Eighteen | Five months
Ava was hanging out with the four VK's in her house as they waited for a knock on the door. The group were just talking and eating, telling stories. It's been five months since the Coronation. Peter had left the next day, promising to try to visit as much as he could. The two felt better after spending two days together. They didn't feel alone, and they were able to grieve over Tony together. After he left, the group of five had gotten closer, and Jay now saw Ava as not only another best friend, but as a sister. The girls had grown closer, and both Carlos and Ava had developed feelings for each other.
Niether knew, of course, but the others did. Even Ben and Peter knew. The two didn't want to tell the other because they thought that they wouldn't like each other back. Jay tried to encourage Carlos, but Carlos just didn't have the guts to do it. Not only is he afraid of getting rejected, but he's afraid that he could ruin their friendship if he tells her.
A knock filled the air, and Ava smiled.
Everyone got up and made their way to the door. Ava flung it open and on the other side were four guards, each carrying a box. Directly in front of her stood a boy with dirty blonde hair and piercing blue eyes. "Hey Ava."
The two hugged and Ava motioned them inside. Harley grabbed his two suitcases and the guards followed him to his room. After Coronation, Harley and Ava began talking more, and he decided to move to Auradon. He said he needed a change, and he told his mom that he would be attending a boarding school that was offered to him by Stark Industries.
To make the lie more believable, Pepper went to his house.
"Harley, this is Mal, Evie, Carlos, and Jay. Guys, this is Harley." Harley greeted them all, and they greeted back. "Well, let's take you on a tour. Have you met Ben yet?" "No, Fairy Godmother told me he was in a meeting." Ava nodded and they all left the house.
Mal and Evie walked in front of them, Carlos next to Ava, and Jay next to Harley. As Ava talked to Harley, Carlos' hand brushed Ava's. Ava smiled and took hold of his hand. They came up to beast's statue, and Mal clapped her hands, causing Adam to go from human to beast.
"I know. Cool, huh?"
Harley nodded and the three villain kids noticed Carlos and Ava's hands. They gave each other knowing looks and the girls sent Ava a smirk. Ava only gave them a questioning glance before continuing on with the tour.
"Since you came half way through the month, Fairy Godmother is going to make sure you're all caught up. School starts tomorrow at eight sharp." Harley nodded and they noticed Jane. Things were iffy between Ava and Jane after Coronation, but the two girls had slowly repaired their friendship, and everything is good again.
"Hey, Jane."
Jane approached the group, and she smiled at Harley. "Hey, who's this?" Ava waited for Harley to introduce himself, but she saw that he was dumbfounded. Ava chuckled and turned to Jane.
"Uh, Jane, this is my friend Harley Keener. Harley, this is Jane."
Ava stepped on his foot and Harley snapped out of it.
"Uh, h - hi. Nice to meet you," Harley said as he stuck his hand out. Jane smiled and shook his hand. "Nice to meet you, Harley. Oh, Ava, Ben asked if you can meet with him in about an hour."
"Oh, yeah, of course. Do you know what time his meeting is over?" "It just ended. I'll let him know you're here before he goes pick something up." Ava nodded and Jane waved at everyone before giving Harley one last smile and walking away. Harley followed her with his eyes and the smile never left his face.
When he turned to Ava, he realized that she was smirking at him. Everyone was. "What?" "Oh, nothing. Except for, ya know, you're falling head over heels for Jane." Harley scoffed, but the redness of his cheeks said otherwise. "Oh, shut up," he muttered and lightly pushed Ava. Ava laughed before lightly pushing him back. The whole group laughed at the pair, and Carlos felt himself getting angry. He brushed it off and he continued to hold onto Ava's hand. Jay, however, noticed. So, he decided to help his best friend out. He wrapped an arm around Harley's shoulder and said, "I'll finish the rest of the tour."
He winked at Ava and smirked at Carlos before dragging Harley away. The girls quickly bid their friends goodbye before following after Jay. Ava rose an eyebrow and turned to Carlos.
"Hm. Wonder what that's about."
Carlos nodded and they saw Ben heading their way. "Hey guys. Where's Harley?"
"Uh, Jay and the girls dragged him away." Ben saw them holding hands, and he quickly realized why the group dragged Harley away. "Okay, well, I'll quickly find him and greet him. Ava, I'll be at your place in an hour, okay?" Ava nodded and Ben hugged the girl and did a handshake with Carlos before running after the group.
Ava then turned to Carlos and smiled. "We have an hour to kill. What do you want to do?" Before Carlos could answer, Ava's glasses went off and they heard C.L.A.I.R.E.'s voice.
"Peter is requesting a call."
"Answer, please. . . Hey Peter, what's up?" "Hey, how's Harley?" "He's good. The girls and Jay dragged him off," Ava told him, and Peter smirked. Ava was getting sick and tired of people smirking when she told them that her friends dragged Harley away.
Meanwhile, Mal, Evie, Jay, Ben, and Harley were hiding behind a bush, watching the two. "Damn it, Parker," muttered Harley. "Peter called Ava." He then took out his phone and texted Peter to hurry the conversation up. As the group of three dragged Harley away, they explained to him that Carlos and Ava have feelings for each other, but they're too scared to confess to each other.
Ben had soon joined them, and the group of five decided to hide behind a bush and spy on the two.
Peter saw Harley's message and he knew that Carlos and Ava were together. "Anyway, I called to let you know that I'm going on a trip next month. Oh, hey Carlos. You guys are probably busy, so I'll leave you two alone. Bye, sis, I love you." And he hung up before Ava even had the chance to say goodbye. She turned t Carlos, and the two laughed.
"That was weird. . . Wait, he said that he's going on a trip? Please, for the love of God, don't let my idiot brother die."
The two laughed once again, and they began walking back to Ava's house.
🕸 🕸 🕸 🕸 🕸
Carlos hung out with Ava until Ben arrived, and he went back to his dorm. As soon as Ben sat down, Ava gave him a look. "Mind telling my why you guys were spying on us?" Ben froze before letting out an awkward and forced chuckle. "Uh, I don't kn - "
"Ben. I'm Spiderwoman. Not only did my senses tell me that I was being watched, but C.L.A.I.R.E. told me too."
"Okay. . . We all know that you like Carlos. And we also know that Carlos likes you, so, we try to get you guys alone." "So what you're saying is that you're all trying to set us together?" Ava asked in a voice that made Ben a little scared. He knew that he couldn't lie to her, either. "Yes. Please don't hurt me!" Ben shut his eyes, but then opened them when Ava pulled him into a hug.
"I'm not going to hurt you, stupid."
"Yet, you hurt me with words."
"Would you rather I use my suit?"
Ben shook his head no and Ava laughed. "Look, I appreciate you and the others doing this, but if what you said is true. . . If Carlos does like me, then it should happen on its own, don't you think? I love you guys, I really do," Ava paused.
"But you all have to remember that I am very awkward when it comes to dating, seeing that I've never had a boyfriend before. So please, just let things run their course. And when the time comes, hopefully we can confess to one another. Now, tell the others to come inside, and text Carlos. Because we, my friend, are going to bake some brownies," Ava finished with a small smirk.
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