Chapter 8~ I Think I'm In Love

I apologize for not updating in so long.... \TT^TT/ Please forgive me??

Third POV

It was a pretty normal day at LRN besides the fact the Takuto stormed out without any explanation what's-so-ever... But other than that, everything was pretty normal...


"Oh! Welcome to--- Takara! Come in come in!" Atsumu waved happily and she smiled back.

"How are you doing?" She asked as she took a seat in the counters.

"Getting old haha!" Atsumu laughed and offered her a menu. She opened up the menu and started reading the names of the foods. "I'm surprised."

"About what?" Takara questioned and placed her now opened menu on the counter.

"Takkun's not with you?"

"... Come on... It's not like he's supposed to be with me 24/7." Takara laughed softly.

"..." He started at her with silence.


"That laugh and smile was fake."

"! What are you talking about?"

"You're forcing yourself."

"No I'm not."

"Yes you are."

"..." After silence, Takara sighed silently. "You win..."

"I always do..." Atsumu chuckled and pulled out a fortune magazine.

"What is that?"

"Just what it looks like... A magazine..."

"I know that..."

"Reading fortunes is my hobby."

"..." Takara made a funny look.

Takara's POV

"Hey... Why don't I read yours?" Boss happily flipped through the magazine and stopped at a certain page. "Birthday."

He said before I can say no. I sighed. "September 14." (A/N No joke, that's really my birthday... Hehe =)


I told him the year and watched as he stared at the magazine with a serious face. Is reading that seriously his hobby!? I tried to hold back a laugh.


"W-What?! I jumped from his sudden outburst.

"Sorry sorry. It just says that 'love is all around you. There are a million of guys out there, but eventually... You'll find that one out of a million.'"

"Cute." I giggled.

"Which means that you still have a chance with Takuto!" Boss happily closes the magazines with a smile.

"Wait, what?!" I exclaimed. "How did Takuto come into the subject?"

"You'll never know. Your love can come when you least expect it."

"But... It's forbidden." I muttered sadly.

"Why do you say---" Boss started.

"Hey, if it isn't Takara!" Riki gently pat my shoulder as he took a seat next to me.

"Hey." I smiled back.

"Boyfriend not with you?" Riki questioned with a smirk.



"Ugh, why do you guys think he's my boyfriend!? I'm pretty sure he has a girlfriend by now..."

"Nope. Takuto doesn't have a girlfriend." Kenshi said as he looked up from the menu. (He was there the whole time by the way XD)

"Really?" Wait, why do I feel... Excited? And... relieved?

"Someone looks happy." Riki smirked again and nudged me on the arm.

"What?! No I'm not. I'm just... Surprised." I made up.

"With his nonchalant attitude, it's gonna take him a while to get a girlfriend."


"Takuto, we knew you would come back." Riki said. I looked up and my eyes met Takuto's. I looked away and he sat next to Riki who was next to me.


"Howdy doody!" Hiro strolled in and plopped on the other side of me.

"Um... Hi?" I raised my eyebrows, also trying to get used to his 80s language.

(A/N Just saying... This is the seating order, if it didn't make sense... Hiro, Takara, Riki, and Takuto outside the counters. Kenshi's with Boss inside the counters facing them.)

Takuto's POV

After breaking eye contact, I decided to sit next to Riki.

"So, did you ask him?" Hiro asked and poked Takara's arm.

"About...?" She slowly replied with raised eyebrows.

"You know..." He leaned in and whispered something into her ear.

"Wha--- No!" She blushed and quickly pulled away.

I clenched my fist. Riki must've seen this because he gave me a knowing smirk.

"Hey Takuto can you switch seats with me? I wanna talk to Ken and Boss."

"What?!" If we switched seats, then I'll be next to Takara. "But---"

"Thanks!" Riki smiled, yanked me off of my seat, and dumped me next to Takara. Before I can go back, Riki was already sitting in my previous seat laughing along with Kenshi.

"Damn you to hell." I cursed and Riki winked at me. "Eww..."

"Takkun? What's the matter?" Hiro questioned.

