(Season 1) Prologue: Rap Battling With Friends. Hiroshi Meets Cherry.
Hope you're excited for the funkin' story! It's time to rap through the night. Let's get this story over with.
☆Opening 1☆
[Third POV]
It was a beautiful and peaceful day in Nightcore City. The birds are singing their beautiful melody, the citizens are busier than ever, the flowers are blooming, and everything just was funkin' awesome! However, we aren't going look on how beautiful this entire city is. As the camera zooms in onto a school called; Maginage Academy, we can see that in the middle of the day, it was break time as many teenagers, of all different species of big and small are all hanging out or eating their lunch.
At one of the benches, we can see a gorgeous girl with light brown hair talking to one of her friends.
This beautiful and gorgeous girl is named; Cherry Chearest and she's 15 years old, a year older than our lazy hero. She's the most popular girl at Maginage Academy. A lot of guys are wanting to date her so badly and a lot of girls wanted to he her. She got asked out a lot, but she kindly turned them down or her Father will go after them, including her Mother. The friend she was talking to is named; Carol.
These two were best friends since Junior High, and they are very cool with eachother. Even though Cherry is very popular, she doesn't let that get in the way of her friendship with Carol. The girls were having a mutual conversation about a dating simulator game.
Cherry: Hey Carol, have you heard of that new dating game..? Uh, what was it called....Hating Simulator?
Carol: Heh, yeah, but I'm probably not gonna play it though. But I'm guessing you already bought it, huh?
Cherry: {Happily} Yep! Even the DLCs!
Carol laughs a bit at her friend. She is just so cool to be around with.
Carol: {Laughs a bit} Hah, good luck dealing with all those overused romance tropes.
Cherry: {Shrugged while smirking} Meh, I've gotten used to them at this point.
As Cherry finished her sentence, she took out her ham and cheese sandwich and took a bite of her meal. As she was chewing, Carol blurted out a question that caused her by surprised.
Carol: {Smugly} So, when are you gonna get a boyfriend..?
This comment made her choke a bit on her food, making Carol worried and patted her back.
Carol: {Pats Cherry's back in panic} O-Oh sh•t! I'm sorry, girl! Didn't mean to caught you off guard with that question.
Cherry: {Coughs a bit} I-It's fine...I'm fine. {Sighs} To be honest Carol, none of these boys didn't caught my attention. Plus, they only like me for my looks...not for my real self. Even if they meet my parents, they won't even be with me, considering who my parents are.
Carol rubbed her should, comforting Cherry a bit.
Carol: {Smiles softly} Don't worry hon, I'm sure there's the perfect for you out there. You just need take your time to find the right partner. Don't worry, if they even think about hurting you, I'll kick their asses for you.
Carol said as she tried to playfully flex, but failing miserably, making Cherry giggled.
Cherry: {Giggles} I'm so glad to have a friend like you. What would I do without you?
Carol smiled at Cherry. To be honest, there is one boy that Carol knows that Cherry hasn't met yet, or probably haven't heard of, and that boy is our lazy protagonist; Hiroshi Sans Tatsunori. Speaking of our lazy hero, he was by a tree, listening to music. He had his arms crossed, eyes closed, and his right leg leaned back against the tree as he was bopping his head back in forth, ignoring the outside world and into his daydream state of beautiful music.
Meet Hiroshi Sans Tatsunori, our lazy protagonist of this story and the younger version. He's not completely lazy....yet. Hiroshi is around 14 years old and a Sophomore at Maginage Academy. He's actually one of the most popular guys at the academy. A lot of girls wants to date him, get him in bed with them, and wants him to breed them. Yep, gonna need the FBI on them to protect Hiroshi. Anyways, Hiroshi doesn't give two sh•ts about popularity as he completely ignores it as it's very tiresome to deal with.
Hiroshi was also hiding the fact that he has very powerful magic and other abilities he has. The whole world doesn't need to know about his powers, even though this world isn't exactly normal as there are other....races besides normal humans, but that's not really the point. Hiroshi is very popular on how very laid-back he is, his helpfulness, his permanent smile, and how easy it is for others to talk to him. Hiroshi finds music to be a beautiful work of art that he decided to start a Music/Dance club. Yep, you heard right. Hiroshi is actually the president of the Music/Dance club. Hiroshi's real goal is to become a Hip-Hop dancer, taking it to the streets or becoming a singer, probably both.
Music and dancing became apart of his life that he fell in love with it. Speaking of love, a lot of girls that has a big crush on Hiroshi started to ask him out, but he kindly rejected them, making them think he wasn't into relationships. Well, that isn't the reason. He rejected them because he IS already in a relationship, a secret relationship that he doesn't want anyone to know. The girl that Hiroshi is dating doesn't go to this school, she goes to another school that's pretty far away. However, having rejecting those girls only made their love for Hiroshi stronger, making the poor boy too tired to even deal with this.
Anyways, as Hiroshi was listening to music, he felt a tap on his shoulder, making him open his eyes and take his headphones off, only to see his childhood bestie; Kaity Fairest.
Kaity is the same age as Hiroshi as they knew eachother from diapers. Kaity is one of the members of Hiroshi's Music/Dance club as she loves to sing/rap with and against Hiroshi in a friendly competition. She secretly has a big crush on Hiroshi, but she's too afraid to be rejected since she knew that Hiroshi did reject a lot of girls in the past, so she just plays it cool. She doesn't know about Hiroshi's magic, well, a lot of people don't. Anyways, Hiroshi showed her his smile, making the girl blush as Hiroshi wrapped his arm around her, pulling her into a small hug.
Hiroshi: Heh. What's up, Kaity! How's it been?
Kaity: {Blushes, smiles} Hehe. Hiya Sans! It's been going great. I've just been practicing my rap skills.
