Chapter 1...I think

Hi I'm Kathy or Kat or Kitty or to a certain person Kitten *cough* Leon *cough*
I'm 19 turning 20 and I should've been in college away from my family but I didn't because I just wanted to travel so I'm just taking classes in community college online in the basics as I'm traveling because why not and I started this trip alone but now I'm traveling with Eve and Leon good friends of mine.

My last stop was a big city so now I'm going to a smaller town it's usually a city, city, town, town, town, town, so basically for every city we go to two or three towns.


"Welcome welcome" a receptionist at a supernatural themed motel says in a super fake vampire outfit, like the cheapest they found. "You must be the foreign travelers here to stay at our motel of vampires, immortals and shapeshifters alike, please follow me to your rooms" he walks like a weirdo with us to our rooms.

"Thanks" I say

"You are very welcome but beware of going out at night for there might be something lurking in the shadows waiting and watching before striking" he says and leaves like a weirdo

"Kay" Eve says weirded out. "You sure about this place?"

"It was the cheapest that didn't have too many bad reviews" I say and we go into our room but it's super vampire castle themed so it's pretty nice.

"I don't mind it" Leon says looking around

"Excuse me mister but your room is there" Eve points at a separate room inside the room

"Yea Yea I know relax" he says


I'm walking through a cemetery on my way to the motel when I suddenly out of nowhere get the creeps.

"Hello?" I ask 'stupid as if someone would actually answer' I think but just in case I walk backwards to make sure nobody's following me but I bump into something and I turn around quickly my eyes landing on a chest, a mans chest dressed in a button up and a vest and my eyes go up, up, up and further up until I see ice blue or gray eyes looking down at me. "I-I'm Sorry" I manage to stutter up because holy heaven he's hot.

He smiles with only one corner of his mouth before I blink and he's gone so I look around but I'm completely alone and I get goosebumps so I rush to the motel.

"You're moms been calling like crazy" Eve says and I take my phone and call my mom back

"Kathy Juliet Dawn! Why did you lie about college?!" My mom asks

"Because I didn't want this reaction" I say but I consider it a score to have kept them in the dark for this long and I finished my first semester with perfect grades

"How do you think you're mother will react?" She asks

"I dunno but I can't turn around now" I say

"Where are you?" She asks

"At some vampire crazy town" I sit down by my computer and quickly go over my essay due in 20 minutes

"Is there a big house on a hill near there?" She asks after I put her on speaker

"Yea how did you know?" I look confused at Eve that frowns confused

"Get out of there! Now! Pack your things and go" my mom says panicked

"Mom what's wrong with this town?" Eve closes her computer finding this much more interesting than her Geometry homework

"It's not a good place. Just please sweetie get out of there as soon as possible" my mom says as there is a knock on the door and me and Eve look at each other a bit afraid to be honest.

"Who is it?" Eve calls as Leon puts his phone away

"It is I, Sebastian in the reception" the receptionist calls and we sigh as Leon jumps up rolling his eyes at how spooked out we were and opens the door "you three have been invited to The Great Feast Gala by the mayor herself, here are your gowns, suit, masks and tickets" he rolls in a coat hanger with two gorgeous gowns, heels, a suit for Leon and masks before he hands hands Leon three tickets "have a lovely night"

"Kathy do not go to that gala, I'm coming to get you but whatever you do, do not go anywhere near that house on the hill" my mom says but we ignore her

"Oh my god they're amazing" I say looking at the pink dress but it has the tag Redhead on it so I check the red one and it has blond on the tag:




"what color are your outfits?" My mom asks

"Pink" Eve answers simply not able to get any other words out

"Black and white shirt" Leon says surprised at how nice it is

"And mine's Red why?" I ask still in awe

"Do not go to that gala in a red dress Kathy I'm pleading yo-" the line dies or my phone but I'm too mesmerized by the dresses

"Hey look at this" Eve shows me the tickets and two of them are black with gold on it but the other one is gold with red as the red one has VIP in big letters on the back so we go down to the reception to ask about it.

"Hi excuse me why is there only one VIP ticket?" I ask

"Because with a red dress comes a red card and with a red card comes a VIP, it's decided at random who gets a red dress so a homeless girl could get a VIP but none over the age of 50 and none under the age of 18 get a red dress and no guys get a red dress but they do get black suits and go to a separate VIP room and in the VIP the wealthiest of people can buy access, so you who I guess is the blond getting the red dress will be joined by the wealthy men and no you do not have to go, yes you can reject them and there are security that make sure nobody does anything but just a small thing from my personal advice this is a once in a lifetime thing so if I were you I'd go" he says

"Thank you" I say and we start walking to our room

"Why did you get a VIP but not us" Leon jokes with a hint of seriousness as he's a bit bitter for not getting VIP access

"You should go" Eve says "We'll be fine"

"I don't know, I mean it's pretty but did you hear my mom?" I ask

"From what I hear she's a crazy lady" Leon shrugs

"Yea maybe it's just another one of her fits" I say because my mom is diagnosed as just straight up crazy as she talks about vampires and hunters and that her purpose in life is to kill Witches, vampires, immortals and shapeshifters.

