Chapter 7~ I Wasn't There For You

Suzuki's POV

(Phew.. Finally done with work..)

I wiped the sweat from my forehead and watched as guests were coming and leaving the hotel. More of coming in though, given how famous this hotel is..

(Today was pretty hectic, but I was pretty much used to it.. Tres Spades was always busy. And of course not all guests came just to stay at a luxury hotel.. It's pretty much because of the auctions the auction managers host..)

Suzuki: "Moreover, I still find what happened this morning to be still shocking.."

/ / /

This Morning..

Mr. Kenzaki: "Before we start our meeting, I would like to introduce you all to our newest member. Please welcome, Ayame Yuki."

Suzuki: "Wait.. That's the woman I saw yesterday!"

I couldn't hold back my gasp of surprise as a familiar woman stood next to Mr. Kenzaki and bowed.

Ayame: "Pleased to meet you. My name is Ayame Yuki. I may not know all the ropes but I promise I will do my best to follow my superiors' examples. I'm very excited to work with you all."

The others looked a little intimidated by Ayame's stern appearance but still managed to conjure up friendly smiles.

All: "Nice to meet you too, Ayame!"

/ / /

Suzuki's POV

(I guess having Ayame work here will make it seem less suspicious if she'll be with Eisuke most of the time.. Speaking of Ayame..)

Suzuki: "Ah.."

(That's right.. Soryu showed up and started talking with her.. And then he suddenly drags her off.. They're still not back and I believe her shift is almost over...)

Erika: "Suzuki! Are you slacking again?!"

Rina & Kana: "Slacking again?!"

Suzuki: "I'm almost done. And what do you mean by 'again'?"

Erika: "I mean exactly what I said. Stop thinking about your 'boyfriend' for once and instead, start thinking about your work!"

Rina & Kana: "About your work!"

Suzuki: "I'm always thinking about work. And why did you make air quotes when you said 'boyfriend'?"

Erika: "It's kinda obvious, isn't it? Your boyfriend looks dangerous but he's still hot. Unfortunately for you, he seems to have the hots for someone else.. A specific red head per say. I don't know what her previous job was, but she seems like she can stand on the same ground with him. They act so comfortable around each other it's obvious that they're dating! Right girls?"

Rina & Kana: "Right!"

Suzuki: "....."

(Is it because they're both mobsters? No, just by watching them, anyone can tell that they had obviously have known each other. But.. Are they really dating..?)

Suzuki: ".. Excuse me, I'm supposed to report that I'm finished with my work."

I bowed and quickly left the lobby..

/ / /

After reporting that I was finished, I decided to head to the penthouse lounge. Everyone was there except for Soryu and Ayame.

Baba: "Uh, hey Suzuki."

Ota: "Hey Koro."

Suzuki: "H-hey guys.."

To be honest, I don't even bother when being called Koro. Because, knowing Ota, he won't let it go if I were to even ask...

Mamoru: "Done with work kid?"

I nodded in response, then turned towards Eisuke.

Suzuki: "Would you like me to make you some coffee, Mr. Ichinomiya?"

Eisuke: "... No, thank you."

Suzuki: "Huh?"

Baba: "Boss made Ayame the penthouse maid, remember?"

Ota: "Baba, I don't think we told her... All she knew was that Yame was gonna work as a maid in the hotel.."

Baba: "Oh yeah? Whoops.."

Suzuki: "What's going on?"

Eisuke: "... I don't need you anymore. Hand over the pager."

Suzuki: "Okay.. Wait.. What?!"

Baba: "R-relax Suzuki.. Boss isn't firing you.. It's just that since he has Yame.."

Eisuke: "There's no point in having two maids. I have already discussed this with Ayame and the others."

Eisuke says bluntly that I'm stunned into silence.

Mamoru: "Soryu was the one who had asked of this.."

I'm still in disbelief that I couldn't stop myself from shouting..

Suzuki: "No way... You're getting rid of me because you have a replacement?! Isn't this temporary?!"

Ota: "Yes.. But there's a chance that they might attack you too, Koro. The ones pursuing Eisuke might start attacking ones who hang around him. It's for your safety, Soryu said."

Ota calmly says but I still couldn't help but still be in disbelief.

Suzuki: "What.."

Mamoru: "Hah.. Kids are annoying.. What he actually meant was, that you can get kidnapped and can only be returned at a ransom: Turning in Eisuke. We're getting rid of ya for now because unlike Ayame, you can't defend shit about yourself!"

Baba: "Mamo! You didn't have to say it like that!"