Hiroshi: {Releases the hug} Heh, are you practicing to actually beat me one day?
Kaity: {Smirks} You know it, dude! Seriously, no matter how hard I try, you always end up winning! It's like you're never trying at all. How are you so good, bruh?
She isn't lying. Hiroshi always wins when they rap battle eachother. The thing is, that Hiroshi never EVER takes things seriously. He never tries since there is technically no point in doing so. He just goes with the flow. I guess he was just born to be good. Anyways, Hiroshi just shrugged.
Hiroshi: {Shrugs, smiles} Eh, I don't know. It's part of my luck, I guess.
Kaity: {Giggles} You and your luck.
???: {Smirks} Hmph. I wouldn't it call just "luck". Boss is very special in his own way.
Both Hiroshi and Kaity look towards the direction of the voice as Hiroshi smiled brightly and hugged the person he was very glad to see as the person hugged back.
Hiroshi: {Happily} Ruisu! My homie! What's up, bro!
Ruisu: {Chuckles} What's up, dawg!
Meet Ruisu Naegi everyone! Well, the younger version of him. He's your typical bad boy at Maginage Academy, but he does have a soft spot. Him and Hiroshi goes way back, and when I mean like that, I mean about 4 years ago. Ruisu is 2 years older than Hiroshi, putting him at age 16. Back in the day, both Hiroshi and Ruisu were enemies at one point. Ruisu was actually more powerful and skilled than Hiroshi as he was having a very hard time on trying to defeat him. Ruisu then came to respect Hiroshi and his powers, as well as thanking him for saving him from his dark past. Ruisu started to respect Hiroshi so much that he ends up calling him Boss, well, there is another reason behind that name, but that's for another time.
Both Hiroshi and Ruisu are besties, more like brothers for life in a relationship. They always got eachothers back no matter what. Ruisu is also like Hiroshi, secretly having powers, but it's unknown for now of he can really do. Anyways, as they both let go of their hug, Hiroshi also spotted someone who was next to Ruisu. Meet Tomoko Kuroki, Ruisu's girlfriend.
They both started dating a few years ago. Meeting Tomoko was the best and happiest moment for Ruisu. When Ruisu met Tomoko for the first time, he felt a spark in him and he knew that he needed her badly. Our boi was head over heels for this chick. They do look soo cute together~. Tomoko wasn't really popular and most people tend to ignore her and thought of her as a weirdo, but Ruisu and Hiroshi decided different. Tomoko was a very shy girl, never getting to talk to a boy before, until she got comfortable towards Hiroshi and Ruisu. They became her new friends and when Ruisu got to know her even better, he was the first to ask her out.
Tomoko was a blushing mess as Ruisu told her on how he deeply cares and loves her from the bottom of his heart. Tomoko then accepted Ruisu's love, saying that she was crushing on Ruisu very hard for a long time, thinking on how hot and very badass that Ruisu is. This made Ruisu the most happiest man ever. To be honest, Hiroshi was Ruisu's wingman, helping him out a bit. He does ship those two deeply.
Anyways, Hiroshi smiled at Tomoko.
Hiroshi: {Smiles} Heya Tomoko, is Ruisu here treating you right?
Tomoko: {Shyly blushes} H-Hey, he's been treating me real good~.
Oh yeah, Tomoko is actually a huge pervert, mostly towards Ruisu. This comment made most of the gang sweat dropped on how she responded in the end.
Hiroshi: (💧) Uh....okay? Well, as along as you are happy.
Ruisu: {Chuckles} Don't worry, my plump ass baby is always in good hands~.
That comment made Tomoko blushed hard as Kaity was a bit freaked out.
Kaity: Uhh...
Hiroshi: {Lazily smile} You'll somehow get used to it.
Kaity: Oh okay then? Anyways, what's with Ruisu calling you "boss"?
Oh right, most of the school noticed that Ruisu always calls Hiroshi; Boss, for some reason. Whenever people wanted to know, Ruisu always glares at them and tell them to f••k off since it's none of their business. Both of Hiroshi and Ruisu, with another member, always hangs out eachother, calling Hiroshi; Boss. Hiroshi kindly told them to not call him that, but they insisted, so he let them since no matter what he says, they always calls him, Boss.
Anyways, back with the gang, Hiroshi just shrugged.
Hiroshi: {Shrugs} Heh. I don't know. It's just a silly nickname that my friends gave me, so don't worry about it.
Kaity: O-Oh, okay.
Hiroshi: Speaking of friends, I wonder where Chaos is?
???: {Smirks} Did somebody summoned me?
???2: {Smiles} I'm here as well!
The gang turned towards the direction of the voice, to see some familiar faces, making Hiroshi smirked back.
Hiroshi: {Smirks} Hehe. Speak of the devil~. It's Chaos and his girlfriend.
Meet the Chaos Kuren, the other member that calls Hiroshi; Boss. Both him, Hiroshi, and Ruisu goes way back as well. Both him and Hiroshi are childhood friends and pretty much did everything together. Yes, Chaos is a boy, so don't let his girly appearance fool you. He decided to not cut his hair yet, unless he wants to. A lot of people mistaken him for a girl PLENTY of times, which annoyed the boy greatly. Hiroshi has fun teasing the guy as well. Chaos also has powers, but that's up to him if he wants to show what type of powers he has. He has also kept his powers a secret, but only Ruisu and Hiroshi knows.
Now, we move on to Chaos' girlfriend; Itsuki Nakano. Both Chaos and Itsuki met when the girl needed help studying back in Junior High. Chaos was chosen for this case as he was the top of his class. It didn't took them too long to become the best of friends. Later on, Itsuki has started to develop a crush on Chaos, finding him...and his girly looks appearance so cute, even finding him so cool that Chaos defended her from bullies. Later after a few weeks, they both made their relationship official. Chaos falling in love with her charm and smarts and Itsuki falling madly in love with his cuteness and coolness. Yep, the ship as sailed.