"It'll be fine" Eve says

"Well I'm going out to have some real fun since you two are too preoccupied with education and therefore don't have a life so I'll see ya" Leon says and leaves but I just roll my eyes


The next morning we go to a tailor to get our outfits fitted perfectly and when we walk in I see him again, those eyes, unmistakably, the mystery man in the cemetery. He spots me and his neutral face quickly turns to a side smile as he's being fitted for a very very very fancy suit.

"Who is he?" Eve asks starstruck and he looks away from us as I again get goosebumps

"I don't know" I say

"He's hot" she states

"Yea but there's something off about him" I say "I've seen him before, in the cemetery but I blinked and he was gone"

"I hope you're not going crazy like your mom" Leon says not as amazed by the mystery guy like me and Eve

"Yea, I hope not" I say "I don't want to end up having fits where I'm paranoid as shit and talking about Vampires trying to get me"

"I'd admit you into a mental hospital so don't worry" she says as a woman comes

"Oh, a red dress" the woman says amazed "what a lucky girl"

"Yea, but it's actually a bit big around the top" I say

"*cough* small chest *cough*" Leon tries to be as sneaky but obvious as he can but I just ignore him

"No worries just change into it and I'll make all the adjustments before you can leave" she smiles and looks over my shoulder at the guy "I wished I'd get a red dress just once, then I could maybe dance with Alexander Knight if only for a few seconds"

"Who's Alexander Knight?" I ask as I wait for Eve to get dressed and Leon rolls his eyes and snorts at the obvious fascination in my voice at the name

"That's him" she says and I look at the guy "he owns the mansion on the hill and hosts The Great Feast Gala's every year and only like 8 or 11 girls get a red dress and 5 or 9 guys get a black suit, he's like the hottest guy in town, his whole family has always lived there and hosted the big Gala's like The Great Feast Gala, Red Armor Gala and the Dawning Day Gala which is a gala they started to try to make peace with they're rival family the Dawns"

"The Dawns?" I ask suddenly very interested in the history of this place

"Yep the Knights and the Dawns were practically at War for like almost 400 years or something like that before the Dawns just vanished into thin air" she says

"400?" I ask

"Yep his family was one of the first people to move to America from Britain, I heard they were very poor first but gained like everything when they moved but it's just a rumor that's never been confirmed" she says

"Interesting" I say before I change the subject "what's your name?"

"Penelope Morrow, yours?" She asks

"Kathy Dawn" I say

"Funny, what's your name really?" She asks as if I'm joking and Leon is changing into his suit

"Kathy Juliet Dawn" I say confused why that can't be my name

"No it's not" she says

"Yes it is, you can ask my mothers'" I say

"Kathy Juliet Dawn was one of the Knights worst enemies and her daughter Dian Lauren Dawn was the first to vanish at 8 so Kathy killed some of the Knights in anger before being locked up in a mental hospital after being deemed straight up crazy" she says and Dian is my great great something maybe more great maybe less I don't really know grandmother

"What about the men in the Dawn family?" I ask

"Oh the men, they were all murderers" she says casually like it's just another afternoon thing

"I'm sure it's just a coincidence there's no one in my family tree named Dian so" I lie as Leon exists

"Shut up" he warns me

"Yea most likely, now off you go" she says

"I was gonna say you actually look decent for once" I smile sweetly and he laughs sarcastically with no humor as I go change.

When I exit I'm startled by the guy or Alexander Knight as I hold up the dress so it won't reveal my nonexistent breasts "so the Dawns have returned" he says his voice magical but I guess if he looks like a god he obviously has a voice that you'd only expect to hear in movies and TV shows

"What?" I ask mesmerized but confused "wait no, were you at the cemetery last night?"

"Yes" he replies honestly

"How did you disappear so quickly?" I ask as Leon frowns confused in the background why this guy is talking to me

"You already know how but you don't want to admit it" he says as if he knows me

"No, I'm pretty sure I don't know" I say ignoring Leon

"You'll figure it out, Dawn" he says and walks away but holy heaven and hell he's hot.

"You ready?" Penelope asks startling me a bit and I nod as Leon looks genuinely puzzled


"A horse carriage to a masquerade gala in an old family mansion, how medieval movie like is all this?" Eve asks but I'm still trying to figure out what I know but won't admit.

"I dunno, it's alright I guess" Leon says not wanting to admit it's awesome obviously "so are you gonna tell us now what that rich cocky looking guy wanted with you?"

"Nope" I shake my head because Eve would freak and Leon would get jealous

"Welcome ladies, gentleman" a butler says taking our tickets but giving me my ticket back. "Enjoy your night"

We enter and everyone is wearing different colored gowns as guys are wearing fancy suits all with their masks on, some talking, some eating and some dancing.

