Last sign

She could feel her heartbeat vibrating in her chest, reading all those names in golden yellow tint on the contract Bill had given to them to undo Dipper's deal. Mabel swallowed when she saw that she didn't even knew some of them. But of course the forceful and flashy signatures of the Northwest's were standing out the most. Mabel hugged the paper to her chest and looked back to Pacifica who was still clearing her not quite that fuzzy hair from Mabel's overjoyed hug. But even the rich (and sometimes snooty) girl couldn't hide the small proud smile on her lips.

"How did you do it?"

Mabel asked with honor in her voice, while Stan's, Soos' and Wendy's eyes were also tracking the blonde girl who looked back to them in confusion.


"How did you convince all those people to agree so fast? Especially your parents?" Mabel questioned with a frown.

"I thought they weren't quite that happy with all this monster thingy's happening."

Pacifica visibly tensed at Mabel's question, before a smug smile stretched itself on her lips.

"Let's say- some people just needed the right motivation, as for my parents I do have my methods which I for sure won't give away that easily." She teased with a mocking smile. Mabel just looked at her, for a long time, before she threw herself in the blonde's arms again, she could feel Pacifica tense beneath her. Mabel's former worry was missing, while she was still holding the contract close between them. She knew Pacifica's relationship with her parents wasn't that easy- her connection with the Pines family, who turned the whole city into monsters, only made it worse and still she somehow managed to convince them to help her brother.

Her shivering breath made Pacifica's annoyance vanish forms her lips.

"Thank you."

She swallowed, while a slight blush appeared on her cheeks, when Mabel finally let go of her. Pacifica was tugging on her dress, avoiding Mabel's gaze when she spoke.

"N-No big deal." She stuttered, before clearing her throat moving back to her much more normal attitude.

"So shouldn't we- uh you know, call this demon or something." She suggested with a shrug. Mabel's cheerful smile returned to her lip's nodding in excitement.

"Of course! Just wait, I'll go get Dipper." She rambled, leaving Pacifica with her Grunkle and friends back in the gift shop, so that an awkward silence was stretching between them. That was until Stan himself coughed, his eyes were looking out the window.

"You know- I don't care how you managed to do it, or if they'll force you to go to a military school for rich snooty kids or whatever but-" He grumbled looking down at her, before he put a hand on her shoulder in a thankful manner, with the faintest hint of a smile.

"Good job kid." He confessed, making Wendy and Soos join him, pumping her shoulder and tousling through her hair.

"Yeah man, must have been hard to stand up to them."

"Now we can show this nacho head how we do things in Gravity Falls!" Pacifica glared at Wendy as she tidied her hair once again, but she couldn't hide the smile on her face, while a warm feeling inside her making her cheeks flush. She was about to tell them that they should stop being all touchy now, before a high pitched bleat tugged all of their attention to the door that connected the house with the gift shop, when Mabel appeared with a struggling fawn in her arms.

"Stop being shy Dip-dop." She ordered with an already breathless smile, while she carried the small deer through the open door, and let go as soon as she closed it behind her with a sharp knock with her hips. All eyes wandered to the fawn which was looking frightened between the humans surrounding him, with no sight of escape. So he took the only possibility his instincts were giving him, to hide his shivering frame behind Mabel, his white tail tucked between his legs. But Mabel simply ignored his actions together with his scared bleat, and tugged the contract from Pacifica's fingers again, holding the soft glowing paper underneath his wet muzzle.

"Look Dipper, we'll get you back soon bro bro!"

Dipper blinked, sniffing carefully at the paper turning his head to the side and tried to nibble on it, before Mabel held it out of his reach.

"No. We're not eating what's supposed to rescue your fluffy butt!" She scowled, before her Grunkle chuckled softly in the background.

"No offense Mabel but blondie here is right, we should get outside- I don't want this triangle headed yellow eyesore in my house." He grumbled, looking down to his nephew again.

"And we should probably get a leash or something for him- I don't want him running around the forest all alone, we knew how well that worked last time." Mabel visibly flinched under her Grunkle's tone, before Soos' always much more carefree voice suggested something.

"What about the collar and leash of the two headed crocodile? I'm sure that could work on him too?" Stan nodded, and waved for the handyman to get in action.

"Okay, go get it. But be careful with the glu- glossy teeth. A tourist ripped off one of their fingers last week." He warned, before pointing a finger to Wendy.