Anyways, back to the gang as they were all here.
Chaos: {Smiles} How's it going, Boss.
Hiroshi: Heh. Everything is pretty sweet here. {Towards Itsuki} Is Chaos treating you well?
Itsuki: {Smiles brightly} Hehe! Yep! My cute boyfriend is treating me very well♡.
Hiroshi: {Smiles} Heh. I'm glad he is. Hm?
Just then, Hiroshi spotted his other friend, who was about the pass them, eating a sandwich.
Hiroshi: {Smiling} Yo, Tac! Over here, pal!
Our little mouse boy turned his head as saw Hiroshi waving at him. Tac smiled and jog over towards him and his crew. Meet Tac, one of Hiroshi's friends. He and Tac met during their freshmen years and has been the best of friends ever since.
Tac: {Smiling} Heya Sans! Hi Ruisu, Chaos, Tomoko, Kaity, and Itsuki! How's up.
Hiroshi: Heh. I don't know, what's up with you? Ha!
Hiroshi laughed at his little joke, with the others chuckling, as Ruisu and Tomoko rolled their eyes. Hiroshi decided to get straight to the point on why he called Tac over.
Hiroshi: So Tac, how about a friendly Rap Battle? Tobia honest with you, I've been dying to go against you. How about it?
Tac nervously smile at the idea of Rap Battling the "King" of singing. That's right, most people who went up against Hiroshi lost. He was just too good. The called him the king of singing, rapping
Tac: {Nervously laughs} Haha...w-well, I don't know, Sans. I'm not very good at rapping.
Kaity: Come on, Tac. It's just a friendly Rap Battle. Besides...it's Sansy's last day here.
Yes, she is right. Today is Hiroshi's last day at Maginage Academy. He's not graduating, he's moving away. Most of the school knows about the news of Hiroshi leaving, and most of them feels sad that he's leaving. A lot of girls stick their love letters in his locker, hoping that he'll read them. Those girls aren't giving up their love for him that easily. Hiroshi's squad aren't that sad, knowing he'll return one day and he'll be keeping in touch with them.
Tac now understands the small situation. Hiroshi wants his last day to be fun, ending with a final Rap Battle for him. Tac smiled and winked.
Tac: {Winks, smiled} Haha! Alright Sans, you've got yourself a deal. Let's Rap and make this day memorable.
Hiroshi: {Smirks} That's what I like to hear! Ruisu, you got the speaker and microphones?
Ruisu pulled the speaker and two microphones out of his backpack.
Ruisu: {Smirks} Heh. You know it, boss!
Chaos: {Excitedly} Alright! Let's jam!
We can see that both Hiroshi and Tac are in the open field with the speaker on the floor and the rest of Hiroshi's crew on the side of them, bopping their head as the music started to play.
Hiroshi: {Lazily smiled} I'll let you start, Tac. In 3 2 1 Go!
Rap Battle (Round 1): Tic-Tac-Foe Song Song
Tac started of first as Hiroshi joined in seconds later. This rap battle was just a friendly one. Hiroshi was going very easy on Tac, considering that this was his first time doing a rap battle. The gang were bopping their heads towards the beat. This song was pretty good. While both Hiroshi and Tac continued to rap, they were attracting a crowd. The crowd was liking the song as they noticed Hiroshi was rapping again.
After the rap song, Hiroshi smiled as Tac was amazed that he did good. The was actually the most fun he had in a good while.
Tac: {Happily} That was really fun, Sans! We should totally do that again sometime!
Hiroshi: Heh. Yep, we should.
Ruisu: {Smirks} That was pretty cool.
Tomoko: {Smiles} Indeed it was, babe.
Kaity: Oh man, hearing you guys sing makes me want go against you, dudes!
???: Tac?
Tac: Huh?
The gang suddenly heard a familiar voice from the distance. They all turned towards the direction to see both Lucian and Abby coming towards them.
Together with Tac, they are know as the Maginage Trio. They are also friends with Hiroshi and the crew.
Lucian: What in the world are you doing? Knowing you, you don't even do rap battles.
Tac: {Smiles} Oh, hey Lucian! Hi Abby! I was just rap-battling with our good friend; Hiroshi. Since it's his last day, we want to make it memorable.
Both Abby and Lucian looked at Hiroshi, who smiled and waved at them.
Hiroshi: Heh, sup guys. It's been awhile since we talked.
Abby: Oh, sup Sans.
Lucian: Yeah, it has been awhile. Heard you are gonna leave today.
Hiroshi: Heh. You got that right. And if I'm gonna leave, might as well rap one last time.
Lucian: {Uninterested} Well whatever, I don't want to get involved if your little rap battles. C'mon Tac-
Before Lucian can finish his sentence, Hiroshi quickly got in front of him.
Hiroshi: {Lazily smiled} Whoa, whoa, whoa, my friend. C'mon, don't be like that. Let's rap battle together. Do it for me.
Lucian: {Sighs, slightly annoyed} Listen Sans, you're okay on my friends list, but sometimes you can be a bit too much. Plus, I don't like this whole "being the center of attention" thing...
Abby: Pfft, says you.
Lucian: Oh come on! I know you don't wanna be here either!
Abby: {Smirks} Just saying...besides, Sans is right. This could be fun.
Lucian looked around to see a huge crowd surrounding them. He then sighs dejectedly.
Lucian: {Sighs} Dammit...Fine. {Glares at Hiroshi} You want to rap battle, Sans?
Hiroshi: Heh, you know it buddy!
