Two days later, and Dan was hating this project more than ever. And not just because he had to work with the outgoingly physical and affectionate new kid. Seriously, every time Phil saw Dan, no matter if it was in their first period or just in the hallways, he'd rush over and hug him, touch his arm, anything as long as it involved skin to skin contact. It was really annoying. But he only seemed to do it around Dan, no one else. Not that Dan was watching him or anything.
And the worst part was that Dan had found out that Phil was one of those hopeless romantic types. He went on and on about love and romance, everything pink hearts and boquets. It was quite sickening.
This project wasn't helping the situation in any type of way.
They had to spend the next month and a half, reading Romeo and Juliet and by the end of this term, would present their thoughts of R&Js decisions as lovers.
But he would deal with that when he needed too. Right now now he was running late to English, because his damned phone hadn't been charged. It was his fault really, but he was too stubborn to care.
He ran down the halls, not caring about getting in trouble from any teachers. He wasn't really the type of person the be late to class, and he didn't want to start now. He stopped in front od the classroom door, catching his breath before pulling it open and walking inside.
He wasn't that late, maybe fifteen or twenty minutes, but the class was silent as he stepped inside, all turning to look at him as he entered.
"Glad you could join us, Mr. Howell." His teacher said.
"Sorry, I just.....woke up late. Won't happen again." He mumbled, then hurried to his seat, looking at the floor. To his annoyance, Phil reached over when he sat down and ruffled his hair, earning a glare from Dan. He was too wound up for this kids physicality right now.
"I didn't know your hair was curly." Phil whispered, smirking. Dan reached up and, sure enough, the thick brown locks were not at their usual straightness. Shit, he'd forgotten to flat iron it this morning.
"Shut up. I don' it." Dan whispered back, glaring at his desk.
"Why not?" Phil persisted. "I think you look with it. Like you just had woke up after having making love or something."
Dan blushed at that comment. It wasn't everyday that someone told you that you looked like sex. He tried to pay attention to what the teacher was going on about up front, but he could feel Phil staring at him, smiling at his red face.
"Hey, Dan?" Phil whispered again, and Dan rolled his eyes before looking over at him
"Yes, Phil?"
"You think maybe I could come over to yours today? So we can at least try and get started on this project?"
Dan was going to immediately reject the idea, but thought better of it. They really did need to get started on it, many of the other pairs had already. He didn't want to let his annoyance get in the way of getting a good grade.
"Uh, sure. Do you have a car?"
"No, I usually take the bus."
"Okay, meet me after school and I'll give you a ride."
"Sounds good." Phil said, and turned back to face the front. Dan was just glad he wasn't eye raping him anymore.
"Alright!" His teacher said loudly. "That's it for today. Make sure you and your partner get started on reading, and I'll see you guys tomorrow. Good day!"
Dan stood up, grabbing his things quickly and trying to leave before Phil tried anything. He'd almost made it too, but someone grabbed his wrist, preventing him from leaving. He groaned inwardly, turning to face Phil's bright blue eyes and flirty smirk.
"Hope you have a good rest of the day, Dan." He said, and leaned over to kiss his cheek again. Dan stiffened but didn't try to stop him. "And your hair really is quite good looking like that. You should keep it."
"Don't tell me what to do." Dan snapped, snatching his wrist from Phil's grip and storming from the room. That boy really wound him up, and he had no idea how to deal with it.
"You ready to go?" Phil said, coming up beside Dan and wrapping an arm around his waist.
It was after school, and Dan was impatiently waiting for Phil to come so that the could freaking leave already. He pushed Phil's arm away, and started walking out he door to his car. Phil caught up though, and started endlessly chatting about mindless school crap that Dan could care less about. He kept it up, even after they had started driving.
" my pencils broken in half, Melissa's screaming at me, and Ms. H is just lying on top of her desk, like-"
"Phil, I really don't care about whatever it is your going on about. Could you maybe not blather on about pointless shit?" Dan said, and he hadn't meant it to sound so harsh, but it shut Phil up and that's what mattered. After a few moments of silence, Dan looked over and saw him looking down at his hands, a bit dejected really. He wasn't going to cry, was he?