"And we're going out to prepare the circle." The redhead huffed, before she followed Stan to the backyard of the Shack.

"Circle?" Mabel looked up to Pacifica who she was left alone with, while she let Dipper lick her fingers in order to amuse him from the somehow delicious tasting contact.

"Well, yeah of course. Bill's a demon, we need to summon him into our plane of existence." She explained, but Pacifica's eyes were already glued onto Dipper's small frame.

Mabel could feel her mouth getting dry as a broken look flashed over the girl's features. Before she glanced down to her brother herself, who was much calmer now since their Grunkle was out of the room.

She sighed and started to pet Dipper's soft fur again to comfort him but also herself when Pacifica made a shy step towards them.

"Its he.. still in there or-"

Am I too late?

She thought her inner voice hollow. Mabel's eyes drifted to Pacifica again, only for her to see the color fleeing from her face leaving her as white as a ghost, even her light make up couldn't cover the unhealthy complexion. Her fingers instinctively curled deeper into Dipper's fur, but she fought her own doubts down with a frown. They had what they needed now, this whole nightmare would be over soon, so why worry Pacifica more than necessary, especially since she clearly cared for Dipper. So Mabel simply shrugged her tense shoulders.

"Well he's not really acting like himself, but he seems to recognize us still, even if I don't know why Dipper would possibly be afraid of Grunkle Stan, but anyway- Wanna try?" She suggested with a grin. Pacifica hesitated, her eyes wavering between Mabel and the fawn.

"I- I don't know, I've never been good with- animals."

But Mabel only waved at her confession with a theatric manner.

"Pff... you're not good with humans either, come on scaredy-pants. He won't bite... I think." With that she shoved Dipper close to the girl, blinking in confusion before his dark brown eyes settled on Pacifica's. She watched the fawn tilting it's head and took a look back to Mabel with a helpless bleat, but his sister wasn't much of a help, she just shoved him even closer to the unknown creature with the golden hair. Pacifica bit her lip, while her voice shivered in loss of confidence.

"It doesn't work." She concluded, but Mabel rolled her eyes and crossed the distance between them.

"Of course it don't duh- you need to make one step too." She explained and took the blonde's hand holding it forward for her brother to sniff on.

"B-But-" She wasn't able to finish her sentence when Mabel's magic started to work. Dipper indeed stepped a little closer to her, eyeing her wary before he carefully took a look at her fingers. Mabel bit her lower lip in the background while she wished for a camera to capture this moment. Pacifica could feel the fawn's musty breath on her skin as he came closer and closer until his nose finally brushed her fingertips.


She could only stare at the fawn that laid his head happily in her hand and obviously enjoyed the touch of her fingers in his fur. Pacifica would have blushed if it wasn't for the dark gaze of the deer which missed- it missed everything.



She swallowed and turned around to Mabel again, her eyes clouded with dark determination.

"Let's get him back."

Bill's circle was engraved in dark muddy letters on a grass free patch of the backyard. The candles were flickering nervous in the warm summer breeze while the slightly cloudy heaven sprinkled Gravity Falls in golden dots of light and shadow.

Mabel swallowed and instinctively hugged her brother closer to her chest, since Dipper finally had stopped tugging at the leash while he had tried to shake it off. Her eyes lowered themselves to gaze below her feet, only to be fixed on the little pine tree, before she looked back up to Stan who was waiting for her to begin.

"Let's do it..." She said, taking her Grunkle's hand in hers.


Stan nodded, gaze wavering between the twins, but before he was able to say something someone got hold of his other hand too. Soos was looking up to him with a beaming face.

"Together." He repeated, taking Pacifica's hand too before the girl was able to proceed what was happening. Wendy only shrugged with a smile and was by the blonde's side, closing the gap between Pacifica and Dipper while holding the fawn's paw that was free from Mabel's hug. Stan could see the blonde rolling her eyes, but didn't even try to let go. A smirk flashed across the old man's face with a nod, before their eyes fixed themselves on the sheet of paper in the middle.

'This is better be working.' He swallowed, before he cleared his throat with a cough.

"Okay then..." Stan took one last breath and then began to read out the now quite familiar words only for the others to join him soon.

"Triangulum-" Their voices melted together in a humming chorus.

