Little crush? Chapter 4

Wait a minute

here's you chappy lucky you two chapter already eyyyyy
Fresh pov (before the burning and roasting stuff)
When we finish (Y/N) and I congrats her but suddenly I had the urge to follow her so does the other guys.
When we got in there (Y/N) roasting Vanessa out of her life it was funny.

Pj pov
Heh that toots really is pretty and fast to then when she finish she got in the girls locker then all of us followed her.
We saw the funniest thing ever and she said to Vanessa "do you need ice for that burn oh wait the ice already melt into a hot boiling water so your just gonna get more burn than before "

All five sans pov
That is when we broke
"OHHHH OHHHH" we scream and then coach just yelled at us

Pj pov
When coach yelled at us there was a hint of jealousy in them huh probably my imagination
(Y/N) pov
Now next class is history huh at least angel live long to know history so I guess I'm good in that department, I just walk to history and when suddenly the speaker turn on the school and said "Hoi ThiS PrinciPlE Tem ThErE IS Fire EvaCuaTE THe SchOOl" when that said all kids ran and teacher as well and then I saw the fire coming it wasn't an ordinary fire it WAS MY CHILD HOOD FRIEND NAME VINCENT!??!?but he's a demon but my kinds trust him cause he saved my life and I was grateful.
all the teacher are helping student while I just stood there while smiling "HEY (Y/N) WE NEED TO GET OUTTA HERE" fresh yelled "go on I'll catch up" I said as he ran out when every on was out they said to make me come out while I just shook my head no ,they thought I was insane or something the the fire close the gates while I just smiled at it "(Y/N)"fresh cried out then the fire shape out Vincent

That's what he look like
Everyone was shock and I think some girl faint because of him we just look at each other and hug "I miss you" I miss you to Vincent and" I said while I just flipped him and he hit he's head on the ground "OWW WHAT WAS THAT FOR!??????" "FOR SETTING MY SCHOOL ON FIRE DUUUUHHH DUMMB HEAD" "SORRY OK I CAN FIX IT" "NOW""what do you think am gonna do that if I don't get anything?~"
"No Hershey's kiss or anything related tho that and no my home cook meal" I said and he just clean the fire student and teacher start surrounding us and Vanessa and her group start coming in
"Hey handsome wanna go on a date~" she said "yeah come on~" Lilly said "why are you hanging out with that ugly thing?" Cadenza said that's when he broke and he just put on his scary voice "Excuse me but my (Y/N) is more beautiful than the three of you at least she doesn't wear make up to make her beautiful while just go hide a wall of make up to make look pretty while you actually look like a grandma"he said and I just pull his ear "OK IM SORRY SENPAI"" wut?" And he made this shape "💜" "WeLL THe Fire IS Out BuT We CAN Go HOME EaRly" all the kids cheer "hey Vincey why did you came here?" I ask "oh I came to find you but your in highschool so I guess I'm just going to sign up with you" "REALY!?!?!?"he nods and smile "WeLL If You LikE TEM cOUld MaKe The SaME SchEDULE For YOu?" "Yes please I wanna hang out more with my (Y/N)" "dude were not even dating and besides you gonna live in my house" he just hug me while there was DEADLY GLARES THAG IS COMING AT HIM

Fresh pov

Pj pov pov

Other sans's that you have met (sorry it's night so ya) pov

HES STEALING MY GIRL wait she's a child I can't date her I will be accused being a pedo and sent to jail UGGGHHHH

I love you my sweet butterfly

725 Words

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