Chapter 15~ The Last Thing I Wanted to Do
I swear I already had some chapters already typed up XD Though it would've been amazing if I can type all of this quickly lol XD Anywho, again for a certain someone. Hope you'll like it ^_^
Takuto's POV
I sighed as I was standing in front of LRN, determining on whether or not to go in. "Let's think..." I muttered to myself.
CON: It'd get rowdy...
PRO: Pork noodles...
CON: Orange will annoy me...
PRO: Pork noodles...
CON: Who knows how long I'll be stuck in there...
PRO: Pork noodles...
(BAM!) I slammed the door open. Everyone turned towards me in surprise.
"Beardy! Pork noodles!"
"Uh right!" Beardy quickly ran into the kitchen.
"Let's get this over with..." I said to myself as I plopped onto a stool.
"Well hello to you too, Takuto." Riki huffed, rolling his eyes. He turned on the TV, flipping through the news. Without looking at me, he asked with a smirk, "Girlfriend not with you?"
"Hahh... We are not dating! >.<"
"Are you sure about that?" Hiro questioned with a smile. "You two always order the same thing. It must be fate!~"
"Shut up, orange!"
"Alright alright setting down you two." Kenshi sat between orange and I. "Since Takara didn't come with you, we can cut to the chase and talk about our next mission and not about girlfriends."
"He started it!" Hiro huffed.
"Actually... I think you started it..." Kenshi said slowly.
"Kenny! You're supposed to be on my side!"
"I am... On your left and Takuto's right haha!"
"Hey! No glaring!" Kenshi laughed and playfully ruffled Hiro's hair.
"Hey guys! Look at this!" Riki suddenly exclaimed, pointing at the TV.
We all turned and stared in shock.
'Last night in Hong Kong, the Scarlet Foxes warned the owner of this mansion that they were going to steal one of the Japanese Leonardo Da Vinci's latest creations, but never seemed to appear. Was this a prank? Or is the group going extinct? I'm---'
Riki turned off the TV and set the remote down. We were still shocked.
Third POV
"Does that mean it's just us?" Kenshi broke the silence.
"I doubt that. There's gotta be a logical explanation for this..." Riki replied, still in thought.
"It's probably just a prank..." Hiro sighed, taking a wrapped straw, ripping part of the top off, placing the straw on his lips, blowing the wrapper away, which happened to hit Boss.
"Whoops! Sorry boss!~" Hiro laughed with an innocent smile. "Anyways... you know kids love pulling pranks."
"... Hiro does have a point." Kenshi stated.
"Yeah but..." Riki started, and then looked at Takuto. "Takuto, can you look up that mansion in Hong Kong?"
"I guess..." Takuto muttered, pulling out his laptop, already searching. "Here." He turned the computer towards Riki, taking the bowl of pork noodles from Boss.
"Thanks..." Riki scroll the page. "A-HA! It wasn't a prank!"
"How do you know?" Kenshi inquired, helping himself to miso soup.
"Here." Riki turned the computer so it faced the others. "One of Mr. Hoshiko's inventions was in there. It can't be a coincidence."
"Hoshiko..." Takuto muttered, thinking about the book Takara had.
"Yeah, something wrong?"
"No, nothing."
"Which means we have a chance at getting the invention right?" Hiro asked.
"Yup. We need to get to Hong Kong ASAP so everyone should start packing." Riki ordered, already pulling out his cell phone, texting.
"How long do you think we're going to be there?" Hiro questioned.
"I would say no more than a week." Riki replied. "Pack lightly though. Takuto, get us some tickets."
"Boss, you're going to have to come with, so you might have to close the place for a few days..."
"That's fine. If it's to help get the invention back."
Takuto hits the enter key and smirks. "......Got it. We have the plane that leaves in 4 hours."
"Alright thanks. Everyone go home and pack. Then come back here in about an hour and we'll discuss our plans."
"Yes leader!"
Takara's POV
Alright Takara... you can do this. Ryo will understand... Won't she? With a deep breath, I stood in front of the front desk.
"Hello miss, how may I help you? Would you like a room?"
"Um actually... I'm here to visit a friend. She goes by Ryo Yori."
"Hmm... Please wait a minute." The woman started typing on her computer. "Hmm... We don't have a Ryo Yori registered here. I mean like she was registered but she signed out."
