Peter wanted nothing more than to die in a black hole. He was seriously considering letting himself get stabbed tonight on patrol or feigning sickness so May would keep him out of school. He doubted the last one would work at all since May was rarely fooled easily and the first one was more painful than he would like to admit. Besides, if he did get stabbed, it would have to be a large stab and it would have to be life threatening. Otherwise he would heal well enough to still attend school and he didn't want to do that. He loved his school, he really did. There was just one thing: his school, the place where smart people were supposed to be, was making the stupidest decision Peter had ever heard of: they were going on a field trip to Stark Tower. Tomorrow. For the entire day.
He had the permission slip in his backpack for May to sign when he got home. Maybe he could just hide it and tell his teacher he forgot to get it signed. However, he knew the teacher would then just call May and ask her for permission. That would bring a bigger headache than he wanted because May would scold him for "forgetting" to let her sign it and Flash would accuse him of having a fake internship the whole time. As badly as he wanted to prove Flash wrong, he didn't want to deal with Mr. Stark embarrassing him the whole trip.
"What do you think, Karen?" Peter asked, legs swinging off a fire escape of a tall building. He was eating his sandwich from Mr. Delmar and telling Karen his problems. It was a routine thing to do while he waited for criminals to appear.
"I think you should just tell Mr. Stark and ask him not to embarrass you," Karen replied. Peter snorted and shook his head.
"You must not know Mr. Stark if you think he wouldn't embarrass me if I asked him," Peter said. He sighed and finished off his sandwich. "It would just be worse," he told her with his mouth full. He grabbed his trash and swung off the building. He threw the garbage in the bin nearby then swung off through Queens, talking to Karen and looking for crime.
* * *
Peter tried telling May he was sick, but she saw right through him. She knew he didn't want to go and so she able to tell him he was a liar without any guilt. She sent him out the door to meet the bus with a piece of peanut butter toast and an apple. Arguing over whether or not Peter was sick had taken enough time he was going to be late if he didn't hurry, so he ran to the bus. He made it just in time and raced on board, sitting down in his regular seat and pulling out his headphones. He wanted to talk to Karen, but he couldn't pull out his mask on the bus and it would look weird if someone saw him talking to himself on the phone. Instead, he contented himself with music, eating, and looking out the window at New York as they drove to school.
"Are you ready for today?" Ned asked as they climbed off the bus only to load another one. Peter shook his head and sat down on the second bus. He had finished his toast and just started his apple.
"At my funeral, make sure to mention how it was all May's fault since she made me go," Peter said. Ned gave him a sad smile and Peter sighed, putting his head back against the window. He looked back up when he felt someone sit down beside him, but wasn't too surprised to Michelle beside him. She didn't even look up at him from her book as she gave a quiet 'hey, loser' and continued reading. Peter just shrugged and went back to leaning against the window with his eyes closed.
"Hey, Penis!" Flash yelled. Peter's eyes snapped open and he sat up, spotting Flash a few seats back. "Now we finally get to watch you die of embarrassment when Mr. Stark calls you out on your lie."
"Whatever, Flash," Peter mumbled, laying back. He put his ear buds in as they drove to Stark Tower. When they got there, he put his phone and ear buds back in his drawstring bag and followed Michelle off the bus. Ned followed him and the three of them stood off to the side of the main group while they waited for everyone to unload.
"Alright, everyone," Miss Hendy said, clapping to get everyone's attention. "Follow me inside where we'll get our security badges and meet our guide." She turned and the group of teens followed her into the lobby. They were directed over to another woman who Peter recognised immediately. He tried to hide behind Ned, but it was no use. After giving everyone a badge, she asked if everyone had gotten one.
"Peter didn't!" Flash said, pointing to Peter. Olivia frowned and looked around. When she saw Peter, she smiled.
"Hey, Peter," she said. Peter gave her a small smile and nodded, hating the feeling of having everyone's eyes on him. "Do you need a badge or do you have your own still?"
"It's in my bag," Peter told her. She grinned and nodded, taking the rest of the badges back to the front desk. Flash glared at Peter but stopped when Olivia returned to give them a basic security speech.
"Everyone needs to have their badges on and easy to see at all times," Olivia said. A few people adjusted theirs so you could actually see it and Olivia continued. "Our head of security is kind of strict about that and won't hesitate to question you if he doesn't see them. Now, some of the things we will visit are labs and various invention models, so please be very careful. As long as you don't touch anything, you should be fine. Follow me through the scanner and scan your badges." Olivia scanned her badge and everyone watched as the gate light turned green and she walked through.
"Olivia Foss, level 6 clearance," FRIDAY announced. Apparently everyone thought that was the coolest thing because they all ooh'd. Peter refrained from rolling his eyes, waiting as long as possible to scan his badge.
"Guest, level 2 clearance," FRIDAY announced when Ned went through. Everyone had the same badges, so hearing FRIDAY say the same thing 54 times in a row was getting on Peter's nerves. Finally, Peter had to go. He pulled out his badge and scanned it, hurrying through to stand with Ned and Michelle. "Welcome back, Peter. Mr. Stark is currently in a meeting. Should I alert him you are here early?" FRIDAY asked.
"No!" Peter said quickly. "That's fine. I want to surprise him."
"Alright," FRIDAY replied. Peter let out a breath when she didn't call out his clearance level. Olivia was an intern and if she only had level 6 while Peter had level 10—full clearance—people would be suspicious.
"Alright, everyone," Olivia said, drawing their attention away from FRIDAY and Peter. "Follow me to our first destination."
* * *
Peter thought the trip had gone pretty well. Olivia hadn't said anything to him that would indicate he wasn't really an intern and he hadn't run into Miss Potts or Mr. Stark. There was only half an hour more before they would be heading back to school and Peter felt very successful. He really wished he hadn't jinxed himself, though, because he had barely finished congratulating himself when Olivia announced they would now be meeting Mr. Stark. Peter was back to wanting to die in a hole.
"Kill me now," Peter whispered to Ned. Ned gave him a sorry smile and let Peter hide behind him in the back of the room.
"Hello, Midtown Tech," Mr. Stark said, smiling and scanning the crowd. He frowned just a bit when he didn't see Peter. "How have you enjoyed your tour?"
