Lovely but Deadly part 37

Reaper pov
When we open the gate we saw..

We all scream, we saw her with a white cloak around her and she was holding a scythe,Wait did we ran out of time!? "YOU SAID THERE WAS STILL 2 AND A HALF HOURS AND NOW WHY IS SHE A REAPER!?"Pj yelled ask, then it hit me.

~Flash back~
"Sans remember there is a 3 hours difference from our world and in the underworld, so you have to make it at least and hour to save her"Tori said "Yeah sure Tori,I'll be sure to remember that"I said
~End of flash back~

OH MY GOSH WHY AM I AN IDIOT! If I just remember what Tori said I could've save her,No, we could've save her!This is all my fault "I-I'm sorry I failed you angel"I said to angel while slowly dropping on my knees "I'm sorry"I repeated those two words, while the others look angry and confused "Reaper what is going on!?"Dream ask "I-I should've told you...."I said crying blue tears mix with black "WHAT DO YOU MEAN!?"they all yelled ask to me "THERES A TIME DIFFERENCE!"I yelled back "What!?"Error ask in shock "There is a different time... we've should've save her in an hour but I forgot...."I said still crying "N-no n-no NO NO NO NO NO!"Pj yelled while he runs to (Y/n) "PJ NO"ink yelled, angel already took her scythe and was ready to struck pj but...
It never came

We all looked at them at shock, pj was hugging Angel, while she was holding back "Angel please I know you still good, just come on we could be back, to be happy...."Pj said as tears trailing at his face.

3rd pov
As the angel fought on the decision she should make should she strike him? Or hugged him back? She was utterly confused either way every skeleton came to her and hugged to.Now this surprised angel, she knew that monsters or human doesn't like.Then she realizes something.....

Your pov
I remember now they were my friend, my family.I quickly drop my scythe and hugged them all back.Tears streaming down my face "Im so so so sorry guys"I said which each sobs "It's ok, at least your back angel..."Fresh said seriously and lovingly "Heh,Ok let's just go home..."Reaper said then I remembered something "My spirit is still caged.."I said and the looked at me confused and shock "How though?"Ink "They connected my body with my soul but not fully so my spirit is still inside the dungeon"I said pointing to the green gooey dungeon on top of the red hill stones "You gotta be kidding me right angel?"Error ask scaredly (Not a word)while I just nod my head in approval "If I leave this realm I'll die.."I said looking down ""Reaper whispered to him self but I can hear it pretty good "What do we do?"Fresh ask "We have to go to the dungeon... and get her spirit back"Reaper explained "Ok then should we head out or rest first?"Dream ask "Eeh rest"Everyone said.

It has been a few hours and I'm hungry "Hey Angel you hungry?"Pj ask and right on cue my stomach growls "Well my stomach already answered so you know the drill"I said while having a smirk across my face "Yea yea shush"Pj said shushing me as well, while I just puff my cheeks out "hmpf Your a meany!"I said pointing to pj "Nuuu please I'm sorry!"He begged, it took me a while to forgive him but I did anyways so ya "Oh ya eat This! it's, (F/F) (Favorite food)!"Pj said and I quickly took it and eat it "Thank you *Num* it's yummy *Num* *Num* hehehe I luvs you"I said to him and pj just nose bleed heh.

*Timeskip for 27 minutes*

"*Yawn* in sleepy I'm just gonna go to sleep"I said while laying my head down on fresh lap as the darkness consumed me.

Fresh pov
Awww my little chica lady bug is asleep.She looks so beautiful...Her lips look so soft, I wish I could touch it.. her hair is so silky,Her skin is so smooth and perfect everything about her is perfect, I'm so thankful that I got to meet her.....She's the chill pill to my demon.

Ink pov
Sigh, angel slept on fresh lap....But her face....Is perfect, Even her hair framed her face perfectly, I don't know who wouldn't love her or neither fall for her...Sigh she always catch my heart...She's the Color To my canvas.

Error pov
Even though I feel jealous I can't hurt him I mean, me,Fresh,and Geno are brothers, But I can't help to look at angel, every time she looks at me it felt like the whole world stop, just to see her face heh....She's the puppet to my strings.

Pj pov
Aww Darn it! I thought she would sleep on my lap but I guess not ok..Sigh oh angel don't you know how much I love? Heh maybe one day I will confess...She's the Light to my Darkness.

Reaper pov
Sigh everyone is making goo goo eyes on her Grr...I can't help to feel slightly jealous Sigh but she will always be my life of the dead.

Dream pov
I would like to see what's she's dreaming but, I'm still daydreaming about her, She's confident, Smart, strong, Brave, kind, and many sweet thing especially She's so pure innocent...Sigh i will protect her.Shes the dream of my dream catcher.

Nightmare pov
Why? Why? Why me? Why do I only have one eye? (Sorry not being racist I this racist idk not being racist though) Sigh I only have one blue eye....Sigh she always make my heart flutter...Sigh if she ever have a nightmare I would regret myself if existing...Sigh (So many sigh's) she's the apple to my eye.

Cross pov
There looking at my waifu! I won't let them get away with it!But...Not now we need to get her spirit back...Waifu senpai pls NOTICE MY FEELINGS! Sigh ok stop screaming in my skull...Heh she's the sweet of my life.

Cross Chara pov
Wow cross I never thought he would say that..But heh I can't deny they are staring at my senpai Heh so cute,Sigh she's the love of my heart.

Your my everything angel~

Sorry for not posting my data died so ya and I hope you like the sans's pov, I was like thinking
'Yo maybe I should do everyone's pov!YEAH!' Yup ok bye.1146 words

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