Episode 1: Meeting Some Familiar Faces. Battling Against Daddy Dearest (Week 1)

Sorry for the long wait. I wanted to get more votes before the story continues, especially for the prologue. Oh well. Let's begin.

Hiroshi Vs Daddy Dearest! (Week 1)

Yep, I made that. Pretty decent, huh?

☆Opening 1☆


[Narrator POV]

On the last episode of, "Friday Night Funkin' Harem: Funkin' Love And Magic", Hiroshi began to rap battle against his friends for a memorable moment since it was his last day to be at Nightcore City. Hiroshi has even caught the eyes of Cherry Chearest, the daughter of Daddy Dearest and Mommy Mearest. However, after their friendly Rap Battle, a monster suddenly appeared. The Lemon Demon was about to consume Cherry, but Hiroshi came to her rescue at the nick of time. Hiroshi then went ahead and fought the Lemon Demon head-to-head. This was one of the easiest battle that Hiroshi was winning. After sending the Lemon Demon far away, Hiroshi met the parents of Cherry, being very thankful for saving their precious daughter.

Cherry wanted to repay Hiroshi very badly for being her hero, but to her and her parents shocked, Hiroshi wanted nothing but for her to keep smiling. After saying goodbye, and probably promising to meet again, Hiroshi left Nightcore City with his family and with his girlfriend. However, things took a dark turn during those 4 years....

[Third POV]

It's been 4 years since Hiroshi left Nightcore City. 4 years that everything changed for our lazy protagonist. During those 4 years, things weren't going for Hiroshi well. His girlfriend...or his ex girlfriend was gone...she died. Hiroshi and her were on a date when an evil Demigod Monster came and Hiroshi was fighting a losing battle, getting his girlfriend killed in the process. Next, his family was under attack by another enemy that Hiroshi was familiar in the past, then his Mother got sick with an illness that couldn't be cured, no matter how much money Hiroshi putted in. With everything that has been going on with him for the past 4 or so years, Hiroshi was depressed. He never kept in touch with his friends, leaving them behind as he was on his own and rather deal with problems on his own. However, he kept his smile...showing that everything will be fine, knowing that his ex wanted to see him keep on smiling.

During those 4 years, Hiroshi adopted 2 girls that now calls him Papa. He feels happy to them in life as he promised to protect them. Even though he hates keeping promises, he'll be damned if he wasn't determined to keep this one. Hiroshi left his little sister with his Grandfather, just to keep her safe, but still sends plenty of money for them.

[Location]: Funk City
[Date]: November 30, 2025 (Friday)
[Time]: 9:50 am

In Funk City, just outside of Nightcore City, we can see a big nice house in our point of view.

This house probably costed millions of dollars. Well, it did because this house belongs to Hiroshi and him only since he was the one who bought the house. With the couple of jobs he had in the past, he's living a life. Now, money is never ever a problem for him, and yes he's very rich, but we'll get to that some other time. Inside a room, we can see our lazy protagonist sleeping peacefully in his room, well...if you count the bags under his eyes.

He was sleeping peacefully, when unknown to him, his bedroom door opened as 2 little girls came inside his room.

???1: {Whispering} Papa is still asleep...

???2: {Whispering} We need to wake him up because we're hungry.

???1: {Whispering} A-Are you sure, Anya? He seems tired still.

The girl known as Anya, turned towards her year older sister with a pout.

Anya: {Pouts, whispering} Papa is always sleeping, Eri!

Before the story continues, let's fully introduced the girls, who are holding their favorite plushies. Meet Anya and Eri Tatsunori.

In the first image, we have Anya Tatsunori, the 2nd adopted daughter of Hiroshi and a year younger than Eri. She's a big bundle of joy and technically has the power to read minds. Nobody even knows about her powers, not even Hiroshi. I'm gonna have him dense about Anya's power until I say so. Anyways, the second image is Eri Tatsunori. She's a pure angel and her bright smile can melt almost anyone's heart. Hiroshi found her when evil scientists were experimenting on her. So, Hiroshi killed everyone and saved, soon adopting her after. Anyways, back to the story.

