It had been a while since the others had left to explore the area. Soraru was sitting on one of the large rocks in the water as he watched the albino continue to splash water on the red eyed brunette with his magic. Mafu would let out a small giggle while Amatsuki whined, telling him to stop.
How cute... The raven-haired unconsciously smiled as he listened to the albino's sweet, adorable laugh. He really can make me happy without having to do much.
"Someone sure is lovestruck~"
The raven-haired's smile immediately went away, replaced by an annoyed side glance towards the brunette sitting next to him.
"You know you can be annoying, right?"
"Yep, you've told me that so many times," Kashitaro said as he chuckled, "and that won't stop me."
Soraru rolled his eyes before noticing the brunette's gaze on a certain male. He smirked as he turned his head to look back at the albino.
"Don't act like you weren't watching Amatsuki." Soraru retorted, satisfied once he heard the brunette choke on air.
"I-I'm not looking at him!"
"Since when were you the tsundere? That's usually Urata."
"Look who's talking."
Kashitaro just smirked before it turned into a smile. "This kinda reminds me of when we used to live in the orphanage."
He looked at the raven-haired with a cheeky grin, "we'd always tease each other."
"And I hated you for that," Soraru chuckled. He smiled as the memories of their childhood played in his mind.
"I remember us always playing around."
"And how even after you left you'd still visit us and help us sneak out into the woods."
Soraru gave the male an amused look, remembering about how the brunette would drag them to the woods at night so they can play with their powers. A goofy grin was formed on Kashitaro's face.
"We were fine~ we always got back before Mia or the other caretakers even noticed you guys were gone anyway."
"Which amazes me, seeing as it was you who thought of the plan."
"Hey!" Kashitaro shot a playful glare towards the male, who just smirked. They then heard the red eyed brunette whine again.
"Yamete~ Mafu~"
"Www but it's fun."
"Why don't you go bother the others?" Amatsuki pleaded to the albino, who thought about it.
"Hmm.... Okay then~"
The red eyed brunette's lit up in happiness that the albino was going to leave him alone. He smiled in victory, before feeling cold water fall all over him. Amatsuki gave him an unamused look while the albino just covered his mouth as he giggled.
"Www I just wanted to do it one more time." Mafu turned around and looked at the raven-haired with a wide grin.
"Alright let's go Soraru!"
"Eh? Why me?"
Soraru made a confused expression while the albino got out of the water and grabbed the male's hand. Mafu began to drag the still confused raven-haired without an explanation.
"Bye guys~"
"You're way too cheerful." Luz commented, causing the albino to laugh. The pink haired male just rested his hand on his hip as he gave Mafu an amused look.
"I'm 100% positive that you're going to do some sort of prank." Nqrse stated as the albino giggled.
"He didn't even try to deny it." Kashitaro let out a small chuckle while the red eyed brunette sighed.
"He can be scary sometimes."
"I'm sure you're going to bother Urata and Sakata first." Luz stated as the others nodded in agreement.
"Only if he wants Urata to get mad at him." Soraru said as he gave the albino a side glance.
"It'll be fine~ Now let's go find the others!"
Mafu went on to continue dragging the raven-haired away as they went to find the others. Soraru just lazily waved to the guys as they left.
"I feel so sorry for the others." Kashitaro commented while the pink haired male chuckled.
"At least Soraru's with him. I'd be more worried if Mafu went on his own."
They just chuckled and went back to doing whatever they were doing while the albino and raven-haired walked away.
Senra was looking around as they walked down the dirt path. There wasn't much to see, except for the trees that were scattered all over the place. They had walked a few feet from where the others were.
"I'm starting to think this is just trees and nothing interesting is here." Shima sighed as he kicked a small rock on the path.
"I doubt they'd just make a useless path." Senra said as he continued to look around.
After a couple more minutes of aimlessly walking around, the two were about to turn back until the blonde spotted something.
"Hey look, there's something up ahead."
Shima turned his head to look at where the blonde was pointing to before he felt Senra eagerly grabbing his hand. The purple-haired just grinned at the blonde's childish behavior.
They could see a small meadow, similar to the one they found earlier. A white bench, that had wooden fences on the sides with a covering above, was surrounded by bushes full of flowers, vines could be seen tangles around the fence. A small pond, with little bricks surrounding it forming a circle, had fishes swimming in it. Even though they expected to see the beautiful scenery, it still managed to enchant them.
"To think you guys have a place like this right next to you." Shima said in disbelief as the younger male smiled.
"Upset that you don't have anything as amazing as this even though you're also a prince~" Senra playfully teased, the purple-haired just rolled his eyes with a smile on his face.
"How can Soraru stand you and Sakata?"
Shima grinned as he cupped the male's face and gave him a small peck on the lips, causing the younger male to immediately blush.
"The only thing amazing to me is you, despite how annoying you can be at times." Shima tried to stifle his laugh as the blonde's face turn beet red.
"Shut up..."
Shima's grin grew wider as he chuckled. How cute~ Senra just walked around the area to look closely at the flowers. The purple-haired was standing around, he put his hands in his pocket, making a slightly surprised expression before remembering that he still had the ring.
Oh right, why did I even put it in my pocket? The purple-haired took it out to look at it while the blonde continued to admire the scene. Shima stayed silent as he thought about what to do with the ring. Should I....?
"Well there's nothing much here so let's go–" Senra paused once he saw the ring in the male's hand, "eh? Since when did you have a ring?"
"Riku gave it to me."
"Why?" The blonde curiously tilted his head to the side.
"No idea."
"It's pretty though~"
Senra stared at the ring, reminds me of the one I saw in Outworld. Shima looked at the blonde for a second, then back at the ring, before smiling to himself.
"Will you marry me?"
