Chapter 3~ Shiffey

I don't know why I chose this picture xD

Hey, here are the first and last names of the Scarlet Foxes...

Atsuko Kosuke

Kohana Izumi

^ Kohana.. What a coincidence huh since I did write this story long before LLL. XD

Ryo Yori

Hikari Saki

^ Hikari Saki.... I swear I must've have some sort of magical power.. xD

Takara Hoshiko

There are the names. I only own the made up characters nothing else. Well, the whole idea for this story is mine too lol. Notice anything in the names? Hehe, enjoy this chapter. ;)

Takuto's POV

I strolled to the park in boredom with Kenshi following me.

"Come on Takuto... We gotta go back."

"You go ahead... Working..." I started muttering. "Is a pain in the ass."

"Heard that..." Kenshi sighed. "You should really watch your language here... People might think you're talking about them. And then fight with you."

"Tch. I'll worry about that when it happens."

"Takuto..." Kenshi quickened his pace when I walked faster. "Let's take a break ok?"

"... I guess..." I answered.

"Great, I'll buy something from the vending machine. I'll buy you something too."

"Yeah thanks. I'll find somewhere to sit."

We parted and I went to find an empty bench. I found one next to another one. On the other one, a woman, wearing a long white sleeve ruffled blouse and a magenta mini ruffle skirt with white flats, was furiously typing on a computer. Her long strawberry blonde hair with red highlights was tied in a half pony-tail. I sat in the other bench.

"Why...?" I heard her mutter.

"Huh?" I glanced at her face. She furrowed her eyebrows at the screen and sighed.

"Why are the Scarlet Foxes and the Black Foxes against each other?" She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.

Wait... Did she say the Scarlet Foxes and the Black Foxes? They're against each other? I thought and saw her getting up. She looked around and I quickly yanked out my phone to make her think I'm not listening. From the corner of my eye, I saw her touching an earpiece that was on the right side. I see people with those...

'Little Flower, I'm going to the library.' She stared at the library as she said this.

'Roger Treasure.'

"?" Little Flower? Treasure? That's not an earpiece for phones... That's a transceiver!

(Don't ask, apparently I made Takuto have VERY good hearing....)

'...Um... What are you going to do in the library Treasure?' The voice questioned.

'I... Want to check out a book. Sorry...'

She lied... I can tell... I thought as I played some games, well, pretending to at least...

'That's fine Takara; I remembered I had to go somewhere too, so let's meet back at the hotel?'

'...Alright, over.' She hung up and started for the library.

"Huh... Maybe she knows a thing or two about both 'Foxes'." I muttered and followed her.

Takara's POV

When I opened the large wooden doors, the cool air rushed towards me. I looked around for an empty table and took out my laptop that was in a computer bag. I also pulled out a book from the bag and set it on the table. It was a very old book, one wrong move and maybe the book will fall apart. Once when I was cleaning the attic, I found this book. It wasn't any ordinary book... It was my great grandpa's journal, diary, whatever... I didn't tell the other girls or anyone else about this... There was no way I can find the connection between both of the 'Foxes' on the computer. But I know that this book has the answer. But... For some reason... This book needs a special key to open the book... Ugh... Gramps... Why make my life so difficult. I sighed and placed it back in my bag.

Takuto's POV

I was behind the shelf, pretending to find a book when I saw a familiar name. "Huh?!" That book that she was holding had Hoshiko on it. That's the name of the Japanese Leonardo Da Vinci... Why does she have it?! She didn't steal it did she?! Should I tell the others? She stood up and stared at her phone.

"Damn it..." She scoffed and whispered. Good thing I can lip read. "Hello? Yes... Really? Thank you... Now? Um, sure of course. Thanks." She hung up and started for the door.

Man, now where is she going? I thought and was about to follow when I got a text.

'Hirukawa, do you think you can work for a while at the office?' My boss texted.

(Sigh) Pain in the ass... 'Sure alright.'

'Thanks! ;)'

"Tch, they got too much time..." I sighed again and walked out the door. That same woman was standing there, typing on her phone.

"Now where the hell is this place?" She sighed in frustration. "This is a pain in the ass..." She noticed me standing there and gasped. "U-Um! Sorry about that." She quickly bowed.

"Um... It's fine... Are you looking for something?" I asked. Maybe I can try to get closer to her...

"This place." She showed me the address on her phone.

Why does she wanna go to the programming company? "If you want, I can show you where it is."

"Are you sure?" She questioned.

"Yeah, let's go." I started walking and she followed.

"Um..." I heard her stuttering minutes later.


"Can I at least know your name? Since you're helping me of course."

"Takuto. Yours?"


That's cute. Wait a minute... Takara...



"Oh sorry!" She apologized when she saw me flinching in surprise.

"No, it's fine." I replied. I looked up at the familiar tall building. "We're here."

"Oh! Thank you so much!" She smiled and bowed to me.

"Sure." I replied and watched her walking in, turning to wave at me.

I smiled back and walked into the elevator when she was out of sight.

Takara's POV

That was nice of him... I smiled as I walked right up to the front desk. "Hello, I was called to start working here."

"May I please know your name?" The woman there smiled brightly at me.