Lucian: {Smirks} Then I accept your challenge!
Hiroshi: Sweet! Spin the speaker, Ruisu!
Ruisu: {Confused} You mean press the button, right Boss?
Hiroshi: You know what I mean, bro!
Ruisu pressed the button as the melody played.
Hiroshi: Go ahead and start! In 3 2 1 Go!
Rap Battle (Round 2): Hit-N-Strike Song
Lucian started off first before Hiroshi joined in. Just like last, Hiroshi's gang and the others are bopping their head towards the beat. This song was pretty good as well. The crowd was expanding more and more, listening to them rap eachother. Hiroshi wasn't even trying at all as Lucian was trying. As the crowd started to expand more and more, this caught the attention of Cherry and Carol. Cherry was confused on what's going on, but Carol knew.
Cherry: {Confused} Eh? What's going on? Why is there a big crowd forming? W-Wait, is someone singing?
Carol: {Excitedly} Oh hell yeah! Sans is singing again! This is totally awesome! C'mon Cherry, you have to see him going up against his opponent.
Cherry: {Still confused} Um, I'm sorry Carol, but, uh, who's Sans?
Carol gasped in shocked as she looked at her friend like she killed someone.
Carol: {Shocked} I can't believe you haven't heard of him! He's also the most popular boy in this school! Well, I don't have a crush on him, since he isn't my type. {Smiles} But still girl, you have got to meet him. He's the most chillest and coolest person ever. He's also kind, helpful, and always having that permanent bright smile like nothing can get him down.
Carol then grabbed Cherry's hand.
Carol: Come on, we got to see this!
Cherry: {Shocked} E-Eh?! W-Wait!
She didn't get the chance to say anymore as Carol dragged her friend towards the crowd. Carol couldn't see anything as she decided to drag her friend through the crowd until they were at the front. The rap battle was still going. When Cherry spotted Hiroshi, something sparked inside of her heart. She felt her face flushed hard while looking at our lazy hero. His bright charming smile, his voice, his...everything. There was something about this boy that's making her feel this way all of a sudden.
Cherry: {Blushes}....So, that's Sans, huh?
Carol: {Smirks} Yep, that's him alright! Look at him go! It's like he wasn't even trying.
Cherry: {Blushes increase, heart eyes} 'Sans.....Sansy♡. W-Where has he been all my life~.'
As the song ended, the crowd cheered loudly, catching the duo off guard a bit. However, nobody was more loud than Cherry herself.
Cherry: {Cheering loudly, fangirling} WAHOO!!!!! THAT WAS AMAZING!!! WAY TO GO!!!!
Hiroshi smirked at her, making Cherry squeal in delight. This made some of the guys jealous. It's like Hiroshi has this special aura that girls are drawn too. Carol, looking at her friend's reaction, smirked as she found a brand new ship and a way to tease her. Hiroshi playfully bow at the praise from the crowd.
Hiroshi: {Playfully bows} Thank you, thank you. You are all too kind. Heh. Anyways, let's rap up this final round, shall we?
Most of the crowd chuckled at Hiroshi's pun, even Cherry and Carol as some of the rest groaned. Hiroshi then looked at Abby, who was confused on why he's looking at him.
Hiroshi: {Smirks} Oi, Kitten!
Hearing that Hiroshi called her kitten, triggered Abby as Lucian started to sweat. The crowd was watching closely to see what will happen, knowing that Abby isn't the person to mess with.
Lucian: {Worried} 'Dammit Sans! What're you doing?!'
Abby: {Angry} (💢) What the hell did you call me?!
Hiroshi: {Chuckles} Heh. You heard me kitten. How about me and you rap in the final round~.
Abby: {Still pissed} If you know what's good for you, you'll stop calling me that before I end you!
Hiroshi just laughed a bit, getting Abby angrier. Lucian was praying for Hiroshi's safety as Hiroshi's gang weren't worried at all, knowing that Hiroshi can handle this.
Hiroshi: {Laughs a bit} Hahaha! Please little kitten, I ain't scared of you~.
Abby then snatched the microphone away from Lucian, deciding to finally go against Hiroshi in his own little game.
Abby: Hm, that's what they all say. So... Let's finish this, shall we?
Hiroshi: {Smirks} Let's do it. In 3 2 1 Go!
Rap Battle (Final Round) - Acrimony Song
As the others in the background started to bop their head a bit faster to the beat, Abby started off in her aggressive way as Hiroshi calmy started behind her. Cherry was very curious about Hiroshi as he was going up against Abby. As Hiroshi was rap-battling against Abby, 2 more familiar girls were in the crowd, watching Hiroshi preform.
The first girl is named Hana Uzaki, also one of Hiroshi's childhood friends and a grade below him. The second girl with the light blue hair and pink eye is named Sky. She's also a grade below Hiroshi and she's heads over heels for him. Uzaki is a year older than Hiroshi, while Sky is the same age as him.
Uzaki: {Amazed} Wow. Senpai is so cool!
Sky: {Heart eyes, blushes} He's so dreamy!!♡♡
When both Hiroshi and Abby stop at mid-song, Abby suddenly broke the microphone.
Hiroshi: Aw, now I gotta buy a replacement.
Abby: {Berserk} I'M GONNA TEAR YOU APART!!!
Hiroshi: {Unaffected} Heh. {Tosses his own mic away} Alright, no mics. Just our voices alone!
Yep, Abby went completely ballistic. She is more aggressive during the song as Hiroshi wasn't affected by her anger. Cherry found him even cooler as he shows no fear. Hiroshi's squad was enjoying this song as they started to tap their feet to the beat as well as bop their head.
Chaos: {Smirking} 'As expected from Boss, he is the king!'
