Final Chance

Third Person

Imogen rested her hand on the rough paintwork that coated the door and pushed it. Rough wooden splinter cut into her palm; shards of black paint crumbled to the floor. Conversation swirled in a dirty cloud of smoke, the stagnant stretch of cigarettes hides within the collaboration of mephitic odors.

A strong smell of alcohol wafted towards Imogen, like black plumes bellowing from the windows of a burning house. Imogen winded her way through the warm bodies to get to the bar. Luckily there was stool left unattended, which Imogen took. The bartender was there to take her order in a flash.

"Umm, I'm fine. Actually, have you seen Drew?" Imogen asked, nervously tapping her fingers against the wooden planks.

"Drew? Haven't seen him in weeks." The bartender kindly responded, sending a smile.

"Well, Thank you!" Imogen answered, dropping off from the stool and stormed her way through the sweaty coward.

Imogen pulled the key from the ignition and jumped down from her seat. No car seemed to be in the driveway. Did Drew walk from the cemetery to his house? Imogen strolled down the brick path leading to his porch. The porch step creaked under the feet making the silence disappear.

She knocked on the door, anxiously tapping her foot and waiting for a response. Several moments passed and nothing happened. Imogen knocked again making sure to hit the door with more force this time.


Imogen sighed, tucking her hair behind her ear, and started to turn back down to the porch steps. Before her foot touched the first step, the door opened. Instanly Imogen craned her neck, noticing disheveled Mark in his pajamas.

"Did I wake you? I'm sorry, I was just wondering if Drew was home," Imogen asked, pulling the phone out from her pocket. "He left his phone."

"You can go check his room. I've been asleep since coming home from work hours ago," Mark responded, moving to the side and leaving space for Imogen to enter.

"Could you show me to his room?" Imogen asked, slightly biting her lip.

"Come on," Mark said.

Mark led the way towards the narrow hallway. Upon the walls were photos of Drew and his older brother from their younger years. One photo, in particular, caught Imogen's eye. It was a photo of Drew smiling, holding a bottle in his hand while wandering in his diaper.

"Here you go," Mark pointed at the door before continuing down the hall to his room.

Imogen eagerly twisted the knob, not being able to wait any longer to see if Drew was there. She had to forgive him; he was suffering now because of her. If it wasn't for her death; Drew wouldn't be in this situation. Imogen can't help but blame herself for this.

There he was, sleeping on the bed. His cheek blushed red as the sweat surrounded him. His chin was covered in dried blood leading down his neck. Imogen dashed out of the room and traveled to the kitchen. She filled a bowl with freezing water and seizing a cloth from the stove.

Once back in the room, Imogen soaked the towel in the water and squeezing the excess water. The splashes of water caused the silence to evaporated.

"Im-oge-n," Drew weakly answered.

He blinked his eyes several times trying to make sense of everything but instead, his vision became blurred. 

Once his vision returned back to normal he realized his bed was no longer under him instead was the school floors. What am I doing at school? His chest felt airy like feathers in a pillow, unlike moments before. Drew ran his rough fingers through his jelled comb-over hair styled; I haven't worn my hair like this since freshman year.

This seemed familiar.

Drew slammed his locker confusion consuming his brain causing him to walk down the hallway, face down. Unexpectedly he knocked into someone resulting in her textbooks to go flying in the air. When their eyes connected they both felt a sledgehammer banging against their chest.

How did I end back here?

Drew admired her chestnut brown hair mixed with her experiment pink tips laying on her shoulders like water flowing mildly. I think she was going through a phase. Her big brown eyes shined under the fluorescent lights. Her smile was warm with a hint of shyness and her lips were like a frozen flower, dangerous but enchanting.

"I'm sorry. I wasn't paying attention to where I was going," Drew said, reaching over for her notebook which was spread around on the ground.

Imogen subconscious grabbed it as well causing their hands to touch. The feeling of their three-second contact electrified both their skin like it's burning. Heat radiated off Imogen's cheek, she wanted to hide behind her glop of hair.