Mamoru: "I'm just tellin' the truth! Ayame's part of the mafia. Like Soryu, she knows defense and can use weapons without a moments hesitation!"

Baba: "That's..."

Ota: "Guys.. Arguing about this is getting us nowhere.."

Baba: "Sorry Suzuki.."

Mamoru: "..Sorry kid."

Ota: "We'll call you back when everything gets settled.. Ok, Koro?"

I nodded slowly.

(I'm not exactly close to Eisuke.. But I'm sure the ones who are trying to get him have already known that I'm more than a regular maid at the hotel... And Mamoru's right.. I don't know every martial arts trick in the book.. Nor can I hold a gun without hesitation.. Soryu and Ayame are both in the mafia. They've both been through all kinds of danger.. They would both dive into the depths of danger when one is being threatened. I know I can't do much, but can I really just stand here and watch as the others fight this battle?)

Eisuke: "Woman! Are you listening?!"

Suzuki: "!? Huh? What?"

Eisuke sighed in annoyance and held his right hand out towards me.

Eisuke: "The pager and the elevator key."

I took them out from my pocket and placed them in his opened palm.

(Soryu apparently said that it's to prevent me from being in danger? But what if he said that so I wouldn't get in the way? I need to talk to Soryu!)

Ota: "Hey Koro! Where are you going?!"

I spun around to see the guys staring at me.

Suzuki: "I need to talk to Soryu!"

All: "Hey, wait!"

(But I didn't wait.. I needed answers!)

I thought as I ran out, slamming the door with a firm click.

... And because I love you guys... <3 KEEP READING! ^^

Suzuki's POV

I stopped in front of Soryu's room, panting from the long run.

Suzuki: "... I wonder... If Soryu's here..?"

I was about to knock when...

Suzuki: "Huh? The door's slightly ajar?"

Peeking in through the small crack, I saw Ayame sitting on the couch as Soryu was pacing around... He stopped in front of her, arms crossed and said..

Soryu: "Forget about it. You still shouldn't blame yourself, Yuki."

Ayame snapped her head towards him, her hands balled into fists that were on her lap.

Ayame: "But it is my fault, Soryu. How much longer do we still have to talk about this?! You just don't understand! I can't just forget about this!"

Soryu frowned, clearly angry.

Soryu: "Maybe I don't understand, but I want to understand! Why can't you just forget about it and move on?!"

Ayame: "I told you I can't! I'm tired of you telling me the same thing over and over again!"

Soryu: "Well I'm tired of you hiding stuff from me!"

Ayame: "!!! What..?"

Seeing the shocked look on Ayame's face, Soryu continued softly.

Soryu: "You'd always plastered a happy face but in the inside, you're crying for help, aren't you?"

Ayame: "I can't... I shouldn't cry."

Soryu: "Whether we're part of the mafia or not.. We're still human. And humans have emotions. You're allowed to cry when you need to. You should never have to bottle things up."

Ayame: "... That doesn't matter. I'm used to bottling things up like this. I've been doing it for years. Another few wouldn't kill me."

Soryu: "Dammit!"


Suzuki: "!! Soryu..."

Soryu punched the wall, leaving an obvious dent.

Soryu: "If I was more powerful back then.. If I'd said something back then.. You wouldn't of had to say these things.."

Ayame: "... But.."

Soryu sat next to Ayame on the couch and tightly embraced her.

Suzuki: "!!!!!!"


I wanted to look away but for some reason, I couldn't..

Soryu: "I know.. I wasn't there for you. I'm so sorry, Ayame.."

Ayame: "!! Soryu.."

Suzuki: "He.."

(Called her by her first name..)

Ayame: "...."

Soryu: "...."

Ayame: "... I'll be okay, Soryu."

Soryu: "Ayame.."

Ayame: "It'll take a while.. But.."

Soryu: "I'm sure he wouldn't want you to always guilt yourself.. You need to try to move on.. And I'll help you every step of the way."

Ayame softly pulled away.

Ayame: "You don't have to do that.."

Soryu: "You're very important to me. I want to help you. Not as Soryu Oh, leader of the Ice Dragons.. But Soryu Oh. A regular man who wants to help someone who's very important to them. You are and will always be the most important to me, Ayame. I can't lose you."

Suzuki: "!!! Soryu..."

I whispered softly, not believing what I was hearing..

Ayame: "Soryu.. Thank you so much. Oh god.. I'm crying aren't I?"

Ayame said in disbelief as she wiped away her tears.

Soryu: "Yes, you are. But that's what makes you human."

Soryu flashed her a familiar smile and stroked her hair.

Soryu: "We'll get through this, together. Okay?"

