Chapter 15: The Hangout

It's been 10 days since the Battle of the Bands, you're hanging out with the girls at the statue. You found a video on your Omnitrix, and yes it can use the Internet as well as the Extranet.

(Y/N): "Hey, look at this video I found on the internet."

The girls laughed from the video.

Adagio: "So basically, the manlier the name, the girlier the glass."

Rainbow: "Those guys now how to make us laugh."

Aria: "I like the part with the plastic head."

The girls got a confused look at Aria.

Aria: "It makes a practice dummy for kissing while having the benefit of a good beer."

Sunset: "Why did you bring that up?"

Aria: "I maybe a siren, but I'm not gay."

Adagio and Sonata: "Same here."

You then look through the internet on your Omnitrix and see a page that has Skurd and the Omnitrix as a 10 million dollar reward for anyone who finds it and take it the HYDRA. You then see Taskmaster on the page.

(Y/N): "Oh great, HYDRA wants the Omnitrix for 10 million dollars for the first one to get it, and the best mercenary is after that kind of loot."

Twilight: "Who?"

(Y/N): "Taskmaster, the mercenary that can copy an entire move set just by looking at you, he's such a pain to fight against, I used BrainChill to fight him, it took 5 hrs to beat him and I had a headache after that."

Then Pinkie has came up an idea.

Pinkie: "I got an idea, Sonata and I should protect you from Taskmaster."

Sonata: "And siren magic can be used by one."

(Y/N): "I don't know, Taskmaster is really dangerous, he fought the Avengers a few times."

Pinkie and Sonata: "Please?"

(Y/N): "Okay then."

Sonata and Pinkie: "Yay!"

Rainbow: "Anyways, the new Daring Do book is coming out at the Daring Do Convention, Daring Do and the Swamp Monster, and I want it signed by A.K. Yearling herself."

Applejack: "I was going to ask (Y/N) for help at the farm, we need an extra set of hands."

Rarity: "I was going to ask him to model some outfits."

Twilight: "I was going to ask him to take me to a place where I can understand this world better."

Sunset: "I was gonna ask (Y/N) to hang out with me."

Adagio and Aria: "Me too!"

Fluttershy: "I was gonna ask (Y/N) to play catch with a frisbee in the park."

(Y/N): "Okay how about this, I'll hang with Pinkie and Sonata today. Tomorrow will be Rainbow Dash's time to get a signature on her book. Then I'll hang out with Sunset, Adagio, and Aria at my house. Then I'll help out Applejack at the farm. Then I'll go to the park with Fluttershy to  hangout. Then I'll head to the boutique to model Rarity's outfits. Then finally, I'll take Twilight to a place to help her learn more about the human world. Seems fair?"

The girls agreed, both Pinkie and Sonata hug your arms.

Pinkie: "Where do want to go first?"

(Y/N): "How about a taco shop for Sonata and I know a good cafe for an Ice Cream Sundae."

Pinkie: "Oooooo, tell me more about the sundae."

(Y/N): "That will ruin the surprise."

Pinkie: "Okay."

You, Pinkie, and Sonata head to a taco shop in the city and had tacos there.

Sonata: "This is my favorite taco shop, the food is delicious!", as she said munching on her taco.

(Y/N): "My treat."

Pinkie: "This is delicious!"

You're about to eat your taco, until it got shot by an arrow from out of nowhere. You then turn to see Taskmaster.

(Y/N): "Taskmaster!"

Skurd: "Right on cue."

Taskmaster: "I'm here to collect your Omnitrix and send it to HYDRA, so Red Skull can use the Celestial Sapien form to take the multiverse as his own."

You then got up from your seat and about to transform, but Pinkie finish her food and was about to fight Taskmaster.

Pinkie: "You want his Omnitrix, you have to go through me!"

Taskmaster: "Easier said and done.", as he said running towards Pinkie.

She then put on earbuds and listen music while singing and dancing.

Taskmaster tries punching Pinkie, but he keeps missing. He then side kick but missed.

Taskmaster's Thoughts: "What is with this girl?!"

He then throw his shield at her, then Pinkie did a split to dodge it. Taskmaster then fire a barrage of 90 arrows at machine gun speeds, Pinkie dodge 89 of them and catch the last one and use it as a microphone.

Taskmaster: "What are you!", as he said pulling out his sword.

He then tries to slash her with it, but to no avail. When he land a hit on her head, the sword sunk into Pinkie's hair until it was no longer visible. Pinkie didn't felt the sword going into hair. She then pull cupcakes out of nowhere and throw them at Taskmaster at machine gun-like speeds. Taskmaster gotten angry and tries to tackle but he tackle a piñata replica instead of the real thing. 

Taskmaster: "She's as unpredictable as Deadpool!"

Pinkie then pull Tasmaster's sword out of her hair and throw it at Taskmaster. When it hit him, his cape was stuck to a nearby wall. Pinkie then stops singing and playing her music. Sonata then got up from her chair and walk to Taskmaster.

Taskmaster: "What do you do?"

Sonata then sings a melody to hypnotize Taskmaster. Taskmaster was hypnotized and Sonata took off his mask and put some make up on him. She then put the mask back on and walk back to you with Pinkie.