Anya climbed onto her Papa's bed and gentle poked shook him to wake up. Hiroshi grumbles in his sleep before slowly opening his eyes to see Anya in his face with a smile.

Anya: {Smiles} Good morning, Papa!

Hiroshi, even though was exhausted, smiled at his daughter. Just then, Eri jumped onto the bed, smiling as well.

Eri: {Smiling} Morning Daddy!

Hiroshi: {Smiles} Good morning sunshines. {Yawns} What time it is?

Anya: It's almost 10 o'clock, Papa!

Hiroshi's eyes widen as he quickly got up, making his daughters back off from the bed.

Hiroshi: Uh-oh, sorry sweeties. I forgot to wake up early to make breakfast.

This pretty much happens...a lot. Hiroshi tends to sleep in a lot, that his daughters tend to eat left overs. Hiroshi doesn't mean to do this, but he just couldn't help it.

Eri: {Smiles} It's okay, Daddy. You're just tired after all. You need plenty of rest.

Hiroshi smiled at his precious little cinnamon. He was so lucky and so happy to have daughters. He then got up from his bed as we can now see what he looks like.

Yep, meet our lazy handsome protagonist; Hiroshi Sans Tatsunori, age 18. Over the 4 years, he has changed a lot. He is more muscular, more devilishly handsome, and his appearance changed. However, with the bags under his eyes, you can tell he was having trouble sleeping and has been hurting from the inside, but hides everything with a smile. Anyways as Hiroshi got up from his bed, while wearing his pajamas, he went to the kitchen to cook some breakfast for his children...only to step on a lego piece with his feet. Hiroshi forze in place, worrying his daughters when they saw some pain on his face.

Eri: {Worried} Daddy...? Are you okay...?

Anya: Papa...?


Yep, Hiroshi screamed so loud that probably a lot of people heard from him and are concerned. Hiroshi was also cursing a lot, in his mind though.

Yep, he was cussing a lot in his mind when holding his foot. He seriously hates stepping on legos. Eri was worried for her Papa...but as for Anya, she was shocked on "hearing" her Papa saying so much profanity.

Anya: 'So much...bad words!'

Eri: {Worried} Papa, are you okay?!

Hiroshi: Ngh...heh, yep. I'm okay. I guess my day is starting off a bit...blocky, heh.

Both Eri and Anya giggled a bit, loving their Papa's puns.

[Note: I would apologize for this story as I am not really in the mood for writing and this chapter might be a bit boring, so sorry.]

Timeskip a bit later, we can see Hiroshi was in the kitchen cooking some breakfast as both Eri and Anya were watching TV. They were watching SpongeBob SquarePants as it was one of their favorite cartoons. As Hiroshi was cooking breakfast, he was in deep thought.

Hiroshi: {Sighs a bit sadly} 'It's been 4 years since everything went so wrong. My ex dying in my arms, me being damn weak to stop anything, my mother getting sick..... I'm such a failure. I can't do anything right. But...I must keep moving forward. I-I won't give up until Mother is healthy again. There must be a way.... I just can't give up. But what if I can't do it..? Is this even destiny....? I hate myself for being so pathetic-'.

Before Hiroshi can go further on what he was saying, he felt someone hugged his leg. He looked down to see that it was Anya who was hugging his leg. While hugging him, she looked up to him with worried eyes.

Anya: {Worried} It's okay, Papa. Don't be sad... You're not weak, you're amazing.

Hiroshi smiled and hugged his daughter and thanked her. He still doesn't know on how she read his mind, but still...he was very happy to have happiness in his life. After Hiroshi was done with breakfast, he started to serve his girls then himself.

