"What if they have Senra locked up somewhere?" Kuro, in her cat form, asked as she was perched on the raven-haired's shoulder.
"Then we'll just break in, what else would we do?" Kashitaro said as the red eyed blonde rose her eyebrow.
"Oh great idea then people can hear the ruckus, head there, see us and then lock us up, maybe even possibly kill us."
"We have you, you can just use your cat powers to get in."
"First you guys tease me, now you're going to abuse my powers. How cruel~"
Kashitaro just rolled his eyes before glancing at the raven-haired who was holding his pendant.
"Sora– wait we didn't think of a cover name for you."
"Oh right, calling him by his name would just screw us over quickly." Kuro gave the male a teasing grin, "how about Sora?"
"How creative." Soraru said as the red eyed blonde stuck her tongue out.
"At least you're talking now."
"Maybe let's go with Raru?" Kashitaro teased as the raven-haired sighed.
"Sorapi sounds nice."
"You guys are terrible. I don't really care about name you call me." Soraru responded, which caused Kuro to smile.
"Alright then your code name will be Fishcake."
".....anything but that....."
"Old man?"
"Geez you don't have to glare at me like that."
"Let's just forget about the name for now, if we have to we'll just say the first one that comes to mind." Kashitaro looked at the raven-haired with a pondering look, "are you getting anything from the pendant?"
"Senra seems to be awake but that's just it..." Soraru then shifted his eyes to the side, "well, he felt kinda distraught at one point, I'm only guessing that he must've already heard what happened."
"But he knows that there had to be some reason for...that."
"And what if I said I did it on purpose? You wouldn't know."
"Well...." Kashitaro turned his head to the side, Soraru just sadly smiled before the brunette looked back at him, "we all know the lazy ice prince wouldn't be capable of that. But do you want to tell us exactly what happened?"
Soraru sighed as he put the pendant back in his pocket.
"Basically, Sakata and I were in the room, well we kinda waited outside because we didn't want to see the...mess. Dad walked by and we practically tackled him to tell him what happened. He became distraught and went to check it out."
Soraru let out another sigh as he hugged his arms.
"He was crying for a while before things went silent....too silent that we were worried for him so we decided to enter the room and then he started to attack us."
"Actually, I never made the knife," Soraru moved his eyes to the side to look at them, "it had already been there."
"So they were definitely planning on framing you." Kashitaro quietly said as the raven-haired nodded his head.
"Wait but only you can use ice powers? Was it another illusion?" Kuro said in confusion as the other two shrugged.
"Must've been a real good illusion that was able to manifest into an actual object." Kashitaro stated as the raven-haired sighed.
"Besides that, I tried to get it out of his hand, eventually I grabbed it but when he tried to grab it back I...my hand ended up being in a position where I stabbed him..."
"Sakata then pointed out that something in Dad's eye changed, and then we saw that he seemed normal again." Soraru rubbed his arm, "b-basically, he realized he was controlled, he actually would've survived but his old age and sickness caused his death..."
"Wait he was sick?" Kuro said as the raven-haired nodded his head.
"This was the first time we heard about it too."
"At least you know it wasn't due to the stab wound," Kashitaro tried to reassure the male who sighed.
"Yeah but..." Soraru let out a nervous laugh, "I guess I now understand how Sakata feels, knowing you didn't do anything but somehow still being the reason things turned for the worse."
"You, hold it!"
The three froze as the turned around to see a knight approaching them. Kuro prayed to herself that the illusion worked while Soraru awkwardly stood there, fighting to urge to just run away.
"What are you two doing walking around?" The knight asked.
"Enjoying a nice stroll?" Kashitaro gave the male a confused look.
The knight got a closer look at Kashitaro, "you're the prince's knight friend, where is he?"
"I don't know, I haven't seen him throughout the night," Kashitaro tried to think of a lie, "maybe he's with his brothers?"
"Stop trying to hide it, tell me now."
"What do you mean?"
"Playing dumb, this is Kashi's moment to shine." Kuro teasingly muttered, the raven-haired had to resist chuckling.
"You know what I mean."
Kashitaro tilted his head, "I haven't talked to the prince in a long time."
"We've seen you with him before, and back then you always went with him to the human world."
Kashitaro tried to think of something quick, he looked at the sapphire necklace around the raven-haired's neck before he blurted out, "h-he and I had some fight and are no longer in contact with each other."
"What kind of lie is that?" Kuro quietly whispered as the brunette just gave her a side glare.
The knight narrowed his eyes, "you could just be saying that so you can run to him like a dog to protect him."
