To lose somthing

The night laid a heavy weight on them so neither Stan nor Dipper could deny the tiredness in their eyes once Grunkle Stan had finished sobbing, ending in curses and decided to pretend that none of this ever happened. Stan was busy saying that he was okay, and that everything was still fine, and suggested he carry Dipper upstairs, so that he would be able to sleep in his own bed beside Mabel. But Dipper just denied the offer, he would be fine sleeping downstairs for tonight, because it wouldn't be worth waking Mabel- okay maybe also because he really hated those damn stairs; with only four legs to walk on and no hands, it was difficult to hold himself stable. But Mabel was definitely his priority.

That's how he wandered back to the large pillow in the parlor, Stan still by his side, but not to watch him, of course not. What a silly idea that would be? But to watch a super interesting movie he had wanted to see for ages.

Yeah, of course.

The movie in question turned out to be an old black and white documentary about "The Mystical Mechanics of Spider Webs", so that the silence stretched between them again as he watched how the little crawling creature webbed his home. Silence hung in the air, while one pretended to watch and the other one eyed his makeshift pillow-bed skeptically. Stan swallowed before he cleared his voice with a rusty cough, a hint of red on his cheeks as he questioned Dipper, avoiding the kid's gaze.

"You need a blanket?" Dipper's ears picked up the waver in his Grunkle's voice, but he sighed. Why would he need a blanket anyway with this coat of burning hot fur that stuck to him everywhere he went.

"No thanks, I'm fine." He answered with a shy smile, but Stan was not done yet, fiddling with his hands as if he didn't know what to do with them.

"Another pillow maybe?" The fawn's ears dropped in annoyance, he turned around to look at him questionably before he shook his head, searching for Stan's eyes with a plain look.

"Seriously Grunkle Stan, I'm fine!" But the old man just frowned, before he let himself fall back into his chair, scratching the back of his neck with a sigh.

"Fine kid... if you say so. But at least eat and drink some of those. Your sister collected all this green stuff from the backyard the whole evening to make you feel better. So if you don't want to eat it for yourself- or me - then do it for Mabel." He announced, pointing to the two bowls in front of Dipper. But the used-to-be boy just gulped and looked down at his leg which seemed to be so damn far away right now. To be honest, it's not that he didn't want to try but- he simply didn't know how.

And imagining himself, eating like this just felt humiliating. But his stomach grumbled in protest just as he was about to argue with Grunkle Stan; so Dipper decided to give it a try, when Stan noticed how awkward all of this was for him. The employee of the Mystery Shack sighed, shaking his head in protest.

"See kid, if it's easier for you, just lay down and eat then. It's exactly like you and your sister laying down on this carpet, munching sweets on your bellies all day." Dipper blinked in surprise, he never thought of it that way, and he wouldn't need to figure out what to do with his legs while eating. Dipper gave him a startled look, Stan was right, even if a tiny voice in his head told him that all of this was nothing more than a cheap excuse, the idea of eating that way seemed to suit him much more.

"You're right..." Dipper nodded, before he carefully folded his legs beneath himself.

"... it's pretty much the same."

'Aside from the fact that I don't have hands.' His nose was now just inches away from the plate with grass, flowers, fruits and salt. His nose twitched when the fresh scent hit his senses. Dipper swallowed one last time before he picked up two leaves with his muzzle. His tongue, teeth and muscles seemed to know how to guide it between his lips, so that he was able to chew on it. Still, the image of the grass vanishing between his lips still felt wrong. But the fresh taste in his mouth redressed him, the food seemed to energize him with every bit, and a hidden smile made it through his Grunkle's lips, seeing Dipper eating, finally.

"See that wasn't so hard, was it?" His nephew gave him a shy smile, but the spark in his eyes that burned brighter already eased his heart. The spark of life that had been missing these past hours was finally back. But the thought itself lead Stan's mind back to the question why Dipper was laying down here, it guided his eyes back to the bandaged leg, that still stuck awkwardly out of his curled position, so that Stan's question became an angry grumble.

"Who did it?"

The question itself let Dipper shrink further into his pillow, a behavior that just pushed Stan's concerns even further. The old man raised an eyebrow, his voice was stern and demanding this time.

"Dipper." He pressed.

With that the fresh green taste left his lips as soon as he swallowed, Dipper's throat felt dry again while his gaze was fixed on the parlor floor.

"Gideon." He whispered, his fur was erecting while he answered.

"It- it was Gideon. He said that it would be my fault that he lost his position in town or something like that."


Stan shouted but flinched at his own volume, luckily the attic stayed silent and Mabel was still sound asleep. But even with a lower voice the anger hidden in his words was still audible.

