S1 E3 - Alfea college for fairies

Lauren pov

This morning we had a class with professor Wisgiz,
And now it's time to do work,

"Good morning everyone, as usual it befalls me to kick off the school year, now for those who haven't met me yet, I am Professor Wisgiz. Your teacher of metamorphosis, or as I prefer to call it the art of changing," when he said changing in made is body shake and paused while he was at it, "the WAY you look!" Professor Wisgiz said when he took off his hat and transformed into miss Griselda.

Everyone said oh in amazement and after them all saying oh, they all started to clap. "Oh but that is nothing, by years end you'll be doing better than that," Wisgiz says as he transforms back, " and since every ending must have a beginning," he said pointing in a direction as he hopped to a girls desk, "let us start with a simple exercise,"

I now know what he was doing, he was summoning a hand mirror onto everybody's desk, "concentrate, look in the mirror," everyone took their mirror and looked at themselves and started to concentrate. "Look at yourself, and think about changing the colour of your hair,"

I took the floating mirror and looked at myself, I closed my eyes and concentrated. When I opened my eyes I saw my hair white and a baby blue, I absolutely adored it. "Beautiful" I say whispering to myself, "good job Lauren, maybe try more colours though," professor Wisgiz said looking at the mirror in my hand, I nodded and started thinking of a different colour.

(Next morning)

Flora pov

It was the next morning and me and bloom accidentally slept in and a bit late for breakfast, "cmon flora!" Bloom said far ahead than me, "I'm coming! I'm not that fast like you!" I say huffing and puffing from exhaustion.

We got there and hopefully miss Griselda never saw us, "what took you two so long?" Stella asked us, "it was my fault, I over slept.." bloom said defeatedly, I started to eat my soup. "Watch out for Miss Griselda, somehow I don't think she's a very nice person," tecna said before headmistress Feregonda started to get everyone's attention, "young ladies, your attention please, as it's the tradition among the magic schools annual gala in honour of our new students will be held tonight! Students of the Alfea college for fairies and teh red fountain school of magicians will gather here in our castle to perform the traditional welcome gift exchange ceremony!" Everyone started to chat about the announcement until, "Silence please! Miss feregonda, our headmistress is speaking, let's show a little expect!" Miss Griselda said interrupting everyone's chattering.

"Thank you Griselda, one more thing I'd like to say, I am calling on all your creative minds to turn this ordinary looking hall into a festive ballroom, so todays classes are cancelled, so get to work and do us proud!" Miss Feregonda finishes. Me, musa and Lauren went over to miss feregonda to ask that we can do, "can I please do some music for the party?" Musa asked, "I would like to decorate with plants and nature please" I also ask, "and can I put some stars for lighting please" Lauren asked with literal stars as her pupils. "Alright, now go and get ready and then you can help," us three nod and run over to the rest of the winx.

Stella pov

We were walking down the hall way and tecna started to speak, "classes are cancelled and it's just our second day?", "what do we have to do for the party?" Bloom asked me, "easy bloom, just get ready to have a ball!" I say happily, "I'm providing the decorations," flora said making decorative vines on one of the poles, "I'm making stars for lighting and also it can be different colours!" Lauren said pointing her finger to the roof, I smiled slightly at her smile, I think she realised and crossed her arms and looked the other way, I know she isn't mad I think she is just nervous.

Musa ran up in front of us and made us stop, "and I'm taking care of the music, I mean, what's a party without dancing?", "and I'll worry about what to wear because clothes are important too!" I say putting my hands in the air.

Time skip

Tecna pov (since I havnt done it yet)

We were in flora and blooms room waiting for Stella, bloom and Lauren.
"And of course I refuse to be unnoticed," stella says while holding a dress in her hands,

"well, what do you think?" She asks putting in front of her like she was wearing it, "it's gorgeous," bloom compliments. "Mind you it wasn't cheap but look at it, it was calling me from the shop window, "buy, buy me please!"," stella said putting her hands up if she were begging, "and of course you answered it's plea, how very noble of you," musa said.

