
About a week later you were dancing your butt off in preparation for the New Year's concert. There was less than a month to go, and because you got the week of Christmas off every day until then was packed full of preparation. There were dress fittings, rehearsals, dance lessons, voice training, recordings and a number of other things to get done. Currently you were in the middle of running through a particularly tough routine for the only new song you were singing for the concert. All the other songs you either had performed before, or only needed to be put to a dance. It was a grueling process, but you were determined to get every step down pat.

"Again!" Your instructor, Dani, yelled at you and the backup dancers when you hit the end of the song. You took a few deep breaths to try to calm your breathing, then set yourself back up to the beginning of the song. As you walked, you noticed Mettaton waiting in the doorway, watching as you exerted yourself. You waved at him, then pointed to Chris, thinking he wanted to talk to your manager. Mettaton shook his head, then pointed at you. "(y/n)! We don't have all day!" Dani snapped. You quickly looked at the time then held up both hands, telling Mettaton you had ten minutes left of practice. Then you basically sprinted to your spot and started again. Luckily that during your dance rehearsals you weren't required to sing every single time.

Two more run throughs later Dani finally let everyone call it a day. You looked to the door, and upon finding Mettaton missing started stretching. He'd come back in a bit if he planned on talking to you. And you were right. About fifteen minutes into stretching out your tired muscles, Mettaton sauntered back into the room with two takeout coffee cups in his hands. "Thanks!" You grinned as you stood and took the cup he offered to you. You took a careful sip and smiled when hot (fav coffee) entered your mouth. "So what's up?"

"Can't I visit my favourite super star without a reason?" Mettaton purred, making you laugh.

"Well you can, but I don't see how the uber busy Mettaton could find time to do so." You answered in a teasing tone.

"True," Mettaton mused, taking a sip of his own coffee. "You've seen right through me, darling. I come for business. So, I'm planning on taking the 'gang' on a little Christmas vacation. Nothing huge- just a week at a ski resort. Want to tag along?"

"I would love to! But... I'm totally booked up. I have practice pretty much all the way up to Christmas, then I get my week off." You said disappointedly. You wished you could go, you really couldn't weasel your way out work. "How do you even have time to go?"

"Hm, I have my ways. But that's really too bad, Frisk would have been so happy to have you tag along."

"I would have loved to too." You headed over to the wall to start collecting you the rest of you belongings. Chris was waiting by the door, looking at his phone. He was waiting on you so you could move onto your vocal lessons a half hour away. "So who all is going?" You asked, knowing you had a few minutes to chat before needing to leave.

"Myself, of course, as well as Frisk, Undyne, Alphys, Papyrus, Toriel, and Asgore. I believe Sans said he'd come too actually."

"No Muffet, Flowey or Nabstablook?"

"Muffet isn't a fan of cold, Flowey can't ski for obvious reasons, and Nabstablook has something else he has to do."

"That makes sense." Chris waved you over, then tapped his watch meaningfully. You held up a finger to him, then turned back to Mettaton"I gotta go, you guys have fun!"

"Will do, darling! Make sure not to work yourself to death!"

"I won't! Thanks for the coffee!" And with that you trotted forwards to meet Chris, then headed out to continue your busy days work. You couldn't help but feel a little bit disappointed that you had to turn down the fun sounding trip. Well, you thought. The least I can do is send them gifts for the holiday and pop in on Christmas or something.

Two weeks later you opened to the door of your apartment, throwing all your work bags on the floor and thumping into the space. With a heavy sigh you flopped down onto the couch, the mail you had just collected still clamped in your hand. At least I have a bit of a break now though. You though, powering up your phone and checking for any messages. They're weren't any. Mitchell hadn't contacted you in a few weeks, and you were starting to feel abandoned. You wondered if he'd even bother to call in a few days to wish you a Merry Christmas. Sadly you'd also had no time to hang out with the monsters, so there weren't any messages from them either. They were also on their skiing trip still as far as you knew, so probably didn't have a lot of time to text. With another sigh you put your phone on the coffee table and started flipping through the mail. Bills, bills and more bills. You thought miserably, throwing them down on the coffee table. You'd have to deal with them later or leave them for Mitchell. Usually he dealt with that kind of stuff. Then you sighed deeply and buried your face into the closest pillow, feeling an extreme sense of holiday blues.