"... entangulum. Veneforis, dominus, ventium." With each word that left their lips the heavens got darker and darker, the clouds were cumulating in circles, the wind was scourging them in the face, but still they continued the summoning, Everything looked like the sky was about to send down a hurricane right in their middle, but instead it opened itself up to reveal something much more twisted and destructive when the last words passed their lips.

"Veneforis vene tisarium!"

Bill Cipher.

The demon appeared in the middle of their circle, busting out of a burning blue flame, which fated together with the color, sound and every sign of life surrounding them, leaving nothing but the one eyed triangles cruel laughter ringing in their ears.

"Hello, hello, hello!" He greeted while his eye scanned one of them after another, only to fix itself on the blonde girl that looked wide eye at the demon and tried to hide her fears under a blank stare.

"Oh seems like you've got yourself some "lame" company, since you tugged on my power with your silly idea to jump the cursed water." He snickered.

"We'll I guess deer's and llama's somehow fit together after all. By the way-" His eye wandered right through his body form one side to the other to fix itself on the squirming fawn in Mabel's hands.

"How's my favorite wolf's lunch doing?" He mocked in an eerie voice and once the demon locked his eye on Dipper, Mabel finally lost her grip on the scared animal, as soon as his hooves touched the ground he ripped the leash out of her hand and made his way to the forest in pure panic.

"Dipper! Wait!" But the fawn didn't even twitch an ear towards her, his dark eyes were wide in panic when he raced for the end of the clearing before Bill reappeared right in front of him and caught him on the collar of his neck, holding him up close for examination.

"Ah ah ah- It's not nice to run away like that Bambi- didn't your mummy tell you that the forest is dangerous. You could get lost, caught, or... hunted." He taunted the bleating and squirming fawn in his grip, while the others moved forward to him and shouted to stop.

But the demon didn't pay them any attention anyway, while he petted the shivering deer's head.

"Oh no- don't be afraid of uncle Bill. After all I'm the one who helped you out of your existence as a hairless meatsack- at last you're good for something now pine tree- since I knew a billion delicious recipes on deer base".

"Let him go Bill!" Mabel ordered in a stern voice, with her hands on her hips, but it wasn't hart for Bill to see fear and concern in her brown eyes.

"Aww isn't that sweet! You'll think he still remembers you and of course me being the bad guy in this game, right Shootingstar? Well no problem- we'll can chance that immediately."

The demons manic laughter filled the air as he snapped his fingers making Dipper vanish from his grip, only to show back up next to Mabel who hugged her brother with a relived breath. Of course it didn't take long for Bill to disturb the Moment again, when he called for his prey.

"Oh Pine tree~" He warbled.

"Come back here my deer child."

And- to Mabel's horror, Dipper moved.

"W-What?" She stuttered, watching her brother happily approaching Bill.

"Are you nuts kid!" Stan shouted, while Wendy tried to gain the fawn's attention, along with Pacifica and Soos.

"Don't listen to him!", "You'd better stop right now mister or-", "Really dude, I don't that's a good idea." But none of their advices or threating words ever reached his mind. It was only for Mabel's thin and shivering voice that he stopped and turned around to face her with a confused look.

"Dipper..." She could see him shiver in his chocolate brown furry coat, as his gaze wavered between his twin and the demon and back again.
"Please." Mabel begged, her heart was heavy in her chest when her bother still hesitated. But his struggles came to a fast end when Bills voice called for him again.
"Now come- come back to uncle Cipher." Mabel could feel something inside her shatter when Dippers tail waved happily as he jumped in the Demons lap, licking his triangle shaped face with small happy bleats.

"Easy boy, easy!" The demon laughed, but his eye was glued on the group of people surrounding him, especially on Mabel. He could hear her shallow breath, could nearly taste the salty tears waiting in the corners of her eyes while he took a deep appreciative breath to inhale the sorrow and despair coming from the girl.

"Aww look at that." The demon cooed, petting the fawn in his lap like one of those cheap evil comic book guys, before he looked back up in the stunned and angry faces of the boy's friends and family.

"Don't look at me like that! Pine tree here would like anything I do to him right now. I could even rip of his pelt form his bones and he would love it! Right my deer?" He questioned, holing the fawn's cheeks between his hands.

