Chapter 3...possibly
I open my eyes lazily as my stomach growls at me angry I haven't eaten yet, but I just sit up and get super light headed before it passes and I stand up again getting super light headed but it passes after a bit as well.
I look around myself and I'm in a big room with heavy black curtains that don't let in any light, a door to a closet I'm guessing, a door to a bathroom and a small desk type of table with a mirror and drawers.
After I've turned the light on in the room I realize that the curtains aren't black but ruby red and I walk to the bathroom turning the light on there showing off a brightly marble bathroom with 3 sets of towels. I turn the light off again and go to the closet where I see beautiful dresses in all lengths and all colors, with small sparkles, big sparkles, lace, patterns, shiny, matte and also a note on the small padded island chair thing in the middle.
Miss Kathy Juliet Dawn,
Pick any one of these you'd like and the shoes and accessories are furthest away from the door behind curtains
-Alexander Knight
I stare around myself but only see long sleeved dresses so I just decide why the hell not, I might just as well be this Kathy Juliet Dawn and I put on a red short dress with long sleeves and a pair of red heels.
When I walk out of the closet room thing a woman is in my room.
"Miss you're awake" she states politely with a friendly smile
"Yeps and you are?" I ask a bit awkward and confused
"Elizabeth Sweet your maid" she bows a bit surprising me,
'am I royalty?' I think confused to my core
"Maid?" I frown a bit out of confusion
"Yes, Miss Dawn I take care of your normal house chores and anything else you ask of me as well as helping you get ready for your day" she says and she is so sweet...Elizabeth Sweet is very sweet....what?
"Am I not ready?" I ask because I didn't know there was more than just clothes
"Do you want me to answer honestly or politely" she asks
"A bit of both?" I say unsure
"You're not ready you're hair needs to be fixed and you need at least mascara before exiting this room" she says with a small smile pulling out a chair for me by the desk
"Oh, I'm not really used to all this ya know?" I don't think I am, I sit down so she can do her thing "and you can answer honestly"
"No, I don't understand" she says
"So can I ask where I am?" I ask
"You're at Master Alexander Knights and your home" she says
"And why do you call me dawn?" I ask because I don't remember anything about myself
"Oh dear" she says "he said this might happen since of who you are" she walks to the door and calls for someone
"Yes" a older mans voice says
"She's forgotten" Sweet says
"Ah, I understand" the man says "here have her drink this but only after you're done making her ready or you won't be able to get her ready to meet Master Knight"
"Sure thing William" she replies and returns "so what do you remember?"
"That I woke up starving" I say
"Your breakfast will be waiting down in the dining room where you'll meet Master Alexander Knight" she says
"Who is that? And why do you keep calling him master?" I ask confused
"He is the master of this house and he's the man letting you stay here rent free and I call him master because he is my master, he turned me like he turned you and he also protects me from hunters as long as I stay loyal to him" she explains "though I can leave whenever I feel like it and he won't stop me"
"Turned? Hunters?" I say confused
"Close your eyes please" I obey and she puts something soft on my lids "hunters hunt people like us, you were one of them and because you were here for so long you started getting supernatural powers, super strength, super hearing, super speed, so Master Alexander decided your previous self was too dangerous to let wander the streets so he got you a red dress for the Great Feast Gala which main purpose is to let all of the three blood driven species come together and feast including us lower ranking so even starving people get a feast of the fake red and black outfits"
"But what do you mean turned and what are the three blood driven species?" I ask
"Master Alexander is an immortal and he was a part of the original Knight family but was bitten by William his butler when he found Master Alexander nearly frozen to death at the age of 26 so William saved Master Alexander's life and Master Alexander has offered William more than once freedom from this place and happiness but William refuses every time saying he promised Master Alexander's grandfather Master Benjamin Alexander Knight that he would take care of Master Alexander till the day he died, but he had been an immortal for much longer than we know but with that promise he could live with a meaning as he's done but when Master Alexander was turned the Dawns also came into town which are your ancestors. The Dawns founded the towns law enforcement and were at the top of their game until mysterious murders started to happen and they accused the Knight's of killing civilians and the town split in two, those that believed and stood with the Knight's and those that wanted the Knights out of their town and the war between them waged until Master Alexander got an opportunity to stop it and he took it without a second thought and went with the daughters of Kathy Juliet Dawn into different parts of the world, but one of those daughters no one knew about at the time. He left one of them with a family in Australia and the other he left in Canada but he sometimes visited Dian the one in Canada because they formed a special bond while traveling and he started caring for her as his own daughter but he stopped visiting when she turned 19 because that was when her hunter side would take over and she started despising him and his kind or the three species driven on blood, Vampires, Immortals and Shape Shifters and all other supernatural being besides humans. But he realized his mistake when you came and now he's planning on ending the bloodline of Dawn hunters completely" she says and I look myself in the mirror with my eye makeup just done and I already feel confident and pretty even though it's just the eye makeup done.