So what now? You wondered glumly. Just then your phone started vibrating violently, belting out a tune that you programed in for Toriel. You answered a immediately. "Hey Toriel, how are you?"

"Hello child! I am doing well, how are you?" The motherly goats voice answered through the speaker.

"A little tired from work, but other than that I'm good."

"So work is going well?"

"Yep. It's busy, which is to be expected right before a concert. How's the ski trip?"

"It went wonderfully! There were a few snags along the way, but that is to be expected from such a rambunctious group."

"Definitely. You'll have to tell me about it sometime."

"Of course! Now, I was actually calling to see if you had any specific plans over your break from work and Christmas?"

You couldn't help but sigh. "Actually no, I don't. Mitchell is still away so I was planning on just lazing around the house."

"I'm sorry to hear that." Toriel said, not needing to fake the sympathy in her voice at all. "But, if that's the case would you like to come over here for your break?"

"Really?" You sat up, unable to stop the smile spreading across your face and the hopeful feeling spreading through your system. "You'd let me come over for Christmas? I wouldn't want to intrude..."

"Of course! It would be a pleasure to have you over. Pretty much everyone is already coming, and Frisk would be so excited."

"That would be great! Thank you so much."

"You're welcome, child."

"When should I come over?" You asked, already jumping to your feet and heading to your room to start getting ready.

"Whenever you can!" Toriel answered happily.

"Awesome! In that case why don't I come over tomorrow morning?" That way you'd have time to pack. It was also well past dinner by this point, so you wouldn't be able to get over to Toriel, Asgore and Frisk's place until much later. They lived together above ground near the school Toriel started and taught at. Frisk also attended the school, and you were pretty sure Asgore worked as the ground caretaker or something like that in his spare time. Though Asgore and Toriel weren't officially back together, they decided that Frisk would do best with both a mother and father figure. You personally thought it was only a matter of time until they were happily back together, but you never said anything about it.

"That'd be perfect! If you come around 10am, you can join us for breakfast."

"That sounds great. Thank you so much for inviting me."

"You're welcome. See you tomorrow."

"See you then!" With that you hung up, excitement about the upcoming holiday replacing the woes. You couldn't believe how lucky you'd just been, and you felt so grateful to Toriel for even thinking of inviting you. You happily bounced around the apartment, collecting enough clothes for a week's worth of staying at Toriel's. You took your time, knowing you had until tomorrow morning. As you packed you made sure you had your polaroid camera as well as all the gifts you had collected for your friends. You decided to put the wrapped gifts in a separate bag as to not damage them. Feeling satisfied with how much you packed you practically jumped into bed, trying to get to sleep as fast as you could so it would be tomorrow.

The next morning you arrived at Toriel's by 9:45am. You were excited, and the dusting of snow that covered the ground didn't help at all. Maybe for once your town would pull off a white Christmas.
Pulling your suitcases up the walkway leading to the door, you grinned widely when it was thrown open and Frisk ran out in her PJ's and a pair of boots. She jump hugged you tightly, then let go and started signing at you slower than her normal pace for your benefit. "I'm so happy you're here! This is gonna be the best Christmas ever! Did you see the snow? Maybe we'll have a white Christmas!"
"I'm glad to be here too!" You smiled brightly, rubbing her head affectionately. "If it snows anymore we should definitely build a snowman."
Frisk nodded happily as Toriel came to stand in the doorway. "Frisk let her in the house before the two of you freeze!" Frisk glanced at her adopted mom before letting you stand and grab your bags. She led the way into the house, discarded her boots and waited impatiently for you to get inside. As soon as you passed the threshold Toriel wrapped you in a warm hug. "Glad you could join us, child."
"Thank you for inviting me!" You smiled, returning the hug until Toriel pulled away.
"Breakfast will be in just a few minutes. Frisk, why don't you show her to her room?"
Frisk nodded happily and grabbed your hand as you slipped it from you coat. Before you knew it you were being led up the large staircase to the upper floors of the house, your suitcases in hand. Frisk pulled you to a door that was slightly ajar, and tugged you in. You quickly recognized the space as hers even though you'd never actually be in. She had an unmade twin bed, with purple sheets and a colourful patched quilt. There was a desk, dresser, shag carpet, and full length oval mirror. On the middle of the floor a thick air mattress had been blown up and made, and Frisk hopped over to it and signed, "You can sleep here! I hope you don't mind- all the other rooms have been taken!"