"Wouldn't you love it? Yes. Yes you would." The demon giggled, but the sound only made the ground shiver beneath them while Dipper gave him a happy bleat anyway, before Stan finally found his voice again. The old man took an angry step towards the yellow spot in the grey atmosphere.

"What? But you can't manipulate someone without a deal." He argued, but Bills eye only went wide, when he surrounded Stan, with Dipper still happily on his lap.

"Ah I see someone made his homework, or rather crib it like usual." The demon teased, watching happily the sudden tense in the man's body. However Stan's eyes never left their focus on him- so Bill did him the favor to explain himself.

"Well, I guess you're right old man. I can't take control over humans, but your little "Deerper" here is far from being human at all." He mocked while his laughter seemed to split their skulls, leaving behind a humming headache for each of them. His words left Mabel silent and as with as a bet sheet, while her eyes never left her brother who was cuddling himself even deeper into Bills two dimensional form. But one of them seemed to be able to stand up to the cruel game of manipulation and menace, sensing save ground to step on.

"Whatever- we're not here for playing games with you Cipher. We're here to fulfill what you requested." Pacifica exclaimed in a cold voice, tugging the contract from Stan's hands to hold it up to the triangle shaped demon.

"Here. Your contract. Everyone in town singed it. They're okay with being monsters again." She made her point, fixing Bill in a sharp glare while she avoided seeing the picture of Dipper in his lap, before Stan was there to support.

"Yeah- we did our part of the deal triangle head, now you do yours. Turn the kid back."

Bills eye went wide, a cranky laughed escaped his none existed lips.

"Ha! Your brainless plie of bloody organs surprise me every time." He chuckled and looked back down to Pacifica who was still glaring up to him, waiting for an answer.

"You really got a stone-hard stare little Northwest." He taunted the blonde girl who just barley flinched at the demons choice of words, before he snatched the contract form her hand with a sight.

"But- since you knew I was always one who holds up to his words- so let me see that pathetic paper again." Bill sneered, unfolding it mind air in front of him, before he made single eyed glasses appear out of thin air and placed them on his non existing nose to study the signatures of the town. Mabel swallowed, as she watched the demon nodding here and there in silent approval before his features melted into a frown when he looked above his glasses with a sigh that was supposed to sound sad.

"You know it's really hard for me to bring it up to you-" Bill murmured, before his form began shaking form hidden laughter.

"Ahh who am I kidding." He snickered, before crumbling the paper into a useless ball to throw it behind his back with sinister laughter.

"The contact isn't complete - the deal is over!"

The demons words were like a punch in the face. Mabel could feel her blood run cold, before she was able to speak again.

"WHAT?!" She knew she screamed but the question never made it to her own ears, everything seemed numb and distant now.

"No way!" Wendy argued, while Stan was muttering silent curses. Bill simply enjoyed the despair vibrating around him, filling the tense air like think water the hilarious humans were drowning in. He chuckled and flipped mind air on his back, holding the deer up in the air which already tried to lick his face again.

"Oh yes you do- you're missing one single signature." He chirped, before he looked back down to them again.

"Well let's try to refresh your minds shouldn't we." With this said he snapped his fingers for a large screen to appear in the backyard. The worn out textile was framed in bones and bloody parts of flesh while the projector was driven by skeletal mice's which were running in an exercise wheel to keep the film going. Pacifica cringed at the sight, but her attention was fast dragged on the screen, which Bill took a seat in front of, chewing eye balls out of a popcorn bowl, while he let his feet rest on the deer's back who seemed, to everyone's anger, be even happy with that.

"Ah here we go- desperate and false information, the best program on a lazy Saturday."

The screen showed the clearing near the river where they first summoned the demon, together with Dipper who was at least somehow recognizable as a human.

"So we just need to fill your stupid paper and the boy will be back to normal- well half deer normal?" Stan questioned suspiciously.

"Exactly. You just need the signature of everyone in Gravity Falls who got changed by the river in the first place." The demon explained nonchalant while investigating his fingertips.

"But-!" However Dippers try to stop their foolish idea to turn everyone back to monsters was answered with a simultaneously shush form everyone, before Mabel looked the golden bricked demon deep in his single eye.

"What's the catch for you?" Bill waved her question away.

"Oh nothing- but the fun to see you fail." He laughed, his eye turning bright red, while his chuckles echoed through the forest.