"Aw, please don''re not gonna cry, are you? Look, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be so harsh."
Phil smiled at him, weakly. "Its fine. I know I can be a bit annoying at times. Sometimes I just need someone to call me out and shut me up."
Dan glanced over at him a few times, still trying to also watch the road, and sighed. It was weird, seeing him be so reclusive and quiet. But Dan didn't say anything else, just continued driving until they reached his house.
Phil followed him up the stairs and through the front door, still having not said anything. Dan headed into the kitchen, and was surprised to see his mum at the stove, stirring some sort of liquid in a pot.
Both his parents were high class business people, and they would constantly be on some trip that left Dan alone for weeks at a time. He was used to having the house to himself, but he was extremely grateful when his parents found some time off to actually be a family. He loved them, of course, he just wished they were around more.
"Daniel." His mum said, smiling at him. "How was school? Who's your friend?"
Phil smiled at her warmly, holding out his hand and shaking hers firmly. "I'm Phil, me and Dan have English together. We're working on a project togther"
"Oh. Well are you staying for dinner, I'm sure I've made enough."
"No thank you, maybe some other time."
Well, this was all nice and dandy, but Dan didn't feel like listening to Phil kiss up to his mum.
"We're gonna be upstairs, mum. Lots of work to do." He grabbed Phil's arm and dragged him away, up the stairs and into his room. They dropped all of their stuff on the floor, and Dan sat in his bed, Phil copying him.
"So what first?" Dan asked, pulling neccessary things from his bag and setting them next to him.
"Do you have a girlfriend, Dan?" Phil asked, and Dan was completely caught off guard by that question, he dropped the notebook he was holding onto the floor. He stared at Phil, trying to see if he was serious, and he suee looked it.
"Um, no. Not currently. Why?"
"I don't know. You just seem like your handsome enough to be stringing some lucky lady along with you."
"Well apprently not. Its been some time since I've had a 'lucky lady'."
"How long?"
"None of your business." Dan said, but his face flushed lightly. Honestly, he hadn't had a girlfriend since he was 14, and that had only lasted a month at most. "Look, can we just focus on this project? That's why you came over."
"Not true." Phil said, laying back on the bed and resting his arms behind his head.
"What do you mean?" Dan asked.
"Sure, we need to work on the project. But who says we can't spend a little time getting to know each other." He winked at Dan, smiling widely.
"So your just not gonna do any work?"
"Are you still a virgin?"
Dan spluttered, blushing deeper. "Wha- that's not....that's not any of your business!"
"So you are? That's adorable"
"Can you stop? That's not.....that's a really personal question."
"Have you ever even kissed anyone?"
Dan was furiously red now, looking everywhere but at Phil and fiddling with the hem of his shirt.
He actually had never kissed anyone. The few relationships he'd been in had never lasted long enough to get that far. He didn't really care, but now that Phil was taking it to the ballpark, he was suddenly very self concious about it.
"You can practice with me if you want."
Dan stood up quickly and glared at Phil. "I think you should leave." He said. Phil sat up, looking at him confusedly.
"What? I'm sorry, I didn't mean to push you."
"Yeah, well you did. Just.....please go. I don't feel like dealing with you anymore right now. We can work on this some other time."
Phil was silent, but stood up and got his bag from the floor. He was just leaving, but turned and faced Dan again.
"I really am sorry. I don't have much boundary with people, and it gets me into trouble a lot, so......"
"Just go."
And he did. Dan groaned and sat back on his bed. Phil got under his skin, big time, and not in a good way. It was irritating, and made him crazy. But he couldn't stop the feeling in his gut, the feeling that he was strangely attracted to the boy. Not intamately, he just felt like getting to know him. But he made it difficult, being the way that he was.
His life had been perfectly normal before Phil had jumped into it,.and now he was being tested in ways he was sure were too much to handle. It was gonna be hell, these next few weeks.
a/n: This was a really quick update, I'm so proud of myself. I'm having fun writing this story. Are you having fun reading it? I hope so. :3
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