"I have a funny feeling about all this" I say unsure about if we should stay at all

"Come on it'll be fun" Eve says but everyone stares at me

"Damn everyone's so fucking fancy" Leon says a bit overwhelmed since he never had much money growing up and this is all very new to him and really it's very new to all of us because a masquerade gala is not something you run into often "I bet one of these brats has like a 12000 dollar pin in their hair or somethin' like that"

"You wanna bet for real?" Eve asks and he looks at her

"Aight, Whatcha Wanna bet on much?" He asks

"No, you two are not betting on anything, and Eve please don't encourage his childish behaviors" I say

"It's a red dress" some girls whisper and I feel a bit uncomfortable with all this attention.

"Oh I'm the one encouraging his childish behavior?" Eve asks "you two are on and off like all the time and you encourage his childish behavior more than anyone"

"So where's the food?" I ask trying to change the subject

"You have something in mind?" Leon asks

"You're unbelievable" I roll my eyes

We eat, we talk and we have a bit of fun before the clock strikes 11 which is when the butler quiets everyone down.

"All red dresses and black suits will please go with an escort to the VIP aria and fake red dresses will be escorted outside and the same with fake black suits" he calls as a man comes up to me with a small smile

"Miss" he offers his hand and Eve places my hand in his and nods before I walk with him to a big red curtain where I show my ticket and he leads me through a hall and into a separate room where the lights are dimmer, the curtains are drawn and everything is red as other pairs are here already dancing to the music "would you be interested in a dance?"

"Sure" I say and he dances with me

"May I cut in?" Alexander Knight asks and the man seems a bit offended

"Of course" he says and they switch the girl he was dancing with looks disappointed and disgusted at me

"So?" He asks

"So...?" I ask confused

"So have you figured it out?" He asks

"No" I reply "but what's really up with this VIP section?"

"The same thing as the reason I disappeared" he says

"Look I honestly don't know what you want me to say" I say

"Come with me" he says and leads me out of the room and when the door closes I can't hear anything "secure it" he waves his hand at the butler that locks the door

"What are you doing?" I ask

"You know" he says and it's really frustrating me how he barely knows me and he's telling me what I know and don't know.

He leads me up a flight of stairs that lead up to a hall but he just keeps going until he's at a door that he opens revealing a bedroom.

"Okay...?" I say confused but he just leads me inside before he kisses me and I kiss him because duh he's hotter than hell and I'm up for a one night stand with him.

After a bit of making out he kisses my neck and that's when it hits me like a truck and I push him away panicking but he just smiles a toothy grin proving my theory correct that he is in fact somehow a vampire.

"You finally figured it out" he says and I run for the door and run out and not wearing heels helps a lot.

As I reach the stairs he's already there so I run into a random room and I open the window but he closes it quickly making me fall back in fear for my life.

"You're not going anywhere Dawn" he says "But don't worry I'm not going to kill you, I'm just going to turn you so I'll finally end your cursed family line" he says crouching in front of me and brushing some hair away from my face

"I don't know anything about a curse please" I plead

"I knew the real Kathy and she never cowered away like you do, but it doesn't matter because I'll turn you which will bring your family here and I'll kill them one by one until Cecily Dawn is the only one left so she'll have to face a choice to ether let you live or die" he says his face hollow and sunken as if he's a decomposing corpse with fangs, but his eyes practically glow neon blue

I fight to get him away and I manage to kick at his chest which sends him flying backwards crashing into the wall so I get up and make a run for it but before I can exit he's recovered and slams the door shut quickly and walks towards me his eyes dark with anger as I back away afraid.

"You've been here for too long" he says and I bump into the wall behind me before he's suddenly in front of me but I just try to push him away before I actually manage to push him away and this time I reach the last steps before he takes me back upstairs into the first room we were in but now he doesn't waist any time and digs his teeth into my neck as I intend on screaming but no sound comes out just air.

The room becomes darker before everything goes completely black.


So? What did you think?





Ether way I do hope you liked it and sorry if you thought it was lon....wait no I'm not sorry if you thought it was long, 3143 words is fine because the next possible chapter is like 200-1000 words or something like that and here's a little secret *lowers voice to a whisper* the next possible chapter is from his point of view...🤫

*normal Voice* Anyway, as of now I have like 16000 words in the first mess of a chapter I began writing so just like if you want another possible chapter and comment your thoughts but I mean only if you want you don't have to because I'm not really sure if I'm serious about this relationship with this possible book or not so we're taking it slow and just having fun, ya know?

Anywho I'm done blabbering about nothing now, have a great morning/day/afternoon/evening/night/weekend/week/month/yea...hope you make it to 2021 or December 32nd...if that'd happen I'd just give up and start preparing for ether a Zombie apocalypse or singing and dancing alien invasion (T.G.W.D.L.M. by Starkid) or both.

Farewell person and hope you'll be okay whatever you're going through because 2020.

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