Sonata: "That was fun."

Pinkie: "Yeah."

(Y/N): "I called the Avengers to pick up Taskmaster, and told them about how he was defeated by two high school girls with powers."

Sonata: "Pinkie has powers?"

Pinkie: "Yep, my Pinkie Sense alert me from any danger, sometimes it one thing in my and sometimes it's a bunch of things happening in my body, I call them combos."

(Y/N): "I'm really lucky to have you two with me."

Then a quinjet arrived and landed on the ground, 3 people were on board Thor, Capt. America, and Iron Man. They got out of the vehicle and spot you and the girls.

Thor: "Greetings Ice Moth of many faces."

(Y/N): "Hey guys."

Iron Man: "When you said that two high school girls beat Taskmaster, I though you were kidding, having them here proof enough."

Capt. America: "What are your names kids?"

Sonata: "Sonata Dusk."

Pinkie: "My name is Pinkie Pie."

Capt. America cuffed Taskmaster as soon as he woke up.

Taskmaster: "Wha, the Avengers?"

Iron Man: "Mercenaries don't attack people, if theirs a prize to be earned."

Skurd: "That man was after the Omnitrix!"

(Y/N): "Red Skull promise him 10 million dollars to bring it back to him."

Capt. America: "Red Skull is a dangerous enemy, trust me I know from experience."

Iron Man: "I got the location of Red Skull from Taskmaster's  wrist watch.

Thor: "Another battle against the infamous Red Skull, but before we leave, I have a question for Pinkie and Sonata."

Pinkie: "Okay."

Thor: "How did you defeat Taskmaster?"

Pinkie: "I used my Pinkie Sense to beat him."

Iron Man: "Pinkie Sense, like the Spider-sense?"

Pinkie: "Nope, whenever I twitch, something is about to fall."

The Pinkie Sense went off, she stepped away from  Thor, and then Incredible Hulk fell on top of Thor.

Hulk: "That was a really long fall."

Iron Man: "What happened?"

Hulk: "Hyperion happened he's downtown."

Thor: "Can you get off of me now Hulk!"

Hulk got off of Thor.

Thor: "It seems our friend Pinkie Pie seen your fall coming."

Hulk then turns to Pinkie.

Hulk: "How?"

Iron Man: "Now's not the time to talk right now, we got Hyperion to worry about."

Then you see Hyperion in the sky coming towards you and the Avengers.

(Y/N): "He's coming this way!"

Capt. America quickly put Taskmaster in the Quinjet and came out of the ship, ready to fight. Sonata then walks in front of  the group and starts to sing. The music talent then put Hyperion under a hypnotic trance. 

Sonata: "Problem solved."

Capt. America: "That voice put my high school choir to shame."

Hulk: "How did she do that?"

Sonata then gestures Hyperion to be on the Quinjet and turn to the Avengers.

Sonata: "This pendant allows me to use magic."

Iron Man: "That's one thing we cleared up, and I need a close analysis on Pinkie's abilities back in Avengers tower."

(Y//N): "Sounds like a good idea."

Later, in Avengers Tower. Pinkie was strap to machine to analyze her mind.

Iron Man: "This machine will analyze your Pinkie Sense."

Iron Man was looking at the readings, and see no instance of Pinkie's Pinkie Sense.

Iron Man: "Nothing is happening right now, can you control it?"

Pinkie: "Nope it just come and go."

Iron Man: "That doesn't make sense."

Pinkie: "Sometimes you just have to believe in things, even when you can't figure 'em out."

Iron Man: "Science proven many things, and Science will help me understanding your ability, do you feel anything right now?"

Pinkie: "Nope."

Iron Man: "Perhaps we can try again another time."

Pinkie then slip out of the machine.

Pinkie: "Okie Doki Loki."

As Iron Man head to the door, then Pinkie's ears flop, eyes flutter, and knees twitch.

Iron Man: "You okay?"

Then Hulk open the door while Iron Man got hit by the door and into the wall.

Hulk: "We're out of pickles Stark, where are you?"

Iron Man: "At this side of the door."

Then Hulk pull the door away from Iron Man.

Hulk: "Sorry."

Pinkie: "My ears flop, eyes flutter and knees twitch, that means to watch out from opening doors."

Iron Man: "I think that's enough scientific research for today, Jarvis, shut down the machine please."

Jarvis: "Yes sir.", as he said shutting down the machine.

Later, Hulk, Pinkie, and Iron Man head to the living room, where the rest of the Avengers are. Falcon is analyzing Sonata's pendant, Black Widow and Hawkeye are looking through S.H.I.E.L.D files, Thor is cleaning his hammer Mjolnir, your watching TV with Captain Marvel, and Ant-Man is talking to his ants in an ant farm.

Falcon: "How's the research?"

Iron Man: "Can't seem to grasp the understanding of the Pinkie Sense, when I was at the door, Hulk opened it on me."

Hulk: "Sorry."

Pinkie: "Which set off my Pinkie Sense."

Iron Man: "Whats even more illogical, it happened before Hulk came into the lab, when it didn't happened while testing the Pinkie Sense."

