Aladdin (Part 1)
And here you are... in the land, the faraway place where caravan camels roam. A place where it's flat and immense, the heat is intense, barbaric, but home to others. A place where the winds from the East and the suns from the West and the sand in the glass is right. This... is the reknown Arabian kingdom... of Agrabah. Home to one particular street rat and a sassy little princess who's picky about suitors.
As you gaze at the city from your position, you decide to go incognito and use your magic to conjure up a hooded cloak... one that actually regulates cold air throughout your body so you won't get heatstroke in this heated city or stand out with your iconic wardrobe.
You stroll through the city, checking out the stands and all the stuff Agrabah had to offer. But right now, you had more oppressing matters to attend to in this town. So, you navigate the streets of Agrabah, taking in more of the sights, but then, you decide to get a bird's eye view, away from the public eye. Moving into a dark alley, you then leap up and jump from wall to wall and land on rooftop.
Y/N: *overlooks city* "Huh, not a bad view."
???: "STOP! THIEF!"
You get startled and turn to see none other than the charismatic street rat, Aladdin, has also come to join you. And in his hands, he's got a little snack and behind him... the Sultan's palace guards are on him like like stink on a warthog.
Guard Leader: "I'll have your hands for a trophy, street rat! *turns to face you* Scratch that, I'll both yours AND your street rat friend's hands for trophies!"
Y/N: "Excuse me?
Aladdin: "All this for a loaf of bread?" *turns to you* "Uh... sorry for getting you involved?"
Y/N: "How about we save the apologies for after we shake off these bozos, sound good?"
Aladdin: "...Mmmm good point."
The slippery break snatcher then leaps off the building and you follow behind, but use the building walls to bounce down safely while he slides on some laundry ropes and then crashes into a wall and falls down the rest of the way. Luckily, he's covered in all kinds of clothing, so it cushioned his fall just enough to save him. He then stuck his hand out and caught his little snack out of instinct.
Aladdin: "How'd you survive?"
Y/N: "I used the wall-step method and hopped down."
Aladdin: "Huh... you gotta teach me that."
Y/N: "Not sure if I can, but... I'll try."
Guards: *from the rooftop* "There they are! You two street rats won't get away so easy!"
Aladdin: "You think that was easy?"
Y/N: *calls back* "Shouldn't you guys be guarding some big-ass palace gates or something?"
Just then, a few ladies were laughing in your direction... moreso at Aladdin and his silly mismatch of clothes. But there was no time to laugh with them because here comes the palace guards and they're more determined to capture you two.
Y/N: "Well, that's a wrinkle, isn't it?"
Guard leader: "You two, over that way, and you, follow me! We'll find those two yet!"
Aladdin then covers himself as he approaches the ladies, trying to stay incognito.
Aladdin: "Morning ladies."
Lady 1: *sly smirk* "Getting into trouble a little early, aren't we, Aladdin? And who's your little friend here?"
Aladdin: "Oh, someone who did nothing wrong, but I accidentally roped him into my problems."
Y/N: "It's true."
Aladdin: "Also, there's no way I'm in trouble. You're only in trouble if you get caught."
And then...
Guard: *grabs Aladdin* "GOTCHA!"
Aladdin: *calm, but worried* "I'm in trouble!"
Y/N: "Uh-oh."
Guard: "And this time--" *gets blinded with turban*
Thankfully, a little guardian angel... or guardian monkey shows up and blindsides the big guy.
Aladdin: "Perfect timing, Abu. As usual."
Abu: *tips hat* "he-bo!"
Y/N: "Clever little guy."
Aladdin: "Sometimes he can be a little too clever."
Y/N: "Perfect, now let's get outta here before they mount our heads on their walls."
Aladdin: "Right."
[Start at 0:50. Picture yourself in this with Aladdin and Abu]
After escaping the law and leaving them to "get their "shit" together," you, Aladdin and Abu sit down in a secluded spot to take a little breather and enjoy a little snack.
Aladdin: *to you* "Hey, sorry for dragging you into this. You were never supposed to get involved in my wrong-doings."
Y/N: "Ah, water under the bridge. So, your name is Aladdin and this little guy is... Abu?"
Aladdin: "Yup. How'd you know?"
Y/N: "The ladies called you by name. And plus, you called Abu by name when he blinded that big guard earlier."
Aladdin: "Oh, right. Hey, what's your name?"
