
HOLD UP: This chapter contains some naughtiness, yeah, I mean that kind ;)

Who am I kidding. you guys live for this kind of stuff. Enjoy the naughty.

  "How many times do I have to tell you I'm sorry? I truly, honestly didn't mean to offend you with what I said."

  "You didn't offend me."

  "Well then why are you so mad?"

  "Because you only said it to try and offend me."

  "But if I didn't, why can't you just let it go?"

  "Because it was a dick move, and you're an asshole."

  "I can't even try with you..."

  "Well then stop trying."

  Phil sighed loudly, and ran his fingers roughly through his hair. He'd been trying for an hour now to get Dan to forgive him, but Dan kept denying him and pushing him away. It was a struggle, with Phil being so persistent, but he managed.

  It was two days after the whole presentation drama, and yes, Dan had been ignoring Phil the whole time. Well, not exactly ignoring, but he still hadn't forgiven him. Dan was always too easy on Phil, he thought, and this was probably a good thing for him too, letting him know he wasn't all powerful. At the moment, they were both in Dan's room. Phil had just shown up earlier, and since his mum was at home for the moment, he couldn't just turn him away. Dan was sitting on his bed, trying to read a book he'd read a thousand times, and Phil was constantly distracting him, sprawled out across the covers and putting his head on Dan's legs. Dan had tried countless times to move him, but he'd given up after about the seventeenth time.

  After a moment of tense silence, Phil sat up and moved so he was right next to Dan, looking over his shoulder. "Whatcha reading?" He asked.

  "A book." Dan replied monotonously.

  "What's it about?" Phil asked, laying his head on Dan's shoulder now. Dan shrugged him off.


  Phil was quiet again, and Dan was grateful that he had stopped. For now at least. But he froze when he felt Phil breathing against his neck gently. He nearly jumped when Phil pressed his lips against the sensitive skin, placing a soft, lingering kiss there. He tried not to react, to make it see as if he wasn't bothered by the touches, but they could both tell what it was doing to him.

  "I just want you to forgive me." Phil whispered, his mouth still brushing against Dan's throat. Dan couldn't help but shiver at the contact, and he could feel the goosebumps racing all over his skin.

  "Turning me on isn't going to make me forgive you." Dan said, and he felt Phil smile.

  "I'm turning you on?"

  "Oh please, you know exactly what you're doing." Dan's voice was getting husky, and he tried not to let his words crack.

  "Is it working?" Phil asked, but Dan didn't answer, because Phil continued kissing up and down his neck and along his jawline, and at first it was just gentle, sweet kisses, but soon enough Phil was attacking the skin with his mouth, dragging his teeth softly against it. Dan leaned his head back, against his headboard, and when Phil flicked his tongue against his soft spot, right under his ear, he couldn't help but let out a moan of pleasure.

  It had only been maybe a few days since the last time they had done...anything like this, but Dan had missed it, being able to become lost in the things that Phil did to him. And he was too weak to stop him now, no matter how mad he was at him. And so when Phil gently pressed his lips against Dan's, Dan couldn't resist kissing him back fiercly, tangling his fingers into Phil's black hair. Phil made a low noise in the back of his throat, that did nothing but make Dan want him even more. He moved, so that now he was straddling Phil, and they were touching all over, Phil running his hands firmly across Dan's chest under his shirt. They hadn't done this in too long, hadn't just lost control and got caught up in the feel of each other. It was.....electrifying. Mind blowing. And just downright fucking amazing. There were tongues everywhere, slididng against one another and exploring mouths. Hands were going crazy, trying to touch everything at once, and their hips were pressed against each other just right, causing the most beautiful friction. They were trying their hardest to keep quiet because Dan's mum was just downstairs, but the occasional groan or whimper escaped.

  There was a knock at the door, and they both nearly fell off the bed trying to pull apart as fast as possible.

  "Daniel?" He heard his mum say from the other side of the door. He tried to calm his breathing down, so he could sound normal.


  "I just wanted to know if you and Phil would be okay with being alone for the next hour or so. I have some errands to run."

  Phil smirked at him, and Dan rolled his eyes. Horny bastard.

  "That's fine, mum. We'll be fine."

  "Okay. I'll be back as soon as I can."

  It was silent after that, and a few minutes later, they heard the front door open and close, and they were alone. As soon as that was confirmed, Phil smiled, pushing Dan until he was laying on his back.

  "Shall we continue?" He said.

  "I'm still mad at you." Dan said, but he didn't push him away.

  "Well, why don't you channel all that anger out on me then?"

  And they were kissing again, picking up right where they had left off. They were as close as they could possibly be, not a single centimeter between them. Phil was settled in between Dan's legs, and the way he was moving his hips had Dan making all kinds of loud noises.