"I promise, when I get my hands on that little blood sucking pipsqueak-" Dipper's whisper however cut his Grunkles breath.

"I wish you wouldn't." His words were barely audible, his eyes faced the ground, avoiding his grunkle's upset face.

"What?" The loud question made Dipper's sensitive ears ring, he winced instinctively, his ears laid down while he still avoided his Grunkle's gaze.

"It's just- he's still a vampire and you aren't as "hard" to beat as before." The former Gargoyle huffed and crossed his arms in front himself while he grumbled in a dark, threatening voice.

"I can still deal with a want-to-be bat like him." Dipper nodded awkwardly.

"I know but-" The small fawn never finished his sentence, Stan's voice cut him off.

"No 'but's this time!" He announced, kneeling down in front of Dipper to lay a hand on his back so that his nephew had no other choice than to look up into his Grunkle's eyes.

"He's not gonna hurt you again Dipper. Understand kid? He's not doing that again." A dark fire burned in Stan's eyes, that transferred some of his warmth and confidence to him.

"Okay." He nodded with one ear peaking up again when Stan stood up and straighten his back.

"Fine, now go to sleep, so that I finally can finish my TV show."

"Okay, okay!" Dipper rolled his eyes but carefully placed his head on the pillow, instinctively curling up to himself. Stan couldn't help but think that he looked like an overgrown kitten, when his nephew called out for him again.

"And... Grunkle Stan?" The old man blinked, looking down at him again.

"Huh?" Dipper gave him a small smile, eyes already halfway closed and his words slurred with sleep, but Stan got the message anyway.

"Thank you."

The lump that had been waiting in is throat grew again, while he shook his head, plopping down in his seat to watch Dipper sleep. Stan sighed, hiding his face in one hand while his elbow rested on the armrest.

"It's fine kid..."

But somehow he had a hard time believing his own words.

The sun had already risen, but Dipper was still sound asleep. The TV was showing some news station, but Stan was already in the kitchen, sipping his coffee. Mabel choked on her cereal when he told her WHO was responsible for Dipper's wounds.

Short to be said, Gideon could call himself lucky if it was Stan and not Mabel who would take revenge for Dipper, cause the small pig-nosed brat would definitely not survive an encounter with her.

Of course, the small fawn didn't know any of this, sleeping on his pillow until a finger poked his side in interest. Dipper blinked, still half asleep until Wendy Corduroy's voice echoed through the Shack.

"Why the heck is a deer sleeping in here?" But before anyone in the kitchen could answer her call Dipper himself gave her an annoyed look, his red cheeks were well hidden underneath his fur.

"Well sorry for that." He mocked in a dry tone.


Wendy jumped back, tripped over the carpet and fell on her back with a loud thump. Dipper only raised an eyebrow at her behavior, he could nearly hear the mechanics in her brain rattle as she finally connected the dots.

"D-Dipper?" Her question wasn't much more than a rasp, the stunned expression still covered her face. The deer in front of her just sighed, laying his ears back on his head.

"I would love to deny that, but I fear you're right." Wendy swallowed, her eyes flew over his soft coat, his four legs, the black nose and the white tail that flickered in distress.

"I- man, I'm sorry! I didn't know! I mean, I should have guessed it but- Woah! Just Woah!" She gasped positioning herself crossed legged in front of him.

"Yea I know." Dipper nodded, looking down at himself with a bitter expression on his face.

"The... 'progress' surprised me as well." Wendy bit the inside of her mouth in hesitation, before she asked in a shy voice.

"But that's not it right? I mean you-" But Dipper just nodded, the lump in his throat began to grow as he spoke.

"No it's not. I'm still going to change, even when Mabel-"


A mop of brown hair and a pink sweater jumped at him with a squeal. Dipper's eyes went wide, while he stuttered his sister's name.

"M-Mabel?" The joyful girl grinned before she tilted her head to look at him properly.

"You're awake! How are you? How's your leg? Do you want something to eat? Grunkle Stan and I prepared you something. You know, I'll just go and-"

"Mabel stop. I'm fine, really."

Dipper laughed and shook his head, but his careless words made something in Mabel's cheerful behavior slip, and she threw herself at his neck again, hugging him as close as she could so that Dipper couldn't see the wet shine in her eyes.

"You better be!" She breathed, before she let go again, her eyes observed his leg and the little bandage around it when her face darkened.

"I swear, this uglyhead will regret what he did to you." The unusual anger in Mabel's voice was enough to make him shake his head.