"It was actually pretty good," Peter admitted to Ned. Ned glanced back at him and nodded. Mr. Stark noticed and Peter cursed, trying to duck behind Ned again.
"For the next half hour, you can ask me anything and I'll answer them all truthfully," Mr. Stark said, looking directly at Ned who he now knew was hiding Peter. Ned looked like a deer in headlights. "Who's first?" Flash's hand shot up and Mr. Stark called on him.
"Do you really have an internship program for high school students?" he asked. Mr. Stark frowned and shook his head.
"No," he replied. "Internships are only available to college graduates and sometimes undergrads." Flash looked victorious and he turned around to grin at Peter.
"I knew you were lying, Penis Parker!" Flash yelled. Peter's eyes widened and Mr. Stark's narrowed.
"What did you call him?" Mr. Stark asked quietly. Flash heard him and turned to look at Mr. Stark. He suddenly looked nervous as Mr. Stark all but glared at him.
"Um, I just, uh, it's a joke?" Flash said. Mr. Stark didn't believe him. He looked at Peter who was frozen, not sure how to go about explaining what had just happened to Mr. Stark without Flash become an extinct species.
"Yeah, it's a joke," Peter said. Mr. Stark rolled his eyes and pointed at Flash.
"If I ever hear you call my kid 'Penis' again, I will make sure you don't get into any reputable college, understand?" he threatened. Flash looked like he was about to cry, but he nodded quickly. "Good."
"Did you say Peter was your kid?" Betty asked, raising her hand as she spoke.
"Yes, he's my personal intern and my kid," Mr. Stark said. He smiled at Peter who gave a short smile back. Too many eyes were on him and he wanted to disappear. Mr. Stark must have senses this because he turned to Miss Hendy. "Do you mind if I keep him? He'll be coming back anyway and his aunt will be fine with it."
"O-Of course," Miss Hendy nodded. Mr. Stark looked back at Peter and sent him upstairs.
"Pepper's up there," he said. Peter nodded and raced out of the room without a goodbye to anyone. He got in the elevator and rode it up to the penthouse where Pepper was.
"Did Tony embarrass you?" Pepper asked immediately. Peter shook his head and smiled, his senses calming down now that he was out of everyone's gaze.
"He called me his kid," Peter said, unable to stop the smile that spread on his face.
Peter couldn't believe his luck. According to Mr. Haan, the Avengers would be doing an after school fair from Wednesday to Friday. Not only would it be open to all high school students, but it was mandatory for those in Mr. Haan's class. He believes whatever the Avengers would be teaching or showing them during the three day fair would be vital to their science class. Peter wasn't sure how he came to this conclusion as they were studying algae and fungi at the moment, but perhaps Bruce had something related. He doubted Clint and Sam would, though, and was annoyed to find the two bickering in the living room of the Compound when he arrived after school. They seemed to be arguing about waffles and pancakes, but Peter was trying his best to ignore them and find his dad so he could beg him to cancel the fair.
"Peter, it'll be fun!" Tony said, not looking up from where he was upgrading his Iron Man suit. Peter had just explained the problem and how everyone was bound to find out he was Tony's son. Besides, the team would embarrass him and Peter didn't need to give Flash any more reason to bully him. He kept the last part to himself.
"No it won't, Dad!" Peter groaned, voice muffled by the lab couch's pillows. Bruce smiled, glancing up from his work and look at Peter for a moment. "I'm gonna die."
"You'll be fine," Tony told him. He uploaded the new programming to his suit and scooted his chair back across the lab to Peter. "If the team embarrasses you, I give you full permission to embarrass them."
"There no way I'd come out the winner," Peter said. Tony would have objected, but he realised Peter was right.
"Fine," he said. He returned to his desk and typed something in quickly. "If they embarrass you too much, tell me and I'll embarrass them for you." It wasn't a fail proof plan, but at least Tony could embarrass the team without risk of ruining his entire academic career. Peter didn't respond, so Tony took that as an 'ok'. He finished up his work then he and Peter returned to the Tower for the night where Pepper was waiting up for them.
"It'll be alright," Pepper assured Peter after he told her about the Avengers coming to his school. She kissed his head then sent him to his room.
"Good night, Mom!" Peter said, waving as he walked down the hall.
"Good night, Peter," Pepper replied, waving back.
* * *
Peter had been enduring Flash's endless taunts all day. It was the first day of the mandatory, after school Avengers Fair and Peter was really wishing he had been killed with a dodgeball during PE. Thanks to Ned telling Flash that Peter personally knew all the Avengers, not just Tony Stark, three months ago, Flash had been excited to prove them both wrong. Plus, seeing Peter's face red with embarrassment when the Avengers denied knowing him in front of most of the student body was something Flash had been dreaming of ever since Ned's little announcement. Peter was dreading it and Ned was regretting having said that now that he knew Flash was going to be asking every Avengers if they knew them.
"Maybe I can sneak off," Peter suggested to Ned as they walked down the steps.
"Don't even think about it, Peter," Mr. Haan said from behind them. Peter felt his face heat up. He should have realised Mr. Haan was behind them.
"We can just hang out with Bruce Banner, right?" Ned asked. He had never met Bruce, but he had seen him in the Tower living room a couple of times when he'd gone to Peter's house. He had always wanted to meet him as Bruce was Ned's favourite living scientist.
"I'm sure Uncle Bruce wouldn't mind," Peter said. Ned looked ecstatic and Peter felt bad about having to burst his bubble. "But there's probably rotations so we'll have to move around." Ned's face dropped and they stopped behind a group of students. Peter frowned and stood on his tip toes to see what they were looking at. It was the Avengers. The students had stopped to stare at the Avengers struggling to put up a tent. Really, it was Thor and Tony struggling to put up a tent while Natasha and Wanda ate popcorn, watching them struggle. Peter was able to hear Natasha mumble something in Russian to Wanda and she quickly used her magic to set up the tent. Thor and Tony looked victorious until they realised what had happened.
"Students," Natasha told Tony, continuing to eat her popcorn. Tony spun around and grinned when he noticed all the teenagers standing in front of him. He spotted Peter and Ned and his smile flashed from 'regular press smile' to 'encouraging dad smile' for just a second, but Peter saw it and smiled back.