I took a breath and told her my cover name. Well, just the last name is a little different. "My name is Takara Hoshi." I know... A couple of letters shorter, but whatever... It's enough to throw them off...

"Alright, follow me."

"Thank you." I smiled and followed her into the elevator.

Meanwhile With Takuto...

"We have a new addition to this compartment and I want you to all welcome her and make sure to help if needed. Takuto?" My boss called.

"Yeah?" I answered.

"Do you think you can help her adjust?"


"Well, I personally think that you will be able to live up the expectations. Plus, you're a wonderful worker and it would help if you guide her to the right track." My boss smiled brightly.

How the hell am I going to refuse this?! I don't have time for that, besides, that girl Takara... I have to research more about her... I thought for a moment.

"The truth is..." My boss said as he walked over to me. "You're always responsible, always trying to make sure things are going right, also, really reliable. I would highly recommend you for any new worker."

"Really?" I raised my eyebrows. Wow, he ain't joking just by looking at him. He really thinks highly of me. "(Sigh) Alright... I guess I'll do it..."

"Wonderful! Thank you so much!" He pats me on the shoulder and started for the door.

That was when...

(Knock x2)

"Yes?" Boss opened the door. "Oh! Miss. Hoshi, please come in."

"Thank you." A voice replied and everyone turned towards the door excluding me. I sat in my comfy chair and started typing.


"Yo." I answered, but still kept my eyes to the screen.

"Takuto, this is Miss. Hoshi."

I stood up and froze. "T-Takara?!"


We both exclaimed at the same time with confused looks on our faces. Everyone's eyes were on us.

"You know each other?" One of the other workers asked me.

We both slowly nodded.

"That's even better!" The boss smiled brightly.

"Wow, you're so lucky Takuto! You get to hang around with a very hot chick!" One of my coworkers nudged me.

"S-Shut up!" I blushed and looked away. I feel Takara doing the same.

"Nice to meet you Takara!" One of the girls smiled, lightening the awkward mood.

"Nice to meet you too." Takara smiled back.

"So... Takara." I called. She looked at me, still with the bright smile. "I'm going to help you."

"Thank you Takuto." She blushed and I couldn't help, but smile back.

/ / /


Takara's POV

I sighed and continued reading documents.

"Hey Takara, we're gonna go out for drinks. Wanna come?" One of the coworkers asked me.

"(Sigh) Wish I could, but I didn't finish my work yet."

"Having a hard time on your first day huh..." Another said. "But don't worry though, after a few days of Hirukawa's teaching, you'll do great!"

"Thank you. His teachings do help me a lot." I smiled.

"Although... He seems to be eyeing you a lot..." Another giggled. "You have an admirer."

"Are you kidding me? I'm the one who admires him!" I laughed. "He's amazing..."

"Haha, by that look in your eyes, I see hearts." Another joked.

"Awe, come on!" I whispered. "I wasn't thinking about love for a long time..."

"How come?"

"... It's forbidden..." I muttered.

"Oh... Parents don't approve?" They asked and I nodded.

More like my leader... I sighed. "Oh! I don't wanna keep you, you guys go have fun. Just don't try to get a hangover."

"Haha, we won't. Perhaps next time we can all go drink. You know, as your welcoming party."

"That'll be great, see you all tomorrow." I waved and watched them leave. I turned back to my documents. "I feel bad lying..." I stated and pulled out the filled out documents from the drawer. I was long done with my work. I was just pretending to still be working. "It's working so far..."

/ / /

"Mmm..." I opened my eyes. "How long have I been here?" I gasped and stared at the clock. Its 11... Awe man, I was going to use the computers... But I guess I fell asleep here... As I sat up, a blanket fell to the ground. "?" I slowly picked it up and stared at it. A shiffey blanket?! Who...

"You're awake..." A voice said.

"?!" I spun around and saw Takuto standing there with his hands in his pockets. He was leaning his back against his desk that was next to mine. "Why are you still here?" I asked with confusion.

"Uh... I still have work to do. You?" He raised his eyebrows.

"Uh... Yeah!" I lied.

"Liar." He took the completed documents from my desk and flipped through the pages. "How did you finish that fast?!" He gasped when he reach the end.

"... I uh... Just wanted to finish and get it over with."

"Hmm..." He stared at me. I bit my lip and stared at him back.

"Oh! Is this blanket yours?" I held it out towards him, neatly folded. He blushed when he saw the blanket.

"N-No, it's not mine... It's a friend of mine's... I asked her if I can borrow it..."


"Am not!"

"It's yours... You're stuttering. And your eyes are flying everywhere." I stifled a laugh.

He sighed and slowly took the blanket. "Yeah it's mine... But don't tell anyone else?"

"Who else knows this?" I inquired.

"My other friends... They don't work here..."

"Oh... Do you have any other shiffey stuff at your house?" I joked.

"S-Shut up! I don't..." He looked at the ground.

"Sure, sure..." I laughed again and started packing up.



"Where are you going after this?"

"Home why?"

"..." He blushed. "Wanna go eat somewhere?"


"Yeah, I didn't eat yet either..."

"Sure!" I exclaimed happily and we left the office together.

: )


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