Shima and Urata were in the purple-haired's room, the short brunette was staying over for the night. Urata was just scrolling through his phone while the purple-haired was playing a video game. The room was filled with the noises of the purple-haired pushing the buttons until they heard his parent's.
Urata just continued to look at his phone as Shima paused his game. The purple-haired was eavesdropping, though he couldn't hear some of the words since they sounded inaudible.
"I wonder why they decided this so sudden?"
"Could it be that...."
"But how if they....unless....."
"I'm just hope that he.......or else....."
"I'm a bit worried about......will they be fine?"
"Who knows, but we'll just have to see what......until then let's not......"
"Eh? What are they talking about?" Shima questioned as the other male shrugged.
"Who knows."
Shima was curious about his parent's conversation, but he knew that they'd dodge the topic if he asked. He resumed the game, pushing the curiosity in the back of his mind for now. It's like everyone is keeping some secret from me. Shima then let out a sheepish laugh.
"Well, I'm kinda doing the same thing too." Shima muttered to himself.
"So when are you going to tell them?" Urata asked as if he knew what the purple-haired meant.
"Is another one of your powers mind reading?" Shima jokingly asked as the short brunette rolled his eyes.
"Are you going to tell them or not?"
"They'll eventually find out." Shima waved his hand at the short brunette's question before going back to concentrating on the game.
But it seemed impossible as another thought crossed his mind. Only this time it was a specific person, a specific blonde male.
A forbidden love... The purple-haired thought back to what the blonde told him. I kinda had the same thing, well, for me it was one-sided though. He sighed as he turned off the game, a small yawn escaping his mouth.
"Well I'm going to sleep, see ya Shima." Urata said as he left the male's room and headed to the guest room.
Shima got up and flopped onto his bed, thinking back to his childhood. If Urata was able to meet his friend, wonder if I'll meet him again. Soon sleep began to surround him in its clutches as he closed his eyes.
"You're keeping this a secret from your parents?"
"Shh! Don't be so loud!"
"Says the one that's shouting."
"Well, I just think your parents should know that you're meeting someone."
"What if they find out that you've been sneaking out of the house, mostly at night, to meet your friend?"
"They won't know~"
"Because I keep making excuses for you."
"It'll be fine~"
"Well, try not to get caught. Have fun being with your friend."
"You can come too you know......? he seems pretty happy being with you....."
"Are you sure it's alright for me to tag along?"
"Yep~ the more the merrier."
".....okay fine let's go meet your 'friend' that I'm sure you actually think of more than a friend."
"H-Hey! Shut up!"
The purple-haired woke up as the sunlight hit his face. He was a bit surprised at the dream, well more like a memory, that he had. Shima got off his bed to get ready to head to school. He looked at his phone to see a new message, skimming through it before shouting in shock.
"Wait what?!?"
Now?!? But didn't—
"Shima are you okay? What's with all the shouting?" His mother said as she opened the male's door.
"Oi. Shut up, why are you so loud this early in the morning?" Urata said as he followed the purple-haired's mother into the room.
"E-Eh, oh, nothing, just a bit shocked at this." Shima said as he showed them the message.
His mother looked at it before sighing. "Yes, your father and I were also shocked upon seeing the message."
"Just make sure that you help her around, and introduce her to your friends." His mother said, not answering his question.
"Fine," Shima said as he sighed. Why do I have to do this?
"Well, have fun at school," his mother said as she walked out of the male's room.
"Well, at least she'll finally get to meet them," Urata said to the male, who nervously laughed.
"They'll get shocked about that."
Urata let out a small chuckled as he thought about their shocked expression. They definitely will. The short brunette then glanced at the purple-haired as he remembered something. I wonder if Senra will be the most shocked? I mean I saw him look at him while we were at their house yesterday, maybe he likes him a bit. He then sighed at his own thought.
"Being around that idiot is causing me to start thinking about pointless things." Urata muttered to himself.
"Did you say something?" Shima asked, the short brunette gave him a bored look.
"I said that you're an idiot."
The purple-haired and short brunette were approaching the school gates. Senra spotted the purple-haired, the same warm, fuzzy feeling as before popped up. Please don't do this to me, the blonde thought as he looked away, his face slightly heating up. Soon they heard a commotion occur.
"Look at that new girl."
"She's cute."
"I want to ask her what kind of makeup she uses."
"She seems to be from a wealthy family."
Shima was about to look until the albino's voice stopped him.
"Wonder why there's big crowd?"
The purple-haired spotted the long, pink hair among the crowd. No wonder why, she really knows how to make an entrance.
"So we have a new student." Kashitaro stated as the redhead gave the pink haired male a teasing expression.
"Www guess Nqrse isn't the only one to have pink hair anymore~"
The mentioned male just rolled his eyes before looking at the girl. He made a small smile, he then felt someone rest their elbow on his shoulder.
"Www is Nqrse admiring someone else that isn't Luz~" Yuuto teased, the pink haired male brushed the male's arm away as he gave him an annoyed look.
"You sure love to tease people."
"It's my job~☆"
"Your job to be annoying."
