Chapter 6~ That Small Hesitation

Meeehhh... Close enough to the previous chapters picture lol.. XD

Eisuke's POV

Baba: "Damn... She said that?!"

Eisuke: "Yeah."

After I'd recovered from the unexpected Ayame said to me, I decided to quickly return to the penthouse lounge to find Baba and Ota there talking about women. They knew what I'd planned so they inquired me about it. And somehow, talking about Ayame in a maid's outfit swerved to what she said before walking out of the changing rooms..

Ota: "Haha, she's definitely a mobster if she can say something like that without batting an eye."

Baba: "Hmm.. I wonder what grudge she has against Suzuki.. Do you think they met somewhere before?"

I stared at him flatly.

Eisuke: "So you're saying somehow.. Just somehow.. A plain maid ran into a you-don't-see-everyday mafia queen. Is that it?"

Baba: "Well.. When you put it that way.."

Baba shook his head.

Ota: "Maybe Soryu knows something about this."

Baba: "But would you think it would be a wise idea to tell him that someone he's in alliance with has a bad distaste with his girlfriend?"

Ota: "Ah, you're right... For once."

Baba: "Hmph. I'll pretend I didn't hear that."

Eisuke: "Do you guys always stray from the topic at hand?"

I asked in exasperation and the two shrugged.

Ota: "I guess that depends on what we're talking about."

Baba: "That's true. One thing I can say, Boss.. Is that things really are going to get interesting around here. Maybe it's some type of triangle. But instead, both of the girls like Sor."

Ota: "That could be the case.. Soryu doesn't seem to mind being around Ayame. He seems to respect her a lot.. Even though she looks to be a year or two younger than him."

Baba: "Man, I really wanna know what their relationship is.."

Ota: "Same. I think it would be interesting."

(Soryu respects Ayame... And Ayame admires Soryu... What IS their relationship?)


Soryu: "Did the meeting start yet?"

(Oh yeah... We're supposed to have a meeting about the auction today..)

Ota: "Nope.. We're still waiting for Kishi."

Baba: "He probably slept in again.."

Soryu: "Hahh... More than likely."

Baba: "Guess I should go wake Mamo up huh.. Otherwise we'll never be able to get this meeting going."

Eisuke: "Hah.. Thanks."

Baba: "No prob, Boss!"


All: "..."

Eisuke: "Soryu. I made Ayame a maid here. This'll help give her the advantage of being able to go around the hotel without causing suspicions. She will also be given a pager and elevator key. I will use it to call her here should I ever need to leave the hotel for whatever reason. Well.. In other words, she'll basically have the same job as Suzuki. Is that alright?"

Soryu: ".. Yes, that's fine. But I would also like to ask you of this... For Suzuki's safety, I would like for her to only work in the hotel. Not also in the penthouse."

I nodded.

Eisuke: "That's what I was going to also talk about."

(I'll leave out the part where I was gonna fire her from working in the penthouse just because Ayame will be there.)

Soryu: "Alright. Should I let her know?"

Eisuke: "No. I'll do it. I have to ask her for the pager and elevator key anyways."

Soryu: "That's fine."

Ota: "So Yame will now be in charge of cleaning the penthouse huh.. That's interesting."

Soryu: "Pff..."

Ota: "Eh? What's so funny Soryu?"

Soryu: "I highly doubt Ayame had agreed to that idea. Her as a maid?"

Eisuke: "Heheh, nope. She wasn't too fond of the idea as well as the clothes she had to wear."

Soryu shook his head in disbelief.

Soryu: "I hope she'll be able to do this.."

Eisuke: "I think she can.."

(She did tell me this morning that...)

Ayame: "Sometimes we have to change ourselves to blend in a situation. I have acted not like a mobster before just to solve an investigation. This is nothing.."

(She'll be fine I'm sure.)

Soryu: "Eisuke..? Hello?"

Ota: "Think he's thinking of some specific girl, hmm?"

Eisuke: "What.."

Glancing up, I see Soryu and Ota looking at me funny.

