Bucket Babysitter
Chapter 9
A/N: Well... hello. Bet you didn't see this coming. So I haven't written anything but assignments for about a year, hopefully you'll enjoy this :)
Oh, I've also decided to just dedicate a few chapters to the decepticons because rn autobots seem mad boring to write, after all they don't have Miko lmao
Also idk if you've noticed but Miko is my favourite as a baby robot
Anyway enjoy bbs
After the whole incident with the F word, Jack and Miko had found themselves being put in The Naughty Corner. Knock Out and Starscream were no longer fooled by the innocent squeaks that followed after they had done something bad, and the seeker had stated that they needed to be punished.
"Dude, this sucks..."
"I know, Miko, but every time we try to get away we end up being caught by BucketMan," Jack grumbled as he shot a scowl at said BucketMan.
Starscream has ultimately decided that the best way to get the sparklings to behave was to have someone else punish them instead of the ones they were comfortable with. And it came as a shock when Megatron accepted Starscream's request for him to watch over them when they'd misbehaved.
Jack personally thought that Megatron would have done this regardless of wether Starscream had asked him. Although, it had been funny watching the warlord go all wide eyed before chasing after a crawling Miko after she'd launched her first escape mission. However, now it had gotten super boring.
"Remember when BucketMan would actually chase us," Miko sighed dreamily.
Gone were the days when Megatron would chase them, instead he stood there looking at his monitors not paying any attention to them. At least before he'd scold them and they'd have a giggle about how funny his face was up close. Did people really fear this guy?
"Yeah... I hate to admit it but those were the good 'ol days," Jack responded.
"Onyx, Ryker," Both sparklings turned their heads towards the powerful voice that had called their names, "its nap time."
Hearing Megatron tell you it was nap time was always a proper good laugh but the novelty of it had worn off for the two sparklings under his care.
"Bro, I've literally been asleep the entire time, you just didn't realise because you never seem to watch us unless we do something bad!"
Megatron rolled his optics at the seekerling's squeals and walked towards the fenced off area they were in.
'And here comes the uncomfortable part' Jack cringed.
Both were quickly scooped into one of Megatron's large arms while he used his free hand to gather them both in blankets. Feeling accomplished with that he made his way back to his original position but this time with two very awkward looking sparklings.
"Alright you know the drill," Jack nodded at Miko.
And just like that the two sparklings were supposedly asleep. They'd figured out that the quicker they fell asleep, the quicker Megatron would lay them down for a proper comfy nap. Apparently him holding them was his way of making them go to sleep, which didn't work, though he thought it did.
About 5 minutes later and they felt themselves being laid down, but the surface was more firm and a little warmer than they were used to in The Naughty Corner.
Miko couldn't help but notice instantly, especially with her little sensitive wing nubs and her optics shot open. They weren't in their corner at all...
Megatron had literally put them on the monitor desk. Lord knows why. But he did.
Feeling a little miserable that she was going to be watched sleeping the entire time, and also with her wing nuns aching upon their contact with the surface, she let out a distressed little cry, making Jack open his own optics.
He shot her a look before he actually decided it was time for a nap himself, and with that he snuggled into his blanket and closed his optics.
Megatron had noticed that Onyx was awake but had not bothered to do anything since she seemed calm... until she realised her wing nubs hurt. The warlord rolled his optics for the umpteenth time that day and wrapped the blanket under her so her wings would be more cushioned.
"Thanks, dude," Miko chirped.
Miko began scanning around her for anything she could do for a little fun. Instantly she noticed that the cybertronian keyboard that controlled the monitor Megatron was currently overseeing was right next to her little body.
A small grin came to her face and she whacked her arm into the keyboard, successfully switching it off, earning herself a glare and a light tap on her head as a warning.
"Enough, seekerling. Go to sleep," he commanded softly.
Miko laughed at him, clearly showing she wasn't going to listen to him anymore than she had done all day.
Starscream had been overseeing the construction of a new space bridge and Knockout and Breakdown had been in the lab doing whatever it is they do. They'd used their duties as an excuse to put the sparklings in The Naughty Corner for pouring their sparkling energon all over the floor yesterday, and effectively leaving them in their leader's care until they returned.
Essentially, Miko had decided she was done with listening to the joke in front of her.
She let out a squeal and slammed her hands on the keyboard again, and this time Megatron merely stared at her as of daring her to do it again.
"Well, let's find out what happens I guess," Miko narrated to herself.
