Chapter 9~ In My Arms

Ignore their outfit.. Just chose this picture because they were hugging *shrugs* Anywho, hope you enjoy this chapter!! ❤️

Takara's POV

I should have been breaking down in tears; instead, it was as if I was frozen. I never took my eyes off of the door. My feet were planted on the spot...


"..." I heard a door opening and felt a presence behind me.

"Hey, are you okay?" Takuto whispered.

"... Yeah, fine." I whispered back softly.

"Don't look like it..."

"..." I turned around and fake a smile. "Common argument that's all..."

"It looks like there's more to the story..."

"I'm fine Takuto really..."

"Takara..." He gently embraced me. "Don't hold back. Just let it go." He whispered softly in my ear, and the tears that I was trying to hold back, started falling. He noticed this and held me tighter.

Takuto's POV

Since the argument was in code for some unknown reason, I had no idea what they were talking about. But just by looking at the other girl, it's not the 'greatest' argument... We stood there for about 5 minutes and then I slowly pulled away, to see if she was okay.

"Sorry..." Takara exhaled and ran her hand through her hair. She looked away for a split second, then looked back at me, "Hah, haven't cried in ages." She sneered to herself and stared at the ground.

"..." What does she mean? I looked at her in wonder when the other guys walked out.

"Hey, you okay?" Kenshi questioned.

"Yes, I'm fine, thank you." She smiled softly.

"Here, have a seat." Riki said and pulled out a seat.


"So... Sorry for asking, but was that some kind of foreign language?" Riki asked minutes later.

"Riki!" I hissed.

Takara gently took my arm. "Takuto, its fine." She gave me a reassuring smile.

"...Alright..." I reluctantly nodded and sat next to Takara.

"To answer your question, no, it's not a foreign language..." Takara tried to hold back a laugh. "When my friends and I were younger, we decided to make up a language that only we can understand." She explained.

"Oh..." Riki nodded, indicating for her to go on.

"We usually use the language for personal matters or something... Embarrassing or whatnot. What you witnessed was... A common argument that's all."

"A common argument that has you breaking down in tears?" I raised my eyebrows.

"Well..." Takara sighed. "Yeah I guess. Sometimes we just don't get along well... It happens to everyone doesn't it?" She looked off into the distance.

Hiro starts talking to lighten up the mood. "So... How did you meet them?"

"Oh that.." She gave a small smile. "Well... I guess it all started when I got into a fight."

"You got into a fight?" Riki asked with a surprised expression.

Takara's POV

"Yeah." I nodded. "I picked up a lot of fights in school. Then one day, these 3 girls hired their boyfriends to beat me up..."

10 years ago...

Takara's POV (14 years old)


"Finally." I stood up and quickly left the classroom. I was basically your average 14 year old tomboy. Ripped up shorts, t-shirt, sneakers, baseball cap, a watch, bracelets here and there, you name it. Even though I was a tomboy, I was the smartest in the class. Can type about 200 words in a minute, etc. I know it sounds impossible, but my parents did a lot of science and programming in their years so I guess I took a lot after them. Because of a fight that happened to me a couple of years back, I completely changed. About 4 years ago, I was the sweetest, most innocent girl you can ever find. I was a part of drama, singing, dancing, cooking, etc. The day after that, I turned myself into a tomboy. Loved to pick up fights, took karate class for defense, listening to heavy metal music through my red headphones, etc. I did all of it to protect someone. He's been missing for weeks and after that, I never saw him again...

"Oh look, it's Takara!" Some of my friends strolled over to me.

"Sup guys?" I fist bumped them.

"You better watch out cuz Kana and the gang are planning to fight you." One warned me worriedly.

"Ha! Bring it on! I'm not scared of her." I smiled and walked away.

"Be careful Takara!" The others shouted after me.

"Yup, see ya later!" I waved and headed for the library.

/ / /

I turned into an empty hallway that leads straight to the library.

"Well well, if it isn't Takara."

"!" I clenched my fists and spun around. "Hello Kana." I said with disgust. "Oh, and hello to you guys too, didn't see you there." Her two followers glared at me.

"I heard that you weren't afraid of me, but this time... There's someone I would like you to meet. Three to be exact."

I swallowed, keeping the glare on my face as 3 strong looking men strolled in front of me.

"Our boyfriends to be exact. By the way, they're two years older than you..."

"Tch, too weak to fight me? Instead you all got your knight in shining armor? How pathetic." I cracked my knuckles.