"Just let him be Mabel. He probably has his own problems, still being a vampire in a now 'normal' town." Mabel's eyes went wide, she was about to argue when Wendy interrupted.


"Um- dudes no offense, but could someone fill me in please?" Mabel just gave Dipper a stern, but curious look, crossing her arms in front of her chest, to fill Wendy in with a dry voice.

"Gideon attacked Dipper yesterday." Mabel proclaimed. At least she got the anger, she had expected from Dipper from the redhead before her.

"The freak did WHAT?" Wendy's eyes grew wide, her hands curled into fists. Mabel nodded affirming, tugging Dipper's hurt leg from underneath his belly a bit to show it to Wendy.

"Yeah he hurt him. See?"

"Ouch, Mabel!" He yanked his leg out of her gasp and gave her an angry look that Mabel countered with one of her own.

"Don't 'ouch' me Mister! It was Gideon, and why are you defending him now?" She wanted to know, but Dipper's glance just left her eyes, his ears dropped down while be bit his lip carefully.

"I'm not. It's just..." He sighed, shaking his head slightly.

"I can understand him somehow. He can't go back to normal like everyone else." Dipper whispered, but Wendy just laid her hands on her hips, doubt was clear in her voice.

"Pff- come on Dipper, we all know that this is all totally his own fault."

"Wendy's right bro-bro and there is still no need for him to hurt you like that! Besides... you're going to be fine once we've collected all the signatures, right?" Mabel reminded him, lifting the weight a little from his shoulders so that he nodded. Breathing felt a little easier now at least.

"Yeah... thanks guys." He said, looking up at them with a small smile that Mabel reflected with a bigger one, when she picked herself up.

"No problem my deer. And now wait, I'll get you your breakfast!" But Dippers eyes went wide when he thought about eating in front of Wendy like that. Luckily as soon as Mabel came out of the kitchen again, his Grunkles voice grumbled through the Shack.

"Hey Corduroy! I don't pay you for chatting with the kids. Come and get here now!" Wendy winced before she get up, rolling her eyes with a sigh.

"With a paycheck that small you should be glad that I'm even coming down here anyway!" She cursed before she left for the kitchen just as Mabel laid the bowl of grass down in front of Dipper. The fawn sighed, but began eating anyway, knowing that his sister was grinning like an idiot when the first daisy vanished between his lips.

Stan and Wendy headed into the Shop, their Grunkle told them that they needed to prepare something so before they could go to get more signatures.

At last, that left the two of them with some twin-time to spend. And of course, nurse Mabel was treating his wound and the pain she felt in her own soul with the best medicine a twelve year old girl could come up with.


Tons of jelly koalas, chocolate bars, chips, some left over Smile Dip and a pack of sweet and sour puffed rice. They were munching in front of the TV just like all this deer stuff never happened. Dipper's stomach grumbled in protest but his still-human mind enjoyed the different tastes on his lips, so that he just ignored the sounds, asking Mabel to open another chocolate bar for him.

The floor was covered with full and empty candy papers, bags were opened and inside their stomachs chocolate and a sweet koala were celebrating their marriage, until Wendy and Stan came back into the parlor.

Both of them stopped in the door fame, before Wendy shrugged and picked up a chocolate bar for herself. Stan however raised an eyebrow at the furry ears that peaked out of one bag, while Dipper's face was completely hidden in the land of sweets. Stan sighed, of course eating THAT stuff wasn't a problem for the kid. His gaze drifted to Mabel by his side, whose hands were also deeply hidden in a pack of sweets, she looked up to him, when he finally cleared his throat.

"Strange, I never heard of deer eating sweets." His niece grinned, pointing to her brother, who was still deep hidden in candy land, with a sticky finger.

"This one does. Right bro-bro?" Dipper's nickname finally made it through him. The fawn's head poked out of the bag, the fur around his nose and the black shiny muzzle itself was dotted with colorful puffed rice that crumbled off at his grin.

Her brother's appearance made Mabel laugh out loud and even Wendy suppressed a giggle while Stan sighed, shaking his head at the manner the Pines family solved problems. Dipper's sensitive ears peaked up as his voice became a little stricter.

"Do whatever you want kid, but don't blame it on me when you get sick after all that nasty stuff." Mabel just rolled her eyes, sweet talking.

"Aww come on Grunkle Stan! It's not that much!"

"Yep." Dipper nodded, licking the puffed rice of his nose.

"You should have seen our sugar rush last Halloween!" He grinned while Stan pinched the bridge of his nose, before he waved his concerns away.

"Whatever, we should head out now."

"We?" Dipper questioned, turning to Wendy with one ear peaking up.

"You're coming with us?"