"Signed out? Oh alright, thank you." I smiled and left. Where did they go? I thought as I stepped outside. "And they didn't tell me..." I said sadly. I knew she's still mad at me... What should I do now? I have nowhere to stay... Maybe I can buy an apartment and stay here... Yeah... That's what I should do if I want somewhere to sleep tonight. I'm glad I always bring my laptop with me...I better go rent an apartment or something before it gets dark. With that in mind, I went to buy an apartment to stay...
Takuto's POV
As I was packing Shiffey's in my suitcase, I thought to myself. I wonder what Takara's doing right now. She'll probably wonder why I'm not at work this week once she goes to work to find me not there... Should I let her know early? I have her number... Wha-?! I sound like her boyfriend or something! I shook my head and continued packing. Will Riki get mad once he figures out what I've packed? I'll just have to hide it from him heh heh. I yawned and collapsed on my bed. "I'll just take a little break...Zzz..."
45 Minutes Later...
"Ugh... Maybe it's Takara?" I asked myself, a little too excitedly. I got up and opened the door to see none other than...
"Howdy doody!~"
"Oh, it's just you." I sighed, walking back to my room, continuing to pack.
"Hey! What do you mean 'it's just you?!'" Hiro protested as he let himself in with his suitcase. "Ah, I get it. You were hoping that it was your girlfriend!"
"No I didn't!"
"I bet you did!"
"FINE! I was thinking that it was her okay?! But she's NOT my girlfriend!"
"Hehe okay! If you say so.."
"Sheesh." I rolled my eyes and continued packing. Hiro notices me tossing all kinds of Shiffeys in my suitcase and chuckles.
"If Rikkun sees what you've packed---"
"He won't."
Hiro shrugs. "Okay then."
"Why are you here now?"
"Oh, I finished packing."
"Duh, I meant... Shouldn't you be going to LRN then and not my house?"
"Oh... Yeah I guess. But what would be the fun in that? I wanted to tease you about you and Takara."
"I said---"
"Yeah yeah. But you did admit that you were hoping that it was her at the door and not me."
"By the way..." Hiro said with a serious face. "When I ran into her at the park, she was muttering something."
"What's wrong with people talking to themselves? Beardy does it all the time. I'm not saying she's old. They say that sometimes talking to yourself can help you. Like when you're working."
"Mhm true.. Well anyways.. She was muttering the name Hoshiko..."
"Do you know something Takkun?~"
"Sounds suspicious which reminds me... You told us that she was helping you research about something. Knowing you, you could've research anything about work by yourself since you are a hacker. So... What are you two researching?"
"Nothing." I said quickly, pushing past him to get to my closet.
"We all know you could research anything you want without help... Unless..."
"Unless what?" I asked, not facing him as I grabbed random hoodies.
"It's about something you're not experienced in."
"Pff (cough cough!)"
"Ooh! Was I right?!"
"WRONG! COMPLETELY WRONG!" I snapped, still choking on my spit. I know... gross.
"Oh... Hehe I tried."
"Grr..." I glared at him. "If I could kill you..."
"H-hey! I'm sorry Takkun!"
"Don't call me that!"
"Why? Oh... you want Takara to only call you that huh... I know I started calling you that first but if she wants to be the only one who can call you that, I'll let her have the nickname."
"Oh okay.."
I sighed in frustration and rubbed my temples. "Go away, you're a pain in the ass."
"How mean! I'm telling, Riki!"
"Go ahead."
"And how Takara knows something about Hoshiko."
"Who doesn't know about him? He's famous as hell."
"Yeah? But she was looking him up on her computer. Not suspicious?"
If he tells Riki, then what will happen to Takara? I looked at Hiro. "I'll tell them when we get to Hong Kong okay?" I asked, turning back to my closet.
"Fine fine..."
"You're acting as if Takara and her friends have something to do with the Scarlet Foxes."
... I spun around. "Are you serious?"
"... Anything's possible... They seem to be capable of doing so..." Hiro said with a stern face.
"I doubt it. They 'll most likely still be at the hotel." I defended. I mean come on; they don't even look the type to be going around stealing. They look like a bunch of college friends.
"And that doesn't make them more suspicious? If you were to stay in a hotel, that means you travel a lot. We don't even know where these girls came from."
"..." Orange has a point but...
"Takara was with me last night because of a huge fight between her and her friends. You think they're capable of stealing right after that?"