Ayame: "... Okay."

/ / /


Baba: "Suzuki?"

Ota: "Back already, Koro?"

Suzuki: "Um.. Yeah."

I couldn't watch anymore.. So I headed back to the penthouse lounge to find everyone still there. Eisuke frowned when he saw me.

Eisuke: "What are you doing here?"

Suzuki: "I..."

(Oh yeah, I'm not supposed to be in here anymore..)

Baba: "Come on, Boss.. Suzuki looks like she's on the brink of tears.."

Ota: "What happened, Koro? Did another dog bark at you?"

Mamoru: "What the hell is this weirdo talkin' about...?"

Suzuki: "Ahaha... No. Nothing of that sort happened..."

Baba: "Does it involve Soryu and Yame?"

Suzuki: "!!!"

Ota: "Hit the nail on the head on that one, Baba!"

Eisuke: "You know those two work together right? It's not unusual to see them together."

Suzuki: "I-I know but.."

Ota: "You know what they say.. Curiosity kills the cat, no?"

Baba: "Huh? I thought Koro was a dog."

Ota: "Oh.. Right... Well, she changed into a cat in this case.. She probably went to go see Soryu when she finds Soryu and Ayame in his room talking."

Suzuki: "...."

Ota: "Silence means yes? But you know, Koro... Like Eisuke said. They work together. They may seem very close but I don't think they're dating."

Baba: "Why don't you ask Soryu about it? I'm pretty sure he's got an explanation for all of this."

Suzuki: ".. There's no way I can---"


Soryu: "--- remember when we went to the karaoke many years back?"

Ayame: "Of course I remember. I beat you by a long shot!"

Soryu and Ayame walked in, seemingly to be reminiscing about the past, unaware that we were here..

Soryu: "Haha, that's because I was too drunk! I kept slurring.. As much as I hate to admit it."

Ayame: "Ha! You finally admitted it! After all these years!"

Soryu: "But I also have to admit... Your singing voice wasn't that bad."

Ayame: "U-Um... Of course it wasn't..."

Soryu: "Heh.. Are you embarrassed?"

Ayame: "Pff, of course not!"

Soryu: "Yes, you are."

Ayame: "No I'm not."

Soryu: "Yes you are."

Ayame: "No I'm not."

Soryu: "Goddammit, just admit that I've embarrassed you."

Ayame: "I wasn't embarrassed!"

Soryu: "But you stuttered!"

Ayame: "No I didn't!"

Soryu: "Yes you did! I heard it!"

Ayame: "You should probably get your ears checked!"

Soryu: "My ears are fine, excuse you!"

Ota: "Haha, isn't this interesting..."

Ota chuckles as he turns towards them.

Ota: "Um.. A-hem!!!"

Baba: "Hello? We're still here....~"

Soryu & Ayame: "?!?! What are you guys doing here?!"

Ota: "Woah.. They were in sync too.."

I heard Ota muttering to himself in fascination.

Mamoru: "Meh, this is the lounge. Any one of us can be here.."

Soryu: "But I'm surprised you all are still here."

Baba: "Huh? Why wouldn't we be?"

Ayame: "Because it's late?"

Ota: "That's true.. Ah, but in Eisuke's case, he can't go to bed until Ayame's there to tuck him in, right?"

Baba: "Haha, I agree!"

Eisuke: "Hm.. Soryu.. Where's your gun?"

Soryu: "Huh? In my pocket, why?"

Eisuke: "Give it to me."

And in a flash, Baba and Ota were up and running for the door.

Baba: "Yikes! If looks can kill!"

Ota: "Haha, nice talking to you guys! It's late and I need to get going! Bye!"

Baba: "Same here! Night everyone!"


All: "...."

Eisuke: "Heheh, was it something I said?"

Soryu chuckles.

Soryu: "Who knows.."

Mamoru: "Eh.. Hate to say this but I guess I should get going too.. Got stuff to do tomorrow."

Ayame: "Good night."

Ayame smiles and Mamoru waves.

Mamoru: "Night."

Mamoru left, leaving the four of us..

Eisuke's POV

Ayame was the first to break the silence.

Ayame: "You have a meeting tomorrow around noon, right Eisuke?"

Ayame questioned, looking at me.

Eisuke: "Yes. That's correct."

Ayame: "Alright. I'll make sure to clear my schedule then. Oh wait.. I forgot to ask Mr. Kenzaki if I can take tomorrow off.."

It looked like she was about to leave when I held up a hand, stopping her.

Eisuke: "I'll do it."

I pulled out my phone and called the manager.