"Welcome to the first Avengers Fair!" Tony said, clapping. The students followed suit and clapped as well. "I know you already know me, so I'll introduce you to the others." Tony pulled each Avengers forward and whispers erupted through the crowd. Peter could hear them all and by the look on Wanda's face, she was hearing their minds. When she saw Peter, she gave him a tight smile and he nodded at her. Once they were all introduced, Tony told them what each station would be and which Avengers would be running it. Apparently Mr. Haan had already divided them into groups of 20 students, so he told them their group number and starting station, sending them on their way. Unfortunately, Ned and Peter were split and Flash was in Peter's group. They were starting at Steve's station which happened to be a course on how to be a good person and improve the world. At least, that's what Peter's impression was. He wasn't sure what Steve was actually calling it.
"Alright, I'm Steve Rogers," Steve said, making sure everyone could see and hear him. He gave them a lecture for an hour before the air horn sounded and they rotated to the next station. It happened that Clint and Natasha were their next station.
"Welcome, everyone," Natasha said, staying behind the table. Peter knew she wasn't fond of large groups of teens. If he had friends over—even if it was just Ned and MJ—she would disappear until they were gone. He was honestly surprised she had appeared on the school grounds at all.
"You're the Black Widow!" a girl exclaimed from Peter's left. Natasha nodded.
"And you're in high school," she said. The girl turned red and nodded, turning to her friend to hide. "This is Clint; ignore him as he's useless right now and in a quiet contest with Sam." Peter glanced at Clint to see his mouth tightly closed as he glared at Sam.
"Are we gonna learn how to fight?" a boy asked. Natasha frowned and shook her head.
"Stark said I wasn't allowed to do that," she answered. Peter smirked and Natasha glared at him. Flash noticed and quickly turned to look at Peter. Natasha called for their attention again. "However, no one said I couldn't teach you how to be a good spy."
"We're gonna be spies?" Abraham asked. Natasha nodded. "That's so cool," he said quietly, his voice going up two octaves.
"Great, I'm gonna need a volunteer," Natasha said. A few hands shot up, but Natasha called on Peter. "You. Curly haired behind your friend." Peter tried to hide but Natasha rolled her eyes. "Peter, get up here."
"Aunt Natalia," Peter hissed in Russian, moving forward to stand beside her behind the table. "Don't embarrass me."
"I won't," she promised, grinning. "You're helping me embarrass Clint and Sam."
Clint and Sam refused to let Natasha and Peter forget what they had done. The rest of the night at the Tower, they complained and brought it up every chance they had. Natasha had made them stop after the third hour but Peter still received ugly looks. He didn't care, though. It had totally been worth the risk of being impaled by an arrow just to see Clint covered in purple glitter and pink colour powder. Sam had managed to avoid the pink, but found himself covered in green seconds later. Needless to say, Peter managed to sneak up on both of them and Natasha had made it clear how proud she was. She had bought him ice cream and promised more the next evening.
"You just wait until tomorrow when you come to my station, Stark," Sam warned. Peter just shrugged, not that worried. "You better watch your back."
"Why? Cause Redwing will follow me?" Peter asked. Natasha grinned as Sam glared at him. Sam stalked off into the kitchen to find comfort food while Clint continued to read with his hearing aids out.
"Peter? Go to bed," Pepper yelled from her office in the penthouse. Peter paled and raced off to his room. He was supposed to be in bed an hour ago and he didn't need his mom on his case for staying up past midnight on a school night.
"Watch your back!" Sam yelled, mouth full of graham crackers. Peter flipped him off and Sam screeched. Peter was in his room before Steve or Pepper could get mad at him.
* * *
The next day after school, they were split back up in their groups and told to start at the station to the left of the one they had last been at the day before. Peter tried to stay in the back during Wanda's station, his first stop, and Wanda left him alone. She didn't need to ask him to know he didn't want to be called out; she could hear his mind begging her to ignore him. She did and happily gave everyone a short history on the tesseract, how she had gotten her powers, and what had happened in Sokovia. Peter found some of it interesting, but he already knew everything about Sokovia so he just tuned that part out. Wanda let them go to their next station as soon as the air horn blew and Peter was very upset to learn Sam and Rhodey were his next stop. Hopefully Rhodey would leave him be and protect him from Sam, but based on the look Rhodey was giving him, Peter was screwed and on his own.
"Welcome, everyone," Sam said. They gathered around and Sam introduced himself then allowed Rhodey to introduce himself. "We're going to be creating plans for some sort of flight vessel. As you know, I have wings. Rhodey has a fancy Iron Man suit. We want you to create a design in twenty minutes then we'll call on some of you to present it. Best one wins." Everyone grabbed paper and began sketching out designs. Some paired up, but Peter stayed by himself. He went up to Rhodey and tapped on his arm.
"Is the prize good?" he asked. Rhodey nodded enthusiastically. "Like, I want to win or I don't?"
"You want to win," Rhodey told him. "Trust me." Peter did. He immediately began sketching out a basic idea that he and his dad had created a few days earlier. Of course, he volunteered to present his idea and Sam happily chose him. A few others presented then Rhodey announced the winner. It was Peter.
"Of course Penis wins," Flash mumbled as Peter walked up to Rhodey to collect his prize. Rhodey directed him to Sam who had something behind his back.
"Congratulations, kid," Sam said. He smirked and Peter's spider senses went off. Before he could escape, Redwing was dumping blue slime on his head. Peter gasped, closing his eyes as the blue crawled down his head and shoulders, covering him everywhere. His classmates burst into laughter, Flash's laugh the loudest. Peter glared at Sam then pointed accusingly at Rhodey.
"You said I wanted to win!" he said. Rhodey was too busy laughing to reply and Peter wiped some slime off his face. The air horn blew and the students were dismissed. Peter jumped on Sam, getting the slime on him as well.
"Hey! Get off me!" Sam yelled, trying to pull Peter off. Peter wasn't leaving, though. He pulled slime from his hair and rubbed it into Sam's. Eventually Natasha and Wanda came running over. Wanda pulled Peter off Sam with her magic but Peter continued to fume.
"You're the worst uncle ever," Peter told Sam. He didn't take it to heart, though, knowing Peter was just kidding. When Tony and Bruce came over to see what had happened, they laughed as well. Only Steve took Peter to go get cleaned up then scolded Rhodey and Sam for embarrassing Peter.
