Chapter 10~ For Takara
I'm sorry I haven't been updating 😭😭😭😭😭...
And I got too excited when I saw this picture XD
Anywho! 😄
Next Day... The Scarlet Foxes were in front of a large mansion, in another state. Since they took a plane, they rented a van...
Third POV
"Cameras down?" Ryo questioned.
"No not yet..." Atsuko said, furiously typing. (Or was at least, trying too...)
"How about now?"
"No... This isn't easy you know..."
"You better hurry, it's almost 8." Kohana muttered.
"I know I know. I'm trying..."
"Oh no! He's back! Atsuko?" Hikari panicked.
"I can't, I'm sorry..."
"We're out of time! We gotta get outa here!" Ryo exclaimed. "Everyone! Back to the van!"
The rest quickly ran back into the van, just before the owner stopped in front of the mansion.
"PHEW!" They all sighed in relief as Atsuko drove the van away.
"I'm sorry guys..." She apologized.
"Don't apologize, its fine." Ryo gave a small smile. "We'll just have to get it back next time..."
"I don't know if there'll be a next time." Hikari sighed. "We told them we were going to rob them tonight... We just ruined our reputation. They're probably gonna put up more security after this..."
"..." Everyone fell silent as this.
"Damn it!" Ryo cursed, causing everyone to jump. "If Takara was here then-" She buried her face in her hands and cried.
Ryo's POV
"It's all my fault! She's in pain as much as it is! And I just made it worse!" I sobbed. "She told me that I was her first friend and look at what I just did. I yelled at her..."
10 Years Ago
Ryo's POV (17 years old)
"Thank god." I sighed in relief as I packed my books. Aww... I have a student council meeting! Damn it all... (Oh hi! I'm Ryo. I'm 17 and I'm the student council president. I always get straight A's not trying to boast about myself. Hehe. Perfect attendance, popular blah blah blah. I might be like that at school, but actually... I chill, slack, play video games; don't do homework til the last minute... That's what I do. Of course I don't want to ruin my reputation as a student council president... Well any who, I'm very social and was always sticking my nose where it doesn't belong... I guess that's how I met Takara Hoshiko...)
"See you tomorrow Ryo!" Some of my classmates waved.
"See ya!" I waved and left the classroom. Gotta get to that meeting...
"-now. Here's the money. Beat her up good."
"Okay sweetheart."
"?" I stopped just to see 14 year old Kana; also, known as the bully. She always has these two followers don't know and don't care about their names... Any who, she apparently has a boyfriend who's a year younger than me. I watched suspiciously as she handed him a hundred dollar bill. "Who the hell costs so much to be beaten up?" I wondered and followed.
A couple of minutes later...
"Well well, if it isn't Takara."
"Hello Kana." Takara said with disgust. "Oh, and hello to you minions too, didn't see you guys there."
I snickered as the two glared at Takara for her remark.
"I heard that you weren't afraid of me, but this time... There's someone I would like you to meet. Three to be exact. Our boyfriends to be exact. By the way, they're two years older than you..."
"Tch, too weak to fight me? Instead you all got your knight in shining armor? How pathetic."
"Wow, that girl has guts..." I muttered in awe.
"We girls don't want to ruin our nails. Not that you would care about yours..."
"Takuto could've been mine, if not for you."
"All of this for a boy?" I raised my eyebrows.
"Sucks for you, he loved me more."
"Hah! Then explain why he left you? Alone..."
"Admit it, he ran away from you."
"Shut up! If not for you and your 'shadows', he would've still been here right now!"
"Whatever, boys, take care of her!"
"Argh! AHH!"
"Hah! And the 'great Takara' falls!"
"Not so tough are ya?!"
"Shut up! Argh! Ugh!"
"Ahh! You...!"
"Let go! Uh!"
I watched in horror as one guy was gripping her tightly around her neck while the other hand was making its way up her inner thighs. It looked as if the girl was too weak to fight back and closed her eyes, while the man was touching her, smirking at her. I couldn't take it so I ran forward.
"What the hell do you think you're doing?!" I screamed and grabbed the guy, flipping him onto his back, hard. Takara falling onto the ground, unconscious.
"ARGH!" The guy cried as he slammed onto the floor.
"Oh my god! Are you okay?!" His girlfriend ran up to him, tears in her eyes. "Why the hell did you-" She froze when she saw who she was talking to.