"Funny" Lauren said while sitting on the floor with her knees in front, "Well I'm bound to make and impression" stella said putting her hand on her hips, flora who was sitting beside me on blooms bed said,

"uh-huh, I heard the guys from red fountain are really cute,". "Guys? As if I care about that," I say turning my head to my right over to musa, "then why are you dressed like an absolute diva?" Musa asked about my outfit,

"That's besides the point, you attend a ceremony you dress accordingly," I say, "yeah sure," stella said in a sarcastic tone, "I'm sorry but, do you think they'll let me in dressed like this?" Bloom asked standing up, "me too, I don't really have any dresses or anything really," Lauren also said to the group, "Oh, you two!" Flora said sadly, "you guys don't have any dresses?" Musa asked (I changed it to Musa instead of Stella because of Lauren) "nope" Lauren said while getting onto her feet.

"No problem, there is a solution for everything!" Stella told them. "And in this case it's called shopping!" She said looking upwards like what a hero does.

Lauren pov

We went to magix to find me and bloom outfits for the party tonight,
It went a total disaster, we went into a shop and bloom tried on dresse while I was standing outside,

Just then I got elbowed by someone, "hey watch it!" I say, "oh my bad, I didn't mean to," they said, "you hurt?", "no I'm fine," I looked up at the person, it was someone from red fountain, "my name is Lorna" (I changed his name)

(Not my art!)
Lorna pov

I don't know why but they look cute, do I have a crush on them? "W-why you outside all alone?" I stuttered trying to make a conversation, " my name is Lauren, and I'm not alone I'm just waiting for my friends to finish shopping, and if your wondering I prefer they/her and no gender"
Good thing in my head I never said she. "I'm off to the suit store and I'm guessing your from alfea college yes?" I asked the pretty person infront of me, "yep", "say, do you want to go to the suit store with me? If your not going to wear a dress though!" I say putting my hands in the air infront of me, "sure, I see it across the road over there," they pointed to the nearest suit store, "sure, let's go!" I say happily,

Bloom pov

We went separate ways so me and Lauren could get dresses, when the girls went to the right, out of the corner of my eye I saw a boy and Lauren heading over to a suit store, "why is Lauren going to a suit store?" I wondered.

Lauren pov

Me and Lorna went into the suit shop and I saw no girls, just boys and workers. I kinda felt awkward but it didn't really matter much, I went to explore the shop and found some suits I liked, I took Lorna with me to the dressing rooms, I went in a section and changed into the first one,

The first one was a white white suit with a black tie, I showed Lorna and he shook is head as a 'no', so I went in side and changed into the second one, it was too big and me and Lorna said "nope", I went back in the dressing room and the last one was amazing, when I went out Lorna nodded their head 4 times in a row like, 'yes, yes, Yes, Yes!'. It was a dark sky blue and black coloured suit with tiny spaced out white poke-a-dots, and a black shirt underneath. It was amazing!

Then I went to go pay for it while Lorna picks suits to try on, Lorna showed me the suits and for some reason it wasn't right, but the last one (ofc it's the last one) was just right, it was the white suit I tried but different, on the top bit of the suit it was half black and on the bottoms it was also half black but at the other side

I approved and so he took the suit off and he payed for his, we walked and talked for a while until we went separate ways, I got back to alfea and went into my room to see bloom, "where are the rest of the winx?" I ask in a confused tone. "They are at the party, I'm just doing some changes to my dress, what dress did you get? I bet it is a long one!" Bloom said smiling, "oh I think you miss understand, I'm not wearing any other weird dresses" I say, bloom was surprisingly shocked, "then what are you wearing?" She said going back to questioning mode, "a nice galaxy coloured suit, it's gorgeous!" I say showing bloom, "I'm kinda shocked that yiur wearing a suit, most girls wear dresses,"

(no, bloom isn't disrespecting people can wear anything, she is just saying that most girls wear dresses since winx has been created a long time ago)