"We girls don't want to ruin our nails. Not that you would care about yours..."


The leader slowly walked towards me and hissed. "Takuto could've been mine, if not for you."

"Sucks for you, he loved me more." I smirked back.

"Hah! Then explain why he left you? Alone..."

"..." I bit my bottom lip in frustration. That's right. A boy named Takuto and I fell in love at some point. And Kana was jealous. She started bulling me, and then tried to force Takuto into dating her. Takuto told me that he had a rough past, and had no one to protect him, love him. In order to protect him, I took karate class to help defend him. Then... He was gone... For the rest of my life...

"Admit it, he ran away from you."

"Shut up! If not for you and your 'shadows', he would've still been here right now!" I faked some quotes in the air.

"Whatever, boys, take care of her!"


"Shit..." I backed up a little and got ready to fight. I never fought with three people before... Especially men... Oh god...


"Argh!" I barely dodged one's fist and made contact with the other one. "AHH!" I crashed into the ground.

"Hah! And the 'great Takara' falls!"

"Not so tough are ya?!"

"Shut up!" I hissed and wiped the blood from my mouth. "Argh!" I whimpered when the second one yanked on my hair, raising me up. Then grabbed my neck using his other hand.

"Ugh!" I grabbed onto his arm, digging my long, chipped nails into his skin.

"Ahh! You...!" He pinned me hard into the wall. "As punishment, why don't we... play for a bit...?" He hissed releasing my hair causing it to cover part of my face.

"Let go!" I screamed and spit blood into his face. The boy tightened his grip around my neck. The other free hand was slowly making its way towards my inner thighs. "Uh!" I was losing oxygen and my vision turned fuzzy. This is it... I lost. I was too weak to fight back as he kept touching me, amusing himself...

"What the hell do you think you're doing?!" I heard a scream and was dropped onto the ground, surrounded by blackness...

End of Flashback

Takara's POV Present Time...

I sighed. "And that's basically the whole story. The one who helped me was Ryo, who was the student council president at that time. They all got expelled for attacking me. Usually in the fights that I started, they just end up with bruises, nothing more. But I ended up with bruises, cuts, blood loss, broken bones, etc." I shuddered at the memory. The guys were watching me worriedly.

"What changed you? I mean like, what made you start fighting?" Kenshi asked with concern. "Um, you don't have to answer."

"No it's fine... Since my parents were... I guess you can call 'famous', I was mostly taken care of by my grandparents. My parents took around the world trips; they never come home. Even when it's my birthday or graduation, they couldn't come. I guess that's what clicked into me. Maybe I wasn't that important enough for them. Maybe they wished that they never had a daughter at all. I'll never know. They were in an accident, on the day of my tenth birthday... The fact that they never visited me ever since my birth turned me into what I became 4 years after. I was lonely, and all they cared about was their jobs... They never loved me... My tenth birthday was the last day I cried. Well... I did today though. I guess it's because Ryo's a very important friend to me. She helped me on my feet and now, I have so many friends. Real friends. Getting into a fight with her was the last thing I ever wanted to happen." I looked away.

"What ever happened to the boy you liked? Do you know his name?" Takuto asked me.

I didn't tell them the name because well... There's a dude who has the same name standing right here... "I don't really remember. It was a long time ago." That's another reason why I can't love anyone else... Because I still love Takuto and I can't get over him... Every time I'm with this Takuto, he reminds me of 'him' so much...

"I see..."

"Well, sorry to take your times like that." I tucked some hair behind my ear and stood up.

"Do you want to stay at my house? I mean like you and your friends stay at a hotel right?" Takuto offered.

"A-Are you sure?"

"Yeah, come on." Takuto gently took my hand and guided me out the door.

"Goodnight!" The others called.

"Thanks for listening guys, goodnight!" I waved and we both left to Takuto's house.

Takuto's POV

"I'm sorry." I said once we got to my house.

"Why?" Takara looked at me curiously.

"Because you probably didn't want to tell us about your past."

"Nah, its fine. I'm just happy that that's out of my system." She smiled at me. "Thanks."

"For what?"

"For just... Being there for me. And for this." She motioned my house. "I appreciate it."

"You're welcome." I smiled back and unlocked the door.

/ / /

"You can stay in my room." I opened the door for her, nudging her to go in.

"But what about you?"

"Me? On the couch."

"But, this is your house."

"And you are the guest."