Hulk: "That doesn't make sense."

Thor: "Aye, this Pinkie Sense is a riddle that will never be solved."

(Y/N): "If you try to understand Pinkie Pie, you'll go nuts."

Sonata: "Pinkie is being Pinkie."

(Y/N): "Yep."

Hawkeye: "guess science has failed to solve the mystery of Pinkie Pie."

Black Widow: "Yep."

Iron Man: "I try to figure it out, then a door hit me in the face by a hungry Hulk."

Hulk: "I said I was sorry."

Capt. Marvel: "Who can blame Hulk, he's ten times bigger than anybody in the room, his body is a reactor."

(Y/N): "Yeah."

Ant-Man: "Well, it's nice for (Y/N) to have great friends."

Pinkie and Sonata blushed.

Pinkie and Sonata: "Yeah."

(Y/N): "We need to head to that cafe for an ice cream sundae."

Sonata: "Oh that's right, we should get going."

Hulk: "Hey (Y/N), don't forget I wanna rematch with Humungouchill later."

(Y/N): "Alright."

Later, at the Sweet Snacks Cafe. You sat down in a booth in the cafe with Sonata and Pinkie. You and the girls look at the menus. Pinkie found the sundae that you were talking about.

Pinkie: "Wow, that's the biggest Sundae that I've ever seen!"

Sonata: "I know right!"

(Y/N): "And that's why I keep surprises for you two."

Then two waitresses appeared in front of your table, They have the standard uniform of the cafe, one of them has purple hair and orange skin and the other has sky blue hair and light pink skin.

???(Doo Wop): "Hello ladies and gentleman, my name is Doo Wop."

???(Sunny Sugarsocks): "And my name is Sunny Suagarsocks and welcome to Sweet Snacks cafe, may we take your order?"

(Y/N): "I'll have a bacon cheese burger with fries please."

When the waitresses see you, they blush on sight.

Sunny Sugarsocks: "Oh, um, are you sure you want an appetizer?"

Doo Wop: "We can start you off with some soup or something."

(Y/N): "No appetizers for me."

Doo Wop then turn to Pinkie and Sonata.

Doo Wop: "What's your order ladies?"

Sonata: "I'll have the grilled cheese sandwich."

Pinkie: "I'll have the Jumbo Sundae Surprise."

The waitresses write down your tables orders and take them to the kitchen so the cooks make the food. You then see the jukebox with a paper taped onto it that said out of order.

(Y/N): "Waitress!?", as you said calling one of the waitresses.

Doo Wop skated to you.

Doo Wop: "Yes?"

(Y/N): "What happened to the Jukebox?"

Doo Wop: "Well, it stopped working for some reason."

(Y/N): "Can I take a look at it?"

Doo Wop: "Oh sure, are you gonna fix it?"

(Y/N): "Yeah.", as you said getting from your seat and walk towards the jukebox.

You then transform into JuryChill and fix the Jukebox in a matter of seconds and remove the out of order sign.

(Y/N) as JuryChill: "All fixed."

The waitresses were shocked from hearing the Jukebox being restored.

Sunny Surgarsocks: "My word, that was fast, thanks."

(Y/N) as JuryChill: "You are welcome."

You then transform back to your Necrofriggian form and head back to your seat. Later, the waitresses brought your food to your table for you and the girls. Later at the counter, the waitresses are talking about you.

Woo Dop: "He's very cute."

Sunny Sugarsocks: "I know right, he fixed the Jukebox, that makes him very helpful."

Woo Dop: "We should get his name and phone number."

Sunny Sugarsocks: "We'll ask for his name and number when we give him his bill."

Woo Dop: "Good idea."

Later back to you and the girls.

(Y/N): "That was a good burger."

Sonata: "That was really good."

Pinkie: "The Sundae was delicious!"

Skurd: "I do like the fries, we should give this cafe a good 5 stars on Screech."

(Y/N): "Alrighty then.", as you said giving the restaurant a 5 star review on Screech.

Then the waitresses see your review and they were fangirling about it. 

Woo Dop: "Oh my gosh, he's so nice!"

Sunny Sugarsocks: "We need to get his name and phone number!"

Then the waitresses walk over to you, and place the bill on your table for the meal. You then pull out one Tayden for paying the bill.

(Y/N): "One Tayden is equal to 10 million dollars, most of it is for the food and the rest is the tip for you two."

Woo Dop and Sunny Sugarsocks were shocked and flustered from the amount of money they got from their tip. 

Woo Dop: "Oh my, uhhh t-thank you."

Sunny Sugarsocks: "You're too kind."

Woo Dop then came up with an idea.

Woo Dop: "Oh, before you go, can you give us your name and your phone number, we have a catering service in our cafe."

Sunny Sugarsocks: "Oh yes, if you have a party to set up, just call us and we'll get it to you."

(Y/N): "Alright then.", as you said writing down your name and phone number on a slip of paper and hand it to the waitresses.

You later exit the cafe, while the girls put your phone number in their contact info.

(Y/N): "Well that was fun, see ya later."

Pinkie and Sonata: "Wait!"

(Y/N): "Hmm?"

Pinkie and Sonata stand on their toes and kiss you on the cheek, which made you blush.

