Chapter 11~ Familiarity

Ayame's POV

Eisuke and I made our way back to the lounge, where the others were still there, including Soryu. When he'd noticed us walking in, he stood up and made his way over to me.

Soryu: "Ayame.."

Ayame: "Soryu."

I greeted and he enveloped me in a tight embrace.

Soryu: "I'm sorry."

He whispered and I shook my head, hugging him back.

Ayame: "I should be the one apologizing, you idiot. How dare you beat me to it."

I pulled back and laughed, causing him to chuckle.

Soryu: "You know me, I'm always one step ahead."

I rolled my eyes and punched him lightly on the arm.

Ayame: "Yeah, yeah. Whatever you say. Listen, I apologize for how I acted earlier."

I said as I looked from him, to the others.

Soryu: "But you don't have to apologize for that. You were just thinking about me."

Ayame: ".. I always will, Soryu."

Soryu nodded.

Soryu: "I know.. But Ayame.. I really do care about Suzuki.."

I bit my bottom lip and nodded slowly.

Ayame: "I know.. I just.. I find it hard to be happy for you two.."

Soryu nodded in understanding and placed a hand on my shoulder.

Soryu: "I hope one day you will.. Having your blessing would be the most important to me."

I smiled bitterly and nodded.

Ayame: "Perhaps one day."

I then glanced at my watch and turned towards Eisuke.

Ayame: "We should go get ready for the meeting, Eisuke."

Eisuke: "Sure."

He nodded and followed me upstairs to his room, Soryu and the others watching us silently.

/ / /

Eisuke: "There really is something going on, isn't there.."

I heard Eisuke mutter to himself as he took a suit off of a hanger. I faced him and raised an eyebrow.

Ayame: "You're not talking about Soryu and I, are you?"

Eisuke chuckled and looked at me as I was tying my hair.

Eisuke: "Maybe."

Ayame: "Perhaps one day you'll find out about all of this."

I put my arms down and checked my hair in the mirror, not wanting to look like a slob when I go out.

Eisuke: "In the bathroom, there's a med kit."

I looked at Eisuke, from the mirror, with a look of puzzlement on my face.

Ayame: "Thanks for telling me?"

He rolled his eyes as he scoffed, walking into the bathroom and coming back out with a med kit. I turned around to face him and watched silently as he opened it, taking out some gauze and disinfectant.

Ayame: "Wait, are you hurt?"

My eyes widened slightly in realization as I hurried over to his side, feeling and looking around for an injury.

Crap, how could I let my client get hurt?! When did it happen? And where was I?! Why didn't this idiot tell me?!?!

Eisuke: "Having fun there?"

Eisuke questioned with a smirk on his face.

Ayame: "!!!"

I withdrew back quickly as if I had gotten burned, my face a bit flushed.

Ayame: "S-sorry.. When you said there was a med kit.. I thought.."

Eisuke: "It's not for me, stupid. It's for you."

Ayame: "But I'm not injured?"

Eisuke: "Why is that a question?"

Ayame: "Because I'm genuinely confused?"

Eisuke: "Your arm."

He grabbed my hand, pulling me closer to him.

Ayame: "Hey, what are you-!"

Eisuke: "You need to disinfect it or you'll get an infection."

Ayame: "I got this hours ago, I'm- ouch!"

I flinched when he unexpectedly started disinfecting the cut, using a swab.

Eisuke: "Hah, so the great mafia queen can feel pain."

I rolled my eyes and chuckled a bit.

Ayame: "That surprising huh."

Eisuke: "Heh."

I waited patiently until he was done. Once he finished wrapping some gauze around, taping it down, I slowly pulled away, turning my arm this way and that to make sure it wasn't wrapped too tightly.

Ayame: "Um.. Thank you."

I smiled and he nodded, closing the med kit and placing it on the counter.

I watched for a bit before taking out my gun from my thigh holster.

Just in case..

I decided to check if I had enough bullets, not realizing Eisuke was watching me put my gun away, covering it with my skirt.