Wendy gave him a laugh, shaking her head so that he observed her red locks jumping up and down.

"Dude, did you really think we'd let you go all alone after yesterday? Now come on, we're already late." She announced, heading for the door before Mabel's scream interrupted them.

"Wait! I forgot something! Wait here. No one move. Just a second!" She stuttered, running for the stairs to vanish in the attic. Dipper raised an ear, looking up to his Grunkle who just shrugged.

"Don't look at me kid, I have no idea!" But a clatter upstairs was already foreboding Mabel's return and Dipper's world went dark.

Something warm and soft had swallowed him, he looked around but the damn thing was moving with him. His words were muffed underneath the fluffy something.

"What the- Mabel?" But instead of an answer something gripped his front leg, making him bleat in protest, he felt a stern tug around his head and neck, and the world came back into focus. Dipper blinked, looking down at himself to find his furry coat covered in one of Mabel handmade sweaters, with his head and one of his front feet sticking out of it.

"Um Mabel, what is this supposed to be?" He questioned, making Mabel's grin even boarder while she tugged his second leg inside the sleeve so that the itching thing finally "fit" his body, reaching down his back right before his "Big Dipper" dots. Mabel took a step back and looked at her work satisfied.

"I made it for you last night! This way everyone would recognize you immediately!"

"Huh?" He looked down at the words knitted in the front "I'm Dipper. If I'm lost, take me back to Mabel" was knitted in bright, colorful letters.

"What?" Dippers eye's went wide he blinked looking back to Mabel and suddenly the pink sweater with "I'm Mabel" in bright yellow letters made so much more sense. The fawn's ears dropped and his gaze darkened.

"Mabel you can't be serious, that's-" But an angry glance from his Grunkle and Wendy made him stop midsentence. Dipper gulped down his embarrassment and looked back into the glittering eyes of his sister with a sigh.

"Well at least I have some clothing on now." He smiled, making Mabel jump up and down in joy.

"Yeay! So you like it? Does it fit properly? Is it too warm? Can you move around in it?" Dipper nodded, slowly picking himself up from the floor.

"I- I think so..." He took a few steps, this... thing, around him felt just wrong and he nearly tipped over the sleeve once but he couldn't admit it to either of them, that his deer mind preferred walking- without clothes. So he tried to give Mabel a thankful smile.

"It's fine, but how can I pull it back off or on?" Mabel gave him a grin, poking his shoulder with a knowing smile.

"Let that be my problem Dipping-dots. I'll help my little brother clothing himself." Dipper's ears dropped at this.

"Great. Thanks Mabel." His voice was full with sarcasm but of course Mabel just overheard it. She hugged him with one arm while her other hand pointed into the air.

"Now let's go! Mission: Save Butt-head!" She shouted, making Dipper bleat in embarrassment.


"Told you so kid!" Stan teased with an annoyed grin that covered the hidden concern for his nephew, while he glanced back at the small deer that walked beside a worried Mabel who patted her brother's back in small circles. Even with all this fur on his face, one could see the green tint on Dipper's cheeks.

"Give it up kid. No more sweets for you till this is all over." Dipper just grumbled at his Grunkle's comment until his stomach bubbled in loud agreement while Mabel still fought for the "sweet rights" of her brother.

"That's not fair Grunkle Stan! I'm sure that's against the rules of deer-discr-discreepment!" Stan rose an eyebrow, looking down at Mabel.

"You mean discrimination." But Mabel only waved it off.

"That's what I said." She pouted while Dipper strode beside her, trying to hide a burp as his stomach forced him to chew the mix of different sweets once again. It was like mixing different bright colors together all at once, the result became a muddy grey. That exactly described the sour taste inside his mouth. He tried to chew the mass a few times before he swallowed the disgusting lump down again, he really hoped this would be the last time his previous meal would return. Dipper sighed, before he nudged Mabel, who was still discussing the sweets term with their Grunkle, a soft smile formed on his muzzle,

"It's okay Mabel. I think Grunkle Stan is right. I'll stay with fruits and... flowers for now." Pity formed itself in Mabel's big brown eyes, the thought of a sugar free hour alone made her heart skip a beat.

"You sure Dipper?" But her brother only nodded, a slight blush hidden underneath all his fur.

"Yeah... you know, some of these flowers don't taste too bad at all." He knew that he said something wrong the moment his sister's eyes began to grow with sparkles.

"Really? Flowers? That's great Dipper! I'll go get some for you every meal. I can even make you an edible flower chain to go- OH!" Mabel's eyes became wide, her gaze drifted into a distance that Dipper knew as the land of "GUB"- or rather glitter, unicorns and boys. Whatever was fitting for him- it won't be good.