[Q&A: What is your favorite breakfast and beverage? Mines is a egg, potato, and cheese burrito with some orange juice or coffee/hot cocoa if I'm in the mood♡]

During breakfast, Hiroshi was reading a newspaper. He wasn't looking for any jobs since money wasn't the problem anymore. He was set for life. As he was reading, he saw a job ad that was hiring.

Hiroshi: {Raises an eyebrow} 'Fredina Fazbear's Nightclub...? Yeah, I'll pass. That place just weirds me out. Who the hell wants to go to go see animatronics in their panties..?? Plus, I ain't looking for a job and I rather sleep than stay up all night, thank you very much".

As Hiroshi continued to read the newspaper, he saw the head title that has still been going on. "Where has Karma Judge disappeared to?". Seriously, this head article was still here for a few years. Hiroshi could care less about his Vigilante Anti-hero name as he gave up that life to be a good Father to his kids. Yep, even though Hiroshi became lazy, he took the responsibility of being a best Father he could be, even though he never met his.

Timeskip towards later in the evening, some time as passed as Hiroshi and his daughters hanged around the house and played. There was really nothing much to do. It was close to the kid's bedtime as we can see Hiroshi was tucking in his daughters. Both of the girls shared a room. It was around 7:30 pm after all.

Hiroshi: {Tucking in his daughters} Heh, Goodnight my sweet little princesses~.

Eri/Anya: {Tiredly smiled} Goodnight Daddy~. We love you♡.

Hiroshi smiled as he kissed their foreheads and left their room, closing the door behind him. Hiroshi then leaned against the door and sighed.

Hiroshi: {Sighs} I think I need some air. I can't keep staying in my house for so long. I guess I can go a walk.

Hiroshi then walked towards his room to change into his new set of clothes. Hiroshi wore a new grey shirt with a symbol on it, a new blue hoodie, black fingerless gloves, sweatpants, and sneakers.

[Note: Just a heads up, this Hiroshi is from the Danceverse (aka Dancetale)]

Hiroshi then put on his hat and hoodie over it and left the house, locking the door behind him. As Hiroshi was walking through Funk City, he can the beauty that this city has to offer. The love for music and dancing. He loved it. However, he hasn't sing or dance in years since what has happened to him. Guess he doesn't have that type of spark in him anymore. Hiroshi sighed as he kept walking, with his hands in his pockets. Don't get him wrong, he loves music and loves listening it, but just stopped singing and even dancing.

As Hiroshi was walking, he yawned again. He was exhausted. Having nightmares from the past can really be a pain. Hiroshi was trying to move on, but it was even difficult to do so. Now, with his Mother's sickness...Hiroshi definitely felt like a failure. He couldn't save his Mother...he couldn't cure her and she's stuck in a hospital for gods know how long. Everything is going down hill for him.

Hiroshi: {Sighs} What am I going to do..? No matter what I can do, things always get worse. But I won't give up. The sickness isn't life threatening, right? So, it should be alright. {Sighs once again} Man, I really need to get my mind off things. Heh, the cool air feels amazing.

As Hiroshi continued to walk down Funk City, he came across a building that had a build board. "Daddy Dearest Rap Battle Contest". This definitely caught the attention of Hiroshi.

Hiroshi: {A bit confused} Daddy Dearest...? Where have I heard that name before...? Oh well, I guess I can check out the place.

Hiroshi then went inside the small studio, seeing that a lot of people...aren't actually here. Hiroshi then went and took his seat, however he raised an eyebrow to see who or what was on stage.

Hiroshi: {Raised an eyebrow} The hell...? Is those....socks? Socks singing...? Wow, that's not what you see everyday.

???: Tell me about it. A sock singing for his gf? Man, being single sucks.

That voice sounded very familiar. Hiroshi turned to his left, to see a blue haired girl sitting next to him. His eyes widen in surprise as he noticed this girl anywhere.

Hiroshi: {Shocked, surprised} K-Kaity Fairest?!

Kaity: {Confused} Huh?