Eisuke: "Sure you need to bring that with you?"

Ayame: "I can never be too sure."

I responded without looking at him.

Ayame: "I'm gonna go change. Mind if I use the bathroom to do so?"

Eisuke: "Go ahead, I'll change here. Don't you dare come in until I say I'm done."

Ayame: "Hai hai."

I nodded and grabbed the dress I was to wear, going into the bathroom.

10 or so minutes have passed, and I was back in Eisuke's room, turning side to side in the mirror to make sure my weapon was not obvious. I nodded to myself in approval and faced Eisuke.

Ayame: "Ready?"

Eisuke: "Heh, I should've been the one asking you that. Women sure love to take their time."

Eisuke said from his bed, clearly waiting for me. I rolled my eyes and smirked.

Ayame: "But of course. We love to make sure we look our best. Now let's go."

/ / /

Eisuke: "There's something I should tell you about this meeting."

Eisuke said just before we walked into the fancy looking restaurant.

Ayame: "Oh? And what's that?"

Eisuke: "We are meeting a rival company."

Ayame: "Seriously?"

Eisuke: "Mhm. That and another company we are both trying to make business with."

Ayame: "So you two are competing."

Eisuke: "Basically. I will not let that company win."

Ayame: "You'll win, I'm sure."

Eisuke: "What makes you say that?"

Ayame: "I believe in you."

Eisuke chuckled.

Eisuke: "Then I will do my absolute best then. Let's go."

With that, we made our way into the restuarant.

/ / /

???: "Mr. Ichinomiya! You're here early!"
A man to be in his 50s greeted Eisuke happily, a hand out.

Eisuke: "Better early than late."

He shook his hand with his signature smirk and pulled away slightly, gesturing towards me.

Eisuke: "This is Hitomi Hoshi, my girlfriend who I'd been telling you about. Hitomi, this is Seiji Ryo.

Ah, so this is the president of the company Eisuke wants to work with..

I smiled and took the man's outstretched hand.

Ayame: "It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Ryo."

Mr. Ryo: "Likewise, Miss. Hoshi. Eisuke, you have a good eye. Don't lose her."

He laughed and Eisuke nodded, pulling me closer to him.

Eisuke: "I won't."

Mr. Ryo: "Since the meeting won't start until a few more minutes, why don't we start on some drinks?"

Eisuke: "Of course."

Drinking..? It's still so early in the day.. What if something happens? I certainly can't be intoxicated.

I thought to myself and ordered a non alcoholic drink, causing Mr. Ryo and his vice president to look at me in slight shock.

Mr. Ryo: "Miss. Hoshi? If you don't mind me asking.. But are you and Mr. Ichinomiya expecting..?"

Ayame: "What?!"

I gasped and quickly shook my head.

Ayame: "N-no! Of course not! We.. I um.. I just.."

Eisuke started laughing and I lightly slapped him on the shoulder.

Ayame: "Eisuke! You're not helping me!"

Eisuke: "Heh heh.. Sorry."

No, you're not.

I rolled my eyes and smiled at the two men sitting in front of us.

Ayame: "Please excuse me."

I leaned close to Eisuke and whispered.

Ayame: "I'll be right back."

Eisuke: "Sure."

I got up and made a small bow before walking away to the restroom.

/ / /

Ayame: "That idiot. Laughing when he should've been helping."

I couldn't help but chuckle as I walked out of the restroom, only to bump into a man.

Ayame: "Oof."

???: "Oh goodness, are you alright?"

A man held me by the arms to steady me. I pulled away and dropped my gaze to the floor.

Ayame: "I'm so sorry, I should've watched where I was-"

I glanced up and froze.

Why does this man look like..

Flashbacks of a man I had met such a long time ago flashed through my mind. I shook my head to get rid of those thoughts.

I feel a headache coming on..

???: "Are you alright, Miss.?"

Ayame: "O-of course.. I'm sorry for bumping into you.."

???: "Takeo."

Ayame: "Hitomi."