"What?" He questioned in hesitation, already knowing that he might not want to hear her answer.

"A crown." Mabel nearly whispered in awe.

"Huh?" The fawn blinked. But Mabel snatched for his neck, hugging her brother close to her while her other hand drew the picture in the air.

"Dipper, the prince of the forest-"


"-crowned with his majestic crown of flowers." Dipper just laid his ears back, wiggling out of his sister's grasp.

"Nooot happing Mabel." He singsonged. But his twin gave him a pleading look which imitated puppy eyes perfectly, but luckily he was already immune- well sort of.

"Aw come on Dippingdots! The other deer would be so jealous of you!" She cheered.

"More like they would make fun of me..." Dipper grumbled in protest until Mabel poked him in the side, making him bleat in surprise.



But before the bleating and frightening of the twins could go out of control the rusty voice of their Grunkle called up for them again.

"If you two could stop that now? We're here." The old man announced, turning around to the kids only to watch Dippers body becoming rigid when the small deer registered where their first stop would be.

His voice was a cracking stuttering sound, while he took shivering step back.

"Y-You can't be serious!" Mabel looked from her obviously frightened brother back to her Grunkle tilting her head in question.

"The Gleefuls? Really Grunkle Stan? Is that a good idea?" Stan only shrugged.

"As good as any other house."

"But-" Dipper gulped and stepped a little further behind his twin while Stan eyed him with a sigh, kneeling down to him to look him in the eye.

"Look kid. We need to get the Gleeful's signs anyway. The sooner it's over, the better." Wendy took a step next to Stan and nodded in approval.

"Your Grunkle is right Dipper, and we're all here to watch your back."

"I know..." The fawn bit his lips and glanced down to his black hooves, the gash in his hind leg strung, but Dipper gulped down the forming lump in his throat and nodded slowly.

"Okay then." Stan smiled and laid his hand on his deer nephew's shoulder.

"Good decision." Wendy nodded, giving him a thumbs-up before she and Stan made their way to the Gleeful's front door, leaving Mabel and Dipper to follow.

The joyful girl gave her furry twin a concerned look when she saw that his gaze was still glued to the ground.

"You sure you're okay with this bro-bro?" The fawn beside her twitched in surprise until he lifted his eyes to meet his sister's gaze before he let go a heavy breath.

"Yeah Mabel, don't worry. Besides... Stan's right, it's not like he could do anything while all of you are near." But Mabel's eyes only darkened at her brother's comment.

"He better." She spat.

"If he's going to try anything funny I'll make him regret it!" Mabel growled, punching her fist into her hand, Dipper hid a smirk underneath his black nose.

"Of course Mabel." He grinned, but at least the weight lifted itself form his heart for a moment.

But once the massive figure of Bud Gleeful opened the door with a too bright smile on his lips, the bloody gash on his hind leg began to burn again.

"Ah the Pines! Wendy and- a Deer in a sweater?" He frowned, shaking his head before he blocked the door fame with his massive shape.

"Sorry Stan, but clothes or not, no animals inside."

"WHAT?" Stan shouted, stepping up to the man, fixing him to close to comfort.

"Listen Gleeful, that's my nephew you're talking about!" The massive man blinked, looking down at the small fawn again, scratching an eyebrow before he shrugged.

"Huh? If you say so..." Bud stepped aside, still earning angry looks form Wendy and Mabel who pushed the furry back of her brother inside, not noticed the look Mr. Gleeful gave Dipper's white fluffy twitching tail. He leaned closer to Stan, still eying Dipper with a whisper.

"You're sure he's house-trained?" Dipper's sensitive ears twitched but the bleat that escaped his lips in protest wasn't that helpful at all.

But Stan's fist only got closer to Bud Gleeful's chin in seconds with a not-so-silent treatment.

"You better watch your tongue scrap dealer or we're going to talk about your son's behavior lately!" Bud swallowed, holding up his hands in a defeated gesture.

"Fine with me Stan. Now come and sit down to tell me the reason for your visit." He smiled, but Stan gave him one last dark look before he followed the man's gesture to take a seat in the living room.

Dipper could feel the hair on his back standing on end as the door closed behind Bud Gleeful's back. He recognized the strange glance the man threw at him, while his ears rung from the sound of the vacuum that resounded through the whole house. Mabel and the others began to explain his situation to them. The ringing sound stopped once Bud called for his wife to listen as well, because they both needed to agree to the deal. But the silence of the house just made his condition worse.

His heart rate doubled itself, while his gaze twitched from one window to another.