Kaity looked towards her right and just in a few seconds, she gasped in surprised and tackled Hiroshi into a hug, completely catching him off guard.

Kaity: {Tightly hugs him} Sansy!~ I can't believe it's you!! I barely recognized you. It's been so long~. How have you been? Oh I missed you so much!! {Secretly smells him} 'Oh wow~ He smells so nice~♡'.

Hiroshi was definitely surprised to see Kaity after all these years. She has grown into a woman and changed a lot. Yep, she's definitely grown. She looked stunning, but Hiroshi didn't care about that as he hugged her back.

Hiroshi: {Smiles} Heh, it's been awhile Kaity. I've been...doing fine. How're you been these past 4 or so years?

Kaity let go of the hug as she sat closely next to her long-time crush.

Kaity: {Smiles} Well, I've been practicing my singing skills, especially in rap and my dancing skills, so that maybe one day I can go against you. {Suddenly sadden} Why haven't you kept in touch with us? With Ruisu, Chaos, and me?

Hiroshi rubbed his rub and looked away for a bit before he faced Kaity again and smiled at her, making her blush.

Hiroshi: {Smiling} Heh, sorry about that, Kaity. I've been...busy, but don't worry about it.

Kaity nodded a bit, believing his lies. Hiroshi didn't want Kaity to worry about his life since it's his problem, nobody elses.

Hiroshi: So, can I ask why you're here?

Kaity: {Smiles} I can ask the same thing about you~.

Hiroshi: Heh touché, well I was just in the neighborhood, saw this building and decided to check it out.

Kaity: Heh, I was here to listen to some music, but the performers weren't good. Oh! How about you go up there for the tryouts?

Hiroshi rubbed his head again. He doesn't know if he should do the tryouts. He hasn't sang in years. He's probably very rusty.

Hiroshi: {Nervously rubs his head} Er...I don't know. I haven't sang in years, so I'm probably rusty.

Kaity: Ha! Nonsense, you can do it! You're the greatest singer back in Highschool!

???: You can sing?

Both Kaity and Hiroshi turned their attention to the girl who started talking to them. Hiroshi didn't know who this girl was, but it suddenly clicked as this girl was Cherry Chearest, the girl back from Highschool.

She...uh...she's definitely grown. Wink wink. Ahem! Anyways, Hiroshi already realized who this girl is as for Kaity, she couldn't put her finger on who she is yet. Cherry smiled and them and giggled.

Cherry: {Giggles} Hehe, sorry, I've been hearing your conversation and couldn't help but hear that you used to sing back in Highschool, right?

Hiroshi: Er...yeah, but I haven't sang in forever, so I'm not if I'm up for it.

Cherry: {Giggles} Well, how about we give it a try? Let's go!

Hiroshi: Wha-?

Cherry quickly grabbed Hiroshi's hand, but quickly looked at Kaity as she winks.

Cherry: {Winks, smiles} Hehe, I'll be borrowing you boyfriend for a rap test. Hope you don't mind~.

This caused Kaity to blush as she quickly waved her arms.

Kaity: {Blushes} H-H-He's not m-my boyfriend!! 'Although..I wish he was my boyfriend badly.'

Cherry: Oh? Well, I'll be back with him then~.

As both Cherry and Hiroshi up on stage, Kaity was still thinking on who that girl was.

Kaity: 'Hmmm, seriously...who is that girl? She looks familiar...{Realization} Wait! That's Cherry Chearest?! Oh no!'.

As both Cherry and Hiroshi headed to the stage, they started a conversation.

Cherry: Oh, where are my manners? My name is Cherry Chearest, pleasure to meet you.

Hiroshi: 'No need to introduce yourself, but oh well'. Heh, my name is....H-Hiro Todoroki...? Nice to meet you as well! 'Why did I have to lie about my name....??'.

Cherry: Heh, Hiro Todoroki, huh? That's a nice name. Well, since you're rusty as you said, how about we do a little tutorial and warm you up?