"We won't! You'll see." Mabel argued, while Bill only sneered in a near silent whisper.

"Yes... we'll see. "

With the demons last words the screen and projector vanished again, leaving behind dead silence while he waited for anger and grief to fill the air. What Bill didn't expect was the confused look the kids and teenagers were exchanging before Mabel carefully rose an eyebrow looking up to him.

"So what?"

The demon blinked once, before he began to shiver in pure anger and disbelieve in the stupidity of the human race, turning all red and gesticulating wildly.

"What? What? WHAT? Do I really need to spell it out for you?" But Bills shouts were disturbed by a silent whisper.


Stan's voice was barely audible so Bill tugged at the side of his head to make a big ear appear on his triangular shape.

"What ya said old man? Would you please repeat it for good old me?" But Stan didn't look at him, his mouth was moving by his own, muttering the words in a trance like state while his eyes were blank.

"Dipper... we forgot Dipper."

"What?" Mabel squeaked wide eye.

Pacifica could feel her blood run cold when she remembered what she just saw.

"Of course, he said we need the signature of everyone in Gravity Falls. B-but... that would mean-" Wendy took a sharp breath, while Soos tugged down his heat to knead it in his hands with a glassy look, while Mabel's desperate shouts were echoing in the woods.

"No!" She screamed, tears glistening in the corners of her eyes.

"No- no way- there need to be a way!" Her eyes flashed to her brother and back to the muddy ground of the summoning circle before she gave herself a nod and stepped up close to Bill, interdimensional demon or not, and snatched Dipper from his lap who desperately tried to be near him again. However Mabel tried to ignore her brother's struggles, took his foot and plugged it into the muddy earth before she raised it again to stamp it right on the still clear corner of the rumpled contact. The dark footprint was standing out beside the fine golden letters, but Mabel only nodded pleased with her work and turned around to face Bill with a determined look.

"See Dipper's sign. Now chance him back you single eyed jerk!"

The demon eyed the contract for a long second, giving them a little piece of hope, only to destroy it right away.

"Nope- sorry Shooting star I'm not up for reading animal tracks today-" Bill mocked, making Mabel sink to the ground with her brother in her arms.

"But-but-" Her voice broke her gaze went blank and her grip on Dipper loosened itself so the fawn was free to go back to the spot Bill was hovering above in cruel laughter.

"Oh that's cute- you really thought that you could rescue him. That I offered you a way out. Ha ha! You meat sacks really are hilarious really!"

"You tricked us- you knew we would be missing him." Stan growled, raising his fist, ready to punch the damn asshole in the face. Bill only chuckled not really seeing a threat

"Easy- omniscience being here!" He grinned.

"But it was fun watching you anyway! So the Oscar goes to- THE PINES FAMILY! All the pleading, angst, and tear filled speeches, combined with the right amount of violence. A masterpiece of disaster." The demon cheered, whipping a nonexistent tear form his eye.

"There was no way for us to win this game in the first place..." Mabel chocked a single tear rolling down her cheek, before Bill offered her a tissue proudly explaining that it was woven out of human hair.

"Oh come on shooting star- you should have known better right? I tricked your brainy nerdy brother- the only one who had a little bit of what you humans call intelligence left. So how could any of you even think that you could beat me at my own game with what little common sense you have?"

"No!" Mabel snapped Bills hand and tissue away to see him in the eye with a demanding look still glistering beneath her tears.

" You need to change him back! Or I will- I will-"

"You'll do what? Are you trying to threaten me shooting star?" Bills eye flashed red for a second as he interrupted her stuttering voice.

"Don't you forget that your brother is mine now." The reminder of Bill was provided by yellow golden strings appearing on Dippers limps, giving him the look of an oversized puppet.

"But for you to see that I'm not the bad guy here- I'll leave him- or rather it to you. Have some last hours with him before his animalistic brain will consume what's left of him. Because then it's only a matter of time until the pine tree will finally fall."

He scoffed, snapping his fingers to release the deer form the strings, and bowed with a deep malevolent laugh.

"Thanks for the show guys! It was fun messing with you again! See you in your nightmares. Bye!" With that the demon vanished in blue flames.

The color might return to the world around them, but somehow everything still seemed all grey. Bill's laughter echoed hollow in the woods while the golden contract slowly burned down in sparkling blue flames.

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