#define gray 1
#define white 0
#define black 2
#define MAX 10
#define limited 999.0
typedef struct _key
int visited;
int id;
int indegree;
int known;
double d;
struct _key *p;
typedef struct
JRB edges;
JRB vertices;
int maxvertices;
Graph creatgraph(Graph graph);
int compare(Jval a,Jval b);
Jval makekey(int id);
int addvertex(Graph *graph,char *name);
//tra ve id co ten name
int getID(Graph *graph,char *name);
//kiem tra co ton tai id khong
int existid(Graph *graph,int id);
void addEdge(Graph *graph,int v1,int v2,double trongso);
//return name of id
char * getvertex(Graph *graph,int id);
//Kiem tra co ton tai name khong
int existname(Graph *graph,char *name);
//kiem tra co canh noi giua v1 voi v2 khong
int hasedge(Graph *graph,int v1,int v2);
//tra ve bac ra cua dinh v
//cac dinh duoc luu trong output
int outdegree(Graph *graph,int v,int *output);
//tra ve bac vao cua dinh v
//cac dinh duoc luu trong output
int indegree(Graph *graph,int v,int *output);
void freegraph(Graph graph);
//Duyet do thi theo BFS
//ham func thuc hien chuc nang tai moi node cua do thi
void BFS (Graph *graph,int s,void (*func)(int,Graph *));
//Duyet do thi theo DFS
void DFS (Graph *graph,int s,void (*func)(int,Graph *));
//Dao nguoc do thi
Graph reversegraph(Graph *graph);
//sap xep Topo,in ra 1 thu tu Topo
void Tsort(Graph *graph,void (*func)(int,Graph *));
//Duong di ngan nhat khi khong co trong so
void shortestpath(Graph *graph,int u,int v);
//List all the way from goc to v
//khi truyen tham so trong chuong trinh chinh thi s = goc,v la id dinh den
void DFSrecusivelt(Graph *graph,int goc,int s,int v);
double trongso(Graph *graph,int u,int v);//return weight of (u->v)
void Dijkstra(Graph *graph,int s);
//Kiem tra co chu trinh ko,neu co in ra cac chu trinh
void cycledetecting(Graph *graph,int *dem);
//Tra ve so thanh phan lien thong
int checklienthong(Graph *graph);
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