Y/N: "Y/N. I'm new in town. Thought I'd take a look around and do a little sight-seeing for a bit."
Aladdin: "Well, welcome to Agrabah. Hey, are you feeling hungry, by any chance?"
Y/N: "Nah, I had a huge meal when I came here." *thinks* "Not really... I haven't eaten anything in a while. But these guys are already starving as it is, I can't possibly accept."
Aladdin: "Well, if you're sure." *you nod* "In that case..." *to Abu* "...Now, esteemed effendi, *breaks bread in half* we feast. Alright."
He gives half of it to Abu and are about to start eating until you and Aladdin spot two poor kids looking in a broken pot for food, but can only find fish bones. They spot you and Aladdin and get a little scared and... to you, it broke your heart to see them like this. Aladdin feels the same way for the poor children. He looks down at his bread, then to Abu.
Sadly, Abu was too cranky to sympathize and bit into his bread, glaring up at Aladdin.
You can understand the frustration behind Abu. After all, he and Al did go through some trouble just to steal some bread. Normally, you don't condemn stealing, but... you can't blame them. They've got no money to buy food and no family to come home to. And something tells you those kids are all alone, too.
Aladdin sighs and goes over to the kids and offers up his bread to them without even taking a bite out of it. The girl, who is likely the little boy's big sister, holds him close, worried for his safety, which you found so sweet, it hits you right in the feels.
Aladdin: *gentle voice* "Here. Go on, take it."
The girl accepts his bread and he pats her on the head. She giggles and he lets them have their little breakfast.
Y/N: *nods in approval* "You're a good guy, Al."
Aladdin: "Well, they need it more than I do."
Now, Abu feels guilty for being selfish after taking a bite of his bread and lets out a groan after gulping his bite. He then goes over to the two kids as they enjoy their fresh bread. He gives them his own piece and they happily accept it and pet Abu. Abu now feels better and joins his friend and owner, Aladdin, alongside you.
Y/N: "You guys did good. Tell you what... I'll go ahead and buy some food for you guys and don't worry, it's on me."
Aladdin: "Thanks."
Y/N: "No problem. And uh... I'll make sure those kids also get more than enough to eat, too."
Aladdin: "Really? I didn't think you'd have enough to feed me and Abu, but that's great."
Y/N: "Well, when you help one person, you help everybody."
Just then, there's a commotion going on in the streets and you three go out to see what all the fuss is about.
Y/N: *thinks, deadpanned* "Oh, goodie. An asshole on an Ass."
Man 1: "On his way to the palace, I suppose."
Man 2: "Another suitor for the princesses."
Y/N: *confused* "Princesses?"
Aladdin: "You didn't know? Inside that palace, the Sultan has two daughters and both are said to be equally pretty."
Y/N: *thinks confused* "Wait... so in this version of Aladdin... Jasmine has a sister and she's not an only child? Holy shit!"
Just then, the two kids from before ran out into the streets. The boy tried to go an pet the horse, but his sister grabbed him and pulled him away, then turned to shield him. The horse got startled and this angered the so-called prince.
Achmed: "Out of my way, you filthy brats!"
He gets out his whip and cracks it, but you ran ahead and guarded the kids while Aladdin catches the whip.
Y/N: "Are you two okay?"
The kids nod.
Y/N: "Good. Now hurry on back and one more thing, never try to pet a stranger's horse. You never know if they're mean."
They nod again and they leave safely.
Aladdin: *to the prince* "Hey! If I were as rich as you, *yanks whip away* I could afford some manners." *throws at his face*
Achmed: "Oh! I'll teach you some manners."
As he's about to kick Aladdin, away, you step between them and block it with your shoulder and glare at the prince.
Y/N: "And you call yourself a prince? You don't even know the first thing about humility. A shame really... all that glitering gold and riches you wear and keep in your pockets and yet your personality is dryer than the lands of Egypt during the 7 years of famine.
Achmed: "Huh! You and your friend are worthless street rats. You were born street rats and you'll die street rats and only your fleas will mourn you."
Y/N: "Too bad none of Agrabah will mourn you. I doubt the princesses will mourn you either."
And the prince tried to make another comeback, but he grunts in frustation and heads into the palace, thinking you're not worth his time and you smirk victoriously.
Aladdin: "Nice one."
Y/N: "I've met royalty before... And the royalty I've met before is far more tolerable than that pompous freakshow. Now, let's go and get you and your friend some food."