The purple-haired grabbed the younger male's hand and swiftly slipped the ring in his fingers.
Senra was silent for a whole minute, not saying anything as the purple-haired's words slowly processed in his head. Shima tried to stifle his laughter again as the blonde began to have a mental shutdown.
"E-Eh?!? I-I— W-What—" Senra was stuttering as he tried to figure out how to speak correctly.
"I was just kid–ow!" Shima rubbed his head, giving the blonde a small glare, "you didn't need to hit me."
"D-Don't joke about that!" Senra's face was beet-red, his ears were completely flushed as he stuttered. The purple-haired chuckled a bit as he grinned.
"I was semi joking. This'll be our engagement ring."
"D-Didn't you say that Riku gave it to you? It was originally his ring so it p-probably still means something to him." Senra's face began to cool down as he looked at the male with a puzzled expression.
"If it really meant something to him, then why would he just give it away?"
"......that's true."
"Then this is our promise to marry each other in the future."
Senra just stared at the ring on his finger as the purple-haired's words entered his mind. Our promise huh. He smiled to himself, Shima will definitely keep it. He looked up at the male, a bit of red could be seen in his cheeks as he smiled even wider.
"It's a promise."
Shima grinned, giving the male a small kiss on his hand, just as a prince would. Senra blushed and quickly retracted his hand in embarrassment.
"Well, that was fun. I got to see you become all embarrassed~" Shima teased the blonde, who blushed.
"S-Shut up!"
"www you look cute though."
The blonde just sighed as he turned his head away, hoping to hide the embarrassment in him. Shima just laughed at the younger male's weak attempt to hide his face. How cute~
Shima cupped the male's head, turning it so that the blonde would be facing him, and gave him a small peek on the lips. Senra blushed even more as he looked at the grinning purple-haired.
"If you going to kiss me at least make it last longer....." Senra unconsciously blurted out, blushing once he realized what he just said.
Shima just stared at the blonde, his cheeks heating up at the statement.
"How greedy of you~"
The purple-haired smiled as he captured the blonde's lips with his own. They stayed like that until they no longer could breathe anymore. The two stared at each other with a loving look before jolting at the albino's voice.
"How cute~" Mafu giggled as the two males began to blush.
"S-Since when were you here?!?" Senra exclaimed, the albino smiled innocently.
"Just now~"
"I tried to stop him," Soraru stated while giving the albino an annoyed look, "you sure love being annoying."
"But you still love me~"
"So you just came all the way here to tease us right?" Shima stated, the albino nodded his head.
"Be happy that it's just that, he seemed to be planning something else." Soraru said as the albino puffed his cheeks out.
"But Soraru wouldn't let me."
"I'm afraid to even think about what it could've been." Senra commented as he sighed.
"Well, it's getting late so let's go back. Sakata and Urata are probably waiting for us." Mafu grabbed the raven-haired's hand and dragged him away.
The other two just looked at each other and sighed, before laughing at the albino's personality. Senra glanced at the ring in his finger, he couldn't stop smiling as he looked at it. The purple-haired held the blonde's hand as they walked back to where the others are.
"You guys are back." Kashitaro announced as he saw the others come back.
"Why is Urata glaring daggers at Mafu?" Luz pointed out to the irritated green eyed brunette.
"Mafu managed to scare them." Soraru said as he pointed to the giggling albino.
"Then he came to bother us." Shima stated, crossing his arms as he sighed.
"It was fun seeing Sakata and Senra getting all embarrassed~"
"Your definition of fun is different than ours." Senra stated while the redhead sighed.
"Just wait until they do it to you, then we'll see how you like it." Shima remarked, causing the albino to pale a bit.
"Learn to face the actions of your consequences." Urata stated as the albino pouted.
"You guys are mean~"
"Eh, since when did Senra have a ring?" Luz said as he spotted the ring on the male's finger.
The others looked at the blonde's hand then at the blonde then at the purple-haired. Senra simply buried his face in the male's shoulder, not wanting the others to see his embarrassment, though his action just further dug his grave. Shima sighed as a blush completely covered his cheeks. I expected this but I really wished they didn't notice.
"Shima proposed to him~" Mafu teased while the purple-haired gave him an annoyed look.
"Hey Mafu, shut up."
"How sweet~" Sakata teased the two, while the red eyed brunette grinned.
"So when's the wedding~"
"Does the older brother approve of this~?" Kashitaro teased the raven-haired, who just sighed at the guys' antics.
"You're all annoying."
"I'll take that as a yes."
"I hate you all." Senra groaned, his face still buried in the purple-haired's shoulder.
"Do you regret teasing me back then~" Sakata eagerly grinned, to which resulted in the blonde letting out a groan again.
"Let's stop teasing them before Senra decides to use his powers." Nqrse said, the blonde perked up at the male's words.
"Oh right. I can do that."
"Why'd you give him an idea Nqrse~?" Luz whined to the pink haired male, who just rolled his eyes.
"The worst he can do is give you guys a small shock." Urata stated while the redhead gave him a doubtful look.
"I'm sure Senra would do more than that."
"I doubt he'd do something that'd severely hurt you guys." Soraru commented while the albino let out a small, nervous laugh.
"I'd rather not try and find out what he'd do."
"Good." Senra smirked in satisfaction while the others chuckled.
They spent the rest of their time joking around and chatting as the day came closer to ending. Nqrse looked at his phone and sighed. Still haven't heard anything from the others. The pink haired male looked up at the blue sky changing into an orange hue as night began to fall. I shouldn't worry about it much, they're looking into it. I just have to make sure that my friends are okay.
( 〃..) . . . . .
I'm back from the dead.....pls forgive me ww
I finally managed to get a chapter up for you guys~
Well, hope you guys enjoyed the chapter
( b •w•)b
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