Vol. 1 - The Stray (Part 1)

Why is RWBY getting so tired? Like, what the hell happened? I know that Rooster Teeth is trying their best to make the series still entertaining as possible, which some of the fights and moments still are, something about the way Monty Oum wrote the story just hit different, y'know?

Obviously, we can't have the same magical experience volumes 1, 2, and 3 had (Rest in peace Monty), but the current volumes just feel so lacking. So honestly, this book may get slow updates. I will try to update this as often as I can, but I'm not feeling as much as I used to.


Y/N: (sigh) Do we have to go?

Lilina: If you want to prepare for the Vytal Festival later on this year, then yes, we have to go.

Owain: My sword hand craves for battle! I'm so excited!

Lethe: The festival isn't coming till months from now, idiot.

Lilina: Come now, everyone. We have people's weapons, semblances, and fighting styles to analyze. 

Y/N: (irritated groan) Fine.

Team MOLA were spending their day in Vale, walking around the city as they went down to the docks. Students from Vacuo were said to be arriving, and the team leader had decided to scout out their future opponents.

As they went down towards the docks, they find team RWBY nearby as well.

Ruby: Oh, hey guys! What are you guys doing here?

Lethe: Leader here decided it would be best to scout out the competition for later on in the tournament.

Ruby: Oh, that's what's Weiss said!

Weiss: I did not!

Yang: You are not the best liar, Ice Queen.

Y/N: (looks to Lethe) Come to think of it, when did you call boss "leader"?

Lethe: Huh?

Owain: Yeah. You two are always at each others throats. Every day is always a cat fight.

Blake and Lethe look at the blonde with annoyed looks.

Owain: S-Sorry.

Lethe: We just talked. That's all.

Lilina: Are you sure? From what I remembered, you liked looking at me when I--

Lethe: Shut up, shut up! They don't need to know that!

Lilina: Aww, anything for you, sweetheart.~

Y/N: (whispers to Owain) Don't tell me...

Owain: (whispers back) I think it's quite obvious. 

Lethe: Shut it, numbnuts!

Ruby: Whoa.

The group's attention was then brought to Ruby, who was focused on a dust shop that had been recently been robbed. Curious, they walked on over and asked the detectives.

Ruby: What happened here? 

Detective 1: Robbery. Second dust shop to be hit this week. This place has turned into a jungle.

Yang: Ugh. That's terrible.

Detective 2: They left all the money again!

Detective 1: Yeah, it just doesn't make a lick of sense. Who needs that much dust?

Detective 2: I don't know, an army?

Detective 1: You thinkin' the uh, the White Fang? 

Detective 2: Yeah, I'm thinkin' we're not getting paid enough.

Weiss: Hmph! The White Fang. What an awful bunch of degenerates. 

Blake: What's your problem? 

Weiss: My problem? I simply don't care for the criminally insane. 

Blake: The White Fang is hardly a bunch of psychopaths. They're a collection of misguided faunus. 

Weiss: "Misguided"? They want to wipe humanity off the face of the planet!

Blake: So then they're very misguided.  

Y/N: Hmm...my question is, why does someone need a whole shit ton of dust? Why would the White Fang want to rob a dust shop in the middle of downtown Vale? It doesn't make any sense.

Ruby: Hmm. They got a point. Besides, the police never got that Torchwick guy I ran into a few months ago. Maybe it was him?

Weiss: That still doesn't change the fact that the White Fang are a bunch of scum. Those faunus only know how to lie, cheat, and steal.

Y/N: Well, maybe that's because they had no choice. So what your fucking tongue, "princess."

Weiss: Excuse me? How dare you!

Owain: (pats Y/N's shoulder) Uh, maybe you should calm it down there buddy?

Y/N: Oh, I'm sorry. I guess I just don't understand that posh little life you had. Not every is fed a silver spoon growing up.

Yang: L-Look guys, there's no need to be arguing. And, Weiss, that's not necessarily true.  

Random Guy: Hey! Stop that faunus!

Turning their attention to the docks, the group then sees a monkey faunus jumping off the boat that had recently come into the port. Landing on the boardwalk, the monkey faunus runs and hangs under a lamp post.

Sailor: You no good stowaway! 

Monkey Faunus: Hey, a no good stowaway would've been caught. I'm a great stowaway!

Y/N: Eh, he's not wrong.

Weiss: And how would you know that?

Y/N: How else did I get to Vale, dipshit. 

Detective 1: Hey, get down from there this instant.

The monkey faunus, who was eating a banana, finishes his little snack and tosses the peel at the detective. It landed on the detective's face, which angers him, the monkey faunus jumps off and quickly runs up the steps to where it led to the city.