"We're supposed to pretend we don't know him," Steve reminded them. Peter was now wearing his gym clothes with soaked hair. He was still glaring at Sam. "We don't want anyone finding out he's related to us or knows us."
"Fine, fine," Sam said, sighing and muttering a fake apology to Peter. Peter just mocked him quietly and Tony sent him to the car. Soon they were headed back to the Tower where Steve sat them all down and made everyone promise all prank wars and embarrassing stories would stay in the Tower. Peter was both pleased and upset, but they all agreed.
The third and final day consisted entirely of Bruce and Tony's station. The two scientists had developed a device a few days earlier for the students to test out. They were also able to come up with ideas on how to help with Bruce's latest project. Bruce and Tony purposely left fifteen minutes at the end for a question and answer session. Peter didn't bother asking them anything and stayed in the back. Ned moved forward so he could be closer to Bruce and have a higher chance of getting a question asked. Peter listened in on Natasha's presentation again and wasn't paying attention to what was being asked until he heard his name. His head snapped forward and he saw Flash looking at him with a smug look. Tony looked a little unsure and Bruce was just staring at him in shock.
"Um, no, I do not know Peter," Tony said, giving Peter a cautious glance. They hadn't discussed how to go about answering that question. However, Tony knew he'd messed up when Flash looked victoriously at Peter.
"Ha! I knew you were lying, Penis!" Flash yelled, pointing at Peter then pumping his hands. He stopped when he saw Tony looking very angry. Peter couldn't move, staring at Bruce and hoping he wouldn't turn green. It looked like he was struggling.
"What did you just call my son?" Tony asked lowly. Flash's face dropped and he began to stutter.
"Y-Your s-son?" Flash whimpered. Tony didn't move, giving Flash a dark look. "I-It's a j-joke. We're b-best f-friends."
"I have to go," Bruce muttered, stumbling away and running towards Wanda's booth. The team had quickly discovered that Wanda could calm Bruce by entering his mind and drawing forth calming memories. They often took advantage of this fact.
"Peter, explain," Tony said, looking at Peter. Peter still couldn't seem to move and his mouth was dry.
"F-Flash is a f-friend?" Peter tried. He knew his dad wouldn't leave Flash breathing if he admitted Flash regularly bullied him.
"Yeah, now the truth?" Tony asked, obviously not believing Peter's lie. Peter didn't say a word, but Tony didn't need Peter to say anything to know what was actually going on. "I've never heard of you before, boy, but that doesn't mean I don't know you bully him."
"I-I don't, s-sir," Flash whimpered. Tony didn't believe it.
"I'm gonna count to three and if you're in my sight, I'm gonna get in my suit and make sure you won't be coming to school for months," Tony threatened. Flash nodded and ran before Tony even started counting. He was off school grounds by the time Tony reached three. "Get out of my sight," Tony told the students. They raced off and Peter was left standing in front of Tony.
"Dad, please don't do anything," Peter said, rushing forward to stop Tony from searching out Flash.
"You never told me you were being bullied," Tony said. Peter fiddled with his hands. "Peter, did you tell anyone?"
"No," Peter said. Tony sighed and ran his hand through his hair. "But can you blame me? If any of you found out, you'd kill him and I don't want you to kill him."
"Peter, you still should have told someone," Tony said. Peter gave him a look.
"Well now you know," Peter told him. Before Tony could reply, Natasha and Clint came running over and asked what had happened.
"Peter's being bullied," Tony said. Clint frowned and Natasha's gaze darkened. "He didn't tell us because he didn't want us to kill the boy."
"I'm gonna kill him anyway," Natasha said, looking around for someone cowering in fear. It didn't help with her killer glare as everyone cowered at it. "Where is he?"
"He ran off when I threatened him," Tony said. Natasha started chewing him out in Russian and Peter tried not to listen.
"It's not a big deal," Peter exclaimed, stopping Natasha from starting a search and kill mission. "Now that Dad spilled the beans about me being his son I doubt he'll bother me anymore."
"You told them?" Clint asked, surprised that Tony had so quickly told their secret.
"He called Peter Penis!" Tony said. Bruce had just been returning and had to turn back to Wanda who quickly went back to calming him down.
"Who did?" Sam demanded, crossing his arms as he, Rhodey, and Steve who were joining them to find out what the problem was about.
"A kid that's been bullying him," Clint said. Bruce groaned and Wanda glared at everyone, working her magic to calm him back down again.
"Can we not mention it right now?" Bruce said, fighting the green on his neck.
"Where's he at?" Sam asked, glaring at everyone around.
"He's a coward," Natasha spit out. "He ran when Tony threatened him."
"I would have too," Rhodey admitted. The team gave him strange looks and he raised an eyebrow. "Dude bullied his kid. I wouldn't want to be around that."
"Can we just forget it? He'll leave me alone now," Peter said. "He knows I'm related to Dad now." The team didn't look like they wanted to drop it. "You're stressing out Uncle Bruce and I want ice cream."
"Fine," Tony said. He gave Peter a sharp look. "This conversation isn't over, though." Peter was already walking back to the car.
"Of course it isn't," he muttered. Tony frowned.
"What was that?" he asked. Peter's eyes widened and he continued towards the car.
"Nothing, Dad!" he called back.
Natasha was excited. She hadn't seen Peter in a long time due to long missions and Peter being gone on vacation when she was in town. Once Tony had introduced the easy excitable teen to her, the two had become good friends. Natasha often acted as a protective mother to him and Peter always went to her whenever he had problems and didn't want to go to Tony. She had even started teaching him basic Russian so he could understand the terms of endearment she used. No one else bothered to learn them, knowing Natasha would kill them if they did.
"When does school get out again?" Natasha asked for the third time. Steve had never seen her so excited for something. He couldn't help but smile as she anxiously watched the front doors for Peter.
"Ten minutes," Steve told her. She nodded and glanced at her watch. She was practically bouncing in her seat. When the front door opened, she gasped and looked for Peter. It was just a young kid with their mom leaving early. She huffed in annoyance but kept her eyes on the doors. Finally, the doors opened and students began streaming out of the doors. Natasha eagerly watched for Peter, expecting him to be one of the first ones out. She had texted him ahead of time so he knew she was picking him up. He had seemed excited, texting in all caps, but now he was nowhere in sight.
"Something's wrong," Natasha said, after two minutes of not seeing Peter.
