Baby Black Foxes?! ~ Takkun!
Ugh.. I'm upset.. I couldn't find a good picture that could represent Takuto as a little kid.. So sorry T^T Please make with this for now...
(Y/N): "Let's go Takuto." I said with a smile.
Takuto: ".... Okay." He nodded and we left LRN.
Right when we stepped outside, Takuto pried his hand from mine.
(Y/N): "Huh? Takuto, what's---"
I turned to my right, looking down to see Takuto with his arms parallel with his shoulders, hands on the top of his head. Like shielding from the sun kind of look.. How cute!! X3
Takuto: "...... Too hot.. Gonna turn to crisp.."
(Y/N): "Awww..." I cooed, earning a glare.
Takuto: "What's so funny? Me burning to a crisp?!"
(Y/N): "Haha no no, Takuto.. You're just.. Cute right now."
Takuto: "Ugh.. To be called cute.. Only girls are called cute! I'm handsome!"
Takuto says with a smirk before shielding his eyes from the sun again.
He reminds me of someone.. But I don't know who.. Hmm..
(Y/N): "Alright, you're handsome."
Takuto: "..."
(Y/N): "Takuto?" I knelt down in front of Takuto who turned slightly away.
Takuto: "Cu...."
(Y/N): "???"
Takuto: "Mm... CUBE! You're a cube!"
(Y/N): "All the world is square I guess.." I shrugged, about to stand up.
Takuto: "No no no! I mean---!" Takuto waves his arms around, face flushed.
(Y/N): "? Takuto.." I felt his forehead and gasped. "You have a fever!"
Takuto: "..."
(Y/N): "Here, get on my back. I'll carry you to my apartment since it's closer."
Takuto: ".. But.."
He starts to protest but gulps visibly at my stern look, mumbling an 'Okay..'
Ha! So I CAN be intimidating after all! Haha..
(Y/N): ".. It must've been the weather. LRN was pretty cold to begin with.. And to step out into the heat.. Don't worry, Takuto. I'll take care of you!" I said with a smile over my shoulder.
Takuto: "... Thanks..."
I smiled as I continued walking. I need to get back to my apartment quickly.. Did Takuto fall asleep? Takuto must've heard my thoughts because the next thing I heard was him calling me.
Takuto: "... Hey (Y/N)?"
(Y/N): "Yeah..?"
Takuto: "... Sorry for what I said earlier.. You're not a cube."
(Y/N): "Haha, thank goodness." I giggled. "I don't know how I would feel, being the only cube."
Takuto: ".... You're not like the other girls.." He mumbles quietly that I almost didn't hear him. "You're cute (Y/N)... Very cute."
(Y/N): "!!!! Takuto.." I looked over my should to see Takuto peacefully sleeping.
Takuto: "Zzz.."
(Y/N): "Huh.. Looks like he fell asleep.."
I quickly made our way back to my apartment, unable to wipe the blush off my face.
/ / /
Boss: "Takkun's not feeling well?"
(Y/N): "Yeah," I replied on the phone. "He's resting on my bed right now.. I was thinking about making him some soup.."
Boss: "Wish I could've helped (Y/N).. But I'm not exactly at LRN right now?"
(Y/N): "Oh god... Please tell me that you didn't leave the boys there by themselves.."
Boss: "Huh? No, of course not! They all wanted to go to the park... Oh (Y/N)! It's terrible!"
(Y/N): "Huh? Did something happen?"
Boss: "The boys..."
(Y/N): "Don't leave me in suspense goddammit! What happened?!"
Boss: "They called me Beardzilla.."
(Y/N): "..."
Boss: "..."
(A/N: You hung up on him... Haha..)
(Y/N): "Hahh.." I sighed in disbelief as I threw my phone on the couch. "Boss made me worry for no reason.. He'll be fine. Now, to make some soup.. Oh wait.. I have the ingredients to make pork noodles.. I wonder if Takuto will like that instead." I giggled and quickly started the prep in making his favorite pork noodles.
/ / /
Takuto's POV
I woke up to an unfamiliar ceiling..
Takuto: "*yaaaaaawwwwnnn* Where am I?"
I mumbled sleepily as I rubbed my eyes from sleep.
Wait.. Isn't this Y/N's room?? Why am I... Wait... That smell... PORK NOODLES!!!!! 🐷🍜
Takuto: "Pork noodles!!" I jumped excitedly out of bed. I quickly stopped in my tracks and cleared my throat. "I mean.. Ahem.. It's just pork noodles.." I mumbled, but still sped walked into the kitchen.
Sorry.. (Y/N)'s POV again XD
(Y/N): "Done." I beamed excitedly as I set the bowl of pork noodles on the table.
