Normal? 🤓

Not my story all created goes to the crater.

He wasn't sure when he had fallen asleep or how he had got into his bed in the first place, but what Dipper Pines was fully aware of was the high-pitched scream that disturbed the fog his dreamless mind, and made him jump out from his warm nest of blankets and pillows.

He would recognize that voice anywhere.

"Mabel!" the young boy called out, fear rushing into his system while his skinny legs fumbled tangled in the blanket. Before the cervitaur was able to free himself, his ears picked up the sound of padding feet on the floor and before he knew it his sister stood beside him in the sunlight flooded attic, panting while a wide grin was spread across her face, her braces sparkling in the light.

"Mabel's back, baby!" she laughed with a manic grin on her face.

Her body was sodden, her feet leaving puddles on the floor with every step she took. It was no wonder, really, when you wake up in a bathtub filled to the brink. Around her waist was a pink towel that matched the top she was wearing. For a moment she observed her wiggling toes in delight, entranced, until she looked back at Dipper and caught sight of her brother's perked ears and curious expression.

"Why didn't you change back too?" she asked.

The question itself was enough to make his fur stand on end, the memory of Bill Cipher's broad grin flashing in his mind, reminding him the deal he made and the consequences he had to bear. The deertaur swallowed hard, pulled the blanket away to reveal his lower deer half. Mabels grin faded at the sight of Dipper's condition but her brother just shrugged, looking up at her again.

"Who knows... maybe only you changed back?"

Mabels brows knitted together, looking skeptical, sending shivers down his spine.

Had she already discovered his lie? Mabel was his twin after all, it would be natural for her to see right through him, wouldn't it?

But the tight feeling in Dipper's chest vanished again, as Mabel seemed to prove him wrong.

The serious face she made up, slowly fading into a smile again.

"I guess that could be true. Or... maybe I turned it off?"

Dipper blinked, startled.

"Turned off what?"

"My mermaid powers, of course!" A wide grin followed her words. She raised one arm into the air while her other hand rested on her hip, putting one foot on the bed frame in a dynamic pose.

"Mermaid powers, activate!" she yelled with enthusiasm.

A few seconds passed, Mabel still in her 'mermaid powers' pose, gave Dipper a look while she whispered, "Am I a mermaid again?"

The deertaur just raised an eyebrow, rolling his eyes with a small smile on his lips.

"Nope," Mabel just huffed, folding her arms over her chest, thoughtfully.

"Maybe water triggers it?"

Dipper sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose.

"You're soaked Mabel!" he announced with a look up to his wet sister. A firm voice from downstairs didn't leave Mabel a choice to answer.

"Kids!?" Stan's call resonated through the attic, making Dipper's sensitive ears flick in discomfort, while Mabel shouted back just as loud, leaving a ringing tone in his head.

"Coming!" She looked back to him, waiting. Her brother just smiled, gesturing her to go.

"Just go ahead Mabel, I'll come down in a second." To prove his point he unfolded his legs putting his hooves on the wooden floor where they created a soft clack noise. He placed his hat back on his head until Mabel's words caught his attention.

"But I can't." One of his ears pricked up in confusion, Mabel stayed put for the moment. He couldn't help but laugh at her.

"Of course you can. Human. Legs. Remember?"

"Legs?" She looked down again and slowly wobbled back and forward on her heels until beamed at him. "Of course! Oh,how I missed you two!"

Dipper watched his sister hug her legs, rolling on the attic floor giggling.


"On it Grunkle Stan!" She picked herself up from the floor, looking back to Dipper again who gave her a thumb up before she made her way down the stairs.

Dipper let out a sigh while he looked around the suddenly empty room. Warm sunlight flooded through the attic window, bathing the wooden floor in a soft light that stroked his fur with a invisible warm hand that sent shivers down his spine.

'Fur, right...'

The little deertaur swallowed, putting on a new T-shirt and his vest before he approached the small mirror on Mabel's side of the room. His furry ears greeted him under his hat in his reflection, one of them flicking in annoyance.

'Still a cervitaur.'

The lump in his throat grew, before he could gather the strength to put the fear in his heart aside, remembering Mabel's cheesy smile. He could hear her and Stan laughing downstairs, he began to smile too.

'Yep, definitely worth it."

The deertaur turned to leave the room, following his sister. Had Dipper looked back, maybe he would have spotted the small stripe of soft brown fur creeping up his neck only to vanish beneath his hairlines.

But he didn't, and everything was going to be okay.

Or so he thought.

After he made it downstairs with a brief struggle on the stairs, Mabel was already waiting for him, still damp, still in nothing more than a towel and her pink bikini top, tugging on their Grunkle's hand with a grin on the face.

"See Dipper, Stan's also a little less monstrous than before!" she laughed.