Pinkie and Sonata: "Bye (Y/N)!"

One day later, You're with Rainbow Dash in the Daring Do Convention, where Rainbow was wearing a Daring Do costume.

Rainbow: "This is awesome!"

(Y/N): "Everyone likes Daring Do."

Rainbow: "Do you read Daring Do?"

(Y/N): "Heck ya, I got every book in the series!"

Rainbow: "Awesome!"

You and Rainbow explored the convention for hours, until they found the author herself, A.K. Yearling.

Rainbow then ran all the way to her table like a fangirl.

Rainbow: "Oh my gosh, Oh my gosh, Oh my gosh, A.K. YEARLING!"

The author notice Rainbow, you then walk up to her table and the author sees you and recognizes you.

A.K.: "You're (Y/N) Glacius, the hero of Earth!"

(Y/N): "You've heard of me?"

A.K.: "Yes, I'm a huge fan of your work!"

Rainbow got confused.

Rainbow: "What's going on?"

A.K.: "(Y/N), I'm your biggest fan!"

Rainbow was surprised from this news.

Rainbow: "WHAT?!"

A.K.: "I have all of your magazines, comic books, graphic novels, action figures, video games, and a body pillow of you!"

Skurd: "I do believe she has otaku on the brain."

A.K. Yearling got out a comic book about you and a pen.

A.K.: "Can I have your autograph!?"

(Y/N): "Only if you sign your latest book and give it to Rainbow Dash."

A.K.: "Deal!", as she said signing her newest book and give it to Rainbow Dash.

You then sign her comic book in your own handwriting and hand it back to her.

A.K.: "Thank you so much!"

(Y/N): "You're welcome."

Later outside the convention.

Rainbow: "Man, that was weird."

(Y/N): "I didn't know people made all of that stuff about me."

Rainbow: "I'm a fan of her work, but she's a fan of your work."

(Y/N): "Yeah, I've been to conventions for panels and see fans far and wide."

Later with A.K. Yearling, she was doing a secret project that doesn't have to do anything with Daring Do.

A.K.: "My fan fiction of (Y/N) Glacius will be finished by next week."

Back to you.

Rainbow: "Thanks (Y/N), for helping for getting me the latest book of the Daring Do series, with A.K. Yearling's signature on it."

(Y/N): "You're welcome."

Then Rainbow stand on her toes and kiss you on the cheek, you blushed a bit.

Rainbow: "Bye (Y/N).", as she said walking off.

(Y/N): "Bye." 

One day later. You're hanging out with Adagio, Sunset, and Aria at home watching TV.

Sunset: "I'm glad none of those apocalypse ponies exist."

Aria: "Thank Celestia for that."

Adagio: "I not a pony, and even I know that a cutie mark makes up for a pony's identity."

Sunset: "I'm glad I didn't earn my wings at all after seeing the last sketch."

(Y/N): "Come on girls, it's just a TV show, not the real thing."

Sunset: "I feel sorry about that Pegasus and Griffin."

You and the girls decided to play board games. You and the girls take turns playing a game of chess and Adagio is playing against you. You have the first turn, after some turns and pieces lost from the turns.

(Y/N): "Okay, your turn Adagio."

Adagio made her move, a winning move.

Adagio: "Checkmate."

You shrugged.

(Y/N): "Good game."

Adagio blushed.

Adagio: "Yep."

You and the other girls play Connect 4 by 4. You were green, Sunset is red, Aria is blue, and Adagio is yellow. After some turns, you found a drive to win and place your final piece to win.

(Y/N): "I win."

The girls shrugged.

Sunset: "That was a good game."

Aria: "Yep."

Adagio: "Indeed."

Aria: "Why are we playing board games?"

(Y/N): "They exercise the mind, a strong mind can really help you out in life."

Sunset: "He's not wrong."

Aria: "In that case, go board games!"

You and the girls then play Twister. You, Sunset, and Adagio are in a knot, and a foot is in your face.

(Y/N): "Who's foot is in my face?"

Sunset: "That would be mine."

Adagio was blushing when she is looking at your rear.

Adagio's thoughts: "Oh my, (Y/N)'s butt, curse this game!"

Aria then spin the arrow again and it landed on left hand yellow.

Aria: "Left hand yellow."

You and the girls tried to put left hand on yellow, but you and the girls fell on top of each other, you were on top, and the girls were on bottom. The girls were blushing uncontrollably from your body heat.

Adagio's and Sunset's thoughts: "Oh my gosh, he's so warm!"

Aria: "Wow, you're really flexible (Y/N), we were in the game for 30 minutes and you lasted for a while."

(Y/N): "I've been training for awhile both physically and mentally."

You, Sunset, and Adagio got up from the floor.

Sunset: "That was a good game."

Adagio: "Indeed."

You and the girls head to game room and play some video games. You played Super Smash Bros. Ultimate with the girls. You play King DeDeDe, Aria play as Bowser, Adagio plays as Bayonetta, and Sunset play as Joker.

You played for hours, until you take the victory.

Adagio: "How did you beat us with a low tier character?"

(Y/N): "It's not the character you choose, it's how you use it."