"That's the thing, I prefer not to be called a girl nor a boy, I'm genderless thank you very much," I say walking into my room to get changed, again it was beyond great, it was absolutely amazing!
"WHERE ARE SCISSORS!!!!!!" Bloom shouted from the other room, "BE QUIET BLOOM I HAVE SCISSORS IN MY ROOM IF YOU NEED!!!!" I shouted back. "Oh! Ok!" Bloom said thankful from my response, bloom came into my room and saw my outfit, I had put some of my accessories from my home planet on me to add more flare.
* star hair clips
* moon and sun necklace
* a fake mini crown of Mystic Nights royal crown
* glasses but with no glass

"Wow, no wonder why you decided to go wear a suit, it looks so good on you!" Bloom compliments my outfit, "and I'm guessing you are needing some scissors?"  Ask handing over a pair of scissors. Bloom said Thanks but when she went outside my room I heard her say, "Stella's ring!".

After I got ready I went to the balcony and saw bloom chasing Stella's ring but it was floating in the air, "magic winx!"

I got transformed and flew down to the ground to catch up with bloom but when I landed I got blasted with a green orb, I then got trapped inside, "Let me out!" I say trying to get out.

"I knew I recognised you..." a mysterious voice said, it continued, "I hope it's a bit nice in there" the voice laughed. "Who, where and what are you!?" I say pushing the green ball aka the ball I was in, "up, up, up like a star!" The voice said again but then I got floated up far, far up in the air.

"I say It needs less space,"
Now I got less room in the ball, then less, the less and now my skin and wings are against the ball squished, "I'm not that mean so I'll won't squish you, but you can see the fight your friend is fighting," I was confused by that but when I looked down to my right to see bloom transformed, "it's even now trix!" She said with confidence.

"Not anymore, look up fairy!" Darcy/purple one said pointing up at me. "Bloom!!" I shouted, "let her go!" Bloom shouted to the three, wait three, "wait there was- now I understand, come on green one, let me go already!" I don't know who the witch in green is, "oh starlight, don't you remember me? Your baby sister?" The green one said, I was horrified, my little sister, is apart of the trix!

"Venus?...", "right-a-fright!" Venus said, Venus teleported in front of my floating, "imma let you down now, they are finished," Venus snapper her fingers and I fell to the ground, but when I opened my eyes bloom caught me. "T-thanks bloom..." I thanked, "do you know who the green trix is called yet?" Bloom asked, "y-yea you could say that..." I responded

Me and bloom could hear huffing and puffing from behind us, bloom let me stand up, "bloom you ok!?" Flora asked, "Lauren! Why didnt you help bloom!" Stella said pointing at me, I put my eyebrows to show I was mad, "Didn't help bloom!? I was trapped in a green orb in the sky for crying out loud!" I shouted back,

"this is one of the reasons we aren't friends anymore! Arguing!" Stella said, everyone except me and Stella gasped, "what do you guys mean?.." musa said sympathetically, "me and Stella aren't friends," I say putting a hand on my hip, "l-lets just ignore this," Stella said regretting what she said, I took a deep breathe in and out and calmed down.

"So Lauren can I see your dress?" Flora said, "for the second time I had to say this tonight, not wearing a stupid dress" I say crossing my hands, i untransformed and showed them my suit, "not going to lie Lauren it looks gorgeous on you! Musa said giving me and thumbs up, "let's go to the party," we all went into the party except bloom since she is doing stuff to her dress

I walked around in the ballroom and bumped into someone, "don't just stand the-!" I said but then stopped to see who it was, it was Lorna, "I-i didn't know I would
s-see you here too!" Lorna said surprised, I giggled, "well I am a student here", he giggled back, "c-care to dance?" Lorna asked, I blushed slightly, him, asking me to dance, I looked up to his face 'do I, have a crush on him?'

We danced for a while and after the party I walked outside with him, "so this is a goodbye?" I ask, "not for long," Lorna said taking my hands, "Lauren, would you be my partner

(since Lauren isn't a girl i put partner)

"O-omg.." I stuttered "oh... it's alright to say-" Lorna couldn't finish his sentence because I stepped into it, "NO, NO,  no it's not that I'm just surprised. We hardly knew each other at first and it's only been a day. Normally I would say no since I hardly know you but..." I see his eyes widen, "of course" I say kissing his cheek, Lorna hugged me and after that we say our goodbyes.

Words (minus this though): 2606

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