"Give him five more minutes," Steve said, reaching to stop her from getting out of the car. "His teacher might be talking to him after class." Natasha frowned but stayed put. She waited ten minutes before jumping out of the car. Steve sighed but followed her into the school. Some kids gave them surprised looks while others stopped to stare as they passed. Natasha didn't seem to notice as she searched the school for Peter. It was nearly empty as most kids were anxious to leave except for those in clubs.
"He's not here," Natasha muttered, searching in the last classroom he had been in. She continued to search in every room, not caring how many clubs she disrupted.
"Nat, you gotta stop barging into clubs," Steve said. Natasha rolled her eyes, but stopped. Instead she just peered into the door windows. "Where is he?" Steve muttered to himself. Natasha peered into another room and Steve felt her mood darken. She threw open the door and Steve followed. He wasn't expecting to see Peter being held down by two boys while another one punched the life out of him.
"What do you think you're doing?" Natasha asked sweetly. Steve held back a shudder at her voice and the three boys turned to look at her. They looked rightfully terrified. "Get out." They didn't wait to be told twice. Natasha rushed over to Peter who was trying not to cry.
"I'm fine, Aunt Tasha," Peter said, grimacing as he stood up. Natasha didn't believe him. "Just a little bruised."
"Peter, how long have they been bullying you?" Natasha asked, checking him over for any bleeding or other injuries.
"All year," Peter muttered. Natasha's eyes widened and Peter scratched the back of his neck awkwardly. "And the year before that."
"Peter!" Natasha exclaimed. Peter looked at the ground and Natasha sighed. "Does your dad know?" Peter shook his head quickly, looking back up with wide eyes.
"Please don't tell him!" he exclaimed. "He'll make me change schools and I love it here."
"You're being bullied," Natasha reminded him. Peter sighed and gave her puppy dog eyes. Natasha glared at him, but he won. "Fine. But I'm talking to the principal and that kid that was punching you. And I want to know every time he so much as looks at you, okay?"
"Okay," Peter agreed. He would convince her not to talk to Flash later, but right now he just wanted to go home. "Can we go home now?"
"Yeah," Natasha said, nodding. She wrapped an arm around Peter's shoulders and Steve followed them back to the car. They ended up going out and walking around New York until late into the night, but no one said anything when they got back to the Tower. Natasha and Peter watched movies until morning and Natasha called the school to say Peter wouldn't be coming in the next day. Why? Because the Black Widow said so.
Tony Stark was annoyed. Steve had called a last minute Avengers meeting which normally wouldn't have been that big of a deal, but Tony was supposed to be somewhere else right now. If it had been a business meeting with Stark Industries, Tony would have happily gone to the Avengers' meeting. No, he was supposed to be with his son Peter for his 7th birthday party. They were going to Disneyworld and right now they were late for their plane. Tony was trying to get Steve to finish up the meeting, but he didn't feel like he was getting anywhere. Eventually, Natasha decided to bring everyone's attention to Tony by asking what he was in such a hurry for and why he kept checking his watch.
"I'm a little late for something right now," Tony told them, leaning back in his chair. "I have a plane due to fly out in negative ten minutes, so if we could finish this, that would be fabulous." Clint snorted.
"Got a date with Pepper?" he asked, smirking. "You're never in a hurry for meetings."
"Pepper is going to have my head, actually, if I'm not there soon," Tony answered. Clint rolled his eyes and Steve sighed, promising to finish up soon. Steve's soon wasn't soon enough, though, because he had barely started back on their last subject when the door flew open. Tony grinned as Peter shot across the room and over to where Tony was sitting.
"Come on, Daddy," he said, tugging on Tony's sleeve. "We're late and Mommy's getting mad." Tony glanced up at Steve who was wide eyed and open mouthed. He stood up and swung Peter up into his arms.
"That's my cue," Tony announced, holding Peter and kissing his cheek. Peter giggled and pushed Tony's face away.
"Scratchy," he giggled. Tony smiled and rubbed his face against Peter's. It had been a day since he'd last shaved as this morning had been a lot more hectic than expected. Peter squealed and tried pushing Tony's face away, causing Tony to laugh. He pulled back and looked down at the team. They were all looking very surprised to see Tony with a kid. All except Natasha, that is, who had met him before.
"Hey, Peter," she smiled. Peter grinned and waved at her.
"Hi, Auntie Tasha!" he said happily. He squirmed our of Tony's arms and ran around the table to hug her. She picked him up and set him on her lap. He wrapped his arms around her neck tightly then kissed her cheek. "Guess what, Auntie Tasha? We're going to Disneyworld for my birthday!"
"Really? How fun!" Natasha exclaimed. Peter nodded, seemingly unaware of the others's stares. "Well, go with your dad. You're gonna be late if you stay much longer."
"Okay," Peter said. He jumped off Natasha's lap and raced back over to Tony. Tony grabbed Peter's hand and waved over his shoulder at the team as he walked out the door. It took everyone fifteen seconds to recover.
"What was that?" Bruce asked, looking at Natasha. She just smiled, glancing at the closed door that Tony and Peter had just walked out of.
"Tony has a son named Peter," Natasha told them. She pointed to the door. "That was him. He's turning seven."
"Tony's a father?" Steve asked. Natasha nodded and Clint seemed to snap out of his daze.
"Stark's a what now?" he asked, eyes wide as he looked at Natasha for clarification. She just smirked and told him to stick to his arrows.
"You're not very good with sudden shocks," she said.
Tony was trying to do a press conference. It shouldn't have been difficult—they usually weren't—but Peter was backstage with Happy and Tony kept glancing back at him. Pepper was gone on a business trip and had conveniently forgotten about Tony's scheduled press conference. That meant Tony had to stick Peter with Happy who became a last minute babysitter. Tony knew Happy didn't like kids and Peter was pretty energetic, but he had no other option. Of course, he could take the three year old with him, but he did not want his son in the eyes of the press until he was at least 34, so that idea was off the table. It was the only thing Tony had to tell Happy in order to get him to agree to watching Peter. Despite how much Happy didn't like kids, he didn't want Peter to be exposed to the press at such a young age. Tony knew first hand how awful it was to be a kid and be in the press.