And again she slammed her hands on the keyboard with a big cheeky grin.
A second later she found herself being hauled up by Megatron and dumped back in The Naughty Corner, and as he roughly put her down he accidentally bashed one of her wing nubs on his hand.
"Oh for spark's sake," Megatron looked at the hurt look on Onyx's face as she prepared to start crying, her bottom lip wobbling and all.
As she let out an ear shattering cry, Megatron picked her up again and was trying to get her to quieten down.
"Hush, Onyx, it's not that bad," he said quietly to her as he held her against his chest and rubbed her now sore wing nubs.
Miko couldn't believe that she was crying on Megatron as he massaged her back and giggled slightly through her pain.
"Happy now are we?"
"No, Onyx."
Her wings still hurt but Megatron didn't seem like he was going to cease rubbing them for her anytime soon and for that she was incredibly thankful.
She began to settle down against the large chest she was held against, resting her tiny head and letting her optics close.
Suddenly the door opened and Starscream and Knock Out strolled in.
"Lord Megatron, thank you for looking after them today," Starscream smirked at his leader cuddling the tiny seekerling against him.
Said seekerling sprung up with a squeal of happiness at her guardian whom she actually didn't feel awkward around.
"Hello, Onyx," the seeker grinned as his sparkling reached for him, practically bouncing up and down in Megatron's arms.
"She takes after you," Megatron said sourly as he passed the seekerling to his SIC.
Starscream looked at him with confusion before looking back down at the seekerling clinging to his chest with a questioning look.
"And, Ryker is asleep? I swear that mechling will never go to sleep when I'm around but as soon as I'm out of sight he's asleep," Knockout rolled his eyes as he hefted Ryker into his arms and carefully cradled him, "Thank you, my liege."
And with that Miko waved at Megatron over Starscream's shoulder as they left the room.
Megatron smirked slightly and too a seat, rubbing a hand over his face. He was fighting a war yet nothing tired him out quicker than looking after those sparklings.
Starscream was sat at his desk doing some work with Onyx laid on his berth playing with some colourful blocks.
"Duuuuuuude, I'm bored," Miko whined throwing some blocks off the side of the berth.
Starscream turned in his chair to see the blocks on the floor and sighed, standing to go and pick them up, the seekerling squealing the entire time.
"Onyx, no throwing," he said as he put the blocks back on the berth.
"But I'm bored," she groaned and pushed the blocks back off the berth.
Starscream let out a sigh as he picked up the chirping baby and checked her over as he didn't understand what all the squealing was about.
He stopped at her wing nubs and frowned when he noticed that they looked a little bit more sore than usual. He surmised that she must have irritated it in some way while she was with Megatron. But this didn't look like a normal bash, after all she managed to do that a lot, almost as if she completely forgot she had little wing nubs on her back.
While she was getting her back checked by her guardian, she had taken one of his hands and was chewing on a digit, squeaking in content every so often.
"Hm, looks like your wings should be coming through by now but they're not... I might have to consult Knockout and have him induce the full growth..."
Miko looked up at him confused.
"But will it hurt...?"
Starscream merely smiled at her.
"We'll leave it another few days," he said calmly as he stroked her wings.
And just like that, those few days had passed, and Onyx's wings hadn't come through like Starscream had expected they would, resulting in growing concern amongst himself, Knockout and Soundwave.
It was Soundwave who had brought it to Knockout's attention that something needed to be done about it since Starscream was sat there hoping for a miracle that clearly wouldn't happen.
In Starscream's days, watching a seekerling wake up with their wings fully formed on their back was a sight to behold. Having the growth medically induced because they were late to emerge wasn't right, and those that had to have it done as sparklings were never as good a flyer as they could have been. The adult seeker didn't want to see that happen to his charge, especially not one he was considering getting a paternal spark link to, it would break the sparkling's heart in the future when she realised she was handicapped and in turn it would break his.
Knockout knew this and had approached the seeker with caution.
"Starscream, I know this is hard for you but at this rate it is unhealthy for her wings to be cramped inside her back, it will disform them even more than they might already be," the medic shook his head.
The seeker and the doctor looked over at their sparklings babbling to each other on one of the med berths, very content and both having no clue what was about to happen. Well that's what they thought anyway.
"Yo, so everyone is acting really weird around me... even Megatron and Soundwave! Maybe they've realised that I'm super powerful person," Miko beamed in excitement.
"I doubt it, Miko. Ever thought that they might have figured out you're human?"