"I don't mind at all!" You smiled, putting your bags down in the corner. "It'll be like a sleepover every night." Frisk grinned widely, then tapped her fist into her other palm as she remembered something.

"I should go wake up the others and let them know you're here!"

"You don't need to bother them if they're sleeping." You said, checking the time. It was nearly 10am now, but didn't want to disturb them.

Frisk waved away your reservations. "Usually they're all up by now, except for Sans. Besides, it's almost breakfast! They should be up anyway."

"Okay. While you get the others I'll go help in the kitchen."

Frisk gave you a two thumbs up then ran out of the room. You followed after a little more slowly, listening as she started banging on closed doors to wake everyone up. You then trotted downstairs and into the kitchen, offering your assistant to the chef. Toriel directed you to setting the table and helping carry out the dishes as she finished them. Your mouth couldn't help but water when you carried out the plates of bacon and french toast. As you did people slowly trickled downstairs and greeted you in different ways. Asgore came down first and wrapped you into a hug, followed by Mettaton and Alphys. Mettaton hugged you as well, and Alphys just kind of waved at you. Undyne was next and you immediately pulled you into a headlock and gave you a painful noogie. You didn't even bother trying to fight her off- she wouldn't let you go until she finished what she was doing or someone, mainly Papyrus, dragged you away. And speak of the devil... Papyrus came barreling down the stairs, still in his PJ's, and swept you into a bone crushing hug.

"(y/n), YOU'RE HERE!" He yelled happily.

"Hey Papyrus," You wheezed out.

"hey don't crush her." Sans said, coming into the room looking tired and ruffled. He was also wearing what you assumed was his PJ's, consisting of a white t-shirt, dark sweatpants and slippers. He looked rather adorable rubbing one of his eyes and being all sleepy. Wait what? You blinked, shaking the thoughts from your head as Papyrus put your feet back on the ground.

"Morning Sans," you greeted the shorter skeleton with a wave.

"mornin' kitten." He waved back before shuffling to the table and taking a seat. Everyone followed suit in short order. You took a seat between Sans and Frisk, and chatted happily with them until Toriel was seated herself. Once she was seated, everyone dug in. You helped yourself to french toast, eggs, bacon and fruit, munching happily while chatting with everyone else. You soon found yourself needing more and more bacon. You hardly managed to take a bite out of one piece before Sans swiped the other two off your plate. You noticed after a second that he seemed to like the bacon the best (along with everyone else) and the main plates amount was quickly dwindling. You managed to snag the last few pieces, after nearly getting your hand stabbed by Undyne, but it wasn't long until Sans was trying to steal them again. You smacked at his hands as they moved to swipe the slices, and everyone laughed.

"So what should we get up to today?" Toriel asked once everyone calmed down. Sans' eye lit up in the meantime and the bacon you had been guarding so zealously floated off your plate and into his hand. You glared at him, but was distracted when Undyne let out a battle cry.

"We should have a battle!" She yelled, standing on her chair and slamming her foot down on the tables edge. The plates and glasses jumped, and luckily a lot of them were empty or they would have spilt.

"Undyne, get your foot off the breakfast table." Toriel scolded. Undyne made a face but pulled her foot back and planted it on Mettaton's back.

"Hey!" He cried in protest.

"WHAT KIND OF BATTLE?" Papyrus clapped excitedly.

"A battle of strength!" Undyne cried proudly, knowing she'd be victorious.

"Karaoke?" Mettaton suggested, resting his elbow on the table and not bothering to shake Undyne off.

"None of these are very Christmas-y" Frisk signed out, pouting.

"Why don't we go skating?" You suggested, smiling at Frisk. "It's not a battle, but it's more Christmas-y." Frisk grinned back at you, clapping excitedly.

"That sounds wonderful." Toriel agreed.

"BUT I DON'T KNOW HOW TO SKATE." Papyrus said a little glumly.