Of course the day she doesn't brush her hair is the day Drew decided to finally speak to her again.

If Imogen wasn't so caught up in her nerves she would have noticed the deep flush on Drew's cheeks and the slight tremble of his hand. The moment between them was so short but for both of them, it seemed like years.

"It's fine, I'm such a klutzy," Imogen joked, chewing her bottom lip from embarrassment.

"So when did dye your hair pink?" Drew asked. Shit is it obvious I stare at her if I notice these things. Shit, Shit, Shit!

Imogen laughed, shifting her gaze down to her scattered books. "About two days ago, it was an impulse decision, and I wished someone talked me out of it."

"Why? I think it looks good on you," Drew genuine smiled.

"Thank you even though you're lying," Imogen laughed, trying to wrap her head around the fact that her crush has basically called her cute.

"I'm not lying, I reall-,"

"Drew! Come on, we're going to be late for lunch," Kylie shouted from the other side of the hallway. Kylie stood by her locker, her right arm settled on her hip while the other was occupied with her coffee.

Drew turned around and nodded. Imogen licked her lips, starting to feel the awkwardness slither through. For those two minutes, she almost forgot Drew was dating Kylie.

"I gotta go," Drew stood up but before turning around he added, "I think pink looks beautiful on you."

"Drew," Imogen whispered, carefully draping the towel on his head catching his attention. "It's okay, Drew. I'm right here."

"Imogen, get out of here. I-I don't want you seeing me like th-is," Drew groaned, feeling a headache forming.

"No! I'm not going. I'm here until the very end," Imogen insisted, leading towards his face. She caressed his burning cheeks as they sizzled against her freezing hands.

Drew stared noticing her sincere expression and the serious tone in her voice. Drew groaned, feeling the intense burn increase in his chest. The burning sensation released from his chest, blood dripping down his lips. Imogen's eye widened, grabbing the towel to wipe the excess from his lips.

"I'm not leaving you," Imogen said. "I'm going to get a new fresh towel."

Drew kept grunting the powerful sensation growing stronger by the minute. The pain was rushing through his entire body like an igniting fire. His eyes squeezed closed as his face contorted. Never had he experienced such pain in his life. Drew felt his head spinning ultimately he fell on the ground.

"Drew!" Imogen shouted rushing over to his side.

She placed his arm around her neck using all her strength to hold his body up. Carefully placing him onto the bed and pulling his jacket off. Imogen chucked the moist jacket in his basket. Suddenly, Drew shouted, placing his hand over his burning chest.

"Hey!" Imogen said, pulling herself into his bed and leaning next to him. "Hey, Hey, Hey. Hang on," Imogen reassured, caressing his chest. "Shh . . . It's okay." Imogen used the towel to wipe the sweat that was tricking down his forehead.

"It's not okay, It's not okay," Drew panted. "I wasted so many years expecting life to always continue on. This whole year I've blamed Lucas for taking you away from me when it was really my fault."

Imogen intently listened, her lips slightly parted. She continued using the towel on his face but the beads of sweat were endless. Imogen gently stroked his brown hair, trying to soothe the pain he was in. Drew looked up at Imogen, getting lost in her gaze.

"Tell Lucas, I'm sorry," Drew muttered.

"Okay," Imogen answered as her lips started to quiver. The tears welled up behind her eyelids, slipping down her cheeks without resistance. "Don't give up yet," she added.

Her heart sunken at his state. Deep down she knew that the moments she had with him would be her last. If only she could do something that plagued this sickness from him. Lucas brought her back because she was supposed to help Drew. There must be something that's not clicking.

"I've made a lot of horrible choices this year which lead me to this. I deserve this. I deserve to die," Drew moaned, closing his eyes because of the radiating light coming from his window.

Imogen's face contorted, tilting his chin towards her. "No," Imogen shook her head. She shifted down, placing her head on the pillow and having herself at his eye level. "You don't!" Imogen expressed, holding onto his hand.