The monkey faunus then runs past the group, and in slow motion, he glances towards Blake. He sent a small wink her way. As time resumes, he sped off with the detectives chasing after him. Blake looked bewildered with Y/N letting out a low growl. Owain looks at him with a questioned look.

Yang: Well, Weiss, you wanted to see the competition, and there it goes.

Weiss: Quick! We have to observe him!

The three girls quickly take off, Team MOLA and Blake looking at the direction the monkey faunus ran off in. With a click of his tongue, Y/N runs after, Owain screaming after him and going with. Blake was then shook out of her senses and gives chase as well.

Lethe and Lilina look at each other and shrug before they chase after their teammates. As they continue to follow, they went through an alleyway and find the three going across a street. As they turned the corner, the group following suit, Weiss bumps into someone and knocks them down onto the ground. The group then turn the corner and see the Schnee girl on the floor while the monkey faunus had jumped and climbed the buildings to escape.

Weiss: No, he got away! 

Y/N: Huh...this seems to be an interesting development.

Owain: What is this scenery!? My dark prowess...cannot...handle it!

Yang: Uuhh...Weiss?

The white-haired girl looked to her blonde teammate, who only pointed to the floor. Weiss then looks to where Yang was pointing, the Schnee girl had fallen on top a girl with orange hair and pale green eyes. Weiss quickly backs off.

Orange-Haired Girl: Salutations!

Ruby: Um, hello.

Y/N: Uh, hi...?

Yang: Are you...okay? 

Orange-Haired Girl: I'm wonderful! Thank you for asking! 

Y/N: Then, you wanna, you know, get up?

Owain: The ground must be uncomfortable!

Y/N: (mutters) Not the exact reasons, considering she was knocked to the floor, but okay.

Orange-Haired Girl: Yes!

She then tucks her legs in before she kicks herself up, the group awkwardly taking a step back. 

Orange-Haired Girl: My name is Penny! It's a pleasure to meet you!

Ruby: Hi, Penny. I'm Ruby.

Weiss: I'm Weiss.

Blake: Blake:

Y/N: Y/N's the name.

Lilina: (bows) Lilina. Pleasure to meet you.

Lethe: Lethe.

Owain: I am--

Y/N: Owain, I swear to fucking Oum if you start off with that bullshit again. Just introduce yourself normally.

Owain: (sigh) Ugh, you my mother or something?

Y/N: Mum's the word.

Owain: (clears throat) A-Anyway. Owain Ostia, hero of darkness. At your service.

He then strikes his signature pose, the others looking at him as if he was an idiot. Y/N sighs and punches Owain's shoulder, who recoils and rubs it as he slightly squirms.

Y/N: Ignore him. He's an idiot.

Yang: Are you sure you didn't hit your head. (elbowed by Blake) Oh, I'm Yang.

Penny: It's a pleasure to meet you!

Weiss: You already said that.

Penny: So I did! 

Weiss: Sorry for running into you!

Ruby: Take care friend!

Owain: Don't forget to like, comment, and subscribe!

Y/N: Shut up, you fuckin' idiot! Rewind!


Ruby: Take care!

Owain: And the dark hero takes his leave!

Y/N: Uh, yeah. What he said. 

The rest awkwardly wave at the girl, Penny staring at them for a few moments. The group then continue to walk down the street.

Yang: She was...weird.

Y/N: I've met weird people before, but none stranger than her.

Owain: Hmm...

Y/N: What?

Owain: She reminds me of someone...she was kinda weird, too.

Y/N: Who?

Owain: I don't know. She was quite the stalker though.

Y/N: I see.

Weiss: Now, where did that faunus riff-raff run off to?

Penny then zips to the front of the group.

Penny: What did you call me?

Yang: Oh, I'm really sorry! I definitely didn't think you heard me.

Penny: No, not you. (points to Ruby) You!

Ruby: Me!? I, uh, I don't know, uh...what I, um, I, uh...

Penny: You called me friend! Am I really your friend?

The red-tipped haired girl struggled to get an answer, her looking to her friends. Her team shook their heads, Lilina only gave a polite smile, Lethe waving her hand to do whatever, Owain with a thumbs up and Y/N shrugging.

Ruby: Y-Yeah, sure! Why not?

Yang, Blake, and Weiss then fall onto the floor in a comically manner, Lilina nodding and smiling. 

Penny: (giggles) Sen...sational! We can paint our nails, and try on clothes, and talk about cute boys! 

Ruby: (to Weiss) Is this what it was like when you met me?

Weiss: (dusts herself off) No. She seems far more coordinated. 

Yang: So...what are you doing in Vale?

Penny: I'm here to fight in the tournament! 

Weiss: Wait, you're fighting in the tournament?

Y/N: In those clothes?

Lilina: Don't judge a woman on what she wears, Y/N.

Y/N: Sorry, boss.