"They have little bars to help you balance at the rink." Frisk told him and he lit up excitedly. This was turning into a fun afternoon.

Pretty much right away everyone else voiced their agreements to your idea after that. Undyne grumbled a little, but after informing her you could have a race she was just as excited to go as everyone else. Everyone helped clear the table and clean up, than most of them returned to their respective rooms to get ready. Everyone but you and Sans that is. You were already good to go, and Sans decided this was the prime opportunity to sprawl out on the couch.

"Aren't you coming Sans?" You asked, strolling over and leaning over his head.

"nah, think i'll just hang here."

You rolled your eyes. "Oh come on, it'll be fun!"

"sorry, kitten, i don't skate."

You puffed your cheeks out, then got an idea. Frisk bounded down the stairs and you quickly went over and whispered in her ear. You weren't going to be satisfied unless everyone at least came along. She nodded her head eagerly in agreement, and ran upstairs to get Papyrus, Mettaton and Undyne. You stood happily by the stairs, waiting for the kid to bring them down. In the meantime, Sans eyed you suspiciously, knowing something was up, but not what exactly yet. You heard some pounding upstairs, and knew they were coming. "You sure you won't come willingly?" You asked.

"not if i can help it," he answered.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU'RE NOT COMING!" Papyrus yelled as he barreled down the stairs. In his arms he had some spare clothes for Sans to change into. Mettaton flounced down the stair closely behind, with Undyne at his heels. Though she stomped rather than flounced.

"bro, you know i don't skate."


"You don't have to skate hon, you just have to come." Mettaton fluttered his fingers in Sans' direction.

"but this couch is just so comfortable." Sans complained.

"If he ain't coming willingly we'll just MAKE him come!" Undyne roared, landing at the bottom of the stairs with a boom. Sans scrambled to a sitting position, seeming to know what would happen next. The three of them started their approach, you and Frisk hanging back as they pounced. But before they could so much as grab his shirt there was a flash of blue and he disappeared.

"I HATE IT WHEN HE DOES THAT!" Papyrus stomped his feet in frustration. There was a thump upstairs, and Mettaton jumped up from where he landed on the couch.

"He went upstairs!" He declared, then the three of them sped off upstairs in a wild goose chase. Frisk clapped happily and ran off after them, eager to join in. You laughed lightly, wondering what you had started but not regretting a second of it. You heard the attic stairs being lowered, and a cry when the four found and captured Sans. You wondered why he just went upstairs and not somewhere further away. Maybe he did actually want to come.

"Oh my, what are those children getting into now?" Toriel asked, coming downstairs with Asgore and Flowey.

"Trying to get Sans to come skating." You replied happily.

"Humph. Why can't we both just stay here?" Flowey huffed grumpily.

"Because you have to participate in the family activity." Asgore rumbled, putting Flowey down for a moment while he pulled on his coat and shoes. Toriel and you followed suit as Alphys joined you. The five of you waited as the thumps and argument upstairs continued. After a second everything went silent, then Undyne tore down the stairs and out the front door with a still protesting Sans over her shoulder. Luckily Asgore pulled the door open at the right time, otherwise Undyne would have gone straight through it.

"i told you i don't want to go!" Sans yelled, trying to pull himself free as Undyne ran. Papyrus sped out after them with an excited Frisk on his shoulders. Despite his rather pointless struggles you weren't entirely convinced he couldn't have gotten away. You glanced at Mettaton and he shrugged, then the rest of you headed out into the snow. This was going to be great!

Author's Note~

WOW! 1.7K views and 103 votes! You guys are the best! I'm glad everyone seems to be enjoying my story so far~ Thank you so much! 

I'm sorry I don't often respond to your comments, I do read them! Sometimes I just don't know what to say, but your messages mean a lot to me, simply cause they're there! It's funny to me though how much hate Mitchell is getting... I've see a few comments voicing the hate. I didn't mean to make him such a hatable character. Oh well! It'll work out in the end. He'll get what's coming to him, don't you worry your little heads ;D

Thanks again guys! Please feel free to comment, and hey while your at it, maybe drop a vote? I mean, I don't want to be one of those author's who hound for votes, but it let's me know you enjoyed the story so far if you don't comment! Thanks a bunch!

Author out!

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