"..." Orange thought for a moment. "That's true. I wouldn't be able to steal if we all had some kind of fight..."
"Must be Rikkun..." Hiro muttered to himself, taking out his phone. "Howdy Rikkun!~"
"(Hey, are you done packing?)"
"Yeah, I'm at Takkun's. Think he's about done though."
"(Oh alright. Hour's almost up so come over when you're done.)"
"Kay kay! Bye!~"
"Ready Takkun?~"
"Ugh..." I sighed and walked past him with my suitcase. "You're annoying.."
"Huh? Wait up!" Orange ignored me, following me out of the house...
Third POV
After a few hours later, the boys had finally arrived in Hong Kong. They took a bus and arrived in a very popular tourist area. "Finally we're here." Hiro stretched.
"Yeah, I feel stiff, sitting in the plane for hours..." Kenshi agreed.
"Hey look! Dumplings!" Boss exclaimed excitedly.
"He should've stayed in Tokyo..." Takuto sighed loudly.
"Takkun is so mean!" Boss pouted.
"Oh shut up beardy!"
"Now now..." Kenshi started.
"By the way, why are you here boss?~" Hiro asked.
"H-Hiro! You made mommy sad!"
"Yikes! I'm sorry mommy!!"
"Guys... you're causing a scene..." Riki muttered.
"Huh?!" The others looked around them to see people staring at them weirdly.
"U-Um... excuse us..." Kenshi laughed awkwardly, pushing them all elsewhere.
"Great." Riki sighed. "Only a few minutes in another country and we've already embarrassed ourselves..."
"Sorry sorry!~"
"Sorry Riki."
"Not sorry..." Takuto muttered and Riki glared at him. "Fine I'm sorry... sorta..."
"(Another sigh) Good enough... Alright. First, we'll get a room, unpack, and then check out the mansion." Riki explained quietly in case there were people around.
Third POV
The girls were in their hotel room, discussing quietly about their plans.
"Without Takara here..." Hikari started.
"Hikari, stop talking about Takara. I feel bad enough as it is..." Ryo complained.
"Sorry leader..."
"It's fine."
"So what should we do?" Kohana asked. "How can we get the invention now?"
"That's easy..." Hikari smiled. "Just give ourselves some more time? Say if we were going to steal the invention before 8... we'll tell them we'll steal it around 8:30... That way, we have 30 extra minutes!"
"Yeah but since we failed, they're gonna be more cautious..." Atsuko pointed out.
"Oh yeah..." Hikari nodded. "Then I'm stumped."
"Thanks a lot..." Ryo muttered flatly, lying on the couch.
"Maybe we can call her---" Kohana started suggesting but Ryo bolted upright.
"Sorry... It's just that... She's probably mad... no.. furious at me for first, yelling at her... and second, for leaving without telling. I mean, hello. We're still in Hong Kong. Not Tokyo."
"You won't know unless you try." Kohana smiled and held out her phone.
"I don't know..."
"What happened to our, 'You have to fight head on with confidence to win' leader?" Hikari questioned with a giggle.
"Gone fishing..."
"Oh don't be like that..." Atsuko patted her back. "This isn't the first time you two fought."
"Yeah, but the others weren't as bad as this. I even told her that there's no point for her to be in the group..." Ryo sighed miserably. "I'm such a terrible friend. If she even considers me a friend right now..."
"How about this?" Kohana explained. "I'll call and talk to her first... Then pass the phone around so everyone gets to talk with her and then you can apologize or something."
".... I guess..."
"Great. I'm gonna call." Kohana dialed Takara's phone number and waited. "..."
"Kohana?" Hikari called. "Why so quiet? Not answering?"
"...." Kohana placed her phone on the table.
"Kohana?" Ryo touched her arm. "She didn't answer huh..."
"... More like discarded her phone..."
"... The number's no longer in use."
"..." Ryo clenched her fists and sighed.
"What should we do?" Atsuko asked.
"Look for her after completing this mission duh!" Hikari beamed.
"And how are we supposed to do that? Find a hacker without a hacker. It'll take us ages!"
"O-oh... Right..."
"We'll find her Ryo." Kohana whispered.
"I sure hope so... breaking our friendship was the last thing I wanted to do..."
That's it for chapter 15, hope you guys liked it!! ^.^
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