Aladdin: "Thanks, Y/N."
Abu: *makes happy monkey noises*
You make a quick run to the market and stock up some fresh food for Aladdin and Abu and then hand them their basket.
Y/N: "There you go, that should hold you off for a while."
Aladdin: "You've been a real big help, Y/N. Well, we'd better get home, you wanna come?"
Y/N: "I'm gonna do a little more sight-seeing, but you go on ahead without me."
Aladdin: "Alright then. Come on, Abu, let's go home."
Abu: *tips hat to you* "Buh-bye." *climbs on Aladdin's shoulder*
Aladdin then heads off to his home with his basket of food. Both him and his little partner have had a wonderful day today.
[Skip to 0:09]
With the night sky blanketing the Earth, you take just one more look around the quiet streets of Agrabah until you bump into a familiar guard leader and he recognizes you.
Guard: *quiet anger* "You!"
Y/N: "For the record... I was not affiliated with the man who stole the bread earlier today."
There's a long pause and... moments later, you're running from the royal guard yet again and you try your hardest to stay away from them, but they're so damn persistant. Eventually, as your jumping from rooftop to rooftop, you notices your coming close to the palace walls. You have no other choice but to make a jump for it.
Guard: "We've got you now!"
Y/N: "Sorry, not sorry!"
You jump as high as you can and grab each corner of your cloak and it as a makeshift glider, riding with the wind and flying over the palace walls and over the grounds. But you lose contorl and fly inside the palace through one of the open windows and crash into someone.
Y/N: "OOF!!! *groans, getting up* I am so sorry about that. I--"
You pause upon finding out who it is that you crashed into.
Y/N: *thinks* "Jafar!"
Jafar: "How did you get in here?!"
Y/N: "Uh... the window was open?" *points to window*
Jafar: "Don't toy with me, boy! How did you get into the palace?"
Y/N: "I glided in here with this." *flashes cloak*
Jafar: *inspects you, thinking* "Such nerve, I should have this boy beheaded for this rotten little stunt he pulled! *realizes, still thinks* Although... perhaps I should hold off on slaughtering this mysterious youth for the time being. After all... he could actually prove very useful to me for my plan."
Y/N: *thinks* "How the hell am I gonna get outta this one? I could always jump out the window, but I'd wind up having to use my magic in order to escape over the palace walls. If I did that, I'd not only expose myself, but be branded a fugitive! DAMN IT!"
Jafar: *calm* "Very well. Allow me to escort you out of the palace and in return, you can tell me why you jumped over them. And then... you can repay me with... a favor."
Y/N: "A favor?"
Jafar: "Why yes! Of course, you can try to escape yourself, but I'll have no choice but to alert the whole palace of you trespassing."
Y/N: *thinks, grunting* "He's good. Guess I got no choice." *aloud* "Alright, you win, I'll cooperate with you."
Jafar: "Good boy." *starts escorting you* "Now tell me, why did you scale the palace walls?"
Y/N: "The guards were chasing me because they thought I was involved with one of the locals who stole a loaf of bread. But I had just barely met the guy, so I had to book it."
Jafar: "I see. Well then, perhaps I'll let the guards know about your... innocence so you will be off the hook. Now, as for the favor... I will set up a date and time when you and I go for... a little outing in the desert, to retrieve something I lost. Fair enough?"
Y/N: *thinks* "Lost? Yeah right, he's after the lamp. Well, two can play at this game." *aloud* "So be it."
Jafar: "That's a good boy."
Iago: *puts on facade* "Awk! Good boy!"
Jafar soon safely escorts you out of the palace grounds where the guards were waiting for you, but he tells them to let you go since you didn't do anything wrong. Detested, they stopped pursuing you and you were allowed to go free... well, sort of. Jafar now has you under his thumb... for now, but that'll change soon.
Now with the heat off you, you head for Aladdin's place. You knew where he would be since you saw him at one point at one of the rooftops and as you got there, Aladdin asked where you were and you just told him you were shaking off the guards again. He shrugged and laughed it off, as did you before heading to sleep.
[The next day]
At the palace, we see a pissed off Achmed storming out of the palace garden for some reason. And we know what. Waiting outside the palace garden door is the Sultan.
Achmed: "I've never been so insulted!"
Sultan: "Oh, Prince Achmed. You're not leaving so soon, are you?"
