The rest of the day was surprisingly uneventful. Dan didn't see Phil again at all, and he was both glad and disappointed by that.
He had fully accepted that he had feelings for Phil, but that didn't mean he was going to act on them anytime soon. Mostly because he didn't know how to. He wasn't very experienced in this area, and hen didn't have a clue how to approach it. He decided that the best thing to do was to keep it to himself, because if he let Phil know about his newfound feelings, and how he didn't know what to do, Phil was surely going to use it to his advantage. And that wasn't usually a good thing.
He was disappointed though, because even if he was unsure about what to do, he did like the way he felt; the way his stomach fluttered every time Phil smiled or laughed, how he blushed every time Phil said something nice to him, and he especially liked the way Phil left him wanting more, of everything. He constantly found himself daydreaming about one thing or another, whether it was a harmless make out session, or something much more R-rated.
He didn't want one indulge himself in these things though, because he knew it would be dangerous. Dan wasn't the type of person who was dependant on others, and definitely not because they made him feel some cheap butterflies. But his relationship with Phil was quickly turning into that. He felt as if he needed that boy, and he tried his hardest not to think of himself as becoming addicted.
And the fact that they had to constantly see each other, in order to finish this stupid project, was in no way helping with the situation.
At the end of the day, Dan made his way quickly to his locker, trying to avoid a certain someone for as long as he could. He knew they had to see each other, talk to each other eventually, but he was putting it off as much as possible. He grabbed the necessary books from the locker, stuffing them in his bag before heading towards the huge front doors, and he was almost free, so close to glorious freedom, when someone grabbed his arm and held him back. Three guesses as to who it was.
"You're avoiding me." Phil said, and even though he was smiling, as if he thought the whole thing was amusing, Dan could clearly see the hurt and worry in his blue eyes. It made his stomach twist with guilt, and he bowed his head so he wouldn't have to face the sadness in them.
"I'm not." He whispered, and Phil snorted loudly.
"You don't have to sugar coat anything for me, Dan, I'm a big boy. I just want to know why."
"There is no why, I'm not-"
"Look at me." Phil said, so sharply that Dan couldn't help but look up from his shoes and at him. He didn't look so sad now, irritated and somewhat angry was more like it. "I completely understand why you're angry with me, for always invading you personal space and stuff. And I know I always test you limits with the things that I do. I say a lot of things you probably don't like, and do a lot of things as well. But you and I know full well that trying to stay out of my way is, firstly, almost impossible, considering we have this project to finish. And we've barely started as it is. And secondly, it's no use, because the feelings that you have for me, and don't even try lying about it, I know you do....they won't go away, no matter how hard you try. So you can hate me all you want, but that isn't going to stop me from continuing to try, and its not going to stop the things that are happening to you."
It was silent between them for the longest of moments, and the hallways around them were slowly starting to empty out, but Dan couldn't think of anything to say to all that. Because it was true, every single word of it. He could try and hate Phil as much as he wanted, for the things that he had done and would most likely continue to do. But it didn't stop the weird feelings in his stomach and chest. Dan feared that they would never go away, and that he would always think of this boy with the bright blue eyes, when he was older and probably married. And there was also the nameless part of him that thought of being with him in the future.
Dan let out a breath, folding his arms aross his chest and staring at Phil expresionlessly. He really hoped that his eyes didn't give away the confusion rolling round inside of him.
"Why me?" He asked finally, breaking the quiet. "I mean, you barely know me, and you're always trying so hard to.....impress me or get under my skin. I've pushed you away so many times. Why not just go on with someone more willing, there are plenty of them."
Phil laughed, reaching out and resting his slim hands on Dan's shoulders lightly. "Honestly? I first started trying with you, because it was fun watching you break. Even fom the very start, I knew I had to have you, to make you mine. It makes me sound like a douche bag, I know, but it's true. You were so stubborn, and I like a challenge, really. But after a few days, of actually getting to know you some, and I found out you were so innocent....my whole priority changed. I wanted you still, but for a completely different reason. I found myself actually, physically hurting whenever you pushed me away, or ignored me. And how you hate the idea of love so much...I wanted to....want to change your mind. And I will."
"So, what, its all some kind of game? To see if you can make me 'fall in love' with you?" Dan said, trying to sound angry and not hurt by that. So Phil really didn't care about him then. He should have known.
Phil stared at him, seeminly shocked, before shaking his head. "No, that's not...I didn't mean it like that. I'm not playing with your emotions, Dan. Dammit, I honest to God love you."
They both froze, Phil because of what he had said, and Dan because of that and because he had never actually heard Phil say a proper swear before. It as kinda weird. And it was so awkward right now. Phil looked so scared, as if Dan would kill him for what he had said. But Dan was too shell shocked to actually act on it.
"I don't...that was a mistake." Phil spluttered, his pale face turning a brilliant shade of red. "I mean, not a mistake, I meant it, I just...I didn't mean to say it. Out loud. Not that there's anything wrong with it, me saying it. I just....don't think you really care?" He was so red, the flush creeping from his face and down his neck. Even at this moment, Dan couldn't help but think it was fucking adorable, how flustered the boy was. Because he was usually so confident and easy going, and now he was an embarassed mess. "I'll shut up now..." He trailed off slowly, moving back a bit and wringing his fingers together.
"Phil....." Dan started, but he didn't have a clue what to ay at that moment. He was so grateful that the halls were empty now, so no one could see the this mess that was a conversation. His brain as mush, he couldn't think right. All because Phil had said that one stupid word. And now it was all different.
"I'm so stupid." Phil muttered, as he slowly started to back away. "Just...I'm sorry, forget I ever said anything. I have to go. See you tomorrow." He waved slightly, before practically running away from Dan and out the door.
Dan didn't move, talk, barely breathed for the next ten minutes or so. It as only when the janitor told him the building was about to close that he snapped out of it and left, going home finally.
Honeslty, the day had gone much worse than Dan had anicipated. Him and Phil were surely on such thin ice with each other, it would take the slightest thing to send them crashing into oblivion. And Dan was almost one hundred sure that it would be him that broke it.
a/n: Holy fuck knuckles. Please don't kill me or hate me guys, I know its been like a month since last update, for any of my stories. I've been so busy and stuff, I spent like 26 hours on a bus. Sorry, I really am. Hope this chapter makes up for my crappy attendance. Peace :3
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