Hiroshi: Heh, sure.

As they made to the stage, Cherry got the giant speakers as Hiroshi was holding his mic. It's been awhile since Hiroshi sang.

[Start Music!]

As the tutorial music started, Cherry started to bop her head to the beat as Hiroshi did the same.

Cherry: This one is really easy, Hiro. Just hit the notes I tell you to and put your own spin on it! Like a legally distinct rhythm game!

Hiroshi: Er...okay?

The tutorial has now begun.

Cherry: Left, right, left, right!

Hiroshi: 🎵Does this sound right?🎵

Cherry: That's how you do it!

Cherry kept helping helping Hiroshi out with the tutorial as Hiroshi was nailing the notes. It's been awhile, so he's warming up his vocals. As the hard notes came in, Hiroshi has also nailed it. When the tutorial finished, Cherry was clapping as Hiroshi was smiling a bit.

Hiroshi: 'Hehe...that wasn't so bad'.

Cherry: {Clapping} That was actually pretty good, Hiro. I actually never thought that you hit the notes perfectly in one note.

Hiroshi: Heh, what can I say? I'm pretty okay. Nothing to brag about it.

As they were talking, Hiroshi finally noticed something. The name "Daddy Dearest" rang in his head for quite awhile, until it hit him. Was he the purple dude he met all those years ago.

Hiroshi: 'Wait a goddamn minute! Is Daddy Dearest also a singer?! Wait, I've been listening to his songs this whole time without realizing it? Man, my brain is probably elsewhere'. Uh, hey Cherry? Your Dad wouldn't be Daddy Dearest, right?

Cherry: {Smiles} He is actually, why you wanna ask?

Hiroshi: Heh, I actually wanna meet him. I need to tell him something.

Cherry: Hmmm...okay, your funeral. Hey Dad!!

Suddenly, Hiroshi felt a high power level started to appear in front of him, noticing that Daddy Dearest is already here. Hiroshi secretly smirked.

Daddy Dearest: {Smiles menacingly} What is it, my little baby girl?

Cherry: Hiro here wants to talk to you.

Daddy Dearest spot Hiroshi and got close to him as Hiroshi wasn't even afraid of him. He couldn't recognize him since Hiroshi's hoodie and hat is covering most of his face.

Daddy Dearest: Oh, does he?~

Hiroshi: Heh, yep. I just wanted to say...

Daddy Dearest: {Stares/smiles menacingly} Yeeeees?

Hiroshi smiled more as he had stars in his eyes.

Hiroshi: {Excitedly} I'm your biggest fan!!!

Daddy Dearest: {Confused} Huh?

Cherry: {Shocked} Heh..?

Both Daddy Dearest and Cherry weren't expecting that sort of reaction from Hiroshi.

Hiroshi: Heh, yep. I've always wanted to meet the Dad of Dearest!

Daddy Dearest: It's actually pronounced Daddy Dearest, kid.

Hiroshi: Sorry about that, I usually mixed words up here and there. Er, anyways maybe we can probably sing together, if you want that is.

Daddy Dearest: {Raised an eyebrow} ....You're serious.

Hiroshi: I'm 100% fam!

Daddy Dearest: {Smiles} Hah! I thought I'd turned all my superfans into enemies or corpes by now.

Hiroshi: 'Wait..what was the last part?'

Daddy Dearest: Ah what the hell, let's jam!

Daddy Dearest then got out his binder of music notes, going through it.

Daddy Dearest: {Going through his music notes} Just, eh...give me a second to pick one that isn't designed to eviscerate lil punks chasin' after my daughter. Had to sing a looot of those these past few years.

Hiroshi: Wow, must've been a real pain to deal with.

Daddy Dearest: Oh you have no idea how much of a pain me and my wife had to deal with, kiddo. Ahh, here we are!

Daddy Dearest took out a song called; "Bopeebo".

Daddy Dearest: {Smiles} Bopeebo! Nobody's ever died singing this one.