Dipper's ears were moving in all possible directions to catch a sound from outside, but the windows were closed, all of them, so was the door.

He was locked in.

The fact that his breathing increased and hitched only made the lump in his throat grow even more. The voices of his family and the Gleefuls passed him like a ghostly whisper. Panic stuffed his ears with cotton, Dipper could feel his heart pounding against his chest in an unsteady rhythm.

He needed to get out.


Without the others noticing, the fawn made his way to the door on shivering legs. His wet black nose reflected itself in the golden door handle before he took the knop in his mouth, but the damn thing wouldn't turn. Dipper's heart rate spiked up again, his hooves scratched against the wooden door with a desperate bleat that finally got Mabel's attention. She was by his side in a second, surprised to find her brother alone at the door, bleating desperately instead of calling out for someone. His sister kneeled down beside him, to call his name but none of this got the deer's attention.


Mabel frowned as he bleated again, the blank and frightened stare Dipper gave the door let a shiver run down her spine. She tried to swallow but once she laid a hand on his shoulder Dipper jumped, his eyes were wide and she could see his chest waving heavily.

"Dipper?" Mabel's voice called out for him carefully. She watched in awe as her brother's eyes gained focus again, her own frightened picture was reflected in his warm brown gaze and made Mabel swallow. Dipper only blinked in irritation, before his eyes drifted back to the door again.

"I- Can you open the door for me Mabel?" He questioned in a low but urged voice.

"Why?" She pressed but Dipper gulped. Mabel could see how his gaze glued itself to the floor, so she immediately knew that he was lying to her once he spoke up again.

"I just- I want to wait outside. The thought of Gideon is still giving me the creeps. And besides I had hardly anything but sweets this morning, I may find something out there." Mabel bit her lip, the question why he was lying was on her tongue, but she only nodded, opening the door with a soft smile but her hand on the door handle shivered.

"Okay bro-bro, but you stay in the backyard before the window, where I can see you." Dipper rolled his eyes but Mabel could clearly see that his gaze was already focused on the world outside. She kneeled down beside him again and made him focus on her on last time.

"You'll wait for me- right Dipper?" She asked picking his sweater into the right position. Her brother smiled up to her nodding before he turned around and jumped down the porch, his tail flickered in joy when he looked up to her again.

"Of course I will Mabel! Stop worrying!" The little girl nodded, reflecting his smile, her eyes following him in the backyard of the house. But the desperate bleating and the blank look of his eyes made her hollow inside.

'Something is still wrong with him.' Whispered a tiny voice in her ear and Mabel nodded.

She knew.

She knew that Dipper was still hiding something from her.

But she didn't knew what.

Or wasn't she just willing to see it?

With all the explanations done it was surprisingly easy to get the signature of Gideon's parents. Maybe because they wanted to help their son. Well his dad especially, cause once he told his wife to sign she didn't question it at all, just muttering something underneath her breath before she got back to work and the vacuum began to hum again. All the time she made sure that Dipper was still outside waiting for them. At first he just had been looking at her, going in circles before his eyes were glued to the grass below him, she even snickered when her brother finally let go and followed his instincts. At first he stumbled over his own feet and her sweater, before Dipper got the hang of it. His front legs were spread to steady his body while he was grazing with his muzzle on the ground, his butt, and especially his white tail poking up, twitching now and then rather in delight or disgust.

He was grazing.

Just like a real deer.

But the image made her heart flutter and crumble all at once. The sour taste in her mouth kept her from enjoying seeing Dipper like that.

Even if his body was that of a deer now this seemed just to be... wrong, somehow.

Mabel was relieved when Stan finally shook Bud Gleeful's hand, while he shot one last warning glance up the stair case in the direction of Gideon's room, before they finally left the house.

The female twin took a huge breath of the fresh air, the sight of her brother still there made the smile coming back to her lips again, so she made some happy jumps towards him, calling out his Name.

"Dipper! We're ready! We got them! Dipper?!" Mabel slowed down and stopped to afraid to move.

Dipper had risen his head, he was staring at her, not moving a muzzle.

Mabel knew this gaze.

She had seen it on so many other deer and animals in general, and she knew what was about to happen if she even moved a pinky now.

"Hey kid, what's wrong?" Stan called out for her, coming up to them, but that was enough to trigger the reaction Mabel had been afraid of.

Dipper fled.

"NO! Dipper!"


"Snap out of it dude."

But all their calls to him were for nothing.

He was gone...

"No..." Mabel whispered again, she was about to follow him before the strong hand of her Grunkle on her shoulder made her stop.