"Mr. Stark, can you tell us about your latest project? I believe you announced plans for cleaning the bay," a reporter said. Tony nodded, tearing his eyes off Peter who had been happily showing him one of his toys.
"Yes, the idea was inspired by those tiny little things that live in the mouth of some fish," Tony said. He struggled to accurately explain the idea when he kept looking back at Peter. "So, yeah," he finished. He got a few blank stares and confused looks. "Next question?"
"Yes, is Miss Potts behind stage because you seem distracted?" a man asked. Tony refused the urge to glance back.
"No, she's in Miami right now," Tony replied. The man asked who was distracted Tony. "No one. Next question?" A few reporters looked at each other in confusion and one slowly raised her hand.
"Is it true that—" She was interrupted by something colliding with Tony's leg. He almost toppled over, one hand reaching down to grab the tiny person and the other reaching for the podium to steady himself. The room went dead silent.
"Uncle Happy told me to shut up," Peter said, face buried in Tony's leg. Tony knelt down and Peter let him go. He sniffled and Tony glanced up at Happy who knew he was dead.
"Did he?" Tony asked, still looking at Happy. Happy rolled his eyes.
'He was being too loud,' he mouthed. Now Tony rolled his eyes. He picked Peter up and walked off stage. "He was too loud."
"You don't tell him to shut up," Tony said. Peter poked Tony's chin and Tony gently pushed his hand down. "Nicely say be quieter." Happy mocked him and Tony gave him a look.
"Sorry," Happy said. Tony turned Peter in his arms so he was facing Happy. Peter grinned at him and Happy wanted to glare at the three year old.
"Don't say sorry to me, say it to Peter," Tony told him. Happy gave him a disbelieving look, but Tony didn't budge. After realising Tony wasn't kidding, he sighed.
"I'm sorry, Peter," he said. Peter leaned forward and kissed his nose before Happy knew what was happening.
"It's okay!" he cheered. He hugged Tony's neck and looked over his back at the crowd of reporters. They had begun to talk amongst themselves, trying to figure out what had just happened. "Daddy, I'm hungry."
"Alright," Tony said. He glanced at Happy. "Go start the car. I'll finish up here."
"Do you want me to take Peter?" Happy asked. Tony glanced at Peter then shook his head. Happy didn't ask again. He shot off towards the car while Tony stepped back on stage just enough so that everyone could see him.
"Conference is over," he announced. "Show yourselves out." He turned back around and went through the back door. Happy was waiting for him in the car and Tony slid in the backseat with Peter. He fastened Peter into his car seat then asked what he wanted for lunch.
"French fries!" Peter squealed. Tony nodded and told Happy to find the nearest McDonalds, they were going to have French fries for lunch.
Tony couldn't breath. He knew his chest was rising and falling, quite rapidly too, but he didn't feel like he had oxygen in his lungs. He was suffocating. He felt trapped and there was no way to escape it. Everything was getting blurry, his face felt hot, and his nose tingled. He felt the tears only after they had dripped onto his hands, but didn't make a move to wipe them off. He didn't have the energy or strength in his body to do anything but stare at the ground beneath him. He couldn't even stand, his hands stretched out in front of him, empty.
"Stark?" Tony wasn't sure which direction the voice had come from. He had barely been able to hear it over the blood pumping in his ears and the silence surrounding him. He wasn't sure if it was actually silent or not. He wasn't sure what was real anymore.
"I—he—" Tony felt more tears fall from his eyes and he shakily stood up. He struggled to balance himself as he clutched his fists tightly, refusing to let go of what little he had left. The dust felt cold in his hands, but he wouldn't drop it.
"What did you do?" Okoye screamed, turning angrily at Thanos. Tony opened his palms, looking down at the grey dust in his hands then closing them again.
"This is only the beginning," Thanos said. He began to laugh, looking down at the small team that was left. Tony felt his blood run cold and he slowly looked up at Thanos. All he could see was a purple blur due to his tears. He forced them back so he could clearly make out every detail of Thanos's face.
He moved forward slowly. Steve could have stopped him easily, but he either didn't want to or was too busy mourning his loss to care what Tony did. Tony wouldn't have let Steve stop him anyway as he marched up to Thanos. The purple giant was easily twice as tall as him and Tony had to crane his neck up to meet Thanos's eyes, but he didn't seem afraid. In fact, he seemed angrier up close than from a distance. He could do nothing but flare up at the giant that was slowly stopping his laughter. His smug smile stayed on his face, though, as he leaned down to look at Tony.
"Are you gonna make me bring them back, tiny man?" Thanos taunted. Tony's eyes narrowed and he stepped closer to Thanos.
"I don't know what you did, but I'm gonna make you regret ever stepping foot on this planet," Tony said quietly. Thanos stayed smiling, amused by Tony's anger. He knew he could kill the man in a second now that he was no longer in his suit. It would have taken barely any longer with the suit on, but at this point, Tony was almost hoping Thanos would kill him. The only thing that made him want to stay alive was the thought of making him suffer.
"What are you going to do?" Thanos asked, laughing lightly. "Hit me with one of your dolls? You know you can't ever beat me."
"No," Tony agreed. "I can't beat you. But I will make you suffer and wish for death and I will not die until you regret your entire existence. Do you know why?" Tony paused to swallow the lump in his throat. More tears sprang into his eyes and he opened his fists back up to show Thanos what remained of Peter: grey dust that blew away in the slight breeze. "Because that was my son," he said darkly, letting the dust fall from his hands as Thanos stopped laughing and watched the tiny man turn and walk back to his team.
Peter was glad his dad was gone. It meant that when he toured the Avengers Compound with his class that the chances of him being embarrassed went down. However, it also meant Flash would likely ask the other Avengers of they knew Peter and Peter wasn't so sure how they would respond. He was hoping they would say something along the lines of "why yes, through the Stark Internship", but he also knew none of them knew that lie and would probably say something stupid like "no." He did make a point of giving them all a short run down on what to do and what not to do during breakfast. They all seemed to understand what was expected of them and promised Peter they would do their best.
"Peter, Happy is waiting for you," Wanda said, knocking on his door. Peter came rushing out, draw string bag over his shoulder and phone in hand. "See you again in two hours."
"Yeah," Peter said, smiling up at Wanda. "Thanks for helping me explain."
