Why would you share all of this wonderful treasure with me?"
Y/N: "Am I even involved in this?"
Jafar: "Of course! I need a young pair of legs and a strong back to go in after it."
Aladdin: "Uh, one problem. It's out there, we're in here."
Jafar: "Mm-mmm. Things aren't always what they seem." *goes, reveals hidden door* "So, do we have a deal?"
It's not like Aladdin has a choice. He'll do anything to be able to be with Sadira. You... you're not sure why you're getting involved, there's only supposed to be one Diamond in the Rough. But, Jafar seems to know more than you let on, so you follow him.
[One long trip into the desert later]
You all soon find yourselves at the entrance to the Cave of Wonders.
Cave of Wonders: "Who disturbs my slumber?"
Aladdin: *hesitantly* "Uh... it is I, Aladdin."
Y/N: "And... It is I, Y/N."
Cave of Wonders: "...Proceed. Touch nothing, but the lamps." *opens jaw wide open*
Y/N: *thinks* "LAMPS?! There's more than one?! This really is a different version of the original Aladdin movie."
Jafar: "Remember boys, fetch me the lamp. And then, you shall have your rewards!"
Y/N: *thinks* "You'll get your just desserts, Jafar, just you wait."
Aladdin: *whispers* "Come on, Abu."
Y/N: "Well, here goes nothing."
Stealing your nerves, you and your charismatic street rat friend and his royal, tiny primate friend enter the Cave of Wonders. What kind of surprises are waiting in store for you two and... how many lamps will there be once you reach the end? Only time will tell.
[A/N: Here's another chapter done and ready to go. Hehehe. I am SUPER excited for the next chapter. Get ready folks, because we're about to get nostalgic goosebumps. The stage is about to be set, but for now, my friends... STAY TUNED!!!]
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