"... Um..." She stuttered. "Well..." I smirked at her loss of words.

"Well...?" I started, but gasped when she hugged me.

"Thank you Takuto." She cried. "For everything..."

"Takara..." I gently hugged her back.

"But really, the least I can do is let you sleep on your bed." She smiled, brushing away the tears.

"Will that make you happy?"


"Alright alright." I picked her up bridal style and plopped her onto the couch. I'll bring her to my bed when she's asleep. I snickered.

"What's the matter with you?"

"Nothing nothing." I walked into my room grabbed some clothes. "Here," I tossed them to her as I walked out. "I'll get the hot water ready for you."

"... Thanks..." She smiled sweetly and followed me.

/ / /

Takara's POV

I somehow persuaded Takuto to take a shower first since this was his home. "I wonder how the others are..." I muttered as I was sitting in the tub filled with steaming water.

All of a sudden, there was a clash and the lights went out!

"Kyahh!" I screamed and hugged my chest.

"Takara!? Are you alright?!"

"The power went out!" I called back.

"Yeah, must be a storm coming. Hang on! I'm going to get a flashlight okay? Just stay put."

"Okay..." I blindly grabbed a towel and wrapped it around myself.



"Ow damn it..."

"Are you okay?" I tried getting out.


I couldn't help but laugh.

"Hey! I was being sarcastic you know..."

"Yeah I know, sorry."

"Yeah well... I-I hope you have on a t-towel..."

"Yeah I do."

"Alright then..."


"I couldn't find a flashlight so... Just put up with this okay?"

"Eyahh!!! Watch where you put your hands you pervert!"


"Ow! S-sorry! It's dark! I can't see anything."

"W-well... I'll forgive you then... Since you couldn't see anything..."

"Yeah yeah. Just hang on..."


"Now what?!"

"Don't touch me there!"


"Don't 'whoops' me! What are you trying to do?!"

"I'm trying to carry you! You know... L-like how a c-charming p-prince would..."

"Are you blushing?"

"I am not!"

"Admit it!"



"You're the loser... Heh."

"What's so funny--- ack!"

"Oops... Almost lost my grip on you."

"That was on purpose!"


"You're not forgiven!"


"For your punishment I'm gonna kick you in the balls."

"! You wouldn't..."

"Hell yeah I would."

"As if I would let you." Takuto chuckled.

"Bring it on!" I laughed playfully.

I froze, realizing how close Takuto was to my face, I could feel his breath brushing against my lips. He must've realized the same thing, since he froze as well.

"Takara..." He slowly started leaning closer to my face.

"Takuto..." I slowly closed my eyes when all of sudden...

The power came on..

Takuto's POV

"!" We quickly pulled away from each other.

"Damn it..." I sighed and blushed. I feel so drawn to her for some reason...

"Oh my god!" Takara blushed when she remembered that she was only in a towel.

"Um... Change in my room okay?" I offered, still holding her bridal style.

"O-kay." She blushed into a deeper crimson as I carried her all the way back to my room.

/ / /

"Just sleep on my bed okay?"

"But---" She started, but stopped when I gently closed the door. I leaned against it. "Change first then we'll talk okay?"

"Kay." She replied and I blushed as I heard her slipping off the towel onto the floor. (No, I'm not stalking her FYI...) Damn, what the hell is wrong with me? Why am I so different when I'm around her? Am I really in love with her? If only the lights hadn't come on... Wait, what the hell am I saying?!


"Alright, can I come in?"



I walked in to find her drying her hair on my bed. I playfully rolled my eyes and took the towel from her, gently drying her hair.

"W-What are you doing?!"

"I'm drying your hair. At the pace you're going, it'll take all night."

"How nice of you to say that..." Takara rolled her eyes at me and giggled.


"AHH!" Takara sprang up and hugged me. Outside looked as if a hundred fireworks were lit up in the sky...

"Chicken?" I smirked to cover my blush.

"A-am not!"

"Are so!"

"I am not!"

"Are so!"

"S-shut up!" Takara sniffed with tears in her eyes. "...Fine, I am... Happy?"

I looked at her tearful eyes. "Not really." I gently took her hand.


"I-I'll sleep with you, if that's okay... It's just for one night! And it's to help you feel better!" I stuttered and looked away.

"Thanks." She whispered and I held her in my arms, throughout the entire night, blocking out the raging storm...

Hehe X3 Hope you liked this chapter ^^ That's it for now.. Byeeeee~!


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