Hiroshi: (•_•) Pardon me....?

[Daddy Dearest (Rap Battle 1) Bopeebo!]:

As the song played, both Daddy Dearest and Hiroshi were starting off easy as Cherry bop her head to the beat. Hiroshi was doing alright so far as he never thought he still had it in him to sing again, or even dance. Cherry was surprised that "Hiro" was keeping up with her Dad, even though he is going easy on him. After the song ended, Daddy Dearest was impressed.

Daddy Dearest: {Smiles} Nice job, Hiro! You made it through the best song on my worst-selling album: Daddy Dearest teaches Preschool!

Hiroshi: That was amazing. Definitely in my Top 50.

This caused Daddy Dearest to be even more excited, knowing "Hiro" actually has a list.

Daddy Dearest: {Happily excited} Aw, you got a list?! You gotta tell me, what's your favorite song o' mine?

Hiroshi: Heh, easy. "Scream For Daddy", October 1972.

Daddy Dearest: That's my favorite too! Hahah! I haven't gotten this worked up about music in years! Maybe I should call up my producer about that comeback album after all...

Hiroshi: {Smiles} Well, that's great to hear, Daddy Dearest. Gettin' back in the game is sure to make you even better at...uh destroying those poor souls that wanna date your daughter.

Daddy Dearest: {Smirks} Oh, they won't know what's comin. All thanks to you, kid!

Hiroshi: Uh...you're welcome??

Daddy Dearest: {Smiles} Here, let me repay the favor. I've been playin' around with some melodies for awhile now, but if I'm gonna make a comeback, I need a theme. Hiro, sing with me and help me find it, and I'll credit ya when this album goes gold too.

Hiroshi: Hmmm, okay sure! Let's jam!

[Daddy Dearest (Rap Battle 2) Fresh!]:

Both Daddy Dearest and Hiroshi started to rap a bit harder while Cherry started to bop her a little harder and a bit quick. She was surprised about "Hiro" lasting this long, since a lot of people can barely keep up with her Dad or already loose the first few seconds. She was quiet as she observed "Hiro". For some reason, his presence almost feels like the boy she met all those years ago. She has dated others before, but her love never sparked like before. It was only for that boy as he was special. She just hopes that she can meet him again and date him.

After the song ended, Hiroshi chuckled as Daddy Dearest laughed heartedly.

Daddy Dearest: {Laughs heartedly} Hah hah haaah! This is so perfect! I've lived too long to keep pretendin' to be the hero....so I'll embrace bein' the villian! The new era of Daddy Dearest has arrived!

Hiroshi chuckled again as he thought that Daddy Dearest is a pretty okay guy to be around with, even though he looks like Demon.

Hiroshi: Heh, y'know Daddy Dearest, even if you look big, powerful, and scary to a lot of people, I gotta say that you're an amazing guy, now that I've gotten to know ya better.

Daddy Dearest: {Smiles, crosses his arms} Heh, you're somethin' special too, kid. I see a promisin' career for ya playin' the plucky young hero, who tries and repeatedly fails to defeat the great and powerful Daddy Dearest!

Suddenly, Hiroshi felt a spark in him, a spark long forgotten. He was getting excited.

Hiroshi: {Smirks} Heh, think you can beat me? Let's rap battle for real this time!

Daddy Dearest: Haha! That's the spirit! Let's start thinkin' up burns for the first track!

Cherry: {Smiles} Wow, you guys sure are getting along. {To Hiro, winks} Good luck Hiro~.

Hiroshi smirked and winked back, making Cherry blush for some reason

Hiroshi: {Smirks and winks as well} Heh, don't worry sweetheart~. I won't need luck!

Seeing all this, Daddy Dearest became...angry. Seeing that his precious daughter and "Hiro" flirting with eachother and seeing Cherry blush was just pushing the line.

Daddy Dearest: {Angry} What's the meaning of this?!

Hiroshi: {Confused} Huh...?