The Sultan looks and sees Achmed's pink undies with hearts showing through the bitten off fabric of his pants as he's leaving the palace, never to return ever again.
Achmed: "Good luck marrying them off!"
Sultan: *fed up, quietly* "Oh! Jasmine... Sadira." *calls out, walking outside* "Jasmine! Sadira!
And he finds the two princesses sitting by the fountain, but when he gets too close...
The tiger appears, snarling territorially with a piece of Prince Achmed's undies in its mouth.
Sultan: *frustrated* "Confound it, Rajah!"
He pulls on the underwear fabric, but Rajah pulls as well, splitting it into two smaller fabrics.
Sultan: "So, this is why Prince Achmed stormed out."
Sadira: "Hey, he's lucky we sent him on his way with his butt garments all shredded up and not a black eye. The guy was a stuck up narc just like most of the other suitors."
Jasmine: "Besides, father, Rajah was just playing with him. Weren't you, Rajah? *baby voice, while smothering her pet tiger* You were just playing with that overdressed, self-absorbed Prince Achmed, weren't you?"
Sadira: "Yes, who's a good boy? *pets Rajah*
The two girls and their tiger all shared a laugh all while the girls' dad looks down at them with a stern glare.
Sultan: "Dearests, you've got to stop rejecting every suitor who comes to call. The law says you must be married to princes by your 19th birthday!"
He explains this while Jasmine walks over to the bird cage and Sadira keeps playing with Rajah.
Jasmine: "The law is wrong."
Sadira: "Besides, you're Sultan, can't you just change the law?"
Sultan: "You've only got 3 more days!"
Jasmine: "Father, we've been over this. Sadira and I hate being forced into this. If we ever do marry, we want it to be for love." *nuzzles bird*
Sultan: "Jasmine, it's not only this law. *sighs* I'm not going to be around forever, and, well, I... *holds onto bird gently* I just want to make sure you're taken care of." *puts bird back in cage, closes door*
Jasmine: "Please, try to understand. My sister and I have never done anything on our own, never had any real friends."
Rajah jolts his head up, grumbling.
Jasmine: "Except you, Rajah."
Sadira: "Yeah, you'll always be our best friend." *pets his head.*
Rajah smiles and purrs as he lays his head on Sadira's lap.
Sadira: "Still, Jasmine's right. We've never even been outside the palace walls, like what's up with that?"
Sultan: "But, girls, you're princesses."
Jasmine: "Then maybe I don't wanna be a princess anymore."
Sadira: "Yeah, what's so great about it if we can't be our own person?"
Sultan: *frustrated* "Oooh! I... I... Allah forbid you two should have any daughters!"
Rajah looked confused when he said that. Jasmine and Sadira were then left alone as their father storms back into the palace. Sadira comforts her sister.
Sadira: "Just you wait, Jasmine. One of these days... we'll get to see the outside world and find someone we really like. Me, I could care less who it is, I'd even be fine with a commoner."
Jasmine: "I'm fine with whoever, too." *sighs*
Soon, both sisters head for the bird case and open the gates wide, letting their precious little feathered friends be free at least.
Little did they know, that back inside the palace, Jafar is hatching a plan against their father and is putting his plan in motion after using his evil sorcery to take his diamond ring.
Later on that night, Jasmine and Sadira are seen running out of the palace, wearing cloaks to disguise themselves. But as they're about to scale the palace walls by climbing a tree, they're stopped when they feel something tug at their cloaks. They look back and see Rajah.
Jasmine: *regretful* "Oh, I'm sorry, Rajah. But we can't keep staying here and have our lives lived for us."
Sadira: "I wish we could bring you alongside us, though. We're really gonna miss you."
Both girls hug their precious exotic feline before climbing the tree... this time, Rajah gave them a helpful nudge. He whimpered as his two best friends made it over the walls.
Jasmine: *sad* "Goodbye."
Sadira: *sad* "We love you so much."
And soon, they were out of sight and Rajah is left alone. He wished they didn't have to leave, but at least he knows they'll be happy somewhere else and he'll always have the shared memories of all the funtimes he had with them over the years.
Thankfully... he won't have to sulk for long because fate... has something else planned for them.
[A/N: Here it is, everyone! I hope you all enjoyed the 1st chapter of my Aladdin Arc. You can expect more chapters to come soon and you'll be surprised with what else I have planned, so just like all the other stores and chapters before... STAY TUNED!!!]
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