"Hey!" Stan snapped, but the relief and smile on his face showed that he wasn't actually hurt by this. "Well, my joints still feel like they're made of stone." He scratched at his side, finally giving Dipper the 'Look' that the young deertaur had prepared himself for on his way down the stairs. Lying to Stan after all the things that had happened to the curse wouldn't be easy. The cervitaur gulped, suppressing the quiver in his legs under his the old man's stare. Stan cocked his head to the side, one of his bushy eyebrows slowly raising above his glasses.

"Looks like one of us is a bit more fluffy, huh?" he grunted. Dipper just sighed, rubbing the back of his neck with a small, but genuine, smile on his face.

"Yeah. Looks like it."

"How come?"

The answer to Stan's question was an uncertain shrug. But ,of course, Mabel was there to enlighten their Grunkle.

"Don't worry about it, Grunkle Stan! Dipper was always a little bit behind me... right Dippin-dots? After all, I'm the alpha twin." she cheered. Dipper just shot her a glaret, but answered Stan's question anyway.

"Maybe it's because it changed me first?" he answered hesitantly. Stan just nodded, deep in thought while he rubbed his stubbley chin.

"It sounds possible." he concluded. Dipper let out a small breath of relief

"Of course it is! Believe in my "Mabelous" instinct, and everything is going to be just fine." At that Stan just grunted and patted Mabel's head.

"If you say so, kid."

"I do! Oh, let's go and see what happened to the rest of the town!" she suggested. Dipper opened his mouth to reply but Stan intervened.

"Nah, go on without me. Without those wings and tail I can finally move around in the gift shop without breaking things! It's time to go back to Mr Mystery. And fetch me Soos and Wendy when they're back to normal, no more skipping work for them!"

"Okidoki, Grunkle Stan! 'Gimme a minute Dipper, I'll go and change, I need a fitting sweater for this special day." With a wide smile his sister ran up the stairs, taking the steps two at a time.

"But Mabel! I-" Dipper's protest didn't make it to her, they already could hear her happy squealing accompanied with a thud that sounded like she jumped to face first into the pile of sweaters in her wardrobe. The deertaur left at the bottom of the stairs just sighed, his front hoof pawing the floor in annoyance, before he made his way out of the house. Stan's firm voice stopped him in his tracks, freezing before his hoof could make it outside the door.

"Hey, kid." Stan said, looking hesitant.

Dipper bit his lip but looked back at Stan anyway.

"What is it, Grunkle Stan?" he asked.

The old man just watched him for a few uncomfortable seconds which made Dipper's ears lower while his heart jumped against his ribcage.

But Stan just sighed and slowly shook his head.

"It's nothing, Dipper, go on ahead."

He was busying himself with listening to bird song when Mabel burst through the front door and jumped onto his back, causing Dipper to let out a startled bleat of protest. Mabel just grinned as she tapped her heels against her brother's side.

"Let's go my proud and deerest steed, to the town!"

Dipper's legs began to shake under the weight of his sister.

"Mabel! Get off!" he groaned. But before he could shake her off, a carrot appeared before his nose. The sweet, orange treat seemed to hypnotize him, his legs making a few steps without him noticing, making Mabel's grin widen. It wasn't until the carrot tapped Dipper's face that he really snapped out of it.

"Get off, now!"

With an annoyed grumble the half deer placed his backside on the ground, so that made Mabel slid down and landed on the grass.

"Aw... Dipper please! At least I can ride you properly now!"

"No, Mabel. Not now, not ever." he announced, arms crossed over his chest. His sister just huffed and picked herself up from the ground.

"Fine, Mister Grumpy Grump, but this conversation is not over." she stated while Dipper gave her a firm look, shaking his head.

"This conversation is totally- " he started but the sight of his sister made him stop in the middle of his own sentence, raising an eyebrow in befuddlement. "A mermaid sweater. Really?" Mabel looked down at he little mermaid on her front, flicking at the little green tail in joy.

"Of course, how else would they recognize me?"

Dipper just rolled his eyes, the answer got lost beneath his breath. "Whatever. Come on, let's go Mabel." He led the way, his ears slightly down at the thought of facing the town.

'Let's get over with this.' he thought.

When they finally arrived before Soos' house, Dipper waited in the front yard while Mabel ran up the porch, ringing the bell and calling Soos' name.

"Soos! It's me, Mabel! Don't be scared, I just look little different now." she yelled. Dipper just groaned behind her back and buried his face in his palms.

"He knows what you look like Mabel." he muttered. But before his sister could give him one of her typical Mabel-logic answers, Soos stepped out of the front door, catching Dipper's attention. A small smile made it to his lips, seeing that Soos was human again.

Seems that, at least this time, Bill had been honest with him.

"Hey dudes, you back to normal too?" Soos asked, having not seen Dipper yet.

"Yep!" Mabel exclaimed.

"Nice" Soos said, sharing a fist bump with Mabel who looked over her shoulder with a knowing grin.