Daddy Dearest was then gonna put "Hiro" to the test, seeing if he is a true fan or not.

Daddy Dearest: Hey! What was my top hit in July 1979?!

Hiroshi was actually stuck on that answer as he couldn't remember.

Hiroshi: 'Uh...shit! Which one was it?' Uh....Disco Dearest...?

Cherry sighed and brought out the correct album.

Cherry: {Sighs} It was actually, uh, Disco Daddy...

Hiroshi: Well....fu-

Daddy Dearest: {Angry} That embarrassment was one of my highest grossin' singles ever! Even the filthy casuals know about it! You were never a fan at all, were ya?

Hiroshi: I-...

Daddy Dearest: {Still angry} You were just lyin' to me so you could trick me into wastin' my time on baby songs, tiring me out and take my daughter away from me!

Hiroshi couldn't believe he was hearing. Take his daughter away from him...? He doesn't even want to date her as he isn't ready nor ever be ready to date again. Plus he really doesn't feel the same way.

Hiroshi: N-No, really I am a fan! I, er, just forgot most of your music....sorry.

Daddy Dearest looked depressed as a single tear rolled down his left cheek.

Daddy Dearest: {Depressed} I shoulda known my little baby girl was the only real fan I had left.

Hiroshi: '...Ouch. That hit hard'.

Daddy Dearest then quickly glared at Hiroshi.

Daddy Dearest: {Glares} Alright. You want a fight? You got one. Even if I don't have the strength left to give you my worst...I'll don't need my worst to shred a lil' chew toy like you to pieces. That soul is mine.

Hiroshi: Uh....'Yeah, no thanks. I rather keep my soul and not turn into dust. I'll die when I'm ready.'

Daddy Dearest then quickly turned his attention to his daughter.

Daddy Dearest: As for you, my little baby girl...I know you werrme helpin' him. You're stayin' at home and repeatin' Daddy Dearest studies 'til you get over this stupid boy-crazy phase.

Cherry became annoyed of what she was hearing from her Daddy.

Cherry: {Annoyed} Phase?! Dad, I'm 19!

Daddy Dearest: And I'm your Father! You know these lil' punks can't keep you safe like I can! And they sure as hell can't sing like I can. Isn't that right, my true biggest fan?

Cherry: {Sadly sighs} Yes, Dad...

Seeing and hearing all this annoyed Hiroshi. Looks like Hiroshi was about to deal with these type of parents.

Hiroshi: {Annoyed} Oi! That's not how you treat a grown woman!

This shocked both Daddy Dearest and Cherry, especially DD. He has never had anyone talk back to him. This only made him angrier as he glared at Hiroshi.

Daddy Dearest: {Angier} Grr! And who the hell do you think you are to tell me what I can or can't do, punk?

Hiroshi smirked as he took off his hoodie and toss his hat off, showing his face. This shocked both DD and Cherry. They both remember what he did from that day. Cherry, even Kaity from the seats, blushed a lot to see Hiroshi's handsome face.

Daddy Dearest: {Shocked} 'No way...it's that kid from before!'

Cherry: {Shocked, blushes} I-It's you! The boy from all those years ago. You're Hiroshi Sans Tatsunori, the boy who saved me.... Y-You've returned!

Hiroshi smirked at Cherry, who was in her own little world, as Hiroshi then glared at Daddy Dearest, making him step back a bit.

Hiroshi: {Glares at DD} Now as I was saying, even though I've barely know Cherry for awhile, I can tell you that she's smarter, braver, and far more cunning than you're givin' her credit for! She is not just some walking, talking, encyclopedia of your achievements. She's a whole person! And she has the right to date whoever she wants!

Cherry was blushing a lot as she gave Hiroshi this lovestruck face with hearts dancing around her head. She was very happy that she got to meet him again. Her heart was beating fast and she wanted him....bad. Daddy Dearest secretly smirked. He actually liked the kid back then and was grateful for what he did that day. Daddy Dearest even respects him for having guts to talk back. Now, Daddy Dearest was gonna put Hiroshi to the test, a test for him and his baby girl to date.