"Don't Mabel. He'll just get more panicked and you wouldn't find him anyway. He'll snap out of it..." Stan swallowed, his voice was raspy and even if he wanted to tell her that everything was alright his worried gaze told her that he was lying.

Mabel looked up to him, tugging at her Grunkle's suit with watery eyes that finally caught Stan's. Her voice was nothing but a fearful whisper and the old man knew that he couldn't ignore it. Not this time.

"Grunkle Stan... what's happening to him?" He looked down to her, his own eyes beginning to burn when she repeated her question, even more desperate.

"What's happing? "

It was clear that she already knew the answer.

But obviously Mabel didn't like the truth.

Not at all.


The safety of the forest surrounded him like a warming scarf against the cold deep panic that infused his veins. Trees were dissolving during his run. The strange creatures and sounds were long gone but the voice inside him still told him to run.

And so he did, he fled.

His heart was jumping against his chest, leaves and thin branches ruffled and scratched his fur, his mind was finally calming down before suddenly something had caught him.

The beast was reaching for him with sharp thin claws tugging at his fur to make him bleat and cry in fearful protest.

Dipper struggled and jumped in order to free himself a ripping sound made his ears twist before he was shallowed by darkness, his front legs were caught up in something until he was finally free again.

The small fawn didn't look back.

So he didn't see the handmade colorful sweater lonely hanging from the tree branch that he had been caught up in.

Dipper left it behind.

A patch of color, alone in the wood ready to be swallowed by the rising darkness.

It was already dawn when a knocking at the door finally made Stan jump out of his chair, he made his way to the front door, looking up the stairs out of the corner of his eyes but there was no sound to be heard from the attic.

The old man sighed, his chest felt heavy but he just shook it off, opening the door with eager to finally find his nephew standing behind it. Dipper looked up to him a short bust distressed second before his eyes fixed themselves on a knot-hole on the porch, he could see the kid's lips shiver while he spoke.

"I-I've lost her sweater." He whispered, while Stan bit his lips, clearing the door to let Dipper inside.

Dipper bit his lips, while he carefully stepped in.

"Meah..." He bleated, his eyes widening at the sound before he swallowed to trying again.

"I'm sorry." Stan let out the breath he had been holding, when Dipper was able to repeat himself in human words instead of deer like noises.

"It's okay kid. I'm glad you're back." His Grunkle grumbled, ruffing his hair, but Dipper looked up at him again, fear still hidden in his brown eyes.

"It's getting meahh..." Even though the bleat cut him off, it was hard for Stan not no know what he meant. Dipper could see him swallow, before Stan carefully nodded.

"That was about to come." He agreed with a frown, carefully laying his hand on Dippers furry shoulder.

"We'll figure something out until we've got the complete signatures, there's not many missing now anyway. So before you wet your furry pants because of some overactive deer nose, you better go up there talking to your sister, while you still can." Dipper twitched at this comment, ears pressing down against his head when he looked up to Stan in question.

"Meah?" The small fawn asked. A dry chuckle nearly escaped his Grunkle's lips before he was able to remind himself again that this situation was anything but funny. Stan followed Dipper's gaze up the stairs, a knowing look buried in his old face.

"She knows." The two nearly whispered but concerned words were all it took for Dipper to know. The fawn bit his lips and swallowed before he nodded, making his way to the stair to carefully climb the first step.

Stan watched with a dark line between his eyebrows as his nephew awkwardly climbed up the stairs, a soft "Good luck" escaped his lips before Dipper vanished into the attic.

Dipper's throat was dry as soon as he reached the room they shared during summer. The loud clattering sound of his hooves on the wooden floor had already announced his appearance in the attic, but Mabel didn't move. She was lying on the covers of her bed, burning holes in the celling with her glare while he stepped up to her.

With her sweater and all secrets gone by now he felt somewhat naked in front of her.

He was her ("little") brother but still, he was supposed to protect her.

He had wanted to make everything alright again.

But he failed.

And all he gained for her was pain and the knowledge that he didn't tell her the truth. Well- that might be not absolutely correct. He had tried- but Mabel didn't want to listen at that time.

Maybe because somewhere deep inside he had already known.

She had known that she would not only have him in his deer body by her side, but that she might actually lose him, Dipper.

Just like he had lost her sweater.

Because how would anyone return Dipper when the very same was nowhere in sight.

The fawn let out a soft sigh, he could feel his ears brushing his furry cheeks to lay back on his head when Mabel finally moved. His twin carefully sat up, eyes glued to his own, but her face didn't give away any other emotion.

Mabel was simply staring at him.

Really gaping, for the very first time since he became like this.