Penny: (salutes) I'm combat ready! 

Weiss: Forgive me, but you hardly look the part.

Blake: Says the girl wearing a dress.

Owain and Y/N: Oooohhh, roasted!

Weiss: It's a combat skirt!

Ruby: Yeah!

The red-tipped haired girl had zipped over to her partner, the two doing a low-five. Lilina nodded, agreeing with the statement as she herself was wearing a skirt as apart of her Huntress outfit.

Weiss: Wait a minute, if you're here for the tournament, does that mean you know that monkey-tailed rapscallion?

Penny: The who?

Weiss: (pulls out paper) The filthy faunus from the boat!

Y/N: (murmurs) When did she have time to draw that?

Owain: (murmurs) Right? That looks nothing like that monkey-fellow...even I've seen better drawings. Y/N, my friend, what is your score? A 1 out of 10 from me.

Y/N: Oh, my good sir, I must agree with you there. A 1 out of 10 from me as well.

Weiss: Be quiet!

Blake: Why do you keep saying that?

Weiss: Huh?

Blake: Stop calling him a rapscallion! Stop calling him a degenerate! He's a person!

Weiss: Oh, I'm sorry. Would you like me to stop referring to the trash can as a trash can, or the this lamppost as a lamppost?

Blake: Stop it! 

Weiss: Stop what? He clearly broke the law. Give him time and he'll probably join up with those other faunus in the White Fang. 

Blake: Ugh! You ignorant little brat!

Blake then turns around and begins walking away. Owain looks to Y/N, seeing him grip his right hand's wrist with his left.

Weiss: How dare you talk to me like that! I am your teammate!

Blake: You are a judgmental little girl.

Weiss: What in the world makes you say that? 

Yang: Uhh, I think we should probably go.

Lethe: I'm down.

Lilina: Agreed.

Penny: Where are we going?

Owain: Hey...you alright?

Y/N: Y-Yeah...just...terrible memories. That's all...

Owain: You know, you can always talk about them. Even to the other two. Just like old times, right?

Y/N: Yeah...I'll be sure to remember that.

They begin to walk back to Beacon Academy, Owain often taking glances at his friend. After all, there was a part of his history that he hadn't shared with the rest of his friends, and his team. But Owain knew. In fact, he was there when it happened. He just regretted it that he couldn't help any sooner.

Timeskip-Team RWBY's Dorm Room

Both Lilina and Lethe had decided to go back to their dorm room, Y/N and Owain standing to the side of RWBY's dorm room. Weiss and Blake continued to argue, Yang, Ruby, Y/N, and Owain looking to each other. They shrugged as they weren't sure what to do.

Weiss: I don't understand why this is causing such a problem! 

Blake: That is the problem!

Weiss: You realize, you're defending an organization that hates humanity, don't you? The faunus of the White Fang are pure evil!

Blake: There's no such thing as pure evil! Why do you think they hate humanity so much? It's because of people like Cardin, people like you that force the White Fang to take such drastic measures! 

Weiss: People like me? 

Blake: You're discriminatory!

Weiss: I'm a victim! ...You want to know why I despise the White Fang? Why I don't particularly trust the faunus? It's because they've been at war with my family for years. War, as in actual bloodshed. My grandfather's company has had a target painted on it's back for as long as I can remember. And ever since I was a child, I've watched family friends disappear. Board members executed. An entire train car full of Dust, stolen. And every day, my father would come home furious. And that made for a very, difficult childhood.

Ruby: (puts hand on Weiss's shoulder) Weiss, I...

Weiss: No! You want to know why I despise the White Fang? It's because they're a bunch of liars, thieves, and murders! 

Blake: Well, maybe we were just tired of being pushed around!

Weiss begins to slowly back up, the others looking at Blake in shock. Blake notices their stares and she began to feel nervous. 

Blake: I-I...

Blake then dashes out of the door, Owain and Y/N trying to stop her. But she had already made it out.

Ruby: Blake! Wait! Come back!

Y/N: ...You know, Weiss. Maybe you should've heard her side of the story. Sure, the White Fang are full of murders, and thieves, but you have to remember, they were once a peaceful organization that were always subject to discrimination and bully. After all, I should know. I was subject to it as well.

Owain: Y/N...

Y/N: And I despise your company as well. Because you know why?

Y/N slowly pulled down the shirt that covered his right shoulder and turned around. Owain looked down, the other girls gasping in disbelief.

Y/N: I was never seen as an equal towards them. They saw me as a tool, one that could be used time and time again. It didn't matter whether I was injured or not. So long as I was still alive, I could keep working. That's right. This is why I hate your family...your company. They never saw me as a person. They branded me as one of their property.

On the back of Y/N's right shoulder were the burnt letters of SDC. The Schnee Dust Company.

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