"No problem," she said, pushing him towards the door. "Now go!" Peter yelled a goodbye to everyone over his shoulder then raced out the door to meet Happy. Wanda turned back to the living room where she found most of the team lounging around.
"On a scale of one to ten, how poorly do you think today is going to go?" Clint asked. Steve gave him a look over his newspaper but Clint ignored it.
"I'd say maybe a five," Natasha said, painting her nails on the coffee table. "I have faith in us. Maybe not you and Sam—" Clint yelled out in protest. "—but the rest of us should be able to fix your mistakes."
"Just don't mess this up for Peter," Wanda told them, joining Vision on a couch. "He's really worried about what other kids will think."
"They always are at that age," Sam mumbled. "Can't we just embarrass him a little?" Wanda gave him a sharp look and he knew that was a no. He sighed but nodded. "Fine. I'll just wait until you aren't around."
* * *
Peter could finally breath. The first part of the Avengers Compound tour was finished and they were eating lunch. Peter had managed to find a spot hidden away from the rest of the group and Michelle joined him. Ned had gotten really sick the night before and neither the teacher nor his mom would let him come. Ned wasn't very thrilled about having to stay home instead of visiting the Avengers, but Peter promised to bring him another time.
"Where's your lunch, loser?" Michelle asked, glancing over her book to look at him.
"Forgot it," he muttered, picking at the wood chips beside him. Michelle sighed and then an apple was being chucked at his head. He would have been hit with it if his reflexes weren't so good and he was pretty sure that was Michelle's intention. "Thanks, but I can just run inside and find something," he told her, looking up at the Avengers Compound. He could see the someone walking around the living room of the Avengers's quarters, but couldn't tell who it was.
"Were you, though?" Michelle asked, knowing the answer. Peter shook his head and thanked her again for the apple. He bit into it and silently looked around the yard at all the other kids. Michelle got up to throw her sack lunch away once she was done, but Peter just chucked the apple core into the woods. As soon as Michelle was gone, though, Flash and his friends appeared.
"What do you want, Flash?" Peter asked tiredly. He really didn't want to put up with Flash's crap today.
"Where's your little pal Tony? Did he ditch you today?" Flash taunted. Peter just picked at the wood chips, hoping Flash would leave if he just ignored him. "Hey! I'm talking to you." Flash grabbed his shirt collar and Peter was forced to look up.
"Leave me alone, Flash," Peter said, pushing him back so he wasn't holding onto his shirt anymore. Flash's breath smelled like egg salad and Peter didn't want it in his face.
"What's wrong, Penis? Scared you'll be rejected by the Avengers when I ask if they know you?" Flash teased. Peter would have responded, but Wanda appeared behind Flash and he grinned.
"You might want to run," Peter suggested. Flash's eyes narrowed and he leaned over Peter again.
"Are you gonna hurt me?" he cooed. Peter just let Flash grab him. The moment he did, his hands were encased in red and pulled back. Flash stared at his hands in terror and turned around to see Wanda. His two friends had already ditched him, so he was left alone to face the angry witch.
"Are you bullying my cousin?" Wanda asked gently. Peter made a mental note to ask her if Natasha had been giving her lessons on how to act sweet and scary.
"N-No, ma'am," Flash stuttered, shaking his head quickly. "C-Cousin?" Wanda nodded slowly and Flash gulped.
"You aren't going to bother him again, are you?" she asked. Flash's head shook even faster if possible and his eyes were squeezed shut. "I won't have to alter your mind, will I?"
"No!" Flash whimpered, daring to open one eye. "I promise I'll leave him alone." Wanda nodded.
"You will," she agreed. She altered his mind anyway and he went running off. She watched him leave then turned back to Peter. "How long has he been bullying you?" she asked, joining him on the ground. Peter shrugged.
"Since the beginning of high school, I guess," he replied. Wanda frowned. "It doesn't really bother me when Ned's around. That's why it started; he was bullying Ned and I wanted him to stop, so he started bullying me. Thanks, though. I really appreciate it."
"Of course," Wanda said. Peter saw Michelle coming back, head in a book, and Wanda did as well. "I'll go. Enjoy the rest of your tour."
"I will," Peter promised. He thanked her again and Wanda flew back to the Compound. Michelle sat down across from Peter, not saying a word. Peter shrugged and went back to picking st the wood chips.
"So, cousin, huh?" Michelle asked. Peter paled and she started laughing.
"Michelle!" he exclaimed, throwing wood chips at her and her book. She just laughed and threw them back. She knew all about Peter and his family, she just liked teasing him about it.
Peter was prepared. He had done his science fair project weeks ahead of time then perfected it with Mr. Stark's help. He felt completely prepared for the science fair today and it showed. He couldn't stop smiling as he stood behind his project, hands clasped behind his back. The fair would begin in five minutes with two special speakers and then the exhibits were open. Peter was so excited to show off his idea. He wished Mr. Stark could have come, but he had another thing. Besides, he had helped Peter with the project, so he already knew all about it. Aunt May was coming, though, and she hadn't seen it yet. Peter had wanted it to be a surprise for her even if he did tell her absolutely everything he had done with Mr. Stark for his project.
"Dude, I heard someone say Tony Stark was the guest speaker," Ned hissed, running up behind Peter. Peter's eyes widened and Ned sat down beside him. "Someone saw him in the parking lot."
"You're kidding," Peter said, sounding more nervous than excited. As much as he wanted Mr. Stark to come, he didn't want him to draw attention. That was nearly impossible when it came to Tony Stark.
"Nope," Ned said. Peter groaned, closing his eyes and sliding down in his seat. Seconds later, he felt someone sit down on his other side and opened his eyes to see who it was. May was smiling on his right.
"Stark is here," she said. Peter groaned even more and she frowned. "What's wrong? I thought you loved Tony."
"I do," Peter said. He sat upright in his chair and sighed. "It's just, he's gonna draw attention to me and I don't want that." May nodded in understanding. She knew Peter wasn't one for the spotlight.
"I'll talk to him," she promised. Peter smiled thankfully at her as the lights dimmed. Principal Morita walked on stage and tapped on the mic. He drew everyone's attention to him then smiled.
"It is my pleasure to welcome our keynote speakers today," he said. He stepped to the side as the curtains began to open. "Please give a warm welcome to Mr. Tony Stark and Dr. Bruce Banner!"