"What are the difference between the species? And how many supernatural beings are there?" I ask curious to know more
"There are 13 but we say 12 and a half because Pixies and Fairies aren't really a part of our civilization but Vampires are weak and can be so called vegetarians by choosing to drink animal blood instead of human, they burn in the sun, they look sick all the time and are most often mistaken for drug addicts with their expanded pupils, hollow face, bony body, pale complexion and tired eyes, don't like churches because of the wood they use for them, they have red eyes since all humanity is gone in them as all they see is food as well as some other smaller things that are different. Shape Shifters are humans while the sun is up but turn into ether land sirens or shadows both of which use human blood to survive but are near extinction since they can only multiply by mating and even then it's only around 32% that they'll be born shapeshifters" she explains "But Immortals are sort of like Royalty, we can walk, talk, eat, sleep, act and look like humans but the only thing that hurts us really are enchanted items by a witch or by anyone with sorcery as base talent, and silver soaked in female human blood, our eyes are different shades of blue depending and we feed less frequently, though nobody is really immortal except phoenixes and zombies can live forever but can get killed as phoenixes can die but 90-120 years later they'll rise up again as the same person at the same age"
"And I'm an Immortal?" I ask
"Yes, but you were a hunter so your transition took a bit longer than usual transitions" she says
"How long?" I ask
"2 months, 1 week and 3 days" she says
"What?! Shouldn't I smell? Shouldn't there be something wrong with me?" I ask
"No, I made sure you moved every limb at least once a day and I made sure you weren't just laying on your back I put pillows and I made you stand up every 2 days and I also cleaned you once a week that being yesterday evening so you're clean as ever and maids changed the covers every day when I was making sure you didn't become stiff" she says
"Did he ever come here?" I ask sort of hoping he did for some reason even though I've never met him...or at least don't remember meeting him
"Master Alexander Knight started coming every week after you passed the one and a half month period to make sure you wouldn't die making everything he's done a waste of time and to make sure that didn't happen he made us give you half a syringe of blood in the mornings and evenings to try to speed things up most likely" she says as she puts lipstick on my lips "now that you're done here" she hands me a small vial of something green but I just shrug and drink it before I black out.
I open my eyes and look around panicking before I see a girl and I fall back in a chair I'm in and crawl back into a corner the image of his monstrous face stuck in my mind.
"Miss Dawn?" The girl asks
"Stay back" I snap at her "what the fuck happened?"
"Please watch your language Master Alexander does not like cursing because we're better than that" she says
"Why am I in this dress? What happened? Where am I? Where are my friends? Who are you?" I ask
"My name is Elizabeth Sweet and I'm your maid, you are in Master Alexander Knight's and your home, you picked this dress when you woke up, your friend is fine, you were transitioning" she says patiently
"Transitioning into what? Why did you say Friend? How did I pick the dress if I don't even remember waking up until a few moments ago? How can this be my home when I don't live anywhere? Why are you my maid? Why did you address that monster like that?" I snap
"I cannot answer all your questions but if you'll follow me I'll take you to someone who can" she says with a small smile and walks out but maybe I can find a way out so I follow her.
Unfortunately every doorway has a person guarding it probably because he knew I'd try to escape.
