Curse? Part 6

"What do you mean by that she's just an ugly whore!!" Vanessa said earning a few gasp from people "HEY WHO ARE SAYING WHORE!? WHEN YOURSELF SLEEP WITH TWO GUYS IN ONE BED AND ACTUAL UGLY FACE WITH MAKE UP YOU SLUT" pj yelled "UGH why do you people thinks SHES PRETTY WHEN SHE IS UGLY AS HELL YOU PEOPLE ARE BLIND" Vanessa said "YEAH"Lily and cadenza yelled "My rotten creation" my mom said to the three girls "WHAT?! YOU STUPID GOAT" "silence!" Then lightning strike, and everyone jump "Three young rotten child I will give you two chance to be forgiven and if made two more mistake to me and my daughter you will not like what happens"my mom said "SHUT UP YOU GOAT" Lily yelled "LIAR" everyone gasp "HOW COULD YOU SHE IS GODDES OF LIFE SHE WILL CURSE YOU TO DIE!" Death said "TCH RIGHT IS THIS GOAT WOMAN IS GONNA HURT BUT IF SHE DOES PROOF IT" "Rotten one you made more than billion mistake and now from this day forward (The weather change in dark and cloudy and lightning storm) you and your fellow friends family shall be curse as shall your self be curse with bad luck every time and as well a painful death and if you die even if you did good thing you shall still be going to hell by yourself and their no turning back for what you have done LET THE GATES OF MISERY ONES BE OPEN!" She yelled and then the three feet was pulled by the ground screaming "WERE SORRY FORGIVE PLEASE" "NO YOU PIECE LITTLE PRICK" "AGGHHH YOUR EVIL" the three yelled and I sighed "mom.." then everything stop and mom looked at me "yes my lovely child" she asked with confusion "let me handle this" she nodded "You three shall be given three chance that mean you have to stick together if each you did wrong thing you three shall be curse bad luck and be zap by lightning if you three did make three mistake well to bad buddy I'm not saving ya and if your wondering why I saved your rotten butt is because I really don't care about now but seeing my mom angered filled my soul with HATE and GoOD LUcK" "SHUT UP" Vanessa yelled and then three of them got zap by lightning "That's one mistake 2 more to go and poof to misery you go" "UGHHH YOU SON OF A BI-" and they got shock by lightning again "Two strike and one time wow never thought of that and you should control you anger besides you only have OnE CHanCE LefT HEheEhheheHehshhe" "YOU KNOW WHAT I DONT BELIEVE YOU STUPID THING YOU GO DIE IN HELL" all of three of them yelled "
Well I ToLd YoU But OK You JUST wanTed TO DiE ThEn FInE MOM Is YoUR TuRn" "Oh The Three rotten child of this place shall be sent away from Earth Please Open The Gates Of Misery Once Again" then they
Of course pull once again.

513 words

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