  The farthest the two of them had ever gone with each other was making out, and small touches in various places, never  below the belt though. But Dan knew that, right now, he wanted more than that. Not sex, just....more. He pushed the other boy away from him slightly, smiling when he saw the confused look that Phil was giving him.

  "I just..." Dan said, and he felt nerves fluttering in his stomach. "I want to try something different."

  "Oh." Phil said, smiling a bit. "Okay, um...what exactly did you want to try?"

  Dan pushed him away, so that he was on his back, and climbed on top of him. Phil looked at him with surprise, but he didn't say anything against it.

  "Just...I'll show you." Dan said, and kissed Phil gently. Slowly, and a bit nervously, Dan moved his hands down until they were at the bottom of Phil's shirt. He started lifting it up, and Phil sat up slightly, so he could pull it over his head. Once it was off, Dan started kissing along Phil's neck, a bit hesitantly. He wasn't really used to taking control, but he was enjoying it, especially the way Phil was moaning lightly at the way he was working his mouth. After a minute of just softly kisses against his neck, Dan started moving down, to his chest. He didn't know exactly what to do, but he was sure he'd heard enough fangirls squealing about guys to have some idea. And so, with anxiousness flooding through him, Dan moved slightly and closed his mouth around Phil's hardened nipple.

  "Holy Jesus Christ." Phil gasped. It must have been the right move, because as Dan continued licking and nipping at this part of Phil, he was continuously groaning and breathing heavily. Every now and then, he'd let out a string of words that didn't make sense, and he nearly screamed when Dan scraped his teeth against him.

  When Dan eventually pulled away, Phil let out a loud whimper of need, and Dan laughed at his vulnerability. Phil was never like this, and Dan was happy that it was him that had made it happen.

  Dan continued his journey down, until he was right above the top of Phil's jeans. He was just about to undo them, when Phil grabbed his arm. Dan looked up at him, into his blue eyes that shined with lust and longing.

  "You're gonna...are you sure you want to?" Phil asked, and even though he so badly wanted it to happen, he didn't want Dan to feel like he had to.

  "I want to." Dan said reassuringly. Phil still looked slightly worried, and Dan pressed his lips against Phil's hip softly, as if to tell him it was okay. And Phil finally let him go, leaning back on his elbows to watch as Dan undid his jeans. He leaned his head back and moaned when Dan pulled his boxers down his legs, until his erection sprung free.

  Now Dan had no idea what to do. He wasn't exactly experienced in the blowjob area, he'd never even received one. He didn't know how to start. Did he just...put it in his mouth? But then what? How was he supposed to do this? But he couldn't just stare at it. And so without another moment of hesitation, Dan took as much as he could into his mouth. He could feel Phil shudder underneath him, and fingers were tangling tightly into his hair. He ignored it though, and continued moving up and down, trying to get as much of Phil as possible down his throat.

  "Fucking hell, Dan." Phil groaned trying to keep from moving his hips and forcing himself even deeper. He knew that Dan was probably not very experienced at this, but damn it still felt good. He hissed, as he felt Dan's teeth slightly graze against him, but it didn't hurt. It felt amazing, actually.

  Dan pulled away, trying to get some air into his lungs, but he continued to use his tongue sliding it along Phil's length. He could hear Phil moaning and cursing, but he was caught up in his own high to really pay attention to his boyfriend. Dan started to pull off Phil's jeans and boxers completely, and Phil helped him, so that he was totally naked now. Dan pulled off his own shirt, and then leaned back down, kissing Phil's inner thigh softly, and making him pant.

  "You hav no idea how absolutely fucking beautiful you look right now." Dan said heavily. And it was true. The way he was sprawled across the bed, his chest heaving and sweat covering his body. His eyes were so bright, and the way they were half closed and filled with passion had Dan all worked up.

  "Shut up, and keep doing what you're doing." Phil said, and Dan laughed at him before going back down and continuing to work Phil with his lips. He kept going faster, and Phil was getting louder, and the room was getting hotter. "Dan, if you don't move, you're gonna have to swallow." Phil said, through his teeth. Dan pulled away, and Phil took over with his hand, pumping himself as he continued yelling out. Dan watched him, transfixed by his movements, and he gasped as Phil let go, coming all over his own stomach.

  They were both worn out, breathing hard, and covered on sweat and other things. Dan collapsed beside Phil, who looked as if he was ready to pass out. He wrapped his arm around Dan, pulling them closer together, and Dan didn't even mind that he was all sticky. He just liked that they had had this moment with each other.

  "I love you so much, Daniel." Phil breathed.

  Dan only nodded.


  a/n: Whoa, hold up. Two updates?? Crazy...

Yep, I updated twice today. I just felt really...creative, I guess. And not to mention that steamy moment....whoo. I have never written anything like that before, so sorry if it's just horrible. I was cringing the whole time, agh.

Hope you guys liked it. Peace :3

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