Any fight that I was involved in, I always win. Besides, who would you side yourself on? A bully? Or a straight A student?
"Not to burst your bubble, but everything is recorded. I'll see you in the principal's office." I smirked and waved my phone.
"Let's get out of here!" Another shouted and they scurried away, dragging the leader's boyfriend, who somehow knocked himself out...
My smirk turned into a look of worry as I quickly ran over to Takara. (Oh, how do I know her you ask? She's known as the famous fighter in school... Who doesn't know about her? She's pretty popular in her own good way.) "God, she looks terrible... Well, in a nice way I mean..." I gasped and yanked out my handkerchief, wiping away the blood. I quickly texted my other friends (Kohana, Hikari, and Atsuko) saying that I'll be a little late for our slumber party. (It's Friday by the way...) Then gently helped Takara up and brought her to the nurse's office.
30 minutes later...
To sum it all up, I skipped my meeting. Helping someone in need is more important, than sitting in a room, talking nonstop about this and that... I was washing my hands... By the way, the nurse couldn't stay because of some kind of emergency so I told her that I can take care of Takara... I had no problem with that.. I have a younger sibling of my own so it's no big deal for me.
"Hey, you're awake." I quickly grabbed a towel and sat on the side of the bed. "How are you feeling?"
"Like I got beaten to a pulp."
"Hmm, close enough." I muttered and sighed. "You're lucky you're alright. You have a few broken bones, blood loss, bruises, cuts..."
"Ugh thanks..." She winced. "... Were you the one who helped me?"
"Yup. Good thing I was around too."
"Um... Thanks..." Takara sat up and slightly bowed. "Ah!"
"Hey, it's okay, please, you don't have to bow." I giggled. "I'm Ryo Yori."
"Takara Hoshiko."
Wait a minute.... I'm so stupid! She's...!
"You're... The granddaughter of the Japanese Leonardo da Vinci!"
"Um... Sure?" She raised her eyebrows in confusion.
"My friends and I were looking all over for you."
"Well... We're basically fans of your grandfather's work."
"Really?" A soft smile appeared on her face. "I bet he'll be glad to hear that when I tell him."
"Definitely tell him. Ever art work he does is amazing." I smiled back, placing a wet towel on her forehead. "So... May I ask why Kana wanted to fight you? If you don't mind me asking..."
"...Well, I guess I can start with her hating my guts. Also, boy issues..."
"Ah... The common girl trouble..." I slowly nodded.
"I mean like... I didn't tell him to love me. It comes naturally for some people right?"
"Sure does." I agreed. "Well, don't worry about them anymore. They're now expelled."
"Because of the fight?"
"That, and for many other reasons..." I started tapping my fingers with my other index finger as I spoke. "Disrespect to peers and others, drinking alcohol, selling drugs, harassment, inappropriate display of affection, ever seen the bathroom?" I questioned quietly and continued in my normal voice while Takara made a face at my question. "Too many tardies, smuggling weapons, the list goes on and on... To think that they were even high school students!"
"W-w-wait. Drinking? Drugs? Weapons?"
"Yup!" I popped the 'p'. "While helping you, I told the principle everything and decided to do a little investigation... We found drugs, alcohol, and weapons in their lockers... Also... Condoms. 'Used' to be precise..." I stood up.
"I so did not need to know that..." Takara shuddered.
"And guess who had a broken heart? It's none other than Kana Nori herself." I finished and crossed my arms proudly. "They both deserved what they deserved... I knew he was a cheater..."
"I see... But how?"
"The way he was touching you."
"He had this... Lust... In his eyes. He's kinda like... A... Person who enjoys inflicting pain onto others..."
Takara shuddered and wrapped the blanket around her.
"You cold?" I asked worriedly.
"Not really... I guess remembering what happened is giving me the chills."
"I see... Well... How about I walk you home? Or maybe you can ask your parents to come pick you up?" I sat back onto the bed.
Takara slowly shook her head. "My parents... They're gone."
"Like on vae-cae?" I asked.
"No... Like they're..."
"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked."
"No it's fine. Thanks though. I'll call my grandparents." She started taking out her phone and dialed. Minutes later, I helped her outside the school.
"Think you'll be okay?" I questioned once I saw a car coming towards us.
"Mhmm. Thank you so much." She smiled brightly.
"Here, my phone number. I know we're like... 3 years apart or so, but... I bet you'd love to have some friends?" I gave a small shrug and titled my head. "Some are around your age."