"Bruce is here?" Peter exclaimed. He liked Bruce. He had helped Peter with Biology lots of time and he seemed to be the only one other than Pepper that could keep Tony under control. If Bruce was here with Tony, maybe things wouldn't be so bad.
Peter waited anxiously for Bruce and Mr. Stark to finish their talk. Mr. Stark had given Peter a long talk after discovering Peter had taken to calling Bruce by his first name within an hour of meeting him. Now Peter just called Mr. Stark 'Mr. Stark' to annoy him. He was often successful.
"Good luck!" Mr. Stark said, finishing his speech. The lights came back up and Mr. Stark and Bruce gave back their mics. Peter ran to his project to set it out and happily stood behind the table he was presenting on. May came to him first and he proudly showed off his creation. She then went next door to see Ned's project and went around quickly to look at the others. She had to get back to work and Peter didn't blame her for being in a rush. He was just glad she showed up.
"What do we have here?" Mr. Stark asked Ned. Bruce smiled at Peter then listened as Ned stumbled through an explanation of his project. He was too intimidated by Mr. Stark and Bruce's presence, but they didn't seem to mind.
"Sounds neat," Bruce told him at the end. Ned gave a nervous laugh and nodded. Mr. Stark looked up and came to Peter's table next. He smirked at Peter and crossed his arms while Bruce smiled warmly at Peter. "Hello, Peter," he said.
"Hey, Bruce!" Peter grinned. "I didn't know you were coming." Bruce shrugged while Mr. Stark read the write up Peter had done for his project.
"Well, had to keep the kid entertained," Bruce said, gesturing to Mr. Stark. He didn't notice. "Now, I know the basics behind your project. Did you update it since I saw it last?"
"A little," Peter said. He explained how he had changed part of it to make it more efficient and Mr. Stark cut in, reminding Peter that he was actually the one that had thought that up. "I'm sorry, should I put your name on it?" Mr. Stark pretended to think about it then shook his head.
"Nah," he said. "I've already got enough stuff with my name on it that's made messes." Peter glared at him and Mr. Stark chuckled. "Come on, Bruce. Let's move on."
"Bye, Peter," Bruce said, following Mr. Stark to the next table. Peter waved at him then turned back to his project to see Flash glaring at him.
"So you really do know Tony Stark, huh?" he said. Peter just nodded, trying not to push Flash's buttons. He really didn't want Mr. Stark or Bruce to find out he was being bullied. They were already suspicious. He didn't want them to see their worries confirmed. "Here's what you're gonna do: you're gonna set me up with an internship as Tony Stark's personal intern," Flash said. Peter glanced at Mr. Stark and Bruce to make sure they weren't paying attention. They didn't seem to be which was good.
"Sorry, Flash," Peter said, definitely not feeling sorry. "There's only one available and I got it." Flash nodded.
"Okay," he said. Peter wasn't getting a good vibe off Flash right now even though he seemed calm. "Give it to me." At first Peter thought he was joking, then he realised Flash was serious.
"What? No way," he said. Flash's frown deepened. "Besides, there's no way you could even be considered for this internship."
"You think you're really that special, Penis?" Flash hissed. "It's probably just a charity case anyway. That's why he chose you instead of me, the smartest kid at Midtown." Peter couldn't stop himself from scoffing.
"Flash, you have a C- in Biology," Peter said before he could stop himself. Flash fumes and Peter paled. His spidey senses warned him of Flash's incoming fist, but he didn't duck. It would be too suspicious and he didn't want to draw any more attention to himself than he was about to. Instead, he let Flash's fist connect with his jaw and found himself yelling out in pain.
"You're nothing special, Penis," Flash growled. Peter gingerly touched his jaw. "Don't think just because Tony Stark has you as his intern means you're invincible."
"I'm sorry," a voice came from behind. "Am I interrupted something?" Flash froze and Peter looked up to see Tony and Bruce standing behind Flash. All eyes were on them.
"N-No! No, sir," Flash said, shaking his head rapidly. Mr. Stark nodded slowly.
"I just want you to know that Peter Parker is not a charity case for me," he said. Flash nodded quickly once again, trying to get away but Mr. Stark wasn't done with him yet. "Peter is the brightest and most kind hearted kid I've ever met. That boy comes to my lab after school and brightens my life before he says a word to me. You can only dream of being like him one day."
"I understand, sir," Flash said, trying to escape once more. Mr. Stark still didn't let him.
"I want you to know he's like my son," he said. Flash gulped. "And if I ever hear about or see you bullying him again, I will make it my personal mission to sabotage every possible chance you have at getting into a good high school." Flash nodded weakly. Mr. Stark let him go and he ran off. Peter just stood there, staring at Mr. Stark. He had no idea Mr. Stark thought of him like that.
"You really mean that?" Peter asked quietly. Mr. Stark turned to him and gave him a soft smile. He nodded and Peter smiled shyly. "I think of you like my dad, you know?"
"I know," Mr. Stark nodded. Peter frowned, confused as to how Mr. Stark has known. He'd tried pretty hard to keep his feelings a secret in case Mr. Stark thought it was creepy or annoying. "You talk in your sleep. And you're mouth runs on its own when you're tired," Mr. Stark told him with a smirk. Peter felt his face heat up.
"Tony!" Peter exclaimed, trying to hide his face behind his hands. Tony laughed.
"Oh, it's Tony now, is it?" he teased. Peter's face got even hotter. "Come on, kid. Let's clean up your project and head home."
"I'll go talk to the teacher," Bruce said. Peter packed up his project and Tony helped him return it to his science room. After much convincing on Bruce's part and a call to Aunt May, just to make sure Tony and Bruce really were allowed to take Peter out of school, the three walked outside and met Happy in the car.
"How'd it go?" Happy asked, pulling out of the parking lot.
"Awful," Tony said. Peter had found the nurse before he left and gotten ice for his jaw. Unfortunately, it had already started bruising. "However, I'm sure ice cream will make things better."
"Yeah!" Peter cheered. Happy grumbled about giving the already excited kid something that would spike his energy, but found himself pulling up to an ice cream parlour a few minutes later. He wasn't that surprised when Peter came out with a rocky road and vanilla ice cream cone for him, either, and though he pretended to find it annoying, he was more than willing to take the cone off his hands and eat it in the car with Tony, Bruce, and Peter.
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