Sunset: "You're really good at this."

After dark, the girls call it a day.

Sunset: "We should head home, it's getting late."

Adagio: "But before we go, we have something to give you."

(Y/N): "Like what?"

Aria: "This."

Aria, Sunset and Adagio gave you a kiss on the cheek, you blushed from the kiss.

Aria, Sunset, and Adagio: "Bye (Y/N).", as they said heading back to their houses.

(Y/N): "Bye."

One day later, you arrived at Sweet Apple Acres and you're at the front door, you then knock on it. When the door opened, it revealed Apple Bloom.

Apple Bloom: "Howdy (Y/N)."

(Y/N): "Hello to you Apple Bloom, may I came in?"

Apple Bloom: "Sure thing."

You and Apple Bloom head to the living room where you see Big Mac and Granny Smith.

Apple Bloom: "Granny Smith, Big Mac, look who was at our door."

(Y/N): "Surprise."

Granny: "Howdy (Y/N), what brings you here?"

(Y/N): "Applejack told me you need help around the house and barn."

Granny: "Why she tell it as it is, right Big Mac?"

Big Mac: "Eeyup."

(Y/N): "Where is she now?"

Apple Bloom: "Applejack overslept, she normally wake up by rooster."

(Y/N): "Where is it right now?"

Apple Bloom: "Ah don't know, it just wandered off."

(Y/N): "I'll look for it, after Applejack wakes up."

Granny: "Applejack sleeps like a big o bear during winter."

Big Mac: "Eeyup."

(Y/N): "Who needs a rooster, when you got Echo Chill."

Skurd: "Indeed."

Later outside the house by Applejack's bedroom window.

Apple Bloom: "Are ya sure about this?"

(Y/N): "Trust me, I what I'm doing."

You then transform into Echo Chill.

(Y/N) as Echo Chill: "Alright Applejack, prepare for the loudest alarm clock of all time."

Skurd: "I advise you should cover your ears."

Apple Bloom cover her ears and you then scream sound waves and aim them at Applejack's window. This woke up Applejack and made her fall out of bed, she got up cover her ears and walk up to her bedroom window.

Applejack: "AH'M UP!"

You then stop screaming and Apple Bloom uncover her ears.

Apple Bloom: "You're up Applejack."

Applejack: "What in tarnation was that?!"

(Y/N) as Echo Chill: "That was me, your rooster went missing."

Applejack spots you and see how adorable you look as Echo Echo.

Applejack: "How something cute and adorable make such a noise?"

Skurd: "Sonorosians are living sound waves, they have to make containment suits made of silicon."

Applejack: "Thanks for the info Skurd, let me throw on some clothes and I'll tell you what to do, and don't change back, I got idea for him."

Soon, Applejack got on some clothing and head to your location.

Applejack: "Ah'm lucky that I didn't lose hearing."

(Y/N) as Echo Echo: "Sorry."

Applejack: "That's fine, anyway we got chores to do, and some of them needs Echo Echo."

Skurd: "Tell us the reason why you need a Sonorosian?"

Applejack: "Well, since Echo Echo can multiply, you can start picking apples from the tree."

Apple Bloom: "Can I help big sis?"

Applejack: "Ah what the hay, the more the merrier."

Apple Bloom: "Great, I'll get the buckets!"

(Y/N) as Echo Chill: "I'll get the copies."

You then duplicate yourself 30x. Apple Bloom brought the buckets for the apple picking and your clones grab the buckets.

(Y/N) as Echo Chill [1]: "Split into 3 teams of 10, team alpha will go west, team bravo will go east, the rest will go north, go to the ends and work your way back here."

All of the Echo Chills: "Roger!"

(Y/N) as Echo Echo [1]: "Apple Bloom, you're of the 3rd team here."

Apple Bloom: "Okay then."

The teams went to different parts of the apple tree and pick apples from the far end and back. Soon all of the Echo Chills and Apple Bloom regrouped and they have picked all of the apples.

(Y/N) as Echo Chills [24]: "Where do we put the apples?"

Apple Bloom: "Just put them in the barn, so we can make apple juice."

In response, the Echo Echoes head into the barn and put them down. They soon become one and you walk back to Applejack.

Applejack: "Huh, now that was mighty impressive."

(Y/N) as Echo Chills: "Thanks."

Apple Bloom: "We should clean the house, it's filthy."

You the turn into DittoChill.

(Y/N) as DittoChill: "How many clones?"

Applejack: "3 with Granny cleaning the attic, 4 for Big Mac with the garage, 5 for Apple Bloom for her bedroom, and 6 for me in the kitchen."

Apple Bloom: "Applejack, why do you want Ditto Chills in my bedroom."

Applejack: "Cuz (Y/N) is here to help us around the house, and he has powers to help us out."

Apple Bloom: "Alright, Alright, just don't touch my diary okay."

You nodded and then duplicate yourself 18x and then head into the house.

Apple Bloom's bedroom.

(Y/N) as Ditto Chill [11]: "Huh, you have a nice room Apple Bloom."

Apple Bloom: "Thanks, but don't touch ma diary, okay."

(Y/N) as DittoChill [13]: "You heard her, her thoughts are her thoughts."