The teal-haired looked to see the indigo-haired and black haired male approach them. Yuuto looked at the indigo-haired male with a pout.
"How rude Riku, think about my feelings~"
"When has he ever?" Haru said as his eyes shifted to the short brunette and redhead.
So they're together now... He seemed to frown for a split second before a smile appeared on his face. Well, that's fine.
"Hmph, I'm not talking to you guys for the rest of the day," Yuuto said as he linked his arms with the redhead, "I'll just steal Sakata for the rest of the day~"
"E-Eh?" Sakata stuttered as the teal-haired giggled.
"Www Urata won't mind right~" Yuuto then giggled again once he saw the annoyed look on the short brunette, "www someone's jealous~"
"Shut up." Urata threatened, the teal-haired grinned as he linked his other arm with the short brunette.
"Then I'll just be the third wheel ww"
The others ignored the three in the background. The teal-haired was having fun annoying the short brunette while Sakata tried to calm him down.
"I'm surprised to see the three of you together." Kashitaro said as he looked between the three males.
"Riku likes to be on his own, so we have to drag him around with us." Haru said as the mentioned male rolled his eyes.
"It's mostly Yuuto dragging the both of us."
"Www guilty~" The teal-haired said as he let of the other two and joined the conversation.
"You never run out of energy, do you?" Nqrse asked the male, who made a childish smile.
"Hey Soraru, does that remind you of a certain someone?" Senra asked as he glanced at the redhead, the raven-haired also moved his gaze towards the younger male as he replied.
Sakata just pouted at their stares. "You didn't have to single me out like that," he muttered, audible enough for them to hear.
"Like I said before, it's fun teasing you~" Senra was now the one teasing the redhead.
Shima just chuckled at the blonde's cheerful face. He seems happier than yesterday, well he's not thinking about his broken promise.
Yuuto noticed the purple-haired looking at the blonde. Ah, right, they have yet to remember. The teal-haired pondered for a bit about whether he should give them their memories back or not. Nah~ I'll just wait for them to realize their feelings before doing so. Just have to hope that it doesn't turn out like Urata and Sakata.
"Well, we have to go so bye guys~" Yuuto said as he linked his arm around the dark-haired male and dragged him away, Riku following behind.
"I get tired just from being around him." Soraru said as he sighed.
"How mean Soraru." Mafu said as he gave the raven-haired a scolding look.
"Guess we should go to class too." Kashitaro said, resulting in a whine from the red eyed brunette.
"But class is soo boring~"
"Just stop complaining and shut up." Urata said as Amatsuki crossed his arms in annoyance.
The guys headed to class, Senra glanced at the crowd that was still surrounding the new student as they walked by. He was curious on who it could be to cause such a commotion.
He was too busy looking at the crowd that he ended up tripping over his own feet. The blonde let out a small yelp before being caught by the purple-haired, who happened to turn around just in time to catch him.
"E-Eh?" Senra stuttered as he felt his face heat up.
"I never knew you could be clumsy." Shima joked as the blonde blushed even more.
"...shut up."
"Www your face is pretty red."
"I wonder why." Senra muttered to himself as he got back to his feet.
"Eh? Did you say something?"
"No." Senra quickly said as he walked to catch up to the redhead. His face heating up in embarrassment.
Shima just laughed at the blonde's shy, blushing expression. He headed to his class, sitting in his seat next to the short brunette. The rest of the class went to their seats as the teacher walked in and began to speak.
"Alright class today we have a new student."
"So that new girl is in our class."
"I hope I can be friends with her."
"Well come introduce yourself," the teacher gestured for the girl to walk in.
The class stared in awe as she entered the room. Her long, pink haired flowed behind her as her magenta eyes sparkled. Her presence had some formality and elegance.
"Hello, my name in Hana, nice to meet you." She said as she bowed.
"So pretty..."
"Think she has a boyfriend?"
"She'll probably be one of those popular girls."
"Well Hana, you can sit in,uh," the teacher began to say as they looked around the room, "ah, in the seat next to Shima. Shima can you—"
"It's okay, I already know." Hana said as she made her way to the seat next to the purple-haired.
The class just watched her, some were jealous that she wasn't sitting next to them. Hana then looked at Shima and Urata with a smile.
"Long time no seen."
"I'm surprised you came to this school." Urata said as the purple-haired nodded his head.
"Yeah, why didn't you just stay at the private school you were attending?" Shima asked as the pink haired female sat down.
"Some things came up and I needed to come back here." Hana said as she glanced at them, specifically at the green eyed brunette.
"Well I hope you enjoy it here~" Shima grinned at the girl, who smiled back.
"Don't forget you have to show her around." Urata teasingly said as the purple-haired whined.
"Do I actually have to?"
Hana just giggled at the male's action. Still the same as before. "It's fine, I can do it on my own."
"Okay." Shima said quickly, happy that he didn't have to do something so boring.
"Alright class, let's begin now."
The purple-haired and green eyed brunette turned forward as they listened to the teacher. The pink haired female glanced at the two males before sighing. I hope he's been doing what I told him to do. Hana then sighed again, this time out of exhaustion, well he always does things his own way.
New character (ówò)
Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter
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