Twenty One | Manning Up
Ava changed into something more breathable and finally felt like herself again. She headed over to the kitchen and began cutting up some fruit. Harley ran in and the door immediately shut right after him. Ava heard the faint voices of the paparazzi and she sighed. The paparazzi have been going for not only Mal, but Ava and Harley too. Ava because of her house, asking what's inside and who she is. Harley because he lives with Ava and to also find out who he is. Ava let out a groan and Harley sent her a small smile. Not wanting to cut her finger off, she put the knife down and asked O.R.I.O.N. if every door and window was locked.
"They are."
Ava ran her hand through her hair before washing her hands and getting back to the fruit. "I swear they're becoming more hostile every day," Harley muttered as he went to the kitchen and got two bowls out. Ava nodded before giving him a thankful smile.
She then put the fruit into the two bowls and gave Harley a fork before the two went to the living room. They decided to watch a movie, wanting to relax before they became busy again later in the day. The paparazzi soon left once they realized that Ava nor Harley would be going out soon.
Halfway through their second movie, O.R.I.O.N.'s voice filled the air.
"Boss, Carlos is approaching the house. Shall I let him in?"
Before Ava could answer, Harley answered for her. "Yes, please let him in. I'll be in my room. Why don't you two go down to the lab?" Harley winked at Ava and Ava glared, causing the boy to chuckle. The door flew open and Harley bolted into his room. Carlos then walked into the living room, a confused look on his face.
"Was that Harley?"
Ava nodded, "Yeah. C'mon, let's go down to the lab. I want to tinker a bit." Carlos nodded and the two entered the elevator. It was silent between the two, and when the doors slid open, Ava decided to speak up. "So, what brings you here, De Vil?"
"Uh. . . Have you noticed our friends acting weird?"
"Yeah. Ben told me it's because of something that they figured out, but wouldn't tell me what," lied the girl. Carlos froze in his spot while Ava walked over to the mini fridge and cracked open a can of soda. Ava is curious as to see how Carlos would handle the situation. And she promised herself that if Carlos doesn't make a move soon, she will.
When she noticed that Carlos didn't move from his spot, she rose an eyebrow. "You okay?"
"Huh? Oh, yeah. Just. . . Just wondering what they've figured out," Carlos stammered out as his face turned tomato red. Ben and Jay told him that they all have figured out that he likes Ava. The girls then proceeded to tell him that Ava feels the same way, but he dismissed them, thinking that Ava wouldn't fall for a guy like him.
He prayed to a god or anyone in the universe that Ava hadn't found out about his secret crush on her. If he only knew.
Mal had went into his room earlier and was going to give Carlos a gummie that would make him always say the truth. Carlos hoped that this would finally get him to tell Ava how he really feels. Before he could take the gummie, though, Dude beat him to it, and said dog can now talk.
Carlos grew frustrated, but he decided that it was time for him to grow up. Mal's words rang through his ears.
"Carlos, Ava - who is my best friend - would be an idiot if she doesn't like you. You are an amazing guy. There is nothing wrong with you, and Ava obviously sees that. She really cares for you. Just tell her how you feel, ask her to Cotillion, then on a date. And I highly doubt it, but if she says 'no' then it's her loss. You'll do great. Trust me, though, Ava likes you too."
"Carlos? Carlos?"
Said boy shook his head and he felt his cheeks flush red again as he realized that he spaced off and was staring at Ava.
"Is there something on my face?"
Except for your beauty?
"Oh, sorry. No, I just. . . I kind of blanked out. Sorry."
Ava smiled and waved it off. "Hey, it happens." She then covered her mouth as she yawned and realized that she should switch the soda for an energy drink. Carlos frowned as he saw Ava chug a Monster enery drink. "You still haven't been sleeping?" Ava shrugged. "I manage to sleep four hours a night now. I see that as an improvement," she quickly answered, not wanting to talk about her not sleeping well. This only caused Carlos to frown even deeper. "I thought that it would've gotten better. . . You know. . . With Harley living here and all." Ava frowned and shook her head 'no'. She detected jealousy is Carlos' voice, but shook it off and let out a long sigh instead.
"I thought it would too, but then I remembered that when Happy stayed in the guest bedroom, I hardly slept. The only time I properly slept was when you accidentally stayed over that one night. . . Because I fell asleep on you. And I never apologized! I am so sorry."
Carlos shook his head and grabbed hold of her hands to stop her from apologizing again. "You don't have to apologize, Ava. As long as you're sleeping and are physically and mentally okay, then I'm happy. I'll let you fall asleep on me again if it means that you start getting enough sleep."
The two blushed when they realized what Carlos had just said, and Carlos chuckled. That's when Carlos decided that it was time.
Ava gave a playful smile, but then gave a true smile, so Carlos knew that she was taking him seriously.
"I uh. . ." Carlos shook his head and took a deep breath it. "Would you like to go to Cotillion with me?" "Uh, I mean, we're all going - " Ava started, but Carlos cut her off.
"No. I mean, I know that. But do you want to go to Cotillion with me? As in, would you be my date to Cotillion?" Ava stood still, saying nothing. This caused Carlos to panic. He knew that Ava didn't like him back, and that he should have just kept his mouth shut. Shaking his head, he groaned. "You obviously don't feel the same way, so just - "
"I should leave? I know. I - "
"You never want to see me - "
Frustrated, Ava put her hand over Carlos' mouth. He finally stopped talking, and Ava sighed. She slowly took her hand away from his mouth and smiled at him. "May I please talk now?" Carlos only nodded his head. "Yes. I, Ava Rose Parker, would love to go to Cotillion with you, Carlos Oscar De Vil."
"I knew you would - wait, what?" Ava giggled as Carlos became all flustered. "Wait. . . Are you saying that you like me?" "I've been giving hints for the last five months, thanks for noticing." Carlos' eyes widened at Ava's words and his mouth dropped. He suddenly felt confident and he stood up straight, still holding onto Ava's hand.
"Okay. Then, this makes this part a whole lot easier. Ava, maybe after Cotillion, would you want to go out on a date with me?" He watched as Ava's smile grew bigger and bigger. Ava felt herself blush, but she nodded. "Of course. I would love to go on a date with you." Carlos smiled at Ava's answer; Ava's smile never leaving her lips.
The two jumped and Ava threw her now empty can of Monster over where they heard the voice. They heard it hit something before falling to the ground, a groan coming after it fell. Harley walked down the last few steps, his hand rubbing his nose. "What the Hell, Ava?!"
"What the Hell me? What the Hell you, Harley?! Have you seriously been spying on us this entire time?!" Harley came to a stop, his cheeks and ears turning pink. "Uh. . . No?"
Ava hardened her glare and Harley ran up the stairs and to his room. Carlos and Ava shared a look before they burst out laughing. Ava smiled over at Carlos before leaning up and pressing a small kiss to his cheek.
"Ms. Parker, Evie is here to pick you up for your fitting."
"Tell her I'm going up."
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