I said and another man called for the one standing in front of me.

Takeo: "Please excuse me."

He said and quickly left, leaving me bewildered.

Phew.. Different name.. For a second I thought that was..

I paused and sighed tiredly.

Ayame: "Who am I kidding, he's not even.."

Eisuke: "Ayame?"

Ayame: "Woah, E-Eisuke?!"

Eisuke was now standing before me, peering closely at me.

Ayame: "Gosh, don't scare me like that!"

Eisuke: "Considering who you really are, I thought you would have noticed.. Something on your mind then?"

He questioned, raising an eyebrow at me.

Ayame: "Of course not.."

Eisuke: "Really? Cause it looked like you'd seen a ghost."

Ayame: ".. Felt like I did."

Eisuke: "Huh?"

I shook my head and took his arm.

Ayame: "It's nothing. Sorry I took a while.."

That man though.. Something about him bothers me..

Eisuke: "That's fine. Come on, the other company is already here."

He started leading me back to the table and I felt the blood drain from my face when I caught a glimpse of a familiar face.

The man I bumped into, is over there!

Ayame: "Eisuke, wait."

I pulled him back just before anyone noticed us.

Eisuke: "Oi woman, what the hell is your problem?"

Eisuke glared at me, straightening his jacket that I guess I messed up..

Ugh, how dramatic.

Ayame: "That man over there.."

I pointed over and Eisuke followed with his eyes, looking back at me with a raised eyebrow.

Eisuke: "You know him?"

I shook my head.

Ayame: "No, do you?"

Eisuke crossed his arms.

Eisuke: "I'm assuming he works for the man next to him. The one on the left of him is the head of the rival company."

Ayame: "Is that so.."

I rubbed my temples, trying to rid the headache. I then sighed and shook my head, biting my bottom lip in thought.

Maybe I'm just mistaking him for someone else.. Because there's no way that's..

Eisuke: "What's the matter?"

Ayame: "Ah, it's nothing. We should head over there."

Before Eisuke can ask any more questions, I relinked my arm with his and made way over to the other men.

/ / /

Mr. Ryo: "I see your point. And how about yours, Mr. Ichinomiya?"

Eisuke: "Working with me will get you and your company a lot of benefits. One of them includes-"


I feel like shit.

I thought as I took a sip of water, my headache getting worse.

But I can't say anything right now, I don't want Eisuke to lose this chance in working with this company.. Besides, he's right now my top priority, I cannot put myself before my client.

Eisuke: "Hitomi, are you alright?"

Eisuke's voice brought me out of my thoughts. I blinked and looked at Eisuke in confusion.

Ayame: "Ah, I'm alright. I'm sorry. Please, continue."

I faked a smile at the men and Eisuke, who frowned a bit before continuing.

I feel dizzy.. I feel like throwing up.. But why? Am I coming down with something? That won't do, I'm working!

I took another sip of water and attempted to listen to the men talk, but I felt like I was underwater and their voices were muffled.

Maybe I need fresh air, but it'd be rude if I just leave. Crap.

A sudden warmth on my hand, that was on my lap, brought me out of my thinking. I glanced down to see a familiar hand holding mine.


I glanced at him, my eyebrows furrowing in slight confusion before turning away, not wanting to just stare at him. Cause that would've been just plain weird.

Why is he holding my hand though..? If he's trying to pretend to be lovey dovey, surely he would've done it where others can see it and not under the table, no? Hah, so confusing.

I clenched my other hand tightly, deciding it's a better solution rather than squeezing the life out of Eisuke's hand like someone in labor.

I clenched hard, more so when I felt dizzy.

It sounds crazy but the pain on my hand from my nails does help me not think about my headache. Only temporarily sadly.

I took a breath and let go, cringing a bit at the crescent marks on the palm of my hand.

Come on Ayame, get it together!

I scolded myself and took another silent breath, trying to tone in on the subject at hand.

There's something about that guy.. and I don't like it.

I looked over towards the man, my eyes widening slightly when I saw that he was already looking at me with a look in his eyes. I quickly dropped my gaze.