"No nothing. I just came back for some pork noodles."

"Coming right up. Oh! I forgot." Boss panicked.

"What's wrong?" Takara asked with concern.

"I ran out of ingredients for the pork noodles."

"What!?" It was my time to panic.

"Can you buy the ingredients for me Takara?" Boss handed her some cash and she nodded happily.


"Now, we just need 'someone' to go with her right boss?" Riki smiled. "It's almost dark."

"Of course! So... Who wants to go? I'll name the choices..." Boss smiled evilly.

I don't like the sound of this...

"Here are the choices... Takuto, Takuto, or Takuto?"

"What---" I started objecting.

"TAKUTO!" Everyone exclaimed with pumped fists in the air.

And that's how I ended up shopping with Takara...

Third POV

The two were silent as they were slowly walking towards the nearest market. They would make eye contact, but then glance away quickly.

Takuto, not able to take the silence any longer said, "So um..."

"YES?!" Takara replied a little too loudly.


"About what?"

"Last time... I..."

"... Do you regret it?" Takara asked and kept her mouth shut, waiting for his answer.


Takara sighed inaudibly and looked down.

"..." Takuto looked at Takara, then muttered to himself. "... No..."


"... I don't regret it." Takuto repeated, almost not believing what he is saying himself.


"But you probably hate my guts right now." He continued.


"T-That was your first wasn't it?"

"Y-Yeah it was..."


"Was it yours?"


"Are you blushing?" Takara giggled.

"D-Do I have to answer?"

"If you don't, I'll take it as a yes."



"Y-Yes, it was my first too..."

"Heh, you're red as an apple, that's funny." Takara smirked in amusement.

"Don't look!" Takuto blushed even harder and started walking faster.

"Hehe, sorry." Takara caught up to him and gently took him by the arm. "Come on Takuto, look at me."


"Takkun?" She asked in a cute voice.

"!" Takuto blushed and turned to Takara. "...Damn it..."




"You're cute okay?" Takuto took her hand and pulled her into the store...


After the two left, they waited for a few seconds, and then started bursting in laughter.

"Haha! That was hilarious!" Riki exclaimed. "The look on his face was priceless!"

"It all goes to Riki's wonderful planning." Hiro replied.

"Thank you, thank you very much." Riki bowed.

"But are you sure we did the right thing?" Kenshi questioned.

"Kenshi, Kenshi, don't be so concerned." Riki, who was somewhat drunk, slung his arm around Kenshi's neck. "You could tell that he's in love with her just by looking at him."

"That's true." Kenshi tried to pull away.

"He just sucks at showing his emotions." Riki held him around the neck tighter.

"But... What if he finds out the truth?" Kenshi questioned and quickly pulled away; Riki almost falling over.

"Truth?" Riki raised his eyebrows as he took a seat, giving up.

"Well... Boss 'has' all of the ingredients to make pork noodles..." Kenshi said.

"All well... Now I have more ingredients!" Boss said happily.

"He's gonna kill us when he finds out... More like Riki though..." Hiro shook his head slowly. "After all, he planned this whole thing..."

"And you guys played along. We all might as well be counted dead." Riki snickered.

The others sighed, hoping Takuto will never find out about their plan.


"Where is she?" Ryo questioned to the others worriedly.

"Calm down girl, the mission's tomorrow, not today." Atsuko sighed and sipped her beer.

"I know, but that's not the point. You guys know we always go over the plans the day before the mission..." Ryo said.

"Yeah, true." Kohana nodded.

"Why don't we just go over it tomorrow?" Hikari suggested.

"..." Ryo glared at her.

"...Or not..."

"Come on, it's nice to take a break once in a while..." Atsuko said. "Why don't we all just go out and eat food."

"Great idea! That is um... If leader doesn't mind." Kohana muttered.

"Oh, alright..." Ryo gave a little smile. "Where to?"

"Closest one! LRN! I wanna see Hiro--- I mean, we haven't eat there in a while." Hikari blushed.

"Alright, I'll drive." Kohana offered quickly. "Boss is too drunk to drive."