"Really?" Her face brightened up more.
"Mmhm. I bet they'll love being friends with ya. You're pretty cool." I winked playfully and started walking home.
"Hmm?" I turned around in question.
"Want a ride home?"
"..Thanks Takara..."
/ / /
Still Ryo's POV
"So that's what happened." I explained as I was hugging a pillow to my chest, sitting on the fluffy rug. We were at Atsuko's house and we were all in pjs. How we all met? Is a whole other story... Everyone was sitting on the floor except for Hikari.
"Wow..." Hikari said in awe. "You're so cool Ryo!" She smiled, flat on her stomach on the bed, face popping out from the top of the bed.
Remember this is in my perspective.. I could only see her head from where I'm sitting. On the floor ahem.
"I feel sorry for Takara..." Kohana said softly, who was also hugging a pillow. She was sitting upright, knees pulled to her chest, but ankles crossed.
"Me too... Serves them right for getting expelled." Atsuko sighed and popped open a can of pop.
"So when can we meet her? She sounds cool." Hikari bounced on the bed.
"Maybe soon, she's in our school remember? I figured that she might like to have some friends. Ever since her parents' death, she told me, she became unsocial."
"Woah! That's a long time!" Hikari exclaimed. "Even I can't be unsocial for that long. I can't stand not talking."
"So we noticed..." Atsuko muttered.
"I heard that!"
"You guys..." I sighed, playfully rolling my eyes. "So I think she should be in our little group. She's got a lot of similar characteristics like us."
"Cool! I'm alright with it." Kohana smiled.
"Me too! A friend in need is a friend indeed." Hikari giggled and rolled over on the bed.
"I swear... You act a like a child." I chuckled.
"Well... I AM the youngest after all." Hikari giggled again.
"Alright everyone! We should have a pillow fight first, and then maybe we can meet Takara tomorrow if it's okay with her." Atsuko suggested.
"Alright." I answered and pulled out the slip of paper that Takara gave me with her number. I texted some words and pressed send.
"..She said sounds great." I said.
"Cool! I'm so excited! Finally some action!" Hikari exclaimed, tossing her pillow in mid-air. "I'm bored outa my mind right now..."
"Are we that boring?" Kohana asked playfully.
"Duh, no just kidding. PILLOW FIGHT!"
"You guys are so immature..." I playfully rolled my eyes and decided to join the fight...
/ / /
Takara's POV
"I'm nervous..." I mumbled to myself as I was sitting on a bench in the park. It was Saturday, around noon. I was waiting for Ryo and her friends. This was the first time I got nervous... Maybe it's because I haven't had any friends for 4 years... "(Sigh)."
"Yo Takara!"
"?" I looked up when a shadow came upon me. Ryo! "Hey." I smiled.
"Hey, what's up?" Ryo smiled and so did the others. "These are my friends, Atsuko, Kohana, and the child's name is Hikari."
"Hey! I'm not a child!" Hikari defended herself, while we all giggled.
"Hehe, it's nice to meet you. I'm Takara." I smiled warmly and stood up.
"Nice to meet you too. Ryo told us what happened, if I was there, I would've kicked the guys' butts big time." Atsuko cracked her knuckled.
"No violence Atsuko." Kohana giggled.
"Sorry sorry, got carried away there." Atsuko laughed.
"So, wanna eat at the new café?" Ryo offered.
"Only if you're paying." Hikari jumped in joy.
"Alright alright, let's go." Ryo playfully rolled her eyes and looked at me. "Come on Takara." She smiled.
"Kay." I nodded and we all made our way to the café.
/ / /
End of Flashback
Ryo's POV
Basically, after that, we all became inseparable friends. And later that day, Takara thanked me and told me that I was her first friend in four years...
"..." I stared out of the window in silence.
"She'll be fine, don't worry leader." Atsuko smiled and she continued driving.
"I hope so... This mission didn't feel right..." I muttered.
"It doesn't feel right without Takara here..." Hikari added.
"Yeah." Kohana sighed silently.
"So... What about the painting? Are we going home?" Atsuko asked while turning into the hotel.
"..." I thought for a moment. "No... We're gonna try again. We're gonna get that picture. For Takara." I said with confidence and everyone nodded with smiles.
"Let's do it!!"
Again I'm sorry for the very late update... Haha that rhymes XD
Hope this chapter was okay!! >.<
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