"You know him, always the star of everything, getting the attention of everyone while I was in the background. People would eventually feel useless when they're just seen as the 'sidekick'. I'm sure you'd know that feeling."
Soraru just stared at the brunette as Kashitaro let out a small, weak laugh.
"I talked to him about it, he's the same old, same old cold prince so you can imagine how the conversation went. Eventually I just decided to leave since I felt like I wasn't needed by him."
"How is saying any of that helpful?" Kuro said as the brunette gave her another side glare.
"So do you really think I'd help someone that betrayed me in a way? I'm a knight of the people, but I won't stay loyal to someone who isn't loyal to me in return. Even if they're some lazy, tsundere prince."
Soraru was debating whether he should punch the male or not for the last comment.
"So why are you by this bulter's side?" The knight seemed to have dropped the question and looked at the raven-haired, who slightly tensed up.
"H-He felt worried about his safety so I decided to accompany him. He saw the murder so his life might be at stake."
"If he saw the murder then he would know where the prince is," The knight stared at the raven-haired, "so he should come with us and tell us."
"Wait does the illusion also hide his voice?" Kuro worriedly said in realization
Kashitaro froze once he realized his mistake. Shit.
"I...don't know..." Kashitaro quietly replied as the red eyed blonde glared at him.
"Kashi! What kind of knight are you?!"
"Shut up you short cat!" The brunette quietly whispered to the female while the raven-haired tried to think of something.
Soraru just shook his head before making an X-shape with his fingers over his mouth. Please work, please work, please work.
"H-He's unable to talk now due to some health concerns!" Kashitaro blurted out, "that's another reason I have to stay by his side."
The knight gave them a skeptical look while the two males prayed for them to be fooled by the lie.
"So has he seen the prince?"
Kashitaro glanced at Soraru, who made a gesture of running away.
"He ran away before the prince spotted him so he doesn't know where he went."
The knight just glanced between the two before turning around, "If you learn anything find a guard to tell them."
The three let out the breaths they were holding once the knight was gone from their sight.
"Oh thank god, I thought he was going to take Soraru," Kuro said, "you're the worst bodyguard."
"But at least your sob story made him stop questioning you."
"So mind telling me if you meant all that?" Soraru finally spoke once he figured that the knight was too far to hear him.
"U-Uh...." Kashitaro sheepishly shifted his eyes away, "m-maybe some of those feelings existed back then when Amatsuki would always be talking in admiration about you."
"It's fine," the brunette playfully punched the male's arm, "in the end we're still friends."
"Hey," Kuro said as she spotted someone in the distance, "isn't that Senra?"
The raven-haired quickly whipped his head to look while the red eyed blonde jumped down from his shoulder and ran towards the person.
"Wait Kuro!" Kashitaro called out as she left the two, "doesn't she know that we can't trust anyone, especially with the possibility of them being an illusion."
"Well, she's a cat now so I think she'll be fine."
"But we should still follow her."
The two headed to where they saw the female run off to. Turning the corner they almost bumped into someone.
"I figured Kashi would be the dense one to not pay attention to where he was going, not Soraru." Yuuto teasingly said as the raven-haired sighed.
"Oh so you can tell it's Soraru."
"Eh? Is he suppose to look different? You guys didn't do a good job then," Yuuto commented as the raven-haired rolled his eyes.
"Things happened so we had Mafu make an illusion to hide me, Sakata, and Shima. Nqrse said that I look different to others but those that are closer to me just see me as usual."
"Why?" The teal-haired tilted his head in confusion, "did something happen that I'm not aware of?"
"You don't know?" Kashitaro asked, the teal-haired shook his head, he made eye contact with Soraru before looking back at the male, "but don't you usually know about things earlier than us?"
"The short story is," Soraru paused to let out a small breath, "mom's dead, rumors about Sakata are going around, I-I....accidentally hurt dad and that led to him dying."
Yuuto just stared at him, for once dumbfounded by the male's words. He remained silent as he looked down.
"And now people are kinda turning against them and us." Kashitaro added as the gave the male a worried look, "are you okay?"
"I'm fine," Yuuto looked up at them with a nervous smile, "j-just feel kinda sad about the news. It feels strange, since I kinda looked up at the king and queen, hearing this is....unbelievable."
"Well I'll do my best to help you guys with the rumor situation," the teal-haired smiled, "oh and if you're looking for Kuro she went that way," he pointed to the stairs.
"Did you happen to see her possibly following someone?" Soraru asked as the teal-haired pondered.