"In here" she opens a door for me and I walk in and see a long table with the monster sitting by it.
He waves his hand and some people escort me to a chair next to him before someone pours something red and thick in a cup as well as put some new food options on the table even though the food looks genuinely untouched.
"So you're finally awake" he says but I'm too scared to do or say anything "you don't have to be afraid of me anymore, I'm not going to hurt you more"
"Why am I here?" I manage to ask
"Because if you're out there in your state we'd be looking at a massacre" he says before he nods at the food options "eat"
"What is this?" I point at the red thing
"Blood" he says and my eyes widen
"W-What?" I stutter
"You're going to need to drink blood to survive now" he says
"W-What do you mean?" I ask panicking
"You're an Immortal now but this is just to subside the hunger until you can feed properly but you should be fine with walking amongst humans for a day still I'll have to keep an eye on you until you do feed properly" he says as I stare at the cup with conflicting thoughts about it. "Drink it" I shake my head because it's blood. "At least taste it if you don't like it they'll get you something else"
"Who's blood is this?" I ask because it's probably human and I don't want to drink it and become a monster like him.
"Taste it an I'll tell you" he says so I close my eyes pinch my nose and take a sip from the straw but it's not as bad as I though, in fact it's quite....good? But before I know it I've drained the whole thing "it's the blood of a girl named Anita Green and it's from a blood bank O positive"
"Why did you say I'm finally awake?" I ask still a bit cautious
"Because you've been unconscious for more than 2 months" he says and my jaw drops "I was starting to doubt it'd worked but you proved me wrong"
"Why did that girl say this was your and my home?" I ask
"Because it is, Cecily still hasn't arrived and until she does this will be your home and it will still be if she lets you live" he says "any questions you have about what you are, what you were, who you are and who you were will be answered in the library in the section of the Knight family"
"So until my grandmother comes I'm just what, a temporary object?" I ask
"No, you're a possible temporary houseguest but I'd usually let you leave if you'd like but I need you to have the upper hand with your mother and your family" he says as the cup is filled again and I instinctively take it and drink as I'm starving and this seems to help. "Now when you've finished I suppose you'd like to speak to your friend"
"my friends" I say "Eve and Leon"
"Leon has left" he says but I shake my head
"He wouldn't leave without me" I state confident he wouldn't because we''s complicated
"He isn't here anymore so I beg to differ" he says and maybe Eve was right about him, maybe he does leave out of nowhere if something he doesn't like happens.
"Fine but I do want to talk to Eve" I say
"You can not tell her about what you are and what you need to survive, we still have some doubt in the town about who I am and how my family is still here" he says sounding very bossy and a me me me type of person
"She wouldn't tell anyone" I say
"Still the only humans that know are the mayor, the chief of police, the highest judge, and two detectives nobody else and it'd be preferred if it were stay that way" he looks determined at me
"Fine but I didn't ask for this" I say "I had a plan, travel around America and Canada to find a place to settle, and start a family, raise my family, have grandchildren and die, but now I can't do those things because of you"
"You're still able to have children" he says "just not human children"
"I'm confused, shouldn't everything be dead if I'm dead?" I ask
"With Vampires yes but not Immortals but you can find everything about that in the library" he reminds me
"Do you have any kids?" I ask and he sighs as he gets up
"I've been around for a while what do you think?" He asks and walks out "we leave in 15 minutes"
"I think you think you're too good for anyone" I mutter
"I heard that" he says and for some reason I smile a bit even though I shouldn't be smiling at all, I should be running for my life...but I guess if I'm like him there isn't really a place for me out in the big bad world. Maybe the only place I could be wanted or at least welcomed is here, the thought alone makes me sink with realization and disappointment of not being able to see my family again.
So chapter 3 already? Whaaaaaaat?
Well I have like 21667 words in the first ever draft of this story now so Yep so why the fluff not?
Anywho, hope you enjoyed and I'm not gonna take up as much time as usual with my rant that most people skip, but like and comment if you want if not, you do you boo and I'll continue on with my life.
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