(Okay! Got to compose myself..)

Eisuke: "What the hell are you looking at?"

Soryu/Ota: "???"

(Nah.. Not what I actually had in mind.. But I already said it so all well..)


Baba: "Hey everyone! Mamo's here!"

Mamoru: "...Unfortunately. I'm tired.."

*mumble mumble*

Baba ignores Mamoru as he says brightly..

Baba: "Now let's get this meeting started!"

/ / /



Because I love you guys, I'll add more ^_^ ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Ayame's POV

Ayame: "Out of all the jobs I was given when I wasn't too busy with the Flamed Phoenixes..."

I mumbled almost inaudibly to myself as I cleaned the counters at the front desk.

Ayame: "But I guess it's not that bad... Is this how a normal life is like..?"

I looked around me to see other staff members happily talking as they worked..

(I'm used to being alone..)

I shook my head and continued cleaning. Once I was done with that, I started packing when I noticed another rag that I haven't yet used.

Ayame: "Hm.. What was I supposed to use this for..?"

???: "That's for cleaning the railing."

I turned around to see none other than Suzuki.

Ayame: "Oh. I see."

I turned away, starting to make my way towards the stairway when..

Suzuki: "Um.. Miss. Ayame?"

I spun around and stared at her sternly.

Ayame: "Drop the Miss. You must call me by my first name only. It'll cause suspicions."

Suzuki: "Oh, I'm sorry.."

Ayame: "As long as you get it right next time.."

I sighed and turned away again.

Suzuki: "W-wait!"

Ayame: "???"

Suzuki: "Um.. I want to know.."

She starts nervously, but then looks at me with resolve.

Suzuki: "What your relationship is with Soryu."

Ayame: "....... We were close.. And we still are."

I spat and quickly distanced myself away from her before she can ask what I meant..

/ / /

Ayame: "Ugh.. This is seriously a pain.."

I huffed in annoyance as I looked over the now sparkling railing that I know will be dirty as hell within an hour.

Suzuki was nearby, dusting the nearby shelves. I noticed that as I had work, I felt her eyes on me. I knew what she wanted. She wanted to know what I am to Soryu. He probably hasn't told her. But why should he? She doesn't have the right to know. It's none of her business anyways..

???: "Heheh, do you hate cleaning that much?"


I didn't notice but Soryu was standing a little ways from me, smirking as he watched me. I guess not noticing Suzuki yet..

Ayame: "I never had to do this kind of stuff back at headquarters."

I whispered in annoyance.

Soryu: "Well.. That's understandable. I'm surprised that you didn't resign or something. You were always like that.. No matter how much you'd complained to Eisuke, you'd still followed his orders."

Ayame: "I want to do whatever I can to help others.. I don't want people to get hurt because of me for not helping them when I had the chance.."

Soryu: "... Ayame.."

Ayame: "..."

I sighed and threw the dirty rag away, grabbing the cleaning supplies.

Ayame: "Please excuse me, I have to continue cleaning."

Soryu: "Ayame, you don't have to force yourself."

Ayame: "No, it's okay. If I don't work myself to the bone, I'll never be able to forget it."

Soryu: ".. It wasn't your fault."

Ayame: ".. That small hesitation.."

Soryu: "......"

Ayame: "Everything would've been different if I didn't have that small hesitation."

Soryu: "... It still wasn't your fault. You shouldn't keep blaming yourself."

Ayame: "I can't help it. If I don't get killed from an enemy, it'd be from the guilt that's slowly eating me alive."

Soryu: ".. Come with me."

Ayame: "But I didn't finish---"

Soryu: "Just come with me."

I knew there was no point in arguing, so I followed. Like the good girl I was.

That's the end of chapter 6!! I'm so sorry for not updating in such a long time DX college is a butt.

Anndddd... I have been procrastinating so.. That happened..

Well, hope this chapter was good! Please let me know what you all think? Good night from here, I got work in about 8 hours so... Night!! X3 ❤️


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