Itsuki: {Bopping her head} 'I love this song. Maybe I should start practicing my rap so I can go against Hiroshi one day, even Chaos~.'
Kaity: {Bopping her head as well} 'Oh man, I feel like I'm missing out on this'.
Ruisu: {Taps his foot to the beat} 'Someday, I'll rap-battle him to see if I can make him go out'..
Tomoko: {Bops her head} 'Maybe...maybe I should learn how to rap. Maybe Daddy can teach me~♡ heh~.'
After the song ended, Abby charged at Hiroshi, about to punch him. Cherry was worried as she was about to interfere, but was shocked and in awe that Hiroshi was holding Abby's full punch....with his pinky. This shocked the entire crowd, minus his gang, even Abby was shocked as her anger was slowly disappearing.
Hiroshi: {Chuckles, lazily smile} Hehe. Relax, Abby. I only angered you for our final round together. I wasn't really serious about getting you angry. I apologize, but you gotta admit, you are pretty cute when angered.
This made Abby blushed in anger as she kicked Hiroshi in the knee, making the boy yelled out a pain before laughing.
Hiroshi: Ouch! Haha!
Abby then started to walk away from him as she was still blushing, while being mad.
Abby: {Tsundere mode} Y-You jerk! I-I forgive you only this time! S-Stupid! {Towards Lucian} Come on, Lucian! We're going back to class. Break is almost over.
Lucian: R-Right. Come on, Tac.
Tac: Coming! {Towards Hiroshi} Bye Bye, Sans!
The trio left as some of the crowd was starting leaving as well. Hiroshi just started laughing a bit.
Hiroshi: {Lazily smiled} Hehe. It's always fun to tease. But damn, Abby sure packs a punch-, er, kick.
Ruisu: {Walks up towards Hiroshi} Man, you sure got her mad earlier, Boss. And even teased her in the end.
Chaos: {Confused} But was it necessary to get her that angry...?
Kaity: I agree with Chaos here.
Hiroshi: Heh. Don't worry. I could handle myself. Besides, I want to make my last day memorable. By the way, where's Tomoko and Itsuki...?
Kaity: Those girls went ahead without us. They gotta keep those grades up, y'know.
Carol: That was awesome!
Hiroshi: Hm?
The gang turned around to see Carol and Cherry. Hiroshi knew who Carol is, but not Cherry though.
Carol: {Smiling} Seriously! You never fail to amaze me, Sans! I just knew you weren't trying. You never do!
Hiroshi: {Smiling} Heh. You got me there, Carol. Anyways, who's your friend?
Carol was shocked to see that Hiroshi never heard of Cherry, the most popular girl is school. The others did, but Hiroshi could've cared less about who's popular or whatever. Before Carol can say anything, Cherry quickly got up close in Hiroshi's face, invading his personal bubble, making the poor boy sweat dropped.
Cherry: {Blushing, smiling excitedly} H-Hi! I'm Cherry Chearest! Nice to meet you! Y-You're Sans, right? How are you so good? You were amazing! Can I get your autograph! You're cute! {Blushes in realization} O-Oh, I-I mean-, uh!
Hiroshi nervously laughed at Cherry's words. Carol was smiling at her friend's fangirling as Ruisu chuckles, Chaos shook his head while giving a small smile, and Kaity was actually jealous.
Hiroshi: {Nervously smiled} (💧) Uh, hehe, well, my full name is Hiroshi Tatsunori, but my friends calls me; Sans. {Holds out his hand} It's actually nice to meet you, Cherry. I bet your name is Cherry because you're sweet. Heh.
Cherry took Hiroshi's hand and started to shake it pretty fast. She also giggled at his pun while also blushing harder since Hiroshi basically called her sweet.
Cherry: {Blushing deeply red, happily} T-The pleasure is all mine!~
Hiroshi: {Nervously smiled} 'This girls is a bit odd'. Hehe, well, I would love to chit-chat with you more, but we gotta head back to class quickly.
This sadden Cherry as she did wanted to talk more, but he was right. She does has a reputation to keep up.
Cherry: {Sadden} Oh....well, c-can we hang out sometime today...?
Hiroshi hesitated at first, considering he probably won't have any time after today, but didn't want the girl to be upset.
Hiroshi: {Hesitated} Uh, sure. Of course we can hang out. 'Probably for like...20 minutes at best'.
That made Cherry very happy as they soon went their separate ways as well as Kaity. While Ruisu and Chaos were walking with Hiroshi, he somehow started to feel uneasy, as the gang noticed his behavior.
Chaos: {Confused} Ruisu..? You okay man?
Hiroshi: Yeah, you seem to be very uneasy. Something on your mind?
Ruisu: O-Oh, sorry Boss, Chaos, but I feel like something is a bit off, like something bad is going to happen. Don't you feel it..?
Hiroshi: {Confused} ....You're probably over thinking things buddy. I don't feel anything.
Chaos: Same here. You're probably thinking too much. Possibly you've been playing those horror games.
Ruisu: Y-Yeah, I guess you're right.
Timeskip towards an hour later, we can see that the hallways are packed with students as they were going to their last class. Cherry was walking with Carol towards their last class. Cherry has been a bit distracted lately, looking at her hand, the same hand she shook Hiroshi's. The same hand that she touch Hiroshi's soft and smooth hand~.
Cherry: {Blushing a bit} 'Hiroshi Tatsunori... His touch is so soft. His voice is so calming...and his aura, his odd aura is so calm and happy'.
Cherry didn't noticed that Carol was trying to get her attention until she snapped out of it.
Cherry: {A bit flustered} E-Eh?! W-What?