"But Dipper's still a cute deer, though." she teased.

"Mabel!" Dipper said, stomping his hoof in protest. Soos kneeled down in front of him, eying him questionably.

"Wow, how did you do it dude? 'Cause I kinda miss my flexible body even if it is cool to go out in the sun again. At least I still can make my tummy talk." The handyman squeezed his belly, forming two fleshy lips and made the 'mouth' move. "Hello Mabel!"

The girl giggled, poking at his stomach with her index finger.

"Hi there little tummy Soos!" she giggled.

Dipper just rolled his eyes while he watched his sister talking to Soos' belly, until his ears perked up to the sound of a familiar voice approaching from behind them.

"Hey, guys!"

"Wendy!" Mabel spun around to greet the redhead. Dipper eyed her from behind Soos. The red fur had looked good on Wendy, but seeing her freckles back on her cheeks made his heart flutter again. Seeing her without being afraid of the sharp teeth in her muzzle was definitely a good thing. He noticed his cheeks had begun to flush, so he forced his gaze away from Wendy, meeting the delicious sight of a raspberry bush just a few foot in front of him.

"Nice to see you back on your feet again, Mabel!" said Wendy. Mabel nodded, pointing behind her back with a grin.

"Yup, we're all back to normal, except for Dipper. But he's just taking a little longer, right bro-bro?" They all turned their heads to the cervitaur, who was chewing peacefully his back facing them, while his little white tail stood up in delight.

"Dipper?" Even the uncertain call of his crush didn't get his attention back. The deertaur had spaced out, chewing on the raspberries he had found on the bush beside the porch. Soos just stepped beside him, laughing awkwardly.

"No offence dude, I know instincts must be hard to beat, but Abuelita won't be pleased when you eat all her berries... and leaves."

Dipper swallowed, and blinked while the situation caught up to him.

"What- oh. Of course." he gulped, ears flattening in embarrassment.

"Sorry Soos." he apologised.

It was Wendy who broke the awkward silence.

"So, it's just you still like this, Dipper?"

Dipper nodded slowly. "Well yeah... but we still don't know about the rest of the town yet." Dipper explained. But of course he knew about the town.

"Seems so... well at least I can hug you now, without you being all scared about it!" the teenager smiled, taking Dipper in a tight bear hug.

'Yeah... totally not awkward at all.' he thought while he blushed all over again.

He tried to ignore Mabel's beaming grin after Wendy released him.

"By the way, Stan's looking for you." Dipper said, trying to change the subject. Wendy just rolled her eyes.

"Of course he is. Well, Soos, seems like our free time is over now." Soos just nodded in excitement and took his tools that were waiting for him on the porch steps.

"Yep, we better get going, don't want to leave Mr Pines waiting!" Soos explained.

"Sure." Wendy just snorted, shaking her head.

The small group divided, leaving Mabel and Dipper to face the rest of the town on their own. If not for the joy in the air it would have seemed that the whole monster thing had never happened. Everything was back to normal, except for Dipper who now caught the attention of everybody, being the only monster in a town full of humans.

Dipper eventually got bored answering all their questions with lies.

Sheriff Blubs and Deputy Durland made somewhat of an inquisition out of it, leaving him sweaty and his heartbeat going haywire. He left the talking to Mabel, observing the reaction of the town's people instead.

Happy faces greeted him everywhere, and he felt that heavy, sad feeling in his gut slowly fade away leaving him with a proud smile on his face.

The town, his friends and family were back to normal.

He definitely did the right thing...

The first day of his new life was over, and every muscle in his body felt stiff with tension from all of the lies and fake smiles. But he made it through. Mabel, however, was already fast asleep, using the warm belly of Waddles as a pillow while a soft snores escaped her lips.

Dipper let out a deep breath he didn't know he was holding.

The gleeful smiles of the townsfolks appeared under his eyelids, showing themselves alongside the pity he has given for his situation. His fur itched at the thought of all the hands that had petted him in an attempt to comfort him. He felt filthy, considering all the people who had touched him today.

He didn't notice his own actions with his mind as occupied as it as was with the memories of the day.

His unawareness lasted until his tongue felt dry and he snapped out of his musings suddenly and he froze.

His tongue was poked out and against this pelt, he could taste the itchy fur in his mouth.

"What the-"

He had been licking himself... He had been licking himself clean.

'What!? Nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope!' he thought with a panicked rapidness.

The deerboy coughed, spitting out hairs, rubbing his tongue with his hand to get the taste of his own fur and dirt out of his mouth.

A shiver ran down his spine, shaking him o his core in disgust. Dipper swallowed, his mouth still feeling dry and wrong. He definitely needs to remember to shower tomorrow to prevent things like that from happening. The deertaur sighed and curled himself up under his blankets until his head rested on his pillow.

'Hopefully this was a onetime thing.'

He didn't know just how wrong he was.

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