Six | Orion & The Museum
Ava was working on her suit when O.R.I.O.N.s voice filled the air. "Ma'am, there are some people approaching the house." "Who is it?" "It appears to be the kids from the Isle," said the a.i.. "Pull up the security camera," Ava ordered and a screen suddenly appeared in front of her. She was shocked to see Mal and the others standing in front of her door and she chuckled. "Let Mal and the rest in, O.R.I.O.N., and give them directions to the lab." "Yes, boss," the a.i. obeyed. Ava turned down her music and waited for the four to arrive. Mal had debated on knocking on the door and the four were about to turn around and walk away when the front door flew open, but no one was on the other side.
They cautiously walked inside and Jay closed the door behind them.
"Hello, Mal."
They all jumped three feet in the air and frantically began looking around.
"Who said that?" Mal asked.
"I did. My name is O.R.I.O.N., I am an artificial intelligence. Ava created and named me. She told me to let you in and to tell you to go down to the lab. Go down the hall and press the down button on the elevator, it will take you to the lab," spoke a British voice.
Mal looked around once again before nodding and following the a.i.'s instructions. They were all shocked to see the elevator before Evie pressed the button. The elevator dinged and opened its doors, letting the four enter, before it descended down to the basement.
The elevator dinged before it opened again and they saw that across from them were a set of stairs. Walking out, they noticed another room and saw Ava. She had changed into a different outfit, Carlos noticed, and she was working on something. Ava looked up and motioned for the group to enter.
"Hey, guys."
No one could even greet the girl as they looked around in awe, making Ava chuckled.
"Wow," said Evie.
"This is amazing," Carlos gushed.
"How is your house this big?" Jay asked.
"This is so cool," Mal admitted.
Ava chuckled at their reactions and made sure that all of her suits were hidden and grabbed a piece of paper and a pencil to make it seem like she was designing something. "Let's just say that I know some people. Anyway, what's up? What can I do for you guys?"
"Really, you just. . . You made us interested in you."
Ava rose an eyebrow at Mal. "Really?"
"Yeah, I mean, you don't mention your parents, you talk to a guy who left on a jet, and your house is. . . Amazing."
Ava nodded and began to play with her bracelet. "I don't have parents. They died when I was at a really young age. And I moved here a few weeks before you guys."
"Wait," Jay started, "you didn't live here your whole life?"
"No. I lived in New York, then some things went down and. . . I needed a change, so I found out about Auradon and I moved here." The group of four nodded and they sat down while Ava actually began to sketch out her motorcycle design. Mal got curious and she also admired Ava's drawing skills.
"What are you working on?"
"A new motorcycle."
"Is your current one broken?"
Ava turned to Evie and shook her head no. "I once heard 'Just because something works, doesn't mean it can't be upgraded.' And, well, I'm adding a couple of things to make it a little more faster, but also trying to make it safer."
"Holy crap, you must be really smart."
Ava blushed at Jay's comment and she smiled. Carlos saw a picture frame of her, a boy, and a man. "Hey, who are they?" Ava turned to where Carlos was looking at and her smile instantly turned into a frow. "Um, the boy is my twin brother. He's back in New York with our aunt." Mal didn't want to ask her question, but they were all curious. "And the man?" "Um. . . He was a really close person in my life. . . He was like a father to me, yet he was my mentor." "What happened to him?" Jay immediately regretted asking his question when he saw Ava look away. "He uh. . . He died in an accident." Ava felt tears forming, so she slipped on black shades and stood up.
"You guys want anything? Food? Drinks?"
The four nodded and they followed Ava into the elevator.
"Ms. Parker, Mr. Parker is requesting to call you."
The four jumped and Ava chuckled at their reactions.
"Go ahead."
Her glasses turned into a hologram, but she was only able to see Peter.
"Hey Peter."
"Hey Ava. How's everything?"
"Good. I still wish I had a puppy."
I still wish I had a puppy was their secret way of saying that there are people in the room, people that don't know about them being heroes. Peter perfectly understood and he let out a chuckle. "Well, I'm sure I can talk to aunt May about it." Ava nodded and the doors slid open, and the group of five walked out.
"Take whatever you want," Ava told the four as she grabbed a bag of chips. She then focused her attention on Peter and she slightly frowned. "You holding up okay?"
"Yeah. Just. . . Miss him is all. And you, of course." Ava chuckled and she told Peter that she misses hin and Tony. "Well, I better go, I'm meeting up with Ned soon." "All right, Peter. Have fun. Tell MJ and Ned that I say 'hi.'" Peter nodded and he ended the call.
"Hey, what does O.R.I.O.N. stand for?" Carlos asked.
"Optimized Routing Independent Overlay Network," answered O.R.I.O.N..
The group of four stayed for an hour, trying to get to know Ava, but Ava didn't tell them much. Ever since she lost Tony, she decided that getting close to people probably wasn't a good idea. Sure, they don't know her identity and there's no crime in Auradon, but Ava doesn't want to take the risk. She doesn't want to lose anyone else.
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After the four villain kids left, Ava sighed. She wants to be their friend, really, but she also doesn't want to get hurt again. She sat up in her bed and looked over to the side and saw the picture of her and Tony. The two were always close and Ava was like a daughter to Tony. He even named his own daughter Morgan H. Ava Stark.
Ava let out a sigh.
She doesn't even know how Peter's handling everything since she had to leave him and May in New York. She wants to be with him, and Ned, and even MJ, but Tony gave her a job to do. Wanting to blow off some steam, she went to the room next to her own where her drum kit was set up. She grabbed her drumsticks and began playing.
When she realized that it began to get late, she walked into the kitchen and poured herself a bowl of cereal. Because she has a fast metabolism due to the spider bite, she has to eat almost every hour. And because she didn't eat for almost four hours, she was practically starving.
Later that night, Ava couldn't sleep.
Ever since that day, she couldn't sleep. Every time she tried, she always saw Tony's lifeless eyes staring back at her.
Ava stood up and was about to go down to the lab to work on some more suits when an alarm went off. She quickly stripped until she was left in her undergarments before double tapping the spider on her bracelet. Her suit instantly covered her body and she raced out of her house.
She swung ontop of a building and she managed to see four students running away from the museum. She sighed, hoping that it wasn't who she thought it was, but she knew it was them.
"C.L.A.I.R.E., where is the alarm coming from?"
"It's coming from the museum," the a.i. replied.
She then swung over to the museum and landed on her feet. She opened the door and the gaurd turned to her.
"What's the problem?"
"I don't know. The alarm went off and I already checked around, but no one is here. Did you see anyone?" The guard asked and Ava bit her lip.
"No, but let me know if you find anything."
The guard nodded and Ava nodded back before swinging back to her house. Once inside, her mask was off and she sighed.
"Damn it. What are those four up to?"
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