Carol: Geez girl, I've been trying your attention for awhile. You've been very distracted lately. Something on your mind? {Realization, before showing a smug face} Oh!~ Are you thinking about Hiroshi already? Aw~ Cherry is already madly in love!~
Cherry: {Blushes very hard} W-What?! N-No I'm not!! I-I barely met him!
Carol just gave her friend a look, making her sigh in defeat.
Cherry: {Blushes, in love} Alright fine, I was thinking about him. He's been on my mind ever since I first laid my eyes on him. T-There's something about him that makes my heart goes doki doki. I never felt this way before....Oh, I am in love with already..~♡
Carol: {Smiles} Hehe! I knew it! I totally ship you guys!-
Before she can finish her sentence, an explosion went off inside the school, in the chemistry class. However, it wasn't normal as a lot of people are running past Cherry and Carol, who was confused on what's happening.
Cherry: H-Hey! What's happening?!
Carol: {Worried} C-Cherry, we got to go!
Suddenly, the wall beside them exploded, or rather, something or someone crashed through it as there was dusty smoke everywhere, causing both Cherry and Carol to cough.
Carol: {Coughs} W-What the hell?
As the dust began to clear, Cherry looked up to see something....a monster from her nightmares as her stomach dropped and she began to shake in pure fear.
Cherry: {In utter fear, tears threatening to fall} 'N-No, No, No! I-It can't be! W-Why now!'
The person...or monster she saw and was afraid is called....The Lemon Demon.
This monster is every kid's nightmare and a very powerful entity. He loves to devour pretty much anything for his next meal. When he saw Cherry, he smiled wickedly, using stretchable arm to wrap around her weak body, making her scream.
Lemon Demon: {Evil grin} Found you~.
Carol: {Terrified/worried for her friend} Cherry!
Cherry: {Terrified, tears falling} N-No!! Leave me alone, please!
Lemon Demon: Your dear parents won't save you this time!~ Time to chow!~
The Lemon Demon opened his disgusting mouth wide, about to devour Cherry, who was frozen in pure fear. Carol was very terrified for her friend as she felt useless. However, in sheer luck, in slow motion, the Lemon Demon felt a powerful and painful kick in his face as he went through many of the school's walls, making him drop Cherry. What happened was that Hiroshi teleported in the nick of time to send the Lemon Demon through the walls. Nobody knew Hiroshi was there until the Lemon Demon went flying. Before Cherry hit the ground, she was catched in Hiroshi's arms, like a knight and princess.
When Cherry opened her eyes, noticing that she didn't felt her flesh being ripped apart, she noticed that she was in Hiroshi's arms, blushing like crazy as Hiroshi just lazily smiled.
Hiroshi: {Smiled lazily} Heh. Looks like you fell for me badly, huh?
This caused Cherry to stutter as heart eyes started to appear. Carol than ran towards Hiroshi as he gently put her down.
Carol: {Hugged Cherry tightly} Thank goodness, you're safe Cherry!
As Cherry hugged Carol back, both Ruisu and Chaos came running after Hiroshi.
Ruisu: Boss! This is were you went! We've been looking for you after you suddenly disappeared.
Chaos: Sans! What's happening? We heard an explosion and people are panicking!
Hiroshi: Well, looks like Lemon Demon returned.
This shocked Ruisu and Chaos. Seriously, he returned again? Yes, the trio did run into the Lemon Demon here and there before. That monster can be quite a nuisance.
Ruisu: {Annoyed} Seriously? Again with this freak?
Chaos: {Sighs} Of course. So, what's the plan, Boss?
Hiroshi then started walking forward, to where the Lemon Demon got send flying.
Hiroshi: Heh. Well, help everyone evacuate. Get everyone to safety as I'll deal with this lemonade son of a b••ch.
Just then, Hiroshi felt someone grabbed his hand. He looked to see that Cherry grabbed his hand, while shaking in fear as she was very worried about Hiroshi's safety.
Cherry: {Extremely worried/terrified} P-Please....d-don't go! Y-You don't know what you are dealing with!
Carol: S-She's right, dude! Even though you got a powerful kick on that demon, there's no telling what's he's capable of.
Hiroshi gently took Cherry's hand off of him and smiled.
Hiroshi: Heh. Just watch me. Besides, this isn't my first rodeo with the lemonade asshole.
Hiroshi then started to walk off as Cherry holded out her hand out towards Hiroshi's retreating figure.
Chaos: {Smiles} Don't worry, Hiroshi is a pretty strong guy. He can handle himself.
Ruisu: He's right. Come on girls, we need to go.
Cherry: {Worried} 'Be safe...'
As the gang ran the opposite direction, Cherry quickly got out her phone to make a call, a call towards her parents. Back with Hiroshi and the Lemon Demon, we can see that the demon was getting out of the rubble while rubbing his head in pain.
Lemon Demon: {Groans in pain} Ngh! Who's the b••ch that kicked me through 5 walls!?
Lemon Demon then saw Hiroshi slowly walking up to him....menacingly. The Lemon Demon growls angrily at him as he slowly got up.
Lemon Demon: {Growls} Grr! Not you again, brat!
Hiroshi: {Chuckles} Sup ugly. Are you having a sour day today? Sorry, but you ain't eating anyone as long as I'm around.
The Lemon Demon charged at Hiroshi in pure rage as Hiroshi just kept is lazy smile on.
The Lemon Demon started attacking Hiroshi with furious attacks at fast speeds....although Hiroshi was dodging them with ease.
Hiroshi: {Smirking} Heh, what's wrong Lemon head? You've gotten pretty slow since last time....or did I just get a heck of a lot stronger~?
Hiroshi had a sh•t eating grin on his face, pissing off the Lemon Demon even further.
Lemon Demon: {Livid} STAND. STILL. AND. DIE!!!!
Hiroshi: {While dodging, thinking position} Hmmm...let me think about it. Heh, nah, I'll pass.