(Y/N) as DittoChill [12]: "As if, don't you know how hard it is to keep your own thoughts from your own clones, we all have a telepathic link, whatever happens to one of us, happens to all of us."

Apple Bloom: "Like this?", as she said kissing one of you on the cheek.

All of your clones suddenly blushed from the kiss. Big Mac, Granny Smith, and Applejack seen the whole thing and head down to the living room.

Granny: "What is with all red faces Applejack?"

Applejack: "Well, if something happens to one of them, it happens to all of them."

Granny: "So whatcha sayin is that what is ever making them red is responsible for this."

Big Mac: "Eeyup."

Applejack: "Where's Apple Bloom?"

Applejack then head into her little sister's bedroom and caught her kissing one of the Dittos on the cheek.

Applejack: "APPLE BLOOM!"

Apple Bloom got surprised and turn to Applejack.

Applejack: "What in tarnation are you kissing a Ditto?!"

Apple Bloom: "I was testing the telepathic link between the clones."

Applejack: "By kissing him on the cheek!?"

Apple Bloom: "I'm sorry, I thought it would be sweet."

Applejack: "That's okay, you should be more careful next time, we're lucky we haven't started working yet."

Later, the apples head back to the places in the house that needs attention. Your clones finish cleaning the rooms, move some furniture, and found some old blankets with apple patterns stitched into them. Then your clones become one again and you head back outside and start looking for the rooster that wandered off.

(Y/N) as DittoChill: "If I'm gonna find that rooster, I'm gonna need Chillmutt for this one."

You then transform into Chillmutt and use your animal like senses to track down the rooster. Soon, Applejack then start looking for you, and she see you holding the rooster in your arms in your Necrofriggian form.

Applejack: "Well ah'll be, you found that rooster that wondered off."

(Y/N): "Yep."

Applejack: "Thanks for that."

Later, all the chores are finished and it's after dark, and you're about to leave.

Applejack: "Well, thanks for ya help."

(Y/N): "You're welcome."

Applejack: "Sorry about Apple Bloom."

(Y/N): "Hey, she's just curious, all kids are like that."

Applejack: "Heh, yeah, well here's an award for ya trouble.", as she said kissing you on the cheek.

You blushed from the kiss and Applejack giggled.

(Y/N): "Well, bye."

You head home and you thought to yourself.

Your Thoughts: "What's with all the kisses?"

One day later, you and Fluttershy head to the park to hangout. Fluttershy lay down a blanket for a picnic, and you have the picnic basket with you and you have some stuff for outdoor activities: a frisbee, some baseballs for target practice, and Uzumaki by Junji Ito in hardcover for you to read. You then set down the basket and set up the picnic.

Fluttershy: "Thank you for coming with me to the park for a picnic."

(Y/N): "No problem, I like hanging out with you."

Fluttershy blushed and twirled her hair.

You two started eating some sandwiches that Fluttershy made for the picnic.

(Y/N): "These cucumber sandwiches are good, you made these yourself?"

Fluttershy: "Yes, do you like them?"

(Y/N): "Like them, I love them!"

Fluttershy blushed even harder and smile.

Fluttershy: "I'm glad to hear that (Y/N)."

You and Fluttershy finish the picnic, soon you two then start playing with a frisbee. You transform into Wildmutt as Fluttershy throws the frisbee. You then catch the frisbee with your jaws and bring it back to Fluttershy. Fluttershy take the frisbee and pat you on the head. You revert back to your human form and start reading Uzumaki with Fluttershy. As you two are reading, Fluttershy hugs onto you tightly in fear of the horrors and monsters within the book.

(Y/N): "It's just a book, not the real thing."

Fluttershy: "Those creatures are really scary."

(Y/N): "A great hero has to face great fears, and the books I read is a great way to face them."

Fluttershy then look up to you.

(Y/N): "Hey, I used to be scared like you."

Fluttershy: "Really?"

(Y/N): "Yeah, when I fought Fin Fang Foom when I was 9, I was terrified of him."

Fluttershy: "Oh my, but who's Fin Fang Foom?"

(Y/N): "He's a shapeshifting alien from Maklu IV, he usually takes form of a Chinese dragon."

Fluttershy: "How did you face your fear?"

(Y/N): "Well, I transformed into Way Big Chill and unleash a powerful beam on him."

Fluttershy: "What happened to Fin Fang Foom?"

(Y/N): "He was sent to Monster Isle after his defeat that time, the other monsters there don't seem to mind having him at their place."

Fluttershy: "What did you learn from that day?"

(Y/N): "I learn it's okay to be afraid of things, it's what makes you human."

Fluttershy: "You're right, then I should read this with you, no matter how scary it is!", as she said taking the book and reading from the beginning to end.

She read all the chapters and now she has a fear of spirals now, and she's proud of it.

Fluttershy: "Finished, and now I have a fear of spirals, but having fears is what makes us human right."

(Y/N): "Yep, and hey, if you ever feel scared, I'll be right by your side.", as you said one arm hugging the animal caretaker.

Fluttershy blushed, smiled, close her eyes into your warm embrace as you two sit and watch the sunset. She then gave a you a peck on your cheek and you blushed a little.