"Fine." Boss sighed and threw her the keys, which she caught with one hand. "Let's go."

Takuto's POV

After buying the groceries, we started heading back towards LRN.

"So... Um..." Takara muttered while blushing. "That... was something..."

"Y-yeah..." I replied. While we were shopping together, many people said what a lovely couple we were and others asked if we were newlyweds. Wonderful huh?

"Are you sure you don't want me to carry some groceries, I can help you know."

"I'm a guy; of course I can carry these."

"I didn't say you couldn't... I just feel bad about me not helping you."

"It's fine okay? Don't worry..." I stated.

"Thanks then."

"Yup." I smiled shyly and held her hand.


"U-Um! In case we somehow get separated!"

"Hehe okay..."

Takara's POV

We continued talking and laughing with each other until we arrived at LRN.


"Huh?!" I gasped and stood there frozen.

"Takara!?" The other Scarlet Foxes exclaimed when they saw me. Then their eyes moved to Takuto.

"So that's where you went. On a... 'date?'" Ryo squinted her eyes.

"N-no just shopping." I stuttered and let go of Takuto's hand.

"I... See..." Ryo then started speaking in our code. "(Can we talk to you for a minute?)" Ryo jerked her head to the side.

"(A-Alright...)" I replied nervously.

"Hey..." Takuto gently took my arm. "Everything okay?"

"Yes of course. Be right back."

"Alright." Takuto said and walked into the kitchen.

Takuto's POV

"What are they saying?" Kenshi questioned.

Everyone wanted to give them privacy so they, including me, waited in the kitchen.

"Some kind of code." Riki answered, not keeping his eyes off of the girls.

A/N The boys don't understand what they are saying...

Third POV

"(I noticed that you were hanging out with that guy for a while now...)." Ryo said. "(What's your relationship with him?)"

"(I'm not in a relationship with Takuto.)" Takara answered.

"(I don't know... You two seem... Too friendly with each other...)." Ryo stated.

"(And what's wrong with that? Is it not okay to make friends every here and then?)" Takara raised her voice.

"(You guys, not so loud... Or the guys will hear us.)" Hikari said.

"(They can't understand us though... We made this code up remember?)" Kohana questioned.

"(Worry about that later, right now we gotta split these two up, or they'll rip each other's hair out.)" Atsuko said quickly.

"(Takara, you know the rule of the Scarlet Foxes. NEVER fall in love. It makes it hard for him and you.)"

"(I told you leader, we're not in that relationship.)"

"(Really, note that YOU TWO were holding hands when you came in...)"


"(I knew it... That's why you were MIA for a while...)"

"(What's wrong with that? We don't have a mission.)"

"(Oh yeah, that reminds me. We actually HAVE a mission tomorrow and YOU weren't present.)" Ryo hissed.

"(I'm sorry Ryo, I lost track of time---)"

"(Hanging out with him!)" Ryo exclaimed and the guys jumped. "(Before we came here, you were always hard-working and were always concentrating on the missions. Up until recently, the past missions that we had were...)" Ryo stopped. "(You kept spacing out all the time! Is that because you kept thinking about him?!)"


"(What's wrong with you? You weren't like this before... If you're going to continue doing this... Then there's no point for you to continue being a Scarlet Fox.)"

"(Leader no!)" Everyone else exclaimed in protest.

"(No, she's right... I think... I think I fell in love with him...)" Takara said softly.

"..." Ryo stared at Takara whose gaze dropped to the floor. "(Sigh) Let's go, we're leaving." She muttered as she paid the guys and walked past Takara.

Takara's POV

I kept my gaze to the floor as the others gave me apologetic looks.

"Sorry Takara." Kohana touched my shoulder.

"You don't have to apologize... This is all my fault..."

"No one can help it if they are in love..." Kohana gave a small smile. "Ryo will get over this... She's probably irritated or something. This always happens, she'll definitely get over this... But still, if not, then I promise I'll help you fix this."

"Thanks Kohana." I smiled slightly, holding back tears and watched as the LRN doors close with a pang in my chest.

Again for not updating in such a long time....... :( but I hoped you liked it ^^


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