"I'm not sure," Yuuto crossed his arms, "I just managed to see a cat run up the stairs but that's just it."
"If she's still persistent on chasing them then it has to be Senra right?" Kashitaro said as he looked at the raven-haired, "She's not dumb enough to not realize something's wrong."
"I hope so."
"Good luck, also I found Eve but," Yuuto gave them a troubled look, "Sou wasn't with him so we split up to look for him."
"How great, more things to worry about." Soraru muttered as the brunette lightly punched his arm.
"We'll look for Sou too, I doubt they'd do anything to him." The raven-haired said though he felt unsure at his own words.
"Well I'll get going, do you guys have some sort of plan for all this?"
"Get Senra, all of us head to that abandoned building that we first saw when we got here, head back home and then figure out how to deal with everything else." Kashitaro stated as the teal-haired nodded his head.
"Got it, right now the best idea is to get the princes out and away," Yuuto waved at them as he walked away, "you guys better stay safe or else."
"Is he threatening us or being worried?" Kashitaro jokingly said as the raven-haired chuckled.
"Who knows. Let's go before Kuro manages to cause trouble."
The two headed towards the stairs, Soraru looked ahead to see someone crouching down and looking at a cat that was laying down.
The blonde looked up before being pulled into a hug by the raven-haired.
"E-Eh? Soraru?" The blonde blinked, not used to the male being the one initiating affection, before tightly returning the hug.
"Oh thank god you're safe."
"Is Kuro okay?" Kashitaro saw the female groan.
"I.....ran....so.....much....Senra....why....did...you...have....to....be.....tall.....?" Kuro managed to say in between her pants.
"I was wondering why a cat seemed to follow me," Senra was about to let go of the hug but it seemed like the raven-haired still didn't want to.
"Y-You don't hate me?"
"Hate you for what?"
Senra realized what he meant and awkwardly smiled.
"You...didn't mean it."
Soraru let out a sigh of relief, letting go of the hug as he gave the male a weak smile.
"Alright, we found you now time to leave." Kashitaro said as he picked up the tired Kuro.
"We're not really safe staying here so we're going back home to try to see what to do next." Soraru stated as the blonde nodded his head.
Senra then paused as he remembered something.
"I think taking me would be difficult..."
"Eh? Why?" Kuro asked, "I did not run after you for you to say no."
"They kinda have a tracker spell on me so they can easily find us, especially if I'm with you guys." Senra gave them a troubled, nervous smile.
"Oh by the way, Riku got caught up in this, they forced him to work with them but he's on our side too." Senra mentioned, the raven-haired became worried a bit which confused them.
"Yuuto told us Sou's gone, and if Riku's also in this mess then...."
The other three widened their eyes.
"T-Then that means they might have something to do with Sou disappearing!" Kuro shouted, "we have to find him!"
"But the tracker on Senra." Kashitaro pointed out, Kuro pondered for a bit before jumping into the blonde's arm.
She purred as she rubbed her head against the male, confusing all of them. A small glow surrounded her before transferring to the blonde and disappearing.
"Ta-da! Spell broken~ Senra's a free man now."
"So she is useful as a cat." Soraru teased as Kuro glared at him.
"Alright, so what should we deal with first? Taking Senra back to the others and then find Sou or all of us try to find him together?" Kashitaro asked as the raven-haired looked at the blonde.
"Let's bring Senra back, I'd rather him and Sakata be safe than getting caught." Soraru stated as the blonde shook his head.
"You getting caught is even worse. At least they wouldn't do anything to me since I'm part of their plan."
"And if they decide to ditch the plan?"
"E-Er...possibly....b-but I want to help Sora-nii and make sure he doesn't get hurt!"
"Please Sora-nii?" Senra pleaded to the raven-haired.
"That's the first time I've heard him call you that." Kashitaro commented as the raven-haired sighed.
"Yes!" Senra cheered as he hugged the male, "I thank Sakata for teaching me how to get you to soften up~"
"I hate you two."
"www and we love Sora-nii too~"
"Oi quite calling me that!"
"Aw~ Soraru's embarrassed~" Kuro teased as the raven-haired glared at her.
"Shut up shortie cat."
The blonde tightened his hug on the older male as he smiled.
I'm safe, Soraru's safe, everyone else seems safe.
Shima's safe. That's all I care about.
I just want to go home and stay with them forever.
Please let me have my happy ending.
New 2am update cause I've become a night owl that only writes at night now ww
I've been in a writing mood lately
Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter~
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