Chapter 2~ Meeting My Bodyguard

Eisuke's POV

Eisuke: "Who does Soryu think he is.. Getting a bodyguard for me."

Was the first thing I said, to no one in particular, as I got into my room after leaving the lounge so that Soryu can talk to whoever he needed to talk to.

Eisuke: "Hahh... Seriously."

I mumbled in annoyance.

As if I can't take care of myself.. Why the hell should I need a bodyguard? This makes me sound weak. I can protect myself just fine..

Eisuke: "Though if Soryu was the one who suggested something like this.."

Is the one targeting me that dangerous to the point where I need a personal bodyguard..?

Eisuke: "Ugh.. Just thinking about this is giving me a headache."

I guess I should go with the flow and see where this takes me. Besides, he did say that this person can also help find information about the attacker.. And since Soryu probably knows this bodyguard, they'll probably notice some things that I wouldn't have been able to notice.. Guess I can give it a try I guess. I can always fire them later.

Eisuke: ".. Hm.. I wonder if this bodyguard, that this Yuki person is sending here, has a scary face like Soryu's... Probably.. Knowing what kinds of people he associates with." I chuckled, taking off my tie and dress shirt.

I know eavesdropping is bad but I couldn't help but be a little curious as I heard a little of Soryu's side of the conversation..

Eisuke: "Hmph.. Guess I'll see in a few days.. This'll be interesting."

With that thought in mind, I collapsed onto the bed.. Immediately falling asleep once I met the soft and fluffy mattress.

/ / /

A Few Days Later

Soryu's POV

.. Today was the day Eisuke will meet his bodyguard.

I was in the lounge as usual as well as the others excluding Suzuki who had an early shift. Eisuke had just informed the other imbeciles about what was happening the past few days..

Ota: "Now that you've mentioned it.. I have seen different kinds of black cars casually driving around the hotel.. I didn't really think much of it since the driver didn't exactly park in front of the hotel.."

Baba: "I have to admit, I believe I have seen them as well.. Usually there's a car circling around every few hours casually to the point where people don't find it suspicious.. Well Boss, you seem to have attracted some unwanted attention, hm?"

Eisuke: "Hah.. Unfortunately."

Mamoru: "So you're basically getting a bodyguard for the time being until things calm down?"

Soryu: "That's the plan for now. We can't risk anything happening. When I have time, I'll do some investigating as well."

Ota: "So you're too busy to be the bodyguard huh?"

Soryu: "Yes. I have asked an acquaintance of mine to send someone here. He should be here soon..." I started.

Just then..


Soryu: "Sorry.." I pulled out my phone to see Inui calling.. "What the hell does he want?" I sighed annoyingly and glanced at the others as I made my way out. "I'll be right back."


Eisuke's POV

Baba: "Heheh, judging from his annoyed face, I would say it's the dog calling his owner."

Ota: "Haha, I agree."

Mamoru: "He shoulda just ignored the call then."

Baba: "Only you would do something like that Mamo. Especially for jobs."

Mamoru: "Wha-?! Of course not!"

These guys... Seriously have nothing else better to talk about.. And to think that we were just talking about the suspicious activity that's been going on the last few days a few minutes ago with tension written on our faces..

Ota: "You slack though, Kishi.."

Ota said, pulling me out of my thoughts.

Mamoru: "Ugh! You guys are a pain in the ass."

Baba: "Awe, how rude.. This hurts my feelings y'know..."

Baba fakes a sad sigh as he turns away.

I literally held myself back from making an eye roll.

Oh, for the love of... Why can't something interesting happen?


Ota: "Hm? Was that a knock? Sor, if it's you, you can just barge in you know.."

Baba: "I don't think it's him.."

Baba furrows his eyebrows in confusion but says loudly.

Baba: "Come in."

All: "???"

In walks a person wearing a long trench coat like what detectives wear with what I'm thinking are most likely high boots. This person was also wearing sunglasses followed with a hat. I can see a little red from underneath the hat so I'm guessing that they have short red hair.

Hmm.. If this doesn't already count as suspicious, I don't know what does..

Eisuke: "Who are you? And what do you want?" I asked suspiciously, wondering how they even got in here with the air-tight security.

This isn't the attacker right? No, it couldn't have been THAT easy..

???: "I would like to talk to Soryu Oh."

A manly voice came out of the person's mouth. I glanced over towards the others who were staring at the person in curiosity but also with caution. Baba was the first to break the silence.

Baba: ".. May I ask for what reason?"

???: "That information is confidential. However, all I can say is that it concerns a man named Eisuke Ichinomiya. The owner of this hotel, Tres Spades."

My eyes widened when I heard my name fall out of that person's lips.

Is he the bodyguard?!?! How the hell does he think he can protect me? This person doesn't even look like they can take on one man!

Mamoru: "Huh? So you're Eisuke's bodyguard?"

???: "? How do you know that?"

Ota: "Eisuke's right there."

With a smirk, Ota points over to my direction.

With an inaudible sigh, I decided to at least introduce myself since Ota pointed me out.. Thanks by the way. Note the sarcasm.

Eisuke: "I'm Eisuke Ichinomiya. I had Soryu get me a bodyguard. And I'm guessing it's you."

???: ".. Yes. I'm---"


Soryu: "Sorry about that, turns out it wasn't even import--- ??"

Soryu notices the person standing there and stares at them in confusion but more with suspicion like the rest of us.

Soryu: "Who are you?"

???: "..I'm Mr. Ichinomiya's bodyguard."

Soryu: "Hm.. I don't recognize you. Are you new? What's your name?"

???: "..."

Soryu: ".... I'm calling Yuki about this. I don't know who you are, and I believe that I had asked Yuki to send someone that I was familiar with."

Soryu begins to pull out his phone when the person finally answers...

???: ".. Go ahead and call. Unfortunately for you, Yuki won't answer."

At that, Soryu freezes.. Phone held tightly in his right hand.

Soryu: "? Why is that?! What did you do to h---?!"

All: "?!?!"

The mysterious person yanks off the trench coat, revealing a black mid-thigh dress under a bikers jacket with black above-the-knee-high-boots. The sunglasses were removed, revealing sparkling but confident brown eyes. And lastly, the hat was removed.. Causing red waves to tumble down to mid chest. The woman flicks back some of the wavy locks over her shoulder with a confident smirk. And with a small laugh she said in a feminine voice..

Yuki: "Surprise bitch... Yuki's right here."

And here is our MC, the badass XD

Hope you liked this chapter. Thanks for the votes and adds in reading lists! <3


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