Eisuke leaned back in his seat, his cell phone in his left hand on his lap. He quickly typed something out, turning his phone towards me without looking, as he was listening to his rival talking. I leaned in slightly, eyes casted on his phone.

'Squeeze my hand if you don't feel too well and want to leave'

I blinked and shook my head, indicating that I was alright.

He gave me a look as if to say 'I don't believe you'

Ayame: "I'm okay. Don't worry about me."

I whispered lowly, backing away from him.

Eisuke: "I see."

I sighed in relief when he let go of my hand, but that was only short lived.

He placed an arm around my shoulders, pulling me close to him, taking my left hand with his left hand. So now both of our hands were resting on the right side of his lap.

Eisuke: "If you are going to be looking after me, you better do as I say."

He whispered into my ear.

Ayame: "I'm not letting your chance go by, I'll be fine."

I whispered back.

Eisuke: "I know I'm going to win it. What kind of boyfriend would I be if I let you just sit here when I know you're not feeling well?"

Ayame: "I can hold off until the meeting is over."

Eisuke: "You look like you're going to fall over."

Ayame: "I'm.. Okay."

I bit my lip, hoping he will buy it.

Eisuke: "Don't be stubborn, that's an order from your client. I'd rather us leave than you passing out here. Know that the moment you squeeze my hand, we are out of here. Do you understand?"

A strict order from the client huh.. He has guts. But he is Eisuke Ichinomiya after all.

Ayame: "I understand."

A few more minutes have passed and now we are having a casual conversation.. On the bright side, my headache isn't as bad now..

Mr. Ryo: "So Mr. Ichinomiya, how long were you and Miss. Hoshi together?"

Eisuke: "For quite some time now. I do hope none of you were planning on taking her. Because she's mine."

Eisuke said jokingly, earning laughs and 'she's all yours' from the other men.

Takeo: "I do have to say though, Miss. Hoshi, you look quite familiar, have we met before?"

No, not him..

Ayame: "I'm sorry, I don't believe we have."

Crap, my headache..

Takeo: "That's funny, because looking at you closely.. You seem oddly familiar."

Too close!

Ayame: "I-I really don't recall ever meeting you before today, sir."

Takeo: "Are you sure? Sure we haven't.. Met somewhere before..?"

I leaned away slightly and unintentionally gripped Eisuke's hand. The next thing I knew, he stood up, pulling me along with him.

Eisuke: "My apologizes, gentlemen. But it seems that Hitomi isn't feeling well, so I'm taking her home."

Mr. Ryo: "Ah, of course. Thank you both for coming. Please, take care of yourself, Miss. Hoshi. And I'll be in contact, Mr. Ichinomiya."

Eisuke: "I'll be looking forward to it. Until next time then."

Ayame: "Thank you."

Takeo: "..."

The men watched us as we quickly left the place, a look of suspicion on Takeo's face as he watched me walk on silently.

/ / /

Eisuke: "Are you okay?"

Eisuke questioned right as we got out of the restaurant.

Ayame: "Y-yeah, I think so."

I took a breath of fresh air. When I felt slightly better, I quickly pulled away from Eisuke and bowed.

Ayame: "I'm so sorry! I really didn't mean to grab your hand.."

Eisuke: "Enough. I already said what I needed to say anyways. If not for you, I would've left at some point, probably earlier. I wasn't planning on staying the whole time."

Ayame: "But still. It wasn't like me to feel unwell all of a sudden, it won't happen again."

As long as I don't see that man again.

Eisuke sighed and took my right hand, peering at the marks on my palm with a frown on his face.

Eisuke: "There's nothing with suddenly feeling unwell. It happens. I know I won anyways."

Ayame: "How can you tell?"

Eisuke looked at me silently before opening his mouth to speak.

Eisuke: "Because you said you believed in me.."

... Eisuke?

He then turned away, my hand still in his.

Eisuke: "We're going back to the hotel to get you checked. Let's go."

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