Eisuke: "It's Eisuke.. I would like for you to come to the penthouse lounge immediately.. Bye."

And in about five minutes, in came Mr. Kenzaki.

Mr. Kenzaki: "Yes, Mr. Ichinomiya?"

Eisuke: "To put it bluntly, I'm being targeted."

Mr. Kenzaki looks a little shocked but silently waits for me to continue. I then gestured towards Ayame.

Eisuke: "Ayame Yuki here... Is part of the mafia like Soryu. I had her work here as an undercover to watch for any suspicious activities. She is to be excused tomorrow for I have a meeting that I need for her to attend to with me."

Mr. Kenzaki: "Of course, Mr. Ichinomiya. And I assume she will also work here in the penthouse as well?"

Eisuke: "Yes."

Mr. Kenzaki: "Would you like me to get a pager and elevator key for her to use?"

Eisuke: "That won't be necessary. Suzuki will give hers to Ayame. She will not be needed in the penthouse anymore."

Ayame: "Wait.."

Eisuke: "..."

I gave Ayame look, silencing her as I continued...

Eisuke: "Ayame will now be in charge of cleaning the penthouse level. She can clean the other levels if she wants but I want her to mainly be up here. Is that understood?"

Mr. Kenzaki: "Yes sir. Is there anything else you'd like for me to do?"

Eisuke: "No, that is all. Thank you."

With a bow, Mr. Kenzaki left.

Ayame: "Eisuke.. I.."

Eisuke: "Here."

I held out Suzuki's old pager and elevator key. Ayame stares at them, a little puzzled so Soryu quickly steps in and explains.

Soryu: "That's the penthouse pager and elevator key. Should Eisuke ever need you, he'll use the pager to call you."

Eisuke: "If I ever do call, you are to get up here within 5 minutes."

I added, earning a nod as she takes them out of my hand.

Ayame: "Alright. Sounds simple enough."

Eisuke: "Heh, I know you'll be able to do this without a problem.. Unlike someone who has always shown up late."

Suzuki: "Hey.."

I ignored her as I turned towards the stairway.

Eisuke: "I'll be in my room."

Soryu: "Ayame, go with Eisuke."

I heard Soryu order from behind me.

Ayame: "Alright. Goodnight."

Soryu: "Goodnight, Ayame."

Suzuki: "..."

/ / /

Eisuke: "Aren't you tired of sitting there all night?"

I asked as I watched Ayame plop onto the floor, knives in hand. She carefully sheaths them in her knee high boots.

Ayame: "I don't mind."

Eisuke: "No, I'm asking about you."

Ayame: ".... I'm alright."

Eisuke: "Really..?"

Ayame: "Mhm.."

Eisuke: ".... No one attacked me yesterday.. I highly doubt something will happen today."

Ayame: "One can never be too certain."

Eisuke: "I'm sure the attacks will start once they see me outside starting tomorrow. You should rest up til then."

I sighed as I got out of my bed, making my way towards her.

Ayame: "No, I'm fine.. Really.. Kyaahh!! Eisuke?!"

Eisuke: "Calm down. Quit squirming around like a worm!"

I huffed as I effortlessly carried her over to my bed.

Ayame: "Seriously Eisuke! I'm not tired!!"

Eisuke: "Then I'll make you tired."

Ayame: "W-what?!"

Eisuke: "Heheh, just kidding. Just sleep. That's an order."

I said as I gently laid her on the bed. I carefully took out the knives that were kind of sticking out from her boots and placed them on the side table. Next I removed her boots and placed them on the floor, by the bed... I turned away and was about to make my way out of my room when I felt a tug on my sleeve.

Eisuke: ".. What is it?"

Ayame: "Sleep with me?"

Eisuke: "What... What the hell? You're the one who declined my earlier proposal."

I said in disbelief. And of course, I was joking..

Ayame: "That's not what I meant, you piece of shit. I mean, if I am to protect you, I need to be close to you. Sleep here. I'm not gonna do anything."

Eisuke: "... Fine."

I huffed in defeat, making myself comfortable on the other half of the bed.

Eisuke: "Oh, and by the way.. Consider yourself lucky. I'll let this slip."

Ayame: "Hm?"

Eisuke: "You calling me a piece of shit. No one has ever called me that before."

I chuckled in amusement, earning a small giggle.

Ayame: "I'm just that special huh..? ...Goodnight, Eisuke."

Eisuke: "Goodnight.. Ayame."

Ta-da!!! The end of this chapter!! If you guys had probably noticed, I was gonna split this into two chapters. But all well.. Please review/vote and well, I'll see you guys later!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


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