Daddy Dearest: {Smirks} So, you really think that much of her, huh? Then I'm gonna ask you one last time...

The song started playing as Cherry bopped her heard harder to the beat as Daddy Dearest glared/smirked at Hiroshi, who smirked back in determination.

Daddy Dearest: So, son, you wanna date my daughter?

Hiroshi: {Determined} Yes!....Wait-

Daddy Dearest: Let's see if you're worthy then, Hiroshi! Get ready to get ROOOOOCKED to your core!

Both of them started to rap hard against eachother, giving it their all, well sorta as Hiroshi wasn't going all out at all. Their voice and music was now bringing in a crowd. Hiroshi didn't mean to say "yes" to date Cherry, he wasn't really thinking about his answer, but he guess he can kindly reject her. He just hopes it wouldn't come back and bite him in the ass. As for Cherry, as she bopped her to the music, she was staring lovingly at Hiroshi. He actually agreed to date her. Oh she can't wait to shower him with kisses and so much love.

As the song ended, the crowd cheered as Hiroshi looked at the mic in his hand and smirked.

Hiroshi: 'Hehe...looks like I still got it!'

Just then, a blur of red tackled Hiroshi to the ground, causing him to be surprised, but also make him blush like crazy as it was Cherry, who was kissing him all over his face lovingly. Steam was coming out of his ears and Hiroshi was a blushing mess.

Hiroshi: {A blushing mess} 'HELP!!! THIS WOMAN IS CRAZY!!!'

After Cherry stopped kissing her now new boyfriend, she looked at him with heart eyes as Hiroshi somehow had a lot of red lipstick all over his face.

Cherry: {Lovestruck} Hiroshi~, you're mine now~. (💞)

Hiroshi began to nervously laugh.

Hiroshi: {Still a blushing mess, laughs nervously} Hah....ahaha...{Gulps} 'W-What have I gotten myself into??'

Hiroshi quickly got up from Cherry as Daddy Dearest approached them. He smiled and put an arm around Hiroshi.

Daddy Dearest: Haha, y'know son, you ain't bad. I can tell you're a good kid. You actually passed my test to date my daughter. I know you were the one when I first saw you. Take good care of her, son! Now, all you need to do is passed the test from my wife as she is a tough one. If you pass her test...then all I can is, welcome to the family.

Cherry then hugged Hiroshi as she was rubbing her head against his chest repeatedly. Hiroshi was just to process on what the hell just happened and he just couldn't bring himself to reject her. Kaity, who was silently watching all of this, felt heartbroken and very upset that Hiroshi was taken away from her. Cherry saw this and smirked, knowing why she was upset.

Cherry: {Smirks, licks her lips} 'Oh~ this is gonna be so much fun~'.

To be continued....


It was the next morning, early in the morning to be exact and Hiroshi was surprisingly up early. Well, there is one particular reason why he was up early in the first. We can Hiroshi, shocked as hell , staring at Cherry at his front door, who had many many bags behind her.

Hiroshi: .....Come again?

Cherry: {Giggles} I'm moving in with you~.

Hiroshi: {Still shocked asf} How....did you even find my house....?

Cherry: {Smiles} Oh, that's easy. I followed you~.

Hiroshi was just speechless at this point. Cherry then bowed in a respectful manner.

Cherry: {Smiles} Please take care of me, Darling~.

Hiroshi: ....

-End of Episode 1-

There we go! Hope you enjoyed Episode 1 of FNF Harem. I tried my best to make it good, but I lost motivation to keep writing. Don't worry! I'll never discontinue this story unless I say so. I just lost motivation to even write a chapter, but I got through. I hope I did good to your liking.

☆Ending 1☆


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November 21, 2022


Time: 3:47 pm

Words: 5,582

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