One day later, you're at Rarity's boutique at the front door, you then head into the store and you see Sweetie Belle in the room. Sweetie Belle sees you.

Sweetie Belle: "Oh, hi (Y/N)!"

(Y/N): "Hi Sweetie Belle, is your sister home?"

Sweetie Belle: "Oh, she's upstairs, I'll go get her, be right back.", as she said heading upstairs to get her sister.

You look around and see the clothes Rarity made, and you admired the creativity.

(Y/N): "Huh, who knew she can be so creative and inspired."

Later upstairs, Rarity was working on some outfits for you to model, when Sweetie Belle came into the room.

Sweetie Belle: "Rarity, (Y/N) is here."

Rarity: "Here, right now, my designs aren't ready yet, tell him I'll  be down in a minute."

Sweetie Belle: "Okay."

Later back downstairs.

Sweetie Belle: "Rarity will be down in a minute."

(Y/N): "Okay then."

Soon, Rarity brought down clothing for you to model. You then see her and the outfits.

Rarity: "Hello (Y/N)!"

(Y/N): "Hey Rarity, you said you have outfits for me to model right?"

Rarity: "Oh yes darling."

Look at the outfits for a moment.

(Y/N): "These look like outfits for a superhero."

Rarity: "Oh yes, they're for you to wear during your crime fighting and your normal days, darling."

(Y/N): "Huh, if I'm gonna fight crime, I'm gonna do it in style."

Rarity: "I knew you would say that."

You put on a red jacket and grey pants with a 10 in reverse.

Rarity nods in disagreement. You then put on the next outfit.

Rarity nods in disagreement. You then put on the next outfit.

Rarity nods in disagreement. You then put on the next outfit.

Rarity nods in agreement of the outfit you chose.

Rarity: "My goodness, that jacket looks fabulous on you darling!"

Skurd: "I do like the design."

(Y/N): "This does look like an official uniform from the Ravagers."

Rarity: "Huh, awww, someone else got to it first."

(Y/N): "But it's nice Rares, besides, I  look better than star-lord."

Skurd: "That's what you keep telling him."

(Y/N): "Plus it doesn't touch the floor."

Rarity: "So, would you keep it?", as she said nervously.

(Y/N): "Yeah, I'm gonna keep it as my official uniform as a hero."

Rarity blushed and jump in place with happiness. She then kiss you on the cheek.

Rarity: "I knew you love it!"

(Y/N): "Yep.", as you said blushing lightly.

Rarity giggled a little, you're about to head out the door until Rarity calls your name.

Rarity: "(Y/N)."

(Y/N): "Yeah?"

Rarity was blushing and twiddling her thumbs.

Rarity: "Do you, want to stay here for the night, Sweetie Belle wants you to have a sleepover at our house."

(Y/N): "Why?"

Rarity: "She and her crusaders friends like you, they appreciate your efforts for saving the school, so they're awarding you with a sleepover."

(Y/N): "Why how nice of them."

You head to Rarity's house and have a sleepover with the Cutie Mark Crusaders and spend the night there.

One day later, you meet up Twilight and Spike at the statue. Twilight then sees you.

Twilight: "Hi (Y/N)!"

Twilight then sees your new hero uniform.

Twilight: "Nice outfit, did Rarity made that outfit?"

(Y/N): "Yeah, it's my new hero uniform."

Spike: "It looks cool on you!"

Skurd: "Indeed, that's a great outfit."

Twilight: "Rarity is an amazing designer, she really have an eye for fashion."

(Y/N): "Yep."

Twilight: "So, where do we go to help me learn about the human world?"

(Y/N): "The one place where we all go..."


(Y/N): "...THE MALL!", as you said presenting the mall right in front of them.

Twilight and Spike watch in awe as they see the mall. Twilight spots a Barnes and Noble bookstore sign.

Twilight: "What's, Barnes and Noble?"

(Y/N): "That's a bookstore, it's like a library, except you have to buy the books."

Twilight's eyes widened.

Twilight: "Really!?"

(Y/N): "Yep."

Twilight: "Then let's go!", as she said grabbing your hand and pull you into the mall.

Spike follows you and Twilight from behind. You three found a map and see the location of Barnes and Noble.

(Y/N): "There it is."

Twilight: "We need to head there at once!"

You and Twilight walk to Barnes and Noble, while Twilight was pressing against you. You don't mind it, it feels nice. Spike was smirking at this, but you didn't notice it. When you and Twilight spot the bookstore, Twilight squeals in excitement and runs into the store. Spike then follow her into the store. You then see a girl that looks like Twilight, except for: blue pants, light blue hoodie, pair of glasses, and a bun hairstyle. She also has a dog that looks like Spike.

(Y/N): "Twilight?"

Then a huge explosion and it revealed to be Hyperion, and he spots you.

Hyperion: "I found you (Y/N), and this time, you don't have your blue singing friend.", as he said firing his heat vision at you.

You then transform into Chillback, absorb the energy and fire it back at Hyperion, which launch him into a water fountain. Hyperion got up and you transform into Four Arms and jump towards him and put him into headlock.