Lemon Demon: GRR!!! DAMN YOU!
Meanwhile, out of the campus, Cherry was walking back and forth, completely worried about Hiroshi. Carol was worried too, but also tried to calm. Both Chaos and Ruisu were calm in this situation. Kaity couldn't find Hiroshi anywhere, probably thinking he's long gone home already. Just then, a purple car pulled up towards the school as 2 purple adults came running towards Cherry as she spotted them.
These married couple are both Daddy Dearest and Mommy Mearest, the parents of Cherry Chearest as well as ex singers. Cherry ran towards her parents and gave them a big hug.
Daddy Dearest: {Worried} Oh my sweet baby girl!! Are you okay?! Did that monster bastard hurt?!
Mommy Mearest: {Worried asf, but also angry} If that lemon bastard hurt you, we'll kill him permanently!
Cherry: I-I'm fine mom. The Lemon Demon did grabbed me, but this boy saved me.
This peaked both DD and MM interest. A boy, saving her from that filth? That's something you don't see everyday.
Daddy Dearest: A boy you say, sweetie? Tell me, where is this boy at?
Before Cherry could answer, they all heard more explosions around the school and saw a black blur with another blur, meaning that both Hiroshi and thr Lemon Demon are still fighting, going head-to-head. Meanwhile, with Hiroshi and the Lemon Demon, the boy wasn't even trying as the demon was giving everything he has and was getting tired.
Hiroshi: {Easily keeping up with him} So...got any lemonade I can drink? I'm pretty thirsty. Oh wait...wouldn't that be wrong, considering you're a lemonade demon...freak?
The Lemon Demon was so angry that he had veins on his head. He was beyond breaking point. The ended up in the hallway as the Lemon Demon delivered a powerful punch towards Hiroshi, who easily blocked it with one arm, making him slide back a bit.
Lemon Demon: {Still completely livid} STOP TREATING ME AS A JOKE, YOU STUPID BRAT!!!
As the Lemon Demon started to deliver powerful punches at mach speed towards Hiroshi, he just stood there, not doing anything...
....It wouldn't be anything, but Hiroshi is doing something. He is just reading his pun book as he was also blocking all the Lemon Demon's attack...with one arm, not taking this seriously at all.
Hiroshi: {Not paying attention} 'I wonder...should I get Chara some chocolates and some gifts since our 4th anniversary is coming up? Yep, I'll do it. I want it to be a surprise for her'.
The Lemon Demon might've popped a vein on how pissed he was getting.
Hiroshi: {Snapped out of his thoughts} Hm...? Oh, I don't need it to kick your ass. With the training and help of my Master, I'm more powerful to deal with foes without magic.
Lemon Demon: {Beyond his breaking point} THAT'S IT!!!! I'M TIRED OF PLAYING GAMES WITH YOU!!
Hiroshi: Hmm...yep, you're right. Besides, I got somewhere to be.
On instincts, Hiroshi tossed his book into the air, duck towards the demon's last punch before Hiroshi did his own very fast punches that the Lemon Demon couldn't see it coming. For just enough power to knock the demon out and send him far far away, Hiroshi unleashed 2% of his base power.
The Lemon Demon couldn't comprehend on what happened as his body and face was beyond in massive pain. Hiroshi then got into a similar stance and used 3% of his base power to send the demon far far way.
With that punch, Hiroshi broke the sound barrier, all the school windows, the walls, and pretty much everything as the demon was send flying into the stars.
Hiroshi: {Noticed that the school is beyond repair} (💧) ......Oops. Should've stick to below than 1%.
Back outside, everyone was shocked that a big earthquake happened and then everything was quite. Everyone was getting pretty nervous until they heard someone coming out from the school. Cherry's parents got in front of her in a protective manner as DD took out his gun and MM cracked her fingers. However, out in the open, came Hiroshi who was yawning and stretching, and not having a single scratch on him.
Hiroshi: {Yawns} Man, I could use a nap right about n-
Before he can finish his sentence, the whole school roar in victory as they crowd Hiroshi, who was shocked and surprised by this attention. They started asking lots of questions about how is so cool and strong?, is he a secret superhero?, and so on and so forth.
Hiroshi: {Confused} 'Huh? What? How did they knew I was fighting the Lemon Demon? Did...I fail to notice that there were people near me when I started fighting...or something? Heh. Oh well. Plot, am I right...?'
Suddenly, Hiroshi felt someone tackled him in full force, making him almost fall. He looks down to see Cherry, clinging on to him to dear life while crying.
Cherry: {Crying} You jerk!! You had me worried to death! I-I thought that the Lemon Demon got you!!!
She just kept crying as Hiroshi rubbed her head in awkwardness. So all he did was hug her back while rubbing her head.
Hiroshi: I, uh, I'm very sorry to have worry you like that. Please don't cry.
Cherry soon broke the hug as she wiped her tears. Hiroshi noticed that two purple adults, Cherry's parents, were coming towards him.
Daddy Dearest: {Towards Cherry} Sweet pea, is this the boy you were talking about? The one who saved you?
Cherry nodded towards her parents. Both DD and MM both looked at Hiroshi, who is back to smiling lazily.
Daddy Dearest: {Pats Hiroshi on the shoulder} We are forever grateful for what you did, young man.
Mommy Mearest: {Smiles} Thank you so much for saving our little sweetheart and dealing with that filth. Tell us, what is your name?
Hiroshi: Heh. No biggie. The name's Hiroshi, Hiroshi Sans Tatsunori, but my friends calls me Sans. Pleasure to meet you both.
Hiroshi holded out his hand towards DD and as he shook it, there was a fart noise, making his eyes widen as Hiroshi laughed so hard, showing the whoopee cushion.