Ah, I should probably go see if Takuto is---
Takuto: "Pork noodles!"
I literally jumped when I heard a shout coming from my room. With an eyeroll, I continued setting the table instead, knowing that Takuto will show up any second..
(Y/N): "Hey Takuto, feeling any better?" I asked, without turning around. I heard a huff and...
Takuto: "How the heck did you know it was me?"
(Y/N): "Oh, I have my ways."
Kinda obvious that it was him no?
Takuto: "But I was quiet!"
(Y/N): "Not exactly..."
Takuto: "But..!"
This'll take forever..
(Y/N): "Do you want the pork noodles or not?"
Takuto: ".... Yes."
(Y/N): ".. Good, that makes two of us.. Go ahead and take a seat, okay?"
I sighed in disbelief, though I couldn't help but smile at how cute Takuto is. He notices me staring and flushes red, plopping down on a seat. He reaches for his chopsticks and expertly picks up the noodles.
Afraid that he'll choke if I talked to him, I grabbed my own set of chopsticks and started eating.
Takuto: "Hm.. This tastes different."
(Y/N): "Hm? Ah.. Sorry about that, Takuto. I couldn't make it the way Boss makes it..." I said worriedly, "Perhaps I should've asked if he can come over.."
Takuto: ".. You don't have to do that."
(Y/N): "?"
Takuto: "I... I don't mean it's different as if it tastes bad. It's delicious.. I like it.. More because you were the one who made it for me.. So.. Thanks."
(Y/N): "!!!!"
(Y/N): "I'm glad you like it." I replied with a smile.
Takuto: "And besides, I don't want Beardzilla crashing into your apartment."
(Y/N): "Huh..? What was that?"
I could've sworn Takuto said something about Boss... Maybe it's my imagination..?
Takuto: "N-nothing.. Um... And.. I don't mind talking as I eat.."
(Y/N): ".. Huh..?"
Takuto: "W-what? I'm n-not repeating myself!"
(Y/N): "Haha, you haven't changed much, Takuto."
Takuto: "Huh? What the hell's that supposed to mean?!"
(Y/N): "Hey! Watch your language!"
Takuto: "What happened to my freedom of speech?"
(Y/N): "Remember who made these pork noodles."
Takuto: ".... Dammit."
(Y/N): "Takuto!!"
/ / /
(Y/N)'s POV
A few hours later of cuddling, hehe, I'd noticed that Takuto was starting to go back to his regular age so we quickly made our way to LRN to see the other guys also coming back to normal age. And luckily, Takuto was getting better as well so it's all good. But still... Even so..
(Y/N): "I can't believe this.." I mumbled in disbelief.
It turns out that Jenny ahem... Was the one who sent that mysterious package that changes you to well.. A kid. It was originally meant for me for she wanted the boys (especially my boyfriend) to take care of me but.. Because of the boys' curiosity, they were turned into little kids. Hmph, serves them right for being nosey. Though I have to admit.. They did that because the package looked suspicious.. So I'll have to thank them.. Maybe I'll bake something..
Takuto: "You gotta be fuckin' kiddin' me."
Riki: "Language Takuto.."
Hiro: "I still can't believe it.. Little us running around the bar? I find that unimaginable."
Boss: "Haha.. You guys better imagine it, you guys had almost sabotaged my bar... Especially Hiro who drew on the walls.."
Hiro: "Hm? Did I do that? Hehe!~"
Takuto: "He's still a kid, nothing changed."
Hiro: "Hey!"
Kenshi: "Haha, Hiro drew on the walls? But it looks clean to me."
(Y/N): "That's because I had to help Boss clean this place."
Boss: "Yup. Haha, sorry again (Y/N). What would you like for me to do to repay you?"
(Y/N): "You can pay me back with food."
Riki: "Not surprising." He says with a smirk.
(Y/N): "Ugh, I'll have you know I had Boss record you guys at the park. Don't make me put it on social media... And tag you guys..."
Riki: *gulps*
Kenshi: "Wow.. They DO say that the nicest are the scariest. Haha!"
Takuto: "She was mean to me.. She kept yelling at me because I was talking as I was eating."
(Y/N): "Wrong." I corrected. "Because you were shouting profanities."
Takuto: "... Everyone does that."
(Y/N): "... Ugh, so not the point."
Riki: "Anywho, are we gonna think of a punishment for Miss. Jen for sending that package?"
Kenshi: "Haha, what do you have in mind?"
Hiro: "Nothing dirty I hope~! Though since it's Riki we're talkin about..."
Riki: "Hey! What's that supposed to mean?!"
Hiro: "Hehe! It's true that you're a pervert!"
Riki: "I'm not a pervert! Why do you guys say that all the time?"
Kenshi: "Well... I think Hiro's right! Sorry, leader!"