"I do, Imi, it's okay." His lips curled into a smile. "Cause if I'd have chosen differently. I wouldn't have gotten the guts to talk you," he said, reaching over to stroke her cheek. "I'm so sorry. I've done so many things that hurt you."

Imogen sighed, not willing to keep eye contact with him. "It's okay. I forgive you," Imogen reassured, a small smile forming at her lips.

"I know you love Lucas, and it will always be him," Drew stated as Imogen rubbed her thumb against his palm creating little circles. Imogen stuffed her face into his chest, snuggling closer to his burning body. "But I love you," Drew confessed, planting a kiss on her forehead.

Imogen's eyebrows knotted together, squeezing her eyes shut and caused the tears to sprung from her eyes. The tears made wet tracks down her face soaking his white chiffon shirt. Imogen bit her lip in an attempt to hide any sound that wanted to escape her mouth. Imogen was lost in a torrid vortex of the moment.

Imogen didn't want to lose him. This past week she lost three of her loved ones and now Drew was getting ready to kick the bucket. How could she go on knowing it was because of her? Every mistake he did never stopped her from caring about him.

"You should know that," Drew whispered as her eyes were swamped with tears.

"I do," Imi mumbled.

"I should have made my move on you during freshman year. You would have liked me," Drew said. His smile faded as a shudder ran through his form and he trembled in her arms.

Imogen sniffled, raising her head to his eye level. Gripping her hand around his neck and said, "I like you now. Just the way you are."

His eyes dropped closed, a hundred tiny lines sprouting upon his forehead. Darkness suffocated his body like a damp, musty, thick, blanket, clinging to every inch of his pale skin. The numbness of sleep slowly faded from his limbs taking away all his strength. There was no air in this menacing world; lack of oxygen descended on his mind in a panic, desperation. Drew sucked another breath, burning in his lungs with a ferocity that consumed him. He felt his heart beating against his rib cage, slowing every second.

Realization dawned on Drew.

He was going to die.

Imogen sniffled, fighting back the dam that was spilling from her eyes. Drew wasn't responding, worrying her more than before. How was she supposed to not hate herself for causing this? Imogen felt the urge to do something, to comfort him, but also herself.

In a moment, Imogen pressed her lips against and felt his body loosen under her. It was slow and comforting in ways that words would never be. Drew experienced fireworks, tingles, and desire, but Imogen could only describe it as sloppy and wet. The kiss obliterated every thought. The worries of the day evaporated like a summer shower onto a hot car.

Drew's eyes fluttered open and muttered, "Thank you."

"Your welcome," Imogen smiled, whipping her tears harshly, taking shallow breaths to regain composure.

Pain shot through her arm and her vision blacked for a few seconds. Agony shot through her body like a lightning bolt, drawing a screech from her lips. She bit her lips harshly, drawing blood from it before it healed itself. She clutched her arm against her chest waiting for the intense irritation to disappear.

After several seconds, the pain disappeared leaving Imogen confused. Her eyes glanced down towards her wrist noticing 'Drew' was slowing writing itself. Imogen's mind was spinning with thousands of thoughts per minute.

Why did her wrist burn?

Slowly, Imogen turned her head to face Drew. The sweat had evaporated from his face and his skin was slowly regaining its natural tone. Imogen placed her hand against his forehead, noticing how much his temperature had decreased.

Did I save him?


"We're leaving town tonight," Lorenzo said as Cohutta finished placing the master's suitcase in the truck.

The truck was parked inside a storage room that Lorenzo brought years ago. The room was stuffed with wooden crates filled with items that were important to Lorenzo. Lucas's nose wrinkled in disgust. Over the years, the room formed a strong stench that brought tears to Lucas's eyes.

Lucas felt a vibration coming from his back pocket. He pulled his phone from his back pocket acknowledging the message sent to his phone.

From- Imi

Are you coming back?