Hiroshi: {Laughing} Haha! The old whoopee cushion in the hand trick! Works everytime.
Cherry chuckled as well as her family and everyone.
Daddy Dearest: Heh. You seem like a good kid. How can we ever pay you for saving our baby girl.
Hiroshi: Oh no, there's no need for that.
Cherry suddenly got close to Hiroshi, invading his personal bubble again, surprising her parents on why she's acting like this, only to suddenly know the answer.
Cherry: P-Please, there must be something you want! You can wish for anything.
Hiroshi ears perked up, hearing that he can wish for anything he wants.
Hiroshi: ....Anything?
Cherry: {Blushes a bit} Yes!
Both DD and MM were sweating a bit and syart to growl a bit. They had to deal with A LOT of boys wanted to date their precious daughter....and you should know on how they always ended in way. Those ex boys wanted their daughter's body and all of that. If Hiroshi was the same, he's gonna be the next victim, even if he did save their sweetheart. Anyways, Hiroshi suddenly put his hand onto Cherry's shoulder and his response shocked her and her parents.
Hiroshi: {Smiles brightly} All I want, is for you to keep smiling.
Daddy Dearest: {Shocked} 'What...?'
Mommy Mearest: {Shocked by his answer} 'That's....all he's asking..?'
Cherry: {Blushes, shocked} Eh? You want me....to smile? That's all?
Hiroshi: {Smiles} Yep. Your smile is all I want. Remember, "You're never fully dress without a smile". Also, I gotta go since it's my last day here.
This sadden Cherry, now noticing that this is the last time she'll see him.
Cherry: {Sadden}....You're leaving..?
Hiroshi: Yep. I'm moving away with my family, out of Nightcore City. {Noticed Cherry's sadness} Hey, don't be sad. Remember to smile. Also, I should really get going....because....
Principal: {Livid} THE HELL HAPPENED TO SCHOOL?! {Looks at Sans, who was sweating buckets} MR.TATSUNORI!!!!
Hiroshi: {Smile nervously} Hehe...because of that. Welp, gotta go fast!
Before Hiroshi can run, Cherry grabbed his hand once again, making him look at her as she blushed.
Cherry: {Blushes} W-Will...will we ever meet again, S-Sans...? I would like...to get to know you more in the future.
Hiroshi smiled and moved the string of hair away from her eyes, making her heart going doki doki again.
Hiroshi: {Smiled softly} Of course, Cherry. We will meet again one day as I will return to this beautiful musical city in the future.
If you can see it, Cherry has many many love hearts dancing around her head. Even her parents can see it. Hiroshi then started running away as Ruisu tossed his bag towards him as everyone cheered for Hiroshi and wished him luck in the future. Hiroshi, while running, turned around and soluted at everyone.
Hiroshi: {Smiles} Until we meet again, guys! Goodbye!!
Random Male #1: See ya Sans!!
Random Female #1: Good luck in the future and be safe!!
Random Female #2: {Blushes and waves} Please text me, Senpai!!
Random Male #2: See ya, homie!!
Many and many students, even the teachers are waving telling Hiroshi goodbye, even a lot of female students and teachers are being...a bit too sexual with their own comments.
Daddy Dearest: {Looks towards the direction Hiroshi went} Y'know, honey. That boy right there is actually alright on my list.
Mommy Mearest: Same here, hon. If we ever meet that boy again, let's put him to the test.
Cherry: {Blushes, in love} 'Hiroshi Tatsunori....I'll remember you. You are...the perfect boy for me~.' Isn't he just dreamy..?
Both DD and MM looked at their daughter and knowing exactly that she's madly in love. They don't know Hiroshi completely, but if they were to meet the boy again, they'll put him to the test to see...if he's any different.
Meanwhile, with both Chaos and Ruisu, were leaning against the tree, seeing Hiroshi run off.
Ruisu: {Smiles} Hmph. Hiroshi Tatsunori. He's something alright.
Chaos: {Smirks} He sure is. Hiroshi is truly amazing and if we want to get to his level of power, we have to train extra hard.
Ruisu: You got that right. {Looks towards Chaos} See ya later, Chaos. I'm gonna go hang out and do a lot of pg-13 with my girlfriend all weekend long~.
Chaos nervously chuckled at Ruisu's own pervertedness, but that makes him special in his own way. He just prays for Tomoko if she can handle him.
Chaos: {Nervously chuckles} Well, I'll catch you later, my friend. I'm gonna go cuddle with my girl.
Ruisu nodded as he ran at mach speed, leaving white electricity behind him as Chaos flew away at high speeds.....
.....unknowing towards them or anybody....that in just 4 years, everything changed for the worst of our hero......
To be continued....
☆Ending 1☆
Veemo! God dammit, this took me literally a few days to write, considering I need a lot of time to think. To be honest, I ain't too sure about this prologue as I could've done so much better...but I'm tired as hell and I can care less at this point since this prologue was getting on my nerves. I'll give this prologue a 4/10. I know I could've done so much better.
Author Inserts: Ruisu5678 & MonarchChaos
Please give them a follow and some love since they are apart of this story and needs plenty of support for their stories as well. I would really appreciate it if you give my besties some love. Please and Thank you.
Also, does anyone knows about other good anime openings/endings..? I don't want to keep using the same ones from my other stories. Got any in mind? Please share it with me.
Remember to vote, share, and add this story in your reading list. Please and Thank you♡.
If you like this prologue, then I'm glad you do, even if I could've tried harder. But I've wasted too many days and hours of my life. I believe this is the 2nd longest prologue I have ever written from all of my stories.
With lots of love. Peace out Tomoko-chan fans♡♡.
August 22, 2022
Time: 6:53 am
Words: 8,254
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