Chapter 3
Seth was incredibly bored. Not that it was anything new. Unlike before, this wasn't the kind of bored "I have nothing to do" but more like "I'm waiting for something but time is taking forever". Grandma
Sorenson had mentioned that they'd be having guests over for dinner. She and Kendra were currently preparing the meal and had shoed him away after he'd snatched one of the pastries they'd set out to cool.
He decided to run to the treehouse. Graulas hadn't touched it when he'd destroyed the main building. He reached the old tree at the edge of the yard and pulled himself up the rungs. When he reached the top, he froze. He hadn't been there in a year and a half, and it had changed. A lot. Someone had tacked sketches all over the walls. The desk was covered in a lot of different types of pencils, and there were sketchbooks stacked in a small pile on the floor.
Seth looked around in amazement. Who had done this?
As soon as Seth asked the question, the answer hit him. Kendra. Ever since she was little, she'd been interested in art. She'd stopped because of the situation with Zzyzx, but she'd started again after most of the rebuilding had finished. He knew that when she drew, she had somewhere that she usually went, but he hadn't assumed that she'd used and completely transformed the treehouse.
Kendra hadn't just tacked pictures up all over the walls. Either she, or someone else, had taken off the roof and replaced it with glass. There was a little trapdoor where people could climb out onto the roof. This, this was amazing. Though his sister would probably kill him if she found out he'd been in here.
At that thought, Seth quickly exited his sister's art shrine.
"Dinner is ready," Grandma Sorenson called out, her voice reverberating through the house. Seth raced downstairs. He quickly washed his hands in the kitchen sink, and sat down, gazing upon the roasted chickens, baked peas, fruit pastries, and so much more. He could smell pumpkin pie baking in the kitchen. The scent was almost enough for him to moan out loud. A/N : No, stop thinking like that you dirty readers :D
A sharp honk brought him out of his food reverie.
"That must be Dale with the guests," Grandma mused.
Grandma was right. Dale entered with two stunningly beautiful people. The girl had golden blonde hair, with vivid blue eyes. She had a curvy, athletic body, with stylish clothes that clung tightly to her frame. She could've given Vanessa a run for her money in terms of looks. The boy on the right was just as attractive. He had golden, tanned skin, brownish-black tousled hair, the same vivid blue eyes, and an athletic body. His workout clothes showed off his muscles.
Kendra started and nearly dropped the plate of vegetables she was holding. "Alexander? Emmanuelle?"
Everyone stared at Kendra -- except the visitors. Grandpa Sorenson, Warren and Seth said practically in unison, "How do you three know each other?"
Kendra blushed awkwardly, hating being the center of attention. "I ran into them, literally, when I was out shopping."
The pair, Emmanuelle and Alexander, laughed. "We told you we'd be seeing you soon." They said in perfect harmony.
Weird, they must be twins or have known each other for practically their entire lives.
"Instead of gawking at our guests and wondering what on Earth is going on, how about we eat first and talk later?" Warren asked bluntly.
"Of course," Grandma Sorenson said. "Have a seat," she said, gesturing at Emmanuelle and Alexander.
At that, Seth dug into the food like Warren had when he'd come back from being in the knapsack. Well, at least what he'd heard about what Warren had done because he'd been in Living Mirage at the time. Looking to his right, he saw Alexander sitting there.
"I'm Seth." He introduced himself.
"Alexander Goldstorm. It's a pleasure to meet you. Call me Alex. You're a shadowcharmer, aren't you?"
"Even if I was, how would you know?" Seth inquired cautiously.
"Believe it or not, you and the Sphinx are not the last shadowcharmers. I know of one other, who I've happened to meet before. Your auras are similar."
Seth's eyes widened. "Woah, you can read auras?"
Alex grinned. "Along with other things. My twin sister, Emmanuelle, call her Emma for short, sitting next to Kendra, shares the same powers as me."
Before Seth knew it, the dinner became a blur of chatting with Alexander and downing all the delicacies his family had made. Grandpa Sorenson mentioned that the twins would be staying with them indefinitely. Eventually, all the grown-ups dispersed to do their individual tasks, leaving the younger folk to talk. Seth had found out that Alex and Emma were seventeen, almost eighteen.
Kendra called from across the table, "Let's go upstairs to the attic."
They all followed her to their side of the spacious attic. "So why are you guys here?" Seth asked.
Alex and Emma traded wary glances. Then, they gave each other a nod. Emma spoke, "Our parents were turned to stone. They were loyal members of the Knights of the Dawn, and your cousin, Warren, was -- is a close friend of theirs. He asked your grandfather if we could stay here until everything is figured out. This is also a safe haven for us, since whatever turned our parents to stone, could potentially be after us as well.
Kendra's eyes raised. "Wow, I didn't mean to intrude. I'm sorry about your parents. They must have been -- I mean be -- good people."
Alexander's eyes softened. "The very best."
Seth clapped his hands together. "Anyway, on a happier note, there are a few things you guys should know. Number one, unless you want to end up locked inside for your stay, please don't go exploring the woods without notifying one of us. Even if you may be trained to fight off the creatures there. Number two, you'll be staying in the attic with us, since you aren't eighteen. This is pretty much a double safe haven for children. No adults allowed."
Kendra interjected. "Three, Seth can be a huge jerk and prankster. If you value your sanity, stay away from him."
"Hey! Stop lying!"
"I'm not lying, I'm only stating the truth."
Seth flung a pillow at her. She grabbed it and tossed it back at him.
"Number four," Seth began, "If you hear anyone moving around in the middle of the night, it's probably Kendra."
Alex arched an eyebrow. "Now, I'm beginning to wonder which one of you is crazier."
"Kendra is," Seth chimed at the same time Kendra said," Seth is." They glared at each other before smiling slightly.
"Seth is definitely. And it's not like I walk around in the middle of the night plotting your death. I just happen to wake up at random moments in the middle of the night or early morning and feel the urge to draw."
Emma looked slightly impressed. "You're an artist?"
"Guilty as charged. Though, I'm not really an artist. I do all forms, but mainly just pencil sketches."
Seth intruded on their conversation. "Once, she got up at like three in the morning to draw."
"I've done worse Seth. I just learned to be quieter so you wouldn't wake up. And be glad I didn't get up early to draw you covered in tar and feathers. Oh wait, I did that. Nevermind."
Seth rolled his eyes. "Let me show you guys something she drew once. It's a picture of two people hugging. One is just a regular girl, but the guy is made of stars--"
"Which I wouldn't have been able to do because I used the sky as an example." Kendra interrupted.
Alex smiled slightly. "Watching you two go at it is almost as entertaining as Emma and I arguing with each other saying the same things at the same time."
Emma laughed. "That is kind of funny. It just happens by accident. Now show me your drawing."
Kendra obliged.
Okay, so how was that? Was it long enough? I feel like it was still too short. Whatever. I'll paste the picture down below (I know there's a media thing on top but I deleted the links after I saved it to my computer). I wish I could draw like that. I do draw, but only small things. Sorry if you can't see it.
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