It was like she was examine and checking every inch of his body, recording his appearance and every chance that came with it until he finally broke her gaze. Dipper swallowed, his cheeks were burning beneath his brown fur and he could still feel her eyes on him when she finally spoke up.

"We said no more secrets." She whispered, but even if her voice was low and calm he could still hear the anger hidden between her words. Dipper himself only bit his lips.

"It wasn't that much of a secret." He responded, but Mabel just frowned, jumped from her bed to get closer to him.

"Maybe. But you knew that I didn't know." A nod as response.

"I didn't know that your behavior might chance, that you'll lose the ability to speak, to communicate at all, that you might not be able to recognize Stan, Soos, Wendy- or even me at some point." Dipper winced at every word, the panic and fear came back inside him with burning sensation.

He wanted her to stop.

"Meah-" But his voice broke at the unwelcoming bleat.

Mabel's own eyes went wide at the sound that finally made her stern voice shiver and break.

"I'll lose you Dipper..." She whispered, a lonely tear was streaming down her cheek before a stream followed her guide.

She was in tears now. Mabel, the overjoyed, always good cheerful and positive Mabel was crying, while she repeated the words in a whisper.

"If we don't get this deal undone, I'll lose you." Dipper bit his lips his own eyes began to burn during her speech.

"You'll be still there but gone at the same time." Mabel's words were low, Dipper couldn't see if she was talking with herself or with him. It was like she needed to speak it out, before she was able to belief that it was the truth.

"You're about to leave me alone..."

He desperately wanted to prove her wrong, to cheer her up and tell her that everything would be alright.

But he couldn't.

Dipper couldn't say "No" or that they would find a solution, cause he knew that she was telling the truth, so all that came out was a whispered apologize.

"I'm sorry." He tried to swallow the lump in his throat, looking up to her again.

"I should have told you sooner I just- I didn't want to scare you Mabel, I didn't want- this." He nudged her cheek with his wet nose. Mabel only blinked, stroking his soft baby fur in thought.

"No wonder you were always so scared about you chances."

"Meeeah." Dipper agreed, but both of them winced at his bleat, before he cleared his throat and concentrated to be able to speak with her probably again.

"I'm sorry Mabel- I just wanted to protect you." He told her, surprised that a small tired smile made it up to his sister's lips.

"Yeah- you better stop that. It always ends up in a "deersasterous" mess." She joked, but her voice was still raspy and her face wet form tears. But Dipper immediately knew that she tried to cheer him up, Mabel tried to lighten the mood as always.

But Dipper was still not done, guilt still naged at him like the nasty little monster it was.

"I lost you're sweater." He whispered, but Mabel only looked at him for a while, before she finally hugged him tight, while she tried to ignore the startled bleat and the rigid state of her brother at first.

"Forget it Dip-dop. I got you back, that's all what matters-" But again, her voice broke in betrayal.

"I thought that- that you might not come back." She sobbed while dripping tears soaked his fur.

"You didn't recognize me. You were afraid of me." Mabel shook her head and Dipper could feel her body shivering beneath his own.

"You ran away..." She whispered and Dipper bit his lips.

"I know. "

"You can't promise me that this won't happen again, can you?" She questioned, leaning back to look him in his eyes. The glittering tears in his sister's usually so-happy eyes made his heart ache in his chest, and his mouth nearly too dry to speak when he tried to stretch his muzzle into a careful smile.

"I don't know Mabel- but I'll try." He announced and he meant it, Mabel recognized.

Because if there was one thing that Dipper was more afraid of than to lose himself, it was to lose her, his twin.

Mabel sighed, reflecting the smile of her brother.

"We'll if that's the best you can come up with deer boy- I'll take it." She grinned, opening her arms for him.

"Awkward sibling hug?" She questioned and Dipper took the offer, laying his head on her shoulder to hug her as best as he could.

"Awkward sibling hug." Mabel grinned, her brother's fur tickled her cheek when she was about to pat his back.

"Pat, Pa-" But the young girl stopped mind sentence when she felt her brothers body going rigid beneath her.

He wasn't able to "pat" back.

Their ritual was useless.


And with that, something in Mabel finally snapped. Dipper took a breath when his sister's body leaned against his, slowly gliding to the floor, taking him with her while her sobs filled the silent attic.

Mabel was crying, and he couldn't even hold her.

Dipper nudged her side and let her pet him, while he murmured reassuring things in her ear only to stop when his words changed more and more into deer-like noises.

Leaving both of them in silence while Mabel's tears soaked his fur.

She was crying about her loss.

And he wouldn't even remember.

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