Miko's mouth dropped open as Jack watched her with an amused look across his face before folding her arms.
"If they'd realised wouldn't that mean you'd be scrap too?"
"Not necessarily, plus it doesn't mean any of us are getting scrapped, I doubt even the Cons wouldn't get rid of the baby version of their race no matter where they'd come from."
"Well, I don't know about th-"
Miko was swiftly picked up by Knockout, placed on another berth face down and strapped to it. Starscream pulled a chair up beside her and sat down on it, slowly stroking her little head with a sad smile on his face.
"Jack, what are they doing to me?!"
She began to struggle out of pure panic and turned just in time to see Breakdown pick up Jack to take him out of the room.
"I don't know but don't worry, I'll come back and get you!"
Jack was trying to be calm as he was taken out of the medbay, he really was but his panic had slipped into his words and had likely freaked Miko out even more.
"I promise I won't let them hurt you, Miko," he whispered to himself.
Back in the med bay, big fat tears streaked Miko's delicate faceplates as she realised what was going to happen to her... they knew she was human, and she was right, Cons would scrap a baby of their race just because it had previously been a human. Oh man, she missed everything, even her host parents.
"Bulk, why aren't you guys here," she cried into the med berth as she felt a needle go into her neck.
"Why did I get myself into this? I'm such an idiot..." she groaned before falling limp against the bed.
Starscream had watched her panic until she fell asleep and couldn't help but feel guilty. It's as if she knew that he had put her in a position to not be a future elite flyer. He let out a sigh and watched as Knockout carefully fiddled with her back, slowly bring out the real base of the wings that had been hidden underneath the sparkling's fragile armour and refusing to come out.
After he had managed to pull the wings in the position they were meant to be in, Knockout slathered a cool gel over the freshly revealed areas of her wings and left her with Starscream so she could wake up.
"I say give it about 30 minutes."
Starscream nodded as he turned his head back to the little seekerling on the berth. He smiled a little when he saw her wings were the exact same shape as his; so, she was made for unmatched speed. He'd teach her how to become the fastest seeker known the Cybertron.
He shook his head at the thought. The seekerling wouldn't be able to. In fact, she should have started flying a little bit after a few days of getting used to the fully emerged wings, but it looked like he would be waiting a few years for her to get used to them. After all, her body had been trying to reject them.
Time passed slowly for the seeker as he waited for the seekerling to wake up, and when she did she looked at him with shocked, scared optics.
"No, no, no, no, no. Please don't tell me I'm in purgatory," she wailed as fat tears slid down her cheeks.
She was immediately scooped up by her guardian and hugged against his chest, and it was at this point that she realised there was a huge weight on her back.
She pushed back from Starscream slightly so she could turn and see what was on her back.
"Ohhhhhhhh, so that's what all the weirdness was about, haha, I have wings now! Like proper wings not just those little dumb stumps!" She squealed happily.
Her guardian chuckled, catching her attention and she tried to turn herself around to show him.
"Yes, Onyx, I know," he smiled, "they are very beautiful," he said as he stroked them softly. And yes, they were very beautiful, same sort of shape as Starscreams with a black base colour and lines of pink streaking up them in a splatted graffiti type look. They looked perfect on her to say the least.
"Woah, dude that is the most relaxing thing I've ever felt," she was pressing her back into the hand that was stroking her wings and sighed happily. After all that stress she was really happy with this outcome of pure relaxation.
Before Miko knew it, she was surrounded by the likes of Knockout, Breakdown, Soundwave and Megatron who were all eyeing her wings with pleased expressions.
Jack was placed on the berth next to her.
"I told you you'd be okay," he smiled.
"Did you really? Because all I heard was panic coming from you, thanks a bunch," she rolled her optics.
"Okay, okay. They do look really nice though."
"Awh, thanks dude!"
She smothered him with a big hug, happy from his compliments and also relieved that she hadn't actually been scrapped.
Yooooo hope you enjoyed this chapter. I'm honestly at loss for where I should even take this story, I originally stared writing it as a fluff outlet but now I'm like hmmmm.
So drop some ideas for me?
ALSOOOO if any of you saw all that coding; that was me trying to text a note to myself to upload this chapter so sorry about that pfffff
Yooooo hope you enjoyed this chapter. I'm honestly at loss for where I should even take this story, I originally stared writing it as a fluff outlet but now I'm like hmmmm.
So drop some ideas for me?
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