(Y/N) as Four Chills: "Like I don't need Sonata to beat you up."

You then punch Hyperion in face 50x. The other Twilight is watching in awe of the fight between you and the eternal. Then Hyperion got out of headlock and throw you into an Urban Outfitters store, you then spot a vintage camera.

(Y/N) as Four Arms: "Is that a vintage camera?"

Skurd: "Focus (Y/N), we have an eternal to battle, lets try the new omni-enhanced tetramand abilities."

(Y/N) as Four Arms: "Alright!"

You then activate your Omni-enhanced abilities, which gave Four Arms 4 extra arms and rock armor. As you got up, Hyperion was flying at you and you punch him hard enough to create a shockwave that launched him into a Forever 21 store. He then see a girl deciding on a dress to buy.

Random girl: "Red or blue?"

Hyperion: "Take it from me, red is better."

Random girl: "Thank you."

Then Hyperion got and sees you transform into Crash Hopper and you ram yourself into him. He push you off and then you turn yourself into MonKi and transform into a great ape and you two did this.

Author's note: "Play video 0:51-1:12"

You then revert back to human form and call Nick Fury to pickup Hyperion again. Then the other Twilight grabs you by the Omnitrix.

(Y/N): "Whoah, hey!"

???(Sci-Twi): "What kind of technological creation is this and what kind of species are you?!"

(Y/N): "It's the Omnitrix and I'm a necrofriggian."

???(Sci-Twi): "I have so many questions!"

(Y/N): "What's your name?"

???(Sci-Twi): "Oh yeah, where's my manners, my name is Twilight Sparkle."

(Y/N): "Twilight huh."

Skurd: "Quite a coincidence."

Twilight then notice Skurd.

Twilight Sparkle 2: "What is that colloid organism on the Omnitrix?"

(Y/N): "This is Skurd, he provides weapons from my aliens."

Skurd: "At your service."

(Y/N): "You know, I think I should give you a nickname, since you look like a pretty nerdy girl, how about Sci-Twi?"

Sci-Twi blushed from the nickname.

Sci-Twi: "Sci-Twi, I like that name, I'm gonna keep it."

(Y/N): "Sweet."

You then notice how lonely Sci-Twi is.

(Y/N): "don't have much friends do you."

Sci-Twi: "No, I don't really have many friends."

(Y/N): "Hey, wanna hangout for awhile, I think Fury might pickup Hyperion and fix up the area."

Sci-Twi: "Oh, of course."

You two hangout for a few hours, until you saw what time it is.

(Y/N): "I have to be somewhere, it was nice meeting you Sci-Twi."

Sci-Twi: "Wait, will I ever see you again?"

(Y/N): "Don't know, probably cross paths again, maybe I can save you from an Ultron attack or from a rampaging Juggernaut."

Sci-Twi giggled.

Sci-Twi: "I hope so."

You smiled and waved goodbye to Sci-Twi as you went over to find Twilight. When you found Twilight sleeping on a bean bag chair while holding an open book about history of Europe, with Spike sitting next to her. She looks cute when she's sleeping.

(Y/N): "Tuckered out from reading."

Skurd: "That's the first."

You pick up Twilight in your arms in a bridal position and carried her back to Sunset's house. When you arrived at Sunset's house, you went into the room and place Twilight on her bed, she then wakes up with a cute yawn and see you.

Twilight: "Hi (Y/N)."

(Y/N): "Hey, you fell asleep reading a book."

Twilight: "That doesn't usually happens to me."

Spike: "You slept though (Y/N)'s fight against Hyperion."

Twilight: "Oh, I guess I missed something epic."

(Y/N): "And I found your human counterpart."

Twilight's eyes widen.

Twilight: "WHAT?!"

(Y/N): "Yeah, she was really interested in my watch, and she doesn't have many friends here."

Twilight: "I can't believe she doesn't know about friendship, if we ever cross paths with her, we can teach her about friendship."

(Y/N): "Yeah, I hope."

Twilight: "Before you go, I have something to give you."

(Y/N): "What?"

Twilight then kiss you on the cheek, which made you blushed.

Twilight: "Thanks for hanging out for me."

She puts her hands down and together like a shy girl.

(Y/N): "Yeah, well I better get going, see ya Twi.", as you said heading out of the house.

Twilight: "That was amazing!"

Spike: "Why don't you confess to him?"

She blushes.

Twilight: "Spike, I'm not ready to confess my feelings yet, I just need more time."

Spike: "Suit yourself, now if you excuse me, I'm going to take a siesta, goodnight Twilight.", as he said heading to his bed.

Twilight: "Goodnight Spike.", as she said going to sleep in her bed.

Twilight's dream bubble, in her dream, she is about to be married to you.

Celestia: "Do you, (Y/N) Glacius, take this woman as your lawfully wedded wife?"

(Y/N): "I do."

Celestia: "And do you, Twilight Sparkle, take this man as your lawfully wedded husband?"

Twilight: "I do."

Celestia: "And now I pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss the bride."

You then kiss Twilight on the lips.

After the dream, Twilight was sleeping with a blissful smile on her face.

Next: Chapter 16: Science VS. Magic

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