Riki: "Seriously? You guys are SO gonna get it!"
Hiro: "Yikes! Run Kenny!"
Kenshi: "Haha! Catch us if you can Riki!"
Riki: "Ugh! You guys!!"
Takuto: "Uggghhh... I swear.. They still act like kids.. Even at this age."
(Y/N): "You were pretty much like that too, Takuto."
Takuto: "...."
Takuto suddenly stands up and grabs my arm.
Takuto: "Come on, we're leaving."
(Y/N): "Huh? We're we---"
Takuto: "Stop asking, and just follow me."
Without looking back at me, he drags me out of the noisy as can be LRN...
/ / /
Takuto: "Finally out of that noisy ass place.." Takuto sighs as he lets me in his house. He plops down on his bed and looks over at me. "(Y/N)... Here.." He blushes and holds out a closed hand towards me. Not wanting him to get impatient I quickly made my way over to him and held out my hand, gasping when he let go of his hand. Now in my palm, was one of the limited edition Shiffey charm bracelet. I gasped at how beautiful it was, then looked up to see a flushed Takuto.
(Y/N): "T... Takuto.."
Takuto: "W-well... I figured you'd like it.. Don't girls like these sort of things?"
He got this for me...?
(Y/N): "But... are you sure?"
Takuto: "I'm not gonna walk around with a charm bracelet... Wear it for me. You better make sure you take good care of it."
(Y/N): "I will take great care of this. Thank you so much!"
Takuto smiled and took the bracelet, slipping it on for me.
Takuto: "I should be the one thanking you.. You were the one who took great care of me after all.. And well.. Thanks for putting up with me."
(Y/N): "You don't need to thank me for that, silly. I did it because I care about you."
Takuto: "Yeah.. But still... Thanks.."
(Y/N): "Hehe, you're welCOME!!!"
^ (A/N: Heheh, you thought something was wrong with my keyboard didn't you? XD)
I exclaimed in shocked when Takuto expectedly yanked me towards him by the arm, making me straddle him. Instead of pushing me away, he pulled me closer by wrapping his arms around my waist. Realizing what he'd just did, he continued talking, eyes not meeting mine.
Takuto: "I... Would you... Would you want...."
(Y/N): "Would I want..."
Takuto: "K-kids! Do you want kids!?"
(Y/N): "H-huh?!"
Takuto: "D-don't huh me! J-just answer the damn question!"
(Y/N): "Well.. Yes, but I don't know if I'll be a good mother."
Takuto: "Well.. You took great care of me. That proves that you can be a great mother.... If... We do get kids in the future.. Promise me one thing?"
(Y/N): "Hm? What is it..?"
Takuto: "If... They ever ask for pork noodles, insist that you don't know how to make them."
(Y/N): "Huh? Why is that?"
Takuto: "Are you an idiot? Because I don't wanna share!"
I rolled my eyes and pulled away from him, plopping down next to him with my arms crossed.
(Y/N): "Don't be stingy, Takuto! Besides, they'll be our kids! We can't be like that to them."
Takuto: "But.."
(Y/N): "Takuto..."
I sighed and jumped when Takuto unexpectedly wrapped his arms around me again.
(A/N: Like a side ways hug kind of thing..)
Takuto rest his chin on my left shoulder and said..
Takuto: "Finnnnnneeee, I'll make an exception... Heheh.. You got me wrapped around your finger, (Y/N).. Ya know that?"
(Y/N): "I do?"
Takuto: "Yeah.. I can never seem to beat you. You and your puppy eyes.. Or you and your cute little pout.."
(Y/N): "T-Takuto?!"
Takuto: "Ba-ka... Lemme finish." He shushed.
He pulled away from me slightly and smiled at me with a faint blush on his cheeks.
Takuto: "I don't mind having kids with you... That is.. If you don't mind. I know you'll be a great mother.. The only one I want is you. You're the only one who has the right to stand with me. I l...... Love you.. (Y/N). Be mine..? Forever and always? ... Please?"
With a happy smile, I kissed him.
(Y/N): "Of course. Be forever mine too, Takuto."
Takuto: ".. You know I'll always will."
Jenny: "...Awwww!!! That's so sweet! I'm getting a toothache!~"
Takuto & (Y/N): "Jen, get out of here!"
Jenny: "Okay, okay fffiinnneee... You guys are no fun!" *pouts*
(Y/N): ".... Think we were a little harsh?"
Takuto: "Pff, I'm sure Hiro can cheer her up."
Takuto and I looked at each other and giggled, a happy smile on our faces.
The End.
Whew DX what a long chapter/story/thing... My keyboard was lagging about halfway into this DX But anyways, hoped you liked this!! ❤️❤️
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