Since the spell, Cohutta performed a few days which brought Imogen back from the dead. His phone was constantly being flooded with messages from her. How could he respond to her? He wanted too but he couldn't be selfish. Who knows what consequences would occur if he answered her messages. His heart throbbed knowing he left her alone but it had to be done.

For her, for Drew, for everyone.

"Where are we going?" Lucas asked, stuffing his phone back into his pocket.

"You will see," Lorenzo smirked, clasping his hands in front of him.

"What is it you really want from me?" Lucas pondered, drifting closer to the older male.

"All will be explained in time," Lorenzo said, placing his arm on Lucas's shoulder, sending a squeeze. "Once we leave this tragic town."

"Then are we done here? Can we go?" Lucas asked, narrowing his eyes towards the male.

Lorenzo chuckled. "Not quite. You see, I have a gift for you," Lorenzo said. He shifted his body to the entrance and reaching for someone's hand. "Come here, Darling. Don't be scared," Lorenzo added.

She stepped out into the light, her hair was thousands shades of gold that shined underneath the lanterns. Her blonde hair was poker-straight and pulled back into a low pony-tail. Her eyes were filled with fear as she shifted her gaze between the two males. Lorenzo placed his hand on her lower back, whispering reassuring words in her ear.

"See, I wanted to make sure you honor our deal. . . That you will do anything I ask of you," Lorenzo smirked as he gripped the girl's neck leading her to wail in terror.

Cohutta walked to Lorenzo carrying his most important briefcase. Lorenzo gestured for him to open the lock to which Cohutta obeyed. Lucas's eyes widened at the sight of different forms of torment was inside the briefcase. Lorenzo settled for a butcher knife, handing it to a panicked Lucas.

"Kill her," Lorenzo said, giving the girl's neck another squeeze before roughly throwing her to the side.

The only reaction his body gave was the tightening of his fingers on the knife. His adrenaline surged so fast, he almost vomited, tasting the saliva thickening in his throat and beads of sweat trickling down his brow. Lucas knew what he had to do, but it wasn't what he wanted to do.

"Please spare me," The girl pleaded on the floor, and she rubbed her aching neck.

Fear made Lucas take a step forward. The girl jerked back, her hazy, diluted hazel eyes latching onto his face. I'm going to be the last face she was ever going to see. The girl stood up and started running to the opposite side of them.

Lucas caught up to her pretty quickly, stopping her short in her tracks. Her whole body trembled in front of him as her eyes darted back and forth between his gaze and the knife in his hand. Tears streamed down her cheeks as the fear is just too much to bear. Ignoring the pain and refusing to show any weakness in front of his uncle. Without another thought, Lucas stabbed the knife through her chest.

The girl collapsed in his arms but she wasn't dead yet. Suddenly, the fear drifted away and was replaced by amusement.

Was this what his father always warned him about?

Why did this feel good?

It shouldn't feel good!

Lucas removed the knife from her chest and didn't give her a moment before plunging it in her chest again. He kept repeating the same motion for at least five times before dread filled his heart. With trembling hands, Lucas dropped the blood-covered knife on the floor. Lucas used his sleeve to wipe away the blood from his cheeks.

He dragged controlled breaths through his mouth. There was a tightness in Lucas's chest then, realizing how awful it was for him to enjoy it.

"Perfect! Now we can go," Lorenzo clapped his hands.

Lucas swallowed down the sharps words at the tip of his tongue and lifted himself. He didn't bother to glance at his uncle who waited for him.

What did I just get myself into? Am I turning into him?

Omg guys it's done!! I finally finished Discover Soulmate and I hope you enjoyed its final chapter! Thank you so much for sticking around for this crazy story and supporting me!!
I love you guys!!!

The sequel should be posted so go ahead and check it out!!!!
(hope y'all excited!!)

Also for any romance lovers !! I'm working on a rom-com titled First Love kisses and love letters that's filled with awkward situations and cute moments!!

Also comment if you liked the idea of prequel about Robert And Danys relationship? Lol

Love you guys again!!!

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